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Meeting Agenda

20th March 2013

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Parents Teacher Association

Constitution 1. Name

The name of the Association shall be the Qatar Leadership Academy Parent

Teacher›s Association.

2. Objectives

The objectives of the Association are to advance the education And all-around

development of Academy pupils by:

a. Extending relationships between the Academy staff, Parents, and others

associated with the Academy.

b. Engaging in financial and practical activities which support the Academy.

Such Activities shall always be subject to the approval of the Director of

Qatar Leadership Academy.

Basic Policies The following are the basic policies of this Association:

• The Association shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and nonpartisan.

• The name of the Association or the names of any members, in their official

capacities, shall not be used in connection with any commercial concern or

with any partisan interest or for any purpose not related to promotion of the

Association’s objects. 6 Parent Teachers Association

• The Association may co-operate with other organizations and agencies

concerned with child welfare, but PTA representative shall make no

commitments binding the group he/she represents.

• The Association may not contravene any policy or decision of the

Qatar Leadership Academy Board of Governors.

Membership Parents/Legal guardians of all Qatar Leadership Academy pupils and all


Leadership Academy teachers are automatically members of the Association.


fees shall be levied for membership.

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Management A. Committee

The management and control of the Association shall be vested in an elected

Committee, which shall consist of no more than 15 people in total and will

include the following appointments.

Chairman shall be a parent who is not an employee of Qatar Leadership


Vice chairman shall be a parent who is not an employee of Qatar Leadership


Treasurer shall be a parent who is not an employee of Qatar Leadership


Secretary shall be a parent who is not an employee of Qatar Leadership


As many as other members from the parents of Qatar Leadership Academy.

B. Appointment of the Committee

Committee members shall be elected at the Annual General meeting to serve

the committee. The term of service for committee members is for one year

and will lapse automatically at the following Annual General Meeting when a

new committee shall be elected.

C. Appointment of the Committee Executives

Committee executives shall be elected by a vote taken within the elected

members of the committee at or before their first committee meeting. The

outgoing Committee chairman or Vice Chairman may be invited to preside

over the voting of new committee Executives in a non-voting capacity.

7 D. Vacancies and Replacement Vacancies on the committee may be filled by

the committee by appointment. Persons shall serve only the remaining time

that the original committee member would have served.

E. Quorum

Seven members of the committee, which must include at least two committee

executives, shall constitute a quorum.

F. Committee Meetings

The committee shall normally meet once each month during the academic

year at such times and places as the committee shall decide.

G. Sub-Committees

The committees shall be empowered to appoint sub-committees with

prescribed functions.

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Annual Genera l Meeting (A.G.M) a. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held once each

year either at the end of an academic year, or as soon as possible following

the commencement of a new academic year. At the AGM the chair shall

be taken by the committee chairman or, in his/ her absence, by the Vice

Chairman, or by an invited committee member. A minimum of 10 days

notice shall be given prior to the holding of the AGM. Twenty five persons

shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of the AGM of the Association 8

Parent Teachers Association

b. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened at the written request

to the Chairman, of 25 members of the Association, or following a majority

vote by the Committee calling for an EGM. Such a meeting shall be held

with 30 days of receipt of the written request, or within the same period

of the committee vote. The agenda and motions to be put before the EGM

shall be circulated to all members beforehand, and a minimum of seven

days’ notice shall be given to all members.

Alterations to the constitution a. No alteration to this constitution shall be proposed and adopted by the

Members except at an AGM or an EGM and with the prior written approval

of the Board of Governors of the Academy.

b. Alterations to this constitution shall be proposed and adopted by the

Members upon written request of the Board of Governors of the Academy

in order to ensure that at all times the respective texts of this constitution

and the constitution of the Academy are remaining the same.

Finance Status

The Association is a non-profit making body and all funds raised or held by

the PTA are solely used for meeting the objectives of the Association. All

committee members and appointed or elected officials act in an honorary

capacity, and no member of the Association shall receive any remuneration,

or other than refund of previously authorized expenditures.


The treasurer shall keep an account of all income and expenditure, and shall

Submit accounts, duly audited, at the AGM. He shall similarly submit an up

to- date resume of the accounts at each committee meeting in the form of

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a treasurer’s Report. All Funds belonging to the Association shall be kept in

authorized Qatar Leadership Academy accounts in the same Association, and

any withdrawals shall be in the name of the Association with the signature


• Director of Qatar Leadership Academy

• Treasurer of the PTA

Authorization of Expenditure

The Activities and Fund Raising committee shall be authorized to make

apposite and reasonable expenditure for the necessary arrangement of any

function for which they are reasonable. Advances from the Reserved Fund,

9 grants from the General Fund, and payments from any Specific Fund are to

be made only by majority vote in committee.


