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Meeting Workbook Fall 2009 Flight Operations Policy Committee

November 9-10

GAMA 1400 K Street, NW – Suite 801

Washington, DC


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Actual Attendance

Jack Pelton Cessna Aircraft Company, Committee Chairman Darrell Andregg International Communications Group (ICG) Larry Barnett AB Management Associates (representing ATP) Darby Becker GE Aviation (Day 1 Only) Chris Benich Honeywell – Business and General Aviation Bob Blouin Hawker Beechcraft Corporation Lee Carlson L-3 Communications Guinn Clark Pegasus Management Inc. Pete Gavares Rolls-Royce North America (Day 1 Only) Dave Goehler Jeppesen Rick Heinrich Rockwell Collins Rich Iudice Dassault Falcon Jet Gary Kelley Garmin International John Marino FlightSafety International Leo McStravick Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Rick Rowe Bombardier Aerospace Sandy Stedman Jeppesen Dan Zuspan Boeing Business Jets (Day 2 Only) GAMA Staff: Pete Bunce President and CEO Jens C. Hennig Vice President of Operations Paul Feldman Vice President of Government Affairs Sterling Wiggins Intern

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Monday November 9, 2009 – Specific Agenda Times Lunch Available at GAMA Noon

A. Welcome and Introductions 1:00pm

B. NBAA: Business Aviation Operator Perspective on NextGen Equipage

1:15pm Bob Lamond Steve Bergner

Break 2:45pm

C. Corporate Flight Operations Quality Assurance (C-FOQA) Review of Initial Data Report

3:00pm Robert Vandel

D. Legislative Update 4:00pm Paul Feldman

K. Large Aircraft Security Program NPRM Update 4:30pm Jens Hennig

L. PIC Proficiency Check and Other Changes to the Pilot and Pilot School Certification NPRM

5:00pm Jens Hennig

M. Enhancing Rulemaking Coordination 5:15pm Jens Hennig

Adjourn Day One 5:30pm

Committee Dinner – Brasserie Beck, 1101 K Street, NW

6:30pm (see list)

Tuesday November 10, 2009 Breakfast Available at GAMA 7:30am

E. Review of RTCA NextGen Mid-term Implementation Task Force

8:00am Margaret Jenny

I. Streamlining of Operational Approvals Above Group Discussion

F. ADS-B Program Update 9:00am Vinny Capezzuto

Break 10:00am

G. FAA Data Communications Program Update 11:00am Sandy Anderson


H. European Data Link Mandate Impact 12:45pm Jens Hennig

J. EASA Extension of Scope, New Direction - Operational Suitability Data

TBD Jens Hennig


O. Meeting Schedule for 2010 TBD All

Adjourn Day Two 2:30pm

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Background Monday, November 9, 2009 12:00pm

Lunch Available

1:00pm A. Meeting Start (Jack Pelton, Cessna Aircraft Company, Committee Chair) Welcome and review of meeting agenda. Notes: Following introductions of the attendees including some new members of the committee, Mr. Bunce discussed the increasing focus by EPA on aviation gasoline. It was also noted by Mr. Pelton that GAMA should invite other operator groups such as AOPA to share their perspectives on the NextGen program. Action 2009-03-01: GAMA should invite AOPA to share their perspectives about NextGen at future FOP committee meetings.

1:15pm B. NBAA: Business Aviation Operator Perspective on NextGen Equipage (Bob Lamond, NBAA and Steve Bergner, CableAir) Mr. Lamond will brief the committee about the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) membership’s perspective on business aviation’s role in NextGen. Over the past five years GAMA, in partnership with NBAA and the FAA, have worked to promote the use of RNP-SAAAR by business aircraft operators through various forums including panels at the NBAA Annual Meeting and Convention. The plan for 2010 is to transition from a panel to a workshop setting that would assist operators with understanding how to obtain RNP-SAAAR approval for their operation. Mr. Lamond and Mr. Bergner will also discuss the impact of various upcoming equipment mandates on the business aviation environment including RNP based on the RTCA NextGen Mid-Term Implementation Task Force recommendations. Notes: Mr. Hennig provided a brief history of GAMA’s cooperation with NBAA in the area of RNP and the joint promotion of operator understanding of RNP through five annual forums at the NBAA Annual Meeting and Convention. Mr. Lamond discussed the increasing importance of RNP including the example of Southwest Airlines equipping its fleet. Mr. Bergner briefed the slides (attached) that outlined the issues identified by the NBAA Access Committee related to RNP including operator understanding, available procedures, certified equipment, and a practical path toward obtaining approvals. During discussion additional issues were identified including understanding by FSDO inspectors of how RNP works. It was noted that the FAA has announced the creation of “NextGen experts” at local offices. Mr. Lamond reminded the group of the issue identified in 2006 of the “chicken-and-

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egg scenario” for existence of RNP procedures, equipage, and operator demand which resulted in an initial step by NBAA requesting a set of approaches into key business aviation runway ends. The requested procedures have been developed and NBAA noted that they have held off requesting additional procedures pending levels of operator equipage. It was the consensus of the group that it is appropriate to revisit the issue of requesting additional business aviation procedures that add value. It was noted that the Performance Based Aviation Rulemaking Committee (PARC) would not be an appropriate forum and that GAMA and NBAA instead cooperate on identifying opportunities for new procedures. It was noted that Honeywell is working closely with all the operators who have RNP-SAAAR approvals and should be part of any discussions. Action 2009-03-02: GAMA should cooperate with NBAA / Honeywell to identify a second set of business aviation runways ends where RNP procedures would provide benefit. Action 2009-03-03: Committee members are invited to support a 2010 “RNP workshop” that is tentatively planned for NBAA’s Convention in Atlanta. The group also discussed the RTCA Task Force recommendations for streamlining which have been publically embraced by the FAA (see background identified in agenda item I.) The committee agreed that it is essential that FAA move forward with implementing the recommendations developed within the Task Force and outlined in Appendices K and L.

(Part of above agenda item)

I. Streamlining Operational Approvals (Jens Hennig, GAMA / Ground Discussion) The FOP identified the streamlining of operational approvals as a priority at its October 2008 meeting. The issue was successfully included in the RTCA Task Force recommendations and the FAA has committed to address the recommendations provided by industry. GAMA would like the committee’s feedback on next steps and priorities it sees with respect to the streamlining of operational approvals. The section that refers to streamlining (Appendix K and L) is included as an attachment. Action 2009-03-04: GAMA should continue to engage with the FAA to advance the recommendations provided by the Task Force related to streamlining of operational approvals.

3:00pm C. Corporate Flight Operations Quality Assurance (Robert Vandel, Flight Safety Foundation) The Flight Safety Foundation published its first report with data from the Corporate Flight Operations Quality Assurance (C-FOQA) program this summer. The report is a compilation of data collected during a three-year demonstration project.

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FOQA programs have seen wide use in the airline environment for decades, but their use in corporate aviation is more limited and faces issues like few airplanes per operator and mixed fleets which restricts an individual flight department’s ability to identify trends. “To meet this challenge, the Foundation aggregates the data collected under the C-FOQA program to identify trends involving such factors as ineffective or improper training, inadequate standard operating procedures, noncompliance with SOPs, inappropriate published procedures, and unstable or rushed approaches. Strict procedures are in place to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data.” Various GAMA committees are currently exploring the increasing role of flight data recording in general aviation aircraft operations. The purpose of this presentation is to enhance the FOP members’ understanding of the C-FOQA program, the role of manufacturers, and the results of the analysis of the data that has been collected. Notes: Mr. Vandel provided an overview of the Flight Safety Foundation’s program and noted that there are currently 27 aircraft in the C-FOQA program and that a similar program is run by Gulfstream Aerospace for captured corporate operators with approximately 30 aircraft. He discussed the emerging issue of countries like France requiring operators during ramp check to have a FOQA program which “is causing headaches” for the community. The group discussed the possible role of FOQA to meet future Safety Management System (SMS) requirements and that it needs to be monitored. It was also noted that C-FOQA programs like the FSF and other programs should establish feedback procedures to FAA and others for issues identified including “bad” approaches.

