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Volum 8 Issue 5 February 2013 መጀመርታ ዓርቢ ናይ ነፍስ-ወከፍ ወርሒ ትሕተም ወርሓዊት ጋዜጣ Printed the first Friday of every month Tel: 416-824-8124 Fax: 416-783-7850

ናብ ገጽ 6 ይቕጽል

Chinese Acupuncture and Herbs ClinicDr. Xiyan CaoCMD,AC Professor

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ሕማም ርእሲ* ናይ ደቂ-ኣንስትዮ ጸገም* ናይ ደቂ-ተባዕትዮ ጸገም* ጸቕጢ ደም፡ ሕማም ሽኮር* ድኻም* ምምካን (ውላድ ምስኣንወዘተ ኣገልግሎት ንምሃብ ሕጋዊ ፍቓድ ኣለና

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ዱ ጸኒሖም። ኣብቲ ብ25 ጥሪ ዝተኻየደ ናይ ሰልፊ ሊበራል ዋዕላ ድማ ካትሊን ዊይን ፕረሚር ክትከውን ብዝለዓለ ድምጺ

ካትሊን ዊይን ፕረሚር ኦንታርዮ ክትከውን ተመሪጻ

Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 2

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Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 3

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* ሓዘን፡ ጭንቀት፡ ጽምዋ ይስማዓካ ዶ?

* ብዛዕባ ጉዳይካ፡ መርዓ፡ ቆልዑ ወይ ወለዲ ኪእላዊ ምኽሪ ዝልግሰልካ ትደሊ ዶ?

* ጭንቀትካ ኣካላውን ኣእምራውን ቃንዛ ይፈጥረልካ ዶ?

ሽግራትካ ንምፍታሕን ኪእላዊ ምኽሪ

ንምርካብን ኩሉ ግዜ ንዶ/ር ሚና ተወከስ!


Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 4

መግረፍቲን ሃንደበታዊ ማእሰርትን ከምኡ’ውን ገደብ ኣብ ልዕሊ ናይ ሓሳብካ ምግላጽን፣ ምቛም ማሕበራትን ናይ ሃይማኖት ናጽነትን ኣብ ኤርትራ ቀጻሊ እዩ ዘሎ። ምርጫ ዝበሃል ካብ ኤርትራ ነጻ ዝዀነትሉ እዋን፣ ማለት ካብ 1993 ጀሚሩ ኣይተኻየደን፣ ቅዋም ብፍጹም ኣይተተግበረን ከምኡ ድማ ፖለቲካውያን ውድባት ኣብታ ሃገር ባይታ ተኸልኪለን ይርከባ። ነዚ ንመበል 20 ዓመቱ ዝገዝእ ዘሎ ፕረዚደንት ኢሳያስ ልጓም ክኾና ዝኽእላ ትካላትየለዋን። ኣብ ልዕሊ’ቲ ሓያል ምግሃስ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት፡ ናይ ኣስገዳድ ጕልበታዊ ስራሕን፡ መወዳእትኡ ዘይፍለጥ ወተሃደራዊ ኣገልግሎትን ንኤርትራውያን በብዓመቱ ብኣሽሓት ሃገሮም ራሕሪሖም ክስደዱ ዘገድዱ ጠንቅታት ኰይኖም ኣለዉ።

ምእታው ዓለምለኻውያን ሰብኣውያንን ናይ ሰብኣዊ መሰል ውድባትን ናብታ ሃገር ዳርጋ ፍጹም ዘይከኣል ጕዳይ ኰይኑ፡ እታ ሃገር ነጻ ዝዀነ መራኸቢ ብዙሃን እውን የብላን። ምስ “ሰፊሕን ስያሳውን ምግሃስ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት” ብዘረጋግጽ መንገዲ ናይ ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ናይ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ባይቶ ብ2012 ሓደ ንኤርትራ ዝምልከት ፍሉይ ሓይሊ ዕማም ኣቝሙ እዩ።

ቀስበናዊ ናይ ጕልበት ስራሕን ወተሃደራዊ ኣገልግሎትንሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት ንመንእሰያት ደቂ ኤርትራ ኣብ ቀጻሊ ዝዀነ ባርነት ጸሚድዎም ይርከብ። ወላኳ እቲ ናይ ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት ኣዋጅ ን18 ኣዋርሕ ጥራሕ ክኸውን ዝቕይድ እንተዀነ፡ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ነዚ ኣገልግሎት እዚ ንዘይተወሰነ እዋን የናውሖ። ዕስኩራት ኣባላት ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት እኹል ዝዀነ መግብን ሕክምናን ኣይረኽቡን እዮም። ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ነዚ ብዝምልከት ዳርጋ ፍጹም ኣገልግሎት ከምዘይረኽቡ እዮም ዝሕብሩ። እቲ ዝረኽብዎ ደሞዝ (30 ዶላር ኣመሪካ ንወርሒ ዝግመት) ስድራቤት ክትኣልየሉ ዘየኽእል እዩ። ዝተዓስከራ ደቀንስትዮ ድማ ካብ ሓለፍተን ጾታዊ ምግሳስ ከምዘጋጥመን ይሕብራ እየን። ኣብ ፈለማ 2012 ፕረዚደንት ኢሳያስ እውን ከይተረፈ ኣባላት ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎትን ናይ መንግስቲ ሰራሕተኛታትን እኹል ዝዀነ ደሞዝ ከምዘይብሎምን“ግቡኦም ድማ ዳርጋ ብዘይ ደሞዝ” ነዚ ዝሓለፈ 20 ዓመታት “ከወፍዩ ከምዝጸንሑ” ተኣሚኑ እዩ።ዝዓስከሩ ኣባላት ከምዝሕብርዎ ኣብ ናይ ኣስገዳድ ስራሕ ኣብ ምስልሳል ትሕተ-ቅርጻዊ ስራሓት እታ እንኮ ናይ ዕደና ትካልን ቀንዲ ምንጪ ኣታዊን ዝኾነ

ት ናይ ብሻ ናይ ወርቂ ዕደና ከምዝተሳተፉ እዩ። ወላኳ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ምስቲ ቀንዲ ናይታ ዓለምለኻዊት ናይ ዕደና ትካል፡ ዝዀነ ኣባል ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት ኣብ ብሻ ክሰርሕ ከምዘይፍቀዶ ተሰማሚዑ እንተነበረ፡ እታ ትካል ተሳትፎ እታ በቲ ዝገዝእ ዘሎ ውድብ እትውነን ናይ ህንጻ ትካል ሰገን ኣድልዩዋ ነበረት። ሰገን ሰፊሕ ዝዀነ ምጥቃም ጕልበት ዓስከር ከምእተዘውትርን ኣብ ብሻ ድማ ከምኡ ከምዝገበረትን ጭብጢ ኣሎ። ካብኡ ዘምለጡ ሰባት ንትካል ተዓዛቢ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ኣብ 2012 ከምዝሓበርዎ፡

ኣብ ናይ መዓልታዊ 12 ሰዓታት ስራሕ ተሳተፍቲ ምንባሮምን፡ ሓደገኛዊ ዝዀነ ኩነታት ሕጽረት መግብን ሕማቕ ናይ መንበሪ ኣባይቲ ኵነታትን ከምዝነበሮምን ኣረጋጊጾም። ብዛዕባ ኵነታቶም መረረ ከስምዑ ኣይከኣሉን ምኽንያቱ “ነዛ ንሂወትና ፈሪህና ኔርና” ይብሉ።

ኣብዚ ቀረባ እዋን ካብኡ ዘምለጡ ዓስከር ከምዝሕብርዎ ብግዴታ ናብ ዝተፈላለዪ ናይ ስራሕ ፕሮጀክትታትን በታ እትገዝእ ዘላ ፓርቲ ዝውነኑ ናይ ንግድን ሕርሻን ትካላትን ህዝባዊ ኣገልግሎት ዝህባ ትካላትን ከምኡ እውን ኣብ ብላዕለዎት ወተሃደራውያን ሓለፍቲ ዝውነኑ ናይ ሕርሻ ቦታታትን ተመዲቦም ከምዝነበሩ ይሕብሩ።

ማእከላይ ገምጋም ናይቶም ናይ መንግስቲ ቶኵስካ ቅተል ዝብል መምርሒ እንዳሃለወ ክንደይ ሓደጋታት ሰጊሮም ዶብ ጥሒሶም ዝሃድሙ ስደተኛታት ኣብ ወርሒ ክሳብ 1500 ሰባት በጺሑ ኣሎ። መሰነይታ ዘይብሎም ናእሽቱ እውን ብኸምኡ ይሃድሙ። ቤት ጽሕፈት ላዕላዋይ ኮምሽነር ስደተኛታት ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ከምዝጸብጸቦ ኣብ 2012 ጥራይ ክሳብ 1100 ዝዀኑ ትሕቲ-ዕድመ ኣ

ብ ሓንቲ ናይ ኢትዮጵያ ናይ ስደተኛታት መዓስከር ይነብሩ ኣለዉ። ዝስደዱ ዘለዉ ኤርትራውያን እቶም ተራ ሰባት ጥራይ ኣይኮኑን፡፡ ወላ እቲ መንግስቲ ናይ ስልጣን ይኹን ናይ መገሻን ተፈላጥነትን ሓለፋታት ዝገብረሎም ሰባት እውን ከይተረፉ ራሕሪሖሞ ይኸዱ እዮም።

ኣብ ጥቅምቲ ክልተ ላዕለዎት ናይ ሓይሊ ኣየር ፓይሎታት እታ ኢሳያስ ዝጥቀመላ ነፋሪት ሒዞም ኣብ ስዑድያ ኢዶም ሂቦም። ኣቐድም ኣቢሉ እውን እቲ ውሩይ ንኤርትራ ኣብ 2012 ኣብ ኦሎምፒክስ ዓወት ዘጨበ

ጠ ስፖርተኛ ምስ ካልኦት ሰለስተ ብጾቱ ዑቕባ ሓቲቱ። ንሱ ከም ዝበሎ፡ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዘሎ ጭፍለቓ “ሰባት ሂወቶም ከጥፍእ ክሳብ ዝኽእል ነገራት ክገብሩ የገድድ፡ ኣብ መወዳእትኡ ድማ ሓደ ሓደ ግዜ ካልእ ምርጫ’ውን የልቦን”። ክልተሙዚቀኛታት እውን ንወጻኢ ከምዝሃደሙ ተነጊሩ እዩ።

መግረፍቲ፣ ሞትን፣ ዝተናውሐን ፍርዲ ዘይብሉን ማእሰርቲ

ኤርትራውያን ንቀጻሊ ዝዀነ ምኽንያትን ፍርዲ ይኹን ተመሳሳሊ ሕጋዊ መስርሕ ዘይብሉን ማእሰርቲ ተሳጢሖም ይርከቡ። ማእሰርቲ ዳርጋ ወትሩ መወዳእታ የብሉን። ንምሕደራ ፕረዚደንት ኢሳያስ ብዝምልከት ሕቶታት ድሕሪ ምልዓሎም ላዕለዎት ሰበስልጣን መንግስቲን ጋዜጠኛታትን ካብ 2001 ጀሚሮም ክሳብ ለይቲ ሎሚ ኣብ ቀይዲ ይርከቡ። ካብቲ ናይ ሓለዋ ኣሃዱታት ዝሃደሙ ወተሃደራት ከምዝገልጽዎ ግን መብዛሕትኦም እዞም ሰበስልጣን ሞይቶም እዮም።

