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  • 7/25/2019 Mechanisms of Action Underlying




    ISSN 0102-695Xhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0102-695X2011005000167

    Received 2 Mar 2011Accepted 28 Jun 2011Available online 16 Sep 2011

    Revista Brasileira de FarmacognosiaBrazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy22(1): 208-219, Jan./Feb. 2012 Mechanisms of action underlying the anti-

    inammatory and immunomodulatory effects

    of propolis: a brief review

    Marcio A. R. Araujo,*,1 Silvana A. Librio,1 Rosane N. M.


    Maria Nilce S. Ribeiro,2

    Flvia R. F. Nascimento1

    1Laboratrio de Imunofisiologia, Universidade Federal do Maranho, Brazil ,2Laboratrio de Farmacognosia, Universidade Federal do Maranho, Brazil .

    Abstract: Many biological properties have been attributed to various types ofpropolis, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial , antioxidant, ant itumor, woundhealing, and immunomodulatory activities. This article reviewed studies publishedthat investigated the anti-inflammatory activity of propolis of different origins and/or its isolated components, focusing on the mechanisms of action underlying thisactivity and also addressing some aspects of immunomodulatory effects. The searchwas performed of the following databases: PubMed, Science Direct, HighWire

    Press, Scielo, Google Academics, Research Gate and ISI Web of Knowledgement.The anti-inflammatory activity was associated with propolis or compounds such as

    polyphenols (flavonoids , phenolic acids and their esters), terpenoids, steroids andamino acids. CAPE is the most studied compounds. The main mechanisms underlyingthe anti-inflammatory activity of propolis included the inhibition of cyclooxygenaseand consequent inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis, free radical scavenging,inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis, reduction in the concentration of inflammatorycytokines and immunosuppressive activity. Propolis was found to exert an anti-inflammatory activity in vivo and in vitromodels of acute and chronic inflammationand others studies, indicating its promising potential as anti-inflammatory agent ofnatural origin and as a source of chemical compounds for the development of newdrugs.


    anti-inflammatory activitybee productsinflammation

    propolispropolis components


    Propolis is the generic name for a complexmixture of resinous substances collected from plants bybees, which is used in the bee hive to coat the inner walls,to protect the entrance against intruders, and to inhibitthe growth of fungi and bacteria (Ghisalberti, 1979;Burdock, 1998). For propolis production, bees add theirsalivary enzymes to the plant resin and this material isthen partially digested, followed by the addition of waxalso produced by the bees. This process is found in mostbee species. An additional step is observed in the groupof stingless bees of the subfamily Meliponinae, speciesthat are native to South America. In this group, resins,saliva and wax are mixed with soil to form the so-calledgeopropolis (Bankova et al., 1998). The chemical composition of propolis is stronglyinuenced by the type of vegetation visited by the beesand by the season of the year (Bankova et al., 2000;Majiene et al., 2004; Daugsch et al., 2008; Teixeira et al.,2008). Propolis from temperate zones generally consistsof 50-60% resins and balsams, 30-40% of wax, 5-10%of essential and aromatic oils, 5% of pollen, and 5% of

    other substances (Mendoza et al., 1991). These substancescomprise more than 210 different compounds identiedso far, such as aliphatic acids, aromatic esters and acids,avonoids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, aldehydes, aminoacids, ketones, chalcones, dihydrochalcones, terpenoids,vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, and E), and minerals (aluminum,antimonium, calcium, cesium, copper, iron, lithium,manganese, mercury, nickel, silver, vanadium, and zinc)(Ghisalbert, 1979; Moreira, 1990; Marcucci, 1995; Sousa

    et al., 2007; Chang et al., 2008; Lustosa et al., 2008).Therefore variation in propolis components could affectits properties (Nakamura et al., 2010). Propolis has been used since ancient timesfor the treatment of many diseases, as well as in foodproducts and cosmetics (Burdock, 1998). In fact,various biological properties have been demonstratedand attributed to different types of propolis, includingantibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antioxidant,antitumor, anti-inammatory, anesthetic, wound healing,immunomodulatory, antiproliferative and anticariogenicactivities (Dobrowolski et al., 1991; Ivanovska et al,

    1995; Moura et al., 1999; Kujumgiev et al., 1999; Isla et

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    Mechanisms of action underlying the anti-inammatory and

    immunomodulatory effects of propolis: a brief review

    Marcio A. R. Araujo et al.

