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Page 1: Media presentation

Media courseworkTaylor


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The masthead instantly allows us to understand what we can expect from the magazine

The main image is a perfect example of what aspect of school life this magazine is focusing on

The words at the bottom of the magazine also allow us to understand what can be of expected inside the magazine

The puffs also give us and sneak preview of what is inside the magazine helps us to decide whether we want to buy the magazine or not

Colour scheme of orange yellow and white, colour scheme is maintained on the front cover

There is a anchorage so we know who the person in the front cover is

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The masthead relates to the main image allows us to understand the topic of the magazine

The main image shows us the innocence and youth of a teenager, also shows us the maturity these are shown through the braces and the cap

The puffs relate to what all students are interested in (GCSE results) allows them to interest the audience before the look inside the magazine

As it is aimed at school children it takes into account of finance as they have priced their magazine at 99p which makes it affordable for school children

The font that is used is usually seen on the back of varsity jackets which are associated with secondary schools

They have kept to their colour scheme

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The masthead again relates to the main image as it shows students reading

The students aren’t giving the camera any eye contact to show that they are interested in the books

Colour scheme of white blue and black

The main image and puff allow us to get a sneak preview of what can be expected inside the magazine

Appropriate catchphrase for a school magazine

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This is a close up of two students. Only includes the top half of their body.

I have edited this picture by darkening the edges and darkening the background, I also darkened the two girls in order to make the picture clearer.

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Rough version of school magazine

As you can see from my rough versions I experimented with different lightings and fonts before

coming to my final decision

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I have changed the picture from colour to black and white and I have cropped out the other member of the photo in order to make the picture the right size for a magazine

I standard colour picture of two students working

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This is the final version of my

school magazine, as you can see I have further edited the

pictured and added puffs in order to attract

my audience into buying and reading my

magazine, the smaller pictures

on the cover allow the

audience to get a insight into what can be expected

inside the magazine

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School contents page

This is my final version of my contents page, I have darkened it in order for the to get rid of some of the back ground and to create a contrast between the main image and the smaller images, I added some text along with the pictures so that my readers will know what is to come without having to read through the whole magazine. The pictures help to interest the reader. After getting feedback from other peers I decided to go with this design as this seemed to please most

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Colour scheme



I would choose to use images like these as they are some of the most recognisable R&B artists

R&B magazines usually have clear bold font so these are some of the fonts I would choose

From R&B magazines I have seen they mostly consist of colours such as Blue and white so that’s why I've chosen these

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Front cover analysis

Vibe is published Len Burnett

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Contents page analysis

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A deep direct gaze, makes us feel included as he is looking straight us

A common blocky text that is used for the masthead, black colour which is usually associated with Goths and rock

A dark black background, helps create the mood of the rock magazine

Smoke coming out of his mouth, stays with the colour scheme of the black and white

The central image takes up most of the space of the front cover

There are additional things that come with the magazine to attract a specific type of audience

Kerrang! is published by Bauer Consumer Media.

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Images of artists that are associated with the rock genre allow people who are the reading the magazine to automatically know if they are interested in the magazine

The contents page is very crowded, which is how rock magazines are usually like

There are a lot images on the page which are accompanied by a lot of text, the images allow us to see a sneak peak of what is to come, allows us to decide what we want to read before purchasing the magazine properly

The text is the usually rock genre font, blocky with a dark text or back ground

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A clear classy font helps the audience identify the genre of the magazine. A typical classical music magazine masthead.

The main image is very clear and not cluttered, well lighted and neat, a medium shot, still makes the women attractive, as well as classy

Shows what kind of people would read a classical music magazine, upper classThe magazine has free

incentives to bring in a wider audience.

The magazine uses a well known musician who is associated with classical music which allows customers to automatically know what genre of music magazine they are buying

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The contents page of the classical music magazine looks very clean and organized which is what we expect of this genre of music magazine

The font is very clean and clear which is how a classical music is meant to be, by doing this they are allowing their customers to become familiar which how their magazine looks

They have different sections to their magazine, gives us an idea of the people who will read the magazine, allows them to select their target audience easier and they choose subjects which they know a specific amount of people will be interested in

The colours that are used in the contents page are what we would expect, they are bright and not overpowering, mostly red, white and black. Makes the magazine very clear and bright

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The double page spread usually has a picture that takes up a whole a page or can ‘bleed’ onto the next page

The second page usually has a lot of writing explaining the person in the picture on the other side, The text will start with a drop cap in order for the reader to know where the text starts

The writing on his face gives us and insight to his personality, while the text gives us a deeper explanation into who he is

The picture used shows us that he is happy with the ‘life of a shooting star’ Shows him smiling, the picture also allows us to see his interest in body art as in the picture he is covered in words and pictures

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The picture is bleeding onto the next page

The word wild is written in ‘wild’ text as the world child I written in a more standard bold text

A clear colour scheme of black white and pink, they use these colours as pink is associated with girls

There is a lot of writing on the second page which is what is expected from a double page spread

The women is wearing black leather clothes which contrasts her blonde hair, sticks to the colour scheme of light and dark

Dark eye make up, seems mysterious

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The vibe masthead is very simple it used a black bold font to contrast the white back ground and this helps the masthead to stand out and makes it easy for the audience to remember.

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The Kerrang! masthead is very unique as it has a effect that creates a smashed glass effect, this allows it to be very unique and because of this it is very identifiable by their audience. This is good as then they are easily recognisable and it sets them apart from the other magazines that are doing the same genre of music. Also the ! Connotes that there is something special about this magazine.

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This classical music masthead, is very clean and simplistic which is how all classical music magazines are and therefore this helps the audience to identify this magazine as it is what they would expect from a classical music magazine. The symbol above the writing resembles a crown which helps to identify their target audience. (Upper class)

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What I learned from my results From my questionnaire results I have learned that my

audience value magazines which have a high quality and that they are willing to pay more for a magazine that is high quality, furthermore from my questionnaire I was able to find out what extras my audience would prefer to see inside my magazine and therefore I will now be able to gather a wider range of people through analysing the answers and adapting my magazine to them.

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As you can see from the image on the left it was very generic and boring, because of this I darkened the picture a lot in order to get rid of the chair and to highlight his hands, the name of his guitar, his face and the symbol on the strap of the guitar. It also bring the focus of the main image onto him as well, I also brightened the mast head font colour and some of the puffs, I added more puffs in order to grab my audiences attentions

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