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    Lesson 11 Lesson 11

    Enterobacteriaceae Part I

  • Enterobacteriaceae

    The family Enterobacteriaceae is the largest

    most heterogeneous collection of medically

    important Gram negative bacilli

    A total of 32 genera and more than 130 A total of 32 genera and more than 130

    species have been described

    These genera have been classified based on

    biochemical properties, antigenic structure,

    and nucleic acid hybridisation and sequencing

  • Enterobacteriaceae

    Enterobacteriaceae are ubiquitous organisms, being found worldwide in soil, water and vegetation, and are part of the normal intestinal flora of most animals, including human

    Some organisms (e.g. Salmonella typhi, Shigella Some organisms (e.g. Salmonella typhi, Shigellasp., Yersinia pestis) are always associated with disease

    Others (e.g. E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis) are members of the normal commensal flora that can cause opportunistic infections

  • Enterobacteriaceae

    A third group of Enterobacteriaceae exists -those normally commensal organisms that become pathogenic when they acquire virulence factor genes on plasmids, bacteriophages, or pathogenicity islands (e.g. bacteriophages, or pathogenicity islands (e.g. E. coli associated with gastroenteritis)

    Infections with the Enterobacteriaceae can originate from an animal reservoir, or through the endogenous organisms in a susceptible patient and can involve virtually all body sites

  • Enterobacteriaceae

  • Physiology and Structure

    Moderately sized (0.3 - 1.0 x 1.0 - 6.0 m)

    Gram negative bacilli

    They are either non-motile or motile with

    peritrichous flagella and do not form sporesperitrichous flagella and do not form spores

    All members can grow rapidly aerobically and

    anaerobically (facultative anaerobes) on a

    variety of non-selective (e.g. blood agar) and

    selective (e.g. MacConkey) media

  • Physiology and Structure

    Simple nutritional requirements - ferment glucose, reduce nitrites, and are catalase-positive and oxidase-negative

    The absence of cytochrome oxidase activity is The absence of cytochrome oxidase activity is an important characteristic, because it can be measured rapidly with a simple test and is used to distinguish the Enterobacteriaceae from many other fermentative and non-fermentative Gram negative bacilli

  • Physiology and Structure

    Characteristics of the organisms colonies on

    different media have been used to identify

    common members of the family


    Ability to ferment lactose: differentiate lactose-

    fermenting strains (e.g. Escherichia, Klebsiella,

    Enterobacter, Citrobacter and Serratia sp.)

    from non-lactose fermenting strains (e.g.

    Proteus, Salmonella and Yersinia sp.)

  • Physiology and Structure

    Resistance to bile salt: separate enteric

    pathogen (e.g. Shigella, Salmonella) from

    commensal organisms inhibited by bile salt

    Enterobacteriaceae have prominent capsules, Enterobacteriaceae have prominent capsules,

    whereas other strains are surrounded by a

    loose-fitting, diffusible slime layer

  • Physiology and Structure

    The heat-stable lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is the

    major cell wall antigen and consists of 3


    The somatic O polysaccharide

    A core polysaccharide

    Lipid A

  • Physiology and Structure

    The serology classification of the

    Enterobacteriaceae is based on 3 antigens:

    somatic O polysaccharide

    Capsular K antigens Capsular K antigens

    Flagella H proteins

    Specific O antigens are present in each genus,

    although cross-reactions between closely

    related genera are common (e.g. Salmonella

    with Citrobacter, Escherichia with Shigella)

  • Physiology and Structure

    Different genera both within and outside the family Enterobacteriaceae possess K antigens

    e.g. E. coli K1 cross-reacts with Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus pneumoniae, meningitidis and Haemophilus pneumoniae, and Klebsiella pneumoniae cross-reacts with Streptococcus pneumoniae

    H antigens are heat-labile, flagellar proteins

    They may be absent from a cell, or they may undergo antigenic variation and be present in 2 phases

  • Pathogenesis and Immunity

    Virulence factors:

    1. Endotoxin

    2. Capsule

    3. Antigenic phase variation3. Antigenic phase variation

    4. Sequestration of growth factors

    5. Resistance to serum killing

    6. Antimicrobial resistance

  • Virulence Factor - Endotoxin

    A virulence factor shared among all aerobic

    and some anaerobic Gram negative bacteria

    The activity of this toxin depends on the lipid The activity of this toxin depends on the lipid

    A component of lipopolysaccharide, which is

    released at cell lysis

  • Virulence Factor - Endotoxin

    Many of the systemic manifestations of Gram

    negative bacterial infections are initiated by

    endotoxin, including:endotoxin, including:

