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  • 8/9/2019 MELJUN CORTES HCCB School Publication (2009-2010)


  • 8/9/2019 MELJUN CORTES HCCB School Publication (2009-2010)



    The Continuing Saga

    for ExcellenceBy: Allyn Mae Ferrer

    Achieving excellence is a

    reward for hardship, dedication

    and passion. It is something that

    motivates an individual to

    achieve more and to believe that

    for every endeavor, recompense


    For almost 13 years of

    service, Holy Child Colleges of

    Butuan is considered as one ofthe most progressive schools in

    Caraga, having competitive

    students that have the

    willingness to serve and to give

    pride to his progressive

    institution. This year, its

    surprising and good to hear that

    many of the students of HCCB

    are continually gaining excellence.

    This means that HCCB is an

    institution that continuouslycreates efficient and skillful

    students, by giving pride to our

    institution, those achievers of

    excellence will serve as an

    evidence that HCCB is one the

    best schools in Caraga Region

    for it molds every students

    character into benevolent and

    ample ones.

    Truly, Holy Child Colleges

    of Butuan is an institution thatwas designed precept of passion

    for service and excellence, but it

    serves every individual and mold

    them into passionate ones that

    will fulfill their purposes and

    perform it with an aim of

    excellence not just for the sake of

    its goal but for the sake of


    Who are

    teachers after

    all?By: Julie Mae Ebasco

    Teaching is a professionthat teaches other


    Molders of mind, heralders

    of knowledge, second parents

    and educators. These are some of

    the roles of a teacher. Will there

    be any profession without a

    teacher? Imagine a worldwithout teachers. It could be a

    world of ignorance.

    We are the products of

    the new generation molded by

    our beloved teachers. We all

    started as innocent ones, but by

    the help of our teachers, we

    became aware and knowledgeable

    about this world.

    Doctors, lawyers, CPAs,

    nurses, engineers, and someother professions would not be

    accomplished when teachers

    didnt mold them and educate

    them. There would be no other

    professions without our educators.

    Teaching profession is the most

    caring profession. Why? Because

    by choosing this profession, you

    just dont think about being a

    teacher but you also think about

    how to lift your students up inorder for them to have goals and

    to continue pursuing their


    Truly, teaching is such a

    noble profession because of the

    hardships that a teacher invests

    for the sake of their students

    learning is incomparable.

    Vol. 2, S.Y 2010-2011

    2010 Extramurals:Indeed Full of Fun

    By: Aiza Oliverio

    Can a week compensate a

    whole lot of fun? Maybe yes or

    others may object. But for the

    HCCB Family and Staff, a week

    of happiness, gladness and

    enjoyment was born to tickle and

    rob smiles in everybodys face.

    Students, teachers

    administrative staff, even

    hospital personnels, the NBN-

    HCCB TV 9 Broadcastingpersonnels, and other guests

    joined as one in celebrating the

    2010 extramurals which lasted

    for almost a week starting from

    February 10-14, 2010.

    Departmental booths

    presentations including LCO

    (League of Campus Organization)

    and games made the place a total

    place of laughters. You cant

    even recognize the hardships andburdens looming in their hearts

    but only joy and only that.

    Filipinos are indeed a

    happy people and that was the

    reason why the celebration was

    filled with countless chuckles and

    giggles and the voices that have

    resounded in the field of HCCB

    Golden Cottage.

    Everybody participated

    everybody indulged in varioussurprises and they found deep

    contentment of smiles. Stomach

    aches, screaming not because

    theyre sad but of joy and

    shouting with their peak of voice

    supporting their teams were the


  • 8/9/2019 MELJUN CORTES HCCB School Publication (2009-2010)


    3THE HCCB HERALD Vol. 2Continuation from page 2 on

    2010 Extramurals..

    ..evidences that forever

    be instilled to everyone.

    Mr. Antonio Yumang, themain organizer was satisfied

    with the result. His impossible

    but reachable games could

    always be a part of students

    mind with the cooperation of Mr.

    Glen Pacot.

    For the

    Founder/President and the

    Board of Trustees, this event

    marked again the start of

    collecting amount smiles andhoping this will continue.

    It was a week of fun and

    our hearts were full of limitless

    smiles that will forever be

    treasured for the rest of our


    Implementation ofPrescribed

    Uniform, is itexisting?By: Gilbert M. Makiling

    To recognize people in

    their fields of work, we

    sometimes observe them by the

    way they dress up themselves,

    put facial toners as well as their

    manner of speaking. They are

    proud to wear it wherever theygo.

    School uniform serves as

    the link between students and

    school. It serves as gate pass in

    order to know if you belong in

    the institution. Others may

    acknowledge you in looking at

    your uniform.

