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Vol. X H I A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W J E R S E Y , A U G U S T 25, 1 8 8 8 . No:* 84.

S f w f M js ld u a l (S a r a ? .

J . A.^V-JIETltICK; M.D. ; - • <H°®o^l>athlo Physician, ami Snrpoon.

• Cor. CpokmariY& Gangs avH.,Anl>ury Park, N. J .• H ours: until 10 a. in., and aftor 4 p. tn ." / .

S. K lN^ON TIl, M -D *. ’■ Corner Grand and Asbnry Avenues, . .

Office Hoars—7 to 0 a.m.,-1 to S pVffi.> fl to 8 p.TO.

T^K. BRUCE 8 . KEATOR', •„ . Ilorooeopathln Physlnlnn arid Surgoop. Graduate of both a c h n o l a . - '

i" .•* C'or. Afibupy avenno and Borgh.stroOt. Houre—Until 9 ai m.j 7 to 9 p. ra. ,, , / , Telephone connections. _ ; —~ r

m . i . a i t t ; , a . m ., p. p . , :

Pnqum atbpathlst, o rM e n la ln c n lo r,; =- 400 BiJWiUl nvoiiHO, Opr. Hook street.

Onito hours 7. to .10, 12 to 3 ,0 to 9. _

p. p a w l e ^ ~ ™ ~ ~ Vj ' • D E H T I G T , • ■ \ |tH6 Things. avo.t[ Anbury ParfyN ,

j j l i . 8 . T. SLOCUM,

h • D1CN I JST, jOffice—2(M Main 8 t.’., opiiosllo Railroad Station,

Gas administered. Aabury I’a rk .N , J ,

■ • A^8. nURTpNrJ). IK S;- (J. HOHTON,- t im : 8.T>URTON BilOTIIERR, . --L> . HoMlitant HonllHl*.COO Cook man avonuo, eom cr Emory St.; Asbury

Park, N. .T. Office H ours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. ira Gas adminlKteml.'-Appolnf,ments mado fry telo-* phono o r by maii ' j

M Trs of “ 80550”—tho new preparation for cleansing and preserving tho Tcoth.

v D E H T X S T ,O.mco r, Cookman avenue, near EirtOfy s tre e t

Mechanical work a specialty. .Difficult oporatfons so licited.-



Attomnya-at-Law, Solicitors «fc Mastors In Chan­cery, Mikado Build Inc, Cookman Av.,

. Asbury Park, N. J .


A ttom ey-atLaw ;' Solicitor, Master In Chancery and Notary Publlo. * '

Special attention given to examination of. Titles, ' ifcc. '• -

. Office tn "Cook’s B uild ing ,' -■ . e- Asbury Park , Now Jersey-

A LFRED D.--BA1LEY, - ' ’Attomoy-ut-Law, Solicitor an d M aster tn

. : . ..U. C hancery 'am l'N otatr P ub llo i--- .*. Spcclal attention g lv o n to collection o f olalnts.

Office in Mikado Building; Asbury Park,


Attomoy-afc-Law, Solicitor, M asterand Exarulnor In Chancery, Notary Public.;

» ■/ Asbnry P ark, N. J .


Attornoy-at-Law and’ Solicitor In Chancery, Address P. O. Box 100-J, Asbury Park , N, jL

Benjiy M. Nbvuis, EnM um i'W iww,Counsel lot*. a,t Law. V Attorney a t Law.,

ftfE V llJS A WII.HON,\ Law Offices,

_________ •'ItKD HANK, N .J .

^ L IC E K. HARRISON, ' - " 7 7

» 303 Third avenue, Asbury Park. TEACHER OF MUSIC— Plano,’Organ and Theory

i jlflA N K V. n O D IN ft' ’ ~ - ”

___ A R C H I T E C T ,’ . . . . MIKADO .BUHJMWl. , ___ ____

P. O. Box 855. ASIIUItYPARK. N ..!,

3 \ I K 3 ' ^ O S A Ia N :E V . l U r i i F ,Y , ■

TEACHER OF PIANO, ASSAM AND THEORY.Foreign and Arnqtlfigin-flngerfngr^ Terms—515 for

30 lessons, payable a t 10th lesson.


O R E S S - iV lA K f E RCIITTIN fl A H W F JT T illr t j r .B r E C I A lf V . .

The a r t of outUng and fittina tanght.COR. BOND STREET ANQ BANGS AVENUE,

. ’ Asbury Park, N. J . '

^ B / J O H N S O N ,

' • p r a c t i c a l W a tc h m a k e r , "Deader tn Fine Watches, Jewelry, SpeotacTos Ac. , W atches and Jowolry ropalred a t City Prices.

Main street, near Oookmnn avenue,• ' ASBURY PARK, N. J .

'GEO. M. BENNETT,HOUSE FAINTINGIn a ll Its brauchefl. Hardwood finishing, Grain­

ing, Calcimlnlng, &e. • - ' Estim ates fumisljed on application.

^ - L. Box ai&J, Ocean Grover,

COOK HOWLAND, Architect & Builder.

Building plans cxccutodand all w orkpromptJy. d o n o : " ■ • .

Offloo in Cook's Building, Main stroet and1 Cookman avenue, Asbury Park.

J O H N W c - 6 ! j T P H E N ;

llacksmith and Hofseshoer.. Carrlago work In all Its branches.

CARRIAGE PAINTING' AND TRIMMINGr In the finest' stylo o f decorative a rt.

Main street and First avenue,ASBDBY PABK. ’ ' •»,- • •

ADON L1PPINCOTT,.Carpenter & Buildei

• Jobbing In a ll branches promptly, and carofully attendod to. ■

Rosldence^-iOOa F irst aVennet •P. O. Box 283. - ASBURY PARK, N. J.


C O W D Y & P ITC H ER ,C a r r i a g e s , a n d M a n u f a c t u ;

r o r s o f H a r n e s s .ilM>osltorIes—AHlmry Park, Rfi«l Bank

and T<miM Itlvcr. .

DANIEL C. COVERT,No. a7 Pilgrim 1 Pathway, Ocean Grovo, N. J .,

G E N E B A t A G E B T T-----FOIl TUB—**— ^

P o rs h a s a , S a la and Renting o l Real E s ta te .Also Proporty Insu'red. ln flrst-cln#n companies. Impi'Qveioonts raado for non-refildents. Proper­ty eared for, I^oans ncgotlat6<l and Collections mado. Correspondence solleited. P. O. BoxSia6/»

Tents, Awnings, Flags., • Felting 'for boilers ahd steam pipes. -

S. HEM MEN WAV,6 15 Bookman A v e .. Asbury P o rk , H . j .

Sail lofts, GO South S t.. New York City, , / ' /

frv. F S U I T S ,C O N K K E T J O N E H Y , -

W i i t i o f u j l i d n i i f t , F io r ld i* O rn n jfc n , Cn- . tn y v b a n n d M i i Ih ku f l r n p o s , * ! V.

' andxlnxurles oC-raany descriptions, can be found tho new storo o f


• p i j s l t t e s i s i ( S u r d s . .

R O B E R T T.. G R A V A T 'rpKAtKnr* ‘ ' ?

Stovea, Heaters', Ranges,T I N W A R E , * c ? ' . ; '

Cookinaik ay.,.near Bond St., A S B U B X .P A I I K , N . J .



y , ri ^P ^F lrs to laas work a tlo w ratos.^iE l


727 Cookinan Av«< G e n t s ’ . F t i r m s l i m g s .


I^adlos’ dresses dyed In a ll the new est shades. Feathers dyod to all colors. Gentlemen’s cloth­ing cleaned, dyed and prossBd chpial to now.

“ Agent fo r Asbury Park.

. HENRY; DOREN,■’ ‘ " ’{Successor tb G. Wf-Read,)


Suits mado to order gnarahtcod to fit. Cleaning . and Repairing.

- C EO R C E W . LEE , J O B B I N G H O U S E C A R P E N T E R

Hardwood work a specialty: orders promptly attended to and work done In ilrat^class mannor.- , M anufacturer of Btorm' Doora, Window and Door Hcrecns, Orders left a t 1). II. WyokofTs paint storo, o r received by mall, will bo promptly

.attended to.Rcardonco—N, E/Cor. Anbury avonuo and Main

Street: P. OfBox 005, ASUURY PARK, N. J .

A . A T A Y L O R Mason and Builder,

Brlcklaylrig and Plastering In a ll brancheso ' Masonry work.

Jobbing prom ptly attended to.P. O. Box 097. Offleo, 733 Mattison avonuo


Carpenter & Builder.Plans and specifications furnished. Jobbing

promptly attended to . Best of reference given. Residence—First avo., bot Bond and Emory sts.

Shopand Ofilce—Flrst ave. and Main st.P. O. Box 743. ASBURY PARK.

The Old and Reliable Brandr—

Vane, Calvert t Co.Ati Inm enso S t o c i o s H r i i i i ' ’

A ll DesiraMe Shades of Color;N.E; Biieliano|i& Co.

Solo Agents, for State of New Jersey.fl?"p rices low to painters and Consumers,

Liberal arrangem ents m ado with dealers.


G R O C E R I E S ,

WILLIAM BEAMES,Successor to J . Honry Applegate, ■"

full LineofCholce Eioceiies,FliOUK AND FEED. ‘

f a f t s o n A venue,near Bond S tree t,! “ " " A 8 B D O T X » A I4 JS _ ■

M . M. C R O SB IE ,* Suecossor to David.Cartwright,

SE ofeT ar Pap or; Sheathing Papor, Two and

s Throe-ply ItooQng Paper.'j-/.jp. a , i i o k 8 0 2 . A s b n r y P a r k , N . J .

S ANITARYPLIi Wi BIN Gb . c e o w E L L & e a .

Now occupy the new brick building o f J. Hcniy . Applegate, on

M attison .Avenue, neaf B o n d ^ tre e t,

wher^tt}ey_are prepared to estlmato on'all kinds

o f« s m 'iA u lD m » n mTltey do noner other than first-class work, and

all plumbing will be done after tho mpet approved snnltary mothods. 7 ' ,

H o p a lrin o * p r o m p t l y n t t c n d ^ I t o .

H . .^ M A R R Y O T T , 5Contractor and Builder,Estimates fumlshod" for ovon^deflorlptlon of

w ork. Jobbing attpndod to promptly.- Rtikldenue— '

.Cor,-Sewall Ave.. and Emory St. 'Ix>ck Box 710 , A l f t f f f i v P A B K , j f r J „

JO HN IU BBA RD ,P r a c t i c a l H o u s e P a i n t e r ,

AND PA P E R H A N G Elt. '-* '

Rcstdonco.Cor. F ifth avonue and Bond straot,

Look Box 075. ' ASBURY PARK, N .J .

JOSi L. DURRAH,v D P 3 . a < © t e 3 : © r ,

505 T i|jR frA V E N U E .“ 7 ’ Jobbing Proriiptly a ttended to , •


A S B U R Y P A R K , N . JT.-JEfltabllshod 1873. Jobbing promptly atte^ded-

to. ,’Beat o f r o f e r o n Q t } rLi . - - . .d r a c o a n d R o s id e n c t i ,^ •'


g f a l ( B s t n t * ^ f l « n f l « .

F .C . BRAEUTjOiM ,Real Estate and Insurance,

Hotols, Boarding HCusos and C ottagoslo -I^ot, fo r Salo and E x p a n se . Siieoial a tten tion given to draw ing mortgages,'loaaea a n d deeds a t short notice. Ofllco


P. O. Box 17. . N ear Main st., Asbury Park, N. J .

H. B. - BEE OLE,{linto IL^fi. BCeglo&Son) - ■


I K&ia Avenus, Ocean Grovo, K, J ,JDoaris N e g o tia te d a n d L e g a l P a p e ^ D ra w n

II; B. BEEGLE, Notary fablloandCommlBflloner of Dcods for New JefsoyvPonnsylvanlaannd tho Dlstriot of Columbia. -. 1

B argains In Real E sta teLOTS AKD IM PROVED' PfiO Er -

ERTY AT NORTH SPR IN G t AK.M.. Improved property and Lots a t Point Pleasant cheapfor c a sh ., ' . .

LotsatM anhflsaet for •Salo 6 r Exchange. 800. fcot o f Bay front, suitable fo r a wharf. Tho only Bay front ln the m arket fo r salo In th a t vicinity. . Will bo sold cheap.

Lot £5x125 foot on Sixth avenne, noartheocoan,, Asbury park . . “ , ..

If you w ant to biry or renttl any proporty any­where along the coast •. .*

. ^ ’Apply to > R M. WORTHINGTON,Cor. Sewall av. and Emory St., Asbnry Park.

Or W. T. Stobet, Point Pleasant, N. J .W; H. PittTisn, Spring Lake, N. J .

. Real Estate ui Insnrance atASBURY PARK, OCEAN BEAGHt SPRING

LAKE AND NORTH SPRING LAKE. >Persons wishing to 'R on t, Purohaso" Cr Sell a t

tho above places, o r owners having cottagds to ren t for season of 1K8G, and desiring to placo them in my hands, wilt rocolvospecial atten tion . For further particulars or maps, address

E. WltlGIIT, Box 108, Asbury Park.J Cor.Cookman apdSowall Avs.,A. Park,

unices. Q n j{rown'a8tore, North Spring Lako, N. B .—I havo Borne cottages and lots .for Salo

cheap, easy term s; also a num ber o f cottages for ren t. ■ . .


Great, Dyspepsia Cure.i I X I S & 8 T I H K s i x i R K . ,Ajn. Bissett, Doar Slri-^i was afflicted very

mUeh with dyspepsia, bu t sincc I have uRcd yoiir G&stroilyno I experlenoo no ill cffect from a m ost hearty meal, and I t>eltevo I am cured. - • i.

/P. H. WYCKOFF, Now lirunawlck. N . JI

HAKKY Ii^p G D E N , A gen t,21 jfMAliTsTM-


K 5 W E B O O .

Railroad, near 'First' avenue,

Furnishes- Electric Arc and Incandcscont lights a fn n y location.

OFFICER^ iPresident—MYRON S. GOUtD.Vloo Prt^ t-E D M U N D O. HAltRISON, Troastircr-JO UN ROCKAFEld.KR, Seo.’y and Sup’t^G EO . M. LANE.



Myron s rd m ilC C5eo,F.J?roohl, UdmundG. Harrison, “ Joint C, MueMurray, John Rockafollor,-. . (. • Gety, A. Hmook,

Geo, Mi JlianOi .

' When i t Isa woll-kno*frn faot th a t


D yspepsia Pilfewill not only give case, bu t perm anently quro Indigestion.Dyspepsia, or any gastric troub le .1

For Sale by all Druggists,

W E S L E Y HUGGINS,ContfaGtori Carpenter & Builder

Plana and specifications furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of rbferonee given.ltesldonco--1.00, M t pannel Wayi>Ocean Grovo.;:

P. O. Box 70, Aflbury park;, N lJ . ^


' : (Xfi^and aftor Ju ly 1, ‘ 1000, -THA IMS UUY1 ASBVBT PABK . >

F or Now York, Nowark, Elizabeth. Rahway Red. Bank, Long Branoh and Intermedlato sta tions, a t -0,50, 0.10 a. m.t Llo, 5.80, 0.40- p. m. ' . -

Exprosafor Now York, Now ark, Elizabeth and Long Branch, a t 7.45 a. m ,, 2.46,425 p. m.

Limited Express for Elboron, Hollywood, West End, Long Branch and Now York, 830 a . Tn.

For Mat&wan, c.co, 8.45, 0.10 a .m ., 1.10, S.4S,4.25,5.30,0.40 p .m .

For Lonfc Branch, G.50i 7.45, 8.20 (Limited), 8.45, 0.10 a. m ., 1.10/ 2,45,4.25, 5.80, 0.40 p. m.

F or Philadelphia, (Broad St.,)TrentoniPrInccton,' Monmouth Junction,Freehold and Sea Girt,

™ • 7.43,0.41 a. m ., 12.87, 4.00. 5.83 p. m /F o r rhwadolphla, Through Kxprosa, a t 7.20 a . m. For Camden, Burlington, Bordontown and points , on tho Amboy Division, via. Berkeley and

. Toms IUvor, woek days, a t 0.41 a. m.f. 4-40 p. m. , •• ;-

For Cam den,Burlington, and Bordentown, (via. Trenton,) 7.20 a. m ., 12.87, 4.00 p. m. Via. Jdtoesbnrg, 0.41 a . m ., 5.33 p. m.

F or TomB River, Island Heights, an<J Intermedi­ate sta tions, a t 0.41, 0.15, 11,05 a. m ., 4.85,

IC eal I3 s ta t^ C o n v e y a n c e s .I i |a t of conveyuUocs, M oiiniouth County

Clork’o o/Doc?i fo r tho wcok end ing A ug. 18, " 3 8 8 :; ‘ ■' . ' t 1 ' ■ ‘ "

; . asdurt PAnK. .-.Wm.^H. T u tt to Justus E, Ralph—lots 848 and:

810. $7,500. ; '^Theodore Fields, SherlfT, to R. E<; Drummond,

et al.~ lo t a t Aebury Park. 81,000.! NEPTUNE TOWNBHIP. . • ..Conovor Lefferson to Myron S. Gould—lot a t

West Park. 9700,. - "MIBCBLLANEODb.

David M. C. Pcrrlne to Wm) Burrows—truc t o f land Manalapan township, 8300( - * .

Sarah Newman, by heirs, to Sarah Ana New­man— lot Wall township, $L‘

.^Lew ls H. Brown to Jane A‘, Cook—lot Occan Township, Jioo.

“ ■ ,.Vl ' "

For Point Pleasant, andjnterm ed latesta llons, at'6.55, 0.41, 9.15, 11.05 a. m ., 3.0L 4.35. 4.55, 0.0G,7.00,8.Wp. m. ^ . .

rBAiHs lxavb kbw yobk (via. Doshrossofl ana Cortlandt Sts. ferries) r a n ahboh t tkjxk

A t 8.90, 7.10. *0,10 a. m .,' 12.00 noon, 2,80, *3.10 3.40 (Llmltod), 4.20, 5.00, '7.00 p . m.

TBAifts leavb rniLAnsLPnrA (Broad St.) rp a Asnuav park 1

A t 0.50, a . m.,2.40,8.80, 4.00p. m. Batur-j.uu , O.W . i i . im c l .___, -----w — — t —- —> s - — — - •-days only, 5,00 p. m. Markot St., via,Camden and Trenton—0.20,7.20, 10.80j». mV, 2.30 p. m, Salnrdaya only, 4.80 p . m . * Via.- Jamesbuyg.

■*r .20 a. m-, 4.00 p. m. Via. Toms River and

Mlllstono,township; $2,400.• Barnuol R.,Foruinn cl at: to M artha Parker—20' 42^00 acrcs Mlllstono township. 8100. ■\T n is to esReformed Church, Colts Ncck, to A. C. Snodeker—cemetery plot. 815..

M criljainv. Vatiwlnklo to Lawrence, & Minton -lot,Red Bank. 8 m •Jeremiah E. Sayro to Aaron Morchouso—lot

..tiantio H ighlands.-------j Thomas

Berkeley, 8.80 a.- m ., 4.00 p. t».* J . R. WOOD, aen'lPat*. A gt.

CHAS. E. PUGH. Gen'l Manager. .

tra c ts land, Howell township, $200, c Wm. J . Bailey^ to_Wm. U. llre lira -lo t, Shrows-

Ilcyman—lot near Long


• Time Table,Inoffoot July 1,1888.

Stations In New York—Cogtral-R. R, o f Now JerV sey, foot of Liberty S tre e t; P. R. R., foot of Cortlandt and Desbrosses Streets; N. J . South­ern Railway, foot o f Iteetor S t. v - .

UU.VM H*W TORK »OR ASBUUT PABK, * 0 .Contral R. R. of N. J.-4.0P, 8.1R, 9.80, *11.15 ii. m.,

I.30, *2 80, *3.80,4.00. *4.30, *5.30,0.15 p. in. Pennsylvania—8.80, 7.10, *0.10 a. m., 12.00 m.,

2:80, *3.10, 8.40 (Limited), *4-20, G.00.7.00 p. m, N. J. Southern RAllway-l.OO, *3.45,4.80,5.80p. m: Leave Newark, Broad St. Station, for Asbury

Park, A a —8.25, 0.85, 11.20 a. m., 1.35, 2.40, ^00,4.35, 5,85,4.20 p .m . M arket St. S tation- 8.50, 7,38, 8,38 a t m;, 18.20, 2,57, 8.35,4.44,5.20,7.28 p .m .

„ liavx ASBtrnr pabx ron wxw tobk. Ao.Contral R. R. o f N. J .-0 .15, *7.00,7.25, *8.00, 0.40, r 10.50 a. m., 12.15, 2 00, 4.10,7.15,8.80 p. m. Pennsylvania—0.50, *7.45, 8.20 (Limited),-8.45,9.10

а. m ., 1.10, *2.45, *4iS», 5.80, 0.40 p. ra.N .J . Soulhorn—0.10, *7.55,8.55a. m., 5.25p .m . > For Phlladdlphla and T renton, via. Bound Brook

Route—0.15,7.25,9,10 a.m., 12.15,^.00,4.10 p.m. For Ocean Beach, -Spring Lako and Sea G irt—.

