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Page 1: Media music magazine analysis

Media Music Magazine Analysis

Page 2: Media music magazine analysis

Colouring: Bold red colouring to grab the audience’s attention and to engage them in the magazine, ‘Bob Dylan’ is in a slightly larger font to highlight his importance. There are also blacks and whites to perhaps suggest Rock colours, Rock being a genre of music.

Title: Rolling Stone, a well established and well known title, written in the well known flamboyant font.

Main Image: Bob Dylan, a very famous man in the music industry, and an international star. He looks straight at the reader, showing intimacy and connection.

Front Covers

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Colouring: Bright Reds, Blacks and Whites, again signalling music and the genre rock. There is very little other colour.

Title: NME, standing for New Musical Express. It is much better known as NME. Written in bold capital letters, simply spelling out the title.

Main Image: Kasabian, with a sell line stating their name to catch the interest of the reader, some people may not know the faces of these musicians as often, bands are only played on the radio where they cannot be seen or identified. Wearing contrasting outfit colours of black and white.

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Colouring: Black, Grey and embellishments of red, making the magazine stand out. The Font of the band title Slipknot is in their logo font, with a goldy yellow colouring.

Title: Kerrang!, A famous music establishment that also has a radio station. It is known in both forms o media. The title is large and in a bold font, with embellishments such as the white lines and cut out parts. The ‘A’ is filled in for effect. The sell lines also use media industry-lingo with the word converge.

Main Image: An image that represents the band slipknot, a fairly chilling character, with its face aimed at the audience.

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Colouring: Red, grey, black and white. A ‘rock’ style colour palette. It jumps out at the audience who are looking at the cover, capturing their interest.

Title: Q. A famous British music magazine, with the Letter ‘Q’ smashed by the guitar. ‘Q’ was originally named ‘Cue’ as in a cueing record, ready to play, but was changed due to being mistaken for a snooker magazine.

Main Image: A member of the band Muse, dressed in black and smashing a guitar to give him a ‘rebel’ like image on the cover.

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Colouring: White, black, blue and red. The white background shows it may be less of a rock genre magazine.

Title: Spin. It is outlined in red and written in white font. This is the only example of red on the cover of this magazine. This makes the title stand out and make a point.

Main Image: The main image is of a famous pop music icon. This also relates to it separating away from the rock genre magazines.

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Colouring: The background for the magazine cover is pink, to coincide with the main image and article. There are filled in colours in some of the letters of the logo for Billboard.

Title: Billboard is written in big bold black lettering with some filled in letters with different colours. The title for this issue Katy Perry, with this featured article, is written in a font that is almost as large as the title of the magazine and its logo; showing the importance of this article/interview.

Main Image: The main image is of pop icon Katy Perry, wearing a floral dress and posing with flowers. The background for the magazine has been made pink. It therefore matches the image and makes this cover quite feminine.

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Colouring: The colouring for this cover is black, white and pink. The band featured often used to have their name featured in this specific font and the pink colouring, hence the pink theme.

Title: The title Mojo is the main white part of the cover, standing out on the black background so you can see it. It is large and at the top centre of the page, making it easy to see. The title of the article is Sex Pistols the name of a famous band. It is written in their well known logo of a particular font and the colour pink.

Main Image: The main image is of the band, with the front man Johnny Lydon in the foreground. The second main image is of the CD featured.

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Colouring: The cover is primarily grey, with a black and white image. The main article is highlighted with yellow colouring, and other features are written in blue bars at the top and bottom of the page.

Title: The main colour on the page is the red that surrounds the main title of the magazine. It is in the top left hand corner and is written in large font; however the title for the main article in fact has a larger font showing its exclusivity. Main Image: The main image is of a band member of New Order (previously Joy Division). This image is in black and white for a different effect and it is more controversial that the typical image you would find on the front of a music magazine.

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Colouring: The colouring of this magazine cover is mainly pink. This shows that it is aimed at a younger audience than the average music magazine reader and is specifically aimed at girls; due to the pink colouring.

Title: Smash hits is written in a familiar logo font and is written in two bright shades of pink to capture your attention. It also has a white outline to make it brighter. It then has a very similar concept for the title of the main article and is in bold font.

Main Image: The magazine can also be said to be a girls magazine as it has supposed ‘heartthrob’ Preston on the cover – which is the main image with him looking at the camera, making it feel more personal.

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Colouring: The background is white, but there is little specific colouring on this page, other than the white and red text.

Title: The name of the magazine (Mojo) is in black text in the centre of the page. The title of the issue which names the main article, ‘The Beatles’ is in white text with a recognisable font which was often associated with The Beatles. The reasoning for the article (more detailed tag line) is in bold red text.

Main Image: The main image is of each of the members of the band, each using images of the members in the style that they were known best. Paul McCartney is centre frame and the most prominent character as the interview/article involves him. There is a smaller picture to show the outline of a CD, that you could get in the magazine, with the cover image featured.