    As Mr. Bryan Garcia,

    SSG President stressed that

    wearing complete uniformshould be observed upon

    entering the school premises. It

    means that no one is allowed to

    attend classes without wearing

    the proper uniforms.According to the Students

    Handbook, all student are required

    to wear prescribe uniform in the

    campus at all times, unless special

    occasion requires them to be in

    casual dress. Therefore, it must befollowed and abided by all


    But now, as we observed,

    many students starting from first

    year up to fourth year, instead of

    wearing prescribed uniforms,

    dressed up in a backless like

    outfit and miniskirts without

    knowing the malicious eyes and

    backbiters gossip them,

    completely disregarding whats

    the essence of uniform.

    Is that a true student? It

    just shadows the reflection of the

    word uniform that serves as

    the official dress of the school.

    Uniforms bear integrity,

    purity and uprightness of

    students. If one resists to follow

    it, so it means he violates school


    Students, were calling

    your attention to act your duty in

    wearing uniform.

    In that ground, we will

    just stress a phrase: Abide what

    is right and not whats savage

    If you will not wear your

    uniforms, why then will you

    waste your time in school?

    Vol. 2, S.Y 2010-2011

    The Significance

    of FoundationDayBy: Rosemarie Bayron

    Big things come from

    small ones, achieving dreams

    start in anticipation and

    preconception or even success

    begins with a plan. It signifies

    that life is but a stage, fromprimary level up to its peak. You

    cant skip and leap some steps

    then directly grasp the torch of


    Foundation maybe defined

    as the way things were created

    But what is foundation after all?

    What is its significance in our

    lives? Those are questions which

    triggered my being and I recalled

    that we were made by God, no

    doubt for it.

    The significance of

    foundation is to commemorate

    how we were molded from dust

    and blown a wind of life.

    In relation to HCCB, it

    was founded to answer the

    demand for special education in

    CARAGA Region. The founders

    who were seasoned educators

    shared their expertise to create

    school in solid ground. Last Jan

    29-30, HCCB student, faculty

    and administration celebrated its

    12 years of existence and HCCB

    still continuously giving golden

    opportunities to the deserving

    but undeserved sector in the

    society to spend in school.


    ..evidences that

    forever be instilled to

    everyone.Mr. Antonio Yumang,

    the main organizer was

    satisfied with the result. His

    impossible but reachable

    games could always be a part

    of students mind with the

    cooperation of Mr. Glen

    Pacot. For the

    Founder/President and the

    Board of Trustees, this event

    marked again the start ofcollecting amount smiles and

    hoping this will continue.

    It was a week of fun

    and our hearts were full of

    limitless smiles that will

    forever be treasured for the

  • 8/9/2019 MELJUN CORTES HCCB School Publication (2009-2010)



    HCCB Christmas


    By: Rosemarie Bayron

    Holy Child Colleges of

    Butuan celebrated the day of

    Christmas last December 9, 2009

    at HCCB Golden Cottage from

    6-8:00 p.m.

    It was upheld to have

    a lively and happy time that will

    mark an unperturbed and

    upright fellowship of both theteachers, students and the staffs.

    The evening party

    started with the warmest

    message of our dignified

    founder/ president, Dr. Rodulfo

    P.Esteves, which we look up to.

    Furthermore, the

    HCCB students showed their

    sumptuous and ineffaceable

    talents which awaken the

    dormancy of some audience. Inspite of the coldness brought by

    the rain, the interference never

    hindered them to exhibit the

    presentation that they have

    prepared for days.

    The Criminology students

    presented their comedy dance

    number wearing up ala-Santa

    Clause attire while the versatile

    Education students showed their

    innate dancing and singing skillsaccompanied by Mr. Antonio S.

    Yumang, whos in guitar. On the

    other hand, nursing students

    gave their alluring dance

    number and the hip-hop number

    displayed by the CBME students

    made the audience put in motion.

    Pre-school andElementary PupilsCelebrate ChristmasParty

    By: Easther Emelyn Gumapac

    December18, 2009 wasthe most joyful day of the pre-

    school, nursery and elementary

    department as they celebrated

    Christmas Party, together with

    their parents, teachers and even

    student teachers.

    It was hosted by Ms.

    Mitchie Barbon who made

    cheerful ways to excite pupils for

    the fun games and prizes. The

    venue become eye-catching andgrabbed the attention of the

    outsiders as children made their

    cheerful noise with laughter and

    excitement. The prizes for the

    games motivated and urged the

    pupils to find ways in order to

    win. A salo-salo was then held

    after several games. Delicious

    foods were offered to the pupils

    and everybody enjoyed it

    Theres no doubt thatChristmas is unstoppable, and

    truly, Christmas is for


    HCCB celebrates DRPEScholars NightBy: Genelyn Escobia

    Dr. Rodulfo P. Esteves,

    the Founder and President, with

    the DRPE Scholars and WOSPPtogether with the faculty

    members commemorated Scholars

    Night last Jan. 29, 2010 at Grand

    Social Hall.