5 55, 0.14, 0.41, 7.20, 7.42. 9.15, 9.41, 10,SOT 11.05,II.20 a. m„ 12.37; 1.00. 2.01j 2.55,3.80, 4.00,4.15,

fTrf;35, 4.40, 4.55, 5.02. 5.20, 5.33, 5.55, 6.00, 0.11, •Wj.M, 7.00,,8.10,8.58, (Saturdays only

'11.10) p. m. ’ y V .For Manasquan and Point Ploasant—5.55, 0.11,* 0.41,; 9.15, 10.2f), 11.05, 11.20 a. m., 1 00, 2.01,

2.55, 8.80, 4.15, 4.35, 4,40, 4.55, 5.02,5,20,5.55jб,00. O.lirO.23, 7.0(i;'7.10, 7.25, 810. 8.58p.m.

For Philadelphia, via. Sea G irt—*7.20, 7.42, 9,41a .m ., 12.87,4.00, *5.S:i p.m .- .

For stations on P. It. lL to Camden and Interme­diate points, 0.4X a .m ., 4.40p. m. F or Toms Itlvcr, 0.41,9.15,11.05 a. in., 4.40, 4.55, 7M p. m.

• -E x p ress. > RUFUS BLODGETT, Supt,II, P. BALDWIN, O. P. A . C. It. Ii. 0/ N . J.

J. IL WOOD;/?#ft*Z P<u. A ot.,? . R.JI.

■ I, 111. IJ. UUIIl.7 , IU « 111bury township, 81,250.. f. S. T. Meyer, to Jno.’Branch, 81,G00/- V . . . . i/Sam o to ‘Edmund Dodge-— lot near Long .Branch, 81,500, •; Heirs of Samuel Cooper, to Tiioa. H, Mount— landv Middletown township, $1.

Thomas H. ilo u n t to the township of MlddTe- towit—same property, R40. * . ’ .■ Eliza- W ells• to Nettlo j . -Wells—lo t a t Free­hold, 82,002. , ' . . • .I' Georgo W. Fa ltirson . J r . to Mary P . Cottrell—2 aorcs. Howell township, 81.CS0.

Frank p. McDermott, Special Master, to Joslah W alker—lot n t Keyport, f 1,000.- Thomas S. Flold to Graco M. E, Church—lo t a t Red Bank, 83,iKK).

Dowltt Farry to Ellya Gale— lot near Long Branch, 8 2 .m •

Thos. Art Cooper to~ M argaret Carlcy—lo t a t Long Branch, gSOO,i Lawrenco B. Lyncti to Rv Percy Bobbins—lo t a t Long Branch. 80,500.

The Highland Beach Association to Augustus W. Crookshank—lot a t IIlKhland Roach. 81,250,

Samo to same—riparian right. 810.Joseph Parrish, M.D., to Wm. Anderson—lots

119,120, Atlantic Highlands. 81,000. .: Ellfts W. Conovcr.by ex’s, to Eracilue 8. Taylor

—lo t Middletown township. $3,100.vRulus Ogden to Annlo Conklin—lot a t Keyport.

■ •’ * 'Bennett A. Harvoy to Theodore Aumack—1 60-

.100 aerus, Rarllau township. 8250.Charles A. Bennett, special mnstcr, to Sarah

Simmons et «J.~lot a t Keyport. 8730. v ~■ Elizabeth Britton to Sarah Simmons—undivided. H of lot at Keyport.18:!G5. . - 1

Edgar Ii. Stafford to .Susan A Mbrris—6 42-100 acres, Raritan township, 8160.

Wm. M. Youiig to The 2d Keyport Loan Associa­tion— lot a t Keyport. 8200. v.

Emma Bryno to Bamc->-lol a t ’Koyport 8600. Amlel 1’im per to Wm.. M. Young—lot nt Key-

port. 8110,

- | | r i » T S H O R E B A H iB O A P .

For Saratoga. Lako Georgo, Catsk 111 Mountains and Hudson Itlvcr, Only all-rail Hue. Draw­ing-room cars through w ithout change.

Leave Aslihry Purk o r Ocean Grovo, a t9 .l0d.rn.,1.10 p .m . *

I^javo Long Branch, P- It- K.» a t 0,30 a', m., 1.30 p, ra.- ** ..!

iieavo .New'York, foot o f Jay Stroet, N. R ., a t• 9.40,11.15 a. tn.V 8.25, B.40 p. lhi Leavo Now York, footrWest 42d St.* a t 9.55, 11,80

a.m .,3 .45 , o.oop.pL . ..* ■ ( LLoayo'Jorsoy City, Pen n. R. IL Station, 11^*^-

a. m-, 8.30 p. m.Arrive Kingston (Cataklll Mountains) a t 12.50,

^ 2.20.025,8.83p.m. ; tArrive PWbhecla, 3.50,7.51 p. m. -■**'Arrive Grand Hotel, n t 4.25,8.45 p. m.Arrive CatsklU, a t 1.40, 3.14, 7.08, 0.15 p. m.Arrive Cairo, a t 4.35, 8.00 p. m.Arrivo Mountain House station, a t 4.16,8.00 p. nu Arrive Pnlonvillo, a t 4.20,8.05 p. m.Arrivo Albany, 3.00, 4.40,8.10,10.25 p. m,Arrivo Saratoga, I). & II. Co’s R. I t , a t 4.20, 0.20,:

0.% p. m ., i .10 a. m, -Arrive^’aidwell (Lake George)-D. &4L Go’s R.R.,

at-8.10ip-m. .Arrivo Utica, a t 5.29,7.20 p, m ., 12.45 p. ,nl.

Through ticket^ sold from all stations on N. Y.& L. B. I t * Ur Baggage cheeked through to des­tination. . i

Magnlficont drawing-room ca rs for Saratoga,' Caldwell (Lako George) and CatsklU Mountains, and from Jersey City for Phamecla (IIotel'Kaat- crsklll and Mountain Hquso), and L6ng Branoh to Saratoga. Drawing-room car on 0.10 a. m. train from Asbury Park to Saratoga w ithout change. Dally except Sunday.

Saratoga specials run to anil from Jersey City station of Penn. IL- R .- Saratoga and lAko George specials run via. Albany..

., C. K ’ LAMHKRT, Gen'l r a ft . Agt.5 Vandcrbolt avo., New York.

j p n E E H O L D A N D N E W Y O B K I t* I t*

, . I n e f f e c t J n l y 2 ,1 8 8 8 .

•TRAINS W itt I.SAVB fOB FBBBUOLD AS FOLLOWS: -L e a v e A B b u ry P a r k —7.25, 8.45, 10.50 a , m . , 1.10,

. 4. i s , 5 .3 0 p . m . *. " ■ ;L o d v e L o n g B ra n o h —7.40, 9.06, 11.10 a . m , , 1.30,

4 .45 ,5 .50 p . ra .L e a v e B ra n c h p o r^ —7 .4 3 ,9 08,11.14 a . m . ,d .8 3 ,4.33,

i o a v o L ^ t t le S l lv e r —7 .4 8 ,9 .1 3 ,1 1 . 1 0 a . m . , 1.38,4.387• 6 .58 p . m .

L e a v e R e d B a n k - 7 ,6 3 , 9.18, 1 1 .3 0 a . m „ 1.43, 4.B7, 0 00 p . m . .

L e a v e M ld d le to w n -r-8 ,0 0 , 11.47 a . m .,‘ 1.50, 4.52, 0.14 p . in , . •

LEAVE MATA WAN r o n PRBEHOI.O.0.30,8.11, 9.83 a . m ., 12.10. 2.39; 5 .80,0,30, 7.20 p . m .

LEAVH FKBEUOLD TQB BBD BANK, CTO. .7,10, 0 .00 ,11 .15 a. m ., 2.05, 4.30. 5.50 p . m .

J , E. R A L P H , S u p ’f .

Steamer “ Elberon.”. • NEW YORK. _ f LONG BRANCH.’


Tho Now and Commodious Steam er Elboron,

.. > C a p t < L a u r o n c o Price, . . —will commpnco running between Now York, foot of Franklin street, plor 35, North River, and Rranchport, Tuesday, M ayja-leavhlg Now York dally a t 0 a. m.; loavln^B^anohport dally a t 2.30S, m. (Sundays excepted.) GOod acoommoda-

on forpassopgera., , -FARE, 30 Conts. EXCURSION, 50 Cents. ,

Capt. Lawrenco Prlco commlssIoSPfefilSHjnan W •all kinds of fanriors’ produce. Good accommo­dation for horses and wagonB, Expressman on board. - . , '

, LA D IE S ! :.Do Toiir Qtvn Dyeing, n t Home, w ith

PEER LESS DYESTlioy will dyo everything. Thoy aro bold every Whero. Price lOe. a package—4ft colors, (They

4iave.no equal fi)r .Stroijgthf-BrIrrhtnesarAmount In l ’aokagcs or ffjr-Jrai)trio,HH of Color,,or non-fad- ,jtaK Qualltles^'^rhey do ndt crock o r smut. For «al(Uiy4trTustlug, M. IL, Woolley & Itced, W. B. Chrlstlue,Dhlgglsts,Asbury l’ark ,N . J,


During tho past year a num ber of now connec­tions havo been mado w ith tho sewers.' This haa to some extent lessened the percentage o f cost of maintaining the works. As th e e ro o tjo n o f tho Sower Works w a s ^ o t a m attor of specula­tion, butbecam o a ^ o c s s l ty becauM of the sue- c'dasful andrapld growth of tho tow n,the ownor.’s desire to keep th e ..annual ren t t it tho lowest possible point.

Notice Is hereby given th a t on a ll sowor rents foH888, which will he duo January 1st, 1889, for °p^epaynierit a deduction of 0710 percent, a month w llf ’bo allowed. After the noxt January on

v sower rents duo tho following January a dwluo- tlon of tw o per cont. a m onth will for prepay- tticnt bo alldwed. pp^tho th ird year, for pre-' paymont, throo per cent, a month w ill be1 allowed! and on"C hoT ourth year, for pro-, payment, fouijVpor cent, a month w ill bo aUowed. This practically roduoea tho sowor rent about ono third. I t is of course Impose Bible, to toll, a t . tho present tlihe. lf a .sJUT further discount can bo aUowod on thp fifth or succeoding'yoars, on account of increased nrnn bor of connections, b u t tho owners o f p roperty which la connootod with the -sewer'inay rest assured th a t they wlU reap every advantagd pos-

■ slblo. Owners of tho works only desire, afte£ working oxpenBcs aro paid, In m oderato JuJo^est on the Investment. V O; T.TlA lLiY , •**

J., ' ...• Poe’y Sowor ygo^kfl.Asbury Park, May23d,

r .Thco. a' iviun, ouvmi. Ocoan townahlp. 8:1,000. ..

Thos. H, Leonard to Ella tlO Highlands, 8000.

Wm. R. Maps—lands

Leonard—lot Allan-.

Atjdntic High.............. ...........L. Megill, to . Charles Tt. Mathows—8

1. 83,800.

B u i l d i n g C o n t r a c t s .

FJLBD TO.AND INCI.UPINO AUO.nl & , ^ r» > tw : -■ '■■■ • • vi.-...;. ‘ ... .Ui2370—Hall & Temborton"with Thbodoro West mason work, now honflo d t Long Branoh. $170.2371— Lavlnlft E. Conklin w ith R. and A. W.

Borden—now house a t Mata wan. 81,060.2372—Matilda Morrow with Joseph Roffsoll—

now nouso a t Ocean Orovo. 82,631.2373—Tho Trustoes School District No. 00%

with GoorgcM. Bcnn'olt—painting school houso.9187.60. . ' .

2374—PhilIIppa narrison with D. W. Sexton— now houso a t Asbury Park. $2,010.

2375—Matilda: MorroW witn Warrori llrow n—honse n t Ocean Grovo. $2,700.

I . B . , 8 n n k o y n t O c e a u Q r o v o .

T H E O K R A T S IN O E Il A N D 1 |I 3 S O N G -rO h O W P S M S T E N A N D T E A K S F A L L — A "0I{A N I> E N D fN O O P T H E W O M A N ’S E N C O U ItA fm M E N T M E E T IN G — 8A N K E Y T I IE L IO N T O -P A Y — O H E A T T IM E S A l lE A b . ■■■■ ‘ 1 ’ • '»

-Thero had beon rum ors fioating a round for a day or two th at Mr. Y atm an had a now a t­trac tion to surprlso his g re a t congregations with beforo tho closo o f tho woek.

I t leaked otit th a t tho world-)vIdo fam ous Mr^ Sankey w as coming, an d expectation was equal to a tonlq^sca- breezo In th is torrid: w eather to sed an d h ea r o n c e m oro tho' faith­ful co ad ju to r of tho p opu lar M oody for tho first tim e In Ocean Grovo.

Friday Sfternoon, fresh from th a t School of tho P rophets ’’ a t Northfleld, Mr.-

Saukoy arrived , and belonging to Mr. Y atm an fo r tho tlm o boing, ho atten d ed tho Tem plo T rain ing Class w ithout a ttrac tin g m uch a t­tention. m. '"*'*■ '^Aa soon as bis poworful baritone-Toico wan

heard, however, for, o f courgo hp h ad to sing, tho closed doors and windows wero besieged w ith curious crow ds to sco tbo distinguished strangbr.-

T hey had a be tte r op p o rtu n ity when \tho ovonlng sorvices wore opened in tho A udi­torium . I lo t a s tho ovonlng was, tlio seats wero nearly all filled, and m uch tho largest p a rt o f, the audlonco woro ladles, In tholr ligh test Bummor clothing, b u t evon tho fans ceased to flu tter whon thla prlnco o f gospel slugors touched tho organ, and gave a tender selection, such as he has ofton used tb ca f i the w andering sinner homo to G od. ; *

A fter somo carnpst w ords from M rs. Ipsk tp , tho leader o f tho “ Encouragem ont Meet­ing ,” an d tf s tirrin g address from M rs. Ellis, Whoso elocution is equal £ 0 th> largest con­gregations, Mr. Sankoy yloldwl to tho requbst to sing h is. celebrated .plcco. called Tho Ninoty and N ino,”

Ho prorrtced tho singing with a h istory of hla finding tho words while traveling with M r.-M oody In Scotland, and-som o incidents showing how tho song had. beep blbasfed In th a salvation o f souls; * ;

Those- who rem em ber 1im ^“ljo;;8ang this “ gospel of tho 15th chap ter o f L u k o v a s ho calls' It, a t th o^g ieat -dbpot^meeting In Phila­delphia m any years ago, cau perceive very d istinctly th a t his*magnlficont Voice!I*not “as foil an d forcible a s It was In thofio days. Yet thero is, a psithetlc sw eetness in his tonos,' which moro than 'countcr-balancos thp lack1 of vocal enorgy. / . • *

" HallelujahB ’'rgfc^tR lV tho elosp of tho song, whero tho stra in ro lled o u t-in m ajestlo powpp^ ' . . . .

“ Rejolco for f to LoM bringsbaok his own I** U p tljen ^ c r e d a beau tifu l p ray e r fo r tho

women.\vorkorfl, and ..tho succcas o f tholr labors in b ringing soiils to Josus.

P . I I . I t . S u m m e r O fllco .The Pennsylvania Itallroad had iv tem porary

ofllco in tho A ssociation ' building, Qcoan Grove, In chargo o f Mr. F ran k M cConnell, whoro thoao In search o f inform ation In re­g a rd to rou tes o f travel hom ewards, conneor ttona, prlco of tiuketa, s teeping a n d p a tld r ,car bprths and 'seats, &o., can secure all noPbs- ’sa ry polnts.' Mr, MeCbnnolI Is a t M onm outh House, Spring Lako, bach m orning, and afe-tho’ Grovo from 10 to 13 in tho evpnfng. llo wili call a t hotols o r cottagqs In A shury P a rk o r Ocoan Grovfl to obllgo those unablo to v isit” him during b u s in e ss hours.* T ravelers m ay savo half tho bothor by s ta rtin g r igh t, and F ra n k will m ap out their, itinerary; w ith -th o g rea test onso and p leasure, besides sochrlng through tickots and gjVlhg instruction a s to forw arding b a g g a g o ^ ^ v ,

’k 1 paper /lo voted, to y qii I no subjects, pubr llahed iq Coatod, is cpudncted by a m an napiod TVottor. .

S a tu rd c iy K ^ c n ln K S o ir e e s .^ E very houso in town wau-orowdod fiatui^ ’day ovonirig, and m any^ o f tho lato com ers had to ^p u t u p with any th in g th a t could , bo improvised for.their accom odation o v er night; Still ail w o ro ‘in a happy, mood an d g ladly took any th in g tlioy could get. T he-usual crow d showed itse lf a t tho d ifferent h'otola' whoro tho guests witfe ontertalnod- with hops, Thoao Satu rday Ovonlng social, even ts a re a g rea t a ttrac tion to tho -young m en in the c ities who only havo th a t evening forp lchsu ro and m any of thom comb fo r th a t alonp. S a t­urday" bvonlni: w as d e lig h tfu lly ,,c o o l : com ­pared to tho recent hot wavo, and dan c in g jn consequencb was very: much m oro enjoyable to tho m ultiplied assem bly of people,,

OCEAN' HOTEL.- ' 'Instead of the usual gorm an, o n o o f tho 'bota-

blo hops of tho season was given. T he largo n n m b ero f young peoplo w ho alw ays p u t u p a t this houso hovOr fall 'in having- th e ir even­ing pleasures, b u t S a tu rday evening, a better tim e th an usua l was had by all $10 guests. Tho floor was occupied from early until late by tip) rich ly costum ed httilos an d gentloincn in full d ress, who presented a p a n ­o ram a .which a ttrac te d a crow d far. g rea te r than thero was room to acepm odato. Fol­lowing aro a fow o f thoso prostopt: Miss J e s ­sie Rolin, a ttired In b lackJface ovor p ink satlh; M issL lda F to st, b lack tullo, red velvet bodlbcjM las Hogg, blue sa tin , diam ond neck- less; MIbs B ertha Kohu, p o in t laco over blue Batin; Miss Boll L oader, .V alencia loco sk irt, b luo; brqeadod . bo<llce; M|3s . Rm m a G a m p ,. lavondpr crbpo‘‘ and tulle;- Miss Atcfecsob, b lu e, sa tin , ducboss. lacc;- vMias Bertie Knight, black tullo; M iss .A lton , red vChlna s ilk nud block hot; Miss H attie StevonB, ivory aaj,ln, fed o ra-laco trim m ings; Miss Mabel. R o ss ,'p in k surah} Mhm Cecil Snodeker, do tted , tullo ovor iayohdor su rah ; Mias’May Bloom, whito su rah silk and tulle with diam onds; Mies Id a M oDougall, s ilver g ray surah; Miss Sm all, b lack do tted tullo; Miss lla lo ,.b lack tullo, ollvo su rah , g ilt trim ­m ings, docolette ;. Mias Jo iio - 'ilro w tt, .'pink suralj; g ilt trim m ings; Mra^ LIzz)p K night,: cream China slllr, with diam onds;. M w Tur- npr, black tullo, jo t- tr im m in g s ; M rs. V an^ riper, crp^iji m olro silk and laco;'M rs. L u c ^ Ross, bluo C hina silk, dccolctto; Mlsa JTlel, l ig h t blueluUo, pesifl nccklace; Mlas Soy bolt, Groam su rah ; Mfsa K lttlo Malonoy, cream China silk, na tu ra l flowers; IVliss Llz&lo''Ma- loney, soft foam surah , duchcaS; lace; M iss, MoChows, cream la c e uud ^diam onds; M rs; Madgo F rost, Nllo gcccti su rah , d iam onds; Miss’ Cora L u tz^ p rea ln -su rah , lilies o f tho valloy, Misa” Edlth Kowo, applo green su rah ; Mies W est, cream China silk, aud Miss M.

o gg j p ink d o t te d . tulip. M cftflrg i^ i^ L Foster, Taylor, H am lin, IIarC *¥1 ^ ^ ^ o w ^ Kelley, B row ningf Kramor, llbverin . F ranks, T uttle , W hite, StevonB, Calvert, Flukey, Rivers, Dlauveltj Grelr, FreckJ- Uobinsou, Guorin,'Lawler, and Price.

TIIE BRUNSWICK;Tho bop was. If possible,. mo.ro,. largely a t ­

tended than usual, no tw ithstand ing b u t foyf o th er than guests wero present. T h o . cos­tum es wero especially .bright an d a ttrac tiv e giv ing beau ty to tho sceno. A fow a t tho ga thering w o re : Aliases Boasle, K ate and Nellie Bower, Miss F an n y Mills, M iss Nugont, tho Mieses Richardson, M iss D aisy Evillo, Miss Stram chp, Nelllo Hull, the M isses Klth- ball, Joseph!no L aum an, Mrs Dodson, M iss Beecher, Miss H eckm an, Mias W hite and M essrs Jam es Sm ith, H onry W and C layton W Pierson, W illiam B utte r worth, Loon D od­son, H enry Nugont, P I I N ugent, Brower, J j Keating, M Armstrong^, C '.M H orton,~A lbbrt. Sm ith, Cj V S tra tto n , Jo e Y lncont, Georgo W

H ^ndrick$i J r , a n d Chas E Peterson.1 ’ - WB9T END.

