+ All Categories







Procedure for applying the Request at Kiosk End:

Table 1: Service Information at Glance ................................

Figure 1: Revenue Department ................................

Figure 2: Re Issuance of Integrated certificate Selection under Revenue Department

Figure 3: Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Figure 4: Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Figure 5: Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Figure 6: Search page in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Figure 7: Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Figure 8: select application No. in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate search Request Screen

Figure 9: Get details selection ................................

Figure 10: Informant and documents details in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Figure 11: Payment and confirmation details in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Figure 12: Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate receipt

Figure 13: Certificate ................................


Request at Kiosk End: - ................................................................

List of Tables


List of Figures


Figure 2: Re Issuance of Integrated certificate Selection under Revenue Department ................................

Figure 3: Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen ................................................................

Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen ................................................................

Figure 5: Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen ................................................................

Figure 6: Search page in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen ................................

Figure 7: Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen ................................................................

8: select application No. in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate search Request Screen


Figure 10: Informant and documents details in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Figure 11: Payment and confirmation details in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Figure 12: Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate receipt ................................................................


............................................... 3









8: select application No. in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate search Request Screen ...........................8


Figure 10: Informant and documents details in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen ...................9

Figure 11: Payment and confirmation details in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen ...................9

........................................................ 10

.............................................. 11

REISSUANCE OF INTEGRATED CERTIFICATE MeeSeva Introduces ‘Re Issuance of Integrated certificate

Revenue Department. This service is useful to citizen to get the integrated

approved in MeeSeva. Applicant need not to apply fresh integrated service,

by reference of earlier MeeSeva certificate No.

Category Type A Service Charges NA User Charges INR 25/- Documents Required 1. ID Proof of the actual applicant or his/her parents

SLA 15 Minutes


Note: The asterisk (*) denotes mandatory requirement of documents.

Procedure for applying the Request at Kiosk End: This section contains instructions for the operators of the MeeIssuance of Integrated certificate.

1) In MeeSeva home screen, under Figure 1.


e Issuance of Integrated certificate Service to the citizen, which

This service is useful to citizen to get the integrated certificate

Applicant need not to apply fresh integrated service, they can avail this service

certificate No.

ID Proof of the actual applicant or his/her parents*

15 Minutes

Table 1: Service Information at Glance

) denotes mandatory requirement of documents.

Procedure for applying the Request at Kiosk End: -

ns for the operators of the MeeSeva web application to apply for

home screen, under List of Services, select Revenue Department

Figure 1: Revenue Department

Service to the citizen, which is under

certificate which is already

they can avail this service

eva web application to apply for Re

Department as depicted in

2) Select Re Issuance of Integrated certificateFigure 2.

Figure 2: Re Issuance of Integrated

3) Now Re Issuance of Integrated certificate Figure 3.

Figure 3: Re Issuance

ntegrated certificate Under Revenue Department

Issuance of Integrated certificate Selection under Revenue Department

Issuance of Integrated certificate Request Screen will be displayed as depicted

Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Department as depicted in


Screen will be displayed as depicted in

4) Enter old approved integrated certificate depicted in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Re Issuance

5) Now Re Issuance of Integrated certificate Request Screen displays

old approved integrated certificate application no. and click on Get Details

Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Issuance of Integrated certificate Request Screen displays as depicted

Get Details Button as

depicted in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Re Issuance

Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Note: - Here If old approved integrated certificate on Name, District, Mandal, village

6) Click on Search Button. As

Figure 6: Search page in

7) Enter applicant details Such as Button as depicted in figure 7

Figure 7: Re Issuance of

old approved integrated certificate application no. is not available we can search based

depicted in Figure 6.

Search page in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Enter applicant details Such as applicant Name, District, Mandal, Village anddepicted in figure 7.

Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

application no. is not available we can search based

request screen

Village and click on Search

8) After click on search Button it displays Applicant detailsFigure 8.

Figure 8: select application No. in

9) After selects application Number click on

displays Applicant details, select application number

select application No. in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate search

After selects application Number click on Get Details Button as depicted in Figure 9

Figure 9: Get details selection

, select application number as depicted in

search Request Screen

Button as depicted in Figure 9.

10) Enter Informant details such as Informant Name, relation with applicant, Mobile No. andID Proof of the actual applicant or his/her parentsdepicted in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Informant and documents details in

11) Collect necessary payment and click on confirm payment butto

Figure 11: Payment and confirmation details in

12) On confirmation, a receipt will be generated

Enter Informant details such as Informant Name, relation with applicant, Mobile No. andID Proof of the actual applicant or his/her parents and click on show payment button

Informant and documents details in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Collect necessary payment and click on confirm payment button as depicted in figure 1

Payment and confirmation details in Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

On confirmation, a receipt will be generated, as depicted in figure 12.

Enter Informant details such as Informant Name, relation with applicant, Mobile No. and Upload click on show payment button as

Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

depicted in figure 11.

Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate request screen

Figure 12: Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate receipt

13) Click on Print Certificate, Integrated certificate will be generated

Re Issuance of Integrated Certificate receipt

Integrated certificate will be generated as depicted in figure 1

depicted in figure 13.

In PDF Document, If Signature has a Problems please follow the instructions to Resolve the Issue.

� Once open a certificate it will see the alert image like shown below.

Figure 13: Certificate

If Signature has a Problems please follow the instructions to Resolve the Issue.

Once open a certificate it will see the alert image like shown below.

If Signature has a Problems please follow the instructions to Resolve the Issue.

� Scroll down the page, it can see the image with symbol

below figure.

� Click on '?' symbol as depicted below figure.

can see the image with symbol '?' 'Validity Unknown as

depicted below figure.

Unknown as depicted

� After click on '?' symbol, It displays '

Properties as depicted below figure.

symbol, It displays 'Signature Validation status' window. Click on

depicted below figure.

' window. Click on signature

� After click on signature

Properties. Now click on show signer’s certificate button.

signature Properties. New window will be opens with Signature

Properties. Now click on show signer’s certificate button. as depicted below figure.

New window will be opens with Signature

depicted below figure.

� Now Select Trust button.

button. as depicted below figure.

� Click on Add to Trusted certificates

certificates button. as depicted below figure.

� After click on Add to Trusted

Click on OK button. as depicted below figure.

to Trusted certificate Button new window Acrobat Security

depicted below figure.

Acrobat Security will be opens.

� Now Check the certified documents, Dynamic

and privileged system options

button. as depicted below figure.

certified documents, Dynamic content, Embedded high privilege java script

and privileged system options (Networking, printing, file access, etc) and

depicted below figure.

content, Embedded high privilege java script

and click on OK

� Again Certificate viewer page will be displays.

e viewer page will be displays. Click on OK button. as depicted below figure.

depicted below figure.

� Now signature Properties window will be opens

depicted below figure.

es window will be opens. Click on Validate Signature

Validate Signature button. as

� Now Signature will be validating

validating successfully. Validated signature image shown below

Validated signature image shown below

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