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    al., 2001; Chen et al., 2004; Simes et al., 2004; Duranet al., 2006; Medic-Saric et al., 2009; Araujo et al., 2010;Sforcin, 2007; Librio et al., 2009; Pagliarone et al.,2009, Paulino et al., 2003). This article reviewed studies that investigatedthe anti-inammatory and immunomodulatory activity of

    propolis, focusing on the mechanisms of action (alreadyidentied) underlying this activity and on the componentsidentied in the different types of propolis. The followingdatabases were searched: PubMed, Science Direct,HighWire Press, Scielo, Google Academics, ResearchGate and ISI Web of Knowledgement, for articlespublished between 1979 and 2011 using the key wordspropolis, inammation, anti-inammatory activity, beeproducts and propolis components.

    Anti-inammatory Activity

    Chemical aspects of the inammatory response

    Inammation is induced by the release ofchemical mediators from damaged tissue and migratorycells. Mediators identied in the inammatory processinclude vasoactive amines (histamine and serotonin),eicosanoids (metabolites of arachidonic acid,prostaglandins and leukotrienes), platelet aggregationfactors, cytokines (interleukins and tumoral necrosisfactor - TNF), kinins (bradykinin), and free oxygenradicals, among others (Czermak et al, 1998; Ohishi,2000). These substances are produced by inammatory

    cells such as polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils,eosinophils, basophils), endothelial cells, mast cells,macrophages, monocytes, and lymphocytes (Fiala et al.,2002). It is well established in the literature that the main

    phenomenon activating the acute phase of inammation isthe local production of prostaglandins (especially PGE


    and leukotrienes derived from arachidonic acid. Theseeicosanoids are relatively unstable and are notoriouslynon-selective in their interaction with various receptorsubtypes as demonstrated in isolated tissue preparations(Coleman et al., 1994; Hata & Breyer, 2004).

    Arachidonic acid is the precursor of eicosanoidssuch as prostaglandins. This fatty acid is stored as aphosphoglyceride in the cell membrane and is convertedby cyclooxygenases or lipoxygenases. After tissuedamage, conversion through cyclooxygenases leads tothe synthesis of prostaglandins, which actively participatein the onset and progression of the inammatoryreaction. Studies have demonstrated that propolis actsas a potent anti-inammatory agent in acute and chronicinammation (Ledn et al., 1997; Uzel et al., 2005).Some of the substances present in propolis are able toinhibit cyclooxygenase and the consequent synthesis

    of prostaglandins (Sigal & Ron, 1994). This has been

    suggested to be one of the mechanisms of action underlyingthe anti-inammatory effect of propolis. Still, moleculesthat exert lipoxygenase(LOX) inhibitory and antioxidantactivities also have potential anti-inammatory activity(Polya, 2003).

    Anti-inammatory and immunomodulatory response topropolis extracts

    The anti-inammatory properties of propolis andits subproducts have been studied in different models ofacute and chronic inammation, such as formaldehyde-induced arthritis and paw edema induced by PGE


    carrageenan or radiation (Dobrowolski et al, 1991; Park& Kang, 1999; El-Ghazaly & Khayyal, 1995), as well asin acute inammation induced by zymosan (Ivanovska etal., 1995) and others (Table 1). In many of these studies

    propolis had an effect similar to that of anti-inammatory

    drugs used as positive controls in the experiments. In vitroand in vivoexperiments using ethanol oraqueous extracts of propolis of different origins produced

    by different bee species are being conducted to conrmits anti-inammatory activity. Some specic effects ofthe aqueous extract of propolis have been demonstrated,such as the inhibition of platelet aggregation, inhibitionof prostaglandin biosynthesis in vitro, preventionof formaldehyde-induced paw edema and arthritisand inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) activity(Dobrowolski et al., 1991; Khayyal et al, 1993; Massaroet al., 2011). In addition, propolis has shown in vitro free

