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Why did modern human populations disperse fromAfrica ca. 60,000 years ago? A new modelPaul Mellars*Department of Archaeology, Cambridge University, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3DZ, England

Edited by Ofer Bar-Yosef, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, and April 10, 2006 (received for review December 23, 2005)

Recent research has provided increasing support for the origins of anatomically and genetically ‘‘modern’’ human populations in Af-rica between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago, followed by a major dispersal of these populations to both Asia and Europe sometimeafter ca. 65,000 before present (B.P.). However, the central question of why it took these populations !100,000 years to dispersefrom Africa to other regions of the world has never been clearly resolved. It is suggested here that the answer may lie partly in theresults of recent DNA studies of present-day African populations, combined with a spate of new archaeological discoveries in Africa.Studies of both the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mismatch patterns in modern African populations and related mtDNA lineage-analy-sis patterns point to a major demographic expansion centered broadly within the time range from 80,000 to 60,000 B.P., probablyderiving from a small geographical region of Africa. Recent archaeological discoveries in southern and eastern Africa suggest that, atapproximately the same time, there was a major increase in the complexity of the technological, economic, social, and cognitive be-havior of certain African groups, which could have led to a major demographic expansion of these groups in competition with other,adjacent groups. It is suggested that this complex of behavioral changes (possibly triggered by the rapid environmental changesaround the transition from oxygen isotope stage 5 to stage 4) could have led not only to the expansion of the L2 and L3 mitochon-drial lineages over the whole of Africa but also to the ensuing dispersal of these modern populations over most regions of Asia,Australasia, and Europe, and their replacement (with or without interbreeding) of the preceding ‘‘archaic’’ populations in these regions.

archaeology ! DNA ! modern humans ! Palaeolithic

O ur understanding of the originsof modern human populations(i.e., Homo sapiens) has mademassive strides in the past two

decades. We now know from studies ofboth the DNA patterning of present-dayworld populations and surviving skeletalremains that populations that were essen-tially ‘‘modern’’ in both a genetic and ananatomical sense had emerged in Africaby at least 150,000 years ago (1–7). Wealso know that these populations had dis-persed from Africa to most other parts ofthe world by at least 40,000 years ago,where they demographically replaced thepreexisting ‘‘archaic’’ populations, such asthe European Neanderthals (1–3, 8–19).However, some of the most centralquestions as to exactly how and why thisdramatic population dispersal and re-placement took place have never beenclearly resolved.

Two critical issues are posed by thisrecent research. First, if we now knowthat populations that were essentiallymodern in both genetic and anatomicalterms had already emerged in Africa by atleast 150,000 years ago, why did it takethese populations a further 100,000 yearsto disperse to other regions of the world(1, 2, 8, 10–12)? And second, what werethe crucial evolutionary and adaptive de-velopments that allowed these populationsto colonize a range of entirely new andalien environments and to successfullycompete with, and replace, the long-estab-lished, and presumably well adapted, ar-chaic populations in these regions (2, 8,13, 14, 17)?

As noted earlier, the answer to thesequestions seems to lie partly in the resultsof recent DNA research among differentgeographical groups of present-day Afri-can populations and partly in a number ofstriking new archaeological discoveries atsites in southern and eastern Africa.

The African DNA EvidenceDemographic reconstructions based onDNA studies of present-day human popu-lations are notoriously problematic andcontroversial, with the data from Africanpopulations being no exception. Debatesover the rates of mutation of differentgenetic loci, the effects of adaptive selec-tion on DNA patterns, and the potentialcomplications of demographic dispersalsand back migrations between differentregions, all serve to complicate the surviv-ing fingerprints of demographic history inways that have still to be fully resolved (2,18–22). Evidence from mitochondrialDNA (mtDNA), even though reflectingonly a small segment of the total humangenome, has the advantage of unusuallyrapid mutation rates, descent predomi-nantly, if not entirely, through the femalelineage, and apparently few, if any, effectsof environmental selective forces (2, 3, 8,11). In the present context, therefore, it isinteresting to see that two separate ap-proaches to the analysis of mtDNA pat-terns in present-day African lineages pointstrongly to an episode of rapid populationgrowth in the ancestral Africa populationscentered broadly within the time rangefrom ca. 60,000 to 80,000 years ago, i.e.,some 100,000 years after the inferredmost recent common ancestor (MRCA)

of mitochondrially modern populations inAfrica.

