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Page 1: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Medical Jeopardy

Sterile Procedures

Page 2: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen

Page 3: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What are anerobic bacteria?

Page 4: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Lysol is an example of one

Page 5: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is a disinfectant?

Page 6: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is a machine that removes debris and dirt but does not disinfect or sterilize at all

Page 7: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is an ultrasonic cleaner or “sterilizer?”

Page 8: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Two famous people worked in Springfield, one is imaginary and the other used to be a governor there

Page 9: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Homer Simpson and Barack Obama (Springfield is the capital of Illinois)

Page 10: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is the number of layers of wrap that every pack for the autoclave must have and the time a surgeon should scrub

Page 11: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is two layers and ten minutes?

Page 12: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The universal antiseptic used in surgery

Page 13: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Betadine (generic name is povidone iodine)

Page 14: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Tuberculosis and tetanus have this in common

Page 15: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What are bacilli?

Page 16: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

If Dr. Robert Koch invites you to dinner, make sure he doesn’t serve you on these plates

Page 17: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is a Petri dish?

Page 18: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The two modalities that are at work in the autoclave to kill microorganisms

Page 19: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What are high temperature and high pressure?

Page 20: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The method of sterilizing rubber gloves and catheter plastic tubing

Page 21: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Gas sterilization using ethylene oxide

Page 22: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is an inanimate surface that may carry microorganisms

Page 23: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is a fomite?

Page 24: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is the nutrient substance common for microbiologists to grow bacteria

Page 25: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is Agar?

Page 26: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Peroxide will kill this bacterium

Page 27: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is tetanus? (anerobic growth only hence in puncture wounds only)

Page 28: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It means “hospital infection”

Page 29: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is “nosocomial”?

Page 30: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

She acted in the films The Wrestler, Wild Hogs, My Cousin Vinnie and was won an Oscar for best supporting actress in My Cousin Vinnie

Page 31: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Who is Marisa Tomei?

Page 32: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

This organization follows the course of epidemics to monitor them and their possible causes

Page 33: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia

Page 34: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

All medical waste is ultimately disposed of by this process

Page 35: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is incineration?

Page 36: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The consequence that might occur in young people who ignore a strep throat

Page 37: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Rheumatic fever and resulting heart valve damage

Page 38: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Tinactin, Lotrimin and Desenex are all examples of what kind of medication?

Page 39: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Fungicides (yeast and mold killers)

Page 40: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

A bacterium that produces a toxin (poison) that is marketed for cosmetic reasons when injected.

Page 41: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Botulism toxin from the botulism bacterium paralyzes muscles hence the name “Botox” (so you don’t look so wrinkled from contracting facial muscles)

Botulism and Tetanus toxins are almost identical

Page 42: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Bacteria that are no longer susceptible to our antibiotics belong to a group known as these

Page 43: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What are “superbugs?”

Page 44: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The first discovered superbug is known by this abbreviation

Page 45: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is a “MRSA” or “methicillin resistant staphlococcus aureaus” also known as “hospital staph” or “flesh eating staph”

Page 46: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

By graduating this university, you can become a member of the alumni association known as “The 12th Man Club”

Page 47: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is Texas A & M?

Page 48: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Rats probably pooped in your water supply to transmit this bacterial disorder to you

Page 49: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is cholera?

Page 50: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The process by which yeast fungi convert wheat to beer

Page 51: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is fermentation?

Page 52: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is a type of bacterium that generally causes abscess formation and pus

Page 53: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is staphlococcus?

Page 54: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

How you know a surgical pack on the shelf was definitely autoclaved

Page 55: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The indicator tape on the pack turns dark and has visible stripes

Page 56: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The three things you need to write on the sterile pack when storing it

Page 57: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The contents and the date of sterilization and your name being the responsible person for its sterility

Page 58: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

They both have an album called “Red”

Page 59: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Taylor Swift and Ne-Yo

Page 60: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

When the fertility doctors talks about being sterile, they mean this

Page 61: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Having no sex cells (sperm or eggs)

Page 62: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Two Texas college teams that wear red jerseys

Page 63: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

UH and Texas Tech (Cougars and Red Raiders)

Page 64: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

How long the average shelf life is for an autoclaved surgical pack

Page 65: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Sixty days

Page 66: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Their mascot is a “horned toad:”

Page 67: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Texas Christian University in Fort Worth

Page 68: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Leonardo looked a little cyanotic at the end of this one

Page 69: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.


Page 70: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Two examples of a diseases caused by a spirochetes

Page 71: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What are syphilis and cholera?

Page 72: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is a type of bacterium generally carrying diseases by insects

Page 73: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What are Ricketsiae?

Page 74: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Germ theory was not possible without the invention of this scientist to visualize microorganisms

Page 75: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Who was Anton Van Leuvanhoeck, and his microscope?