    radical scavenging activity and a hepatoprotective effect onTNF--induced cell death (Banskota et al., 2000; Alencaret al., 2007). The ethanol extract of propolis has showndose-dependent anti-inammatory effects in models ofcarrageenan-induced paw edema, Freunds adjuvant-induced arthritis and foreign body-induced granuloma,effects on vascular permeability, and analgesic activity(Park et al., 1996). Additionally to its regenerative capacity,free radical scavenging is the main anti-inammatorymechanism attributed to the ethanol extract of propolis(Krol et al., 1996; Pascual et al., 1994; Ichikawa et al.,2002).

    In a study evaluating the anti-inammatoryactivity of an ethanol extract of propolis on edemainduced by carrageenan, dextran and histamine inmice, an oral dose of 650 mg/kg signicantly inhibitedthe inammatory process triggered by carrageenanand antagonized the edematogenic effect produced byhistamine, but did not inhibit the inammatory processinduced by dextran. The dose administered had no toxiceffects and the authors suggest that the extract exerted ananti-inammatory effect similar to that of nonsteroidalanti-inammatory drugs without causing damage to thegastric mucosa or other blood effects (Reis et al., 2000).

    Fourteen commercial extracts of Brazilian

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    chanisms of action underlying the anti-inammatory and

    munomodulatory effects of propolis: a brief review

    rcio A. R. Araujo et al.

    Rev. Bras. Farmacogn. Braz. J. Pharmacogn. 22(1): Jan./Feb. 2012210

    propolis originating from different regions of the countrywere tested using a rat model of arachidonic acid-induced ear edema. Four of the extracts tested showedanti-inammatory effects similar to those produced byindomethacin, with these effects varying signicantlydepending on the origin of the propolis sample (Menezes

    et al., 1999). The effects of propolis extracts were investigatedin other rat models of inammation. The arthritis indexeswere suppressed by oral treatment with 50 and 100 mg/kg/day of the extract. In carrageenan-induced paw edema,the ethanol extract of propolis 200 mg/kg single doseshowed a signicant anti-inammatory effect 3 to 4 h aftercarrageenan administration. The authors concluded thatthe extract presented marked anti-inammatory effectsin both chronic and acute inammation and suggest thatthe anti-inammatory effects of propolis might be due toits inhibitory effect on prostaglandin production (Park &

    Kahng, 1999). Propolis has been shown to suppress theproduction of lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase duringacute zymosan-induced peritonitis and to inhibit in vivothe elevated production of leukotrienes B4 (LTB4) andleukotrienes C4 (LTC4). However, oral administrationof the extracts did not affect the ex vivoproduction ofPGE

    2, but increased the production of leukotrienes and

    prostaglandins by peritoneal macrophages (Mirzoeva &Calder, 1996). Massaro et al. (2011) suggests a potentialof cerumen (stingless bees propolis) for preventingthe lipid oxidation of linoleic acid, thus protecting the

    integrity of cell membranes.Propolis extracts can act on the nonspecic

    immune response by activating macrophages, inducingthe release of hydrogen peroxide, and inhibiting theproduction of nitric oxide in a dose-dependent manner(Orsi et al., 2000). The latter it may be explained by thefact that propolis inhibits both inducible nitric oxidesynthase (i-NOS) expression and the catalytic activity ofi-NOS (Tam-no et al., 2006). A signicant inhibition of both the PGE2 levelsand in the nitric oxide effects it was demonstrated. Therewas also a reduction in enzymes activation and in the level

    of IL-6 and other inammatory cytokines. Furthermore,inhibition of the activation and differentiation ofmacrophages has been suggested as one of the possiblemechanisms underlying the anti-inammatory andimmunological effects of propolis extract and of itswater-soluble derivatives. These effects are the result ofthe action of avonoids and other components present inpropolis (Krol et al., 1996; Hu et al., 2005). It was suggested that propolis extract possessantioxidant capacity in vitro conditions (Rebiai et al.,2011). Propolis antiradical and protective abilitiesagainst lipid oxidation are related to its high levels