Evidence for this pattern was first rec-ognized by Harpending, Rogers, Sherry,and others (23–25) from studies of so-called mtDNA ‘‘mismatch’’ distributions(i.e., frequency distributions of geneticdifferences between pairs of individualswithin a population), which revealed aclearly defined peak in African popula-tions dated broadly to !80,000 yearsbefore present (B.P.). This peak was fol-lowed by equally sharply defined peaksin Asian and European populations at!60,000 and 40,000 B.P. (see Fig. 1).Clearly, the precise age of these inferredpopulation expansions depends on theaccuracy of the assumed mutation rate ofmtDNA (2, 3, 8), but the evidence as awhole points strongly to a major andapparently rapid increase in African popu-lation numbers much earlier than thatexperienced in either Asia or Europe andapparently involving expansion by meansof a demographic ‘‘diffusion wave’’ (15)from a relatively small population nucleus(probably confined to a fairly small regionof Africa) to other parts of the continent(23–25).

More recently, strong support for thispattern has been provided by detailedmtDNA ‘‘lineage-analysis’’ studies of mod-

Conflict of interest statement: No conflicts declared.

This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNASoffice.

Abbreviation: MSA, Middle Stone Age.

*E-mail: [email protected].

© 2006 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

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ern African populations by Watson, For-ster, Salas, Kivisild, Macaulay, and others(2, 8, 9, 26–28). Once again, the precisetiming of these lineage expansions de-pends on the assumed mutation rate ofmtDNA, but, in all of these studies, thereis evidence for what Forster and Mat-sumura (28) have recently described as a‘‘remarkable expansion’’ of the distinctiveL2 and L3 mitochondrial lineages datingbroadly to between ca. 80,000 and 60,000B.P. (2, 8, 9, 26–28) (Fig. 2). As in thecase of the mismatch analyses, the evi-dence points to an expansion centeredinitially in one small area of Africa (mostprobably in eastern or southern Africa)followed by an expansion to other regions,apparently reaching western Africa by atleast 30,000–40,000 B.P., and perhapsacross the mouth of the Red Sea to theadjacent parts of southern Asia by!60,000–65,000 B.P. (2, 8, 9, 28).Whether this dispersal of the L2 and L3lineages reflects an actual dispersal of dis-crete human populations, or simply a

rapid expansion in these specific mito-chondrial types amongst the existing Afri-can populations, remains perhaps moredebatable. But in either case, it is clearthat some significant demographic or cul-tural factors must have promoted theselineage expansions at roughly the sametime as the mtDNA mismatch analysespoint to a rapid increase in total popula-tion numbers from some localized geo-graphical source. A similar expansion inAfrican populations has also been claimedfrom some studies of DNA microsatellitedata, although with less specific age esti-mates (3).

Archaeological EvidenceThe central question is what could havecaused this apparently dramatic expansionin African populations !60,000–80,000B.P., and it is here that recent archaeolog-ical research in southern and central Af-rica becomes central to the interpretationof the demographic data. The most rele-vant evidence at present comes from anumber of sites located close to the south-ern tip of Africa in Cape Province, mostnotably from Blombos Cave and KlasiesRiver on the southern coast and those ofBoomplaas Cave and Diepkloof, furtherto the north and west (29–40) (Fig. 3).These are backed up by a number ofrather less well documented sites in east-ern and central Africa (34, 41–43). Thegeneral time range of these sites is that ofthe African Middle Stone Age (MSA)extending from !250,000 to 40,000 B.P.,and coinciding broadly with the MiddlePalaeolithic (or Mousterian) periods inEurope and Asia (44, 45). But the rele-vant evidence from the so-called ‘‘StillBay’’ levels in the Blombos Cave and theensuing ‘‘Howiesons Poort’’ levels at Kla-sies River, Boomplaas, and Diepkloof, canbe dated specifically to the later stages ofthe MSA, between ca. 75,000 and 55,000B.P. (35, 46, 47).