ካብዞም ዝሃደሙ ሰባት ዝተረኽበ ሓበሬታ መሰረት ብምግባር ኣብ ቤት ማእሰርቲታት ኤርትራ ዘሎ ኩነታት ቀረባትን ኣገል

ግሎታትን ኣዝዩ ዘስካሕክሕ ኰይኑ፡ ኣዝዩ ድሩት ቀረባት መግብን ሕክምናን እዩ ዘሎ። እሱራት ኣብ ትሕቲ መሬት ብዝተሰርሑ ጐዳጉዲን ኮንተይነራትን ተታሒዞም ንሓያል ሙቐትን ቁሪን ይቃልዑ። ብዙሓት እሱራት ድማ ብምክንያት ግናይ ኣተሓሕዛ ይሞቱ።

መግረፍቲን ካልእ ግፍዕታትን ኣብ ቤት ማእሰርቲታት ብቐጻሊ ይካየዱ። ካብቲ ዓይነታት መቕጻዕቲታት፤ ኣብ ማይ ምጥሓል፣ ኣብ ኣግራብ ኣእዳው ኣሲርካ ምንጥልጣልን ንሰዓታት ወይ እውን መዓልታት ዝኣክል ተኣሲርካ ናብ ጸሓይ እንዳኣጠመትካ ምስጣሕን፣ ኣብ ጐማ መኪና ኣሲርካ ምንክርራው፣ ኣእዳው ኣጥቢቕካ ብምእሳር ዑደት ደም ብግቡእ ከይካየድ ምዕጋትን ቀጻሊ መግረፍትን የጠቓልል።

ደረት ናጽነት ናይ ምንቅስቓስን ምምስራት ማሕበራትን

መንግስቲ ኢሰያስ ኣብ 2001 ነጻ ብሕታውያን ሕትመታት ብምዕጻውን ልቸንሳታት ብምሕዳግን ኣሕተምተን ኣሲሩዎም። ካብ ሓለዋ ዘምለጡ ወተሃደራት ምርኩስ ብምግባር ትካል ዶብ ኣልቦ ጋዜጠኛታት ከምዝሓበሮ ኣብ 2012 ኣርባዕተ ጋዜጠኛታት ኣብቲ ቤት ማእሰርቲ ሞይቶም። ክልተ ካብኦም ኣብ 2001 ዝተኣስሩ እዮም ነይሮም።

እቶም ካብ 2009 ጀሚሮም ንናይ ምዕራባውያን ውድባት ሓበሬታ ኣመሓላሊፍኩም ብዝብል ክሲ ዝተኣስሩ ንመንግስታውያን ትካላት ዘገልግሉ ዝነበሩ ጋዜጠኛታት እውን እንተዀነ ክሳብ ሕጂ ኣብ ማእሰርቲ ይርከቡ።

ኩለን ኣብ ሃገር ዝርከባ መራኸቢ ብዙሃን ኣብ ትሕቲ መንግስታዊ ቁጽጽር ይርከባ። ክልተ ካብተን ኣርባዕተ ናይ ኢንተርነት ኣገልግሎት ዝህባ ትካላት፤ መንግስቲ ዘየፍቀደሉ ወብሳይታት (ድረገጻት) ይእግዳ፤ ኩሎም ተጠቐምቲ ኣብ ኢንተርነት ካፈተርያታት እውን ኣብ ቀጻሊ ናይ ስለያዊ ምቁጽጻር ባይታ ኣገልግሎቶም ይረኽቡ። ኤርትራ ድማ ሓደ ሓደ ግዜ ብተቓወምቲ ጕጅለታት ዝፍነዉ ናይ ሳተላይት ፈነወታት ዕፈና ተካይድ እያ። ኮሚቴምክልኻል ጋዜጠኛታት (CPJ) ኣብ 2012 ነዚ ዝሓለፈ ሽዱሽተ ዓመታት ብምግምጋም ኤርትራ “እታ ካብ ዓለም ምሉእ ዝለዓለ ናይ ምቁጽጻር ሕትመት እተካይድ ሃገር” ብማለት ሰምዩዋ ኣሎ።

እቶም ዝሃደሙ ኣባላት ሰራዊት ነበር ነቲ ሓያል ናይ ፍርሂ ኩነታት እታ ሃገር ይገልጽዎ እዮም። ንሰበስልጣን ምንቃፍ ይት

ረፍ ወላ ሕቶ ምሕታት እውን ኣብ ማእሰርትን ካብኡ ዝገደደ ኩነታትን ከውድቐካ ይኽእል። ምእካብ ካብ ሸውዓተ ሰባት ንላዕሊ ዝዀኑ ሰባትን ምምስራት ዘይመንግስታውያን ውድባት (NGOs) ክልኩል እዩ። ፖለቲካዊ ውደባ ነቲ ገዛኢ ውድብ ህግደፍ ጥራይ ዝተሓዝአ እዩ። ብዘይካ ኣካላት ናይ ህግደፍ ካልኦት ማሕበራት ክልኩላት እየን።

ምትእትታው ኣብ ሃይማኖታውያን እምነታትን ልምድታትን

መንግስቲ ኢሳያስ ንንጥፈታት ሃይማኖታት እውን ይቆጻጸር እዩ። እቲ መንግስቲ ህላወ ናይ ኣርባዕተ “ፍሉጣት” ሃይማኖታውያን ትካላት ጥራይ የፍቅድ። እዚኤን ድማ፡ ኦርቶዶክሳዊት ቤተክርስትያን፣ ሱና እስላማዊ እምነት፣ ሮማዊት ካቶሊካዊት ቤተክርስትያንን ሉተራን ወይ ቤተክርስትያን ከንሻን እየን። ካልኦት እምነታውያን ጕጅለታት ካብ 2002 ጀሚሮም ንፍቓድ ከመልክቱ ጸኒሖም እዮም፡ እንተዀነ መንግስቲ ምልክታታቶም ኣይሰርሓሉን።

ጳጳስ ኦርቶዶክሳዊት ቤተክርስትያን ንመንግስታዊ ምትእትታው ኣብ ጉዳያት ቤተክርስትያን ስለዝተቓወሙ ኣብ 2005 ካብ ስልጣን ኣልጊስዎም። ኣብዚ እዋን እዚ ኣብ ትሕቲ ናይ ገዛ ማእሰርቲ ዝርከቡ ኰይኖም ጥዕና እውን የብሎምን። መንግስቲ መተካእትኦም ዝዀኑ ጳጳስ መሪጹ ኣምጺኡ፡ ከምኡ ድማ ነቲ ዝለዓለ ናይ እስላማዊ ናይ ሕጊ በዓል መዚ ሙፍቲ ሱና እስላማዊ እምነት ኣብ ስልጣን ኣደይቡ።

ኣባላት እተን “ዘይፍሉጣት” ሃይማኖታውያን ትካላት እምነቶም ንኽሓድጉ ወይ ክቕይሩ መታን ይእሰሩን ብግፍዓዊ ኣገባብ ይተሓዙን ይግረፉን። ኣባላት ጅሆባ ዊትነስ ከኣ ብፍላይ ንግፍዒ ተቓሊዖም ዘለዉ እዮም። ኣብ 2012 ዓሰርተ ክልተ ካብኦም ኣብ ሓደ ናይ ቀብሪ ኣጋጣሚ እንዳተሳተፉ ከለዉ ተኣሲሮም። ሓደ ካብኣቶም ኣብ 2012 ብምኽንያት እቲ ኣብ ናይ ጕድጓድ ቤት ማእሰርቲ ዘጋጠሞ ምቘት ዝፈጠሮ ጥልመት ልቢ ብሞት ተፈልዩ። ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ 56 ኣባላት ጅሆባ ዊትነስ ኣብ ማእሰርቲ ይርከቡ። ዓሰርተ ሓደ ካብኣቶም ኣብ ሰብዓታትን ሰማንያታትን ናይ ዕድመ ክልል ዝርከቡ ኰይኖም፡ ሰለስተ ካብዞም እሱራት ድማ ካብ 1994 ጀሚሮም ብጽኑዕ ተኣሲሮም ዘለዉ ይርከብዎም።

ኣንጻር ኣባላት ስድራቤት ዝፍጸም ምፍዳይ ሕነ

ዓመታዊ ጸብጻብ ተጣባቒ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት (Human Rights Watch) ብዛዕባ ኤርትራ

ናብ ገጽ 8 ይቕጽል

Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 5







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Mario GlykisMember of the Law SocietyOf Upper Canada

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Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 6ዜናታት

ሃብታም ክኸውን ዝጸልእ ሰብ የለን። ሃብቲ ካብ ሰብ ናብ ሰብ፡ ካብ ዓይነት ናብ ዓይነት ይፈላለ’ዩ። ንኣብነት ገንዘባዊ ሃብቲ፡ ጥዕናዊ ሃብቲ፡ ብልሓዊ(ኣእምሮኣዊ)ሃብቲ ወዘተ… ክጥቀስ ይከኣል። ክትህብትም እንተደሊኻ፡ ነዞም ዝስዕቡ ሕቶታት ክትምልስ ኣሎካ። 1. ሃብቲ እንታይ’ዩ?2. መምዘኒ ሃብቲ እንታይ’ዩ?3. ብዛዕባ ሃብቲ እንታይ ይረኣየካ?መብዛሕትኦም ሰባት ሃብቲ ምስ ክብርን ገንዘባዊ ሓይልን የተኣሳሰርዎ። ገለ ሰባት’ውን ገንዘባዊ ሃብቲ ደሊቦም፡ ዝተረፈ ህይወቶም ኣብ ምዝንጋዕን ምዝናይን ከሕልፍዎ ይሕልኑ። ግን ክንደይ ዝኣክል ገንዘብ ምስ እንውንን ኢና ሃብታማት ንቑጸር? እምበኣርከስ ገንዘባዊ ሃብቲ ክትገብር እንተደሊኻ ነዘን ዝስዕባ ነጥብታት ከተተግብረን ፈትን።ኣእዛንካን ኣዒንትኻን ክፈተን። ዕድላት መጻእትን ከየድትን’ዮም። ስለዚ ኣጻብዕትኻ ኣብ ቃታ ኣጽንሓየን። ነዚ ቅድሚ ምግባርካ ግን ኣካቢ ሓበሬታ ኩን። ሰልዲ ኣዋህልል። ወጻኢታትካ ኣጉድሎ። ንኣብነት፡ ናይ ውልቂ ኣካይዳ ምጥቃም ኣጉድል፣ ኣብ ንእሽቶይ ገዛ ተቐመ

ጥ። ምሸት ገዛ ምስ ኣተኻ ኣብ ጁባኻ ዝነበረ ሳንቲም ኣብ ካሳ ኣቐምጦ። ኣይመስለናን’ምበር ብሳንቲም ዝውህለል ሰልዲ ብርኩት’ዩ። ምስ ኣዕሩኽትኻ ክትዘናጋዕ ከተምሲ ምስ እትውጥን ኣብታ ሓንቲ ጁባኻ ዘይተልዕሎ ገንዘብ ፍለ። ኣብ ክቡር መዘናግዒ ቦታታት ብዙሕ ገንዘብ ኣይተጥፍእ። ሃብትኻ ሓልዎ። ካብ ክትህብትም ሃብትኻ ምዕቃብ ይኸብድ። ገንዘብካ ብናይ ከባቢ ዕዳጋን ቁጠባን’ዩ ዝጽሎ። ስለዚ ኣካይዳኻ ጥንቁቕ ክኸውን ኣለዎ። ገንዘብካ ኣውፍሮ። ገንዘብካ ናብ ዘርብሓካ ነገር ማለት ከም ብርኪ፡ ቦንድወዘተ… ምግዛእ ዝበለጸ ኣማራጺ’ዩ። ብፍላይ ኣብ ዝምዕብል ዘሎ ንግዲ ወይ ቴክኖሎጂ ምውፋር ዕውት ስጉምቲ’ዩ። ሰባት ገንዘብ ከም ዘሎካ እንተድኣፈሊጦም፡ ዝተፈላለዩ ዕድላትን መጸዋዕታትን ክቕርቡልካ’ዮም። ኩሉ ግዜ ግን ዘክር፡ “ናይ ጥርሑ ምሳሕ የለን።”“ኩሉ ዘብለጭልጭ’ውን ወርቂ ኣይኮነን።”ስለዚ ኣካይዳኻ ብሰብ ሞያ ዝተደገፈን ዝተወጠነን ምስዝኸውን ተምራጺ’ዩ።

ወ. ኣብርሃ

ሃብቲ እንታይ’ዩ?