4:00pm D. Legislative Update (Paul Feldman, GAMA) Mr. Feldman will provide a high-level overview of the legislative activities of 2009 which has been an unusually active year on Capitol Hill for the general aviation industry. Updates will be provided about the status of the FAA Reauthorization Bill, opportunities for NextGen equipage incentives, and environmental legislation. Notes: Mr. Feldman discussed the FAA reauthorization debate and noted a letter sent by the 118 House members to President Obama about user fees. It was also noted that the bill is facing a major hurdle over the FedEx-UPS strife. It was noted that the Kerry-Boxer bill was introduced and has resulted in intense debate over environmental legislation. Mr. Feldman discussed activities during the past year to provide opportunities for equipment incentives and that there are discussions about a possible hearing in January 2010. There is specific interest in further developing the types of mechanisms that could be used.

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Mr. Feldman was asked about Senator Dorgan’s bill that would invoke a laptop ban and its implications on Class I EFBs. GAMA was asked to distribute the bill S. 2745 “Distracted Flying Act”. Specific interest exist in the exemption section (b) and committee members should review it for possible impact. Action 2009-03-05: GAMA should distribute a copy of S. 2745 to the committee. Finally, Mr. Feldman discussed the GA Caucuses formed in support of the industry and noted the benefit of highlighting these Caucuses when meeting with Members of Congress.

4:30pm K. Large Aircraft Security Program Update (Jens Hennig, GAMA) The TSA will publish a Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (S-NPRM) for the Large Aircraft Security Program (LASP) which will supersede the proposal published in October 2008. The TSA has met with GAMA and communicated that the agency will incorporate the feedback the agency has received from industry through public comment, the five hearings held in early 2009 and the workshops hosted by the TSA with the general aviation associations during spring and summer. GAMA expects the new general aviation security program for large aircraft to be built around securing the pilot-in-command through the creation of a “trusted pilot” responsible for the security functions of the operation of the aircraft. We also expect the weight threshold to be raised above the previously proposed 12,500 pounds to something on the order of 25,000 to 30,000 pounds. The TSA has also stated publicly that the most controversial components of the program, the outsourced passenger vetting and third party auditors, are off the table. Background: The LASP NPRM was published by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in early October 2008. Following the publication of the NPRM, GAMA collected comments from our members and participated in the public hearings held in January 2009. Total attendance at the five public hearings exceeded one thousand people with over three hundred making formal remarks. GAMA’s President and CEO Pete Bunce spoke at the hearing in Houston, Texas and Jens Hennig, Vice President of Operations, made remarks at the hearing in Atlanta. The GAMA Security Issues Committee (SIC) met on February 5 at Dassault Falcon Jet in Teterboro to discuss the NPRM and provide input into GAMA’s formal comments to the rulemaking. The updated comments were circulated to the security committee before final approval and submission to the docket. Due to the significant issues identified in the NPRM, GAMA together with NBAA, EAA and AOPA asked formally on February 5 for the creation of a rulemaking committee to work cooperatively with the TSA in developing a revised rule. The process would mirror the success of the ADS-B ARC, which was able to respond to the comments received by the FAA and provide the agency with a consensus proposal on how to progress the program. The TSA remain reluctant to establish a

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formal committee. In parallel, GAMA also worked directly with the TSA to address our primary concerns with LASP which are primarily focused on differentiating between private/corporate operators and those operators conducting commercial operations. The TSA also requested that GAMA provide specific factual information about the size of the fleet that would be included in a LASP based on weight thresholds at 12,500 pounds, 66,000 pounds, 75,000 pounds, and 100,309 pounds. GAMA filed extensive comments to the Large Aircraft Security Program (LASP) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on February 27 and again called for the agency to form a rulemaking committee to assist the agency in resolving the issues identified in the proposal. Following the close of the comment period the agency held two meetings with the general aviation associations (AAAE, ACI-NA, AOPA, EAA, GAMA, NATA, and NBAA) to discuss the issues identified through the comment process. While the meetings did not constitute a formal rulemaking committee, industry participated in the activity and provided constructive feedback. Strong interest remains on Capitol Hill about the LASP rulemaking. On March 10 the House Aviation Subcommittee held a well-attended roundtable with TSA Assistant Administrator John Sammon and the leadership of the GA associations. In addition to the subcommittee leadership, Chairman Costello and Ranking Member Petri, members Boswell, Boozman, Dent, Duncan, Ehlers, Lipinski, and Westmoreland also participated. During the roundtable, Mr. Sammon committed to hold the industry workshops and also publish a second NPRM based on the comments received and the results of the direct engagement with industry. GAMA advocates a risk based approach to transportation security where the security risk of general aviation (GA) must be viewed in the context of other modes of transportation. GAMA believes that TSA resources can be better focused on other segments of transportation and aviation when compared to the risk of private and corporate aviation. However, the TSA has emphasized to industry that GA aircraft remain an area of security concern because of the “tactical efficiency of an air vehicle” in carrying out an attack. Critical to promulgating a regulation for the general aviation industry is recognition of the primary difference between commercial (e.g. on-demand Part 135) and private / corporate (i.e. Part 91) operations. In private / corporate operations the people on board the aircraft are known to the operator and therefore do not represent a significant security risk. For private / corporate aircraft the implementation of a cumbersome security program will not provide measurable improvements in security or risk management. GAMA believes that it is critical that this basic difference between private / corporate and commercial operations is recognized. Notes: Mr. Hennig provided an update on the activities on the LASP rulemaking following the summer FOP meeting, including recent statements about the TSA about publishing a Supplemental NPRM in early-mid 2010. During discussion the committee noted that there would be benefit in combining the

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next FOP meeting with GAMA’s Security Issues Committee (SIC). It was noted that the SIC was dormant for several years and that there is a need to re-engage the committee and not only look at immediate issues such as the LASP but also strategic issues. The strategic issues identified by the FOP include 1) engagement with security agencies beyond TSA; 2) developing a comprehensive approach to security for general aviation; 3) the position by other GA association (e.g. NBAA, AOPA); and 4) re-engaging the GAMA membership. Action 2009-03-06: GAMA should schedule with the FOP / SIC chairmen to identify a date for a spring combined meeting.

5:00pm L. PIC Proficiency Check and Other Changes to the Pilot and Pilot School Certification NPRM (Jens Hennig, GAMA) On August 31, 2009, the FAA released Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) Pilot in Commend Proficiency Check and Other Changes to the Pilot and Pilot School Certification Rules in the Federal Register, docket number 2008-0938. The NPRM makes proposals in a handful of areas, including the following changes which have been discussed during various GAMA committee activities:

- Require a PIC proficiency check for single-pilot turbojet powered airplanes. Currently, 14 CFR 61.58 requires an annual proficiency check for airplanes with more than one flight crew member. GAMA members have indicated a need to remove the lack of proficiency checking for single pilot operations and have noted that the cost is likely limited as annual training is often an existing insurance requirement.

- Replace the 10 hours of complex time for commercial pilot certification

with 10 hours of "advanced instrument training" in 14 CFR 61.129 for aeronautical experience requirements. The advanced instrument training is defined as training that includes "instrument approaches consisting of both precision and non-precision approaches, holding at intersections [...], and cross-country flying that involves performing takeoff, area departure, enroute, area arrival, approach, and missed approach phase of flight." During the development of this proposal the FAA requested feedback about what would qualify as "advanced instrument training" within this rulemaking and your continued feedback about the definition is specifically requested.

- Amend the definition of "complex airplane" to include airplanes equipped

with full authority digital engine control (FADEC) as originally permitted through FAA Notice No. 8000.331.