Although the archaeological assem-blages from these sites have traditionallybeen attributed to the MSA, they reveal anumber of radical technological and cul-tural features that collectively contrastsharply with those of the earlier AfricanMSA sites, and which show many resem-blances to those that appear in Europeand western Asia with the arrival of thefirst anatomically and genetically modernpopulations at !45,000–50,000 B.P., theperiod of the so-called ‘‘Upper Palaeo-lithic revolution’’ (17, 45, 48–50). Theseassemblages include, for example, newpatterns of blade technology, produced bymeans of ‘‘soft hammer’’ techniques offlaking (29–32, 51); new forms of bothspecialized skin working tools (end-scrap-ers) and tools for the controlled shapingof bone and wooden artefacts (so-calledburin forms) (32, 35); a range of exten-

sively shaped bone tools, apparently usedas both tips of throwing spears andsharply pointed awls for skin working (36,37); new forms of carefully shaped stoneinserts, probably used as tips and barbs ofeither hafted throwing spears or conceiv-ably wooden arrows (30–32, 34, 51); largenumbers of perforated estuarine shells,evidently used as personal ornaments ofsome kind (39); and large quantities ofimported red ochre, including two piecesfrom the Blombos cave with carefully in-cised and relatively complex geometricaldesigns on their surfaces (38). These de-signs represent the earliest unambiguousforms of abstract ‘‘art’’ so far recorded(Figs. 4 and 5). Equally significant inthese sites is the evidence for the large-scale distribution or exchange of bothhigh-quality stone for tool production andthe recently discovered shell beads fromthe Blombos cave, in both cases eithertransported or traded over distances of atleast 20–30 km (31, 39). All of these fea-tures show a striking resemblance to thosewhich characterize fully modern or ‘‘Up-per Palaeolithic’’ cultures in Europe andwestern Asia, which first appeared withthe initial arrival of anatomically and be-haviorally modern populations at!45,000–50,000 B.P., i.e., some 20,000years later than their appearance in theAfrican sites (17, 45, 48–50). As Hen-shilwood (35) has recently commented,the combination of these behavioral inno-vations in the Still Bay and succeedingHowiesons Poort levels at these SouthAfrican sites seems to reflect ‘‘a dynamicperiod of diverse technological behaviornot previously seen in the African MiddleStone Age.’’

Population ExpansionThe critical importance of these new ar-chaeological discoveries is that they may

Fig. 2. Inferred patterns of geographical dis-persal of the L2 and L3 mtDNA lineages in Africabetween ca. 80,000 and 60,000 B.P., according toForster (2). Later dispersals of the M, N, and Rlineages into Asia and Europe after 65,000 B.P.derive from the L3 lineage.

Fig. 3. Map of archaeological sites and earlyanatomically modern human remains in Africa andIsrael, referred to in text.

Fig. 1. mtDNA ‘‘mismatch’’ distributions ofpresent-day African, Asian, and European popula-tions, showing the frequency distribution of differ-ences between pairs of individuals in the three pop-ulations. The modes of the three distributions clearlyreflect a much earlier demographic expansion of Af-rican populations (ca. 80,000 B.P.), than those in Asia(ca. 60,000 B.P.) and Europe (ca. 40,000 B.P.) (23–25).