The largo b a lf room an d ad jo in ing , parlors woro again requirod to accom m odate th p In­creasing num ber of guests. As a ro a ll the hops a t th is houso, so w as tho S a tu rday even­ing solrM fa Biiccess in every p articu la r. P rof. Daro acted as m aste r of cerem onies ln his able m anner, and all Were delighted with tho en terta inm ent. Am ong the p a rtic ip an ts wore:

M r A C Tw ining an d wifOr-Misscs Anfla Thom pson, ■ Florence V anA ntw orp, L ulu Barnes, Ell(i D onn, Lillio M Brown, M arclo Henson, Tilllb N agle, tho Mieses Neektf, G race Negley, JosopftJno Kingsley, M isses K H ardy, M. Ila rdy , E Cox, Sadie Y ates, Mieses Dolbear, B lakeley, W atson , ‘ V ilot, M amio Rom lngton, B arnum , Colo, M ary Noe, F lorio W atson, Alice M atthew s, M iss Ram acctottf, Miss Avory, P ro f S W G ibbs, T aulm an M iller, W alter D avis, Goo II Bowloy, L do L Cam- m ann , . ' ■ - • »

SUNSET HALL,Tho am usom ont room was filled w ith tho

usual lively S a tu rday ovonlng com pany, a l­though It was n o t a rogular full-dress hop. Moat of tho guests like the social inform al dapcos better-than the form al affairs, a ^ w a s thff case a t th is hop. Whilo only a fow o f thogen tlem on werp a ttire d ln full-dress suits, th o costum es o f tho ladlea woro as b rig h t arid h andaom oas over. M uch of tho p leasu re a t tho gathorings given a t th is house Is duo to thp efforts o f M essrs. n a r r y and J o h n Itooka- follor, tho sons o f thp proprietor.

COLEMAN, HOUBE.Tilt's iiop was m ore select than t|^e oth»i

ouly those having tlckote could e ith e r tako p&rt o r look on, b u t tho 1 guests of "'tho houso oojoyed thp occasion a ll tho moro on this. accbiJht. Tho floor w as in flno condition, aud with the enlivening m usic of the orchea- t ra the m erry Rancors seem ed to g lide a ro u n d th e ballroom w ithou t a n effort. Somo o f thoso presont;w bro i '

M1h» Burnham , M rs J t E Italph, M r 'S B S h o rt and wife, M r Griflln an d wlfo, M r IlOgan and wlfo, M iss M oklbb ln , Miss Do Lacy, Miss Nelllo W qlsh^M rs Prof A R W alsh, M iss A Mayno, M r S tearns and wife, M iss L M 6Kibbln,:M r I I B Mllloc, Mr A J .Farm an, M r A J H ardonborgb, Mias J A Biggs,. Miss Colo, M#«.8tevofia and wlfo, Mias 8 Bowman,

"^ lr C S G ardner. . j.’ rt . ■• - OltlENTAL.

. Tho concort;hpp_at tbo O rlontal fo r tho benefit of tho \yaitor&fwas a great success, T ho ro o m , was filled w ith tho guesta o f tho hotol a t q u a rte r of nlno when tho en terta in m ent, oonalstliig of a n iipstrc l concert given by tho^waiters, com m enced. Tho jobos aud songs o f tho e n te rta in e rs wore wPU received b y tlio largo audlondo, m any o f thom being loudly a p p la u d c d f^ llio hop was, a s usual, bnjoyablp and was m ado so largely through the effprts^ o f M r. H arry Folwolli the floor m anager. A few of tho g uests notlcod woro M rs. Loyt, ’Mlag Andorfloh, Mlsa .II6ffraan, M iss F rancis M yers, Miss Braunan.M iss L 0W4 enstPin, Mrsi " D arbyt Miss F ranks, M iss prowgpW , M rs Grot ff/M rs Lep^er, Mias Myor- son , M rs -Ifiidson, Miss M cColgan, Mrs Franks, .Miss Jaco b so n , andM oesra. Hoffman, Eolwell* Woll, IlonBOhol, Mackoy, Gibson, M endenhall, P lau t an d BrownoUl.

AUUON.' ? ^Tho guests woro trcatod to oho’ o f tho bost

hopa hold a t th a t liiotol th is 8011,800 . Llko the

others it was well a ttended, b u t a lie n joyed them selves no tw ithstanding tlio crow d. ~>The mpslo w as imp and th e nporgSbdJ' tw o p f tho nqcopsaries for a ploaBurablodahcp. ;

At the Colonnijdo,. Metropolitan, St. James and Grflbd- AvenuPj informal hops woro tho oyonlng’a entertain ment, Thoao guests wlio pnrilcipatod enjoyed tlmmaelvea equally aa.'wcll.as'ihoso at tho fall dress affairs.

T h e P r e s i d e n t i a l E l e c t io n . .Tq the E d itor <if the jm irn a l: . , i

I t m ust bo conceded by all tho n g h tiu l pbr- aons th a t tho noxt N otional plectlon. will bo ono of the m oat Im portan t o v er held In th is country .[ 'Tho Isshes which aro to bo so ttled by It will vory greatly affcct a ll olaasea.of o u r peoplo. N ot only those who own and coiitrol p u r largo m anufactories, b u t thb em ployes therasolvcB'havp largo in terests a t stukS-W.Mch aro vital to tholr p rbsporlty and thoreforo to thoir iiapplnoss. Wo fear.lt will bo a sad day to tho v ast m ultitudes of o u r industria l classes lf,;not porcolvlng th a t tho necessary effect of free trade Will bo to lowor th e ir wa^es to thb lovol of those recclvod.by,.EHropoan Jahorors,. thoy do not hofcrttly su p p p r t th o p.a^ty which has secu red - tp - them tholr p resen t-cpm fo tts and prosperity . L e t thom m ark well tho d is­astrous effects which f re e tra d e Inevitably brings upon thom . I lav o thoy not prospered boyond all precedent u pder tho- bpnoflcent. principles of tho R epublican party t W hai othor pooplo under tho 'whole hoayone h aveso many reasons Tor g ratltudo fo r a b u n d an t Jiary vosts, for com fortable hpmea, and Tor all tho appliances and. m oans to. m ake lif6 happy ?, A nd to whom b p t to tbo R epublican p a rty docs tho co u n try owo Its perpoUiity a3 a n a­tion, its deliverance from tho evils \ ) t seces­sion,, and its delivdranco from tho cu rse of slavery ?# A ll honor to those bravo .toon in tho . D einocratto p a rty , w ^o so g ran d ­ly stood op , , and even fought for, tbo preservation of tho U n io n ; yet i t Is a m atte r o f h istory th a t i t was through tho tpy&lty and unw avering devotion of;l*roaldoilfc Lincoln and tlioso who tionored him wiiti tho position he so lllustrlo,ti8ly i l l l^ d ^ f t t . th o n a tion cam e off .victorious In th p uerco strugg le for tho/ p r ^ c r v it lo n o f Its 'very’ 1115^“ ^ ” ^

Nolthqr can it be qncstloned t h a t to {Semis ^ u e tho m firveloua dovolopm ent o f th o S p u th ln all 5h» 'fiiaterial -IntercatB, and indeed tho high and m atchless posjtion which A m erica now h olds am ong tho pcaplos of tho earth . AU h o n o r to tho Republican p a rty fo r its g ran d record:; fo r jTatrloriam; for Its unflag­ging devotion to the flag' in th o hour o f the country’s need, and for its success In prom ot­ing ovcry in te rest which elevates nnd enriches m ankind. A nd in Gon. H arrison tho coun try ia presented w ith a can d id a te fo r tho P ^ ( - v dency who will honor thoao w ho vote fo r him by reason o f his noble charac te r, h is g enuine sym pathy w ith all classcs o f pooplo, and tils comprehen8ivo g rasp o f the needs o f his .countity. '*...= - ' , w •

B u tjw lm t of tho P rohib itionists ? I t is a d ­m itted by them selves th a t thoy a ro fhlefly drawnj from tho Ropubllcan ' p a rty . -They freely confess th a t they receive p e t ono p arti­cle of Sym pathy and help from tbo D em ocratic party ,) and thoy know th a t th a t p a rty and tbe • whlskoy m en a re ju b ila n t over tho w ithdraw al by thom of so manyr from the R epublican ranks. Thoy aro not Ignoran t of tho fatjt th a t they cannot possibly e lec t their-; own candidate^ qnd ttia t ovor.y-Cvoto cast-for him la really a ' voto to keep in pow er tho p arty they freely coudem n. Thoy m u st know th a t If, by run tU n g ,a third, cand ida te thoy thus p b rp e tn a te ^ n adm in istration for which thoy can hope frir no help, to thoir cause, it wftl bo very much ftunfer a t tho ond o f tho noxt four years to offect a change in tho a d ­m inistration.

The w riter is in deepest sym pathy w ith the purposes of Prohibition, a n d /o r that very red- tfon la all tho moro so ltcltlous tho P roh ib i­tionists B hoillft^ learty porcclvo th a t thoy aro in Im m inent d an g er o f keep!ug in power and streng then ing tho p arty w hich , they consist­en tly condem n. They can e x p cc t nothing b u t opposition from the Democratic^ Party. They canno t olect thoir ow n capdidato, and p an only d efeat tho p a r ty which could a id thom in aPcompllshing tho ir ends. Does it n o t thorofore sbem to be tho , d ic ta to o f truo wisdom to rem ain with thoir friends In tho Republican Party , a n d ' ex e rt ' a ll tbblr- influoncp to b ring it. to Prohib ition g ro u n d ? Tho Republicans, as a 'mass, aro In favor o f "tomporanco, an d m ultitudes of thorn aro a t heart P rohibitionists, so th a t it woutd certa in ly seem, th a t th o way to ultlm ato and early buccoss lies in an adheranco to thoir r a n k s ;B y so doing they jvould find sym pathy and help, an d it Is to bo g rea tly regretted thoy do n o t tako th is course. They tako a serious responsibility upon thomsolves If by not voting tlio Ropubllcan. tlcko t noxt j a l l jthoy o nly help to perp e tu a te the- ovil thoy arid wo cohdom n. f ■

P erm it ano ther word. Tho m ultitudes of peoplo w ho a ro com ing to Asbnry P a r t T?aW every reason to bo gratefu l for tho m anly course takon by Mr. Bradloy, In everything rela ting to this beautifu l seaside rcsortv Ho l? lll doubtless m eet with opposition I irh is on- diiavor .to m ake it w h a t ho w ould llko i t to bo, b p t ho m ay rost nssured tlia t hla pralaow orthy

.efforts are fully .appreciated bv^tliose (and thoy are legipn). whoso good o u f lb n is \vorth Buying. F u r d is ta n t be the ] ^ K f his do- partu ro to •' th o b P tto t lan d ,,f thoroshall be uo moro sea I” M a y -lio ^ lo long-to perpetuato tlfyg5od--U }[I^ncoaJicJias-estnb; llBhed i ...... . ’ ■*’ T axpaybu.

M u s jc a le in A id o f t h e )Lil>rftry..n u r ln g tlio w inter realdcucQ herp'of Mr, J «

E. M organ, of tho Hotel Brunswick, a n d his fam ily, thoy have bccomo much Interested Iti tho Buccesstiil -rirogroes of tho L ibrary Associ­ation. Thoy wero usually in a ttondanco a t thp mcotlng, and gavo su bstan tia l atd.

I t was due to th is intoroat1 t |ia t Mr. Mor­gan, assiated by tils d a u g h te r and a num ber of guosts; voiuhtcorod to give tho flno e n te r­tain m en t In tho Hotol B runsw ick rocoptioU room .Friday nlghf, ln.ald of tho L ibrary p u n d .

Tho rendering of thb various p a r ts In tho . program disclosed talen t equal to tho boat. In fact, some o f tho vocalizing waaTof tho highest order. Tho Misses Richardson^ especially, gave cvldenco o f woll-cultlvated volccs. Misses lic e , M annix and tho o thors who took p a rt, m ot with i e a r ty applauso. 1

T.ho largo iinm bor of guests who Hatonod to tho excellen t soiecfions expressed th o lr a p ­proval by a generous roaponao whon tho col- loctors passed a ro u n d / T ho a m o u n t ^ a s not m ado known, ns sovoral desired to co n trib u te who could n o t bo prosont.. • Botween thb first and aocohd parts , M r. W , 'F . LoRoy, o f thp Board o f ’tru s tee s , read the following brief afeoount o f .‘‘The l ib r a r y As* aoc la tlon : I ts O rganization , ObjeciB, Needs and..Benofits” : *

A bout ton^'years ago, a t a m eeting o f tho Ocean Grovo L ite ra ry S oclotyi-hold-at-LaJco VIOW. H otel, the first Idea waa b rbached o f a L ibrary A sso c ia tio n 'th a t should u n ite b o th p laces Tn its work. Thero were p resen t a t t h a t . m ooting Mrs. IT. M. Bradley, Mrs. Dr. Kin- m orith , Mlsa E inm a M. Johnston , Mies Em ily A t Itlco, M rs. M ary I*. Beeglp, Mrs. L. F . Le- Choyalier, Mrs. A It. Toland, M rs. E . A. M artin aud othors, m ost o t whom aro s tliL connected with the organization'.

From th is little social ga thering tho Ocoan Grovo ftnd A sbury Park L ibrary A ssociation was atartod, which has grown to bo(,an: insti­tu tio n of ab o u t',200 charte r m oinbers and has

.000 ossoclato m em bors.-. I t is organized undor tho laws of tho S tato for tho E ncouragem ont of iiclucatioti. •• Tho p resen t ofilcora a ro M r. W . I). Penhypackcr, p re s id e n t; .Mr. J a m e s A.Bradloy, trcaauror ; Mr. W m . II. Miles,, sec- ro ta ry ,'w h o , w ith Meesro. p . II. Wyckoff, Wm. F. LoRoy, Dr, H enry M jtcholl nnd Mrs,

. p . M. Bradley form tho Bo^rd of D irectors i p d T ru stees . M rs. II. M. Bradloy u n til tho p rcson^ycar has beon thb adtivo an d ofilclent president.. .. .• . . * - * ...

Tho o b jects o f tho organization aro to a d ­vance education, to foster lite ra ry w o r t j 'a n d to provldo cnterta ipm epts th a t shall Vvo p u re and elevating as well as aid in ca rry in g for­ward tho purposos of tho Association. A n oxr-. j ccutlvo coqim ittoe from tho associate mem - - bers. ia a^polntQtUr.to. eozpporato. w ith tho trustees in getting u p these weokty jn ce tiu g s ,whjch aro how held j n L ibrary Ila ll. ___1 .Tho earlier m eetings woro hold In Schopl - Ila tl, and subsequently In C entral Hall,w hich was filled every, M onday evening"w ith tho perm anen t residents, from, O ctober to May, ■ftnd.sometlracs was found too sm all. This, • with tho f a c t th a t tho Halt h ad changcd hands, hastened tho p ro jec t for orecttng thb now building on tho fino lo ts a t F i r s t ’and G rand avenues, which Mr. Bradley had boforo donated for th a t purpose. •

F o u r years since the now build ing was be­gun. Som o m oney had beon accum ulated through tho efforts of tho A ssociation, and,^ _ with somo donations which- had boon .cafi> fully placcd a t jn te rea t, t h e trustees folt w ar­ran ted in g o in g f o rw a n ^ W d a t least com plete th e o u ter walls. Tho building,' Ovon a s i t s tan d s , Is a c red it to ao young aftown, and is valued a t $12,000 over tlio indebtedness.

Am ong tho liberal (Jpnations m ay Joe noticed tho fo llow ing: . M rs. U . M.. Bradloy, $050; Mra. E . 8. Itogors, $500; Mrs. Ju d g e Dal- rymplo, $500; Mr. W illiam Mills, $50, w ith a beautifu l m em orial window tp G en p ra lG rap j, by his friend, Mr. Georgo W ..C hilds. Tho Ladies’ L iterary of Ocean Grovo has in hand nearly;, money ^p o ilg h to p u t in o th er w in­dows. m pmorial of the poe t Longfollow.

Tho A saociatlon.is greatly lu need o f 'fu n d s to com plete the intorlor, both to m ake it moro com fortablo and to mako i t moro p re ­sen tab le to tho hnndrods o f s tran g e rs who a tten d tho p o p u lar m eetings. Thorn is also noedod more books, which may bo donated; or tho m oney fo r tho purchase of dosirablo works will be g reatly appreciated , a n d a c ­knowledged. . • • -

The.benefits derived are p lain ly scon in the higher tono of* o u r peoplo who weekly mingle in th eir elevating a n d reflned circle. L ite ra ry • a tta in m en t pnd cu ltu re have g reatly increased through their influence, and the m oral s tan d - . Ing ls alSo m uch advanced, 03 tho g reatest ca re fa exorcised 'that onl j tho b est a n d pu rest lite ra tu re Is allowed, and- tho lec tu res and - original- papers a rp alw ays b y those well - known. ,

Brlefiy thus have I glvon an outline o f th is pralsow orthy association, which has .'grown to such largo;proportiona and has proven to bb one of the m ost valuable ad ju n c ts In uni­fying tho best clem onts of Ocean Grovo and

-A shgrY J’a rk society. • ■

* S tr a w s . •The»N6wark E tim ing News.is a p r e t t ^ r o n g -

D em ocratlc nowspapori .novertholoss th is Is w hat i t says ed itorially o f . W ednesday’s con--

jven tio n : . ‘ ■ ‘ "/■' ; 1 - :Tho prococdings' d f the convention o f Re­

publican cam paign clubs a t Aabury P a rk yesterday w as m arked w ith a sp ir i t a n d on* thnsia8ih th a t g ive proralso o f ’’im p o rtan t rb- su its in tho nex t three m onths. Tho fa c t ia palpablo th a t the R epublicans a re o rganizing thoroughly and aro g o ttin g in to Bh^po to .d o good aorytCQ for th3 party cand idates. T*hat a rd en t yotjng Eesox m an, H enry Mi Doro- m us, wantod-to bo cooksurb th a t tbo colored b ro th er w as to b o ' prpporly recognized in tho olub’s organization , and in* h is In te res t in tholr bohalC ,caosbtTa ,s t t^ v M r/ D orcm us1 •heartls^jn the.righ t sp o t, b u t the ru lo s woro ag a in st h im , an d hla Idea gayp eom e o f the young m on a chanco t o ta lk . Buirtbo resu lt sought was a tta ined . Tho colored b to th b r -^ ” who is so frequently loft o u t In tho c o ld - will b o ny7oll reprcsqtilcd in the councils o f tho leaguo. In tho evening thero wore paraifep au d m petings; Tho Teaneck granger,~Phe|ps, talked .graphically and pointedly la n d . mad.P tho boys shou t. Mr. Cleveland w as raked dow n tho back qn lto vigorously, and B ro ther Blaiuo hold yp^iy* ,a u exam ple o f b est and ^ g h o s t ^ 1681080^ ) . Aud tho' young man.;

G a la N iR lit a t S u n s e t I la ll*Am ong tho m any p leasan t en terta inm en ts

lat S unse t H all thjg season, provided espeoiat- ly fo r tho enjoym ont of its guests, w as the novelty o f a Now Jorsoy cake walk, concert and fancy danciji^ , glyon :Thursdj»y ovonlng by tho wHftocsof tho Iioaao.* ... •■ ' A iargo an iF fashiohahlo. audlonco o f tho' guests hnd neighboring co ttag ers w as present to w itness tho blfthly^ontortatnlng" program.Tho c o n te s t to r the cake w a s ; b y '12 couplos,* who ontored heartily in to tho8p ir |t"o f tho oo-t casloU, as w ith g facolut. walk aiul gliding step tboy sought to carry^aff the prizo. Tho judges woro Hon. E, A. Mnheiy T?. J . Cowoll, John J . Casa\day and Thom as Goi(fpn,aU reaUlonts of. ^ Ib an y . • ,Tho succos^f.ui conplo wero Robort T h o rn ,a n d W illiams. A nothercako was presented to the-fcost dancom ^ lni a ud liked" i f T here w as an^

A m ong thp largo n u m |jo t^o f ' y isrTora' were Hon, M artin Dolehanty, M ayor M ahar, Thoa. M aguire and Chas. A. ttllls , wltl^ th e ir fapit-, lies. . ' r - ' :V

M r. J.; T r-'G aasaw ay , tho head-w altor aided nmch..ln m aking the affair p leasant and successful.

Tho novel a n d ’ agreeable m anner in which tho Mossrs. Rookafoller en te rta in thoir guests will causo m any 'p loasan t m em ories whon U10 qu ests shall havo dopartcd for th e ir homos, and thoy all un ite ip w ishing fo r them a su c ­cessfu l caroor. *

o th er Bpoboh, by'Sonator, Evarts, and- S enato r M ason, ;Of ijHbolfl, w avedJ tho bloody, slilrt. T his is- jilt good-enough in i t s way ; i t alt * h o lp s; b h t tbe im p o rtan t \j;brk acoonipllshed waa the organization of the c lubs in to an arm y b en t Upon ft purpoao. ■ Tho D om ocrats of Now Jersey will, bo bound to d o som ething spoodlly if thoy expect to mebt tho onslaught of theso young men..

You ofton hear of a doctor giving*a maiL up, but it^is not until ho la too weak to roabb 7blB poc*kcthook.( « . .


* ............

~i ; V . I ' ■■-iiT.rv

„ . f ;J.i, . -/ ASBURY PARK JOtRKAL, SATURDAY, AUGUST- 25, 1888■ - i



i. K- WAtLAo*. ‘ . » • 4. y^corrm .A 718 MATTISON AVENUE, ’ •- 0R1IQU Dtbu ytuj ICDJtrV.

J ln iered w xecopd^lassm nttrrtftthe Asbury~P£irfc ' .Post Office, February 7,'iSSS.