An honorary auditor who is not a member of the committee shall be

appointed to audit the accounts annually and to submit a report prior to the



The committee is authorized to deposit monies belonging to the Association

only in Qatar Riyals and in banks deposit accounts and current accounts. The

Association shall not make any other form of investment.


a. Reserve Fund

The Association shall endeavor to maintain a reserve fund of QR5000 for use

in support of occasional events and special projects in the Qatar Leadership

Academy calendar.

b. General Fund

The Association shall maintain a general – purpose fund from which grants

for financial assistance to Academy’s activities may be made. The size and

disbursement of General Funds shall be at the discretion of the committee.

Dissolution of the Association

All assets remaining on dissolution of the Association after satisfying any

outstanding debt and liabilities shall be given to the Academy for the benefit


the pupils within the stated objects of the Association.

Adopted at the Annual General Meeting of the Qatar Leadership

Academy Parent Teacher’s Association, held at the Qatar Leadership

Academy, on September 16, 2002. 10

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Parent Teachers Association

Who is Who at QLA Qatar Leadership Academy has a well-defined communication system. All

parents need to know who to contact if they have any concerns about their

cadet’s life at the Academy. We welcome parent involvement at QLA but do

request that should you need to see any member of staff to please make an

appointment first as staff need to be available.

Class Teacher The class teacher should be contacted regarding any concerns about specific

subject area.

The Class teacher, in turn may also contact parents to discuss any ongoing

subject issues with a cadet.

Home Room Teacher

The Home room teacher should be contacted about any general concerns

you have about your son’s life in the academy. The Home Room teacher is the

person who has daily contact with your son and his teachers and so is in the

position to give much information. The Home Room teacher will most


be the person that parents will have most contact with.

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Counselor The counselor should be contacted if you have any concerns about your son’s

social life within the Academy. The Counselor may also contact parents if


is a need to discuss social issues and /or any ongoing concerns raised by staff.

The Principal The Principal is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Academy.

The Principal should only be contacted after parents have gone through the

above channels. Usually contact with the Principle is when parents and staff

have not been able to resolve any issues or if the parents have overall

concerns at Academy level.

The Director The Director is responsible for the entire Academy and should only be

contacted after all the above channels have been exhausted.

Administration Call the Doctor / infirmary concerning Health.

Call the finance coordinator concerning fees/tuition payment. (+974


Arabic, Islamic & Heritage Studies Quality of Teaching Arabic and Islamic department is working professionally

according to a set plans match with the SEC National

professional Curriculums. All teachers and coordinators are

working together as one team based on integration and

supporting other subjects as well as heritage. Teachers are

well trained, enthusiastic, profession and candidates to their

jobs. I.T (Information technology) is applied in teaching as one

of the most important teaching strategies based in creating a

challenge environment and creating an attractive atmosphere

based on the students’ level and their differentiations.

Evaluation system in Arabic department is not only based on

main exams; however it is based on the summative


This type of assessment is based on the students’ skills and

their work with teachers as their reaction on the activities

offered to them. This increases the knowledge of content of the

subject side by side with the academic results which were

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shown up as positive especially with supporting the weak

cadets to increase the language skills in all strands as in

reading, listening and receptive skills and writing and

speaking skills as productive skills. The academic results show

that the improvement is in progress and will keep going to the


Regarding the Heritage; it is going as planned. The Qatari

History in matching the requirements and as sent to the SEC.

All students in all grades are studying Qatari History

according to

the books received from SEC. Arabic coordinator is following

up the heritage and Qatar history to make sure that cadets are

on the right track regarding this issue.

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Academic/ Career Counseling Program is a guidance program that provides cadets with the

insight and required academic skills that will enable them to choose their career profession

and life-long learning goals. This will be achieved through a number of career programs,

workshops and university visits that will provide information to students regarding their

academic abilities and career development.

In addition to that, QLA provides academic advising and development services which are

designed to identify problems that impede the educational ability of the student and interact

with the demands of college life. Our plan is to assist and support by increasing students'

awareness of their academic responsibilities and encourage them to make more of an effort to

overcome the academic and personal obstacles that could block their academic and career


This is achieved by providing students tutoring classes and workshops that aim to develop

their academic standards. In addition to that, we facilitate students with personal counseling

sessions to discuss and brain storm their potentials.