Page 76: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is a machine used to keep bacteria growing overnight at body temperature

Page 77: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is an incubator?

Page 78: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The microscope slide showed the purulence (pus) had a string of pearls of round bacteria; you can diagnose this before a C & S as this

Page 79: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.


Page 80: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is the seed form for fungi

Page 81: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What are spores?

Page 82: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is the name of the roots that grow from a spore when you warm it, moisturize it and keep it away from sunlight

Page 83: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Hyphae (fungi roots). They grow into your skin causing allergic itching reactions like athlethe’s foot, yeast infections (girls) and jock itch (guys)

Page 84: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is the single most important method of breaking the chain of infection cycle

Page 85: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is hand washing?

Page 86: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

He is credited with creating the germ theory of disease

Page 87: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Who was Louis Pasteur?

Page 88: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

He is credited with developing most of the culturing techniques we use in microbiology labs

Page 89: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Who was Robert Koch?(founder of microbiology)

Page 90: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is a chemical which literally means, “against life”

Page 91: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is an antibiotic? Life in this case referring to living microorganisms

Page 92: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is a chemical which literally means “against dirt”

Page 93: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is an antiseptic? (chemicals used to clean wounds) while disinfectants only clean fomites (surfaces of inanimate objects like desks and walls and floors)

Page 94: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The type of bacteria that only infects people who’s resistance is low or have a gaping wound which could be infected by non-pathogens even

Page 95: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What are opportunistic bacteria?

Page 96: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

This disease is both anerobic and associated with puncture wounds only

Page 97: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is tetanus?

Page 98: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Mr. Clean and Pine sol are examples of these

Page 99: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What are disinfectants?

Page 100: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is the technical name for a hospital given infection

Page 101: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is a nosocomial infection?

Page 102: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Who recently almost died from an overdose of “lean”?

Page 103: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

L’l Wayne

Page 104: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The type of chemical solution is used for cold “sterilization”?

Page 105: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is a detergent? (this is not sterilizing at all but more like “sanitizing” a little)

Page 106: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is the place in the hospital where patients with airborne communicable bacteria are kept

Page 107: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is isolation or “wound isolation”; used to be called “quarantine”

Page 108: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It is an “obligate intracellular parasite”

Page 109: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

A virus; a piece of DNA or RNA that infests the DNA of a host’s nucleus or cytoplasm and kills it ultimately or may cause cancer

Page 110: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What Grey’s Anatomy was before it was a TV show, or why the name?

Page 111: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The name of the most famous textbook of human anatomy used in all medical schools

Page 112: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The two types of glands in the skin (medical names only)

Page 113: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Sebacceous and suderiferous (sweat)

Page 114: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The organization that has set the guidelines for “standard precautions” in hospitals and medical offices

Page 115: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is the center for disease control? (CDC)

Page 116: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The type of organism that cannot live and reproduce outside a host’s body and alters it’s host’s DNA when it infects them

Page 117: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is a virus?

Page 118: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The factors essential for fungi to grow

Page 119: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Moisture, warmth and darkness

Page 120: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What Joliet, San Quentin and Sing Sing all have in common

Page 121: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

All are famous prisons

Page 122: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The name of the angular cut on the end of an injecting needle

Page 123: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is the bevel?

Page 124: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The doctor who utilized the first antiseptic for surgeons prior to operating

Page 125: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Who was Dr. Joseph Lister?

Page 126: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

An MD who specializes in PT

Page 127: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.


Page 128: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

She was proposed to at the Taj Mahal

Page 129: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Katie Perry

Page 130: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What malpractice is legally

Page 131: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Case of civil negligence

Page 132: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

You want to become a health care worker but don’t want to spend four years in medical school but still want to examine and treat patients in offices and hospitals under the supervision of an MD. What field is for you?

Page 133: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

Physician assistant (also known as nurse practitioner is you want to go through nursing school). Both require seven years of training, BS degree plus three years of graduate training, earn about $100,000 per year. One is coming to visit us Thursday who graduated KHS and practices in Katy

Page 134: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

They help families in need

Page 135: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.


Page 136: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The person who sues a defendant in a civil lawsuit is called this

Page 137: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The plaintiff

Page 138: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

He/she decides matters of law, not guilt, during a court case

Page 139: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The judge

Page 140: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It means a narrowing of a blood vessel

Page 141: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is a stenosis (if lumen is blocked with arteriosclerosis permanently) or “vasoconstriction” if due to epinephrine, caffeine, cocaine or nicotine substances, cold, and is temporary.

Page 142: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It takes place in “Forks”

Page 143: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.


Page 144: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It means a widening of a blood vessel

Page 145: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

What is an aneurysm? (or vasodilation if due to ethanol, relaxation, warmth)

Page 146: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

It means this game is over

Page 147: Medical Jeopardy Sterile Procedures. This type of bacteria are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.

The End

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