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(Study of Abortion on Merleau Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception)


By :

Andini Setya Karlina10/308895/psp/04001/S2SLG





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Meaning and Perception of Abortion(Study of Abortion on Merleau Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception)

This Research Has Been Approved

On May, 1 2012


Dr. Partini

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Contents Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background  ............................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Research Question .................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Research Purposes .................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Literature Review ...................................................................................................... 2

1.5 Theoretical Framework  ............................................................................................. 4

1.5.1 Maurice-Merleau Ponty and Phenomenology .................................................... 4

1.5.2 Body and Cognition of Merleau Ponty Point .................................................... 4

1.6 Research Method  ...................................................................................................... 6

1.6.1 Qualitative Method  ............................................................................................ 6

1.6.1 Research Site ...................................................................................................... 7

1.6.3 Researsh Subject ............................................................................................... 8

1.6.4 Data Collection .................................................................................................. 8

1.6.5 Processing Technique and Data Analysis ......................................................... 9

Chapter II ........................................................................................................................ 11

2.1 Pre Reflection (unconscious) of Abortion ............................................................... 11

2.2 Women and Abortion Action in the Body Existence Domains .............................. 12

Chapter III ....................................................................................................................... 13

3.1 Language : Pro-Life and Pro Choice Discourse ...................................................... 13

3.2 Conciousness (Sublimation)of Human Existensialis .............................................. 14

Chapter IV ....................................................................................................................... 15

Refferences....................................................................................................................... 17

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Chapter 1


1.1 BackgroundAbortion became one of the reproductive health issues in the discourse of

religious controversy and of course the norms or values espoused by our society,

especially in Indonesia. Each religion also have a different view in the abortion

rate. This country does not include countries that make abortion as a method of

family planning. In otherwise, Indonesia would take the harshest legal position,

which prohibits all abortions for any reason except to save the life of the mother

(called abortion provokatus medikalis or terapetikus1). Although abortion for

reasons beyond saving the life of the mother is treated as a criminal act (called

abortion a criminal provokatus), the incidence of abortion in Indonesia is still

considered very high. Utomo et al estimated that approximately 2 million women

in Indonesia end her pregnancy by abortion, and most of them are unsafe


Some interesting things about the abortion phenomenon was also found in

Yogyakarta where education is of course closely connected with the lives of the

students who live away from parents and lived in a boarding-house environment

or rented house. How they are able to survive with all the freedom and away from

 parental control would still be questionable. There are so many places that offer


1  "The action in the form of medical abortion for any reason is prohibited as contrary to legal

norms, religious norms, moral norms, and norms of civility. But in an emergency in an effort to

save lives or the mother and the fetus can be taken of certain medical procedures. "Explanation of

Article 15 paragraph (1) Health Act No. 23 of 1992.”2  Unsafe abortion is defined as a pregnancy termination procedure by personnel with an

unappropriate skills or performed in an environment that does not meet health requirements or both.

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abortion is still illegal we can meet one of them and can be seen through small

 pamphlets stuck in some corner of Yogyakarta on the few places that offer the

abortion, although not directly offer abortion services will but use different kinds

of symbols that are very persuasive. This indicates that the practice of abortion are

still continue to occur.

1.2 Research Question

1.  Why subject (women) did abortion and for what reason they had to

decided it?

2.  How they interpret and perceive abortion as a consciousness in the middle

of cultures and values that exist in society?

1.3 Research Purposes

1.  Knowing and identifying the reasons of the subject performed the abortion

and the things behind what they are up to the decision,

2.  Analyzing the meaning of the subjects who performed the abortion in

understanding or define abortion, 

3.  So for the last they can also be shown on the perception that abortion is

closely associated with the body as a projection of an awareness.