    of polyphenol and avonoid total levels. According

    Chaillou & Nazareno (2009) and Ikegaki et al. (1999),propolis showed high antioxidant activity by inhibitingthe oxidation of the coupled reaction of -carotene andlinoleic acid. These last authors suggest that propolis alsoseems to inhibit hyaluronidase, an activity contributing toits anti-inammatory and regenerative effects. Propolis

    with strong antioxidant activity also has high scavengingactivity and contains large amounts of antioxidativecompounds, such as caffeic acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acidphenethyl ester and kaempferol (Chen et al., 2004; Ahn etal., 2007, Kumazawa et al., 2004). Studies investigating an aqueous extractof rosemary propolis in an in vivo model of chronicinammation demonstrated that the extract suppressesthe cell migration. However, the deposition of collagenwas not affected, suggesting that the aqueous extract of

    propolis can be used to control the inammatory responsewithout compromising the tissue repair process. This

    activity was attributed to the high content of caffeic acidin the propolis extract (Moura et al., 2009). In vivo pre-activation of macrophages bygreen propolis extract administered to rodents has beensuggested to increase the production of nitric oxideafter activation with interferon gamma (INF-) and,consequently, to reduce the proliferation of lymphocytes(S-Nunes et al., 2003). The inhibitory effect of propolison lymphoproliferation might be associated with theproduction of regulatory cytokines such as IL-10 andTGF- (Sforcin, 2007), as well as the anti-inammatory/anti-angiogenic effects of propolis could be also

    associated with modulation of cytokine TGF-1 Mouraet al., 2011). Recent works has demonstrate that thepropolis administration over a short-term to mice affectedboth basal and stimulated IFN-production, what may berelated to its anti-inammatory properties (Pagliarone etal, 2009; Orsatti et al., 2010; Missima et al., 2010). The activation of macrophages and releaserates of nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide have beenstudied using an ethanol extract of propolis in stressedmice to evaluate the effects of propolis on stress-relatedimmunosuppression. The results showed that propolisreduced nitric oxide production and potentiated hydrogen

    peroxide formation. The histological characteristics of thethymus, bone marrow and adrenal gland were found tobe altered, but no histological alterations were observedin the spleen. The authors concluded that propolis-basedproducts might be used for the treatment of stress (Missima& Sforcin, 2008). Thus, it was shown that ethanol extractof propolis inhibits the inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS) gene transcription through action on the NF-kBsites in the iNOS promoter in a concentration-dependentmanner (Song et al., 2002). An in vivostudy has been conducted on healthyhumans, for the rst time reporting the effects of

    prolonged propolis supplementation on redox-status of

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    Mechanisms of action underlying the anti-inammatory and

    immunomodulatory effects of propolis: a brief review

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    human organism. The benet of propolis use was shownin male population demonstrating reduction in free-radical-induced lipid peroxidation as well as increase inactivity of superoxide dismutase. Further a decrease inmalonaldehyde (degradation product of peroxidation ofpolyunsaturated fatty acids) concentration and increase

    in superoxide dismutase activity (rst and most importantline of antioxidant enzyme defense) were observed(Jasprica et al., 2007). The antiulcer activity of Brazilian greenpropolis was demonstrated by the administration ofhydroalcoholic extracts to animals with gastric ulcersinduced by ethanol, by a nonsteroidal anti-inammatorydrug (indomethacin) and by stress. A reduction in gastricsecretion was also observed. The results obtained wereattributed to the presence of phenolic acids (caffeic acid,cinnamic acid, p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid) in theextracts. However, the mechanisms of action still need to

    be established (Barros et al., 2007; 2008). The alcoholicextract of propolis has been shown to promote theacceleration of ulcer healing in the oral cavity of rats, byreducing the time of ulcer epithelization and interferingwith the quality and quantity of inammatory cells(Gregio et al., 2005). Still, propolis increases the woundhealing rate and reepithelialization of diabetic woundsin rodents. It also has additional roles in decreasingneutrophil inltration and normalizing wound tissuemacrophage inux (McLennan et al., 2008). Recent studies show that the ethanol extract ofpropolis is also able to interfere with others mechanisms

    underlying on the inammatory response like the activityof phosphatidylcholine-specic phospholipase C (PC-PLC), that plays critical roles in controls of vascularendothelial cell function, as well as in the p53 - a keyprotein in apoptosis signal transductions of this cells - andfurther levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Xuanet al., 2011). The propolis is responsible for ERK1/2(extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2) inactivationin endothelial cells that ultimately leads to angiogenesissuppression (Kunimasa et al., 2009).

