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Page 1: Media studies question 6 (powerpoint)

What Have I Leant About The Technology From The Process of Constructing

The Product?

Beth Emily Cooper

Page 2: Media studies question 6 (powerpoint)

What Programmes and Equipment I Used..

Video Camera TripodGarage BandFinal CutPhotoshopWordpress.com

Page 3: Media studies question 6 (powerpoint)

Video camera..

I have learnt to actually use the video camera we were given. When I first received the camera (as I did cinematography) I had no idea how to use it. The Flip screen was extremely useful due to the position of our main character, this was because if we flipped the camera screen around the subject could see where he was going wrong and where he needed to move to.

Also the play back on the camera was very useful because after every shot we filmed we would watch them back to see if it was still or shaky and if we had to re-film the shot. There were no obvious drawbacks or problems with the camera.

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I didn’t really learn anything new from using the tripod as I already knew how to use them due to using them in photography. There are no real draw backs all faults with it either. We used it on a number of occasions whilst filming but not as much as we could of done to create stiller shots for out Thriller sequence.

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Garage Band ..Using Garage Band was a massive task. I have used it briefly in my first school, however I have never been asked to make a eerie thriller soundtrack! The biggest task of using Garage Band was working out all the controls such as, how to get the keyboard piano up which I have never ever used. The only downside to garage band is that it is very time consuming and extremely complicated when you don’t know what you are doing! If we had had more time working on our project then I would have liked to have mastered it for next time around

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Final Cut..I find using Final Cut extremely frustrating as it is so sensitive! You make the slightest change to your sound on your work and the entire sound is then out of sync with the clip. I already had some skill with final cut due to film studies, however I find putting text over the top of clips (e.g. the credits) very confusing. However we mastered it in the end and it allowed us to make more of an effective thriller opening sequence. The draw backs would be that if you had never used Final Cut it would be very time consuming to learn with such little time.

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I already had a lot of previous experience using Photoshop as I take Photography and us it as a hobby so did not learn anything that I didn’t already know. Photoshop allowed us to make our logo and our film poster. There are know obvious drawbacks apart from time consuming.

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Wordpress is completely new software that I had never used before. It was such an easy form of blog to use and I got the hang of it quite easily. The blog allowed us to post all of our posts and evaluation tasks somewhere public for our teacher to monitor our progress.There are no obvious drawbacks to Wordpress as it is so easy to use!

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