TERM* OF SUBSCRIPJlOM.- 1 y e a r,In advanco ,................... ........ . . . . » 6 0

0 m onths, in .advance,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ 7«8 m o n th s ,in a d v a n c e . .. . . . ......... ................> 40

Singlecopies,,.y . 'a-.iii. ............ . 8

TO CORRESPONDENTS.JYe shall bo g lad to recelvb item s ofnew B and

oomnrivnleatlona on tjubjoato oM nterpat t o t.HW comm unity. ; * ■:

l a writing a rticles in tended fo r publication, o u r friends w ill please b e a r in m ind th a t a sheet w ritten on b o th sides has to boeopled beforo ko- in* to tho p rin ter—a labor w e can n o t unuortako.

All com m unications should bo aoconipaniod by the fu ll nam e and address o f th e w riter, notnecessarily fo r publication’b u t as a guarantee ofgood, faith.. ' ‘ -------- J” **“nottcpd,

ui |iuuiw auuu uuu »o’ Anonym ous le tte rs w ill n o t be

W e canno t re tu rn rejected communications, b u t will hold them fo r a lim ited tim e if requested to . •'

AU lotters Intended fo r th e editorial o r nows departm ent should be addressed to the

, E ditor o f T ub J oObnai. and R bpubuo^Hi * A sbnry P ark . Now Jersey. •*

. Republican Nominations.. —^ ----V’, .; - \ .

For President of the U hited States,

BENJAMIN H'ARRISO>T'' ^ j ; ' . • Qf In d ia n a . < »

F o r .V ic e -P re s id e n t,

L E V I P.- M ORTO'n ,t ^ b f ^ e w y o r k i .


S P E C I A L N O T IC E .

O n t i i e . l a b e l o f e a c h p a p e r w lU b e f o n n d i h e d a t e o f « * p ( r n t l o n o f f t h e j i r i b n c r lp t io n . I f t b t i d a t e i s w r o n g p l« M O n o t i f y , n u a t o n c e * i f y o u a r e i n n r r e a m p l e a s e r e m i t a t o n c e .

- W h a t tf t 'e I n f l u e n c e ?

I f . t h e im p o r ta n c e o f t h e m o v e m e n t t h a t o u im in a te d in t h e . g r e a t '1 m e e t in g h e re l a s t w e e k h a s a n y s ig n if ic fy ic e , th e r e is Jo b o a ; to im ig g o v e r o f p o l it ic a l e le­m e n ts i n N o w Je irse y s u c h b e e n .s in c e t h e m e m o ra b le c a m p a ig n o ! G on '.,,G ran t.

— W e believe the influences now ut work are even greater and more impor- tan t in the ir consequences than a t that timo,.whon the country was yet strug-

gling under its load of debt, and rehabil jtation was going on. Then, i t was who should bo suprem e in handling the reins of government, they who had tried to de­stroy it,* or they who had so dearly earned the rig h t to cranage our. national

• affairs, There was then litfcjto doubt as to the results, as ? the yteo^le "were no t in the hum or to yieltLjone Incji of their righ ts to the dictation of sou thorn fire- eaters.” . \

, To-day the queqfciqns a t issue are not t so palpable and easily understood by the

masses. T lie^ do not, look closely into causes and^ff^cts'; ^e jsrdanno i so clear­ly see that the free importation of for­eign products is death to home - produc-

'tion, and consequently falls on the labor _ e le m en to f 1 th is country, c ru sh in g ' i t

JB isliop T a y lo r a t O c e a u G ro v o .MISSION ART SUNDAY* A' GREAT SUCCESS—DJ8 -


qUElilNO GOBI'KL—-GUEAT BBBMON HY A EURA8IAN p.- D.—MONEf POURED OUT I.IKB WATER—8UHP AND, TWILIGHT SHUVIOBO— rOliiTJOB IN i .'Util# JUllltH ULABS—T1U8 M!8U0I,r Q'p APniCA rBKAt®£S ON nBATUBNl)0>J— (DAMP JJ0MMEN0B3 if tlS E V E N I N G . -Things have tu rn ed o u t p retty m uoh as S at­

u rd ay ’s JoOTNALjforccastcd^.in reg ard to the ■gabb'fitti'cnd its afarabilve^.servlcos a t Ocean Grove. Tho preparato ry work of tho W . F . M. Society kept u p a h igh degree o f In terest d u rin g tho previous day an d en d ed , w ith a densely crow ded M issionary lovo feas t on S atu rday evening, w hen sorae~ol th o sw arthy d augh ters of th d la .m in g led w ith, th e fa ir d o t v o tee so f C hristian zeal from A m erican Poml- narlos an d t ra in in g fechools in burnfng tostl*; m ony as to ih e lr horltago of h o n e ^a n d J o y in \ybfkiag fo r th o spre&d of tho goapol am oag tho i)6fitghto^ millions of tho Oriont. -

The hoped-for co ld wave, i f It d id n o t quite. . , ____01 urou»u»,-uycu povuiai ciiuiwreach tho ooftst, cams, noof , » a goodly.com pany o f rcornlta for sorvloo Induco a sensible change in tbo atmoBph^ron

down to a level w ith foreign pauper la­bor. ' / ^ ^

The intricacy of the. question and the sophistry of the argum ent that free trade will lessen their expenses, while plausible in its face, yet is the m ore dan­gerous, bfioanse many__will be satisfied with' such statem ents and no t consider tho question in dll i ts ’bearings.

I t is this that makes the present cam- paigH'tnost im portant, n n d gives to .tho movements of the New Jersey League aud its club branches such unmistakable interest. The, concentration of all tho clubs in Asbnry Park was b u t tho be­ginning of a revolution tha t shall sweep over the State and rank New Jersey in the Republican column, where by her patriotism an d comnjprcial importance

'ITiQrigiit^uUyTbelonga. „

T h e F o l l y Q f I t . —W e confess to have had sqme-^yinpa-

thy with ou t /m erchants when tliey «(aa .. they often havo done) parted. with ,thoir

. goods w ithout an equivalent in monoy, and 'no p jospect of ever .rcGoyering the debt. , ’ . V • * >. •

On tlio otlier hand we are now free to confess , that our sym pathy-w as mis­placed. W o.db ^4^ so commisfer-^ ate w ith losers as we feel ashamod tlia^ on? business m en will allow a certain lot- o fd . b ’.sjbo come here year after year and swindle them of their, hard-eomed

. profits. ./ ■ I t i l l comes of an overweaning desire

to sell goods,rand make a big^ehow of business. I t is n wrOffg- pjinciplo and one that sooner o r later ^will'Work detri­m ent to th e trade of th e p laces F a r bet­te r the goods were on. th e ir shelves, and more preferable had they been 1 given in charities or dum ped in to the sea, tb&n„to alloTg rinprincipled persons th e privilege

. Of, m aking dupes of our merchants year . afteryetfr. :•., , ••• '. :*

J Such transactions are un just to those of their customers th a t do pay tho cash. They no t only suffer by an unequal con­test in catering to the publib in competi­tion w itlr irresponsible persons who do nd t pay, b u t i t is fair to presum e that

j .cash buyers m ust make u p the deficien­cies of :bad customers by paying larger m argins than if all pa id equality. So -the m erchant who reoklossly^ trusts

.' o u t hifl gooda damages himself as well as b is best customers.

arid m ake the S abbath tem peratu re ja & r igh t for general enjoym ent. The cloudy m orning was succeeded by a bright, b eau tifu l dajv w ith breeze enpugh-to ;8U m ulato tho.ehorglea of those who s ta rted o u t to a tten d every m oot­ing appo in ted for th e d a? . ’

. Firsts therb tvere ab o u t 9,000 packed In tho Y. P . Temple, ant* 500 outaido d u rin g devo- tlonaj hour th e re / T he retu rn ed m issionaries •.were gtyen op p o rtu n ity In '* jfrs . Palm er’s tneotlng to address th e people once more, ah d thoy all show ed them selves' to be w in­n ing speakers, even Mra. D r, O sborn, tv n a ­tive E a s t Indian , whoso pa thos ' ap d sim pllo- Ity, un ited with g rea t dignity , stirred all hear& T>Ttho story of h e r convorplon, w ith th a t of her e loauent hneband, 18 years ago, undor tho m inistry o f W m; Taylor, now b ish ­op,- who; .was present a t tbo m ootings, all day

.yesterday, ' _ r -: A t j h e A udliorlnm tho rush for soata ex­ceeded any th ing so far ' th is Reason. The pub* llo services V eto commonoed fifteen m inutes boforo tlio appoin ted hour ho as to u tilize tim e. . M issionary hym ns w ere g rand ly iteng , an d tho opening p ray e r o f Bishop T ay lo r was one o f , tho m ost un ique th in g s of tho k in d preachers o r p e o p lch ad ever partic ip a ted in. I t was a runn ing paraphraso of- tb ^ t sublim e .ep ltom oof dov.otlon k n o w n 1 as the ‘‘ L ord’s Prayer. _ ' ^

F rom thQ3flrst sentence, F a th er,” hoamplified each ascrip tion and p e titio n w ith d irec t reference to the^elrcum stancos ol the congregation and o f the g rea t “ M issionary day*’ with its ap p ro p ria te sen tim en ts o f Talth ahd supplication , com prehending tho wldo world In ita sweep of sympathy.

8 0 in .reading tho S crip tu re losson. N ot once d id W glance;at...tbo pago of tho open lilblo.beforo him", b u t'rec lted ,'a Psalm ah d a cbaptor o f th 6 Now T estam ont w ith such freo-" do m 'o f ac tio n , n 'aturainesa of Vo|co an d gest- tu rc , and cdriitftents Vnteijected boro au 4 - thero, a s to m ake tbo w ords leap o u t ig to liv ing p ictures, a n d the people to rosp o n d with a surprised satisfaction a s If tb§ ol£ fam iliar s to ry was a n entirely new revelation .

T he serm on by D r. D en n la O sburn was from tbo th ird verso of tho 118th Psalm : “ T h y 'p e o p le shall bo w illing In tbo day of thy pow er."

Ho characterized th e psalm as M essiah’s co ronation song, a u d d w elt on tw o po in ts de- duolblo from his tex t— 14 The day and tho d t^y i’.’ o r the opportun ity and responsib ility Of the CburCh^to ex ten d tho know ledge of God I In every n a tio n , 'u n ti l the globe Itself should bo girdled w ith salvation , a n d / tb o s tan d a rd of-tho cross should wave trlumph- an tly i^ 'overy cUmo u nder heaven. • V : j_• ThtT bask et co llec tio n 1 .w hich ; followed am oun ted to $580, Increased by co n tribu tions du rin g the. a fternoon a t the Bible c lass and A uditorium m eeting to lietwcen $1,000 and $1,200

This, tho ladies’ aux iliary b ranch a t Ocean G rove, coniVder 'a Buccess, an d - are

-"consequently^^juBilant^over th e re su lt.T h e afternoon speakers wero Dr. Osborho,

Bishop T a ilo r , Miss F an n ie Sparks an d Miss T hoburn , w ith songs from E rnest, son of tho- oloquont m issionary preacher, Dr., Os­borne. 1 ,

A t 0 r . j i . a Inonstor m eeting was hold a t the surf, a t wjnch Uev’s.’_A. J . Gregory, 11.. S ^J)o B o ^i< f|5 c . L lppincott, I . Sim m ons and othe^TIeUvered^brJ.e^and. e a i ^ s t addresses.

Rov. C. IL Tf^tmaiiV \Vho, In addition (6 the daily m orning m eetings and tra in in g class ex ercises. Is appoin ted to conduot th e tw i­l ig h t m eetings, en tered upon his, work yester­day evening nt-0.30 w ith tho Tem ple crowded, an il a inOst rovivm g ro u n d of exercises, to which young a n d o ld gave absorbing, atten-

•tlon.1- . ' • • • ’ '■'* „ ' ' ' 'F o r th is series o f ' tw ilight f m eetings ho

has p repared aud prin ted a n arriangerncnt of . “ Fifteen G reat C hapters ” as tho them e^ of successive ev^iiflgs and bis observations on tholr Im port, w ith d fro c tap p llca tlo n to Chris­t ia n bollevers, an d especially to tho <u«8aved,

-will moat likely result; In a largo accession pf. Souls to. th e “ sacram en tal arm y ,” , Somo werefcaved at" the.m orningm eeting and o thers a t tbo. first tw ilight service las t cveuinjr.

vTbo ovenlng‘ congregation wa^ beyond all precedent. T h a i h undreds wero con ten t to Btirod fo r tw o hours in d ica te s a moro than o rd inary in terest In tlio plain, sturdy , g re a t­hearted m an w ho, in h is p e cu lia rly 'q u ain t and incisive way, ta lk s a sim ple sav ing gospol, which even akeptlcb can n o t w ithstand. ~j Bishop T a y lo rread as his tox t. Rom a/is^ 2 14,15, which describes tho a c tu a l ‘condition of tho heathen world and 'all uhroponorato

-mon, lip proposed to show tho rela tion of the’ h e a th e n 'to God with- the m u tu a l .re la ­tions ex isting between, the h eathen aud C hristian world. Ho held th a t G od had re- vealcd H im self arid w ritten his law> on their hearts, quqtthg tho 19th Ps&!m a s indicating tho modo of Instruction. •

God’s schoo l,-lie sa id , had been in oper- atlon , w ithout a vacatipn of tvvoweokaor two h ours (o r Q,600 years. XI uder iho D ivine p lan o f-rcd eo m iag g race o n q -h alf 'o f the teem ing m illions o f China; J a p an , ACrfca and In d ia d le rin In fancy , and a re theroforo saved for­ever, bolhg In a justified state.. How- a ch ild falls Into sin ho illu stra ted by a fam ilia r s to ry ; a lso the way a s in n er "gets b ack in to adiusted^rolatloQ e w ith .God’, and gave.in s ix d ifferent lapguages tho happy cry of a newly converted soul.

Tbo- Bldhop whon a b o u t to s top was urged to.*‘ g o o n ,” an d thertT eat a n il stood 0*000 pooplo,’sm iling a t h is sallies of wjt^WoopIng u n d e r h is pathos.and shouting frequently , u n ­til ho finally c losed th e b ig Blblo wUh a bang and"sat dow n, n ea r lo o ’clock,■ T he g rea t eat^p-m eeting begins to-day, w ith- a -prayer, a n d sacram en ta l- eelebratlon to-night, a t which" a b o u t ono1 hundred m inis­ters , will bo -^re^entf to'SfeVve'tho bread and wine. . - -<

I n the absen co ^ f any better “ argu­m ent ” our I)emooratic friends are m an­ufacturing and / circnlating weird stbries of R epublican iactional q uanel^ in this State and iu New York. ; T he trick is top. old to work. ~

A C e le s t i a l R o c k e t . i ■’ A fow m inutes a fto r r tn Sunday n ight ab ijll- . lian t niQteor w a a eeeii to p ass tmdernOath’ the <m.oon, jfollqwed by. a tra il o f crim son flame. I t s course w as from e ast to so u th west. Had.

.th o n ig h t b een d a rk iFw ould h ave brlghtoned. th e southern sky.' I t was pcar-shapod, and fo r th e size o f i t ,was o f g rea te r lum inosity th an the m oon. Passing &lo cloS b 'to the lat- t e r ’s t^lreot ray s d id n o t d im inish its brll- ilauce In th e least.. ^Tbo Blgbr- was ono S e l­dom w itnessed o n so c lea r a n ig h t.


C a m p M e e t i n g - F i r s t D a y .OOEAN OllOVB A SPIRITUAL HATTLBFIBL1)—


'M ^ tid a y a t Ooean Grovo w a rm o ro a p rS r Indo o r p rep ara tio n for tho annual cam p- m eeting tbaft o f praotlcal ro u tin e .- Ifc was a tlm o o f counsel, p r a y e r / an d m ighty oxhortar t|0n,; in view of the eventfu l ton days on w hich the peop le bavo ontered fo r exclaelve religious devotions.- ..

T h e e xhaustive labors o f 1 la s t B abbath bad no peroeptlblo effect on1 M pnday m orning’s zoal. • T he s o n g s o f «the Tomplo w e re .. as ohoory a s bvfir^ a n d tho m issionary lad les a re rejo icing o ver; the Bual to ta l o f-ibo lr collec­tions. T he h ighest guess only touohed $ltsdo^ b u t the a c tu a l footing u p show ed ft sot Id cari'- trib u tib n to th e cred it o f the Ocequ Grove b ran ch o f $1,485, f - This w ill educate a num ber o f orphans, open povoral p tatidhs, an d equip.

A l i b e r a l O ffe r. , \ ■• .I t is ro'ported that? M iss K ato W yatt, who. has.beon a resident an d ho tel m anS ger In As­bury P a rk f o rm a lly yfearj?, and haa shown her ab ility since assum ing charge o f the Saint Jam eav’ rocoiyod a n pffer from M f^ .F ra n k .Thomson, G eM fral-M anager of tho P cnpsyl- y an ia Railroad, som etim e a fte r the death of his wife, to take charge o f his handsom o city residence a n d fam ily !o'f children, a t a yearly, ealary o f $1,200. Mlsa W yatt’s fam e is-not confined to"Asbury F arb . She- is woll-known

jn 'F lo r id a ; as well a s several othor .States, a s a carefu l, an d thorbnglpily buslngss-like wo- m aui born to com m and, y e t easy to bo obey-. 0d, and^wlth a cheerful, iho thorl^w ay ab o u t h er thatvm akea .h o j y o u r ftlend la 'bait a dozen w ords. ‘ . \

Soldiers from Camp G ^ e ri\t Sea Girt run over to Aabu0 Park iu good numberai •' .

‘ » j , •' *'•" r . p •.

tbe;fo re lgn field.T he first d irec t n o te o f p rop ata tlo n for

cam p-m cctlng. w a s th e special p ray e r m eet­ing held a t the A ud ito rium a t 10.00 a . m., led by th e president. Tho .occaBlon callod -out a b o s t o f the *‘o ld rellab le ’l camjpalgn^rs, w ho seem ed to havo ^glrdod the a rm o r on " and were read y for the sp iritual fA y.. Tfce figurative allUsjons o f St. 'P aul In re­g a rd t o a .good fight 'of fa ith , en tered largely in to these exerpisfta; fcand 'm e n a n d .women w restled m ightily fo r ovorcOmlng pow er, aa the S a lv a t io n i s t s say to “ whip the devil every tim e.” ,

•A still moro im pressive sorvlce took place ldtirlng_the_lflIanre-bonrs o f tb o aftornodn, whon several n o ted oxhprtors-bad. been in vlted to cjfoliver flve m lnnto addresses on tlfo' conduot o f tho holy w ar. Ten w ere detailed as sharpshooters, b u t only flvo h a d time, to dollvor th e ir m essage when tho D octor’s ap­po in ted h o u r wOs Up, and tho m eeting w as suspended. ■ .

Bro. 'th b rn ley p resented the id ea of aoul- sav ing , a s the s ing le an d Solem n ondoavor of the tcn-days’ devotionB. ' ,r .

ilev . by . Jo h n E . Cookm an i n fiory elo­quence explained the. requisite qualifications fo r effebtivg persuasion ,-as being a fully con? sccrated b'ekrt an d life. „

D r. B row ning,’ o f N ew York.'VfbllCi^ed In the sam e s tra in and invoked tho presonce of. the D ivine S p irit; • as tho needod energy to save aoula, *• • j . •,oM r8. LIzzlQ_^^Itfi,.tho p o p u lar 'ev an g e lis t, in a bcau tlf uily self-forgetful m anner, cheered the sisters w ho form tho r igh t w ln ^ of the sacram enta l a rm y In winiitDg~Bbulfl,'JjBlo8lng h e r ferven t a p p ea l with a touching song o f ' Zion.

M ias Llzzlo M. Boyd, o f W heeling, W est .V irginia,-dwelt oh . the oppo rtu n ity the rtjpet- Ing a fforded fo r work, th e resu lts 'of \Vhich w q u l i s t i r ea rth ah d boa von with jo y and re­fresh the-souls o f all wiio-might engago In It w lth r lg h t m otives.

B ish o p . T ay lo r an d o thers woro to havo spoken, and. altBougb dism issed, th o people rem ained u n til n ea r 5 o ’clock, the Bishop tak ­ing the added tim e to deliver his exhortation, and thon-unfold h is g rea t p lans and purposes in the oxpedition .be has led Into tho heart of A frica, to c a p tu re th a t terra incoqn{tp for C hristian faith an d m odern civilization. I lls ta lk , s in g u la r a s I t m ay seem to stingy peoplo, will p a n , o u t fo r tho “ tra n s it fu n d ” abou t *5,000,

So far, th e -g re a t cam p-m eeting had n o t developed its Im posing significance, b u t whon tbo evening congregation gathered , an d tho voice o f Prof; 8 wcni;y was heard a t the head of bis choir s i u g i n ^ Blessed bo tho namo o r the. Lord ,” the ** eairfp-flro’’ began to .bu rh ,

„...E lg hty-n I no m iniste rs were .ran g ed a round the a lta r ra ilin g a t once, a t the opeulng of the com m union service] whilo the ritu a l form s w ere read t y Drs. S ta te s , S. W. Thom as, C. H ill, o f W -Ilm ingtotiJ^sborne, o f Ind ia , A .;E . Ballard and BlshbpJl'ft^idr,. who adm inistered tho e lem ents to the o ffe rs , am i they to a ll the proaelmrs, whp af*erM rds, a t fifteen tables, averag ing nearly one- hundred persons each, g ave to each kneeling com m unicant the con­secra ted bread an d wiile.