The week management of the academic part of the school affected the general academic

performance negatively, one of those affected areas is counseling. It’s the non-academic

experience, poor and unprofessional skills in running the educational process by checking

teaching equipment’s and facilities, monitoring the syllabus and curriculum, student’s daily

needs and life, the culture and customs of the rejoin that does the major distraction to any

learning entity. Also is the implementation of nonfunctional schedule, unfair distribution of

class hours, as the trial based experience.

This mismanagement of time and efforts messed up the work of students, teachers, and TAC’s

(student supervisors). It did also a big harm to the Academic Counseling procedures because

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of lack in time management, skills, and the unclear, vague understanding of the Academic

Counselor’s job, vision and mission.

It led to waste the counselor’s time, efforts, and confuse the counseling program. Because of

this all the rejected programs had to be shifted to personal (one to one bases services) instead

of comprehensive class advising sessions. This also reduced the number of attained fairs and

counseling activities through this year.



1. Organizing and conducting the PSAT tests for grade 9 +10. (Achieved)

2. Orientation sessions about the PSAT results for G 9+10. (Achieved)

3. Advising G12 with the admission testing system, one to one bases. (Achieved)

4. Advising grade 11 with the admission testing needs for universities, a whole class advisory

sessions. (Rejected by the Academic Head because they can’t fit the schedule or after class


5. Facilitating SAT and ILETS test registration G 11 +12 and following up procedures. (Made

difficult to achieve by the Curriculum Coordinator).


6. Asking to be the advisor of class 11 and 12 and run their SAT and ILETS preparations.

(Rejected by the Academic Head, another teacher was assigned to be the advisor despite the

fact that he is not aware of academic advising).

7. General college advising workshops for G11+ 12. (Rejected by the Academic Head because

they are after class).

8. Advising G11+ 12 with the college admissions system and following up their needs, one to one

basis. (Made difficult to achieve by the Curriculum Coordinator upon his advice to the


9. Following up with the Common Application, UCAS, and EC application procedures, one to

one basis. (Achieved)

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10. Inviting and hosting university’s fairs, whole school.(Achieved, only after class hours)

11. Visiting universities fairs, grade 10+11+12.( Few are achieved)

12. Advising cadets and parents with the college fairs, and universities options. (Achieved via

Emails, phone calls, and meeting).

13. College advising workshops for class 11+12. (Achieved)

14. Communicating with families on individual basis to help their son with his university

admissions procedures. (Achieved on personal base)


15. Advising cadets and parents with summer schools options. (Achieved)

16. Advising G11+12 about the USD and IB system. (Made difficult to achieve by the Curriculum


17. Career advising session for grade 12, personal basis.(Achieved)

18. Career advising sessions for grade 9+10 in collaboration with SDC. (Achieved)

19. Place cadets educational need sessions (Referred to other teachers by the Academic Head).

20. Visiting and counseling cadets who are referred from the barracks, teachers, or the parents.

(Stopped this year bu the Academic Head).

21. Communicating with TACs, teachers and parents regarding each academic case. (Made

difficult to achieve by the Curriculum Coordinator).

22. Organizing and executing after class hours tutoring courses in all subjects according to the

needs of cadets and parental request. (Rejected by the Academic Head and handed to another

teacher under the title of Intervention with poor performance).

23. Following up with the TAC & Teachers meetings. (Stopped this year by the Academic Head).

24. Advising parents and cadets with the summer courses.(Achieved)

25. Formatting students and parents contracts, counseling logs, business plan, and student

conduct policy.(Achieved)

26. Daily academic counseling services for cadets with poor academics. (Made difficult to achieve

by Curriculum Coordinator).

27. Helping to assess new candidates with their admission interview.( Achieved)

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28. Follow up with the accreditation needs in counseling. (Stopped by the Academic Head).

29. Helping the English department with the ESL services and testing procedures. ( Referred to

other teachers by the Academic Head).

30. TEXAS-Q Engineering Conference for students and counselors (Participation of QLA was

rejected by the Academic Head).

31. Qatar University Engineering Day for students and counselors (QLA participation was

rejected by the Academic Head).

Counselor Professional Development Courses

1. EC counselor’s day.( Attended)

2. European Council For International Schools Counselors Conference 2012-2013 (QLA

Counselor’s participation was stopped by the Academic Head).

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