    S.Y 2010-2011

    The activity started by a

    multimedia presentation using

    PowerPoint recounting specia

    moments of being a WOSPP

    (Work Office Study Pray Play)

    member as well as being

    fortunate DRPE Scholars. The

    laughters in their faces were the

    evidences of people who were

    thankful for the benefits given by

    our compassionate founderpresident, who wished also to

    give opportunities at his best

    effort. It was followed by an

    inspiring speech by Mrs

    Evangeline Dominise, one of the

    faculty members who was given

    golden chance to take and finish

    MMISM (Master in Management

    major in Instructional System

    Management). In her speech, she

    stressed her gratefulness to DrRodulfo P. Esteves who has been

    the brain and soul of that


    A dance interpretation

    rendered by selected students

    from Hinatuan On-Site campus

    and song solo from Cabadbaran

    Campus made the night full of

    gaiety and gladness. It aroused

    the audience from verge of

    sleeping. After that, differentmessages from WOSSP students

    delivered by them whose main

    purpose was to embed their

    distinct thank you for the

    founder and president for

    changing their lives from

    destitute individual to proud one.

    The highlight of the night

    was the messages of the founder

    and co-founder of HCCB who

    gave everyone a picture of how


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    Continuation from page4 on Scholars night


    FORUMBy: Edwin Samoranos

    The College of Criminal

    Justice Education from third

    year to fourth year attended the14th LEG TRANSFORMATION


    with the theme Pushing

    Forward the Genuine PNP

    Transformation held at AgusanNational High School last

    January 13, 2010

    The participants of the

    said events were the criminology

    students from Holy Child

    Colleges of Butuan (HCCB),

    Saint Joseph Institute of

    Technology (SJIT), Agusan

    Institute of Technology (AIT)

    and selected sections of fourth

    year high school students ofAgusan National High School


    That event was

    spearheaded by the Philippine

    National Police and Staff, Unit

    Commanders, Directors of

    NSUs. The students forum

    focused on the criminology

    students throughout CARAGA

    Region for they will be the future

    policemen of this country.

    Police Superintendent

    Frederick Obar, head of the

    Project Development Program, a

    PNP graduate of the year 1998

    was the speaker of the students

    S.Y 2010-2011

    forum. He said that the program

    was held to advocate the people

    to know the responsibilities of a

    police official towards people

    and the community.

    The Integrated

    Transformation Program was

    the Philippine National Polices

    development agenda geared

    towards improving its capability

    effectiveness, and credibility as

    the countrys primary policing

    institution. It started from the

    year 2005 and will end 2015. It

    was for the PNP to addressorganizational issues, strengthen

    law enforcement capabilities and

    improve morale and welfare of

    the PNP personnel as a road map

    for a long term and lasting

    reforms in the PNP with itshonest-to-goodness assessment of its

    present institutional framework

    policies, systems, structure and

    procedures towards a more

    capable, credible police force.

    PSUPT. Obar added

    that the PNP is now continuously

    conducting a purpose Driven

    Life Seminar until all PNP

    uniformed police personne

    undergone the seminar. He

    stressed that there are 47% PNP

    uniformed police personnel who

    already underwent the propose

    Drivel life Seminar to further

    sustain and strengthen spiritual

    and moral transformation. Every

    Chiefs of the PNP must conduct

    leadership courses based on

    spiritual and moral values.

    were so lucky to have


    Theyemphasized the

    importance of studying

    and spending time for

    school acquiring

    knowledge, skills and


    I will not

    stop changing and

    touching lives of people

    whom I know they are

    deserving to be in school,Dr. Rodulfo P. Esteves

    remarked. He added that

    the students must not be

    extravagant and lavish in

    spending things. On the

    other hand, Dr. Felomino

    Gargar, co-founder told

    encouraging stories of

    WOSPP students. He

    stated that if you have

    determination andpatience, its easy for you

    to attain your goal and


    Indeed, it

    You are whatyou

    repeatedlydo; excellenceis not an act,

    rather a

  • 8/9/2019 MELJUN CORTES HCCB School Publication (2009-2010)




    The College of

    Criminal Justice Education

    graduating students attended the


    CONGRESS held at Balanghai

    Hotel and Convention Center,

    Doongan, Butuan City last

    February 5-6, 2010 with the

    theme Emerging Trends in

    Criminal Justice Education.It was headed by the

    Council of Criminology Deans of

    Caraga (CCDC) in cooperation

    with the Commission of Higher


    The thirteen school

    participants were: Siargao

    Island Institute of Technology

    (SIIT); Saint Jude Thaddeus

    Institute of technology (SJIIT);

    Saint Paul University of Surigao(SPUS); Northern Mindanao

    Colleges (NEMCO);SouthernTechnological Institute of the

    Philippines (STIP); Saint Francis

    Xavier College(SFXC);SouthwayCollege of


    Agusan Institute of Technology

    (AIT); Saint Joseph Institute of

    Technology (SJIT); Holy Child

    College of Butuan (HCCB);

    Butuan City Colleges (HBCC);

    Sunrise Christian College (SCC)

    and New Northern Mindanao

    Colleges Incorporated (NNMCI).

