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Page 1: Media Film Trailer


-Fantasy looking location and setting

-About 2 lovers and Lust interfering greedy for her own desires

-The teaser trailer will include text and the title and perhaps a coming soon to get the audience thinking about the movie.

- I will use instrumental music that builds up tension as the teaser goes on, to get the audience up in their seats

-The trailer will have a tick tock sound added to it towards the end to show that time is running out for the lovers

- I will need 2 actresses and an actor

-I will be doing fast short cut scenes so that the teaser does not get boring for the viewers.

- I will be using a digital DSLR Camera

-I will take colours into consideration a lot

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What is primary research?

It is the first hand collection of original data for example this could include questionnaires or face to face interviews.

What is secondary research?

Secondary research is internet research by looking at other peoples own opinion/views to help form your own research. One of the problems is that it can be biased at times.

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I have decided to do some Primary Market Research myself this is so that I can get a clear idea of what my target audience may want in the film trailer and to meet their needs. I asked ages 16 – 25 as I thought people around this generation would most likely enjoy watching fantasy films.

Conducting Market Research

My question was ‘What element stands out to you the most when watching a fantasy type film?’

I had chosen this question so that whichever element was chosen by my interviewees I could focus getting this right when it came down to filming.

Location and Costume have been the TA’s favourites I think

this is because location and costume is the most creative

thing that appears to be in the fantasy genre, lots of bright

colours big bold costumes etc. Take Alice in wonderland for

example they must have spent a very long time for costume

ideas – however this makes the film very successful at the same


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STORY BOARDS - Storyboards are graphic organizers in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence.



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Hobbit Teaser Trailer InspirationThe hobbit is famously known for its realistic fantasy like effects. I have chosen to look at this film teaser trailer because I know the films have been very successful and has had a

lot of good ratings on IMDB and the quality of trailers may be one of the reasons why people go and see it. One thing i have learnt from looking at this trailer is the use of

fantasy looking locations and the teaser itself looks like a journey which I can take away and make my teaser trailer look like its a journey also.

Butterflies have been added with a swoosh sound effect (digetic) – this is very effective as it makes the butterflies seem more realistic

There has been a variety of angles in the film teaser. From long shots to full body shots to close ups. There has been a lot of low angle shots also. This is key when filming my teaser.

The colours are saturated making them look fantasy like.

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Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film for example: -Sounds made by movements or objects-Voices of characters etc.

Another term for digetic sound is actual sound.


Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action for example: -Narrators commentary -Any mood music-Sound effects for dramatic effects

Another term for non-diegetic sound is commentary sound.

Looking back at the hobbit teaser it appears that only a lot of non digetic sounds have been used. This is probably because it would be quite hard to imitate the fantasy unrealistic sounds naturally so it was easier to do this in the editing process. For my teaser trailer I believe I will only use

digetitc sounds

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PROPS – Creating the butterflies

Butterflies and the pocket watch in the film plot are like signatures of the movie, just like Harry’s scar is in “Harry Potter”.

The scar is visible in the movie on Harry’s forehead the teaser trailers and film

posters creating synergy along the way. I wanted to use this technique as I think it

is very effective in connecting each promotional publications and creates

synergy throughout.

Realistic butterflies would have been very difficult to use in the film trailer so i had to improvise and came up a way to work around it by cutting out paper butterflies and perhaps throwing them in the air when shooting to make them look realistic.

Using Photoshop's colour cast correction tool to come up with different colours.

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MAKE UP + HAIRMake up was difficult to come up with but very important for my trailer. This was because it determined what the whole costume would look like together and referring back to the data I have collected this is part of the element which stood out the most for the Target audience.

-I wanted to show the binary oppositions (Levi Strauss Theory) of the characters personality with the good and the bad so I tried to have light coloured make up for Dawn and a darker one bold one for Lust.For the hair my aim was to make Dawn look as innocent as possible so I thought gold locks would go well. And as for Lust perhaps her hair to the side to show her vicious personality?



-I felt that the outlined jaw line makes look Dawn like a villain, this

make up style also reminds me of

something from Avatar.

-The black eyeliner gave her a darker feeling and i think this would be a good style to use on Lust instead.

-Second time round I feel like I have accomplished more however it still needs some lightening up a bit.

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CLOTHING + COLORSFinding appropriate colours and patterns was an obstacle in itself to make the whole fantasy/futuristic look come together. Already deciding on the make up and hair it was easier to find what I needed.

I had chosen the colours when coming up with the plot now it was just creating an outfit together.

I looked at inspiration from futuristic photographers as there is not many fantasy movies which have the clothes that i was looking for it was easier to take the photographic approach.

Choosing the clothes for Conric (Male Actor) was the hardest this was because clothes for men aren’t as creative and colourful as women’s. So I put together an outfit with a lot of patterns.

Floral bowtie Dotted Shirt

For Lust I felt that giving her outfit a fur

accessory will make her even more evil like –

Cruella de Ville.

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This is an example of a part of my story board and how I had laid it out - Some

of the shot types I liked from other movie trailers and decided to use it in

mine changing things – it was a lot more easier doing it digitally because my

drawing skills aren't great. And I wanted to make it as easy as possible when it

came down to shooting.

Over the shoulder shot

Non Digetic I have done some sketches so that i have a variety of storyboards to look back too but mainly i have stuck to the digital story board. I haven’t added times for each scene because ill cut or speed up them when it comes to the editing process.