- Provide the option for application for and issuance of an instrument rating

concurrent with a private pilot certificate. The history of this proposal dates back to the tests run under the AGATE program in the 1990s and later through the FAA-Industry Training Standards (FITS) program in which several GAMA member companies participated. The training requirement would be 65 hours of ground training and 70 hours of flight training that

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includes 5 hours of solo flight time.

- An allowance to use online, computer based training in place of a ground training facility for pilot schools.

Final comments are due to the FAA by November 30, 2009. GAMA would appreciate the FOP’s feedback about these proposals. Notes: GAMA discussed the lack of response to the NPRM and requested that the committee members review the FAA’s proposal and provide feedback to GAMA by November 22. Action 2009-03-07: Committee members are requested to review and provide feedback to GAMA about Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) Pilot in Command Proficiency Check and Other Changes to the Pilot and Pilot School Certification Rules in the Federal Register, docket number 2008-0938 by November 22, 2009.

5:15pm M. Enhancing Rulemaking Coordination (Jens Hennig, GAMA) Every year aviation authorities publish dozens of new regulations and policies, proposals which are subject to public comment. One of the simplest and most effective ways to influence new regulations and policy is by participating in this public comment process. GAMA, through its committees distributes these proposals to the membership and formulates a consolidated set of comments based upon industry feedback. Due to the volume of proposals every year, GAMA only distributes those which have direct impact to some or all of the manufacturers that GAMA represents. Over the past couple of years, GAMA has grown concerned over a lack of feedback on the proposals which are distributed to committee members. There are some examples of significant rules and policies which have been distributed with no feedback from the membership. While GAMA attempts to develop comments on these critical items without member company input, company perspectives on these proposals are needed to assure the comments are as effective as possible. There have been a few recent examples where a lack of comment has resulted in a policy/regulatory environment which has been quite challenging to the design and certification of new airplanes and equipment. In some cases, these examples resulted from policy and rulemaking activities where the industry did not provide feedback to GAMA during the public comment period. GAMA has been forced to engage the authorities to request policy and rulemaking changes after the public review process. As changing rules and policy that are in place is more time consuming and difficult, such activities are not the most effective use of GAMA's nor the authority’s time. GAMA requests that company participants in various GAMA committees place importance on reviewing and commenting on the proposals that are distributed for review. Feedback would also welcome about any process improvements that GAMA can put in place to facilitate member company review.

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Notes: GAMA provided an overview of the rate of response from member companies to recent NPRMs and NPAs. During discussion member companies shared feedback on opportunities for soliciting more feedback including:

- Requesting shorter responses (e.g. 48 hours) as to whether a proposal needs review / the company sees concerns. A 2-3 month request for comments sometimes results in the proposal being lost within the organization.

- Possible technical solutions (e.g. better online tracking of proposals and

responses provided by members.)

- Distributing reminders to committees as the comments come due.

5:30pm Adjourn First Day

6:30pm Committee Dinner – Brasserie Beck, 1101 K Street, NW The following people are listed as attending the dinner: Darrell Andregg, Lee Carlson, Rick Heinrich, Jens Hennig, Rich Iudice, Gary Kelley, John Marino, Leo McStravick, Jack Pelton, and Rick Rowe. Please provide any changes or corrections. Committee members were billed-back at the rate of $71.00 for the cost of the dinner.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 08:00am E. Review of RTCA NextGen Mid-Term Implementation Task Force

(Margaret Jenny, RTCA) The RTCA NextGen Mid-Term Implementation Task Force (“Task Force”) submitted its recommendations to the FAA in September 2009. Ms. Jenny will provide an overview of the Task Force’s recommendations to the FAA and next


Brasserie Beck

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steps for how industry will remain engaged with their implementation. The following is a summary of the Task Force with excerpts from Ms. Jenny’s testimony to the House Aviation Subcommittee hearing on the Task Force. GAMA also testified at the hearing, a complete copy of which can be accessed at: http://www.gama.aero/node/9329 [You may need to copy URL into your browser.] The Task Force stressed the importance of implementing operational capabilities as opposed to technologies and deriving benefits from existing equipage. The Task Force also focused on implementing solutions where the problems are most acute, which resulted in an airport centric approach to NextGen, delivering capabilities at the key airports and large metropolitan areas. The Task Force made recommendations in seven areas:

- SURFACE: Improve airport surface traffic situational awareness and data sharing for enhanced safety and reduced delays. Establish a single point of accountability with the FAA for Airport Surface.

- RUNWAY: Increase throughput at airports with closely-spaced parallel,

converging and intersecting runways. This will reduce delays, noise and emissions.

- METROPLEX: Increase metroplex capacity and efficiency by de-

conflicting traffic to and from all airports within large metropolitan areas.

- CRUISE: Increase cruise efficiency through enhanced use of Specific Activity Airspace (SAA), and increased availability, greater use of automation for aircraft metering, merging and spacing at bottlenecks, and flexible RNAV routing.

- ACCESS: Enhance access to low-altitude, non-radar airspace for general

aviation traffic, and increased availability of GPS approaches to more general aviation airports.

- DATACOMM: Deploy air-ground digital data communication applications

to decrease gate departure delays, and enhance efficiency and safety of airborne traffic, especially when re-routing multiple aircraft around severe weather.


system efficiency through enhanced collaborative decision making between the FAA and users’ flight operations centers.

The Task Force also made four overarching recommendations deemed critical to the successful implementation of all capabilities:

1) Achieve existing 3- and 5-mile separation by eliminating the buffers now applied due in part to cultural issues.

2) Streamline operational approval process 3) Incentivize equipage

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4) Maintain the momentum created by the work of the Task Force to facilitate holding the community consensus intact through the implementation of NextGen by using the RTCA mechanism to facilitate continued transparency and collaboration in planning, implementation and tracking of future activities.

Background: At the October 2008 FOP meeting, Ms. Margaret Jenny, President of RTCA, discussed the FAA / RTCA plans for the creation of a Task Force to look at how to implement NextGen. This initiative was launched as the RTCA NextGen Mid-Term Implementation Task Force 5 on February 10, 2009. GAMA staff and a number of member companies are active on the task force. The FOP identified two focus areas for GAMA to work within the Task Force – both were included as part of its final recommendations:

- One of the areas of specific interest to GAMA was the Task Force attempting to address the streamlining of certification and operational approvals within the NextGen equipage environment. The issue of streamlining operational approvals was identified by Mr. O’Meara at the October 2008 meeting as an issue. It was decided to leverage the pending task force to provide a vehicle within the FAA for achieving action. At the October 2008 FOP meeting, Mr. O’Meara discussed the need to streamline the numerous operational approvals currently required for unrestricted operation in the NAS. These operational approvals include RVSM, NAT-MNPS, RNP-10 or RNP-4, B-RNAV (RNP-5), P-RNAV (RNP-1) for Eurocontrol airspace, RNAV 1 / RNAV 2 SIDS / STARS, Q and T routes, and RNP SAAAR.

- The second issue was an interest in opportunities to leverage the NextGen

task force to further provide incentives for equipage. GAMA has pursued opportunities to create incentives for aircraft equipage. In the ADS-B ARC report, GAMA helped draft the Task 1 recommendations on financial and operational incentives. During the spring 2009 debate over the economic stimulus bill, GAMA joined an industry-wide coalition that, unsuccessfully, attempted to include equipage incentives in the bill.