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provide the explanation for the major ex-pansion in African populations, which isreflected so clearly in the recent mtDNAevidence, dated broadly to between 80,000and 60,000 B.P. The precise cultural anddemographic mechanisms that underlaythe population expansion inevitably re-main more hypothetical. At least four as-pects of the archaeological data, however,could be significant in this context. Thefirst is that the character of the artefactsrecovered from both the Blombos Caveand the Howiesons Poort levels at KlasiesRiver and elsewhere would appear to re-flect the emergence of more complexforms of hunting equipment, apparentlyinvolving the construction of several dif-ferent forms of hunting weapons (i.e., thesharply pointed bone spear heads and thebifacial leaf-point forms from the Blom-bos cave, and the appearance of compos-ite, multiple-component hafted weaponsin the Howiesons Poort levels at KlasiesRiver and other sites) (31, 34–37) (Fig. 4).The possibility has been suggested thatsome of these forms could well haveserved as the tips and barbs of woodenarrows, based on comparisons with similarartefacts recovered from both later Afri-can Stone Age sites and much later Meso-lithic contexts in Europe (34, 40). Evenwithout inferring the use of archeryequipment, however, it is reasonable toassume that the introduction of more ef-fective hunting weapons would have sub-stantially increased the efficiency and pro-ductivity of hunting activities and,therefore, the overall productivity of thefood resources available to the human

groups (31, 34). The second and poten-tially equally important suggestion, whichhas been mooted by Deacon (29, 31), isthat the dense accumulations of burntplant remains in the Howiesons Poortlevels at Klasies River (together withidentifiable remains of root crops, such asWatsonia, in the later MSA levels at theStrathalan B site, further to the north)could reflect either the increased use ofthese particular plant resources or eventhe deliberate burning of the local fynbosvegetation, which has been shown to in-crease the annual productivity of theseroot crops by between five- and ten-fold(31). For the present, the latter suggestionremains speculative, but, if this were to besupported by further research, one couldsee this effectively as an early form ofplant food management strategies, poten-tially analogous to those used in laterMesolithic and early agricultural commu-nities, or in the recently reported 26,000-year-old processing of seed remains fromthe Ohalo II site in Israel (52). A thirdsuggestion advanced by Henshilwood (35,36) is that the Still Bay levels at Blomboscave may provide evidence for the first

systematic exploitation of marine fish, andperhaps sea birds, as parts of the humanfood supply. Finally, Deacon, Ambrose,and others (31, 35, 42, 43) have arguedthat the large-scale movements of high-quality stone and imported shell orna-ments recorded from these sites mayreflect increased trading and exchangenetworks between adjacent human groups,which could have acted as a further criti-cal mechanism to ensure regular accessand distribution of essential food supplies,especially during seasonal or other epi-sodes of food scarcity.

Clearly, all of these possibilities willrequire further analysis and testing in thecourse of future research. But the implica-tion seems clear that many of the behav-ioral innovations reflected in the southernAfrican archaeological records betweenca. 80,000 and 60,000 B.P. could have ledto a substantial increase in the carryingcapacity of the environment for humanpopulations and, accordingly, to a majorexpansion in human population numbersand densities. Even allowing for the im-precisions in current DNA dating esti-mates, the apparent coincidence betweenthese major behavioral changes and theestimated timing of the population expan-sions reflected strongly in both themtDNA mismatch and lineage-analysisdata seems hard to ignore. It should beemphasized that there is no necessary im-plication that population numbers in Af-rica as a whole increased dramatically atthis time. Indeed, it could be that totalpopulation numbers in Africa decreasedsignificantly at this time, owing to the on-set of extremely dry conditions in manyparts of Africa between ca. 60,000 and30,000 B.P. (31, 44). The point is simplythat increased levels of technological effi-ciency and economic productivity in onesmall region of Africa could have alloweda rapid expansion of these populations toother regions and an associated competi-tive replacement (or absorption) of theearlier, technologically less ‘‘advanced,’’populations in these regions (2, 16, 23,53, 54).