    Among the thirteen

    participating schools in Caraga

    Region, only HCCB has the

    lowest population of graduating

    students. There are only 14 but it

    was a great surprise to the other

    schools because of the excellent

    performance theyve done

    during competitions, lectures,

    and open fora.They won the 1st place in

    dance and 3rd placer in ball

    games competition. They also led

    the doxology and awarded as the

    best performing school in

    Caraga. However, they wont be

    able to do that without the

    efforts and support of their

    instructors, Mr. Rico T. Musong.

    R.C.; Sir. Roel F. Balugo, MBA,

    R.C., Assistant to the Dean, andMs. Elaine B. Cachapero, R.C.,

    Associate Dean College of


    Kudos to the College of

    Criminology for a job well done!

    HCCB holds its 1st

    LCO NightBy: Joinie Verdeflor

    Wow! What a night!These were the few words

    which came out of my mind

    when I saw the result of our

    united efforts in realizing the

    long-dreamt LCO Night of

    Holy Child Colleges of Butuan

    especially those who are engaged

    in different organizations, be it

    brotherhood/sisterhood, religious

    and others.

    We never doubt it to failwhen we started planning and

    organizing the program which

    was in connection with the

    celebration of the extramurals.

    S.Y 2010-2011

    Because it will be the first time

    that the institution will hold an

    LCO Night within its 12 years of


    Instead of electing

    individuals in the committee, I

    suggested to elect the whole

    group, which means each

    organization presidents wilautomatically become the head

    to assure cooperation among

    members. There were eight (8)

    committees formed having a

    corresponding organization

    assignments. In the finance

    committee was the Knight and

    Ulfans was assigned, food

    committee was on Fox Theta

    Delta, program committee was

    on CLFC, ways and means onAlpha Xi Epsilon, house keeping

    on Alpha Kappa Rho, peace and

    order on Tau Gamma Phi, and

    two (2) other committees headed

    by Alpha Mu Phi and WOSSP

    Altogether we built our booth

    within the vicinity of Golden

    Cottage, which was the officia

    venue of our activities for

    extramurals and especially the

    LCO Night, despite of the factthat we belong to differen


    Truly, we can be

    successful in any endeavor we

    might be having only if we stand

    united which seconds our first

    and ever LCO theme Change

    Starts in Me: Breaking the

    Chain of Differences.

    Indeed, LCO means unity

    in its implicit practicadefinition.


  • 8/9/2019 MELJUN CORTES HCCB School Publication (2009-2010)



    To let go ishard, to forgetis not easyBy: Allyn Mae Ferrer

    The hardest thing to do is

    to pretend that youve moved onbut you know you cant do. Its

    hard to let go of someone who

    made you feel the true meaning

    of love. Sometimes you wish to

    be with him but some part of you

    says, dont fool yourself or else

    youll be hurt again.

    Its not easy to think

    about him when also the

    memories stay in your mind.

    Youre almost over him butsuddenly he still visits you in

    your dreams. Your love song

    brings you back to the moment

    where you meet and where you

    spent time together. Youre

    always longing to hold him, see

    his face, make him feel he is

    special and tell him how much

    you love him.

    Day becomes longer.

    Night becomes lonelier just like

    your waiting for someone who

    will not come back again.

    Sometimes, you question

    yourself; does he also thin about

    you? Your hearts seems to be

    unbeaten because it needs

    someone to make it alive. Youre

    trying to open your heart to

    someone new, but still it needs

    him. You really want to let go of

    his memories but the more you

    try, the more you remember.

    How does someone heal a broken

    heart? I wish it would be easy to

    forget the pain but sad to say, its


    All about PowerBy: Jenaflor Ompod

    This has nothing to do

    with leftist politics, but how you

    respond and relate to color red.

    As one of the primarycolors, red is connected to the

    first chakra. According to

    Ayurveda, the traditional

    medicinal system of India, the

    human being is not only a

    physical body but an energy field

    as well. Chakras are energy

    centers in

    charge of the


    varioussystems and

    organs. The

    energies of

    its chakra

    affect us



    and mentally.

    When looking at the

    qualities of red as the color of the

    first chakra, it helps to note thatas the first chakra, its energy is

    fundamental being located at the

    base of the spine. This means

    that red is al about power,

    identity, vitality, strength,

    passion, stability and security.

    This means walking your talk.

    Draw upon your divine source as

    your strength and the base of

    your being. When your red

    energy is balanced, you are ableto communicate well especially

    anything that bothers your self

    senses. You know youre spirit,

    and not just a body, and you use

    your physicality well to express

    this spiritual truth to others.

    S.Y 2010-2011

    At all times, you know

    you are energized by a higher

    force, whenever you are tired;

    you have not been acting as

    guided by the spirit.

    Why teach?By:




    great dea

    has been

    said that

    teaching is

    one of the most important

    professions from the standpoint of

    human welfare. Properly

    understood, however, it is also one

    of the most technical, difficult and

    challenging professions.