    Anti-inammatory and immunomodulatory response to

    isolated propolis components

    Different components of propolis have beenstudied to evaluate their therapeutic application.Flavonoids, phenolic acids like caffeic acid phenethylester (CAPE), and esters are the most biologically activecompounds (Table 2) (Burdock, 1998; Daugsch et al.,2008; Baumann et al., 1980; Silva et al., 2007). Thesecompounds exert multiple effects on bacteria, fungi andviruses and also present anti-inammatory, antioxidant,immunomodulatory, wound healing, antiproliferative andantitumor activities (Machado et al., 2008; Pagliarone

    et al., 2009; Buyukberber et al., 2009; Jaganathan &

    Mandal, 2009; Medic-Saric et al., 2009; Pillai et al.,2010; Moreira et al., 2011; Lotfy, 2006). The anti-inammatory activity of propolisseems to be associated with the presence of avonoids,especially galangin and quercetin. This avonoids hasbeen shown to inhibit the activity of cyclooxygenase

    and lipoxygenase and to reduce the levels of PGE2and the release and expression of the induced isoformcyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) (Shimoi et al., 2000; Rasoet al., 2001). Studies using animal models of acuteand chronic inammation showed that caffeic acid isessential for the anti-inammatory activity of propolissince it inhibits the synthesis of arachidonic acid andsuppresses the enzymatic activity of COX-1 and COX-2(Borrelli, 2002). In addition, caffeic acid inhibits thegene expression of COX-2 (Michaluart et al., 1999) andthe enzymatic activity of myeloperoxidase (Frenkel etal., 1993), ornithine decarboxylase, lipoxygenase, and

    tyrosine kinase (Rao et al., 1993). Caffeic acid alsopresents immunosuppressive activity, inhibiting the earlyand late events of T cell activation and the consequentrelease of cytokines such as IL-2 (Marquez et al., 2004)in an unspecic way of inhibition of ion channels (Namet al., 2009). Chrysin, a avonoid isolated from propolis,also seems to suppress the expression of COX-2 byinhibiting a nuclear factor for IL-6 (Woo et al., 2005). In vivo studies on artepillin C, the maincomponent present in propolis from south and southeastof Brazil, have shown that this substance inhibits theproduction of PGE

    2 during peritoneal inammation.

    This activity may explain, at least in part, the anti-inammatory and antiedematogenic effects of artepillinC observed in carrageenan-induced paw edema andperitonitis. Inhibition of the production of nitric oxideand TNF has also been reported (Paulino et al., 2008).Further artepillin C was found to have strong antioxidanteffects may be accounted for by additional effects ofcaffeoylquinic acid and other prenyl analogues (Nakajimaet al., 2009; Mishima et al., 2005). Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), the mostextensively studied and biological active component inpropolis, inhibit cytokine and chemokine production,

    proliferation of T cells and lymphokine production, andthus results in a decrease in inammatory process. Themechanism is through to be related to NF-B signalingpathway (Natarajan et al., 1996; Wang et al., 2009; 2010).CAPE is a potent inhibitor of nuclear factor -B (NFB)activation (Shvarzbeyn & Huleihel, 2011) and NF-Binhibition may result in a reduced expression of COX-2,whose gene is NF-B-regulated (Mafa et al., 2002) andin a potent NO inhibition by blocking the activation ofINOS (Nagaoka et al., 2003). Other studies have investigated the effectsof propolis and of its polyphenolic components (e.g.,

    avonoids) on LPS-induced production of nitric oxide

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    chanisms of action underlying the anti-inammatory and

    munomodulatory effects of propolis: a brief review

    rcio A. R. Araujo et al.