D uring th is h o u r and a half of quiet, o rder­ly movlqtr u p to the a lta r and retiring ,'p laln- tivo hym ns wero sung} and tender words ot adm onition given by the “ fath ers” in gospol w ork p resen t. I t w as a sweotly solem n oc­casion, and du ly Impressed all beboldors.’-- .-1 •*“ ' s e c o n d D A r y •

If the peoplo forgot, t^ e announcem ents <k Monday.’ evenlnj?,-the church-going boll re­m inded, them yesterday m orning o f the Tab- ernaelo serv ice opening a t, a q u a rte r beforo six , and^aa* th is Is a popular g a th e rin g for M ethodists of tho old-fashioned, o r shou ting type, E d ito r A ndrew s had a good'sondtoff, an d h is congregation- seem ed to feel a t hom e a s they w aked the echoes, an d also tho lazy sleepers in ad jacen t ten ts, a n d d istu rbed the slum bers o f a hundred g uests a t tho^Howland Ilouao.acrosa the, s tree t w ith their m orning ballel.pjahs.

As th is m eeting closed, a slnglo ta p o f th e Audltorlum^beH in troduced Dr. Stokes’ fam ­ily prayer,* tlt which he had' 800 persons I n a t ­ten d anco, an d m ade bvorything move on tho sh o rt m etre sc£Ier fb r ho got in' e ig h t prayers, five songs, a S crip tu re losson, th e Lord’s p ray er In concert, an d a doxology, a ll In fif­teen m inutes.

A t 8 th e lo v ers o f p rim itive usago.bad tholr cbanco In tlfe « Hal p ing H a n d T e n t ” o u t on Ocean Pathway^ whore a n orthodox “ m our­ners boneh,” ttnd s traw covered g round , re ­called tlio circum stances of tholr ow n con­version, 18 ,20 , o r a s tlio caso^ m ight be, 40 years ago.

Tem ple a n d Tabernacle a t 9 oxhtbltcd r e ­new ed ac tiv ity w ith now . faces am ong th e grow ing troops of worsbipora.' C am p m eet­ing w eek is a n ex tingu isher on prolixity , and long-winded b reth ren ojr Bisters, especially, if thoy a re hobbyists, a re hustled off the trqpk to’lot tho da lly tra in of events m ako schedule tim e. ' / t .* w, ; ; , r *‘- . Boforo the m orn ing h o ^ ,a ^ lig h t m isty rain*

had becom e disagreeably dam p, yet to hoar tho now Bishop, F itzgerald , everybody "was determ ined, s o the A uditorium was well Qlled and P ro f. Sw eney kep t tim id folks Trominlnk* ing bow obilly it bad becomo by a succession o f “ joyful songs," to ovory. stra in o f which Bro, Sulger’s tronjbono gavo a su itab le «nb- bass accom pan im en t,' ; T „

In d u e tim e, th a t is ,'a fto r 11. o’clock, the Bishop w as in troduced .. He Is woll p ropor­tioned aa to e ta turo arid m hsoular make-up, h is face act offw itU an 'lro n gray b ea rd o f the stubbed stylo, an d g o ld ' Bpoctables, assis tin g to m akeA ,presentable tout ensemble- o f a lito r- a ry * m a n .^ , • 1 -

I l l s te x t was th e bugle b la s t o f C ap tain Jostiu^, recorded lb the book o f th a t nam e, th ird ch ap te r a n d fifth verso, wblch. baa b ^ n sou n d in g a long th e ’t t g ^ for Over tljnQO th o a : Band y e a rs : “ A nd JoBhua sa id ..u n to tho people, sanctify yourselves: fo r to-m orrow the L ord wilt*do wondora am ong you,

H e described tho situation of the Israelites on the *et|8t b an k o f tho Jo rd an ,“a fte r the perils and m iracles of* tho lr fo rty ,years’ jour^ ueylng, a n d h esita ting l o vcnturo aerosB in to the lan d of prom ise. Tho people oboyed, anti then Oie w onders began-^-tiie passage of the river, th e c a p tu re o f Jericho, tho repulse a n d

s u b seq u e n t v icto ry a t tho c ity balled Al, con-, quest .of the five kings, and a l l th a t series of- engagem ents which finally gave them poaeo and fcosseusiori e f C anaan as tholr prom ised Inheritance*. ‘y V

S piritu a liz in g th is stirrin g record of ovohls, t h e is^eakor m ade a forcible application, o f everV incldenif to tbo C hristian church , In Its h |u t a n t -o rg a n iz a t io n .T h e flvo k ings who com bined tholr forces against Josh u a, ho took as typea p f th e pronlJri^DtB bb stru e tio n s tho

w orld com blnea ag a in s t C hrist, v I s : war; paganism , Infidelity, Iieontiqusness arid a lco­hol; "-These w ith a ll lesser v ices In th eir tra in , ho show ed, w ere deatlnod to a n e te rn a l over-: th row , fo r tho m outh o f tho L ord had spoken i ty a n d he w as tho sam e G od w ho w rought aubh w onders o f old. " ,

B rq. Corblt, tb o gre a t m in iste rla f shouter, waA p resont an d had a good tim e, fo r o thers fo llow ed . h is bxam plo a n d praised tbo L ord ino8li fervently d u rin g th e serm on.

A m eeting In tho T . P . Tem ple, oonducted b y Mrs. LIzzIo H, pm fth, oponed a t 1, and Mra, In sk lp 's ch ildren’^ church convened a t 2 r . M. Theae wero closed a t and th en the b ig boll rang .onco m ore.. V"

Rev. -. H enry Belting was tbo ’ aftornoori p reacher. I t was a r ig h t clover and insp ir­in g e ight to see sdtjh an o titponring o f pooplo In in s u c h a dow npour o f rain . ■ •.. '- T h o p a s to r of B trP aaP a had thu-'good sonfio

tq use*a fath llla r su b jec t an d . t r e a t i t in A genial a n d p rd c tica l w ay .' H is exposition was o n tho w ords o f Jeans; to Simon Fetor, “ Lqvest th o u m e ?” J p h ttJ J i :17,

The Sarmon was a- m odel in torfie*IUuBtra- t lo h an d agreOaBlo brevity . I t le f t room for a w onderful a fte r sorvlce o f p ray er and exhor­ta tion b y Dr. Charles L aru e, who, although a scien tist:o f the first w ater, is a leo a Salvation­is t o f the ApoBtollo" m anner nnd doctrine.• A fter the mooting,, closed tho pdoplq Btlll

lingered to b e a r s^m o anporlor Binging, and ^enjoyedta godd. tim e shak ing hands. ■

A nothor p opu lar tw iligh t m ooting a t 0,80 brough t together a host o f; watoT-proof wor­sh ipers, hn d }ho e x e rc ise s .w e a s^ 's comfor­tab le a n d q u iet a s - i f tho h arv est m oon se­renely ahed h e r silvery lig h t in ar-elear sky, an d u p m oun tain breakers woro dashed in fu ry o n th e sboro. ... ; .- T h e p reacher las t evening was 'Kov. Jan ies M oore, p res ld in g ^E ld e^o f^N ew Brunswick D istrict, New Je ise y conference. Thus three New Je rsey preachers liad tho lr day, an d did- th e ir S ta te fu ll erodlt; f o r E lder Moore’s serm on, like the othors, w as:a p roduction fa t above m ediocrity . ; . ' 1

H la te x t was frbm T H ate’a words, Jo h n 19:23, “ W hat f have w ritten , I havo w ritten .” T h is w as in reference to the sefttonco^passed on J esu s , tbo Soil o f God, which condem ned “ th a t 'ju a t ' Onov’ to su ffer tho death o f t\io crbs'B. " - ■ ' . ; • .'

Somo of thnjrfhlttst preaohcrs pn. the c on ti­n e n t wero p reson t,-and tholr Burprlso and d e­ligh t w a s . freely expressed a t hearing a dis­course so e loquent, oarnest and powerful aa t h a to f M r^M ooro. - ,

v T n iiin i^AVi •Tho sunbeam s which greeted open Ing eyes

W ednesday m orning in a ll p artst> f the Grove w ere m ost, g ratefu l, fo r tho apprehension of a co n tin u ed storm had becom e quite general, a n d a t one tim e the cylcono which m ade such havoc elsew here gave th o .te n ts a n d t re e a a lively, sh ak in g up . How tho thousands along tho ;coas^w ould havo fared bad Its force cen­tered here, la fearfu l to contem plate. * - r -

The yonng ladles who read tiS cont novels, and tho young m on.w ho sm oke Instead o f go- IngtO m eeting, o ugh t to s to p in t im e ; fo r if any th in g serious In this lino occurs,-It will bo la id to tholr depravity :

A t 5 a .m ., th ere are acorcs ostfr oVery m orn­ing. W hile w aiting for a blessing In Bro. A ndrew s’ “ free an d easy” ©zeroises, they sa u n te r to tho surf, a u d vtblBi;VPith tw o moot­ings before b reak fast, felv.es them a healthy appetite.

Tho types of m ank ind assem bled In the G rove a t pteaont afford a n inviting s tu d y to those w ho havo dabbled a llttlo In Fow ler’s P hrenology. . Tho s cam p-m oeting alw ays a t­trac ts the m an w^oso religious fervor ex­plodes In b/. s ta rtlin g “Ci, golory 1 ” an d tho othor w ho^e.expressionjof asaent to a solid p u lp it f a c t o r anecdote is a borso laqgh.

B nt.tho solid c ltlzon, unobtrusive, dt&creet a n d .appreciative, j a .also, on hand in large force. Thero for in s ta n c o ^ ^ tin g Iu" front of tho p reacher, is qu iet Mr, Calvin Tom kins, of. Tom kins Cove, 90 yeara o{ ago, arid always ready to d ro p a s ilver dollar in-tho collection.This the ahouterS rare ly d o — ...... — r

Tho pleasant-faced old gontlem an^w hose face la still ruddy and eye b right, w ith h a ir a s w hite a s enow, and happy “ soul &ftdbody,’T as, th e old hym n has. it, Is Dr. T . B. W elsh, of V ln d an d , who has bccomo so enthused over Bishop T aylor’s m issionary advcnturc^_that ho has given do llar for do llar a t th ree camp^ m eetings where con trib u tio n s have been rimdo to help tho^ cauBO alqng. I t Is .n o f unlikely th a t hla zeal w ill coat h im a b o u t $5,000., " y e s te rd ay w as graded n p to a high, pl&ub In th b lin e o f preaohlng,. The serm on b f Dr. J ’,8 . Chadw ick, of New Y ork, a t 10.30 a.m ., was a rich gospel feast. Hla themO: was tho heal­ing pow er o f C hrist, from * the passage inL u k e s r2 7 . ; ; ■ ....-

H e entered qiiito fully In to a doscrlptlon o i s in a s tho un iversa l m alady o f body, m ind and soui, and*C hrist’s ,a p p lie d a tonem ent as the universal rem edy. This Is as wldo a s the disease, as nnnum bered .thousanda can testify fo r “ l lo healed them a ll,”

Tbia D ivine H ealer ts d raw ing hum anity to him self, an d fa ith is tho s im ple and solo con­

d itio n o f salvation*:.____ ______________ . .“ L ord b less tiieao. preachers,” said-a godly

s ister, leav ing tho m orniug service, “and m ay everyone o f tb efh d u r in g tb ia m eeting bo able to give ud'TJuclrsw eet, saving gospel as wo have heard to-day.”

The a fte rn o o n serm on was laid upon D r.C . Larue, o f S taton Island , who-proved lilmsolf ,the;day beforo to bo such a thorough cxhorter. H is d iscourses are alw ays unique. .The tex t, w as P sa lm l : 8 , a figurative representation o f-th e rlghteou® m an; who Is “ llko a tree plan ted by* tho rivers of w ater, whoso leaf shall n o t w ither, a n d w hatsoever bo doet] sh a ll prpBper.” T he D octor (ho Is a u ’efHinctfr ‘1 M D.) brought. Into effective play his studies In n a tu ra l sc ience a s .well as approved theol­ogy, a n d becam o p o^exuberan t In m anner th a t a deep wave of em otion overspread.,the congregation, and, so quickened tho sensibili­ties o f D r, Stokos th a t ho took the holm and ran a powerful aftor-m oetlng.

B u t there Is a ja rg o c lass now in tho-Grove*' w ho evidently , don’t appreciate sp iritua l p reach ing of th e in tense order, A t least they p refe r the llvely,Tom ple exorcises o r Tw ilight to p ic s o f >Mr, Y atm an. All, r igh t If this will resu lt, a s It iad q ln g daily , In th e ir conversion.E vory ta s te a n d tem porhm ont la su ited here.

L a s t evonlng tw o th ings heeam oqiilto evl~ dont—th a t thoro w ere n o longer any fears as to changeablo weatjjor, an d th a t a new votco. was to*bo heard In tho A uditorium ; Tor th a t roqeptaclo o f h u m an ity waa once m ore filled to its u tm o st capacity . -

Tho preacher jwas u nknow n, except by rep­u ta tio n , an d th a t Was ,flrst-rato .. D r; S. G. S m ith, th e p jia tb ro f 9 “ Fcoplo’a Independent Church ” In St. P aul, M inn, ran k s aa oneof. th e p o p u lar pu lp it 'o ra to rs in thp wlde-awako W est., H Ir Ucenoat and. m o sf aUtJnttye bear­e rs last p lg b t w qro tho 150 preachors who sa t a round h im .. .. " f - _ ^ * “‘ D id h e ’ m easnrd up-'td’Toxpoctatton ? - Hla

te x t fjom -vltealm ' 2^ : 2 , w a s ' prepossessing. “ T he beau ty o f hollneps,” ho unfolded, with, a woriflerfnl m astery o f ’rhetoric, an agreeable m an n er an d voice, an d th a t tea l reioqnence whlbU la defined to bu ’‘ac tio n .” I t was a One discourso, an d evldontly m ade a deep Im pression npon.fl^p, thousand hearts.

Tho grQundif w ere 'filled with exonrslonista a lb day, m oat'o f thom in terested jn the vario u s m eetings In progress, an d longing for a b e t-, te r chanco to on joy a sBaro of thepusslng«ea- Bon o f privilege, . ^ , ' -.—j . . i

B, P. Wayne, of Potichkoopato Jas. r^ r a o r , o f Pblladolpula.,

Sunset -liali * . jColoman House..............W. V. Uiiy A Bro.......................H. J. Uiirtls................... ..W. M. PaWley & Co . . . . . . . . . . .C'ABh............................../ . ...........Atlantic Houso............................Sheldon IIoubo.'................. '.......TO 8 h a y .. .. ....... '................ . . . \Oriental....... ................................Gxcurfllon Hotiflo........................George W. I'Atterson.................Caab.......... : . . . ........... .................Burton Uro«............ ...................It. B. Cusack..............................J . T. tlraiJO*.;.............. . . 7 . . . .Brown's Japancso B azaar....Rbbitt H ouse......... ....................Ohaa,'. H arvey ,......................... .J. II. Itolnaln.............. ...............Cook Howland. .............. ; ___ArltriKton....................................Cash v:’.v : .v;t . .......... . .» .............Coin ini aflp. ;; ~~...............Hotel Brunswick........................OeorKovH. Bancroft...................Ocean Hotol.........rrrrr, r . ........ ;8. W. Klrkbrldo..........................Grand Central .......... ................M a d is o n . - , . ,__ ‘............M ctropolitainiotol.........•.8t. Jam es..•........ V..............

- Total..

S t i l l A n o t h e r A jijc to 'ry

T ho Asbury Park baso bal^-nlno added a n ­o th er gamo to tholr record |?cd rio8day a fte rv uoon .^ h e n they playod thq Rahw ay .team . This Is tbo olovonth consccutlvo victory for the homo c lu b /a n d thoy’ aro* h u n ting fo r a n am a teu r club th a t will give them a l ittle $x> erciao. Tho gam e was well played d u rin g the nrat ‘p a rt of It, , b u t tho A sburya b a tted the

"Kahway p itcher freely, m ak ing all tb e lr ru n s Iu tho first tlire.o l_pnings. . Thoro wais b u t little e ic ltem eu t u n til th o eighth-inning w hen, th e v isito rs m ade their on ly tw o ru n s by safe ba tting . Tho scoro w a s " rr ... ' ‘ - A sbnry 'p a r k . . . . 1- 2 8 0 0 0 0 O x ^ 0 B fth w a y .. .. ........ .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Q-Q

Tho gam e w ith ^tho Y, M.‘ C. A. c lub , of Now Brunswick, F r id a y afternoon, is expect- ed-to bo very lutorostlng, as they in tend to b ring a first-clafis nlno w ith them , *■

A F iU e f o r a K i s s ,

—J e rry B ennett a n d Sarah Bray are' red I dents of O cean Beaoh. "Jerry g e ts h llarlona o n fes­tiv e apple. ju ice , and a b o u t a .fc e k a g o 'd id w illfully lay ho ld o f the aforesaid Sarah', w ^lle jn fu sed , an d sto le a k iss.' A w arran t w as issued an d .M onday dfHcor '.Hulick b rough t h im bofofo ’Squire B orden ./ H e a d ’ m jtted the lovlng ImpeaohnitJht, ^ n d willingly paid h is fine w ith costs, • v ' C ;

F r id a y E v e n in g , A u iru s t 3 1 .Tfiia^irf the da te m utua lly agreed .upon by

tho Oce^u Grovo au thorities and Chief C. T. B ailey, representing M r.- B radley, fo r the; closlng dlflplay ofvthe b o a ts on W ealey L ake..

In answ er to a telegram sen t the cvonlqg. beforo M r. B radley sailed , he. gave th e car­n iv al h is hearty endorsem ent, an d was asrbo- ab lo tq any da te th a t w as satlsfB ctory to Oooan Grovo. P rep ara tio n s aVe u n d er w ay' fo r a b rillian t ovont.

F ifty dollars’ w orth o f flreworks havo a l­rea d y boon prom ised by M r. Charles Crowell, a sum m er rcsldont Of Ocean G rove, a n d presi­d en t of the Unoxcblled FIrow qrks d o . I f the people in tho P a rk an d Grovo will do as w ell In proportion , wo shall have a colebratton th a t will eclipse any th ing o f the k in d y e t a t ­tem pted. Both of th e bridges w ill b e decor-..., a tod and Illum inated,rand colored .fire ,#111 b e bnm nd cpntlnnongtylfcom onoond o f Jholalso to tbo other; .p o ssib ly o n e .^ 4 ^®^ Bc^"I,*ie®cfl m ay b e provided. V. . . / v

Mr. <3. II, W lnans, o f tho fyraUy an d Mr. LeRoy^arb th e au thorized c o lle c to rs ..

* • BUBScnipxroNS for The cabkival. • • .;! Chas. Crowell, Unexcelled Fireworks C o,..950 00 T he‘i rv in g .. . . .B, 1’. Wayne, of Pc:—v*- Jaa. C^eraor, o f PI

I 00 1 00

60. . . 3 00

5 00 . . . 1(1.00 . . . 10 00 . . . s 00 . . . 2 00 . . . 1 00 . . . BOO . . . 6 00' . . . r*00 . . . 600 . . . 2 00 . . . 1 00 ., 1 00 . . 1 00

I 00 1 00

___ 1.00. . 1 BO

60„ _ . J L O O

fio5 006 60

. . & 00

. . & 00

. : 2 00

..' 5 001 00 1 00

.. 1 00

.. 3 00^ 1 00 , 60

P r e t t i e r t h a n V e n ic e . .A gontlcm an and lady s to p p ed 'lh tho m id­

dle o f th e -b ig bridge d t e r W esley L ake on Snnday evening to adm ire the view. The lako bcnoath w as a s sm ooth a s glass, reflecting the m oon- a n d tho hu n d red s1 of ligh ts upo n its itoeurfaoo. A f to r ,a fow ‘m om ents o f .s ilen t contem plation the geritlb raan .rem arkpd :

“ I have traveled a g re a t .deal in couuttloa aoroBB th e ocean an d visited m any be^u tlfub places In I ta ly an d Franco . H u t I.say there’s nothing p re ttie r anyw |ioro th an iho sig h t epread o u t boforo its. i t ’s ah ead o f Von ten,

JtflLmy w ay o f th inking , arid I ’m g la d I ’vo; found such a garden Bpot In 'm y ow n coun-try .M ; ; " ' • - v ' »■

T h e W e a ty ie r B u r e a u .M r. B am m an has connected w ith his s to ro

a so rt o f w eather btiroau. On th e to p is a vane \yhlch indicates the direction o f tho w ind on a d ial placpd^ln .a show case on th trs ld e q f tho build ing a t thVelt^i'walk,

A nother, d ep a rtm en t |a att a p p a ra tu s for gauging th e velocity o f tho "Wind also Indi­cated by a m oving finger b n a .d ia l In the case, Tuesday nlgh't^B w ind ro ach ed a velocity o f 50 mlled an .bodr. In tho ease Is a lso a ba­rom eter a n d s tan d a rd therm om oter. • ,

A n A rm y o t E x c u r s i o n i s t s '. The m anagers o f the excursions whlclb

cam o in^W ednes\lay muBt certa in ly have pro- pUlated -bid Jupltwr by som e pCace^bffeiTttg, for ihaC m ythological^ deity cleaned u p his Wrinkled visage anti p u t o n h is b es t sinllo fo r the benefit o f the a rm y 'o f excursionists who visltctrtijo Park an d Grovov - . .. . , : • . /

There were 10 tra in s averag ing 12 cars each, .bringing fully' 0,000 people. They cam e from Red Bank, Perth Am boy, R ahw ay, Newark:, R eading, G erm antow n an d Philadelphia. The N ew ark tra in had tw o sections, and tho Philadejphla tra in bullo tlny^ threo sfcetions.