ኣዛብእ ክሳብ 10 ዓይነት ዝተፈላለየ ድምጽታት ምንቃው፡ ስሓቕን ካዕካዕታን ከምዘለዎም ተመራመርቲ ገሊጾም።ኣዛብእ፡ ጸላእቲ ኣብ ዝገጥምዎም፡ ዝብላዕ ኣብ ዝረኽብሉ፡ ክተኣኻኸቡ ምስ ዝደልዩ፡ ኣብ ዝጠምዩሉን ካልእን ዝተፈላለየ ዓይነት ድምጽታት ከምዝጥቀሙ ይፍለጥ። ሓደ ጉጅለ ዝብኢ ምስ ካልእ ጉጅለ ኣብ ዝራኸብሉ፡ ብዝህብዎ ድምጺ፡ ክሊ ዕድመኦም፡ ኩነታቶም፡ ብዝሖምን ዓሌቶምን ክፈላለጡ ይኽእሉ። ኣዛብእ ዝህብዎ ምስ ሰሓቕ ዝመሳሰል ድምጺ፡ ንኽተኣኻኸቡን ብሓባር ንኸጥቅዑን ከምዝጥቀምሉ ድማ ይንገር።

ወ. ኣብርሃ


ኤርትራውያን ካናዳውያን ተቐማጦ ቶረንቶን ከባቢኣን ነቲ ብ21 ጥሪ ኣብ ፎርቶ ኣስመራ ብሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ዝተገብረ ናይ ተቓውሞ ስጉምቲ ብምሉእ ልቢ ከምዝደገፉ ብ28 ጥሪ ኣብ ዝገበርዎ ኣኼባ ገሊጾም።

እቶም ኣብቲ ኣኼባ ዝተሳተፉ ኣባላት ናይ ዝተፈላለዩ ፖለቲካዊ ውድባት፡ ሲቪካዊ ማሕበራትን ወልቀሰባትን ንእዋናዊ ሓበሬታታት ብዝርዝር ብምምይያጥ፡ እቲ ንሚኒስትሪ ዜ

ና ንምቁጽጻር ዝተወስደ ስጉምቲ ነቲ ፈኸም እንዳበለ ክቃጸል ዝጸንሐ ቃልሲ ምልኣት ዝህብን ናብ ሓድሽ መድረኽ ናይ ቃልሲ ዘሰጋግርን ክኸወን ከምዝኽእል ኣሚቶም። ብተወሳኺ፡ ብሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ዝተወስደ ተባዕ ስጉምቲን ዝርአ ዘሎ ህዝባዊ ምልዕዓልን ኣብ ልዕሊ ውልቀ መላኺን ናይ ገበን መሻርኽቱን ኣዝዩ ራዕዲ ከምዝፍኑ ተንቲኖም።ኤርትራውያን ካናዳውያን ተቓወምቲ፡ ደገፎም ብዝያዳ ንምሕያልን ንጥፈታ

ኤርትራውያን ካናዳውያን ደገፎም ንሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ገሊጾም

ቶም ብዝበለጸ ንምውህሃድን ትሕግዞም ሓንቲ ኮሚተ ዕማም መሪጾም፡ ንጽባሒቱ ኣብ ፊት ቆንስል ኤርትራ ኣብ ቶረንቶ ኣድማ ክገብሩ ወሲኖም።

ኣብቲ ብ29 ጥሪ ኣብ ቅድሚ ቆንስል ኤርትራ ዝተገብረ ኣድማ፡ ሰልፈኛታት ንረሳሕ ተግባራት ቆንስል ኤርትራ ዘጋልጽ ጽሑፍ ንኩሎም ሓለፍቲ መንገድን ኣብቲ ከባቢ ዝካረዩ ዜጋታትን ዓዲሎም።


ካትሊን ዊይን ናይ መጀመርታ ጓል ኣንስተይቲ መራሒት ኦንታርዮ ብምኻናን ብተወሳኺ ለስብያን ብምዃናን ኣብ ታሪኽ ኦንታርዮ መዝገብ ከተቐምጥ በቒዓ ኣላ።

ካትሊን ዊይን ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ዓመታት ከም ሚኒስተር ትምህርቲ፡ ሚኒስተር ትራንስፖርትን ካልእን ኮይና ክትሰርሕ ዝጸንሐት ልዑል ናይ ምርድዳእ ዓቕሚ ዘለዋ ሰብ ምዃና ይግለጽ።

ካብ ገጽ 1 ዝቐጸለ

ካትሊን ዊይን ፕረሚር ኦንታርዮ . . .

ኤሪክ ሆስኪንስ (የማን ካብ ካትሊን ዘሎ)፡ ቻርለስ ሳውሳን ጀራርድ ከነድን ብጸጋማ ዘለዉ፡ ኣብቲ ውድድር ተሳቲፎም ዝነበሩ ኮይኖም፡ ኣብ መወዳእታ ደ

ገፎም ዝገለጹላ’ዮም

Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 7

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ጣና ማተሚያ ቤት

Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 8

Editors: Grace CherianPhotographer: Mulugeta Zergaber Contributors: Mohamed Edris Naza HasebenebiMedhin Ghebreslasie, Amleset Tesfay, Bode Odetoy-inbo, Mimi Chandy, Ken NtiamoaSubscription Costs in Canada $39 for a year and $59 for two years. In USA, it costs $45 for a year and $69 for two years.Articles appearing in assorted columns of Meftih newspaper are intended to generate civil & informed public discussions. You don’t have to agree with opinions expressed by the writers. However, that should push you to express your own views. Through that way we generate lively & civil discussions in the community. Rejoinders are not forums for personal insults & we want readers to adhere to these principles.

Editor-in-chiefAaron Berhane

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ጀጋኑ ኣባላት ሰራዊት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ብ21 ጥሪ ኣብ ፎርቶ ኣስመራ ዝርከብ ሚኒስትሪ ዜና ተቋጻጺሮሞ። ዕላምኦም፡ ብዘይ ጎነጽ ብመንገዲ ቲቪ ኤረ መልእኽቶም ናብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ምምሕልላፍ ስለዝነበረ፡ ንዳይረክተር ተሌቪዥን ኣስመላሽ ኣብርሃ፡ “ቅዋም ክትግበር፡ ናይ ፖለቲካ እሱራት ክፍትሑ” ዝጽውዕ መልእኽቲ ከንብብ ቀሲቦሞ። መልእኽቶም ምሉእ ብምሉእ ናብ ህዝቢ ኣይነበብ’ምበር፡ ህዝቢ፡ መእተዊ ጽሑፎም ሰሚዑ ዝተረፈ ትሕዝቶ ባዕሉ ብልቡ ከምዝምልኦ ዘጠራጥር ኣይኮነን። ትርግትኡ ስለዘቃልሑ።

እዞም ሓርበኛታት ደለይቲ ለውጢ፡ ብዘይ ደም ምፍሳስ ልሙጽ ምስግጋር ክግበር ስለዝደለዩ’ምበር፡ በተን ሒዞመን ዝመጽኡ ታንክታት ንቤት-ጽሕፈት ፕረዚደንት ወሪሮም ነበረ’ያ ነበረ ምግባር ኣይጠፍኦምን። ግን ልቦና ስለዘዕበዩ፡ ሓድሕዳዊ ደም ምፍሳስ ስለዘይደለዩ ነቲ ዝኸበደ ምርጫ ከልዕሉ ተደሪኾም። ቋንቋ ልዝብ ዘይርድኦ ገባቲ ስርዓት ኢሳያስ ልዙብ ቃላቶም ክሰምዕ ጸዊዖም።

እዚ ኣብ ፎርቶ ኣስመራ ዝተገብረ ፍጻመ፡ ናይ 100 ወይ 200 ሰራዊት ክቱር ድሌት ጥራሕ ኣይኮነን፡ ናይ ምሉእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ድሌት ዘንጸባርቕ’ዩ። ኩሉ ህዝቢ ገባቲ ስርዓት ኢሳያስ ተኣልዩ፡ ፍትሕን ዲሞክራስን ዝዓሰላ ብቅዋም ትመሓደር ሃገር ክትህሉ’ዩ ዝደሊ። ግን ኣንጻር ድሌቱ ርእሱ ኣድኒኑ፡ ብሓይሊ ብረት እናተጨፍለቐ ህይወቱ ክመርሕ ይግደድ ኣሎ።

እቲ ጠንቅን ዕላማን ናይቲ ምንቅስቓስ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንጹር እንከሎ፡ ህግደፍ ነዚ ኣብ ፎርቶ ኣስመራ ዝተገብረ ምንቅስቓስ ናይ ግብረ-ሽበራውያን ኣስላም ምንቅስቓስ’ዩ ክብል ገሊጽዎ ኣሎ። እዚ ነቲ ካብ ውዑይን ዝሑልን ተንኮላት ቀዳሞት ገዛእቲ ዝተሞከረ፡ ንሸርሕታት ገባቲ ስርዓት ኢሳያስ ኣዳዕዲዑ ዝፈልጥ ህዝቢ ከደናግር ኣይክእልን’ዩ። ከምቲ እንግሊዝን ሃይለስላሰን ዝተጠቕምሉ ሜላታት ኣብ ሞንጎ ክርስትያንን ኣስላምን ግጭት ፈጢርካ ዕድመ ስልጣንካ ንምንዋሕ ዝተማህዘ ጥበብ’ዩ። በዚ ግን ዝታለል ህዝቢ የለን። ታሪኽ ባዕሉ ይምስክሮ’ዩ።