1.4 Literature Review

Research Uddin, Hadiyono, Widyantoro, Dzuhayatin, Anshor, and

Hanifah (2003) in Jakarta and Bantul indicate two things that need to be

communicated and explained in terms of abortion. Two things that are logical

relationships between the rampant practice of unsafe abortion with high maternal

mortality and the importance and validity of a variety of reasons (not just a

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medical or physical reasons) why a woman to choose abortion. Apparently the

attitude of women, men, religious leaders, health professionals, medical students

and even change the direction of better understanding and more accepting of the

need for the provision of safe abortion. Still in the same study, also found that the

role of religious leaders in determining the permissibility of abortion limit is very

important. This is consistent with other findings in this study that showed that

more abortions rejection of sin and fear caused by other reasons such as medical

neglect, economically, and socially. (Uddin, et al, 2003)

Some of these results as a reference in this paper in which these studies

only look at the event or phenomenon is more based on the abortion rate to

describe the incidence of abortion in Indonesia and other studies are still very

much or where the normative position of the subject as an actor abortion does not

consider how consciousness of the subject itself in advance to understand and

interpret the abortion of the body that have experienced it directly. In addition, the

authors have never found a reference or a study of abortion in the study of

sociology. What distinguishes this study with previous studies is more on the

 phenomenological approach itself that is digging the experience of human beings,

especially women who have had abortions over the meanings of abortion as a

consciousness amid the clash of values in society. More specifically the

 phenomenology of the bedrock of the study was to use Merleau Ponty's

Phenomenology of Perception which is expected be able to explore the experience

of the subject in more depth.

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1.5 Theoretical Framework

1.5.1 Maurice-Merleau Ponty and Phenomenology

Maurice Merleau Ponty strongly influenced by Husserl and Heidegger, and in

his mind he tried to deny the tendency in Western philosophy of empiricism with

the so-called intellectualism3

1.5.2 Body and Cognition of Merleau Ponty Point

, or what is commonly referred to as idealism. He

challenged the dualism of thought, subject and object, self and world, through an

existential experience of living bodies, as revealed in his book (phenomenology of

Perception). He argued that the 'body subject' is often underestimated in

 philosophy, which tends to see the body as something that must be exceeded by

the power of the mind. For this reason, he is interested in 'perception of

excellence', as a place of nature embodied in the world, while recognizing that

 perception itself is primarily cognitive. Opposition to the knowledge of scientific

methods and analytical derivatives based on the relationship to knowledge than

 practical thinking of the relationship is brought to the world.

For Merleau Ponty, cognition (awareness) that no other is one of the

functions of sublimation4

 3 Science of the soul and consciousness are separate. Empiricism and science in general different

from the rationalist approach, if one studies psychic phenomena. Empiricism is based on

observation but plan an objective reality and describe relationships between facts. Life sciences to

study natural sciences obyektivasi of it. Psychology to explain that science creates shadows

dibendakan psychic, diobyektivasikan. In the analysis it became clear that a deductive method is

not adequate, then Merleau Ponty's main business is to find another way than emipirisme

approaches in life science or rationalism.4 Sublimation is a kind of filtering action against behavior that does not comply with the norms of

society. However, for Merleau Ponty sublimation is not just the filter. Reconstitute the sublimation

of the substance. In the sublimation process, there is another fundamental building process, to

appoint or re-interpret the presence of the substance was in a different way of understanding thetotal. It is the existential basis.

. He further said that the visual content is collected, used,

mashed sorted out and arranged systematically to the level of thought or a

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conclusion. Merleau Ponty deliberately use the term sublimation in order to

 provide additional meaning from the use of this term. In the field of

 psychoanalysis that was involved Merleau Ponty, sublimation is found again, or

redirect the instinctive impulses. For example, compliance with the act of rape

sexual power, however, would not be justified by the public. Then, the act of rape

had been replaced, routed back and found, for example in the marriage act in

accordance with the laws and norms that prevail in society.

The role of the body in Merleau Ponty's philosophy is very important.

