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“We get your message delivered to

healthcare professionals”

About mms

Getting Your Message Delivered

Email Best Practices

mms, inc.

Specialize in Healthcare Professionals Marketing

About mms

Over 85 years of Experience in

Marketing lists and databases

Over 15 years of Email Marketing


mms, inc.

Getting Your Message Delivered

Reach Key Healthcare Professionals

mms, inc.

1.5 million Email Addresses primarily sourced from

Premier Professional Associations.

AMA- American Medical

Association Physicians

AAPA- American Academy of

Physician Assistants

Nurse Practitioners

Hospital Managers

AAP- American Academy of

Pediatrics Physicians

ACCP- American College of Chest


AADE- American Association of

Diabetes Educators

ASHP- American Society of Health

System Pharmacists

Getting Your Message Delivered

mms, inc.

Targeted Data Selections

Match client files by ME#/NPI# Name/Address

AMA Demographic Selections

RX Data

Enhanced Response Data

ICD 9/CPT Data

Getting Your Message Delivered

mms, inc.

Data Quality

98% deliverability Email and Direct Mail

Daily Data Hygiene

Regular reviews of top domain deliverability and reputation


Getting Your Message Delivered

mms, inc.

Simple Deployment Process

MMS reviews for


Test email

broadcast sent

1. Send us the target audience, HTML creatives

2. Creative is reviewed for best practices,

deliverability (SPAM Score)

3. Test email broadcast sent

4. Medical / Legal Approval Process

5. Deployment / Automated Re-send

6. Broadcast Reports

Getting Your Message Delivered

mms, inc.

Result Reports

Standard Aggregate - Gross/Unique: Delivered, Open, Clicks, Opt-outs

Expanded Standard Reports – Specialty/Time of day (per broadcast or by


Additional Analytics – Viewing Platform (web/mobile/desktop), Average

Read Time(Glanced/Skimmed/Read), Mail Client (Outlook/iPhone/Google

Android, etc)

Custom – Reporting at individual professional level

Email Best Practices

mms, inc.

Your Message

Are you Can-Spam Compliant?

Are you using Best Practices?

Are you Mobile Friendly?

Email Best Practices

mms, inc.

Your Message

Are you Can-Spam Compliant?

• Must include a sender postal address

• Must include an opt-out link- can be a hyperlink or email address

• Opt-outs must be applied within 10 days

Email Best Practices

mms, inc.

Your Message

Are you using Best Practices?

• What is your SPAM Score?

•From Name

• should be accurate and “identify” the sender.

• should be short and preferably a person by name or company name

• Subject Line

• short and to the point- 50 characters or less recommended

• consistent with message, what’s in it for me?

• front-load words with biggest impact

• Pre-Header

• support the subject line without duplicating

• can include call to action

Email Best Practices

mms, inc.

Your Message

Are you using Best Practices?

•Creative Content- HTML

• Must be in an HTML format

• Symbols- i.e.- copyright, trademarks need to be in HTML codes

• Check links- all should be working

• Check image to text ratio- preferably not all 1 image or multiple images

• Keep design simple- no scripts, no embedded surveys, flash programs

• Make sure message is conveyed even if images are blocked.

• Call to Action above the fold; include in multiple areas if needed

Don’t hide call to action in image.

• Text version?

• To personalize or not personalize?

Email Best Practices

mms, inc.

Your Message

Are you Mobile Friendly?

• Can your message be viewed on any device?

“94% of HCPs have smartphones, and 77% have tablets”

(SERMO Survey June 2014)

“50% HCPs use mobile devices to view email”

(mms Survey March 2014)

“42% of subscribers delete emails that don’t display correctly on mobile phones”

(Get Response Study August 2013)

Email Best Practices

mms, inc.

What is Mobile Friendly Design?

Scalable- Skinny emails that have a narrow email width that makes it

suitable for either desktop or phone. Email width is generally 300 pixels or


Fluid Design– Fluid email fills the entire screen on any device, but as the

screen gets smaller, so does the text size and image sizes.

Responsive Design – Responsive design emails change according to the

size of the device. It can be simple or very complex depending on overall

email strategy.



Fluid Design




mms, inc.





















“We get your message delivered to

healthcare professionals”

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