Any attempt to define the precise pointof origin of these behavioral innovations,and the associated demographic expansionevent, immediately encounters the relativesparsity of well documented archaeologi-cal sites in many regions of subSaharanAfrica, especially in the more central andeastern areas of Africa, which are poten-tially crucial to the current debates overmodern human origins (31, 34). Clearly,we must be aware of falling into the obvi-ous trap of assuming these developmentsmust have occurred initially within SouthAfrica, simply because this area is wherethe relevant archaeological evidence is atpresent most fully investigated and bestdocumented (i.e., the ‘‘drunk looking for

Fig. 5. Fragments of red ochre incised with acomplex geometrical design (A–D), and a series ofdeliberately perforated shells of Nassarius krauss-ianus (E) from the MSA levels of the Blombos Cave(South Africa), dated to ca. 75,000 B.P. (38, 39).[A–D reproduced with permission from Hen-shilwood et al. (38) (Copyright 2002, AAAS). E re-produced with permission from Henshilwood et al.(104) (Copyright 2004, AAAS).]

Fig. 4. Stone tools from the MSA Howiesons Poortlevels at Klasies River (South Africa) dated to ca.65,000 B.P., showing closely similar forms of blades,end scrapers, burins, and small, hafted segmentforms to those found in European and Asian UpperPalaeolithic sites from ca. 45,000 B.P. onwards (32).

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keys under the street lamp’’ syndrome!).In this context, it should be recalled thatindustries conforming closely to the SouthAfrican Howiesons Poort variations arewell represented over large areas of cen-tral and southern Africa (to the south ofthe Zambezi) and apparently extendingnorthwards into parts of East Africa—such as at the site of Mumba in Tanzania(34, 41) and the recently excavated site ofNorikiushan in Kenya (S. Ambrose, per-sonal communication) "4,000 km to thenorth of the South African sites. Themain problem at present lies in the accu-rate dating of these sites in relation to theSouth African localities (34). On presentevidence, it is impossible to exclude thepossibility that the Howiesons Poort tech-nologies, or indeed those of the precedingStill Bay, could have emerged in certainparts of, say, eastern or central Africa,before they subsequently appeared in theSouth African sites. In this case, the de-velopments in South Africa could be seenmore as a reflection of events in otherparts of Africa than their initial point oforigin. But, in any event, the sheer scaleof the geographical distribution of theHowiesons Poort-like technologies couldbe seen as a further potential reflection ofa major episode of population dispersalwithin subSaharan Africa centeredbroadly within the time range from ca.70,000 to 55,000 B.P. (31, 34, 35). It isequally tempting to suggest that it wasprecisely this new, integrated complex ofso-called modern behavioral featuresembodied in the Howiesons Poort andpreceding Still Bay technologies that leddirectly to the widespread geographicalexpansion of the southern African popula-tions not only to other areas of Africa (asreflected in the widespread dispersal ofthe L2 and L3 mitochondrial lineages; seeFig. 2) but also to the adjacent areas ofAsia and Europe, sometime after 70,000B.P. (1, 2, 8, 16, 17, 42) (Fig. 6).†

The Mechanisms of Behavioral ChangeThe pivotal question, of course, is whatcaused these radical changes in the tech-nology, economy, and social patterns ofAfrican groups !80,000–70,000 B.P.?Here we have two fairly stark alternatives.First, we could suggest, as Klein (44, 55)has done, that the emergence of distinc-tively modern patterns of culture andtechnology was due to a sudden change inthe cognitive capacities of the populationsinvolved, entailing some form of neuro-