    Aside from the fact tha

    teachers are exalted individuals, I

    still couldnt fathom then why I

    have chosen this profession knowing

    that it is not a lucrative job and

    perhaps underrated. I am still not

    dissuaded from becoming a teacher

    in spite of its perplexing state. My

    rational though a bit hard to

    articulate, are nevertheless

    intrinsically and extrinsically


    To start with, my foremost

    reason for choosing this profession

    is to have a decent job. Decent in a

    way that could sustain me a modest

    income that would keep my body

    and soul together. Whether I am

    compensated well or not is another

    matter. But still I will go for



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    The Importance ofCorrect GrammarBy: Jenaflor Ompod

    The year of English isdesigned to instill a new

    excitement for learning English

    in the Philippines. It will cover

    the simple things that

    HCCBians need to practice, in

    order to improve their English

    skills. English is the key to the


    Id like to take a break

    from grammar and talk to you

    about vocabulary. I mean notonly the words of English, but

    also the phrases and idioms

    that an English speaker

    commonly used. We learn the

    words and phrases of our own

    language by exposure. We hear

    other people use them in the

    same manner.

    Words are funny things.

    They can sometimes take on a

    whole new meaning, just theway they are used. The word

    Google (the name of the

    famous website) has become a

    verb google it, which has

    come to mean look it up on

    the internet .

    English in the Philippines

    is evolving too, with words and

    phrases sometimes taking on

    new meanings. Keep this in

    mind though, if your goal is tocommunicate with a native

    English speaker, he/she may

    not understand some of the

    English expressions commonly

    used by Filipinos.

    In the interest of effective

    communication, you may adapt

    to native-English style, rather

    than expecting the native-

    English speaker to adapt toyours.

    Idiomatic expressions or

    idioms can be a bit tricky too.

    Idioms are expressions that are

    not supposed to be taken

    literally. Dont look for logic

    with these phrases. Just take

    them as they come, but use

    them exactly as they come.

    Idioms cant be adjusted or

    modified. Heres an examplethat I have heard misused:

    bosom buddies, is an idiom

    that means best friends. But

    you cannot say bosom

    friends, as I recently heard on

    a local television show. Idioms

    cant be recorded.

    One thing remains like a

    sore sticking finger. Thats

    what I call twisting an idiom as

    far as it can twist. Im really nottrying to be funny but I just

    want you all to understand the

    importance of correct

    vocabulary. The best source for

    correct English vocabulary is to

    read or hear English spoken by

    native speakers. Television and

    movies are good place to start

    but remember, just because you

    hear it on the television, that

    doesnt necessarily make it right.Always consider your source.


    S.Y 2010-2011

    Trials and frustrationmake me strongBy: Edwin Samoranos

    I believe that God is an

    absolute value. A supreme being

    and a great comforter for all His

    creations. He is the reason why

    we hold on and hope that he led

    us to the right way. Ive proven it

    because during my darkest hour

    I felt that God was with me and

    my family.

    It was Monday evening on

    the month of October 13, 1997

    My sister and I were having our

    meal while my father lay on the

    sofa and took rest because o

    tiredness from working at the

    farm. A man knocked at our

    door. We didnt mind it because

    that man was my cousin. We

    thought that it was just a simple

    conversation between my father

    and my cousin when suddenly he

    killed my father. He stabbed my

    father on the right and left chest

    using ice pick and that was the

    reason of my fathers death.

    We where shocked and

    was not able to shout for help

    because of fright. Before the man

    escaped, I saw my father trying

    to fight for his life. He was

    wounded and vomited blood

    Despite my fathers aim to fight

    back, still the man escaped. My

    mother came and shouted for

    help and our neighbor came tohelp us bring my father to the

    nearest hospital. That time, I felt

    a feeling of animosity. As i

    somebody is dictating me to kill

    Remember:Practice makes


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    From page 8 on Trails and


    the murderer as a

    payback to what he has done to

    my father.

    I was just 10 years old

    when that happened. At thatstage there were lots of trials in

    my life and my family. I even

    wanted to give up but as I saw

    my mother striving hard for the

    sake of our family, I had the

    courage to get up and face new

    days with hope within me. I

    became a working student at a

    very young age. I should have

    stopped from schooling but my

    sisters, brothers, and my motherinspired me to move on and

    continue achieving my goal and

    that is to be the new father of my

    family who will not just support

    their needs but to defend them

    from crime.

    Years past and I never

    hesitated to pursue my dreams.

    When I graduated high school, I

    applied as a scholar by the help

    of Mr. Genry Campus, an SBmember who helped me to have

    be an IFM/DRPE scholar. I

    enrolled criminology and after 2

    years, I personally approached

    Dr. Rudolfo P. Esteves to have

    me as one of his WOSPP

    scholars. Thank God and he

    chose me as one of WOSPP

    members. Now, Im on my 4rth

    year and Im on my way to the

    fulfillment of my goals. Imabout to support my family.