Analysis of the unified body in perceiving events. The human body allows

humans situate themselves. The body which became the starting point of

 perception, because the body is not the object. Inhabit the human body and does

not deal with a certain distance, but humans have a body. The human body have to

 be in the world, like the heart in an organism. The heart of this view of life is

meant to save constantly. In this case it would be appropriate if the problems

associated with abortion is becoming a phenomenon in our society and still

continue to occur from time to time seemingly never-ending. Subjects who had

 performed abortions here certainly possess their own views in understanding the

experience of his life despite any conflict with the social and cultural norms that

grow and develop in society. Experience life in the philosophy of Merleau Ponty

to be very important to understand a process of sublimation that occurs within the

 body itself is the subject first presented as a projection of consciousness which is

inseparable from the experience of the subject itself.

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1.6 Research Method

1.6.1 Qualitative Method

This study will use qualitative methods, namely to understand the

 phenomenon of what is experienced by the subjects of research include behavior,

 perception, motivation, action, etc., in a holistic (comprehensive research), to

describe in words and language, in a particular context is natural. This study uses

emic perspective, researchers believe that human behavior is patterned with a

 pattern system itself. Researchers review of the subject, and the background

situation at hand. The aim of using this emic perspective is that research can

reveal and describe the behavior of systems with structural units and the group's

structural units. (Moleong, 2007; 82)

The approach used is a phenomenological approach. Phenomenology is a

series of activities that are derived from historical research activities are oriented

towards tracking and understanding the findings of a phenomenon to be

constructed to a full understanding by interpreting human existence. This study

will analyze the phenomenology of meaning through their daily activities, because

everyday reality that is the picture of the reality of the informant. Through

everyday reality researchers expected to find that in mind, the knowledge of the

informant to something that is related to the environment.

Phenomenological method of Merleau Ponty as well as the methods used by

Huserl, but there are still quite a fundamental difference where the difference lies

in intentionality and the phenomenological reduction. For Merleau Ponty

intentionality understood as an ontological relation to the degree that is related to

the totality of existential way of being human in the world, as Husserl puts

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intentionality on the introduction of epistemological. According to Merleau-Ponty

the relationship between man and their world is pre-conscious (Prarefleksi /

unconscious) intentionality therefore also be pre-conscious. Merleau Ponty

rejected eidetis reduction proposed by Husserl and restore the concrete realities of

nature. Merleau-Ponty's understanding of existence as a substance, though not a

destination but only the intermediate stage or the means to achieve the real goal,

namely to understand the lived existence. The experience of the body also

 becomes important here as the field of consciousness that is able to perceive the


1.6.1 Research Site

The research was conducted in the city of Yogyakarta, leaving from the

above background, if it is seen that the rate of abortions in the city is still pretty

high every year. Given the culture of Java is still very strong and upholds the

system of values and norms of the people of Yogyakarta itself. Moreover

Yogyakarta city is known as a city of education, but still not able to inhibit the

number of abortions is still there and performed in places where the practice of

abortion is both legal and illegal. That is why researchers are interested to be

examined in this town, so it can be seen how the meaning and perception of the

subjects who performed abortions. More specifically the research done on some

women who had been a client at a women's counseling agencies in Yogyakarta

that is Samsara. Where the duties of Samsara is to provide counseling to women

who will or have an abortion, so it would be appropriate to further obtain more in-

depth data about the experiences of women who have had abortions.

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1.6.3 Researsh Subject

Subjects or informants in the study itself was a woman who had performed

abortions in several categories and different backgrounds, whether it is caused by

an unwanted pregnancy (KTD) or economic reasons and so on, so we get the

variations of meaning and perception of the subject is different. The subjects

chosen here are varied to obtain good results also in terms of age, occupation, and

social status. Thus the meaning and perception of abortion is expected to become

widespread and diverse in terms of the subjectivity of each subject was chosen.

