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MEMORYLong-Term Memory

Kaitlyn StahlOffice Hours - Tuesday @ 11

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•Capacity to store info for a limitless amount of time Differs from working-memory(short-term memory)

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2 TYPES OF MEMORIES1.Implicit/Non-declarative•Does not require conscious recall•Ex: Typing on a keyboard

Tower of Hanoi game (HM)

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2. Explicit/Declarative• Requires conscious recall• Ex: recite your mom’s phone number

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•Procedural Memory Implicit – do not consciously recall Memory of how to do things

Muscle memory Motor skills

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•Semantic Memory Explicit – must be consciously recalled Knowing info. about the world

Ex: the capital of Germany is Berlin Memory of meanings and knowledge

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•Episodic MemoryExplicit – must be consciously recalled ‘Episode’ – storage of events and experiences Ex: 1st day of kindergarten, first break up, etc.

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PRACTICE QUESTIONSA gymnast previously learned to flex her feet in tumbling. At her new gym she’s constantly getting yelled at to point her feet. She is having trouble changing her behavior because of her ____________ memory. a)Proceduralb)Semanticc) Episodicd)Declarative

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Tom was asked by his therapist to recall the first time he was ever scolded, who scolded him, where he was, and how old he was. What part of memory will this information be pulled from? a)Semanticb)Episodicc) Non-declaratived)Implicit

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During the first exam in Dr. Mason’s class, Marissa was having trouble remembering what the function of the myelin sheath was. After some time she gave up, chose a random answer, and continued onto the next question. What part of memory was Marissa dealing with?a)Explicit memoryb)Implicit memoryc) Episodic memoryd)Procedural memory

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