I ts i l lro ju l a i c i f a t t h e C o n s t. * 1T he Now York GonoraL E aste rn P assenger

A gents of the railroads west of th e M ississip­pi^ will m ak iia 'tfiu r of tiie Now Je rse y coast on F riday and Satu rday of th is ^ e tk . Thoy will Bpond F rid ay nlgfit a t B erkeley,.and ' tak e yadbts for tbo fishing grounds .of Bnrncgat Bay, whore they e x p tc t to try th e ir prow ess o n the weakllsh. ” -■. * ■

N o t a l l l a n lc D a y . ri ..Many snpposo .tha t a ra ip y day a t tho Bhore

had little o r no pleasure in storo for tho guests of hotels. - . . - •

Thoy aro greatly m istaken , fo r.ou r roportor lu bis rounds Friday found only cheerful faces and fun. Those who d id not dou w ater­p roof and go do,wn to t l io ' beach tb 'w ltneaa one of tho g randest sigh ts in nftture—a storm on tho sea, stayed w ith in doors an d im pro­vised card parties; gam es, e tc ., whilo a t a num bet of places iuualc and tlauclng chim ed In co n tras t with the wind and p a tte r of the rain.- ' ,

A t m any.of tho houses d inners were gotten u p a littloVm ore olaboratoly, a t which the g uests lingered with o n jo y m en t. a n d ' a koen relish. N ot a bluo o r grum py perstm was> fo u n d , I f they wero n o t Batleflod tlvoy had the philosophy not to show it. T h a t is really the tru e sp irit to m ako happy llv o scM ak o tho b es t o f w hatever comes.


W e s t A s b u r y I ’a r k l . o t S u lc .Wtfct |A sb n ry P a rk , ly ing beyond the gta-

tlon cbiiflguoua to Asbtiry Park,’ has bccom o quite' an Im portan t ad d itio n as a p lace for resldenco. Since the first tw o sa le s m any

10 co ttages have been b u ilt aud all are o ccu­p ied , m ainly by tholr ow.ners,

On W ednoaday a aiilo b f tho re m a in in g lo ts was begun by Mr. Geo. R« Lord, Thero w as a %fair a tten d an ce and pood prices wero reali zed. Tho first lo t offered was No. 95, on B angs avenue, near th o sta tio n . T he com pe­tition Was lively, and It was sold to Bbhj. Al­bertson for $1,500, F ive to ts ;.205 to .209 in­clusive, wero sold oq„tho..Bame avonuo west o f 'LauRford, ran g in g la p rice from $750, to $080 . On tbo south, side o f B angs avenuo, co rn er o f'C bm atook, t\vo lo ts wore sold for $725 and $025 respectively.

L o ts 259, 260 aknd 261, form ing a trlauglo on the west of Comstook avomio, wore sold to ­ge th e r fo r $1,235. The salo :,was then t ran a- ferred^to the, jots »n,th_e nerth ttfri-part of the trac t. I t will bp eohtinued to -day hnd to ­m o rro w /1 .Yesterday’s Sales, am ounted to $20,000. .

3 Iu » lc a le a t t h e O c e a n r ’ ''* •Tho gUeats of tho Ocean H otel tendered the

orotieatra of tho houso A honefit Tuesday n igh t consisting of a ninslcal an d lite ra ry en te r­ta in mont, fo llow ed 'by “ Mrs. Jarley?s*W aX' W orks.” The affair was a g rea t succesai, and did muolj[;,predlt-'to-M Ta.- S; A. ■ MaoDougall, M rs, Coa'dor and Mrs. Bannprm an, .who a r ­ran g ed thp wholo p rogram arid carried It t h t o u g h . . " * V

T h e D r lp f lH a l “ M ik a d o ” I3 a z a a r .The only an d unhpproachablo “ M ijtado”

B azaar io A sbury P a rk ) b th a t o f Mr. C . B rj^ j Bpbst, on- Railroad Square. Indeed, one m igh t travorae tho U nited S ta tes an S n o t find Its equal In rloh an d ra re a rticles Im- portod-from tho O rient by M r. Bobst, H e la a connoisseur and a u thority on Jap an ese and Chinese wares, nijd brio-d-brao of,,every de-, scrlp tlqu . 1 v ’’ * .. .

H e |s ju s t now In his m idsum m er opening a n d h as an Infinite vatlety.-ol-cholce goodsnovor before offered to - a n Am erican publio; S trangers should^not fall to v ialt th is b azaart , where thoy cad soo ra re an d valued goods- found no\yliero\i}lBo o n tbo„ continent. Mr, Bbbst and his a tl^ndan ta aVo a lw ay s pleased to show their goodsydietfior yffelfors pufchaep o r n o b

A n n u a l K e u n io n ^ r -

The 10 th A nnual Ronnlon o f tho '14th W rI-m ent, Now Jeraoy V olunteers, o f ih o old Oth eorpd, Arm y o f the P o tom ac, w ill ..be held in Edhoatloria l Hall^- A ^ b n r ^ ^ r k , on tho 19th of Soptembor, a t 10.80 a ; m .

""“ M r s . R i p l e y S u r p r i s e d .

Sevorai g uesta o f tho W es t .^ nd , .wish in g In,, somo su b stan tia l m an n er 1 to show- their apprec iation o f the m any k indnesses received from Mrs. J . S . Ripley, tho lady who bo be­com ingly presides a s hostess, over thi3 Im- mbnso oslahiisbm ent,' p resented h e r M ondey w ith—a-HslumboVr-robe* of oxpenalvo p a tte rn a ttd m ost beau tifu l design, ,

Tiie secre t w6b k e p t very close a u d Iho m o at atirpjrlscd person I n , (ho v as t com pany was Mra. Ripley hereolf,

^'"A h e a t little speech’ ^>f prt!abntatlon was triado an d tho robo ncceptcol I f l t h -matronly, m odesty and m auy th a n ks* to ci^e though tful guests. * A side from Ita iritrlnslp Rvalue’ tlieVu’s^ noth ing M rs. R ipley Will In fu lu rp reg a rd bq highly a s th is unexpected gift.

T here wore o thers to hear frbm . On W ednes­day m orning Mts. Ripley w as p resen ted with a very handsom o a n d costiy bowl, know n as the “ G olden ^lodalllon .’? I t Is of tho celebrated Canton woro, an d was im ported by, M r.'C. E. Bobst, of the M ikado B azaar. ,.• A act o f vory fino glaws goblets.w as' a p a rt of tho present^: o n each o f Which* were on- graved th e in itia ls of tho donors. M rs. R ip­ley baa woll earned these high encomiums, thus so p leasan tly expressed by her jguonts* h n d \to havo no d o u b t the W est E nd will long bo rcm em boret^ by Its g uests o f lgS8. •

T lip F i r e m e n ’s P a r a d e .Thp com m ltteM ffo rn 'th e iev e in l com panies

having In charge the p rypara tlongfo r fire­m en’s parad e noxt Tuesdoy evening, A ugust 28, inot last n ig h t a t Chief B row er’s, A. ’D. Ba.iley in tho qbalr, T . F ran k Apploby, socro- tary , ^

Mr. George D. C ow ard w a s^ p p q ln te d m ar­shal and M ilan hoss assis tan t m arshal. Tho aldea will bo appo in ted by tho m arshal. Tbo forem en o f the several com panies aro to ac t as reception com m ittee. AH o ld firemen, .visitors fro m o th er placcs, an d tbo Commis­sioners a re J o bo Invited. ” ■ '‘ T h o com m ltteo will g ladly recoivo con tribu­

tions, which m ay bo le i t .a t Chief Brower’a, an d all residbnts aro requested to Illum inate along the route-w hlch Is as fo llow s; 1

Line will form o n R ailroad Squaro right resting o u Cookm an avenuo, m oving down Cookm an a venue to Elm ory s tree t, to . A sbury avenue, to Kingsley s treet, to T h ird ayenue, to 'G rand avenue, to F ifth aveuuo, to Wobb street, to Sevontb avenue, to P ack a rd street, to S ix th avonuo, to K ingsley s tre e t, to F ourth , avohne, Io Ocean avenue, to Second avenuo, to G rand a v en u e,. to Summerfleld avomio, to Bond street; to A sbury avonue, loM alustrco t, to R ailroad Squaro and dlsm jsa. , ^ . _

n o m o c r a c y I l l u s t r a t e d .Mr. W. M. M atthew s, o f IJrb an a , III., Is ono

of tho g uests of the Sheldon House. The O th e r day ho cam o 'ln tq the.o filceof th a t house w ith a n um brella In hla hand. “ Mr. W est, sa id ho, speak ing to the genial c lerk behind the counter,. “ do y o u ' know I yCarry this um ­brella because „ It illu stra tes Democracy- so well,” ^ u d o p e n in g It ho disclosed a b lg h o lo In tho top, “ you see i t ia n o p ro te c tio n .- I t lota tho ra in and sun fall o n m e tho satriii lis tho Dom ocraby w an ts tlio p ro d u c ts 'o f tho pauper lab o r of E urope to fall on tbo Am eri­can laborer.”

l^ re s l i ’ H o te l C le rk s . 'There a re m any y onng dudes employed as

Clerks In o u r h o tels who havo Ideas o f tbcir- Im portauco far beyond the m easure o f tholr responsib ility o r o f th o estim ate placed on thom by others. *

This ia no t-becauso of tho;poattion,’which Is a s honorable as a n y calling, biit seem s to follow.from a m istak en 'n o tio n th a t they a re to be taken for thelr-appo& raneo a n d supcr- clllons airs, ra th e r than fo r the' possession of" b ra in s a n d Common politeness. I f thoy own-! ed tho earth and oxpectod tp contro l tho uui- verso. thoy co u ld 'no t p u t on more consequen­tia l Importanco.

On tho o th er hand, i t Is a pleasure to noto th a t we hayo a num ber who fully understand tholr bualnoss ; who d o n o t regard tho posi­tion m ereiy a s a placo to show off their figure and best “ storo clothes. ” " They a re n ttontivo to all, perform th eir dutloa w ithout any u n ­necessary d isp la y ; I11 fac t, they -make thom- selves usefu l and valnable-holpers Ip tho es: tabllShmonts they w isely toprpaeut. • .., Hotol keepers-w ould d o ’ well to s ift out, somo of tho chaff and p u t i n ;thoao.-whorcan benefit thoir business. T oo often th is class o f help Is m oro dam age th an profit

A n I n iq u i to u s L a w . 'A goritleman and tw o In dies cam e to Asbnry

P ark on S a tu rday to atay.-a couple of weeks. Tlioy woro strangers-and ordered tlio stago to take them to a ljqusp. of-b igh sounding namo on T hird avonuo. Tlio gpntlom ah "asked for rooma, and told the landlady th a t Tf all was Batlflfactorythoyiwdiild“sta y 'tw o weeks.

They found the condition o f th e bouse any­thing b u t satisfacto ry , an d w hen a b o u t t o loave and tak e th e ir baifgqge tho w om an de­m anded thb fu ll tw o week’s board o r sho would hold tholr trunks'. Tho gentlem an ' sought legal rodress, b u t finde h e m ust subm it to .a jtcd tous ptocesa p f ^ w o r pay tho extor- tioriaio d e m a n d ." ..

T i i e C o r o n e r ’s V i e w .

Coroner F red M. V acd p p ’cer came to . A&- Uury P ark 'M o n d ay lu the casb o f the drtAvi - Trig o f K atie Mallom A fter vifeWing tlt'o'fjbdy^ rtud hearing the Btatpriients m ade, ho deolded th a t i t was a d e a r case of suicide a n d th a t no inquest was reqalred . I le gave Mr. Soxtgn- a perm it for thO rem oval o ftluU iody . 7^

Tho rem ains, w ere ta k e n o n th e 5.80 p . m. train to her ifather’s residence, 424 W est 28th streot, New York, In a sealed ca8kot,“’oiiid Will bo h u rled in Calvary Cem etery. —r~n

Ton editions o f 10,000 copies each of tho Pennsylvania E xcursion R oute Book for 1888, have boon issued , an d t ho supply Is nearly ox- HauBtqd. O ver 5Q0 ’ books have been aold a t 4ho In fo rm ation Bureau, a t o u r n tatlon slnco 4 h e first o f tho m onth . *It is tho oheapest book o f tho size ever Issued , costing 5 con ts, r

^ S t f d d e n B e r e a v e m e n t . *

Pecu lia rly sad .was tho d e a th .o n S a tu rd ay of M iss A11I6 C . K ennedy, dau g h ter of, th p la te F rederick H . Kenriedy and sla ter of P residen t Isaao C. K ennedy, of th o J M onm outh T rust Cbm pany. I t w as on ly a b o u t ten" days ago th a t she first com plained o f feeling unw ell; sho grew w orse rap id ly , b u t i t was n o t u n tli Satu rday m orning th a t ho r physic ian had;any though? p f tho possibly fa ta l term ina tion bf tbo fever t h a t had followed tho first a ttack ; H er b ro th er w as aw ay fp r tho day , and w as ;triet.npon h is re tu rn with tho overw helm ing Intelligence of h e r d ea th . ■;

M lsa Konnedy was a elncero an d earn est C hristian , devotedly a ttach ed to hor homo and fauiijyi N atrim jly o f a re tiring dlgposl- tlbh, eho so u g h t com pany very,1 lit tle boyond tho lionjo spherp , whoro her w orth was b es t known,; an d w here hor abscnco w ill b e m o ^ t liorply fe lt. •/%.-.•;/f .’;:.'.; "• ..* W o.can prily offer io the so rro w in g m o th e r

b ro ther *and surviving: siste rs .our hoartfel t sympathy^ ;T hoy havo tho sw eot consolatlonf th a t whilo who desired to livo th a t sho m ight do'.'moro fo r th o M a s te r ,-y e t sho was fully p rep a red fo r tho grpa^ change., V ."S

' T i i e B o d y F o u n d .

Tho body of Katlo M allon, tbo young lady who was m issed frpm hor b oard ing p lace on :Mt. H orm on W ay, on Friday , w a s discovered ab o u t 1.80 SaturdayTnfterrioon b ^ two young lads, a t the bottom o f W esley' Lako, a lm ost bOnoath tho E m o ry s tre e t bridge. W ord w as sen t tb M ajor P a tte rson , w ho w ith thb assist­ance o f the boys In the b o a t, m oved tho boily qulotly qVer to the Asbury P ark , ehore, w here U ndortaker Sox'toh to o k ch a rg o qnd romoved i t tb his estab lishm ent o n M ain qtreot,

' ““ K a tie M&Tlob;'ahbut 20y'ears o f aguTandhbr sister, d augh ters o f Mr. .E dw ard M allon, o f 438 W est 28th 8 t„ New Y ork , fcijmo to Ocean Grovo a b o u t three 'WoOBs “since a n d took* bo ard a t Wrffcve C rest C ottage, o n M t, H erm on W ay. K atie had ,been depressed In sp irits fbr soveral m o n th s anq It w as th o u g h t -that a

‘chango o f a ir an d tho cpm paniSnehlp qf young peopio in th e exceilont su rround ings a t tho Grove w ould’ benefit her. No special charigo, was' no ted in h e r. m anner, ja n t l l . her Bister re tu rn ed to New York, o h account b f elcknesfl In tho fam ily / ■ . \

A young.cpihpanlon w as left In her com*. p a n £ . who slep t w ith h e r T hursday -night. A bout 4 o ’clock F rid ay m orn ing this young lady aw oke an d saw K atie u p an d exam ining h e r triink-as if sho contem plated a journey,

'T h e young 1qdy th o b g h t n o th in g o l I t and agaih wont to s leep . A h h o u r o r so la te r sho agqln aw oke and K atlo w as gont). No Infor­m ation could be ob tained an d i t was sup^ posed eho badjgono to New York.

H er fa th e r was telegraphed to b u t ho know no th ing o f her,w hereabouts, and no definite Inform ation could bo galnod th ropgh tlio dajv a lthough rum ors .were afloat th a t pho'brid been Beeu to Jum p Into tho fake, b u t how or whore could n o t be answ ered, a lth o u g h afte r the body was fojjud It -liecamo know n th a t a coir orod w om an liv in g a t the Grovo co ttage had seen tbo occurrence b u t could givo no reasons fo&wlthholdm g such Im p o rtan t inform ation.

Tho fa th e r was notified ail’d a rrived hero Satu rday ovonlug. T he rem ains woro en­closed In a m etafile coffin, a n d tak en to New Y ork fof iutcrmoDt,

B y r o n a n d IM xey .Tiie now O pera House is to havo tw o noted

s ta rs o f tho com edy firm am ent -to scin tilla te before the play-goers o f A sbury P a rk this

‘week and .noxt. •On F riday , Aug. 24, M r:;Oliver Doud Byron

will tako tbo_“ Inaldo -Track,” and of coureo w ill win—golden retu rns. Look o u t fpr a m ouster houso, as woil a s on S a tu rday night, w hen jio will bo “ Ten Thousand Miles A w ay,” but. will nevertheless Interest those who m ay bo ablo to got-acata In the house.

Tho following Saturday , Sept. 1st, H enry E, D ix o y will a p p e ar in -h is ,- fam ous rolo as “ Adonis.” _ _ _ _ _ -

The Ltzzlo E v an s Com pany arrived Tubs day , and have coihm eneed rehearsals of thctr

,uow com etly, " T h e B uckeye,” which they will prQtJuco a t the O pera Uouso noxt M on­day. night.; T h e play was purchased .by Miss Evans from D enm an T hom son, and Is said to a bound In. the q u a ln tp a th ra l touches th a t dis­tinguish “ Thb O ld 'H om estead .” B u t no m at­te r w hat tbo play, Lizzie Ev-ans. Is. a 'vgreat favorite a t tho Park , a n d w ill bo grcotpd by a n overflowing house- . .* ' J . .. ^

A c t i o n o r t h o * S t r t t e C o m m i t t e e .

A t a m ooting o f the Ropubllcau S tate Com- .mltteo, hold A ugust 17th, tho follow ing pre­am ble a n d reso lu tions wfero unanim ously ad o p ted : « . ^

W h e r e a s , The S ta te C onvention of Itepub- llcah Clubs, held a t .Asbury P a r k , . on. VVed- neaday^ AUgust 15, 1889, did.uuapUnously re- solve to placo a t tho service of this Coinmitr too tho whole uf th o ir ; m agnificent organi­zation,' which has fsad such a wonderful growth under. Iho ablfj inanagom cnt of Lts ofll-. cers th a t tho S ta te ' R epublican League, novv mustoris a grand arm y of upw ards 'b f twouty- four thousand earn est R epublicans', thero­foro,. lifsdved. T h a t tho R epublican S ta te Com ­m ittee g ladly and gratefu lly uucupt th is ten ­der, au d regard i t a s a now and m ost cheering bvidonco of tfho zeal with which all truo R e ­publicans arid m any D em ocrats throughout-

, tho S ta te a ro en listing for^tho g rea t pending ■contest in behalf of Pro tection for Am erican 'W ages, Pro tection for Amerldan' InduM rles, P ro tection fo r Am erican-lloraeb, arid Am eri­can M arkets for Am erican P ro d u c ts *,-a con­test which wo firmly believe will re su lt In p lacing NoW Jersey i n ; lin e „wlth her sister S ta tes in tho g roat and prosperous N ojth , for H arrison and Morton.

Jiesolii'tl, T h a t a copy of tho foregolug reso­lu tion bp transm itted to IVIlbur A. M ott, E sq ., tho P resident, of tho S ta te Republican. Leagufl-of Now Jorsey, and th a t the sam e, bo published in the Republican uow spapers of tho Stated ' ‘

" E a s y T r a i l i t W e s t a n d S o u th . *Tho Boashoro tra in s aro nicely arranged In

conhoetlon w ith the through tra ina fo r tho WbSt.aud South. A travelor-n iay- leave As­bury P ark d t 7.20 a . si. an d reach W ashing-. lo n , D. C'., a t 1,43 v. m. the sam o day ; C.id- cago9.A , m., C incinnati 7,10 a , m , and Louis­ville noon n e x t d a y ; o r by leaving the,P ark a t 5.33,p. M., a rrive a t Chicago 9.15 p. m , Golum bu^-2.30 p, m., C incinnati 0.80 i*. m , Coulsvlllo 1L 451*. i i. ’ n ex t day, with; bu t.o n e charigo in tho sam o -sta tlp u a t Philadelphia. One m ay take through yestlbulo P u llm an slceper8 to Chlcogof St. Louis, C incinnati Columbus, LouisvllIe,.Mcmpbi8, New Orleans, Cleveland, W ashington, R ichm ond, C hatta­nooga, A tlan ta; C harleston, Savannah , Ja ck ­sonville o r Tampo?——

V 'T h e ' “ »Dr,J ’ -Ifcii>i»cd OJK

■ HD urhtg the . wind of; Tuesday , n lghl tho

a fte rth o u g h t “ D r ” was whipped loose 'from th e Prohibition banner.

Tho handle, q f tho Rebel C haplain’s, nam e seem s to *bo R o o m e d '‘Ui“dtsturhginco. First, th M n q t lt f ^ “ W ho I s ‘ Gen.’ B rooks?" was too m uch o f a d istu rb ing oleinont oven for loyal prohib itionists a tfd ;s5~ lrw as'b lIm i^ ted from tho ban n er and the leas objectlona\itb ' “ D r,” w as subBtituted, becauso i t was found h i bad occasionally readf a form al ’servloo lix the Southorn cam p. . Aftof eloctjou tho entire n am e,-" Gen.” “ D r.” Brookfet an d all, will he aw bpt^rotn tho banner b ^ a galo of Ropubll- can ballots,

P rof. J . C. Golssell;1 o f Now York, com ­m enced giv ing Btcreopticbn entertainm ents- F rid ay pri the co rner of Second and Ocean avenues, w hich wlli con tinue fo r Borne tlnjo Ho show s, Vie we from Puek, Jn(ltje, ~Lorid6ri Punch, b its from tho “ M ills B ill,” free trade pictures, ofq. Ho Is em ployed by the New Y ork a rid B oston Advertising Co., an d Inter- Bperse'd with tho a b o v e viowo aro advortlae- m onls o f d ifferent m erchan ts 'w hom thoy rep* reapnt.- - ■ ’ . , ' ’

S u n d a y F l o t s a m *

Ton g irls and women t o ‘ throo then was a b o u t tho averago on tho plaza—and a ll thp m on w e re o n t; : ’ • .