    I am holding on to Gods

    words, thats why until now, I

    remain to be strong and faithful

    to God. I believe that God has a

    plan for me and I can say that

    trials and frustrations made me

    strong because God is with me

    and my family. According to the

    book of Jeremiah 29:11 For I

    know the plans I have for you,

    plans to prosper you and not toharm you. It is a plan to give you

    hope and future.

    Vanity, O Vanity..By: acmedroso

    I have read a book of

    Allan Cardic the great spritist

    ever known in entire Europe in

    the middle of the century. This

    guy, of German descent strongly

    advocates that man evolves out

    of reincarnation.

    What differs him greatly

    with thats Darwins theory is

    that man did not evolve from ape

    or cockroach

    or what ever

    to become

    what is

    known now

    as homo

    sapiens, a

    walking tall,


    man with


    manners and resolute

    dispositions. Most importantly,

    Darwins theory failed to connect

    that missing link which

    remained missing until now.That point of connection between

    a pure animal to become a

    complete man remained

    unanswered until the present

    times. Well, equally interesting

    also, is the fact that Darwin came

    S.Y 2010-2011

    to embrace the Theory of

    Creation before his death which

    he did not in the prime years of

    his life.

    Well, back to Mr. Cardic

    he claimed that man as beingoriginated form man himself

    whose origin of life is breathed

    by the Sunum Bunum, or the

    combination of the infinite truth

    and the infinite good of infinitebeauty which is otherwise known as


    These breathe of life we

    mentioned above is what we call

    the spirit. And

    this spirit wilevolve into

    varying degrees



    or advancement

    When the flesh

    dies, a spirit will depart ones

    matter or decaying physical body

    and by the permission of that

    Sunum Bunum, such departed

    spirit will come back and enteragain into another fresh human

    body until he becomes a

    refined spirit ready to go back

    into HIS Glory. Interesting, isnt


    Mr. Cardic also claims

    that we are part and parcel of

    HIM as the MAKER. And no

    less than the moon and the stars

    we are that equally important as

    part of him that created us, andby then it is rightful to claim that

    we are brothers and sisters with

    reference to that Sunum Bunum

    that made us, and whose SON

    came down to redeem us from

    sins and whose name is JESUS


    9 10

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    Isnt it related to the

    Books of Genesis, John,

    Matthew, Mark and the Book of


    Spirits, Cardic claimed,

    are classified into differentdegrees thru colors. It could

    either be white spirit, yellow,

    blue or violet. I cannot exactly

    recall which one is the lowest

    degree to the highest in its order,

    (except that the highest spirit in

    the order is

    the one that

    has pure

    humanitarian concern and the

    genuine care for his fellowmen

    like our maker.), but what is

    significant is that, from a

    beginner color for example, blue,

    you can either advance or

    remain in you stage of color ordegree and you wont move in,

    even if you are already in your

    next life or (reincarnated life), if

    you choose not to improve or

    even degenerate. That means, if

    in that life you do not follow His

    commandments. That is why

    there are people that are

    deviants in the society. They

    are moved by spirits which are

    unreformed and rebellious

    or either naughty.

    It is their choice that they

    remained what they are. People

    who died without reforming

    themselves will be given the

    chance to change their new lives

    but such chance is already

    nearing to and end.

    What intrigues me more

    is that, part of his theory said,

    that when the spirit reenters into

    a flesh once again, the new

    human body is given the freedomto do an act according to his own

    free well, we called choice. But

    in the deepest realm of his

    existence is the knowledge in the

    past, serving as an experience of

    his life, way back a very long

    ago. The life of this spirit living

    in him we called it subconscious.

    And this is manifested though

    gut feelings, sometimes in

    dreams, and our ability toconnect things of the past

    which we have not experienced

    in the present life and the

    ability to make decisions.

    Next question is: When

    this spirits are already purified,

    where will they go? Spirits

    Cardic said, they will go back to

    their maker for HIS own

    GLORY and they will become

    the forces and the light thatmaintains

    the Universe,



    longs to see

    and emulate.

    They are the

    stars, the

    moon and

    strength that

    keep the Universe intact. Theyare also those that maintain the

    beauty, the wonder, the

    attraction and the cause why we

    praise the infinite beauty of our

    MAKER called GOD.

    (Intriguing, isnt it?)

    S.Y 2010-2011

    I do not enjoin you to

    believe him folks, but I am some

    kind of intrigued, especially so

    when his pronouncement

    centers the claim of the

    existence of God which is the

    origin of all things and hisclaim that by the help of the

    workers in the heaven called

    the Holy Spirit, All things in

    the Bible will reconcile with

    Science in HIS time. (Things

    we commonly read in the Book

    of Revelation).


    whatever we

    believe in,

    whethersupported by


    supposition, or



    these are not outlawed but even

    encourage in a democratic

    country like ours. After all, not

    everything is revealed by

    Heaven. We need to listen to the

    opinion of others as much as theyneed to listen to us. Democratic

    society thrives best in the free

    exchange of ideas. Like a stee

    which is honed by the fire o

    purified argument. Walter

    Lippman on his book Hit the

    Podium says: the freedom o

    opinion consists primarily in

    perfecting the opportunity for

    the adequate give-and-take

    opinion.A closed mind will always

    be inferior because it is afraid of

    allowing the light of reason to

    come through. You see, citizens

    in Democratic society prefer

    debate or free exchange of ideas

    over killing each other.