I have tried to fill my teaser up with clear cut short shots to build up tension in the middle and end of the teaser.

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Location was one of the elements that the majority of the TA said that they felt stood out to them in a fantasy genre film/trailer so I needed to get this part right. I tried to think carefully of where I could shoot – somewhere with a lot of colours/was accessible to me. I also wanted the buildings to be quite high to get the big buildings effect as I will not have CGI by my side the only time to make the clips look fantasy like was whilst shooting. This was the location I

used to shoot my film poster so I wanted

most of the scenes to be shot here. There are cars sometimes parked there so I will need to

shoot around it. On the other hand it is a one way street so it makes

it easier for me to shoot without getting

run over.

This location reminds me of a dollies house and I thought it would be a very good location to shoot at. The colours and layout would enable to me to do different shot types in a small space.

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The camera I had chosen to shoot my film with was a Nikon D7000 this was because it was my own camera and i knew id feel more comfortable about using it. However I had never filmed on it before so I spent some time watching video tutorials to find out tips and tricks.

One important thing I had learnt was changing the lighting which was crucial because if it was a bad day for weather then the camera would be able to make it look bright and sunny.

The lens I had chosen to use was a 18 – 105 lens which I thought would be useful for panning and zooming.

This is the tripod I will use – it is very useful for keeping the camera steady and to avoid any shake I can also

use different angles with the levers.

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RAIN – This was one of my fears whilst

shooting – the weather hadn’t

been great and we got around this by

taking breaks when the rain died down

a bit.

PEOPLEGetting disturbed by

people was a big obstacle that could

not be hlped – it also made filming so

much more longer than expected.

People would be rude and walk into the frame but i just had to keep redoing

the scenes.

LIGHTING – Getting the

correct exposures so

that the lighting was correct was tricky however

my cameras ISO and White

balance helped me even the lighting out.

FOCUSING – This was another important

factor due to the fact if nothing was focused

then the clips would be pretty much useless

and the most difficult time when trying to focus was when the

models were moving in the scene so I had my hand on the focus ring

at all times.


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I have played around with final cut pro (film editing software) to see all the features it has and I found one drawback - when putting in font (the font and border styles/effects were limited for the type of genre I have) so I decided to look at fantasy trailers and see what kind of text and effects they are and hopefully try and create my own using Photoshop.

This symbol is something id like to have in my film trailer as I think its very effective because if people saw this symbol they would relate it to the Mortal Instruments and it creates recognition.

The background of this image with font on it looks

magical and mystical something like this would be

perfect for my teaser as it adds a bit of spark when

there are no scenes in frame.

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I have done some experimentation on Photoshop and these are the things I have created using different brushes, effects such as outer glow and using shadows. For the font in the first text and last I have tried to keep a continuous flow with the title’s font to generate a build up till the end of the teaser. I have tried to keep it simple and effective – it was difficult to get the placements right because I wanted each different image to be different.


I have included a butterfly for symbolism so that the viewers can

relate to the film posters with.

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Discovering the tools

The Cursor tool enabled me to move video clips and images/songs around the software and was very good for navigation.

This was the razor blade tool and its function was to cut the clip in parts which would then make it able to move and split them.

Other tools available on Final Cut were colour correction, video filters however I felt that the lighting on my scenes were fine and

did not need further editing.

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Adding and working with TransitionsI feel that the ‘fade in and fade’ transition was my favourite one whilst making the film teaser, this is because of the bold bright colours in the teaser fading into black which makes the colours look even more powerful than they already are.

List of different transitions

I got all my clips trimmed with the appropriate timing trying to cut down so the film teaser isn’t too long as a lot aren't. I then added transitions in between the clips and some onto the clip. The difficulty was trying to put transitions on short clips as they moved too fast so I had to use slugs on some of them.

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Once all of the transitions were aligned with the clips I decided that I will need to add some text. The text with the border around it is something I had created and I believe it worked very well. I will now need to look for suitable music

for my film trailer.

The colours and quality that came from my camera made the teaser have a professional quality to it.

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I tried to look for a variety of music that I could possibly use for my teaser because it was difficult to find a fantasy themed one that would fit to my teaser. Most Fantasy Teasers are full of

special effect sounds however the Sound Pro programme available to us did not have the right sound effects that were suitable.

The reason why I chose this song was because it has some personal relation to it about love and it’s very touching. I do not feel music like this will be able to create suspense and

the lyrics used may confuse the target audience of the plot.

The next step I tried to go for was to type in ‘fantasy music’ in YouTube and saw what came up. There was no vocals in the music and this gave it a mystical magical feeling. However there was a lot of different types of music and this would make it difficult to put together.

As soon as I heard this piece I played different parts with different scenes in my trailer and I felt that it could really work. The beginning of the music video there is a very mellow tune

that could work really well with the beginning to set the scene and then I went through and fount an upbeat part which would

work well for the fast cut clips.

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For the tick tock sound effect I tried to find one from the SoundPro software on the Macs however it did not sound realistic enough for tick tocks. So I decided to find one on YouTube instead and I was successful.

I cut the Tick Tock sound effect apart because nearer to the end of the teaser i have increased the music to generate an emotion to the viewers to say that time is running out and get them involved in the teaser. It was difficult to get the timing right with the stopwatch and I had to change the speeds of the music.

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