+ All Categories
Page 1: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

StandardizingMedical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany basedon HL7® FHIR®Frank Oemig, Bernd Blobel

Page 2: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,


Quality Reporting toPublic Health Agenciesrequiredbylaw

Specificationdefined& releasedbyIQTIQ (aQuaInstitute)Rich functionality: content, rules, export format, ..Developed in cooperationwith industryProvidedasMS Access Database

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 2

Page 3: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Public Health Agency

Current Process

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 3

Institution (Hospital, GP, ..)

HIS RegistryQA

IQTIQ (aQua)



Data, Rules Format

Page 4: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Public Health Agency

Current Process

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 4

Institution (Hospital, GP, ..)

HIS RegistryQA

IQTIQ (aQua)



Data, Rules Format

ADT, ..

Page 5: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Status Quo: Modules

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 5

Page 6: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Status Quo: Export Format

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 6

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Status Quo: Workflow + Validation

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 7

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12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 8

Forms forData Capture



Page 9: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Status Quo: Rules

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12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 10

Forms / Data Capture Rules


Data Access

Page 11: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Status Quo: Access Database

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 11

QA Database FHIR CommentModule Questionnaire +

Data ElementAlternatively, as an extension aggregating different questionnaires into a group

Form Questionnaire.item.group Mapping due to module concept.Fields Data Elements (Items) A separate representation allows for re-useRule Extension Captures either FHIR path expressions or

proprietary languageShortlist Value SetTrigger EventExport format Resource bundle or

Structure Definitionproprietary export formats should be replaced by already existing formats like FHIR resources

Page 12: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,




Mapping toFHIR

04./05.09.17QS-Basisspezifikation und FHIR 12

Modules: HierarchicalForms with Fields Rules Short Lists Trigger






Value Set


Export Formats

EventDefinition+ Task Plan

Data Element Extension

QA Base Specifi-cation

FHIR Resources

Page 13: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,


12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 13

<extension url="http:/ /xx.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Questionnaire-validation-expression" ><extension url="details" ><valueCodeableConcept ><coding ><code value="G001"/>

</coding><text value="‘Completion date’ cannot be a future date"/>

</valueCodeableConcept></extension><extension url="location" ><valueString value="linkId='CompletionDate'"/>

</extension><valueString value=".where(linkId='Section-G').item.where(linkId = 'CompletionDate').answer.value <= today()"/></extension>

Page 14: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Rule Categories

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 14

Category Description1 Authentifizierung Authentication

2 Paket-Prüfungen Package

3 Formale Prüfungen Formal

4 Schemaprüfung Schema

5 Datei-Prüfungen Files

6 Zuständigkeitsprüfung References

7 Dubletten-/Pool-Prüfung Integrity

8 Plausibilitätsregeln (Admin) Adm. Plausability

9 Entschlüsselung (QS) Encryption

10 Plausibilitätsregeln (QS) QA plausability

11 Plausibilitätsregeln (Statistik) Statistical plausability

12 Patientendaten-Abgleich Patient data

Page 15: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,


Mathematical+ , -, *, /, DIVBoolean<, <=, >, >=, <>, =UND, ODER, NICHTIN, NICHTIN, EINSIN, KEINSIN, JEDESIN, EINSNICHTIN

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 15

Definition ofa formal language

Page 16: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Semanticannotationfor fields

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 16




Page 17: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Value Sets (and Coding Systems)

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 17

CodeCodeCoding System?

Page 18: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

FHIR Questionnaire

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 18

{"resourceType" : "Questionnaire","id": "DEK","meta" : {"lastUpdated" : "2017-09-05T15:32:11Z","profile" : ["http:/ /hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Questionnaire"

]},"text" : {"status" : "generated","div" : "<div xmlns=\"http:/ /www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><p>Das ist jetzt der

Dekubitus-Boegen.... zumindest ein Teil davon</p></div>"},


"identifier" : [{"use" : "usual","system" : "http:// iqtig.de/fhir/ identifier/boegen","value" : "DEK-2018"

}],"status": "active","date" : "2017-08-30","description" : "Ein Fragebogen zum Test","purpose": "Beschreibung des Zwecks","effectivePeriod": {

"start": "2018-01-01", "end": "2018-12-31"


"item" : [


"extension": [


"url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/questionnaire-maxOccurs",

"valueInteger": "30"



"url": "http:// iqtig.de/fhir/Language/KEINSIN",

"valueCoding": "http:// iqtig.de/fhir/valueSet/diagliste-117"



"linkId" : "entlassdiagnose",

"text" : "Entlassdiagnose",

"type" : "choice",

"required": "true",

"repeats": "true",

"options": {

"reference": "http://www.dimdi.de/codingSystem/icd10gm2018"



Page 19: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Discussion: Migration Paths

Partially(als special actionitems)Extract Value SetsQuestionnairesinl. ResponseRulesExport formats

Or all together

Or submit requirementson international levelWithout anyown steps

04./05.09.17QS-Basisspezifikation und FHIR 19

Page 20: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Next Steps



Proof of concept

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 20

Cooperation ofStakeholders

Page 21: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Vielen Dank!

DR. FRANK OEMIG, FHL7Senior eHealth Architectwww.telekom-healthcare.com

DEUTSCHE TELEKOM HEALTHCARE AND SECURITY SOLUTIONS GMBHAm Fernmeldeamt 10-18, 45145 EssenTelefon: +49 201 8145 3282Mobil: +49 170 8755 017E-Mail: [email protected]

Page 22: Medical Quality Assurance and Control in Germany based on HL7 FHIRihic.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Oemig.pdf · 2018-07-19 · Control in Germany based on HL7 ®FHIR® Frank Oemig,

Standards Expert

What society thinksI do

What I actuallydoWhat I think I doWhat myfriendsthink I do

What mycolleaguesthink I doWhat mydad thinksI do

12.07.2018IHIC 2018: QA in Germany based on FHIR 22

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