ኣብ መወዳእታ ሱሳታት ስርዓት ሃይለስላሰ ንኣብ ጎላጉል ሃዞሞ ዝነብሩ ዝነበሩ ተኸተልቲ ምስልምና ሳሆ ፈልዩ ሓደ ብሓደ እናለቐመ ክርሽን፡ ብዙሓት ካብቲ ቶኽሲ ኣምሊጦም ኣብ ናይ ክርስትያን ዓድታት ተዓቒቦም። እቶም ክርስትያን ድማ ብኡ ንብኡ ንኣሕዋቶም ኣስላም ማዕተብ ኣብ ክሳዶም እናእተዉ ‘እዚኦም ኣሕዋትና’ዮም’ ብምባል ነቶም እግሪ እግሮም ስዒቦም ክርሽኑ ዝመጽኡ ወታሃደራት ዓጊቶም ጠጠው ኣቢሎሞም። ብዙሕ ህይወት ኣድሒኖም። ነቲ ብወታሃደራት ሃይለስላሰ ዝተቃጸለ ኣጓድኦም ኣብ ምህናጽ ተሓጋጊዞሞም። ሓድነት ናይቲ ህዝቢ ዝያዳ ጸኒዑ፡ ነቲ ድሮ ተጀሚሩ ዝነበረ ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ድማ ዝያዳ ነዳዲ ወሲኽሉ።

ህዝብና፡ ከምዚ ዓይነት ረዚን ታሪኽ ዘለዎ ህዝቢ’ዩ። እኽልን ሓርኢ-እኽልን ምፍላይ ኣየጸግሞን’ዩ። ንህግደፍ፡ ሓርኢ-እኽሊ ምዃኑ ቀደም ኣለልይዎ’ዩ። እዚ ናይ 21 ጥሪ ፍጻመ ትርግታ ልቡ ዝገለጸ ጻውዒት፡ ናይ ውሑዳት ወታሃደራት ዘይኮነ፡ ናይ ምሉእ ሰራዊት ምክልኻል ጠለብ ናይ ምሉእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሕቶ ምዃኑ ሕልንኡ ይትርኸሉ’ዩ።

ስለዚ፡ ነዚ እዞም ሓርበኛታት ኣናኺሶሞ ዘለዉ ናይ ለውጢ ተቓውሞ፡ ሃልሃልትኡ ክዓቢ ንጸንበሮ። ንሕሱር ፕሮፖጋንዳ ህግደፍ ጸማም እዝኒ ሂብና፡ በጃና ክሓልፉ ዝለዓለ ተበግሶ ዝወሰዱ ሓርበኛታት ምዃኖም ኣስተብሂልና ብልብን መንፈስን ደገፍና ንግለጸሎም። ንጀሚሮሞ ዘለዉ ተቓውሞ ድማ ሓደ ስጉምቲ ንቕድሚት ንድፍኣዮ። እቲ ግዜ ከኣ ሕጂ’ዩ።እወ ንልዕልና ሕጊ፡ እምቢ ንባርነት ኣብዲ ንበል!

ቃል ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት ንለውጢ (EYSC)

ፎርቶ፡ ኣብነታዊ ተበግሶ፡ ክቕጽል ዘለዎ ዕማም ብውሑዱ ካብ 1995 ጀሚራ

ኤርትራ 2 ሚእታዊ ቀረጽ ኣብ ልዕሊ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ኣተኣታትያ (ብመሰረት ናይ 1992 ንድፊ መበገሲ መሰረት ማለትዩ)። እዚ ቀረጽ እዚ ድማ ንቆንስላዊ ስራሓትን ንሕጋዊኖታሪን ንመረጋገጺ ትምህርታዊ ሰነዳትን ንምድላው ናይ ጕዕዞ ዶክመንትታትን ዝኣመሰሉ ኣገልግሎታት ንምርካብ ተባሂሉ ነበረ። ነዚ ምኽፋል ንዝኣበዩ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ኣብ ሃገር ዝርከቡ ቤተሰቦም ክሳብ ናይ ሉቸንሳኦም ናይ ምሕዳግ ዘብጽሕ ስጉምቲን ምፍርራህን ይወርዶምን ንብረት ከይሸጡ ይኽልከሉን። ካናዳን ጀርመንን ነዚ ቀረጽ እዚ ዘይሕጋዊ ገይረንኦ እየን። ነዘርላንድን ካልኦትን ክኣ ኣብ ንምእጋድ እዚ ቀረጽ እዚ ዝምልከት ስጕምቲ ኣብ ግምት የእትዋ ኣለዋ።

ስድራቤት ኣሃዱታቶም ራሕሪሖም ዝኸዱ ዓስከራት ኤርትራ ክሳብ 50 000 ናቕፋ (3 333 ዶላር ኣመሪካ) ክኸፍሉ ይግደዱ። እዚ ድማ ነቶም ዝበዝሑ ኣብ ሃገር ዝርከቡ ኣዝዩ ከቢድ እዩ። እቲ ምንታይ ዓመታዊ እቶቶም ክሳብ 8 040 ናቕፋ (536 ዶላር ኣመሪካ) ጥራይ እዩ ዝበጽሕ።

ርክባት ኣብ ቀርኒ ኣፍሪቃ

ኤርትራ ብምኽንያት ምዕጣቕ ተቓወምቲ ጉጅለታትን ፈተነ ምፍጣር ሕንፍሽፍሽ ኣብ ሃገራትን ከምኡ’ውን ንጅቡቲ ብምውቃዓን ኣብ ትሕቲ እገዳ ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ትርከብ። ርክባታ ምስ ኢትዮጵያ ድሕሪ ምብቃዕ ዶባዊ ኵናት ናይዘን ሃገራት ን12 ዓመታት ዝኣክል ኣብ ወጥሪ ይርከብ። ኢትዮጵያ እቲ ክልቲኤን ሃገራት ተዅሲ ደው ኣቢለን ተሰማሚዐን ዘቆመኦ ኮምሽን ዶብ ዝወሰኖ ገለ ክፋል መሬት ኤርትራ ተቖጻጺራ ትርከብ። ነቲ ናይ ኮምሽን ውሳኔ ኢትዮጵያ ሸለል ኢላቶ እያ። ናይ ባይቶ ጸጥታ ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ናይ ኤርትራን ሶማልያን ጕጅለ ምክትታል ኣብ ሓምለ 2012 ኣብ ዘቕረቦ ጸብጻብ ኤርትራ ነቲ ባይቶ ጸጥታ ዘሕለፎ ውሳኔታት “ኢትዮጵያውያን ዕጡቓት ተቃወምቲ ብመንገዲ ሶማልያ ናብ ኢትዮጵያ እንዳሰደደት” ግሂሳቶ። ኣብ መጀመርታ እቲ ዓመት እቲ ኢትዮጵያ ሓጺር መጥቃዕቲ ዶብ ሰጊራ ኣብ ልዕሊ ኤርትራ ተሰልጥኖምን ተዕጥቖምን እያ ኢላ እትኸሶም ኢትዮጵያውያን ተቓወምቲ መጥቃዕቲ ኣካይዳ። ወላ ኤርትራ ኣብ ናይ ክተት ኵነታት እንተነበረት ወተሃደራዊ ሕነ ግን ኣይፈደየትን። ኣብ ጥቅምቲ ኢትዮጵያ 75 ኣብቲ ስርሒት ዝተማረኹ ኤርትራውያን ነጻ ለቒቓ፡ ካብኣቶም ሸውዓተ ፖለቲካዊ ዑቕባ ሓቲቶም።

ኣብ 2008 ኤርትራ ንጅቡቲ ወሪራ ነይራ፡ እንተዀነ ግና ነዚ ኵነት ብቐጻሊ ክትክሕዶ ጸኒሓ። ኣብ 2010 ዓለምለኻዊ ጸቕጥታት ምስ በዝሐ ሰራዊታ ስሒባን ቀጠር ነቲ ጕዳይ ዶብ ብዕርቂ ክትምክሎን ተሰማሚዓ። እንተዀነ ግን 19 ምሩኻት ደቂ ጅቡቲ ሒዛ ከምዘላ ዝብል ክሲ ኤርትራ ነጺጋቶ እያ። ኩሎም እዞም ምሩኻት ካብ ዋሕዲ መግብን ምኽልካል ሕክምናዊ ረድኤት ነቶም ዝቖሰሉ ምሩኻትን ብዙሕ ስቅያት ፈጢሩሎም እዩ። ስለዚድማ ሓሙሽተ ካብቶም ምሩኻት ንኽሃድሙ ዓቕሚ ኣይነበሮምን፣ ክልተ ካብኣቶም እውን ዓይኖም ዓዊሮም፣ ሓደ ምሩኽ ከኣ ኣእዳዉ ሰንኪሉ።

ናይ ባይቶ ጸጥታ ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ናይ ኤርትራን ሶማልያን ጕጅለ ምክትታል ኣብ ዘቕረበቶ ጸብጻብ፡ ቀጥታዊ ዝዀነ ናይ ኤርትራ ደገፍ ንኣልሸባብ ኣብ ሶማልያ ብዝምልከት ጭብጢ ከምዘይረኸበት ኣብ 2012 ሓቢራ።

ቀንዲ ዓለምለኻውያን ተዋሳእቲ

ኣብ መወዳእታ 2011 ኤርትራ ዳርጋ ንኹለን ነተን ኣብ ሃገራ ዝነበራ ዘይመንግስታውያን ትካላት ካብ ኤርትራ ኣባሪራተን (ውሑድ ናይ ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ናይ ረድኤት ጉጅለ ክሳብ ሕጂ ኣብ ሃገር ኣሎ)። ወላኳ ፕረሲደንት ኢሳያስ ነዚ ምስጓጕ እዚ ንናይ ርእስኻ ምኽኣል ዝብል ፖሊሲኡ ዘደልድል እዩ ኢሉ እንተቕረቦ፡ እዚ ፖሊሲኡ ግና በንጻሩ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ካብ ምስ ወጻእተኛታት ምርኻብ ዝንጽል እዩ። ኣብ ምጅማር 2011 ኢሳያስንዓለምለኻውያን ዘይመንግስታውያን ትካላት “ሓያላት ናይ ስለያ ሓይልታት” ብምባል ከሲሱወን እዩ።ኣብ መወዳእታ 2011 ነቲ ናይ ብዙሕ ዓመታት ብኤውሮጳዊ ሕብረት ዝወሃብ ናይ ሓገዝ መደብ ኣቋሪጹዎ። ኣብ 2012 ዝዀነት ኣቐዲማ ንኤርትራ ልቓሕ ወይ ሓገዝ እትህብ ዝነበረት ሃገር ከምትቕጽሎ ዝሓበረት ሃገር የላን።

ኢሳያስ ንትካል ሲ ኣይ ኤ ኣንጻር ኤርትራ ሽርሒ የካይድ እዩ ብማለት ብቐጻሊ ይኸስስ። ኣብ 2012፡ “ሲ ኣይ ኤ. ኣትኵሮኡ ናብ ቀንዲ ኩነታት ቁጠባ ኤርትራ ኣድሂቡ ይርከብ” ይብል ንሱ። ብመሰረት ናይ ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ናይ ምክትታል ጕጅለ፤ ሓደ ቀንዲ ምንጪ ናይ ወጻኢ ንግዲ ብመንገዲ ናይ ኤርትራ ጸጥታዊ ሓይልታት ካብ ዝካየድ ኮንትሮባንዶኣዊ ንግዲ ኣጽዋርን ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛትት ኣብ ሱዳንን ግብጽን እዩ ዝርከብ።

ካብ ገጽ 4 ዝቐጸለ

ዓመታዊ ጸብጻብ ተጣባቒ . . .

Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 9



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Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 10

(Toronto, January 15, 2013) – International mining firms rushing to invest in Eritrea’s burgeoning minerals sector risk involvement in serious abuses unless they take strong preventive measures, Human Rights Watch said in a re-port released today. The fail-ure of the Vancouver-based company Nevsun Resources to ensure that forced labor would not be used during con-struction of its Eritrea mine, and its limited ability to deal with forced labor allegations when they arose, highlight the risk.

The 29-page report, “Hear No Evil: Forced Labor and Corpo-rate Responsibility in Eritrea’s Mining Sector,” describes how mining companies working in Eritrea risk involvement with the government’s widespread exploitation of forced labor. It also documents how Nevsun – the first company to develop an operational mine in Eritrea – initially failed to take those risks seriously, and then struggled to address allegations of abuse connected to its operations. Al-though the company has subse-quently improved its policies, it still seems unable to investigate allegations of forced labor con-cerning a state-owned contrac-tor it uses.

“If mining companies are going to work in Eritrea, they need to make absolutely sure that their operations don’t rely on forced labor,” said Chris Albin-Lackey, business and human rights se-nior researcher at Human Rights Watch. “If they can’t prevent this, they shouldn’t move for-ward at all.”

Eritrea is one of the world’s poorest and most repressive countries. In recent years the country’s largely untapped min-eral wealth has provided a badly needed boost to its economic prospects. The Bisha project, majority owned and operated by the small Canadian firm Nevsun Resources, is Eritrea’s first and so far only operational mine. It began gold production in 2011 and produced some $614 million worth of ore in its first year.

Other large projects led by Ca-nadian, Australian, and Chinese firms are in the pipeline, howev-er. Numerous exploration firms are scouring other leases for new prospects.

Eritrea’s government maintains a “national service” program that conscripts Eritreans into prolonged and indefinite terms of forced labor, generally under abusive conditions. It is through this forced labor program that mining companies run the most direct risk of involvement in the Eritrean government’s hu-man rights violations. Human Rights Watch has documented how national service conscripts are regularly subjected to torture and other serious abuses, and how the government exacts re-venge upon conscripts’ families if they desert their posts. Many Eritreans have been forced to work as conscript laborers for over a decade.

Most national service conscripts are assigned to the military, but others are made to work for state-owned companies. Some of those companies are construc-tion firms that the government pressures international compa-nies to take on as contractors.

Nevsun Resources operates the Bisha mine through a joint ven-ture with Eritrea’s state-owned mining firm, the Eritrea Nation-al Mining Corporation (ENAM-CO). Nevsun acknowledged to Human Rights Watch that it ini-tially failed to carry out any kind of due diligence activity around the human rights risks involved with the project. At the govern-ment’s urging, it then employed a state-owned contractor called Segen Construction Company to build some of the infrastructure around the mine site. Segen has a long track record of allegedly deploying forced labor in con-nection with its projects.

Human Rights Watch inter-viewed several Eritreans who worked at Bisha during its ini-tial construction phase. Some said they were deployed there as conscript laborers by Segen. They described terrible living

conditions and forced labor at paltry wages. One former con-script said that he had been ar-rested and imprisoned for sev-eral months after leaving the work site to attend a relative’s funeral.

“Nevsun employed a contractor with a long track record of al-leged reliance on forced labor, without adequate safeguards in place” Albin-Lackey said. “What’s worse, Nevsun has con-tinued to operate and to employ this contractor even though it is not allowed to monitor its labor practices.”

During the project’s early stag-es, Nevsun did not have ad-equate procedures in place to ensure that forced labor was not being used to build its project. The company has since tight-ened those policies, largely

through an improved screening procedure that is meant to vet all workers at the mine to ensure that they are there voluntarily. Nevsun says that these policies are now adequate to the task of keeping their project free of forced labor.

Human Rights Watch has not encountered allegations that forced labor is currently being used at Bisha, but monitoring is extremely difficult due to the limited access for independent human rights investigators into Eritrea. But even Nevsun can-not be truly certain that forced labor is not being used since its contractor refuses to cooperate with efforts to monitor its hu-man rights performance.

Nevsun says that Segen has promised not to use forced labor at Bisha. But Segen has refused

Nevsun’s requests to inter-view Segen employees to verify that they are work-ing at Bisha voluntarily. Segen has also refused to allow Nevsun to visit the site where its workers are housed to assess conditions there. In 2010, Nevsun be-gan providing food to Se-gen’s workers after receiv-ing reports that they had

deplorable living conditions and inadequate food.

In 2012, Nevsun attempted to expand the mine without re-engaging Segen. The Eritrean government objected, and Nev-sun brought Segen back on. Se-gen workers are still on site at Bisha.

“Nevsun has allowed itself to be bullied by its own local contrac-tor, which has the backing of the Eritrean government, and it shouldn’t accept this state of af-fairs,” Albin-Lackey said. “This should be a lesson to other min-ing firms working in Eritrea – if they wait until there is a problem to address the human rights risks of working there, it may well be too late.”

Eritrea: Mining Investors Risk Use of Forced LaborCanadian Firm Failed to Adequately Address Issue

Please see Canadian page 15

Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 11


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Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 12


On Tuesday, January 29, 2013, the Eritrean resi-dents of Toronto and its environs staged a peaceful demonstration in support of FORTO 2013 in down-town Toronto in front of the building 120 Carleton Street, where the notori-ous Eritrean Consulate is located. The occupants of the residential and busi-ness building, who were going in and out, were made aware through the focused slogans that they are living or have rented space next door to an of-fice representing a terrorist party and government dis-guised under the name of “Eritrean Consulate”, with well-founded and intimate relations with the terrorist Al-Shaba of Somalia.

The demonstrators, whose voice and slogans were alarming received sympa-thizing and supporting ges-tures from the passers-by in cars, streetcars, pedes-trians and occupants of the building. On the contrary, the impotent and the frag-ile PFDJ criminal gang that has virtually brought the country to her knees and turned it into a country of ruins, scared by the voice of the roaring lions and li-oness, shyly and cowardly retired to their office with no courage even to look from the window; just lim-iting themselves to a partial view of the demonstration through the curtains.

Many occupants and pass-ers-by had to stop and ask what was going on and had received a detailed explana-tion by the demonstrators, supported by well-written pamphlets describing the state terrorism, the level of the violations of hu-man rights, maladminis-tration, abuse of authority and scandals in Eritrea. In-terestingly enough, some passers-by Canadians took pictures of the slogans and

Eritrean in Toronto demonstrate in support of FORTO 2013were emotionally charged saying that they are for freedom, rule of law, jus-tice, equality and democ-racy everywhere and that they will put the pictures on YouTube, in solidarity with the Eritrean people. One of the passers-by, who did not identify himself, lectured that democracy is the best means the world has produced to protect and advance human rights, based on individual free-dom and dignity. He added that, in turn, respect for human rights is the only means by which democ-racy can sustain the indi-vidual freedom and dignity that helps it endure. The demonstrators did benefit from the enlightening lec-ture and are highly delight-ed to convey the message through this report. In a nutshell, the peace-ful demonstrators, who showed the ability to ar-ticulate the interests and

grievances of the Eritrean people, demonstrated to the Canadians in the area surrounding the Consul-ate of the terrorist gang that the situation in Eri-trea is heating up and that the ruling party and its instrument of coercion, the terrorist government, are gambling at high risks against the support of the international community who could clearly see, from such demonstrations everywhere in the world and media outlets, that the interests and aspirations of the Eritrean people were reflected by their sons and daughters, the gallant army units of Forto 2013 that has shown the euphoria of the Eritrean war of liberation has not evaporated from the national army. History is in the making.

Glory to our Gallant Na-tional Defense Forces!Ad Hoc Committee

(Press Release)Eritrean-Canadians in Toronto and its surrounding held an extensive meeting on Sunday, January 27, 2013 to register a noble position in history by wel-coming and paying homage to the heroes of January 21st, con-sidering the glorious occupation of the Ministry of Information and the radio and television sta-tions it houses a measure taken in the right direction, herald-ing a march of history that will achieve the aspirations of our people. The participants includ-ed members of political parties, civic organizations and indepen-dent Eritrean nationalists, con-stituting all national forces that trust change is at the corner and that our National Defence Forc-es, supported by mass political protests inside the country and all-round support of Diaspora Eritreans, will be the engine. The participants highly valued the launching of a new phase of our national struggle, at the


MOVEMENT: heart of which are our Nation-al Defence Forces, and which is triggering a country-wide movement and protests so much dreaded by the butcher and his gang of criminals. During the extensive discus-sions, as the first step, the par-ticipants exchanged information and briefings on the political background of the movement, its scope, its national impact and reflections on international media. Going into the details of the political background of the heroic movement of the Eri-trean National Defence Forces, the participants emphasized that the movement shows it has become impossible for the hon-ourable and uncorrupt sons and daughters of our people, who really represent the needs and concerns of the entire Eritrean society, to go along with the regime that gives certificates to indulge in loot, plunder, killing and all atrocities unheard of in

please see page 15

Reporters Without Borders’ team wishes you an excellent 2013.

Our year began with Tunisia’s President Moncef Marzouki receiv-ing us at the presidential palace in Carthage, where we defended the cause of media freedom in the country that gave birth to the “Arab springs.” The president gave us an award that says: “Tunisia, grateful to Reporters Without Borders for its active solidarity during the years of heat.”

We submitted memoranda to High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay at Geneva’s Palais Wilson. This was three days before her address to the United Nations Security Council calling for the ICC to investigate war crimes in Syria, and she asked us for information about the crackdown on journalists and netizens there.

We prepared recommendations on “protecting journalists’ sources” for France’s National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (of which I am a member) and for the French government and legislature. A law expected in 2013 will an essential issue for all citizens who desire more transparency in our political and economic life.

At the start of January, Reporters Without Borders issued a report on the Media Spring in Burma. We are constantly gathering information all over the world thanks to our network of 150 correspondents in 130 countries. And thanks to our assistance unit, we provide concrete sup-port to news providers.

WeFightCensorship, our anti-censorship website in French, English and source languages, allows us to push back against censorship, while our Paris-based Radio Erena, the only independent media broadcast-ing to Eritrea (ranked last in the press freedom index), is back on a satellite again after being the target of technological attacks.

We have launched a petition and support movement throughout Africa for Hassan Ruvakuki, RFI’s correspondent in Burundi, who was ini-tially sentenced to life imprisonment and then to three years in prison on appeal for nothing, for just an ordinary piece of reporting. We are also supporting Mansoureh Behkish, the spokesperson of Iran’s “Mourning Mothers,” who could be sent back to prison, Chinese No-bel peace laureate Liu Xiaobo, who is still in prison, and many others from Turkey to Pakistan and Vietnam.

At Reporters Without Borders headquarters in Paris, in our sections (including Reporter Ohne Grenzen in Germany and Austria, Reportrar utan Gränser in Sweden and Reporteros sin Fronteras in Spain) and in our bureaux in Washington, Brussels, Tunis and Tripoli, to which we sent a representative on 1 January, we are actively defending the freedom to gather, produce and impart news and information.