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Colouring: White, black and red. The red is for the magazine title, and one of the important features and also an important tagline at the bottom.

Title: The title for this page is ‘This Week’ written in bold, black lettering. This gives the reader information, telling them in an informal manner that it is the contents page, and also that the magazine is issued weekly.

Main Image: The main image is of Oasis, which is the main featured article of this page, which they are concentrating the issue on this subject/article.

Contents Pages

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Colouring: Black for most of the text, to show it is containing information and is of importance, and pink for numbers. For example the issue number is in big bold pink font.

Title: The title for the page is RS968, the magazine abbreviation and the issue number. The main article title is ‘Johnny Be Good’, which is in a large bold font.

Main Image: The main image is related to the main article but is in black and white, whereas the ‘Money Honey’ image is in colour, making it more important than it otherwise would be, and it contrasts with the black and white image.

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Colouring: White, black and yellow. The yellow is for the basic information and the black text explains the details of the yellow headings. The yellow highlights different sections of the contents.

Title: The title for this page is simply Contents, which is simple and informative. The text ‘contents’ is in the yellow colouring to bring it to your attention.

Main Image: There are several main images of different artists featured on different pages of the magazine.

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Colouring: The Main information is in the orange colouring with the other text in black, including the main article title ‘drummer’.

Title: The contents page is identified with the word contents, and the title of the main article is ‘drummer’. Both of these words are in a bold font, with contrasting black and white colouring.

Main Image: The main image of this page is a drummer; it is in black and white and is edited to have bigger pixels for effect. There are several smaller images with page references in orange in their top left corner – referring to the pages featured.

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Colouring: the colours white, black and red are used on this page. The logo for the magazine ‘Q’ is featured in the top left corner with the titling of contents. The ‘Q’ has its typical red background and white lettering to its logo, with a black background for the bar containing the contents title. The main page numbers are in a red colour, with the contrast of black text for the titles of the pages.

Title: The main article is for ‘The Courteeners’ which has a slightly larger font and more information on the page. The title for the page ‘contents’ is in an even larger font and bold white text.

Main Image: The main image on the page is of ‘The Courteeners’, showing their importance and to illustrate their part in the main article. There is one other image on the page in a ‘review’ article.

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Colouring: This page has more colouring than most of the pages with red used to highlight certain areas and help to identify different sections. The plain texted is generated in black, and certain articles are highlighted in yellow.

Title: The title of the contents is bold and white, with a shadow of black behind it, emphasising it. Other titles are made smaller but are bold and in the font.

Main Image: The main image is of some boys with instruments. This has a small reference on the bottom left corner. This is not as obvious as the other main articles. There are a few other images of certain people’s headshots.

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Colouring: Black and orange are the main colours of the page, with the title texts being orange, perhaps to match the colour of some of the images. The text is all in black, with the title of the magazine being in black and its signature font.

Title: There is no titling to indicate that this is the contents page, but this is made obvious by the page numbers and articles.

Main Image: The main images are pasted together to show the main content of the magazine. It makes it clear as to what the magazine holds.

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Colouring: The colouring is mainly whites and blacks. With the logo for the magazine ‘NME’ in its typical red colour with a white outline. The page numbers and the bands in the index are highlighted in red. All other titles are written in white with a black background to make them stand out.

Title: The titles for each section and the page ‘This week’ are in larger text to the rest of it, and are in bold capitals to capture the attention of the reader.

Main Image: The main image on this page is of Kasabian, with only one other image of the magazine front covers to encourage readers to subscribe to the magazine.

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Colouring: The page is mostly white and grey, but the touches of colour are effective and can easily be seen, with the blues separating the page, and the different colours on the no.1 chart list are bright and easy to see.

Title: The title of contents is in a distinctive font and is bold and black. The titles for the sections are in bold, in one half they are made noticeable with yellow colour, and the others are in black but using a different font.

Main Image: There are four main images of different people and their articles featured in the magazine, with page references.

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Colouring: This page is predominantly white with the background, but has red and black embellishments featured in certain areas to draw attention to vital information or subjects of interest.

Title: The title content is plainly written in bold black font at the top of the page, set in the middle so it is easily seen. The ‘Q’ logo is featured next to it, so it is also easily seen and noticed.

Main Image: The main image is of James Blunt, of whom the magazine has a feature about, and the image shows him making a form of contact with the reader and making it personal to them. There is an indication to the feature about him just above the image with the use of red colouring in the text saying his name to make it obvious to the reader.

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Colouring: The colouring is black, white and red to make the article more interesting, and to represent Lily Allen.

Title: The title for the article is a quote by the interviewee. “People think I’m an attention seeker, but I’m just honest” This is written in various different letter sizes with a bold and noticeable font. It takes up majority of the page, along with the image, so the page really jumps out at you.