1.6.4 Data Collection

In the present study require some materials that will support in answering the

research problem. And to focus the need for a method that is used as the material

approaches. In obtaining research data, adapted to the problems and situations as

well as existing social conditions. So that the data obtained can be accounted for

quality. Then the data collection techniques used preformance of this research is

through :

a.  Observation

 b.  Interview

c.  Life history

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1.6.5 Processing Technique and Data Analysis

Part I Part II

Human before existensial Human existensial

Chart 1. Pre Reflection, Body, Language of the human form of existential 

Information :

P : Pre-reflection identify themselves to each other

B : Body make a human being

L: Language Open-fetched

The chart explains the process of human formation occurs through a two-part

existential. Part I, man is still Cartesian, meaning 'I' is still closed. Aspects of the

 body, language, prarefleksi reduced to the concept of 'I think' (cogito). As

'something that is thinking' (thinking thing), then all the things that are outside the

circle are supposed to 'I' thought earlier. The presence of 'I' do not require the

 presence of others outside his consciousness. Thus the man referred to as the 'I' is

closed. 'I' is closed symbolized by a small circle in the middle betuliskan 'm' with

the radius of the circle without breaking. Then 'I' enclosed as localized (indicated







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 by a large circle without dashed) from the outside world, even foreign to the body,

and prarefleksi and language.

In part II, on the contrary prarefleksi, body, and bring up the language in the

same qualities in themselves and identify themselves to each other. This event is

represented by a dotted arrow, so as to form 'I' new, 'I' is no longer separate the

functions of the body as keluasaan. This unification occurred in stages prarefleksi

and affirmed in language behavior. So that the human 'I' to 'I' is the reflex-bodied-

speaking. Unity between the three aspects are characterized by overlapping

 between each circle that symbolizes the body, language, and prarefleksi. This

intersection of each circle is called a no man's land area or areas that are internal.

These three aspects form the 'I' became such a piece. Its unity is symbolized by

the circle unbroken. However, the 'I' this piece has an open nature to invent. And

open nature of existence is marked by the arrow touches the base of the 'I' and

ends penetrate the intact outer dotted circle. Paradoxical 'I' is at once ridiculous

this whole so-called existential man.

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Chapter II

Background and Reasons of Abortion

2.1 Pre Reflection (unconscious) of Abortion

Unconscious subject can be seen from their life-history of each. Unconscious

demonstrate their knowledge in the past and how past experiences eventually led

to a new awareness now. In connection with induced abortion, knowledge of the

 phenomenon of abortion to be an important subject in the subsequent analysis.

Each subject has a different unconscious in understanding abortion before they

have that experience. Some subjects viewed it as something horrible and do not

want a similar incident happened, others give it all to that woman itself because

for her it was women's rights. Other subjects considered it as an act which is

contrary to the norms that have been understood, so that he never imagined that

the act of abortion that he had endured at this time. For other subjects who are

married and having kids solely a phenomenon of abortion is an act that less

responsible and involved many people in it, one of which is the doctors and

midwives who are working illegally and were able to take advantage of the

weakness of women who need their services.

Knowledge and life-history of different subjects make the unconscious in

ways of thinking are different. Family and community environment was

 particularly instrumental in forming the subject unconscious. Education and

knowledge they acquire is the result of the perception of them as human beings

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and social beings. Subjects who lived with a family who are maintaining the

customs and culture of the east will be very different from the subjects who had

lived with the family separated or who are married. Age and status also influences

the unconscious knowledge of the subject as to understand the phenomenon of


2.2 Women and Abortion Action in the Body Existence Domains

The body becomes a major aspect in the analysis of Merleau Ponty's

 perception, because the body does not just have the senses, but also it is able to

feel what is happening to itself. The body can reflect the true state of the subject.

In this case the subject is looking at the body part is affected by the time they

 performed abortions. Basically the body is able to adapt and follow what the

human mind, but at one point it was also able to reject by giving signs that do not

necessarily understood by the subject itself.

Abortion experience that requires a long process and often painful the subject

when sometimes she feel what her body is going through. The process of

acceptance and rejection are recognized by the subjects at the time she was

undergoing an abortion. The admissions process occurs when the subject has a

great readiness and thought it was the best action to be able to re-accepted by the

society. While the rejection happens when they actually began to feel a sense of

compassion for the fetus is in the body. Another subject of the rejection felt when

she had severe bleeding and unable to bear the pain to have a pretty severe trauma

after the incident. In the end though the body is able to speak through sign from

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each subject. Thus it can also affect consciousness in the present after the

experience path.