The freedom envisaged in article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is fundamental. I will never forget what was said last September in Rangoon by Win Tin, who spent 19 years in Burmese prisons: “Freedom of information is the freedom that allows you to verify the existence of all the other freedoms.”

Without you, none of our actions, none of our fights would be pos-sible. Thank you all, for supporting and helping us to defend this right that we care about, the right to inform and to be informed, all over the world.

Christophe Deloire,General director of Reporters Without Borders

Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 13


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Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 14

please see page 16

ERITREATorture, arbitrary deten-tion, and severe restrictions on freedom of expression, association, and religious freedom remain routine in Eritrea. Elections have not been held since Eritrea gained independence in 1993, the constitution has never been implemented, and political parties are not allowed. There are no in-stitutional constraints on President Isaias Afewerki, now in his twentieth year in power.

In addition to ongoing se-rious human rights abuses, forced labor and indefinite military service prompt thousands of Eritreans to flee the country every year.Access to the country for international humanitarian and human rights organiza-tions is almost impossible and the country has no in-dependent media. In rec-ognition of the “continued widespread and systematic violation of human rights,” the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) in 2012 appointed a special rapporteur on Eritrea.

Forced Labor and Indefi-nite Military ServiceNational service keeps most young Eritreans in perpetual bondage. Although a decreemandating compulsory na-tional service limits service to 18 months, in practice the government prolongs ser-vice indefinitely. National service conscripts are poor-ly fed and receive inade-quate medical care. Eritrean refugees describe them as emaciated. Their pay (less than US$30 per month) is insufficient to provide sus-tenance for a family.

Female conscripts report sexual abuse by command-ing officers. In early 2012, President Isaias acknowl-

edged that national service members and government employees are so poorly paid that they essentially “have been fulfilling their duties apparently without pay” for the past 20 years.Conscripts al-legedly pro-vided forced labor to con-struct infra-structure at the Bisha goldmine, Eri-trea’s only o p e r a t i n g mine and a major source of revenue. Although the Eritreangovernment had agreed with the mine’s principal international owner that no national2service conscripts would be allowed to work at Bisha, it required use of a ruling partycontrolled contractor, Segen Construction. Segen makes widespread use of conscript labor and there is evidence that it did so at Bisha as well. Escapees told Human Rights Watch in 2012 that they worked 12-hour shifts and endured dangerously inadequate food and housing condi-tions. They did not complain because, as one escapee told Human RightsWatch, “we were afraid for our lives.”Recent escapees report that conscripts are also invol-untarily assigned to public works projects, the ruling party’s commercial and ag-ricultural enterprises, farms owned by hightankingmilitary officers, and the civil service.

On average, over 1,500 Eritreans flee the country monthly despite shoot-to-

kill orders to border guards and immense dangers along escape routes. Unaccompa-nied minors also flee; the office of the United Na-tions High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) re-

portedover 1,100 unaccompanied minors living in one Ethio-pian refugee camp in 2012. Not onlyare ordinary citizens defect-ing, so are those the govern-ment had privileged with authority, foreign travel, and publicity.

In October, two senior air force pilots defected to Sau-di Arabia in the plane nor-mally used by Isaias. Earli-er, Eritrea’s standard bearer at the 2012 Olympics asked for asylum along with three teammates. Repression in Eritrea, he said, “forces people to do things that may cost them their life, but at the end of the day some-times there isn’t a choice.” Two prominent musicians were also reported to have fled abroad.

Torture, Death, and Pro-longed Incarceration with-out TrialEritreans are routinely sub-ject to imprisonment with-out explanation, trial, or any form of due process. Incar-

ceration often lasts indefi-nitely. Senior government officials and journalists,arrested in 2001 after they raised questions about Pres-ident Isaias’ rule, remain jailed incommunicado. De-

fecting guards report that most of these officials have died.According to accounts from those who have fled, condi-tions in Eritrea’s detention facilities are abysmal, with minimal food and medical care. Prisoners are held in underground cells 3and shipping containers, subject to boiling and freez-ing temperatures. Many prisoners die from the harsh conditions.

Torture and other abuses during detention are routine. Punishments include mockdrowning, being hung from trees by the arms, being tied up in the sun in contortedpositions for hours or days, being doubled up inside a rolling tire, having hand-cuffs tightened to cut off circulation, as well as fre-quent beatings.

Restrictions on Freedoms of Expression and AssociationThe Isaias government closed the independent press in 2001 by revoking their licenses and arrested its editors and publishers.

Based on former guards’ tes-timony, Reporters without Borders reported that four journalists died in prison in 2012, including two impris-oned since 2001. Journalists working for government agencies, arrested since 2009 for allegedly provid-ing information to Western nongovernmental organi-zations and governments, remain incarcerated incom-municado.

All domestic media are con-trolled by the government. Two of four internet serviceproviders prohibit access to sites unapproved by the government and persons us-ing internet cafes are subject to surveillance. Eritrea peri-odically jams satellite radiotransmissions by opposition groups. For the sixth year, the Committee to ProtectJournalists (CPJ) in 2012 named Eritrea “one of the world’s most censored countries.”

Defectors describe a climate of intense fear in the country. To question authority, much less criticize it, can result in imprisonment and worse. Gatherings of more than seven unrelated people are forbidden and formation of NGOs is prohibited. Politi-cal organization is restricted to the ruling party, the Peo-ples Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ). Unions are prohibited, except for PFDJ subsidiaries.

Interference with Religious Beliefs and PracticesThe Isaias government con-trols all religious activity. The government acknowl-edges a right to exist only for four “recognized” re-ligious groups, the Ortho-dox Church, Sunni Islam, Roman Catholicism, and the Evangelical (Lutheran)


Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 15

this civilized world. This glaring reality is found to be so because our military men and women are tested by national struggle, feel the pains and miseries of their people and keep in view the crim-inal nature and dictatorial attitude of the regime and the criminal gangs associated with it. Much longer time was devoted on the cardinal importance of mass action, ways and means of support expected from all Eri-trean forces of change, the moral obligations of our neighbours, particularly Ethiopia, the Sudan, Djibouti, and Yemen in particular, and the international community in general and how their coopera-tion should be ensured. In the later part of the discus-sions, all supporters of the dicta-torial regime which chose to rule by a sword, were urged to wake up from their illusions and inter-act with the reality currently on the ground in Eritrea, advising them that politics is the game of the realistic, not the illusionists or living on assumptions. The participants also addressed the naysayers warning them that they will eat their words as the game goes on without a hitch and our National Defence Forces, with the support of the people rallying behind them, become victorious, dismantling the dictatorial regime

and initiating a democratization process in which all national forces without exception will be participating. Furthermore, the meeting identified that another feature that symbolizes the ruling party and its government is their penchant to lie and intimidate. In this connection, the participants expressed their dismay at the statements given by some gov-ernment officials, in which they described the movement as a ter-rorist act. It is worthy of mention that the participants unfailingly showed a consensus that such a shameless lie from an uninformed thug, who likes the glare of the cameras, comes as no surprise, and that the moral deprivation of the criminal gang has never been more evident than it is now. The participants formed a task force that will coordinate all forms of support to be given to our gal-lant forces and the committee immediately started its work. It was finally concluded that Isias’s back will be to the wall and he will have no means whatsoever to hang on to power, if we support our heroes by all means. Glory to our National Defence Forces.

Ad Hoc Committee

From page 12


Unfortunately, it appears that other companies are moving ahead with mining projects with-out addressing these risks. Hu-man Rights Watch interviewed the CEO of Australia’s South Boulder Mines, which is on the verge of developing a $1 billion potash mine in Eritrea. The CEO acknowledged that the company has done no assessment of the potential human rights risks in-volved with the project, includ-ing the potential risk of the use of forced labor.

The Canadian firm Sunridge Gold, which is also working on plans to develop a mine in Eritrea, did not respond to requests to discuss the issue of forced labor and other human rights abuses. The new-est entry into the mining scene is China SFECO, a Shanghai-based conglomerate that recently pur-chased a controlling interest in another mining project from Aus-tralia’s Chalice Gold.

Based on the Bisha experience, the greatest risk of abuse may oc-cur during the construction phase of these projects. Nevsun has also acquired the rights to another de-posit near its Bisha site which, if

it turns out to be commercially viable, could involve more con-struction or infrastructure work.

Mining firms that want to work in Eritrea should refuse to work with any contractor implicated in the use of forced labor, and insist on the right to investigate any and all allegations of abuse connected to their operations, Human Rights Watch said.

All mining firms working in Eritrea should undertake hu-man rights due diligence activity to identify and mitigate the full range of risks posed by the proj-ects they plan to undertake. The importance of human rights due diligence is heavily emphasized by the United Nations-endorsed Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which have been widely accepted as a legiti-mate benchmark of responsible corporate behavior.

Once projects are under way, companies should keep a close eye on events in the field to make sure that their project is not mov-ing forward through forced la-bor or other abuses. Companies should insist on unfettered, inde-

pendent access to all workers at their mine site and the right to fire local contractors that are credibly implicated in abuse.

The home governments of multi-national mining companies should regulate and monitor the human rights practices of domestically based companies when they op-erate in high-risk environments like Eritrea, Human Rights Watch said. The governments should press these companies to uphold high standards and to investigate alleged abuses in theirforeign operations. No country currently monitors the extraterritorial hu-man rights performance of its companies except in certain nar-row contexts, such as investment in Burma.

“It is negligent for mining compa-nies to ignore the risks of forced labor that clearly exist in Eritrea.” Albin-Lackey said. “It is also long past time for these companies’ home governments to make their overseas human rights records an issue of domestic concern.”

From page 10

Canadian Firm Failed to Adequately . . .

Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 16

From page 14

Buying and leasing a new vehicle each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your preferences and particular financial situation, one option may be more or less suitable for you. Although leasing usually has the short term benefit of lower monthly payments, buying has the long term benefit of full vehicle ownership.

What is leasing?Leasing a vehicle can be compared to a long term vehicle rental. By signing a lease contract, you are agreeing to pay an amount each month for the use of the vehicle over a specified number of years. The number of years you agree to is called the “term” of the lease. Dur-ing the lease, you do not own the vehicle. At the end of the term, you may have the option to simply stop making payments and return the ve-hicle to the leasing company, or you may be able to fully purchase the vehicle for a specified price.

How are the monthly payments cal-culated?Your monthly lease payments will generally be equivalent to the ve-hicle’s depreciation, which means the decline in the value of the ve-hicle over time. So, for example, if the depreciation on a $30,000 vehicle over a three year lease term is $10,000, it means that three years later, the vehicle will only be worth $20,000. Your lease arrangement would finance that $10,000 depreci-ation by spreading out the $10,000, plus the interest, over the three year term in the form of your monthly payments.

Unlike leasing a vehicle, buying a vehicle means that you become the legal owner of the vehicle. Although you may have financed the vehicle through a bank, ultimately you will be the owner of the vehicle.

Advantages of leasingLeasing is a better option than buy-ing in three specific circumstances. First, leasing is beneficial for people who want to change their vehicle for a new vehicle every two years or so. Generally, leasing will be ex-tremely expensive over the long run for someone who intends to keep the same vehicle for more than two years. Second, leasing may be a bet-ter choice if you are using the ve-hicle for business. By leasing, you can deduct the lease payments as an expense rather than deducting the depreciation which tends to be less.