At the March FOP meeting, the Data Communications program manager pointed to the NextGen Task Force as something the office was waiting for to complete before they would take steps to expand their direct engagement with industry. GAMA has invited Sandy Anderson to brief the FOP about the FAA’s reaction to the Task Force recommendations related to data communications (see agenda item G.) Notes: Ms. Jenny provided an overview of the recommendations of the Task Force through a power point presentation (attached) and noted the stated commitment by the FAA to continue engagement with industry through the ATMAC. During the discussion concerns were raised about the costs and benefits highlighted by the report and that manufacturers need to be brought into the discussions. In many cases the costs are “perceived” costs by airlines. Ms. Jenny commented that the “business subgroup” will remain one of the active committees of the Task Force

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under ATMAC. Specific issues were identified with the data comm recommendations, their costs (“current equipage” versus “changes needed”) and whether the Task Force is recommending the FAA / Eurocontrol “Segment 1 applications. Ms. Jenny noted that the plan is for the recommendations of the Task Force to feed into the next version of the FAA’s NextGen Implementation Plan (NGIP) which is scheduled for release in January 2010. The committee recognized that the Task Force was not intended to look at programs beyond the immediate (near/mid) and current equipment, but questions exist about how and when industry and FAA will look beyond the Task Force to some of the transformational technologies. Following the discussion it was noted that it has been a while since FAA leadership visited the FOP and that they should be invited to future meetings. Action 2009-03-08: GAMA should invite “FAA NextGen leadership” (e.g. ATO-1 or Ms. Cox’s organization) to brief future FOP committee meetings.

09:00am F. ADS-B Program Update (Vincent Capezzuto, FAA) GAMA schedules regular briefings for the FOP about the ADS-B program and requests feedback from the committee about key activities. Feedback would specifically be welcomed about:

- Opportunities for GA targeted applications for ADS-B In. - Need for “local” ground stations near GA manufacturers. - Implementation issues identified with the upcoming avionics mandate and

transitioning current equipment. The ADS-B program is progressing toward implementation with several key milestones taking being reached. On October 13, the RTCA Special Committee 186 approved the ADS-B Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) (DO-260B / DO-282B) which will be invoked through FAA Technical Standards Orders (TSO) for moving to the RTCA Program Management Committee (PMC) meeting on December 1-2. The FAA is planning the release of the TSOs by December 4, 2009. Both FAA and Europe (Eurocontrol / EASA) indicated at the meeting and commented that DO-260B (Europe and the U.S.) and DO-282B (U.S. only) will be part of the respective mandates (e.g. Europe 2015 and U.S. 2020.) The FAA final rule establishing an equipment mandate, which will point to the TSOs, remains on schedule for publication in April 2010. On September 12, the FAA initial operations of Wide-Area Multilateration (WAM) commenced over Colorado as a surveillance system allowing 5 nm separation. The

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FAA and the Colorado Department of Transportation shared the cost of the deployment of WAM which allows air traffic controllers to track aircraft not covered by radar in remote, mountainous regions. A similar program is underway in Juneau, Alaska. The new system is comprised of a network of sensors deployed in remote areas. The sensors send out signals that are received and sent back by aircraft transponders. No other aircraft equipment is required. System computers are able to determine the precise location of aircraft by triangulating the time and distance measurements of those signals. The FAA noted in its press-release that WAM “is being used in the near term while the FAA rolls out Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS-B), the satellite-based surveillance system that will be fully deployed nationwide by 2013. WAM will then serve as a backup to ADS-B in the event of a GPS outage and provide an additional source of traffic broadcast to properly equipped aircraft [emphasis added.]” At the June FOP meeting, a detailed briefing was provided about the Application Integrated Work Plan which is the FAA’s first comprehensive attempts at vetting ADS-B air-to-air (ADS-B In) applications within the NextGen context. The AWIP supports the ADS-B ARC’s Recommendation No. 27 that requests the development of a strategy for ADS-B In by 2012. The document groups, evaluates maturity, and allocates applications to near, mid, and far-term timelines. The applications are based on existing work within the RTCA / EUROCAE SC-186, FAA-Eurocontrol Action Plan 23, and other documents. The AWIP is intentionally airline centric, but plans exist to expand the document to also look at general aviation applications. The documents attempts to boil down the large number of proposed applications into a simpler list of 16 well defined applications. The AWIP provides information about each application based on factors including maturity, benefits, risk, avionics enablers, costs, and existing alternatives to ADS-B. The AWIP was most recently briefed to the ADS-B ARC and received an overall favorable response and is seen as a starting point for discussions about ADS-B In applications. GAMA has a standing action item to provide the FAA with suggestions for ADS-B In applications for general aviation. Background on the ADS-B Programs: The ADS-B program, one of the FAA’s high-priority acquisition goals, was initiated almost two years ago with the award of the ground infrastructure contract to ITT in August 2007. The $1.86 billion contract ($207 million with $1.6 billion in options) provides for the delivery of data to the FAA through 298 separate service volumes built up around 794 Ground Based Transceivers. The NAS wide ground infrastructure deployment is scheduled to take place FY2010 through FY2013 with an in-service decision (ISD) for ADS-B scheduled for September 2010. In parallel to the work on the ground infrastructure, the FAA has initiated rulemaking for an ADS-B equipment mandate for certain airspace by 2020. The

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FAA published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) is October 2007 and comments to the NPRM closed on March 3, 2008. Over 1,400 separate comments were received by the agency. On request by industry, the FAA has addressed the comments to the NPRM in parallel efforts by leveraging the ADS-B Aviation Rulemaking Committee to provide its input into the responses to the comments Several GAMA member companies are directly involved with the ADS-B ARC either as members or Subject Matter Experts, including Cessna Aircraft Company, Honeywell, Rockwell Collins, Garmin International, and L-3 (ACSS). On September 26, 2008, the ADS-B Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) submitted its response to the FAA on the comments received to the NPRM. GAMA distributed the ARC report through FOP 08-37. The final rule received approval from the FAA’s Joint Rulemaking Council in January 2009 and is scheduled to be published as a final rule in April 2010. The ARC has one remaining activity related to completion of the requested “urgent study” focused on 1090 MHz frequency congestion. The results of the 1090 urgent study are scheduled to be public late summer 2009 and identify needed mitigations for the 1090 MHz spectrum to ensure performance of TCAS and ADS-B In applications. The ADS-B ARC is scheduled to sunset on July 15 having completed its assigned work related to ADS-B Out. GAMA expects the FAA to charter an ADS-B In ARC in 2010 to assist the agency with developing a strategy for ADS-B In by 2012 in response to the ARC’s recommendation No. 27. Over the next year, the primary industry forum for ADS-B will be the Air Traffic Management Advisory Committee (ATMAC) ADS-B Working Group which membership includes GAMA, Rockwell Collins, The following provides a rough timeline of events expected to influence ADS-B deployment internationally:

- Fall 2009: Publication of RTCA MOPS for DO-260B avionics equipment that is expected to be referenced in the final rule.

- Spring 2010: Publication of FAA Technical Standards Order (TSO) and additional guidance material (AC 90-XX, AIM etc.) for ADS-B operations.

- April 2010: FAA publication of final rule setting requirements for a 2020 ADS-B Out mandate.

- November 18, 2010: NAV Canada FL350-400 segregated airspace effective.

- 2012: Industry-FAA presents strategy for ADS-B In. - 2012 (possibly 2013): ADS-B Out forward fit (new production aircraft)

requirement for Europe. - 2015: ADS-B Out retrofit (existing fleet) requirement for Europe. - 2020: Expected FAA mandate for ADS-B equipage.

Notes: Mr. Capezzuto provided an overview of the status of the program and noted that it is in-line with schedule, but seeing some slipping including IOC at Louisville

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sliding from October to November 2009 (likely within next week). Mr. Capezzuto noted that the separation standards approval and release of the rule depends on IOC at four sites (Louisville, Philadelphia, Houston, and Juneau). It was noted that ATO-1 received the final rule for review on November 9 and that similar coordination had taken place with AVS-1. Related to ADS-B “In” the FAA is planning to move forward with the creation of an ARC by June 2010 to meet the agreed upon schedule (ARC Recommendation No. 27) of a comprehensive strategy for ADS-B “In” developed by 2012. Mr. Capezzuto was asked for the estimates of cost savings of a possible move of the mandate from 2020 to 2015 and its implications on FAA SSR costs and radar investment decisions. He noted that the analysis could be done, but that a clear framework should be provided before giving the go-ahead for the analysis. Action 2009-03-09: Committee members provide feedback to GAMA on framework within which the acceleration (2020 to 2015) could be evaluated for FAA cost savings (e.g. SSR divestment, backup strategy, role of WAM and cost to operators.) Mr. Capezzuto also provided an overview of the WAM deployment in Colorado and the opportunities provided by passive-Multilateration for spectrum management.