logical mutation (although, according tothe model advanced here at !80,000 B.P.and not at ca. 40,000–50,000 B.P., asKlein himself has suggested). Or alterna-tively (and more prosaically), we couldlook for an interpretation in terms ofsome major shift in the adaptive and se-lective pressures to which the humanpopulations were subjected, perhaps pre-cipitated by some major episode of cli-matic and environmental change. In thiscontext, the obvious candidate would bethe sharp oscillations between wetter anddrier climatic conditions that marked thetransition from oxygen isotope stage 5 tostage 4, as reflected in the deep-sea coreand ice-core climatic records (56). In sub-Saharan Africa, there is evidence that thistransition resulted in changes in annualrainfall by up to 50% (57). To groups oc-cupying the more arid regions of Africa(especially around the margins of theKalahari and Sahara deserts), the impactof these climatic changes on all aspects ofhuman economic, technological, and so-cial adaptations could have been dramatic,as Deacon, Ambrose, and others (29, 31,42, 43) have emphasized. A further poten-tially significant factor could have beenthe climatic and associated environmentaleffects of the Mount Toba volcanic ‘‘su-pereruption’’ in Sumatra, dated to!73,000 B.P., as Ambrose (58) has arguedvery effectively [but see Oppenheimer(59) and Gathorne-Hardy & Harcourt-Smith (60) for an opposing view]. Itwould, in short, be possible to see changes

in human technology, subsistence, settle-ment patterns, and associated patterns ofsocial and even symbolic communicationas a fairly direct response to the new envi-ronmental challenges that emerged at thistime (53, 54, 61, 62). Significantly, allthese major environmental changes fallwithin the time range of ca. 80,000–70,000B.P., precisely the time when the archaeo-logical evidence indicates that technologi-cal and other behavioral changes wereoccurring most rapidly.

Human Cognitive EvolutionEven if we accept that the pattern of be-havioral changes in southern Africa canbe explained more parsimoniously interms of adaptive environmental processesthan by changes in human cognitive ca-pacities, we cannot escape the evidencefor significant changes in at least someaspects of human cognitive behavior asso-ciated broadly with the emergence of ourown species (63–68). One aspect of thecurrent evidence that is potentially highlyinformative in this context lies in the evi-dence for a precocious and apparentlyshort-lived expansion of anatomicallymodern populations from northern Africainto the immediately adjacent areas ofsouthwest Asia at !110,000–90,000 B.P.(1, 69–72). This expansion is best re-flected in the large samples of typically (ifrelatively robust and variable) anatomi-cally modern skeletal remains from thetwo sites of Skhul and Qafzeh in northernIsrael (Fig. 3). Three features of thesefinds are especially significant. The first isthat at least two of the skeletons in thesesites occurred in the form of clearly cere-monial or ritualistic burials, associatedwith seemingly unmistakably intentionalgrave offerings (a large deer antler lyingdirectly on top of one of the Qafzeh skel-etons and a complete boar’s jaw said tobe ‘‘clasped in the arms’’ of one of theburials at Skhul) (72–75) (see Fig. 7). Sec-ondly, that, at least in the case of theQafzeh burials, the remains were associ-ated with a number of deliberately perfo-rated seashell ornaments, together withlarge quantities of used and apparentlyheat-treated fragments of red ochre, al-most certainly used as coloring pigments(76, 77). And, thirdly, that, despite theseclearly ‘‘symbolic’’ aspects of the archaeo-logical material, the stone tool assem-blages found in association with both theSkhul and Qafzeh remains were of typi-cally Middle Palaeolithic or MSA in form,without any trace of the distinctively mod-ern or Upper Palaeolithic technologicalfeatures recorded at the later AfricanMSA sites of Klasies River, Blombos, andelsewhere (71, 72).

The clear implication of these finds isthat, whilst the human populations repre-sented at Skhul and Qafzeh were essen-

†Note that claims for a reemergence of MSA-like technol-ogies after the Howiesons Poort industries in South Africa(31) are not directly relevant to this model, because it islikely that by this time (ca. 50,000–55,000 B.P.) the initialdispersal from Africa had already taken place (8, 9, 28).Exactly what these post-Howiesons Poort MSA industriesrepresent remains to be clarified.