Third, leasing is a more affordable

short term choice in many cases. Although leasing can become more expensive in the long run, your down-payment will be less and your monthly lease payments will generally be lower than monthly loan payments on the purchase of a vehicle.

Disadvantages of leasingAlthough leasing has it’s advantag-es, there are a number of drawbacks to leasing a vehicle. First, you do not own the vehicle, and you may never own the vehicle unless you pay a large sum at the end of your lease, usually called a “buy back”. You are basically paying rent on the vehicle for a certain period of time. Second, there may be certain re-strictions on the use of the vehicle, and you may not be able to use it in another province or country. Third, you may have to pay penalties at the end of your lease if you exceed the mileage limitations, and you will have to pay penalties if you want to end the lease early. Fourth, you are obligated to maintain the vehicle in accordance with the maintenance schedule set out in the lease con-tract. Fifth, if you decide that you do not want to continue leasing the vehicle, you are obligated to pay for the full term of the lease. If you try to break the contract, the leasing company will normally sue you.

Advantages of buyingAlthough buying a vehicle may re-quire a larger down-payment and possibly higher monthly payments, your money will be going towards a vehicle that you will eventually own. Buying a vehicle has a number of other advantages, including no restrictions on how and where you can use the vehicle. If you are using the vehicle for business, you can de-duct the depreciation of the vehicle and the interest on any money you borrowed to finance the vehicle.

Before signing a lease agreement, make sure you fully understand your obligations. You should in-quire about a number of details, such as your responsibility on the residual value, gap insurance, resid-ual value insurance to protect you if your vehicle depreciates faster than projected, and whether the lease is open or closed. For more informa-tion on leasing a vehicle, you can call the Automobile Protection As-sociation. Their number is listed in the business White pages of your telephone book.

source: http://www.legalline.ca

Buying Goods or Services

804 Buying vs. leasing a new


Church. Other religious groups have applied for recognition since 2002 but the government has never acted on their 4 ap-plications. It deposed the Eritrean Orthodox Church patriarch in 2005, after he protestedgovernment interference in church affairs. He remains under house arrest in ill health. The government selected his successor and also appointed the current Sunni mufti, the chief Is-lamic legal authority.

Members of “unrecog-nized” religions are ar-rested, held in oppressive conditions, and sometimes tortured to compel them to recant their faith. Jehovah’s Witnesses are especially victimized. Twelve were arrested in 2012 while at-tending a funeral, and one died in 2012 because of heat prostration in an un-derground cell. Currently, 56 Jehovah’s Witnesses are incarcerated, including 11 in their 70s and 80s and 3 conscientious objectors held since 1994.

Retaliation against Fam-ily Members Since at least 1995, Eritrea has imposed a 2 percent income tax on Eritrean expatriates (retro-active to 1992) to be eli-gible for consular services, such as notarizing powers of attorney, certifying edu-cational decrees, and issu-ance of travel documents. Relatives in Eritrea of ex-patriates who refuse to pay the tax have been threat-ened with loss of business licenses or have been pre-vented from selling prop-erty because of a missingnotarial. Canada and Ger-many prohibit collection of the tax, while the Neth-erlands and others are con-sidering a ban.

Families of national ser-vice conscripts who ab-scond are fined 50,000 Na-kfa (US$3,333), a crushing sum for many in a country where annual per capita income is 8,040 Nakfa (US$536).Horn of Africa RelationsEritrea is under UN sanc-tions for trying to destabi-lize neighboring states by arming rebel groups and for having attacked Dji-bouti.

Relations with Ethiopia re-main strained 12 years af-ter the end of a border war between the two countries. Ethiopia occupies territory that a Boundary Commis-sion, established by the parties’ armistice agree-ment, awarded to Eritrea, a decision that Ethiopia hasignored. A United Nations Security Council (Secu-rity Council) Monitoring Group on Eritrea and So-malia reported in July 2012 that Eritrea continued to violate Security Council 5resolutions “by deploying Ethiopian armed opposi-tion groups via Somali ter-ritory.”

Earlier in the year, Ethiopia launched brief cross-border raids against rebel groups that Ethiopia claimed Eri-trea was training and arm-ing. Eritrea mobilized but did not retaliate militarily. In October, Ethiopia re-leased 75 Eritrean prison-ers of war (POWs) cap-tured in the raids; seven POWs asked for asylum.Eritrea invaded Djibouti in 2008 but persistently denied it had done so un-til 2010 when, succumbing to international pressure, it pulled back its troops and agreed to Qatari mediation of border issues. Even so, Eritrea refused to address Djibouti’s claims that itwas holding 19 POWs. In

2012, three escaped POWs told the UN Monitor-ing Group they had been among eight POWs held by Eritrea. All suffered from malnutrition and de-nial of medical treatment for wounds. As a result, the other five prisoners were too weak to escape; two had gone blind, one had lost use of an arm.

The UN Monitoring Group reported it had found no evidence of direct Eritrean support for Al-Shabaab in Somalia in 2012.

Key International ActorsAt the end of 2011, Eritrea expelled nearly all remain-ing foreign nongovern-mental aid groups (a small UN aid mission remains). Although President Isaias asserts the expulsionspromote his policy of self-reliance, they reinforce his policy of isolating the Eritrean population from foreigners. Earlier in 2011, Isaias accused internation-al NGOs of having a“pathological compulsion for espionage.”

In late 2011, Eritrea can-celled a multi-year Eu-ropean Union assistance program. No country that had previously provided loans or grants to Eritrea announced new financial assistance in 2012. Isaias repeatedly accuses the CIA of conspiring against Eri-trea. The CIA, he said in2012, “is preoccupied with targeting the key aspects of the Eritrean economy.”One source of foreign ex-change comes from exten-sive smuggling of weap-ons and Eritrean refugees to Sudan and Egypt by Eritrean security forces, according to the UN Moni-toring Group.


Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 17

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Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 18Sport

Please see page 20

Paul Kelly was executive direc-tor of the NHLPA from October 2007 until August 2009. That posi-tion allows access to many high-lev-el conversations.

On Tuesday night, Kelly re-vealed that while he ran the union, the NHL not only wanted to expand the league to 32 teams, but had directly discussed doing so with him.

He made the comments during a presentation in support of the proposed 20,000-seat GTA Centre in Markham, Ont. Opponents of the plan filed a motion to stop all work on it. That motion failed 7-6.

Kelly, who’s been working with W. Graeme Roustan, the “face” of the project, would not say specifically who told him that.

The possibility of a 32-team NHL has been suspected for some time now, but commis-sioner Gary Bettman and deputy commissioner Bill Daly tend to discount it. There are already accusations that Kelly is only saying this because he is pro-arena. Whatever the case, his comments were as emphatic as any I’ve heard that actual plans exist.

(For the record, almost seven hours after Kelly spoke, Deputy Mayor Jack Heath read a quote he said he got from Bettman two years ago: “Please do not build an arena in Markham with the expectation of an NHL team.”)

On Wednesday morning, Daly wrote via email, “It seems like a lot of Paul’s own opinions, which we don’t necessarily share. He’s not speaking, nor does he purport to speak, for the league or our owners.

“To the extent we ever discussed the possibility of expansion with Paul, it was more along the lines of what our rules are, and how they would apply in an expan-sion or franchise relocation situ-ation. We never had a concrete discussion on expansion or a ‘plan for expansion’ because there has never been one.”

Daly’s response is consistent with what the NHL relayed to the NHLPA during the lockout. At that time, NHLPA executives said they asked league repre-sentatives if there were plans for expansion. They were told, “No.” Under the previous CBA, all expansion fees were kept by the NHL, not shared with the players. That remains the case in the new agreement.

Players, however, would cer-tainly benefit from any increased revenue these teams created.

“I’ve discussed it with many owners, the commissioner and many players,” Kelly said in a conversation after his presenta-tion. “That’s given me a strong sense that at some point there will be a second team [in the greater Toronto area].

Expansion in 2-3 years

Kelly added he believes expan-sion will take place in the next two or three years, “most likely” to Quebec City and Toronto.

“You’re not going to wait until the back end of a CBA, when you will be under negotiation again...[Expansion] balances re-alignment; increases revenue streams. It adds $80-100 million US to the [Hockey Related Rev-enue] pie.

“Quebec City had a franchise before and it served the sport well,” Kelly said. He also said the NHL considers the Quebec market “underserved.”

Kelly’s experience with Jim Balsillie’s attempted move into the Hamilton market leads him to believe the Toronto Maple Leafs would not be able to stop such a plan.

“When I went through it with the NHL, I was told the Maple Leafs would be entitled to finan-cial compensation - maybe over a number of years - but would have no right to block a team.”

Kelly passionately stated that if Markham wanted into the NHL, the time to build “a sparkling new facility” is now, because the league is primed to strike.

“Gary Bettman could not have been more clear: he was mak-ing no commitments. But, if you wanted to be considered for a team, you must have a building and must have strong owner-ship.”

After Kelly finished his presen-tation, Markham citizens were given the opportunity to give five-minute speeches of their own. The majority were not as enthusiastic as he was, to say the least.

But, at 2:50 am, council voted to keep the project going. This does not mean the city will build the GTA Centre. A lot of con-vincing still needs to be done. But, it does mean the idea isn’t dead.

Elliotte FriedmanCBC News

Ex-NHLPA boss calls Quebec City, Toronto expansion spots

Former NHLPA executive director Paul Kelly

a corporate one that can safely house sensitive cor-porate material.

“You can just switch from work to personal mode,” Scotiabank analyst Gus Papageorgiou said. “I think that is something that will attract a lot of people,” he said.Predictive text in 3 lan-guages

Another feature is Black-Berry Flow, a technology that will allow the user to swipe between multiple apps with the touch of a finger. That’s something the current round of Black-Berry phones haven’t been able to do, but it’s seen as key in the multitasking en-vironment.

Heins also revealed anoth-er surprise: BlackBerry 10 models will have the abil-ity to do predictive text in up to three languages. The user can pick and choose which languages in the de-vice’s settings.

The company has also re-vamped its web browser to the point where it competes and might surpass those available on iPhones, An-droid or Windows phones. It also boasts the Black-Berry Messenger instant messaging technology that helped make BlackBer-rys so popular in the first place.

The company has also add-ed the ability to do video chat over the secure BBM network. Heins and other executives showed off the new models’ ability to share screens and informa-

RIM changes name to . . .

tion with other BlackBerry users.

The company has re-vamped its app store and called it BlackBerry World, which will have more than 70,000 applications at launch. That’s barely a tenth of what’s available in Apple’s App Store, or on Google Play, but it’s a step toward bridging the gap.

“It’s got the ability to start to create some buzz around RIM again,” Queen’s Uni-versity business professor Barry Cross says.

After pioneering the smart-phone concept in the early 2000s, RIM has seen its grasp on the sector slowly erode since Apple released the iPhone in 2007 and several manufacturers fol-lowed quickly to market with Android-powered de-vices tailored to the con-sumer market.

“They’re not really per-ceived as being hip or cool,” Cross says of the company’s recent woes.