  • 8/9/2019 MELJUN CORTES HCCB School Publication (2009-2010)


  • 8/9/2019 MELJUN CORTES HCCB School Publication (2009-2010)



    Tagong Pag-ibig

    By: G.B.E


    mukha moy




    tuwa aking


    Pag pilit


    pinipikit aking mga mata

    Para bang may pumipigil,bakit nga ba?

    Ikay laging nasa pusot

    isipan ko

    Sanay malaman, natatagong


    Pwede bang buksan tanging


    Dito nakabaon, pangalan

    mong tinatago

    Bakit ikaw pa ang minahal,


    Kaya ang puso koy

    nasaktan bigla

    Di ko akalain, may mahal

    kan iba

    Hanggang tingin nalang

    sayo, prinsipe

    Pero nais kong malaman mo

    Na ikaw lamang ang nasaaking puso

    Kahit magbago man ang

    takbo ng mundo

    Mundo koy iikot lamang

    para sa iyo. Piyo ko.

    KodigoBy: Edwin Samoranos

    Bakit di maiwasan ng isangestudyante,

    Masamang ugali sa loob ng


    Lalong-lalu sa araw ng



    ng kodigong


    Ang isangtaong tamad



    Sa panahon

    ng pagsusulit,

    Tanging kodigo lang ang


    Pagtalikod ng guro ang siyang

    inaabanganKahit mahirap ay sinusubukan

    Kodigoy maipasa sa mga


    At kapag tapos na ang mga


    Kaagad sinasambit katagang

    ayos lang

    Kung matalino ka ay dapat

    mong iwasan

    Ang paggamit nito ay dikailangan

    Sikaping magkaroon ng


    Magsikap, mag-aral para sa


    S.Y 2010-2011

    SelosBy: Buds 05

    Paano ba maiiwasan ang


    Gayong puso koy labis na


    Ayaw ko mang aminin ang


    Ngunit selos ang syang

    dahilan nito

    Gusto kong sabihin sayo

    nadarama ng puso

    Ngunit papaano gagwin kung

    iniiwasan mo ko?

    Puso koy labis ng nasasaktan

    Ngunit lahat ay kayang tiisin


    akoy di






    baguhin ka,

    Sana pwedeng diktahan ka

    Na isipin akot ibigin ng totoo

    Sapagkat ayaw kong

    dumating ang araw na magsisi


    Na ikaw ay nakilala ko

  • 8/9/2019 MELJUN CORTES HCCB School Publication (2009-2010)



    Ang KinabuhingEstudyante


    Ang kinabuhing estudyante

    malipayon, usahay masulobonLabina moabot ang lisod nga


    Kung maghimog assignment nga

    wala sa kondisyon

    Siguradong gagmay og grado,

    nahagbong ba hinuon.

    Estudyante magkagubot kung

    moabot ang exam,

    Pang bayad sa tuition need



    maka exam

    ba kaha?



    Kapitos sa




    Matag estudyante adunay lain-

    laing kinaiya

    Adunay uban mosulod sa klase,

    walay dala

    Mga notebook, libro, photocopy

    hinulaman pa

    Kung tan-awon murag

    maestrog maestro.

    Inig sulod sa classroom, maestro

    quiz dayonKung wala man kahibalo, sa

    seatmate mang disturbo

    Kung motalikod ang maestro

    Makalolooy nga estudyante,

    pangitaon ang kodigo

    Ginikanang walay kasayuran,

    ilang anak barkada ray giatiman

    Pachoy-choy, puro purma walay


    Kalooy sa ginakanan naputos sa

    utangAnak walay huna-huna,

    hinungdan sa kapakyasan

    Ang kinabuhing estudyante

    daghan ang kabuang

    Kalipay man o kasakit ilang


    Dautan man o matarung ilang


    Tungod sa impluwensya sa


    Estyudyante angay gayud

    ninyong matngunan,

    Ang pag skwela dili binuangan,

    malisod ang kapanahunan

    Dugo, singot og luha ang


    Tungod og alang sa kalampusan.


    Ubos sa mga hulhog sa

    panahon nga mabudhi-on


    mo ang

    wawang sa



    Ang kasibaw

    sa laginglingsa imong

    mga hagit,

    Nag sing al

    sa pangarab



    S.Y 2010-2011

    Mitay-og sa sukaranan sa

    akong dalimdaman.

    Ang kahimongaya nga gi-ub-aw sa imong kapintas..!

    AHH..pila na kaha ka

    DAYO nga kinabuhi! ang

    giluba sa

    Mga gaway sa imong

    kabangis? dili na magangkap

    Pag hapnig sa hunahuna, kay

    ang kutob sa magpapawaw

    Nga hi-atlan sa imong

    pagsaput , pamungtaw mo sa

    Makalilisang pag dagmal,

    ilawog sa kamatayon nga

    imong gitangkil.