11:00am G. FAA Data Communications Program Update (Sandy Anderson, FAA, Ray Orie, FAA contractor, and Chris Moore) The FAA indicated at the March FOP that the agency intended to wait for the RTCA Task Force to provide further direction about the data communications program. The FAA has been invited to provide a reaction to the Task Force recommendations. Note: GAMA has pending action item (2009-01-01) to possibly present ATMAC with proposal for creating a Data Communications Working Group at appropriate time. Recently the FAA has also signed a $12 million contract with Honeywell and Rockwell Collins to develop prototype avionics hardware and software for air-to-ground digital data exchange. These other transactional agreements (OTA) are intended to demonstrate to national airspace users the benefits of data communications over voice communications, accelerating the introduction of the technology into the fleet. Along with developing the equipment, Honeywell and Rockwell Collins will work with the US FAA to validate standards for the avionics and support system demonstrations which will include evaluations of human-machine interfaces, interoperability testing with air-ground communications systems and security validation, according to the FAA. Work will commence in the first quarter of fiscal year 2010 and continue through 2011. [Excerpt from Air Transport Intelligence.]

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Summary of March 2009 discussion at FOP about data communications: At the meeting, Mr. Jim Eck stated that the program is data communications program primarily leverages SC-214 for industry input and coordination between the United States and Europe. At this time, SC-214 has standards developed or in development to support harmonized Segments 1 and Segments 2. The U.S.-European approach is to not necessarily move forward in parallel, but in agreement of next steps and content of the Segments. This may result in program “leap frogging” between the U.S. and Europe. Mr. Eck provided an overview of the planned Segment content and alignment with the European Link 2K+, 4D Link / SESAR, and SESAR Implementation Package 3.

At the briefing, Mr. Eck noted that the FAA sees early user equipage as opposed to driving an early mandate as key to the program and he plans to spend “80 percent of the energy of the office” on equipage strategies. Important to encouraging equipage will be the FAA’s showing of commitment to the program. The office will also focus on the types of operations and the segments of the industry that will benefit from data communications as opposed to just rolling out a broader program. It was also noted that the FAA initially was planning on a regulation, but that the Data Communications office is shifting away from a mandate toward creating benefits and incentives early before talking about a regulatory requirement. There could be a need for some type of regulatory activity down the line such as a “clean up rule” in a distant future, but it is too early to have specific conversations about a rule right now. At this time, the first capabilities are likely to be operating around 2015. At the March FOP, the committee raised general concerns over the FAA’s leap-frog

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approach with Europe, which introduces possible costs for operators and manufacturers in meeting multiple mandates timed only a few years apart. The group also discussed the need to ensure full integration of the CNS components of the NAS and that the approach seems to continue to be stovepiped. The group commented that the regional implementation approach discussed by Mr. Eck is one that the operator community responded negatively to within the ADS-B ARC and that that regional needs to be further explored for Data Communications. It was noted that the presentation was silent on oceanic issues (FANS) and that the role of the FAA program needs to be further developed in terms of oceanic. Notes: Ms. Anderson provided a brief overview of the state of the FAA’s data comm. Program. She noted that the FAA believes that 40 percent of the commercial airline fleet is FANS equipped which is identified as a benefit to the agency’s strategy. Ms. Anderson also discussed the implications of ERAM on the data comm program and her targeting a 2016 date for the next build. At the last briefing from the FAA the agency had shifted away from a rule as a need for the program. However, during the briefing Ms. Anderson noted that for Segment 1 the FAA is still viewing voluntary equipage, but that Segment 2 may drive toward a rule. GAMA emphasized the need for the program to involve industry more in its planning. It was noted that engaging Honeywell and Rockwell Collins through an OTA was a positive step, but that that a larger forum of industry will be needed soon to help provide industry input including a potential RTCA committee for FACA guided discussions. If at a future date plans are solidified for a rule for data comm it was noted that the creation of an ARC would be essential. Action 2009-03-10: Committee members are requested to review Action 2009-01-01 and provide feedback to GAMA about the type of industry forum that would benefit the data comm program at this time.

12:45pm H. European Data Link Mandate Impact (Jens Hennig, GAMA / Group Discussion) On January 16, 2009 European Commission Regulation (EC) No 29/2009 was published laying down requirements for data link services for the Single European Sky program. The regulation lays down a set of deadlines including:

- January 2011: All new aircraft flying in Europe above FL285 shall be equipped with CPDLC systems relying on VDL Mode 2 / ATN capable architecture. (Some GAMA member companies have raised concerns about their ability to meet this deadline.)

- February 2013: Data link services provided by ground equipment in the core Europe area.

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- February 2015: Mandatory equipage for existing aircraft (with some possible exceptions)

- February 2015: Data link services provided by ground equipment in the extended area.

GAMA would like a better understanding of the impact of the European data link mandate on our members. Notes: Mr. Hennig introduced the topic of the European data link mandate and that it would be further discussed at a November 11, 2009 IBAC CNS / ATM committee meeting. He noted that GAMA has been an observer at member company meetings with the European Commission related to the 2011 forward fit requirement. Mr. Benich discussed the Honeywell led effort to provide an exemption to the 2011 forward fit requirement by making a petition under Article 14 (financial hardship) noting that the upfront cost of investment would not justify the requirement, but that these aircraft instead by subject to the 2015 retrofit requirement. Action 2009-03-11: Committee members are requested to provide feedback to GAMA about possible need to weigh in on the possible petition for data comm in Europe in support of Honeywell (or other avionics manufacturers) request.

11:30pm Working Lunch (All) Notes: The committee was asked to provide feedback about the NextGen briefings to GAMA. Several points were made by the FOP including:

- Further international engagement and harmonization should continue to be emphasized.

- There is no concept of use for data comm at this time, but the program

continues to progress.

- Equipment incentives need to be carefully structured as historically only equipment mandates drive operator equipping. Questions were asked how and at what rate an equipment incentive would advance / accelerate NextGen and how it would be funded.

1:00pm J. EASA Extension of Scope, New Direction Announced by EASA / EC (Jens Hennig, GAMA) In September, EASA and the European Commission released a common strategy for EASA's expansion to new responsibilities in the areas of Flight Crew Licensing, Air Operations, and Third Country Operators ("first extension") as well as the field of Air Traffic Management/Navigation Services and Aerodromes ("second extension"). This is a significant change in the overall strategy and timeline for the extension of scope of EASA.

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The strategy includes a delay of the publication of the EASA opinion to the first extension to mid-2011 for adoption by April 2012. Providing proper time for the development of implementing rules and transition phases has been a position of stakeholders, including GAMA, over the past year based on our members' feedback to the Notices of Proposed Amendment (NPAs) for pilot licensing, operations, and operational suitability certificates. The strategy identifies two priorities: pilot licensing and commercial air transport as the top priorities for the agency to focus resources. For the first extension, it has been decided that:

- EASA will submit its opinions to the first extension in a phased manner, so the Commission and EU Member States can concentrate on one proposal after another;

- the technical requirements for Part-Ops will be separated into dedicated stand-alone Parts for Commercial Air Transport, other operations (training, test flights, etc.) and non-commercial/special approval ops);

- work will not begin on Operational Suitability Certification specifications until the Opinions on licensing and commercial air transport have been submitted.

