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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the process of question 7?

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From the preliminary task I have learnt that there are many other ways to attract my target audience such as the presenter changing their voice when it comes to soft news so the audience feel excited and the atmosphere of excitement creates. I have also learnt that my voice needs to be consistently clear throughout speaking.This also taught me that it is important to prepare beforehand and practice so I do not make any errors when speaking when I do it for my own radio newscast.

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Since I started AS Media in year 12 I have gained many different skills. One of the first things that I have learnt is how to use BlogSpot I made my first one in media. At first I found it difficult now I can easily use my own blog to express my views on news which would appeal to other people to look at my blog. I understand the broader side to news. I am able to listen to radios, watch news and can tell what news value it is and if it does make the news worthy for the audience. An example of a news value is oddity this is when the news is unusual.

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I am also able to write a response evaluating the news because there is more than one way to look and interpret news. I have also come across websites such as slide share and learnt there are many other ways to present information on the internet to post on my blog.

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Before starting AS media I did not know the definition and the difference between hard news and soft news. However I can now confidently define the two media terminology.

Hard news – This is serious news that affect people such as war, protests etc.

Soft news – This is more of human interest stories such as celebrity news.

What is hard/soft news?

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I have researched on Journalism Ethics to find out what is actually means journalism ethics and standards consist of principles of ethics. Media ethics is widely known to journalists as their professional code of ethics these are some of the things that it consists of truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality and fairness. It is important when a journalist is producing a story they must be truthful with what they are producing to the audience as lies may affect the audience/viewers.

Journalism Ethics

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• I have also learnt what DAB radio is it is transmission technology first designed in the 80s as a method of bringing the benefits of digital to traditional analogue radio broadcasts. The advantages of DAB radio is that it. Less interference Due to the method of transmission, and the quality is of a higher standard.

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Additionally I have learnt how to use audacity and edit recordings which have had some error by me learning this skill it has stopped me from recording my clip again.

Furthermore I have understood the importance of preparing questions before hand for my interview because by not preparing questions it stops my interview from flowing smoothly.

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My story was an outside broadcast in Westfield Stratford City. I have gained confidence in approaching people to ask them questions relating to my story where as before I would not have been confident in approaching people in the outside world. I have also learnt that it is important to meet deadlines as it will affect my viewers if they are waiting for the news if it is presented late.

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