    Ang wawang mga nahilaw

    sanagdagtum mong sabakan

    Nahimong dagawasaw sa lakad

    namong katalaw.

    Kay bisan sa kalig-ow sa

    among pakigbi-sug pukawon

    Gayud ug taralon sa imongkapingtas, kay ang gahum

    Nga among gihabak sa among





    Apan sa atong panagkabagat

    sa hapsay nga baybayon.

    Ang buhing pahimatngon napugad ning pangasip.

    Nga ning silong sa langit way

    gahum nga matunhay,

    Walay garbo nga molungtad

    tanay may kinutuban.

    Kini gimato-od sa subo mong


    Diha sa utlanan sa manag lahi

    natong paraiso.13

  • 8/9/2019 MELJUN CORTES HCCB School Publication (2009-2010)


    14THE HCCB HERALD Vol. 2

    The Pain of

    LovingBy: Edwin

    Now, I can still feel the painI cant deny my whole being

    is tremblingYes, I was and am really

    hurtFor having you rooted in

    my heart

    One year on, two years offAretheselonely

    days notenough?

    Do Ihave to



    life?Just to show and to provehow I dearly love?

    Are you dumb, fool andblind?

    Didnt you take a glanceand mind?

    You add the weight of myburdens

    And still manage to stand

    despite the mighty wind.

    Hope youll awake and havea glimpse

    And let me know the realscore that lingers

    But still am wishing it willturn to a nice way again

    For the realization of myendless dream


    Im walking in myobscured way,

    And someone gave

    light upon meHe rendered color and

    happiness in my bodyI hope it wont end up


    With a brilliant daysto be,

    Im glad you found

    meAnd all I want is you

    to stay,So that this heartwont be empty.

    You are the light ofmy life

    That gives care andtime

    You showed howimportant I am to you

    Then million thanksfor you to know

    S.Y 2010-2011

    Ang Atong


    By: ENS

    Pagkasakit ning akingkapalaran

    Nga naliumsan sa mgakagul-anan

    Mao ba diay and akongmatagamtaman

    Kanunay nga magahilak sakapakyasan

    Sa ako nga pag-inusaraWala akoy laing mahuna-huna

    Kon dili ang binuhat ngaakong gipakabathala

    Nga sa kalit lang nawala

    Asa naman ang atong mgapanumpa?

    Nga midasig sa luya kongugma,

    Hinimdumi baya akongpinangga,Ikawtawolangusab

    ug mayluha.


    naughan na ang akong mgamata

    Wala nay luha alangkanimo akong pinalangga

    Ug ako mopadayun saakong panaw

    Ug sa atong kagahapun igolang sa paghanduraw

  • 8/9/2019 MELJUN CORTES HCCB School Publication (2009-2010)






    CHAMPIONSHIPBy: Gilbert M. Makiling

    The competent

    College of



    League of


    Organization Breakers, 5-2, in

    Women Sitting basketball

    Championship held at HCCB

    Golden Cottage last February

    10-14, this year.

    Focus, determination

    and self-reliance were theamulets of COC Bombers of

    dumping LCO Breakers.

    Out of 10 shots, COC

    Bombers got 5, with their best

    efforts while sitting on a chair

    parallel on its competitors. On

    the other hand, LCO Breakers

    attained only 2 shots that

    caused COC Bombers to

    recognize the new champion

    of Women Sitting Basketball

    Championship.Keep it up COC Bombers

    and for oppressed LCO

    Breakers, there will be another




    By: Jenaflor Ompod

    The College of Nursing

    and Health Sciences outwitted

    the competing departments with

    their determination to win

    Follow What I say game last

    Feb. 10-14, 2009 held at HCCB

    Golden Cottage in connection

    with the Extramural.

    It was an exciting game

    all the way that was participated

    by all competing departments.

    With all other teams,

    CNHS Rollers stood up as the



    in that





    disturbed and interloped in the

    guff voices of the audience

    instead they let their minds to be

    void and hear only the words

    uttered by the game facilitator.

    The only mechanic of the

    game was to act the character

    but not following then words of

    game facilitator. They should act

    senior, seniora, seniorita,

    and seniorito.

    CNHS Rollers soared as

    the last player resulting of their

    amicable victory.

    Good job CNHS Rollers

    and continue to be good


    S.Y 2010-2011



    RALAYBy: Kris Para-ase

    Analou Avila of COEDDreamers, carved herpriceless marker that putthe team into the zenithover the competitors ingasping the WomenEggplant Relay before theenergetic crowd at theHCCB Golden Cottage lastFebruary 10-14, 2009.

    We won the gamenot just because of me but

    with our determination towin, Avila said.

    The grand playeradded that she wasnt ableto do that so without theencouragement by her

    teammates. She stressedthat she able to whip thetomato as much farthercompared to others by theuse of eggplant with a strawtied inher wristand ableto bringthe




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