    Rev. Bras. Farmacogn. Braz. J. Pharmacogn. 22(1): Jan./Feb. 2012212









































































































































































































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    Mechanisms of action underlying the anti-inammatory and

    immunomodulatory effects of propolis: a brief review

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    and on the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS) by activated macrophages (Song et al., 2002;Hmlnein et al., 2007). The most effective classes of

    polyphenolic compounds were avonoids, especiallyisoavones and avones. In addition, eight compoundsthat were able to inhibit the production of nitric oxide

    and expression of iNOS were identied. Four compounds(genistein, kaempferol, quercetin, and daidzein) inhibitedthe activation of two important gene transcriptionfactors for iNOS, i.e., signal transducer and activatorof transcription 1 (STAT-1) and NF-kB, whereas fourother compounds (avone, isorhamnetin, naringenin, andpelargonidin) only inhibited NF-kB (Hmlnein et al.,2007). Another study showed that selected avonoids,including setin, kaempferol, morin, myricetin, andquercetin, exhibited distinct antioxidant properties againstdifferent types of free radicals (Wang et al., 2006). Theseresults indicate that avonoids have different antioxidant

    and anti-inammatory effects despite their structuralsimilarity (Hmlnein et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2006).Some avonoids stimulate macrophages stop furtherproduction of eicosanoids and destroy excess oxidants(Havsteen, 2002). Ansorge et al. (2003) studied the effects ofpropolis and some of its components on basic functionsof mitogen-activated immune cells of human blood, aswell as on DNA synthesis and cytokines production invitro. The authors detected the production of IL-1 andIL-12 by macrophages, as well as the production of IL-2,IL-4, IL-10 and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-).

    The results showed that propolis, caffeic acid, quercetin,hesperidin and other avonoids strongly inhibited DNAsynthesis and the production of inammatory cytokines ina concentration-dependent manner. On the other hand, the

    production of TGF-, a mediator of immunosuppression,was increased. These ndings demonstrate that propolisand a number of its constituents exerts a direct regulatoryeffect on basic immune cell functions and can beconsidered an alternative natural anti-inammatoryagent. Recently, studies have been published on theknown biological activities of CAPE as well as on the

    activities of other compounds as well studied as ArtepillinC than the discovery of new components isolated frompropolis from different regions, showing perspectiveson propolis and its individual components for medicine(Aviello et al., 2010; Salatino et al., 2011).


    The anti-inammatory activity attributed topropolis has been conrmed in numerous in vitroand invivo animal studies using models of acute and chronicinammation. These studies attributed this biological

    activity to different mechanisms according to the results

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    Mechanisms of action underlying the anti-inammatory and

    immunomodulatory effects of propolis: a brief review

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    obtained. Most researchers reported an action of propolisextracts on the enzyme cyclooxygenase, a trigger ofthe inammatory process. Furthermore, effective anti-inammatory activity of propolis was attributed to theinhibition of prostanoids, especially PGE2, and to thereduction of cytokines. Other mechanisms were also

    reported, such as an effect on inammatory cell activity(cell migration, macrophage activation), reduction innitric oxide synthesis, reduced enzymatic activity duringthe healing process, and inhibition of TNF. This review highlights the potential use of

    propolis as an alternative natural anti-inammatoryagent in acute and chronic inammation. It is believedthat propolis acts through different mechanisms and thatits polyphenolic components are responsible for thisaction. However, the biological properties of the propolisshould not be considered a synergic effect among thevarious compounds, suggesting the need for isolation

    and identication of the various bioactive compoundsresponsible for its effects, and to better understand theirmechanisms of action.

    As stated here, there is increasing scienticevidence conrming the anti-inammatory properties ofpropolis and/or its components. In this respect, most of thestudies analyzed here leave something to be desired sincethey do not specify the type and origin of the propolissample studied or even the compound isolated, nor dothey report the genus of the producing bee species, sincepropolis may have very different chemical compositionand actions according to these factors.

    Disclosure statement

    There are no competing nancial interests.


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    Flvia R. F. Nascimento

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