Chlof Bailoy took chargo of a little njlss on tho boardw alk l a s t evening who h a d lost hor * frionds an d d idn’t know exaotly where she lived. . '■*■•/••• ‘

H ig h ’ tid e Interfered w ith tho children’s p lay g round c a st o f the promenade, aud they., crow ded o n tho pier,' pavilions and prolno- nacfo t6 let lposo tholr p ran k s and,nilschlef.

Tho yach t Drjlancc, afte r a day a tth o Ilopk, comb i n closo tp the end o f tho p ie r , tacked sou theast, an d cafet nncHor opposite the pavll- ion. T his was a t 7 o'clock.. Thbro .‘haafi’t boon . . a ; p leasanter evening a io n g th o beach th is summer- TjiO a ir was ,delightful--eq.ql an d b rac ing ; from thp south­east, su rcharged . w ith \ ozone and .saltiness;.“ T h o brilliance o f tho .electric lam ps was paled b y tho ra y s jfro n ta full harvest moon. There w asu’t a cloUd In tho sky, wiilch reflected the golden tin ts of-a bean tlfu l sunset;

-Thirty th ousand peoplo thronged every availab le Inch o f the-prom onadu 'arid pavll- lone frem supper tim e untllTafter'9, while tiie Ocean G rove A uditorium contained, an au ­dience estim ated a t e ig h t’ to. ton thousand. T hp g rea t m a jo r ity o t the crow d were eonald- orato onongh to leave their, qujda,of tolii a t. homo.' I t was a vast assemblage, arid did not

‘by a n y m eans rep resen t tho entire population, for .on evory hotel o r co ttag e porch'wero from ton to a,hundred.pcrsons..wbo.ppoferrcd q u ie t . an d com fort to thb risk of injurctlH idrns in ' tho c ru sh aiotig tbe bcacb., • • .

N e a r ly a F a t a l F a ll.Abou^ 9 ; o 'c lock F riday m prnhig Mis.

W urrCafforty,' o f Allontown, fell dqwn stalrs*-- a t t h e reside nee .of M r. Ja co b R. Bordon, oti Cpokm an avenue, au d It was thought a t iirnt th a t sbo w as k illed . '•

. Mrs. Cafferty, who Is a 'd h ta n t relative Of „ •Mrs. Bordon^ arrived with lior, daughter on M onday n igh t. / T h e stairw ay which came so nearly the cause of a doplojablq accldeui, wus. orig inally . lighted, b u t an adjoining build ing now sh u ts o jf tlio light.. I t has a- tu rn a t tho top,' and Mrs. "CaffePty„ being a ” stranger, mado a m isstep and fell to tlio bot­tom , whore sbo was found-In an' unconscious condition , ap p aren tly dead. •

Drs. K inm qnth an d W ilbur wero quickly B^mmoned, an d they found tiie lady.breath; Ing and w ith retu rn ing consciousness, l l e r ‘ head w as bruised, one Unger dialocatcd, atid a w rist sprained . ‘Tho surgeons did what was neces*ary and advised re s t and quiet for a sh o rt Jperiod, A t la s t accounts the." lady I,-}’ ap jja ren tly o u t o f danger. ..

lyir; B ra tU b y ’s l> o i ia tio n ./The ftillow lng le tte r w as Tec^jv^d by I>V.

^J^ristine o n W ednesday evening, too latr, u n fo rtuna te ly , toJb o read in thb convention.:

v "^SJteOmcr. Alter,' IIohokkn , Aligust 15, ISSS, Dr, W m.TL CifcHSTiNE, ”

. . C hairm an of Local Committee.'~D£<fr,Sir .-—I regret-exceedingly I cannot be

w irfhybu to-day in the gathering of tbo elans th a t have goue to A sbury Park to confult and p repare for the great battle of N ovem ber,1 T hough absent, I shall bo with you in spirit, a n d sincerely hope you m ay have a grand good tim e, ' -

I am deeply., sensiblo of tbo honor tho lto- p ub llcan le a g u e has done Asbucy Park iu m ak ing i t a m eeting place a t this tim e, and 1 hope th a t the Orders I left to provide every coavenlcneo fo r the Convention may bo'cur- " rlod otft! , 1

As we ge t c loser to the titnb of voting, and . a s I reflect u p on-w hat the Republican party has been In tho past, arid wkut It did for tiie temperanc,e cause iu New Je rse y in the las t 8eB8tou of tho leg is la tu re , I am filled w ith en-. r thualaSm,- Tho old fire tb a t l felt In tny ypiing m aiihood when I battled forA bralm ni Lin­coln Is again aroused, and 1 assure you th a t on my retu rn early in O ctober tho p a r ty will h ave the benefit of my m ature m anhood.

Ooo'of the beat meana of carry lug tbo S tate - Is the d issem ination of Republican lltufuture. „ Tho fife and drum a re useful pdjtm cta in. a cam paign, b u t the types .are the m ightiest s tru m en ts .to en lighten tho people.

Tho S ta te Com m ittee will need funds to parry on the, work, and may I ask you to say . th a t tbo*Stdto Com m ittee tnay draw om m e ‘ for ($250) tw o h undred and fifty dolhirn.

Y our tru ly , J a^»:s A . B it\iu .i;v . .

A S a l i n e L u x u r y .

I f p ro p er d irections are followed thero Is . 8carcoly any th in g moro refreshing and i«vig-\, o ra ting th an a w arin se a w ater b jith /su ch as rady bo found a t Jo s . Ross’ a t tho foot of W ealey Lake, Ocean Grove;

Upon entorlng the bath room open both tho, h o t and cold w ater Ja u cc ts and by the time: , y our.c lo th lng .is rem oved tho tub.w ill be tw o- : th i r d s ^ ! l i e d th e n test for tem perature. The .w w ro shou ld b e as ne^r the tem peraturo o f the body a s is possible,; o r so th a t-w h en the finger. Is d ipped into it there Is. neither a Bcn- satlon.of. w arm th n o r o f cold. A robust^pcr- s^>n should havo It a little cool ra th er than warm. I f tho w ater la too w arm thero Is su re to bo a feeling of lassitude following tho batli th a t d es tro y 3 Us. benefit. -

Whon tlio w a te r is rlght s te p in and quickly subm ergo the entiro body, excepting the head. R ub.w ith th o ;o p p n palm 10 render tho skin flexible and aoft as woll as to rem ovo the su r­face e * u d g tio n sr^ tff ld ec—n o tdrctiinstanees uep soap , a n d espeoially a^> u t the head. .Otyjari w a te r* is 'a pow erful solvent, of .skin Impurities, b u t m ixed with soap of any k ind It is su re to^leposlt a film upon tho skin th a t Is s ticky an d u n p le a s a n t ; i f I t g e ts in to the h a ir It Is Im possible to rem ove It excep t by a w arm jd k all no head ba th , ■

.Ten m inutes is tho u tm o st lim it for-the t fBoaking an d ru b b in g ” process, Aftor be­ing i n the bath flvo m inutes open the cold w ater fau ce t half way and keep i t open until . you a re rea^y to leave the tu b —say flvo irihi- u tes. By th is tlmo the tom poraturo of the w ater has been reduced from ton to fifteen, degrees^ Open tho wtjsto p lug In tho bo tto m o t tlio tu b and s tand up. .Scrape tho w ater from the upper p a r^ o f tho body w ith the cdgo o f o p e n 'h a r id ; Then tak e tho coarsest towel a n d begin .a vigorous rubb jng o f the a rm s/'ch esty • shoulders a n d ' back. By the ., tim e tho first towel is used up this watoi; has ru n o u t ' o f the tu b and half dry ing tho f«ct • you atop o u t o n .tho r u g . w ithout wetting rhu. Whole, floor o f t{io.room, Tho rubbing, la. rl- Su med w ith thb d ry towola u n til tbo elo-thlng - m ay bo rpplacod. By th is tlmo, no m atter w hat tbo w eather m ay bo outside’'—h o t o r cold —thorb is a delicious feeling of com fort and Invigoratlon. The tonic properiloa o f tho a^a w ater seem to reach every nervo am i m uaclti; thero ha8 been n o ru d e shock o r sudden chill to recover, from ; r e a c t io n ^ njilMfcesaary be­cause th ere haa^been ub dej^e^Sfon.............. - i,..!!

M u s ic a l '" I n s tr u m e n ts .F or the Fiaherraau—C a'slaneC ’"F or tho Lawyer—Lyre.For-tho P olitician—O rgan.F o r the W hist P layer—T ru m p etv‘F or tho"IIorso Jockey—H autboy.F p r tho T oper—H orn , „ ,F o r tho L aundress—F lute. -F or.the Paw nbroker—Jew sharp^ '

T h o r o a r e O th e r IC easo iis . "» »Tho R n ss lan la w prohib its jok ing abou t tfio

C zar. T ha t’s why no orio In Russia ovpr re- fora to h im a s ^ n old Czardlne. — ‘

W h ic h W a y t h e S t r a w s B lo w .M r. W. II. Hatfield, q f Pf>ughkeopsIo, N.

w lshlng to know how th p volets of tho Shei- dou Houso, w here ho Is stopping; s tood ou tho presidential nom inees, go t each y o tcr to nam e h is favorites. vAftpr ob tain ing all tho namea. he’could ge t th e resu lt s tood as fo llqw s: '-. i HSrrison and-M ortoni ; _ .1 24- ,

Cleveland nnd Thurtmrh, '■'v 4 FJsk an d Brooka, a li i t fy a Lockwood, ' I .





1 R ate* o r A dvertising .

!‘f im


W eeks.


10°t fs s175 935 BOO 560

10 00




$1251 752 75 AM 450 550 7 -


160 300 260 8604 605 60

11.60___2800 80 00

8176828 426 500 700 800

18 00 25 00

82 601 '400 560 7 00 0 00

1200 1800 85 00 05 GO)

$40018 600 000 10 00 800 1400

10 00 18 00 ,1500 2500 !20 001 85 00 8000 6000 5500 86 00 OOOQUfiOOO

« ^ ? 0Ar< ^ t J0kh.~A lim ited num lior of local no tlo o sw lll l>o adm itted a t tho r a te o f fifteen cents .pur lino. T hey will' bo placed a t th o hot* t*0iH colum ns only, and. m ust havo

aav tit tho o n d .. Whon continued four weeks o r longer, a discount o f 25 p er cent. 1b allowed.. Yearly advertisem ents aro payableH ^ rto riy , in ad v an ce : advertisem ents fo r' ’ oorlod tftftn throo m an tas a re cash. •

8 traw rides aro.fla com m on those n ig h ts as hard ly to cause com m ent.

Dr. J . C. H orty an d many; o th er iiotcl peo­p le aro a t tho B runsw ick.

D r. E .,M eterly% Is m ak ing jiia summer.v$< cation a t tho C o lonnado ..

Ju d g e J o h n F . Oolmolly, o f ScranW nj.Pa., i s a C o lo tn a n Hoiiao guest. . \ . ' f

H on. II. F ra n k Robinson, vice eonsulAtdof Russia, 1s a t tho-B runsw ick. •

H on. J .C . Ilogoboom , of Hudson, w lih hie wlfo, Is a g uest n t tlio B ristol. ‘

... ..... ‘P n llw an YqeUbttlo cara hftV_Qj3Pon_puj, on r - tljo Philadelphia express again.

H o ip Jo s . B, Nixon, of A tlan tic C ity , I s a reg istered gupst a t tho W lndsofT^V '

\ , .Capt. T. C. W lqks and wife, of;N ow York, a r j again recflatered a t tho W est End. . ~—.

Thoro were o y er 1,705 ponu lesln tho StilRlfty m orning collection a t tiie A uditorium .

SevontJ’-fiyo persons .woro refused accora-. m odatlons at; tho Sheldon on Saturday’.• Dr. a n d ,M r^ W, J . Coats, o f New York-, ■holp to swell tbo crowd a t S unse t Hall. “ -

u • M rs. B rady, w ifo o f Rev. D r. J . B . Brady, o f P assaic, is reg istered a t tho Atlantic.

Rov. W m . N . Searles, of ForHhTasblngfon• M.‘E, Church , 16 a g u e iT a t tbo; R ational. ..

M r. P au l D. F ly n n , ’tflanagor o f tbo-JVeM- Itq jh tcr o f N ew ark^ ls a Spray VleW'gubst.

M rs. N. E ; B roadhead, o f on o 'o f tbo .old fam ilies of ‘K ingston , N. Y , Is a guest a t .the Albion.' Rov. ^Dr. M axwellr-of^M ouongahoJa C ity,'’

P a ., Is ^ topping a t- th o G rand View, on Sec­on d avonuo. . \ ... - — •.

n o n . F ra n k .T .; Shaw, m em ber of Cbngress ~ 1 from M dryland, an d h is fam ily, a r i f a t

H iw oll V illa. ' '

M r. W. H ; \y in ton , one of tho lendlngr’coal o p e ra to rs of- S cranton , Pa:, lias room s-at tjm M etropolitan . v . .•

Mr. G. M. l l in e , o f Poughkeepsie, w ith his ■ family,"‘is tak in g In tho sea rtf r on. tho p iazzas.

• o f thb 'A ta lan ta . ^Dr. E liza F. P o ttlilg lll,'^ ^ 'P h ilad e lp h ia , Is

^ponding hor vacation a t t'ho /iin illy cottage, 400 G rand avenue. 7

Mr. D. Roberts, tho Sotnorvlllo hjillionaire, "with his wifoj (has room s a t tho A tlantic Iloiiso, O cean1 Grovol

N eptune Cornet* B and still ■ a ttrac ts largo .. ud ionces a t tho pavilions. > I t seeins-t.o ju s t.

m eet the. people’s want. - .Tho v isit of M rs. M arshal Booth to Ocean

Groyo has in terested hundreds o f ladles in h e r w ork aud the doings of the A rm y .'’1

Tbo noxt b ig day .here.w ill bo A ugust 28, w hen tho K nights T em p lar o f tho 8 ta te hold a graud conclave and exhib ition tlrilfc'CV.'."’

Tho swltch-.track o n .the .e lec tric -ra ilw ay ■ recen tly p laced, atj .Cookman avenuo and

/ . M ain s tree t, was p u t to uso o n Saturday., Mr. W illiam Clerlhow, sp o u t S unday i n trio P a rk a n d occupied his old-tim e placo lu tho c h o ir of F irs t M. E. ChUrch in tho m o rn in g ^ ',

Air. F ran k O’Brien, ow ner o f '‘tho principal hotel and opera houso . in B irm ingham , Ala;* and his wlfo, aro s topp lng .a t tho G uernsey.

Sunset Lake? w ith Its shady Islands,. g reatly adm ired by s trangors as thoy cross m o

' Em ory s tre e t bridge on tho E lectric Railway.. Tho T ren ton Houso cafe lids a lready.gained

- .a w ld o 'p o p n la r l t j ^ B d 'ju s t moetS llo f th a t locality , herotofuro w ithout a tabic

W hole. ■ .Simpson; W allace, E sq ., Of N..JVVUAyor &

!Son, leading a ilv e rtisln g ^ ag en cy ,' Philadel-’ piiia, is tak in g his vacation with relatives in

„ • 'tho P ark . •Mr. W .' jVV. W lmor, of Philadelphia, »wlll

. ,^-spend a m ontlr a t tho sea shore, .occupying M r. Sanford Doy’s c o tta g e 'o n 8um merflcld

. avonuo. „ :D r. F. A . M ansfield, of Rochester, N. Y.7

h a s left his p a tien ts to the teuder care o f other, ^Isolplos of E scuiaplus, a n d :in fe s tin g a t tho

f I,oGhovalior. ... . • • ,I t ’s ju s t a b o u t double the wor,k to spado;-

t ip a piece of ground fo r garden purposes- th a t i t is to d ig overil>o Baraospacoof g round fo r w orm s to go fishing. , ,

___ Tho Legislative CommUtee on Fisheries,. which hold,a m eeting in tho Board of Trade

' , room s on Friday evenVrig, ad journed to m eet t v in Septem ber to comphTeCe tholr invefiiigatlon.

Miss K ate W hite, Miss M gllalo a n d Miss Spellm an, thlree. of tho beat known toachera- In tho public schools of'Buffalo^ a re rusticat-. ing d u rin g tholi? vacation j i t Mr. I, N. K er’s ' o n Bond s t r e e t / _

M r. B. Vr. Leigh, cashlifr of th6 jCllhton Na*.. tlona l Bank, is among*'tho g uests o f Sunset

; I la ll. The bank is am ong the best paying In th e coun try , m aking a regu lar dividend of 10 por c en t., an d occasionally a s p e c ia l/ .. . .

* ” • Tho s u p p ly -o f cake-w alks and nightly •dances holds o u t a t C entral Hall. The Jouii- nai. force g e ts the full honetit o f tho horn- too ting an d piano-banging, and. has scvetal b rick s laid u p fo r the follow th a t calls o u t the

• U g u r c s . ......... 'Tho Lenox o n ,F o u rth a,yionuo has a num ber

<if th e sta id and ste rling people of Crosswioksj w ith in its coin fortablo ^portals. Such ’narhc& a s Thorn, W hitehead, .H endrickson, Middle-.

. to n and Brick, well know n iQ^tbat p a r t of B urlington coun ty , m ay bo fdund at. tho table.' J t la o£ a ;su b stah tla l Q uaker o rder.

TholpTrlta have heard from tho lato Jo n ah ' Million,, ox -w eather'p ropjio i, who \sulclded

threo weeks .ago . Jo n a h predicted th a t the ^ 13th of A ugust' wpu 1(| bo .thp’hottest, day of

the year. Ho -irilised It by.-vthreo-dayaVbut i s allegqd tfo-tyorfectly siitlsfled with his, *prosont. ahodo, .aud-.to . dtfCIJty . sympathleii. w i th . those w hb aro com pelled to ondnro

—■ •' n iueh hoat o n e a r th .vr ■+ : :....

_ N o t ic e t o G a r b a g e C o lle c to r s .■ A t a m eeting o t. th e B oard of H ealth , F ri­

day, A ugust 3d, 1888, all perm its o f volunteer ^garbage, collectors' w ere rovokedf apd they

w ere reqnlred to app ly for how perm its th ere­a fte r. All garbngo m u st be colleotcd.bptwoen the h o u rs 'of 5 a. m . an d 7 r

. . . R. R oss, Glcrk.—Xffw;.

J u s t o ^ en jng 'a t' SohnO id^’s M ato tfeoVn^* Jjolstei’y atoi^'^?Tairgo asso rtm en t o f fancy

~ W i l l o w - ^

Alaout J u b o 15tb, Mqssrs. Gow dy A Pitcher. Iw lll rnn a wagon up an d down tho coast Jor

colleoUiitf harneas fo r ropalr«, a\\4 rc tfu n tbo 'aftmo freo of o x tra charge .— d v .

fcom. F. V orhis and wlfo, o f Philadelphia, a re a t thb Albion; >

Twenty-flvo m llk-shako laborato ries aro scattered .th rough tbo P ark .

- L^ot8 of ‘‘camp-ffi6etlng oxcnrsionista ” th is week ft’dro all over the Btato. r ,r- - A tlan tic City Is en te rta ined every n ig h t by the pyrotechnic “ burn ing o f MuhooW.”

Tbo 'best and m ost In telligent rep o rts of the O cean G rove Cam p-m eeting will a p p o a r -In this paper.

A bram F rake, p f tho B ridgeport .fiwrriaJ, Is e d iting a t long range from tbo A rlington in Ocean Grove.

From tho excavations being! m ade, the foundation for. the now bank, build ing will .bo 'most su b s tan tia l

M rs. Jam cs.K . Jo n es, wifo o f lJn \te d S ta tes S enato r Jd n c s , bf A rkansas; is am ong tho M et- roiiolltan gnoat|r.,

ExcufsIo^ttJiffi^^wTri™ ’kepp tho ra ilro ad track s bright th is w$ek and noxt. Dozens of them a rc coming.

Mr. J . A. O'Farro]!^ b ro th e r o t , th e cole- b rated Catholic prclpto Bishop O’Farroll, w ith h is wlfo, Is A Buest of the Rockafellors a t Sun- SOt Hall;

Rov. Jahios.Boyd B rady ,' tbo Irish o rato r o f Passaic,, ju s t re tu rn ed from , a t r ip a round the world, is tak in g •in* Od^knXfrove, a t tho A t­lan tic Hotise. ‘ r ;\P ro fi ' V aqS ah t and wlfo w ill sa il for E u ­

rope a b o u t tho m iddlo o f Septem ber. IIo goes o u t to tnore.fuliy comploto his Btudlos in Vocal m usic.

M onsier Carm an, a largo w heat dealer, and M r; C,« B. Canato, a- prom lnon t ban k er, bo th o f S t. Petotaburg, Russia, aro am ong iho.Coleman. gnc6ts»__ .v_. _ i L —.......