From a high of over $150 in the summer of 2008, RIM shares fell steadily to the $6 range on the TSX as recently as September before a round of ana-lyst optimism over RIM’s chances with BB10 pushed the stock into the teens. Recent data suggests RIM has less than five per cent of the North American market share, and the com-pany has pinned its hopes on BlackBerry 10 to halt that slide and take back the dominance it once had.

From page 22

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Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 20

Laugh & Learn By Susan W.

Editors: Grace CherianPhotographer: Mulugeta Zergaber Contributors: Mohamed Edris Naza HasebenebiMedhin Ghebreslasie, Amleset Tesfay, Bode Odetoy-inbo, Mimi Chandy, Ken NtiamoaSubscription Costs in Canada $39 for a year and $59 for two years. In USA, it costs $45 for a year and $69 for two years.Articles appearing in assorted columns of Meftih newspaper are intended to generate civil & informed public discussions. You don’t have to agree with opinions expressed by the writers. However, that should push you to express your own views. Through that way we generate lively & civil discussions in the community. Rejoinders are not forums for personal insults & we want readers to adhere to these principles.

Editor-in-chiefAaron Berhane

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source: Jokes of the day

Ottawa, The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multicultural-ism, today called on NDP and Liberal Members of Parliament to support the Faster Removal of Foreign Criminals Act, which would keep Canadian families safer by closing loopholes ex-ploited by dangerous foreign criminals to delay their deporta-tions. Unfortunately, the NDP and Liberals voted against the bill at committee and tried to prevent it from becoming law. The Faster Removal of Foreign Criminals Act is now at Report Stage and moving through the final stage in the House of Commons. “This legislation will keep Ca-nadians safer by expediting the

removal of dangerous foreign criminals from Canadian streets, while also taking action to pre-vent Canada’s immigration sys-tem from being open to abuse,” Minister Kenney stated. “I urge NDP and Liberal Members of Parliament to put the protection of victims and the safety and se-curity of law-abiding Canadians ahead of the interests of serious criminals, and support this bill and it speedy passage.” The Faster Removal of Foreign Criminals Act is now moving through its third and final read-ing. The legislation passed on second reading, but was voted against by both opposition par-ties in the House of Commons. The legislation responds to nu-merous cases in recent years where dangerous offenders, who should have been deported from Canada, found loopholes to stay in the country and commit fur-ther devastating crimes. For example, just this past De-cember, Babak Najafi-Chagha-bouri of North Vancouver was sentenced to life in prison for a brutal kidnapping and hatchet murder in Chilliwack, British

Columbia. Only one week be-fore the gruesome killing, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada had granted Babak Najafi-Chaghabouri one last op-portunity to stay in Canada, even though he already had a series of convictions. Another well-known example is that of convicted drug dealer Clinton Gayle, who used a sto-len gun to murder young Toron-to police constable Todd Bay-lis in 1996 during a drug bust. Gayle had already been issued a removal order in 1991, but re-mained in Canada for years by abusing loopholes in the appeal process. With the Faster Removal of For-eign Criminals Act, dangerous foreign criminals will no lon-ger have access to endless and redundant appeals. A serious criminal sentenced to six months or more of imprisonment in Canada, who has already been ordered deported from Canada after extensive due process, will no longer be able to further de-lay his removal by appealing to the Immigration Appeal Di-vision at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. The legislation would also make it harder for those who pose a risk to Canada to enter the country in the first place. This bill is supported by the Ca-nadian Association of Chiefs of Police, the Canadian Police As-sociation, Victims of Violence, and Immigrants for Canada, among other organizations. “Canadians should feel con-fident about our immigration system - that genuine visitors are welcome but that danger-ous criminals are kept out, as this legislation proposes,” stated Minister Kenney. “Canadians are generous and welcoming people, but they have no toler-ance for criminals and fraudsters abusing our generosity.”

Minister Kenney Calls on Opposition to Support the Faster Removal of Foreign Criminals Act

Top Ten Signs You Won’t Win “Ameri-can Idol”

From the Late Show with David Letterman

10. You dedicate “I Will Always Love You” to Saddam Hussein

9. Backstage, people say, “Are you still here?”

8. North Korea says if you lose they’ll stop producing enriched ura-nium

7. Your mother says, “You’re okay, but I’m really a big fan of Ru-ben”

6. You were recently named the three of clubs on the “Most Wanted Iraqi” playing cards

5. You’ve already appeared on another reality show -- “Cops”

4. Vegas gives you the same odds of winning it all as the Mets

3. You cancel your performance to stay home and watch “Jag”

2. Simon beats you with the microphone stand

1. Your voice is muffled by the SARS mask

Top Ten Things I Can Say Now That I Lost “American Idol”

10. “If I had won, I was gonna blow the prize money on candy and fireworks”

9. “Honestly, I thought I was auditioning for ‘The Apprentice’”

8. “Ryan Seacrest isn’t as smart as he seems on TV”

7. “If you want to see me ‘perform,’ I’ll be working the noon-to-8 shift at Old Navy tomorrow”

6. “George W. Bush didn’t win the popular vote either, and he’s done pretty well for himself”

5. “Underneath that table, Randy Jackson doesn’t wear pants”

4. “Until 10 minutes ago, I had no idea who Dave Letterman was”

3. “I could take down Clay Aiken with one arm in a sling”

2. “I handled my loss well -- I gathered my belongings, said my good-byes and keyed the crap out of Simon’s car”

1. “I have one thing to say to the voters: What in the hell is wrong with you people?”

Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 21

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Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 22 Technology & Science

Please see page 18

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ―The Honourable Julian Fantino, Minister of International Coop-eration, announced today that Canada will continue to pro-vide support to help the people of Mali affected by conflict and instability. Canada is increasing its investment in Mali to help improve food security, reduce malnutrition, address emergen-cy healthcare needs and provide other much-needed humanitar-ian assistance. The announce-ment was made during a high-level international meeting at the African Union Secretariat in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

“Canada has been a friend of the Malian people,” said Minister Fantino. “Building on Canada’s

Canada continues support of international efforts in Malisignificant investments over the past year, Canada will continue its life-saving work in Mali through humanitarian and de-velopment assistance.”

Canada, through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), will help re-spond to the immediate humani-tarian needs of persons affected by the crisis in Mali. This sup-port will be disbursed to Cana-dian non-governmental partners, as well as to United Nations agencies, to provide emergency health care, maternal, newborn and nutrition services for chil-dren under five. Part of this funding will also deliver shel-ter, primary health care, water and sanitation to some 150,000

Malian refugees in Niger, Mau-ritania and Burkina Faso, and more than 235,000 internally-displaced people in Mali.

“Canadian investments have contributed to improving the quality of life of the most vul-nerable Malians affected by the crisis, but we remain deeply concerned about the deterio-rating situation and its effects on the stability of the Sahel re-gion,” concluded Minister Fan-tino. “The crisis can only be resolved through a collaborative approach between the various Malian, African, and interna-tional stakeholders, as well as through the return of a demo-cratic government in Mali.”

Montreal - Canadians for Jus-tice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is delighted to announce that author and vet-eran Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk will be lecturing in western Canada this week. The tour, which began in Toronto January 21, has been a resound-ing success so far, attracting 750 in Toronto, 475 in Ottawa and about 500 in Montreal.This week’s dates include Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Victoria and Vancouver. Dr. Fisk’s lectures, entitled “Arab Awakening, But Are We Hearing the Truth?” are focussing on the upheavals in the Middle East and media cov-erage of them. “We are delighted to offer Ca-nadians the opportunity to hear

such an incisive, experienced and intellectually rigorous ana-lyst,” says CJPME president Thomas Woodley. Based in Bei-rut since 1976, Dr. Fisk has been the Middle East correspondent for the British newspaper The Independent since 1988. He is the author of five books, includ-ing the seminal tome The Great War for Civilisation: The Con-quest of the Middle East (2005), Pity the Nation: Lebanon at War (1990) and The Age of the War-rior: Selected Writings (2008). He is a highly respected veteran of his profession due to his di-rect and uncompromising re-porting and analysis. A pacifist, he believes the role of the jour-nalist is to investigate and chal-lenge authority, especially when

an authority wishes to conduct a war.

Dr. Fisk has covered dozens of international trouble spots dur-ing his over 40 years as a jour-nalist. His assignments have included the Lebanese civil war, the 1979 Iranian revolution, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Iran-Iraq war, the first Gulf war, the Algerian civil war, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the most recent Western interven-tions in Afghanistan and Iraq. On assignment, he has inter-viewed Saddam Hussein, Aya-tollah Khomeini, Osama Bin Laden and other influential and controversial figures. He has received more British and inter-national awards than any other journalist.

Renowned Middle East correspondent Rob-ert Fisk heads west for final week of Cana-

dian lecture tour

Queen’s Park – NDP Leader Andrea Horwath mapped out her priorities for the spring Legislative session, laying out proposals to close corporate tax loopholes and to create jobs for youth and people moving off of social assistance. “We need to help companies put young people to work, not to expense a night on the town,” said Horwath. “I’m asking the incoming Premier to work with me to close some corporate tax loopholes and invest in a First Start plan to provide real incen-

tives for employers that give young people a job.” Horwath and the NDP caucus have toured across the province consulting with Ontarians on healthcare, jobs, debt and the deficit. As the House gets ready to resume, Horwath put forward new ideas that will allow On-tario to focus on jobs: • Cracking down on corpo-rate tax loopholes that will cost the treasury over $1 billion a year by the time the Budget is balanced;

• Tackling youth unemploy-ment with a First Start incentive program to help employers put young people to work: and • Removing barriers to em-ployment for people on social assistance to help them move into the world of work. “These are three realistic, achiev-able, results that we can deliver, and that will help balance the books, and help young people find a job,” said Horwath.

Get back-to-business with First Start jobs proposal: Horwath

The eyes of the technol-ogy world were focused squarely on Research In Motion today as the com-pany launched two Black-Berry 10 phones, the hotly anticipated line of smart-phones with the potential to make or break the com-pany.

CEO Thorsten Heins kicked off simultaneous live events in New York, Toronto, London, Paris, Dubai, Johannesburg, Ja-karta and Delhi, with the announcement that the company and its ubiqui-tous product were becom-ing one and the same — the company has renamed itself BlackBerry.

Heins unveiled a line of new smartphones the com-pany says will help it win back market share in the competitive mobile space.

RIM launched two versions of the phone on Wednes-day, the BlackBerry Z10 and Q10. The former is a touchscreen device, the latter has a full Qwerty keyboard.

“We know there are a lot of keyboard lovers out there,” Heins said. “We heard you loud and clear.”

In Canada, the touchscreen BlackBerry Z10 will be available on Feb. 5. Pric-ing will vary by carrier partner, but it will retail for around $149.99 on a three-year contract, BlackBerry announced Wednesday.

The Q10 will be available some time after that, but that information wasn’t immediately provided at the launch event Wednes-day.New features

Among the features on the devices are something the company is calling Black-Berry Balance, which will allow one machine to be switched between work and personal user accounts.

The company is pitching the technology as a way for consumers to be able to have only one device with multiple personas — a per-sonal one full of apps and tools for personal use, and

RIM changes name to Black-Berry as BB10 launches

Smartphone maker reveals two versions of device, first to be available Feb. 5

Meftih February 2013 Volume 8 Issue 5: page 23



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