For the second extension, it has been decided that:

- EASA will hold stakeholder conferences on the second extension during the first half of 2010;

- EASA’s Opinion on aerodrome safety shall be issued during 2012, so that the rules can be adopted by the Commission by December 2013;

- the Agency’s Opinions on ATM-related implementing rules shall be issued during 2011, with adoption of the rules by December 2012. As part of the prioritization efforts, EASA will first focus on the following ATM components:

o Air Navigation Service Provision o Air Traffic Controller licensing o Competent Authorities in ATM / ANS

When releasing the new strategy EASA and the European Commission noted that

The prioritization addresses the concerns raised by the stakeholder community. It respects the timelines established by the Basic Regulation by using a phased approach to the work and the output.

As part of the change in strategy the agency is also briefing an amended regulatory structure, which primarily maintains the existing EU-OPS (JAR-OPS 1) as a stand-alone regulatory part and not as an integrated regulation (e.g. 91 and 121) like the FAA system Status of Specific Rulemaking for 1st Extension of Scope: During the summer, GAMA worked actively with our members to file comments to the original proposals presented by EASA in 2008 and early 2009 including the Notices of Proposed Amendment (NPA) for operations and operational suitability certificates.

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EASA received a significant volume of comments which the agency is working to integrate, but due to the volume an alternative process has been adopted where the Comment Response Document (CRD) will not respond individually to the thousands of comments but to grouped / thematic sets of comments. This will allow the agency to focus resources on drafting new text. EASA is working to produce the CRD for the NPAs for pilot licensing, organizational / authority requirements, air operations, and operational suitability certificates by March 2010. This schedule would result in an opinion to the European Commission by May 2011. As part of the overarching strategy, EASA has also suspended work on the supporting Certification Specifications (CS) pending development of the Implementing Regulations. This will result in a delay of the NPA process for the applicable CS document until 2011 and expected CRD late 2011. The goal is to have published, by the Basic Regulation’s deadline of April 2012, acceptable documents with regulations and appropriate transition measures. Status of specific NPAs:

- Air operations: EASA received over 10,000 comments and has yet to reconvene the rulemaking group, but it is expected to take place late 2009. The air operations NPA will be significantly different due to the change in strategy provided by the European Commission and EASA to retain EU-OPS as a stand-alone regulation. (GAMA is cooperating with NBAA on the support of the rulemaking group.)

- Operational Suitability Certificates: The rulemaking group, of which GAMA is a member, was reconvened in late September 2009 and provided EASA feedback on how to incorporate the new concept of “required operational suitability data” within Part 21 and to appropriately define the scope of the required data. The goal of industry is to ensure that the required data better aligns with the current JOEB Terms of Reference.

- Pilot licensing: EASA is conducting a traditional review of all the comments received to the pilot licensing NPA, but the finalization of the IRs has to be coordinated with the overall work on the first extension of scope.

- Third Country Aircraft: EASA had yet to publish this NPA and the agency has postponed its release to sometime in 2010.

Notes: Mr. Hennig, very briefly, provided the committee an update on the status of the extension of scope for EASA and referred committee members to the workbook and recent committee memos about progress.

Time TBD N. Any Other Business (AOB) GAMA would welcome the committee’s input on any areas to which GAMA should focus additional attention.

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Notes: Mr. Hennig briefly discussed the November 11, 2009 meeting of the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) CNS/ATM Subgroup. The meeting will be focusing on upcoming equipment mandates, specifically those for data communications. GAMA distributed a high-level overview of expected, upcoming equipment mandates that will effect general aviation (copied below).

Equipment Mandates

Date Responsible Organization Requirement 2005 January FAA RVSM

2010 April FAA Data Link Recording

2010 November Nav Canada ADS-B

2011 January European Commission Data Communications (new


2012? European Commission ADS-B (new aircraft)

2015? European Commission ADS-B (existing fleet)

2015 February European Commission Data Communications (existing fleet)

2016? ICAO TCAS 7.1

2017? FAA Data Communications

2020? FAA ADS-B

N/A (voluntary) FAA RNP-AR

Action 2009-03-12: GAMA agreed to provide a brief summary of the meeting as part of the FOP committee meeting notes.

Notes from IBAC CNS/ATM SG November 11 Meeting Background: Participation in the IBAC CNS/ATM SG includes IBAC member organization including NBAA, European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), Canadian Business Aviation Association (CBAA), Japanese Business Aviation Association (JBAA), Brazilian Business Aviation Association (ABAG) as well as several individual operators and consultants. IBAC also invites representatives from manufacturers including GAMA, Bombardier, Cessna Aircraft Company, Dassault Falcon Jet, Honeywell, and Rockwell Collins. Meeting notes: The meeting including an overview of upcoming NAV Canada requirements including the November 18, 2010 imposition of exclusionary airspace for ADS-B Out (AMC 20-24) aircraft above Hudson Bay and Minto. Work is also underway to further expand the airspace requirements east toward Greenland.

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The IBAC CSN/ATM SG noted that the pending NAT CPDLC / ADS-C requirements for part of the track system, which is expected in 2013 and later expanded to all MNPS airspace by 2015, combined the plans for expanding airspace for ADS-B equipage during the same time frame will place business aircraft operators with two significant equipment mandates. The combination of the two will drive operators to either fly in-efficient routes / altitudes or equip with ADS-B as well as CPDLC / ADS-C during the next decade. In order to better educate the business aviation community about the NAT CPDLC / ADS-C program, IBAC will schedule a telecon sometime later in 2009 to further discuss the topic and determine future action. Questions about the IBAC CNS/ATM SG can be directed to Jens Hennig at GAMA.

Time TBD O. Meeting Schedule for 2010 Mr. Jack Pelton has agreed to continue to chair the Flight Operations Policy committee in 2010. GAMA plans on scheduling three committee meetings for 2010 and publish the dates later this year. Notes: Based on committee discussion, GAMA is looking at scheduling three meetings for 2010 including:

- First quarter: Combined FOP / SIC meeting (see action FOP 2009-03-06) with focus on strategic look at GA security.

- May-June: Target a meeting following the expected ADS-B final rule’s

publication in April to vet the final requirements.

- Fall: Meeting in October-November timeframe. Action 2009-03-13: GAMA will distribute a schedule of three meetings in 2010 (one combined with SIC).

02:30pm Adjourn Day Two Notes: The meeting was adjourned at 1:10pm.

Action Items Following November 9-10, 2009 Meeting # / Assigned Due Action Item Status 2009-03-01 Upcoming

Meeting GAMA should invite AOPA to share their perspectives about NextGen at future FOP committee meetings.


2009-03-02 GAMA should cooperate with NBAA / Honeywell to identify a second set of business aviation runway ends where RNP procedures would provide benefit.


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2009-03-03 September 2010

Committee members are invited to support a 2010 “RNP Workshop” that is tentatively planned for NBAA’s Convention in Atlanta.


2009-03-04 Ongoing GAMA should continue to engage with the FAA to advance the recommendations provided by the Task Force related to streamlining of operational approvals.


2009-03-05 ASAP GAMA should distribute a copy of S.2745 to the committee.

Closed. A copy of the Senator Dorgan “laptop” bill has been posted to the committee website.

2009-03-06 Next Meeting

GAMA should schedule with the FOP / SIC chairmen to identify a date for a spring combined meeting.


2009-03-07 November 22, 2009

Committee members are requested to review and provide feedback to GAMA about Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) Pilot in Command Check and Other Changes to the Pilot and Pilot School Certification Rules in the Federal Register, docket number 2008-0938 by November 22, 2009.


2009-03-08 Upcoming Meeting

GAMA should invite “FAA NextGen leadership (e.g. ATO-1 or Ms. Cox’s organization) to brief future FOP committee meetings.