Main Image: The main image is of Lily Allen, the subject of the interview. The image links to and depicts the way that she is being portrayed in the interview. – She looks like a rebellious woman, who is defeminised and doesn’t care what others may think.

Double Page Spreads

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Colouring: The colouring is the typical black and white with an element of blue, which creates a theme for the page.

Title: The title for the page is “The Teenagers” – a French band who were created originally as a joke -hence their relaxed attitude and lack of seriousness in the image and quotes.

Main Image: The main image is of the band The Teenagers. The image depicts their style and shows what the band is about and their attitudes. They look scruffy, laid back and like average teenagers. This gives you an indication of their genre of music and makes you able to relate to them

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Colouring: The colouring is mostly white, with elements of black and red in the main image to bring attention to it.

Title: The Title is less noticeable than the main image, and is very simple but effective. ‘USA’ is written in large, bold lettering in a grey colour so that it stands out from the white, but does not interfere with the main image.

Main Image: The main image is of Florence Welch, a well known singer who has cracked America (hence the red and white sheet in the image). She is wearing all black so that other elements of the picture stand out, for example the flag and her red hair.

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Colouring: The colouring is primarily black and white, so the first letter of the article stands out in its red form. There is little colour on the page, but this can be more effective as it gives a certain idea about the band.

Title: There is very little titling for this article, apart from the small indication of the name of the band being interviewed, U2.

Main Image: The main image is of U2. The main image is comprised of two different pictures merged together, one of the band when relaxing, and even though they are not in the kind of airplane that most people travel in, we can still relate to them, due to one of the band member s reading The Independent newspaper, which can be bought in most UK supermarkets and newsagents for £1. The second image is of them onstage, showing them as the public know them best.

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Colouring: The colouring is mainly black and white, with elements of red and blue to highlight certain features on the page. For example, the red of the shoes draws your attention to the main image.

Title: The title is in white lettering over the mainly black image. ‘Danger! Shakira at work’ This immediately indicates to the reader who the article is about, if they didn’t already recognise her from the pictures.

Main Image: The main image is of Shakira who is illustrating the title for the article, by being photographed in a recording studio, working on her music we should assume. There is a smaller image showing what other projects she has been working on, probably relating to a subject mentioned in the article.

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Colouring: The colouring is mainly red, black and white, showing the genre of music that the band being interviewed/reviewed create. Some of the more important details are in red, for example ‘world exclusive’ , but “The best MCR” is written in white to stand out on the black background and with the red for the rest of the statement.

Title: The title is a quote from the band, already capturing the audience’s attention by wondering what they have said. There is them a tag line explaining what the article will be about/will involve.

Main Image: The main images are of the band members of My Chemical Romance. Each of the images are in black and white, and are of them performing/working in the studio. This shows them at their best as they work, and relates to the title “We’re being the best MCR we can be!”.

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Colouring: The colours are white and yellow, with black text. The other colours of the clothing for the band are faded to grey.

Title: The title is ‘Will he, won’t he?’ a take on the name of the interviewee, Will.i.am. The title is written in two of the main colours, a faded yellow and grey.

Main Image: The main image is of The Black Eyed Peas, but with the other members faded out and Will.i.am in the foreground, wearing the main colour of the page. The image helps the reader to relate to Will.i.am with the association of the band.

Page 29: Media music magazine analysis

Colouring: Black, white and pink are the main colours for this article. The pinks are to illustrate the femininity of the artist, Taylor Swift.

Title: The title is the quote “I’m a dangerous girl to date!” which will interest the reader and make them want to reader more to see how she comes to this conclusion.

Main Image: The main image is of the interviewee in a pink/purple dress looking feminine and posing in a ‘wilder’ fashion than the average picture of her, as featured in smaller images on the bottom of the page.

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Colouring: Greys and whites with blue embellishments are featured on the spread. The page looks rustic and dated with the brown/grey tinged colouring of the background.

Title: The title instantly tells you the name of the band and makes you familiar with them for example if you didn’t know them by face, but had heard their music and knew the name.

Main Image: The main image is of the band all looking at the camera – this personalises the image and brings you closer to them. The main image is comprised of mostly brown colours in their clothes, which goes well with the faded background.

Page 31: Media music magazine analysis

Colouring: The colouring consists of mainly white with pink elements to the page. The pink shows the feminine element to the articles subject – Alexandra Burke.

Title: The title is the subjects name, identifying her and whether the audience wish to read the article or not – because of this acts popularity, it may pull a lot of readers in.

Main Image: The main image is of Alexandra Burke, wearing her signature style of clothing. The silver focuses your attention on the image of her, and makes it easier for the reader to spot the page if they were just flicking through. The image is large enough that it is noticeable and is facing the article, almost pointing out that the text is the way she is facing.

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