Fig. 6. Summary of the model proposed here formodern human origins and dispersal from Africa.

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tially modern in both anatomical termsand in terms of clearly symbolic behav-ioral patterns, the levels of technologyassociated with these populations werestill of strictly archaic, Middle Palaeolithicform (71, 72). Viewed in these terms, it isequally interesting that the early incursionof these anatomically modern populationsinto southwest Asia seems to have been avery localized and short-lived event, ap-parently confined to this southwest Asianregion, and followed by a reestablishmentof the earlier Neanderthal populationswithin these regions from at least 70,000B.P. onwards, as reflected by the typicallyNeanderthal remains recovered from thelater Mousterian levels at the Kebaracave, Tabun, Amud and Shanidar (1, 71,72, 78). In other words, it would seem thatwhatever the intellectual and symboliccapacities of these early anatomicallymodern populations, their levels of tech-nological and socioeconomic organizationwere not sufficient to withstand competi-tion from the long-established Neander-thal populations of Eurasia during thelater (and colder) stages of the MiddlePalaeolithic sequence (71, 72, 78).

Mosaic EvolutionThe obvious and seemingly inescapableconclusion is that the patterns of culturaland technological development associatedwith the evolution of fully modern popula-tions were strongly mosaic in character,with the emergence of several explicitlysymbolic aspects of culture apparentlypreceding any major change in either thestone-tool or bone-tool components of theassociated technologies (40). In Africaitself, there may be further evidence forthis symbolic behavior in the indicationsof apparently ritualistic treatment of the

two early anatomically modern skulls re-cently discovered at Herto in Ethiopia,dated to ! 160,000 B.P., and again associ-ated with characteristically archaic MSAstone tool technology (6, 79).

If so, what, if anything, might this evi-dence tell us tell us about the patterns ofhuman cognitive and neurological evolu-tion associated with the emergence offully anatomically and genetically modernpopulations? If explicit symbolism is ac-cepted as an index of essentially moderncognitive capacities and with associatedpatterns of essentially modern, complexlanguage [as most archaeologists andpalaeoanthropologists tend to assume (30,63, 66, 68, 80–87)], then these capacitieswere clearly in place by at least 100,000–150,000 B.P. and could well have emergedin direct association with the evolution ofanatomically and genetically modern pop-ulations at this time. Viewed in theseterms, the subsequent elaboration of thesesymbolic patterns and the emergence of arange of new technological, economic, andsocial patterns reflected in the archaeo-logical evidence from Blombos, KlasiesRiver, and elsewhere, could be seen sim-ply as a gradual working out of these newcognitive capacities under the stimulus ofvarious kinds of environmental, demo-graphic, or social pressures, in much thesame way as that reflected in the lateremergence of fully agricultural communi-ties (53, 54, 61, 68, 88).

The alternative, of course, would beto visualize the trajectory of human cog-nitive evolution as an inherently morecomplex process, involving potentially aseries of successive and cumulativechanges in brain capacities, dependenton a succession of genetic mutationsaffecting various aspects of brain func-tion and organization (63–67, 89, 90).Recent studies of the Microcephalin andFOXP2 genes (63, 64) have now effec-tively demonstrated the possibility ofsuch mutations, potentially at variouspoints since the emergence of geneti-cally modern humans. Clearly, if therehad been a further genetic mutation in-volving cognitive capacities !80,000B.P., this could provide a further poten-tial explanation for the emergence ofsignificantly new patterns of technology,social organization, and symbolic expres-sion reflected in the archaeological evi-dence from the African sites.