2009-03-09 December 2009

Committee members provide feedback to GAMA on framework within which the acceleration (2020 to 2015) could be evaluated for FAA cost savings (e.g. SSR divestment, backup strategy, role of WAM and cost to operators.)


2009-03-10 December 2009

Committee members are requested to review Action 2009-01-01 and provide feedback to GAMA about the type of industry forum that would benefit the data comm program at this time.


2009-03-11 November 30

Committee members are requested to provide feedback to GAMA about possible need to weigh in on the possible petition for data comm. in Europe in support of Honeywell (or other avionics manufacturers) request.


2009-03-12 With Notes

GAMA agreed to provide a brief summary of the meeting as part of the FOP committee meeting notes.

Closed. A summary was included in the November committee meeting notes.

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2009-03-13 December

15, 2009 GAMA will distribute a schedule of three meetings in 2010 (one combined with SIC.)


2009-02-01 Ongoing GAMA should encourage the NTSB to share flight data (FDM / FDR NVM) in an expedited manner and on a timeline similar to other “factual data”.

Pending. NTSB AS-2R updated GAMA in August that a policy is in draft.

2009-02-01 Upcoming Meeting

GAMA should invite the appropriate USG Office to provide an overview of the GPS program.


2009-01-01 ATMAC GAMA Should coordinate with Rockwell Collins, Boeing, and Honeywell about presenting the ATMAC with a proposal to create a Data Communications Rulemaking Committee and Possible ATMAC Working Group

Pending. A briefing by the Data Communications Program office has been scheduled for the November meeting.

2009-01-05 October GAMA should invite Mr. VanTrees to brief Version 2 of the roadmap at the fall FOP meeting.

Pending. The update from Mr. Van Trees has been moved to future meetings

2009-01-06 GAMA will distribute the Publication 5 Ad Hoc Committee Charter, identify a committee chair person, and encourage participation from the light airplane manufacturing member companies.

Pending. GAMA published the charter, but only limited participation from member companies. Additional feedback welcome about timing and resource needs for this task.

2009-01-08 Next PLC Meeting

GAMA should explore further leveraging the PLC in airport access issues.

Pending. The next PLC meeting has been scheduled for December 16, 2009 and airport access issues has been placed on the agenda.

2008-02-06 GAMA / NBAA

Next Meeting

GAMA will work with NBAA to obtain information about the missing airplane models for which NBAA lacks NBAA IFR performance information and distribute those specific models to the affected member companies.


2008-02-07 GAMA / Honeywell

ASAP GAMA should coordinate through Honeywell with AIA on recommendations to the FAA on how to handle the JPDO working groups and industry’s future engagement into the NextGen process.


2008-01-03 / GAMA

ASAP GAMA will coordinate with NetJets on the development of their internal avionics roadmap and determine how best to support the activity.

Pending. GAMA followed up with NJ on March 5 about avionics roadmap. GAMA again invited NJ to July 2009

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FOP. NJ plans to contact GAMA when work commences. GAMA connected again with NetJets who pointed to 2010 as the right time for a briefing.

Closed Action Items Before November 9-10, 2009 GAMA FOP Meeting # / Assigned Due Action Item Status 2009-01-02 GAMA should closely monitor the

NextGen Task Force and, if necessary, engage with the FAA / Industry leadership to de-emphasize the June / August schedule.

Closed. The Task Force filed its recommendations with the FAA in September.

2009-01-03 April GAMA schedule SIC / FOP telecon after first TSA LASP Workshop meeting.

Closed. A telecon was held on April 7, 2009.

2009-01-04 By Dates GAMA members requested to provide feedback about EASA NPAs to GAMA by the following dates: Air Operations (May 1), Operational Suitability Certificates (April 1), Third Country Aircraft (June 15?) to allow for development of draft comments.

Closed. GAMA filed comments to the Air Operations and Operational Suitability Certificate NPAs based. Third Country Aircraft publication has been delayed.

2009-01-07 ASAP GAMA post March 18 testimony by Vicki Cox to FOP website.

Closed. The testimony was posted under “FOP Group Files” for download.

2009-01-09 August FOP members provide feedback about topics and participation in RNP panel at NBAA conference.

Closed. The panel was supported by Dassault, Gulfstream, and Honeywell from the GAMA membership. GAMA and NBAA is laying out plans for making the 2010 event a workshop instead of a panel.

2009-01-10 July 2009 GAMA schedule briefings on SMS and EASA Extension of Scope based on Athens meeting during summer FOP.

Closed. Briefings and discussions about SMS and EASA Extension of Scope on meeting agenda.

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2008-03-01 GAMA will discuss with members how to engage the FAA in streamlining operational approvals and coordinate with other industry groups such as NBAA.

Closed. GAMA has reached out to companies for feedback and placed operational approval streamlining on agenda for RTCA NextGen Task Force. The Task Force contains (Appendix K and L) detailed recommendations. GAMA testified before the House Aviation Subcommittee about streamlining in October.

2008-03-05 GAMA should make information available about RTCA NextGen Task Force when formed.

Closed. GAMA distributed information in FOP09-01 on January 27, 2009


November GAMA should respond to Julian Hall’s invitation to meet with EASA about “very light jet” and single pilot training requirements.

Closed. GAMA met with EASA’s Evan Nielson and Micaela Verissimo to discuss single pilot training in context of NPAs on pilot training and operational suitability. GAMA is submitting comments to OSC NPA about single pilot requirements.

2008-03-03 ASAP GAMA will post a copy of the EASA Basic Regulation 216/2008 to the committee site.


2008-03-04 Spring 2009

GAMA will schedule a GA flight data management workshop spring 2009.

Closed. GAMA hosted an FDM workshop March 4-5, 2009.

2008-02-01 GAMA

July 15 GAMA will distribute Avionics Roadmap document to FOP when available in mature draft.

Closed. The version 1.0 of the avionics roadmap was distributed (FOP 08-41) and will be a topic of discussion at the spring FOP meeting.

2008-02-02 Members

ASAP Member companies should provide GAMA with points of contact within their companies about Santa Monica Airport.

Closed. POCs received from member companies.

2008-02-03 GAMA

ASAP GAMA will publish new EASA Basic Regulation BR 216/2008 on the FOP Download website.

Closed. The EASA BR 216/2008 has been published on the FOP Download website.

2008-02-04 Members

TBD Members provide feedback to GAMA about the EASA NPAs for Flight Crew Licensing, Operations, and Third Country Aircraft when they are distributed by GAMA this summer and fall.

Closed. GAMA has received feedback from members on the importance of addressing the instructor limitations in the NPA. Mr. Hall is on the October FOP agenda.

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2008-02-05 GAMA / Members

August GAMA will work with our member OEMs to review the NBAA IFR Range Format and determine if it needs to be changed in order to allow for better comparison between equivalent airplanes as opposed to the current use of the turboprop standards for business jets for models by some manufacturers.

Closed. GAMA presented a proposal based on member feedback to NBAA. Mr. Kinosz will update the FOP about the response from NBAA.

2008-02-08 GAMA

Next Meeting

GAMA will provide updates to the FOP about the progress of the TALPA at future meetings.

Closed. The TALPA is on the October FOP agenda for update.

2008-02-09 Members

ASAP Member should inform GAMA about any concerns that their staff has identified about the direction of the TALPA with respect to landing performance.

Closed. GAMA received general endorsement and feedback from member companies about direction of TALPA ARC.

2008-02-10 Next Meeting

GAMA will refine the FOP Priority Issues list based on feedback from members.

Closed. The priority list is included in the October workbook and has been updated based on member feedback.

2008-01-01 GAMA

ASAP GAMA will distribute ETOPS InFO and final guidance for Part 135 operations as soon as the FAA has published the guidance on their website.

Closed. The FAA published InFO 08019 which provides guidance for the ETOPS applicability evaluation. However, AC 135-42 ETOPS is being published by the FAA following a rule change.