    Activation of complement release of cytokines,

    leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, disseminated

    intravascular coagulation, fever, decreased

    peripheral circulation, shock, death

  • Virulence Factor - Capsule

    Encapsulated Enterobacteriaceae are protected from phagocytosis by hydrophilic capsular antigens, which repel the hydrophobic phagocytic cell surface

    These antigens interfere with the binding of antibodies to the bacteria and are poor immunogens or activators of complement

    The protective role of capsule is diminished, however, if the patient develops specific anti-capsular antibodies

  • Virulence Factor - Antigenic Phase


    The expression of capsular K and flagellar H

    antigens is under the genetic control of the


    Each of these antigens can be alternately

    expressed or not expressed (phase variation),

    a feature that protects the bacteria from

    antibody-mediated cell death

  • Virulence Factor - Type III Secretion


    A variety of distinct bacteria (e.g. Yersinia, Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia, Pseudomonas, Chlamydia) have a common effector system for delivering their virulence genes into targeted delivering their virulence genes into targeted eukaryotic cells

    This system consists of approximately 20 proteins that facilitate secretion of bacterial virulence factor into host cells

    In the absence of the type III secretion system the bacteria lose their virulence

  • Virulence factor - Sequestration of

    Growth Factors

    Nutrients are provided to the organisms in

    enriched culture media, but the bacteria must

    become nutritional scavengers when growing become nutritional scavengers when growing

    in vivo

    Iron is an important growth factor required by

    bacteria, but it is bound in haeme proteins

    (e.g. haemoglobin, myoglobin) or in iron-

    chelating proteins (e.g. transferrin, lactoferrin)

  • Virulence factor - Sequestration of

    Growth Factors

    The bacteria counteract the binding by

    producing their own competitive iron-

    chelating compounds (e.g. siderophores chelating compounds (e.g. siderophores

    enterobactin and aerobactin)

  • Virulence Factor - Resistance to Serum


    Virulent organisms capable of producing

    systemic infections are frequently resistant to

    serum killing

    Although the bacterial capsule can protect the

    organism from serum killing, other factors

    prevent the binding of complement

    components to the bacteria and subsequent

    complement-mediated clearance

  • Virulence Factor - Antimicrobial


    As rapidly as new antibiotics are introduced,

    organisms can develop resistance to them

    The resistance can be encoded on transferable The resistance can be encoded on transferable

    plasmid and exchanged among species,

    genera, and even families of bacteria

  • Escherichia coli

    The genus Escherichia consists of 5 species, of which E. coli is the most common and clinically most important

    This organism is associated with a variety of This organism is associated with a variety of disease, including sepsis, UTIs, meningitis, and gastroenteritis

    Many O, H, and K antigens have been described, and they are used to classify the isolates for epidemiologic purposes

  • Escherichia coli

  • Escherichia coli

  • Pathogenesis and Immunity

    Specialised virulence factors: Adhesins

    Colonisation factor antigens CFA/I, CFA/II and CFA/III

    Aggregative adherence fimbriae AFF/I and AFF/II

    Bundle-forming protein (Bfp)

    Intimin Intimin

    P pili

    Ipa protein

    Dr fimbriae

    Exotoxins Heat-stable toxins Sta and STb

    Shiga toxins Stx-1 and Stx-2

    Haemolysin HlyA

    Heat-labile toxins LT-I and LT-II

  • Epidemiology

    Large numbers of E. coli are present in the GI tract, and the bacteria are common causes of sepsis, neonatal meningitis, infections of the urinary tract, and gastroenteritis

    The most common Gram negative bacilli isolated from patients with sepsis

    Responsible for causing more than 80% of all community-acquired UTIs as well as hospital-acquired infections

  • Epidemiology

    A prominent cause of gastroenteritis in

    developing countries

    Most infections (with the exception of

    neonatal meningitis and gastroenteritis) are neonatal meningitis and gastroenteritis) are

    endogenous; that is, E. coli that are part of the

    patients normal flora are able to establish

    infection when the patients defenses are


  • Clinical Diseases - Septicaemia

    Originates from infections in the urinary or GI

    tract (e.g. an intra-abdominal infection with

    sepsis following intestinal perforation)

    The mortality associated with E. coli The mortality associated with E. coli

    septicaemia is high for patients in whom

    immunity is compromised or the primary

    infection is in the abdomen or central nervous


  • Clinical Diseases - Urinary Tract Infection


    Originate in the colon, contaminate the urethra,

    ascend into the bladder, and may migrate to the

    kidney or prostate

    Disease is more common with certain specific Disease is more common with certain specific