Chapter III

Meaning and Perception of Abortion

3.1 Language : Pro-Life and Pro Choice Discourse

 Not vary much with the unconscious language can be a source of knowledge

which are closely correlated in the form of existential consciousness. One aspect

of sign language that are important to the formation of subject knowledge. Body

language and possibilities were open to a dialectic of human pre-existential.

 Norms and values become one of the markers in a language that understood by the

subject as something that may or may not be violated because it is already settled

in their unconscious.

The division of society that has begun patterned into two pros and cons, agree

and disagree, and the Pro-Life Pro-Choice da in seeing the phenomenon of

abortion also takes the awareness to the subject when taking steps to do so.

Although not all understand the true subject of the debate is happening in society,

 but they realize that their actions were in clear violation of a legitimate public

consensus over norms and social values. But for subjects DL that from the

 beginning had been classified as likely to enter the Pro-Choice is part of the action

that should be understood as women's rights.

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The language used is understood DL in education in the family and the

environment may change when he has gained knowledge and a new language

from the outside, the partner is a foreign national. Of course the very idea of

western culture tends to Pro-Choice to bring the influence of eastern culture that

has understood the subject DL. So the language here becomes a dialectic

discourse that continues to experience in order to be able to receive as a source of

new knowledge in the community, especially individuals in it.

3.2 Conciousness (Sublimation)of Human ExistensialisFurther awareness will not be formed without due process of sublimation.

Sublimation into a screening activities subject to the action carried out to better fit

the norm in society. The act of abortion as something that is clearly considered as

wrong action by most of our society are still very appreciate cultural and social

norms, it is well understood by the subjects. But on one side of sublimation

 becomes a way for subjects to be re-located and acceptable in society is to take the

abortion decision itself.

For those who do not have the mental readiness to accept a state of pregnancy

out of wedlock, it becomes a right decision because they do not want to disappoint

their family name to keep living in the community environment that flatters

eastern peoples and cultures. As for other subjects is a process that does not want

repeated in the future because basically it is quite contrary to their true

conscience. They admit this was the hardest decision of their lives because they

have to be in the midst of society then inevitably they have to adjust all an act to

 be done. This is meant as a Human Existentialis, the man who fetched to the

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world and its environment. In order to survive and live as part of the community

should also contribute to sacrifice what is not allowed in the community. Pre-

reflection, body, and language together to form a Human Existential awareness,

individuals are able to survive in the environment.

Chapter IV


Ultimately in this section can be seen how the meaning and perception of

abortion for subjects who have had experience in performing an abortion. Each

subject has different views and perceptions on abortion, due process and their

abortion experience through different too. However, on the one hand there are

similarities stand out where it is due to body issues that contribute to an important

object of the experience. The subject's body is the medium and reflects their desire

to feel, what is revealed of the body is a form of consciousness they are.

Desire to become a mother of the baby she is carrying is actually quite large

for each subject. This was reflected by their expression of their feelings and

experiences that become projection of the desires of the body. At one point the

subject's desire can’t be met because they act as individuals must comply with the

social system in human society to be existential. Desire for them not according to

the social system adopted by the public, until finally brings a feeling of

considerable dilemma and ended in abortion decisions really do not want them to

do. Experience of abortion gives a very deep meaning for the subject, even able to

leave the traumatic effects in their unconscious. Merleau Ponty perception is

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referred to the subject of the unconscious sublimation (Pre-Reflection), language,

and the body can be reflected from the sensory experience that became the subject

of subjects in this study.

What subjects see, feel, and they are directly experienced by the body's

dialectic. Then the unconscious as part of the knowledge of the subject in the past

able to adapt to the current discourse and a realization for them. Awareness of the

subject obtained from the long process of sublimation and provide new knowledge

with the experience they have experienced abortion.

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