2008-01-02 / GAMA

ASAP GAMA will review Order 8260.54A related to RF legs and identify any steps that need to be taken to get RF lets out of SAAAR.

Closed. Greg Bowles with GAMA has been appointed to work with the PARC.

2008-01-04 / GAMA

ASAP GAMA will distribute the Terms of Reference of the Publication 10 review.

Closed. GAMA distributed Terms of Reference to Publication 10 review on May 6 (FOP 08-21.)

2008-01-05 / FOP Members

ASAP FOP members are asked to nominate appropriate staff (flight test and engineering) in support of the Publication 10 review which will start later this year.

Closed. Five companies have nominated people for the Publication 10 reviewing including Cessna Aircraft Company, L-3 Communications, Honeywell, Rockwell Collins, and Embraer. The first meeting is in Kansas City on October 20-21.

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2008-01-06 / GAMA

ASAP GAMA will distribute draft recommendation to the FOP for opportunities to streamline the RVSM approval process and ask members to provide specific feedback in the development of the letter to the FAA.

Closed. GAMA distributed the recommendations for RVSM streamlining to committee on March 13 (FOP 08-14.)

2008-01-07 / GAMA

ASAP GAMA will contact Ms. Fagan about AIRE point-of-contact Mr. McDaniels and make available to members who are interested in reaching out to the AIRE group.

Closed. GAMA distributed Mr. McDaniels e-mail on March 5. Mr. McDaniels has committed to regular industry outreach about AIRE.

2008-01-08 / GAMA

Next Meeting

GAMA will brief the FOP at the next meeting about the progress of the Takeoff and Landing Performance ARC (TALPA.)

Closed. Mr. Kinosz is scheduled to provide the FOP a detailed update about the TALPA ARC at the June meeting.

2008-01-09 / GAMA

ASAP GAMA will place AC-91-79 on the FOP website.

Closed. A copy of AC 91-79 is available in the meeting files on the committee site.

2008-01-10 / FOP Members

May 7 FOP members should provide comments to GAMA about the re-registration NPRM by May 7, 2008.

Closed. GAMA received comments about the re-registration NPRM from several member companies and submitted formal comments to the FAA.

2008-01-11 / GAMA

ASAP GAMA will reschedule the June FOP meeting and send updated meeting dates for 2008 to the committee.

Closed. GAMA rescheduled June meeting and distributed new dates June 26-27 per FOP 08-13 on March 12.

2007-03-01 / Hennig

ASAP Reach out to the operator groups (AOPA and NBAA specifically to offer to host a meeting with the avionics manufacturers to answer any questions. This meeting should be held soon to avoid negative comments due to miss-understanding.

Closed. Chris Benich (Honeywell) coordinated an AOPA / NBAA phone call for November 12, 2007. AOPA participated. NBAA plans favorable comments. NATA is interested in supporting GAMA’s comments.

2007-03-02 / Hennig

December 2007

Coordinate a member-only telecon following a more detailed review of the NPRM to coordinate GAMA and member company comments to the NPRM and encourage discussion.

Closed. GAMA hosted a member-only telecon on December 6. Notes were distributed as FOP07-21.

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2007-03-03 / FOP Members

November 2007

FOP members are encouraged to provide comments to GAMA about the CBP NPRM on foreign flight notifications no later than 60 days from the release of the NPRM (November 2007.)

Closed. GAMA filed comments on December 4 following extended comment period. GAMA’s Riley distributed final comments GAMA07-44 to members.

2007-03-04 / GAMA

When available

When the security NPRM on large domestic aircraft operations is published, GAMA will distribute the NPRM for comments to members.

Closed. The Large Aircraft Security Program NPRM was distributed on October 9 (SIC 08-09) for a sixty day comment period.

2007-03-05 / GAMA

ASAP GAMA will send a note to Charlie Leader to communicate GAMA’s support of the IWP project being slowed down to ensure that when Version 1.0 is published it has been fully vetted with the Working Groups and aligns with the overall NextGen program.

Closed. GAMA’s Bunce communicated with Leader at October 16 IMC meeting support for slowing down IWP based on Bunce October 12 e-mail recommendations.

2007-03-06 / GAMA

n/a GAMA was encouraged to advocate for proper funding of environmental research to improve engines and airframe and also address NextGen which will result in immediate operational efficiencies which will reduce emissions. GAMA should also support ICAO as the organization to resolve emissions policy internationally. GAMA will also work to tell the positive story of all the environmental improvements that aviation has achieved.

Closed. Comments shared with GAMA staff for development of 2008 Agenda items related to the environment.

2007-03-07 / GAMA

ASAP GAMA will ask the Institute Management Council (IMC) to invite the ATMAC Data Communications subgroup to brief its recommendations to the IMC.

Close. GAMA’s Pete Bunce arranged for Rick Heinrich to brief the IMC on the ATMAC Subgroup recommendations on October 16.

2007-03-08 / GAMA

October 18

GAMA will attend the October 18 ATMAC meeting and support the Subgroup’s recommendations regarding program scope and need for collaboration.

Closed. GAMA’s Greg Bowles attended the ATMAC in support of the Subgroup recommendations.

2007-03-09 / Hennig

Next Meeting

GAMA will invite NBAA to the next FOP to discuss operator use of RNP-SAAAR.

Closed. NBAA and member company NetJets attended March FOP meeting and shared perspectives about performance based navigation.

2007-03-10 / Hennig

ASAP GAMA should ensure it is properly engaged in the Performance based Aviation Rulemaking Committee (PARC) to ensure that RNP is properly tailored to accommodate business aviation.

Closed. GAMA’s Greg Bowles has been added to the PARC.

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2007-03-11 / FOP Members

October 17

GAMA members are encouraged to provide comments about AC-135-42.

Closed. Comments were received and recommendations submitted to the FAA on November 1, 2007 GAMA07-42. GAMA also coordinated with NBAA, NATA, and NetJets for path forward.

2007-03-12 / Hennig

October 17

GAMA will survey OEMs about status of single engine speed in AFM.

Closed. GAMA sent survey FOP07-15A/B requesting information, which was received from all GAMA OEMs.

2007-03-13 / Hennig

When scheduled

GAMA will work with the FAA to ensure inclusion of GAMA and GA OEMs in the work of the Takeoff And Landing Performance ARC (TALPA) when the terms of reference are published.

Closed. GAMA distributed ARC Terms of Reference on December 6. GAMA and member companies have strong representation on TALPA.

2007-03-14 / FOP Members

Next Meeting

GAMA members will provide tangible examples to GAMA about areas that can be streamlined for RVSM LoA issuance. Areas to explore include: Pre- and post-delivery monitoring flights; Obtaining LoAs for single pilot turbine airplanes; Some OEMs experiencing the FAA loosing the record of the monitoring flight in-spite of pre-monitoring coordination; Standardization of FSDOs including the variance in manual requirements and continued creep.

Closed. GAMA has requested specific examples of problems / opportunities to streamline RVSM LoA issuance process on January 17, 2008 (ref: FOP 08-02).

2007-03-15 / Hennig

Next Meeting

GAMA will compile a comprehensive list of examples and engage with the RVSM office, including inviting the RVSM office to the next FOP meeting.

Closed. GAMA developed a set of examples based on member company feedback and FAA’s RVSM office attended March FOP meeting.

2007-03-16 / Hennig

December 2007

GAMA will schedule and publish dates for three (3) FOP meetings in 2008 and evaluate the fall meeting cost.

Closed. GAMA distributed meeting dates for 2008 on 12/18/2007 (ref: FOP 07-23).

2007-03-17 / Hennig

ASAP GAMA will update the FOP on the status of the Lockheed contract and efforts to improve the services.

Closed. GAMA and AOPA partook in the November 8 review of the FS21 Performance Level / Acceptable Performance Level (APL). GAMA will distribute the new performance measures when available.

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