    These bacteria are particularly virulent because of

    their ability to produce adhesins (primarily P pili,

    AAF/I, AAF/II, and Dr.), which bind to cell lining the

    bladder and upper UT, and haemolysin HlyA

  • Clinical Diseases - Neonatal Meningitis

    E. coli and group B streptococci cause the

    majority of central nervous systemic infections

    in infants younger than 1 month

    Approximately 75% of the E. coli strains Approximately 75% of the E. coli strains

    possess the K1 capsular antigen, which is

    commonly present in the GI tract of pregnant

    women and newborn infants

  • Clinical Diseases - Gastroenteritis

    Divided into 6 groups:

    1. Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)

    2. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)

    3. Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)3. Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)

    4. Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)

    5. Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC)

    6. Diffusely adherent E. coli (DAEC)

  • Clinical Diseases - Gastroenteritis1. ETEC

    Most commonly in developing countries, most common cause of Travellers diarrhoea

    The inoculum for disease is high, so infections are primarily acquired through consumption of faecally contaminated food or waterprimarily acquired through consumption of faecally contaminated food or water

    Produce 2 classes of enterotoxins: heat-labile toxins (LT-I, LT-II) and heat-stable toxins (STa and STb

    LT-I is structurally similar to cholera toxin

    This toxin consists of one A subunit and 5 identical B subunits

  • Clinical Diseases - Gastroenteritis

    2. EPEC

    Major cause of infant diarrhoea in impoverished countries, rare in older children and adults, presumably because they have developed protective immunitydeveloped protective immunity

    Disease is characterised by bacterial attachment to epithelial cells of the small intestine with subsequent effacement (destruction) of the microvilli, which result in diarrhoea

  • Clinical Diseases - Gastroenteritis

    Initially a loose attachment mediated by

    bundle-forming pili (Bfp) occurs, followed by

    active secretion of proteins by the bacterial

    type III secretion system into host epithelial type III secretion system into host epithelial


    Translocated intimin receptor (Tir) is inserted

    into the epithelial cell membrane and

    functions as a receptor for an outer membrane

    bacterial adhesin, intimin

  • Clinical Diseases - Gastroenteritis

    3. EIEC

    Closely related by phenotypic and pathogenic properties to Shigella

    Produce disease similar to shigellosis

    The bacteria are able to invade and destroy the The bacteria are able to invade and destroy the colonic epithelium, producing a disease characterised initially by watery diarrhoea

    A series of bacterial genes carried on a plasmid mediate invasion (plnv genes) into the colonic epithelium

  • Clinical Diseases - Gastroenteritis

    The bacteria then lyse the phagocytic vacuole

    and replicate in the cell cytoplasm

    Movement within the cytoplasm and into

    adjacent epithelial cells is regulated by adjacent epithelial cells is regulated by

    formation of actin tails

    This process of epithelial cell destruction with

    inflammatory infiltration can progress to

    colonic ulceration

  • Clinical Diseases - Gastroenteritis

    4. EHEC

    The most common strains producing disease in

    developed countries

    The ingestion of fewer than 100 bacilli can The ingestion of fewer than 100 bacilli can

    produce disease

    Symptoms: uncomplicated diarrhoea to

    haemorrhagic colitis with severe abdominal

    pain, bloody diarrhoea, and little or no fever

  • Clinical Diseases - Gastroenteritis

    Haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)

    Characterised by acute renal failure,

    thrombocytopenia, and microangiopathic

    haemolytic anaemiahaemolytic anaemia

    Most cases attributed to the consumption of

    undercooked ground beef or other meat

    products, water, unpasteurised milk or fruit

    juices, uncooked vegetables, and fruits

  • Clinical Diseases - Gastroenteritis

    Express a Shiga-like toxin, induce lesions on

    epithelial cells, and possess a 60 MDa plasmid

    that carries genes for other virulence factors

    The Stx toxins also stimulate expression of The Stx toxins also stimulate expression of

    inflammatory cytokines (e.g. TNF-, IL-6)

    Death can occur in 3 - 5% of patients with HUS,

    and severe sequelae (e.g. renal impairment,

    hypertension, CNS manifestation) can occur in

    as many as 30% of patients

  • Clinical Diseases - Gastroenteritis

    5. EAEC

    Implicated as a cause of persistent, watery diarrhoea with dehydration in infants in developing countries

    The bacteria is characterised by their auto-agglutination in a stacked brick arrangement -mediated by bundle - forming fimbriae

    Stimulate secretion of mucus, shortening of the microvilli, mononuclear infiltration, and haemorrhage are observed

  • Clinical Diseases - Gastroenteritis

    6. DAEC

    Adherence characteristic to cultured cells

    Stimulate elongation of the microvilli with the

    bacteria embedded in the cell membranebacteria embedded in the cell membrane

    The resulting disease is watery diarrhoea

    found primarily in infants between 1 - 5 years

    of age

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