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Mojo Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis

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Headline & Stand First- The Headline is the biggest text on the page which is to create and effect and grab the readers attention to entice them to read it. The Headline is deliberately vague so as not to give too much away as otherwise the reader won’t read it. The headline shown on the right is ‘Best Of Both Worlds’ which doesn’t give away much and makes the reader want to find out why they are the best.Visual and grammatical puns can be used in the headline, although they aren’t in this particular feature. - The Stand First gives a short introduction to what the article in the double page spread contains, this is to tempt the reader to read the article again without giving away what is in the article. This makes the reader want to read more, the stand first is located below the headline and on the left hand side because of the way the western world reads (from left to right) but this can change dependent on the layout of the article and the main image.

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Text & Body- Text in the body is broken down into 2 columns which makes the text easy to understand but also makes the text look less, this makes it more attractive to the reader as it looks like they have less work to read it all. Drop Caps is used to show the audience where the start of the article, this gives a clear indication to the reader where to begin reading and as a result makes it easier to read.The artists name appears in a different colour than the rest of the text, this is to make it stand out and attract reader attention. Text is no smaller than size 11, this is because anything smaller is difficult for the audience to read which makes it less likely the reader will read it. The body starts under the stand first and headline to keep the article easy to understand and give a logical order to it for the reader. In this article text is indented left rather than using line breaks, this makes it easier for the reader to read whilst not wasting space. The language and opinions in the article is that of the author, the by line shows who the author is and also who took the images used in the double page spread. Inserts can be used in double page spreads, however in this particular example they aren’t. A quote is instead in the stand first.

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Colour Scheme- The bleeding effect is used to make the image and text flow across the page, this makes the magazine look professional and attracts the reader to it. - A colour scheme of 3 colours (consisting of white, black and shades of orange) create a simple and easy to read look as too much colour is distracting and makes it difficult to read.

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