The problem of adequately testing thesespeculations against hard archaeologicaldata is, of course, one of the notoriousdilemmas in studies of human cognitiveevolution, epitomized by Renfrew’s (91)notion of the ‘‘Sapient paradox.’’ In otherwords, how do we formulate plausiblearchaeological tests for the emergence ofnew behavioral capacities, as opposed tothe gradual elaboration and increasing

complexity of technological and other be-havioral patterns for which the necessarycognitive potentials had already long ex-isted (68, 82, 84, 92)? One thing, however,is certain: If the evolutionary trajectoriesof the Eurasian Neanderthals and the Af-rican ancestors of modern populationshad been separate over a span of at least300,000 years [as all of the current geneticand skeletal evidence suggests (1, 12, 78,93)], then the possibility of some signifi-cant changes in human neurological andcognitive capacities over this time rangecan in no way be ruled out. Even if thecognition of Neanderthals and otherarchaic populations was not ‘‘inferior’’to that of modern humans, it could havebeen significantly different (66, 67,80–83).

The Out of Africa DiasporaThe final, and most controversial, issue atpresent is exactly when and how theseanatomically and genetically modern pop-ulations first spread from Africa to otherparts of Asia and Europe. Here there aretwo main possibilities. The first is that theinitial expansion occurred via North Af-rica and the Nile valley, with subsequentdispersals to both the west into Europeand to the east into Asia (69–71, 78, 94,95). The second is that the initial dispersalwas from Ethiopia, across the mouth ofthe Red Sea, and then either northwardthrough Arabia or eastward along thesouth Asian coastline to Australasia—theso-called ‘‘southern’’ or ‘‘coastal’’ route(28, 69, 70, 96). The strongest evidence atpresent for the second hypothesis is pro-vided by the mtDNA lineage-analysispatterns. These point strongly to the con-clusion that there was only a single (suc-cessful) dispersal event out of Africa,represented exclusively by members of theL3 lineage and probably carried by a rela-tively small number of at most a few hun-dred colonists (2, 8, 28, 97). This lineagerapidly diversified into the derivative M,N, and R lineages, which are particularlywell represented in modern Asian popula-tions and which are estimated to have ar-rived and diversified further in southernAsia by at least 50,000 B.P. and possiblyas early as 65,000 B.P. in Malaysia and theAndaman islands (8, 9, 28, 97). A similarconclusion has been drawn from recentstudies of the Y chromosome evidence(97). This evidence would also conformwell with the clear peak in the mtDNAdistributions of Asian populations, datedbroadly to !60,000 B.P. (23–25) (Fig. 1).This model, of course, would mean thatthe subsequent dispersals of anatomicallyand behaviorally modern populations intosouthwest Asia and Europe must havereached these areas substantially later, viawestern or central Asia (2, 8, 97).

Fig. 7. Burial of an anatomically modern humanskeleton at the Qafzeh Cave (Israel), accompaniedby a large deer antler and dated to ca. 90,000–100,000 B.P. (73, 74).

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The main problem posed by this sce-nario at present lies in the sparsity ofwell documented and well dated archae-ological evidence for the early modernhuman colonization of Asia prior to ca.45,000 B.P., when we know that earlycolonists had reached parts of northernand southern Australia, best representedby the archaeological and skeletal findsfrom Lake Mungo in New South Wales

(98–100). But clearly the spotlight isnow directed strongly onto southernAsia to secure more direct evidence forthis hypothetical early dispersal route(101, 102). Future discoveries in bothmitochondrial and Y chromosome DNAresearch and, above all, archaeology, areawaited to provide the crucial tests forthis hypothesis of the origins and dis-persal of our own species (103).

I thank P. Forster, S. Matsumra, C. Stringer,H. Harpending, A. Rogers, T. Kivisild, P.Underhill, C. Marean, P. Endicott, A. Brooks,S. Ambrose, G. Sampson, O. Bar Yosef, C.Henshilwood, J.-J. Hublin, and M. Petraglia fordiscussions of points raised in the paper. I alsothank D. Kemp for assistance with the illustra-tions, P. Forster for Fig. 2, and C. Henshilwoodfor Fig. 5. Research funds were provided by theBritish Academy and Corpus Christi College(Cambridge University, U.K.).

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