R ead the reports -of the Ocean Grovo Cam p- m eeting a s published in tho D a i ly J o u r n a l . Two cen ts ^por copy o r tw enty copts for the tpn’days, by m all: , * .. a ,..

H otol guests,* w ith a tu rn for th a t so rt o f UXerelBO, tako long walks back to tho sand hills, and re tu rn With bouquets ofgo ldon-rod a n d othor wild b lo sso m s.. :

T h e J ou,hnal„ i s -finder obligation; to- Miss Jonnlo Feloh, a t tbo C entra l telophono office, fo r h e r p rom ptness In aU ondiog1 to calls and roadiness a t a ll tlmos wliilo On d u ty . . . -7

T ub J ournal congra tu la tes its p a tro n s on a prosperous season.^ W e knot? It, because of thb easy w ork o u r financial commissioned has ift trad ing-receip ted bills for cash.

Jo h n Schneider se]Is largo q uan tities of goods to go to o th er jplaces. On 8at‘u rd a j\h o received a n order to fit o u t a houso in New York, us in g bis Own tasto Slid" judgm ent. V

Rev; Jo h n S. How kjj p as to r o f P itts Creoli. P resbyterian Chdroh a t Pocom oko Clty,.'9 n, thp casto rn .sh o re of. M aryland, Is onjoylng Ocean G rove lifo ai>tho Ccntonnial, w ith h is w ife .. . . . ' ' \ •

ftov. B. C. Roberts, o f Chester town; fttd.» Dr. W. K. In g u rsp l^o f Ph iladelph ia , an d Mr. W m. M. Taggart, publisher o i Tagfjarl'h Time*, o f Philadelphia, aro resting a t tho C o lem an .. . ^ *. .

Hon. Chauncoy Shaffur, of Now York, noted a s an em inent law yer add M ethodist laym an, is a t tho E l Dorado. IIo is now engaged In g e tting u p a fund fo r Bishop Taylor’s A frican m ission work. . "

.Tho program mo o f the noxt County, F a ir at. F reehold has been' Isauet}, giv ing lists o f: prizes an il rulQS o f ’ Oiitrles, exhibits, etc' Copies m ay be abtalnejT-of Thos. A. W ard T reasurer, F reehord , N . J . -

The Arlon Soolety of N ew ark (w ith a m em -

* boe

bershlp of 700), the c rack singing organization of the S ta te , a ro going to H ighland Bcacb, tho new excursion resort, on tho 2fith. Thoro" will bo m uslo .in th a t vlcln lly ab o u t' th a t time; ' • -

Mr. Jo h n I I. P ao g b u rn an d fam ily, of Albariy, b u t form erly of A sbury P ark , are . V lsltlngM raT P an g b urn 'a fallier,' M r. W . B . Dunckloe, for.- 5 ” week o r two) Thoy havo been aw ay from the p lac o . for„ noarly four years.! . . -•

A young m an In a whito ilanpel Buit, tf b lue strip ed cap , <;apd a m aroon bolt six Inchcs wldo a round his suspender buttons, 'w a s tho s ta r tlin g apparition a J ournal m an ran Into at'C ookm an 'avenue and Klpgsloy street' on Sunday evening.

•John 'C . Lucas, p residen t of tbo Keystone Bank, PhnadelphTa, and . ow ner o f a .consider­ab le p b rtio n -o f Spring-Lako'jB0&chi"dj^od a t tho la tter placb on. S a tu rday ril^ht. H is ro- ‘ ‘ / ■ ‘ ‘rti '

n earP hn^do lph ia .Somo of tho inw ard bouud tra in s cam o In

on S a tu rday- w ith . doublo sections. There was tho usual c learing o u t w hen they arrived hero., Tfcio Pennsylvania tra ins, from P h ila ­delphia had scarcely a co rporal’s gu ard in them a fte r loaring trho- A sbury P a rk station,- though full w ijen 'arrlvlng.

E rnest-O aborno , son of DrTTTonnls Os­borne, tho In d ian m issionary an d the p rea c h e r a t the.A uditorltpn , was a guest o f Mr. and $ r s . n i ll , o f Chicago, a t tho Coleman, jwhero ho d ined Sunday. .Y oung O sb o rn c ^ s aa bright aud ontortaln iug as a profossbr, and th inks A luerican Bummers a ro h o tte r ;th a n in fnd la . ” jfci.*—/ . //• / -» ■

A party '-^ tfC alem an guests ^ciT t'ffaiirng 'flr B arnegat on M onday^ an d ro turiled w ith loaded baskets. T heir ca tch of weakfish was served a t Tuesday’s dinnor. Tho m oat suc- ccssful anglers woro M essrs,’, G au tie r a n d , Brown', an tf they woro. honored ip typoi The course was “ W eakfish, G autier p riv a te stock, Brown s a d c o .^ " X - , *

iday’s n m rn i a t1- tho Colem an 'w a s prin ted |n Fw nchy o n a . d istinctively Frctich im ported card . 1^ was a sourco of am pso- m ent betweon somo o f tho,guests_aiid Walters

the form or to. k;now w hat thoy R anted , and th o ja t to r to undoratand tho dlsbos called 'for. I t was a, lmrmloss joke, carefu lly nursed by Proprietor^ Ralph an d C'hqf Ryan, and tho laugh i s n 't th raugV yot. .

Allen D.-IIoffer, trea su re r ol1 tho Lebanon and Cornwall Railroad, who has been a t . th e S a in t J a m e s w ith his fam ily fo r eovernl weeks, retu rn ed .yesterday to Philadelphia. Mr., Hoffer first se ttled on P o in t P le asa n t aa his sum m er location, bu t- bo m ado a baftty chango, an d som ehow got to A sbury P ark and to tbo S a in t Jam es, whoro, to use Ills own expression, ho “ w as tickled to d ea th ” a t tho" sa tisfac to ry en te rta in mo n t an d ^ioagabt^com- pany ho found there. s ;•

W. J . W helan, a loading d rn g g ls t o f E liza­beth, is a t Sunsdt U all.

B ishop J . N . F itzgerald , o f N ew ark, h as room s a t tho Sheldon.

S^rs. Gen, J8td lnQ ,.of New Y o rk ,is m«k= Ing h e r hom e a t tho A m herst,, D r. D . R. Boaver a n d wife, of Conehohock- Tsn, a re am ong the a rr iv a ls a t tho Ocean.,

M r. n . F , B runer, a n extcnslvq, coal dealer of Coiam bla, Is w ith h is w ifo a t tho Ocean.

M r. C. H . D1 overm an, th e c a r b n lldo r of MIUop, Eft,i Is am ong tho B ru ^w lo K gnoats. .

'■ Mr. J o h n FrederlClf,* a c lg a K ^ i^ i ta # tu r e r of C olum bus, O .,1s With his i!fo a tth o Ooean.

Jo sep h 1 G riffith, o f tho firm o f 'G riffith & Pago, Philadelphia, • is am ong tho guoafs o f th'o'Oflontal. .. ; ,- T ax b i lk a ro now in c ircu lation . You havo four m onths in which to pny them , b u t d o n o t prooraslittato . •

M r. G. W. M lllor, th o woll-known _car builder o f K alam azoo, ’Miohr, is with h is fam ­ily a t tho Albion. ■ ' , '

F rom tho appearance d t b lue coats and gray pan ts, there aro m oro m en . Out th an In tho Sea G irt cam p.

'^h o ro . wero 3,351 peoplo weighed by Prof.. Ja k e P ark er ‘ W ednesday a t th e A sbury avenue pavilion scaics. .vThls b ea ts a ll form er re-, cords. ,* . .

Mr. CharleSL^Ioss a n d M r. C harles Cole, two form or residen ts pf tho P a rk , b u t now of Now York, aro spend log jh e i r ; v acation w ith rela tives hero. • > v

B. V. Leigh, p residen t of the Clinton tlo aa l Bank, and .fam ily, re tu rn ed homo yesJ* terday^ m uch b e tte r for th eir m o n th ’s so­jo u rn a t S unset H all.

M r.-I» ren zo :S .: gppves, o f tho woll-lknown Boehestor 'o lovator^flrm of L. S. G raves & Son,-l9t w ith his ^ i f o ; an d nicco, Ml8S Nolllo Coifln, a t tho Wos.t End.-— -- B ishop O’F arfo l, fcf N ew ark , madO a flying

v isit to th e P a rk yesterday. Ho w ill ro tn m tho la tte r p a rt o f tho week fo r a sh o rt v aca­tion , a n d w ill s to p a t S unse t H all.

Bonpy Iloym an w as tho p u rch aser o f .th o trian g u la r lo t .bounded b y Prospect, B angs &hd Com stock avenues, a t • tho salo o n \Vod- nceclay, ah-'West A nbury Park;. _ - - ,

Tbo employCa o f a n A tlan tlcC lty holel aro am using tho guests w ith a m am m oth k ite . I t i s 12.feet hlghi-takes.1,500 feet o f clothes lino and rcq ui res. fl vo men.jto hold I t.r

Tho tw o rival w ator com panies of A tlan tic City aro belaboring each, othor th rough col­um n; odyOrtisnnonts in .tho lo ca ld a ilies , I t ’s a regu lar b onanza for tho papers.

M r. W . J . Cooper is obliged to Increase His' s team pow er p roportiona te , to h is b ig trade, ftnd offers to sell a 6-horsb B ax ter engine an d bollor ln comploto order. Seo card . '

A c ircu la r ed ition o r tho-rccent ord inance adopted b y tho Bbard of H ealth , in rela tion toplum bl.ug and d rainage , will soon bo read y fo r d istribu tion to those In terested in th e su b ­ject,; 7 . .

'T ho big D em ocratic b a n n e r a t Spring Lako succum bed to tho s to rm o f T uesday n ig h t a n d has been reeled.^ M any believe th o om ission o f tjjo “ A” in nom inations h ad som eth ing to d o with it. *

A g a in o i^ b o ll w ill,be p laypd noxt M onday a fternoon fo r tho benefit o f W esley Engine Col, betw een tho A sbury a n d a picked nino from' tho fire w m g an y . I t will bo ji k ind Of go as-you-pleaso gam e.

Rose Gom an, a servan t. ^ t tho W o stE n d , ch a rg ed 'C icero Groves w ith u s in g p rofane language tow ard her. ‘ Ju s tic e Bordon sa id it

D a r i n g t h e Q u e e n ’s R e i g n . ‘Now, how m an y waifs havo wq h ad d a rln g

th e q ueen’s rolgn f W e havp h ad a w a r in Now Z ealand, a n d ono o f tho oOlcers engaged lu th a t w ar was obliged to a d m it , th a t tho ■Now Zoalandora w ere en tire ly r ig h t a n d wo wero en tirely wrong. W e h ave had th ree w ars w ith C h ina . W o h a d a Z ulu w ar n o t long ago m ade absolu tely b y a m an w ithou t any orders from th is coun try , a m an who professed to bo really influenced b y tho C hristian faith and Religion. T h a t cost u s a g rea t m any E nglish lives, and w o destroyed tho Z ulu n a tion ; a t 'tho Bamo tim o b ringing confusion in to .S onth A frica, • W o havo had a SoInd war, In whloh ono o f tho N apiers was oonoerned, a w a r fo r which Tie h ad n o t tho s ligh test ju stification o r Instruction from th is c o u n try .; Then thoro ^ a s r thb g ro a t G lkh 'ivar, b y w hioh the P a n - jaq b was s ann ex ed t o . tho -E ng lish dom inion In Ind ia . . There wore a lso tw o A fghan wars,; for which thoro w as n o t a particlo o f justjfi- c a t l o h . i n b n o b f 'w h l o h a E nglisharm y was destroyed, t h e n wq. h avo had throo Burm oso wars, the sooond :o f w hich I recolloot, w as g o t u p on^pwtencos abso lato ly frau d a lo n t and soandaiohs. T hen w o-com e to tho CrlmCan w ar, tbo really b ig w ar o f o u r tim e, though i t (lid n o t la s t v ery long. B u t a s to itssovority , ajad th e m orta lity caused by it, no m an is able to m ake an aocura te com ­p u tatio n . " ‘ ’ • . v ,

A book w ritten by a F rench general wfto ro p o n tijrv lsito d tho Crim ea, in connection w ith tho comotorlos there , estim ated th a t .the bodies of 250,OQP m en aro therd. I bolloye tho wf’i88ian 8 4 /ohe' burled m o rb 'th an 100,000 on tho n orth s ide o f Sebastopol. K lnglako in his h isto ry estim ates th a t I,000l000 Tnen lo st their l iv e s 'in th a t struggle, a n um ber abput^equal to overy ad u lt mfan In tbo v as t city o f London.

A nd w hat wero all thoso lives sacrificed for ? A bsolu tely n o th ing w hatever, becauso tho o n ly a p p a re n t resu lt w as a sligh t lim ita tion p u t upon tfio.''R ussian governm ent w ith ro^. gard to .its fu tu re fl$ot In tfeo B lack sea, a n d th a t was surrondored th o ^ io m en t th o F ranco- G erm an w ar b rd ^o .out. I t w as n o t w ^r, bc- caueo w ar was novor deolarecf, b u t wo m ado war, no tw ithstanding , on a co u n try w ith which wo woro notoriously an d professedly a t peace. Tho bom bardm ent o f A lexandria is a s o r t o f peaco w hich tho pnbllff o f th is c o un try have not„beon onthusiastio a b o u t, . Thon fol­lowed tho wjar In lfcre~80udan, du ring w hlchv a t th e lo w e s t .calculation; fro m 40,1)0010 50;- 000 lives woro lost. • ; , * ;•

I oncb proposed th a t tho foreign offico should bo b urned dow n; an d i t would' b& a very good th in g if all Ita trea ties woro b urned w ith It, Ctfncolvo tho cost o f tho w ars th at

"have o ccurred d u rin g tbo rolgn of tho queen. Go backs fu rth e r t o tho beginning of w h a t wo call o u r p arliam en ta ry an d constitu tiona l system in tho rolgn of W illiam I I I an d you will find th a t w ithout Qho single exception thoy wero absolu te ly unnecessary*, and th a t tho only re s u l t ' thoy havo p roduced is .an enorm ous national dobt, which from th a t timo to th is has been ex trac ted from tbo lab o r and tho' sw eat o f m illions of m en In th ls co up try ,- b u t which shou ld have rem ained w ith -th em fo r tho sustenance and com fort of them selves and thoir fam ily. ,.- -

F ifteen .wars in a fifty yoars’ relgo o f a prof(}B8e<lly “ peace lo v in g ” nnd tondor- hoarted quoen aro hard ly am bng tho blessings for which than k a Will bo- re tu rn ed ,—Boston Wobc. ' ‘

w ould cost tho nam esake o f tho g roat Rom an ju s t $1.25 for using enss w ords. ’

As soon as tho season begins to tappr off. som e of o u r hard-w orked business m en w ill b uy .tick e ts by the sh o rte s t ro u te to sorhb c o u n try board ing tyouse .in th iM n o w rfa in itr ic oxchango sa lt for fresh air, a n d highland fo rlow land.— :-.-i—— *... - —*-•:-•

D unham ’s E lecttlo P a in .D estroyer is a n ap p a ra tu s u s e d ' by m any peoplo abou t'hero for hoadaches, neuralg ia an d kindred ills, a n d . Is . lilghly^ xjumtnended by: , tboso. w ho havo tested its afffcacy., M r. D unham is a perm a- n c n l residen t o f O cean Grovo.

Robert Lawronco apd .JU . S . G. R unyon, w ho c’amo w ith th o excurs ion from R ahw ay charged u p w ith ro ck a n d rye, a ttem p ted to w alk tho s tra ig h t ways* o f Ocean Grove.. 'IJ;' w as a failure, and Ofiicor.M addox Introduced thom to tbo “ bar” room a t P a rk Hall.

Tuesday aftornoon a lady foolishly w ent In ilagore’u pavilion li

storm . . 'Tho breakors wero too m uch fo r hor strength,- an d it requ ired tw o b a th fng m astore1 a u d the aqsl stance of tw o o th er gentlem en to rcsc iia lje r. W hon “ Old N eptune ” is atigry I t j s b est to keep o u t o f his clutches.. N o tw ithstanding tho sovefo storm o f Tues­day n ig h t there ttas-A good audienco a t Edu- c a tio n ^ H all to en joy A unt- Polly B asset’s '

^ ‘ «kow l.” T o accom m odate tlioso who werejkfept aw ay by th e rain , tho .perform ance will bo rep ea ted to-m orrow hlght. There w ill

i jo no m oro “ skowls’’ th is season.- Tuesday n ig h t a b o u t 10 o’clock consider­

able exoltem ont was c re a te d on Second avo- niio by an o i r ia m p o n tho piazza o f tho Sea­side S an itarium exploding an d throw ing b u rn ­ing o i l-o v e r iho b u ild ing an d floor .of tho p iazza. Tho flam es wero extingu ished before any dam age was d one ex cep t tho scorching o f a fow w eatherboards..

T ' S w l n i i n i u g M a t c h .

W ednesday m orning a party, o f g u ests from tho B righton bought bfithIng tick e ts fo r the ‘Rom an pool a t A sbury avonuo. ,A m ong.them woro Mrs. S, O. N lehols a n d M rs. F .-B . Alien, both of Now ark,. a n d each o f them ' good swimmers* 'W hile ba th in g a m atch between tho tw o w as .arranged, which resu lted In a victory for Mrs. N ichols n nd lo ts o f Bport for tho lodkers o n l ' ,

Lam ps, lam p ,fixture's, of all k inds, a t Cole­m an’s, B ond &t. a n d Bangs avo.™ Adv. '

* W a n t e d . - •. vA lo t s itu a ted a lo rig tho ra ilro ad in iVsbury P ark o r vicinity* ■ A ddress o r apply- to ’ >

A lp iib d D. B a ile y , Apbury P ark , N .;J. Ofllco, P . O JDulldlng. —Adv.

F lag polos pnd. fix tu res a t IK D. CfolOman’s b a r^w are sto re , B ond ,st. —A<b>; • .

p a le s t p a tte rn s Sf M attlhg In d a rk s h a je s . -SuhnOidor’a.—Adv.- * ^ ‘

' l> e c o ra tiv .e p a p e r H f tn g iy p ^ ..James S. Batoman? formorly^IOcoan Grovo,

hasfremoved to:-010 • Fifth avomio, Asbury Park; hn'd Is prepared to oxocuto. all,'Myles of w q y k ? 25 years’ oipOrionco.. : Satlsfaotlon guaranteed.-—A dv, ' ' ; .

F u rn ished houso a n S stab lo to fCtit. >■', C. T .V bailev , p a rk Adv.-

A choice ifrio of Poroh C hairs ju s t rocolvod a t Suhncldor’s"—Adv. ««• _____ -

Now Btyliia of FurnlaU lngs an d u b f i fibTHo, a t S chocldor’s fu rnU Q raslorc.—ilt/y.

"T H e E n g i n e A ls o D e m o r a l i z e d .A s ^ n inqldent o f tho dem oraliz ing influ­

en ces pf horse-raolng, I t p i a y b o <notei^ th a t thp englho which* b ro u g h t a c a rlo a d of liotses to M onm outh Vark on T uesday w,quld n o t bo dotached from tho car," an d n o t till a n hour spo n t In m oral suasio n , an d a ll of tho, appli­ances of tho ongine (la<J been b rough t to boar, Wero tho couplings separa ted . .

A <*0 (1(1 1)iv.v f o r F i s l l .

W ednesday was a b rig h t d ay a n d ' tho (lahor- mon a t tho P ie r w ete lu 'l u c k ; g o ltlhg in 23 flno bass, beeldos dozena'o f k in g an d weak- fish. Mr, J o h n E h m an took ,'tw o b ass weigh­ing 8% a n d pohjltls respectively .- W m. M oynan.-caugUt 8 ba9s,-i4~p]alco an d i)- k ing fish. Jam es Ed^o took buo B-ponnd b a s^ a n d

^ n e 3-ponnd weakftsh. ■: _

B r o k e H is A rm .As tbo-litSo son of M rs. A. R. Plors'on was

s ittin g in h la rbaoy carriage on -the p iazza of tbo Bradley BeaeV Houso yesterday, a sudden gOj^ of w ind B tartfid jt-and i t ran off. In fall ono arm . w as b roken a n d tho shou lder dislocated. Dr. K lnn ion th atlonded to tho se ttin g of tho in ju red a rm / , . * .

t ru s s e s , trusses, truBaos, trussoa,; a d lib a t K lnm onth & Co.’s d ru g atore."-—Adv, “

M aS o u ’s J a r sa t W. R. O’Brleh^s G rocery, C ookm an avonuo an d JJo n d strcot.r-“ ,rfw.. . , v

' P h i l a d e l p h i a P r i n t 15u t t e ra t \V; H. O’Brien’s G rocory, Cookm an avonno a n d Bond s tree t.—Adv.

S t a t e C a m p a t S c n G l r tIs now In f u l ib la s t. Tho~grounds aro vlsltcd by hu n d red s o f4.'0 ur su m m er sbjournors every day. ' ' \ t

Tho dro?s parade, whlph opeurs overy a fte r­noon, is p ro b ab ly tho m o ro ' in te resting o fm llttary -tac tlC ff:--------;— j — — *— —— •—

G ovornor Green a n d Mnj. Gens. Steel, Plum a n d Sowell aro p resen t ^vlth tholr ro^ s^cctlvo staffs. Soa.G lrt is b u t six mllea.be- Iow *tbo P ^ rk . E xcu rsio n faro- 30c, and

W ednesday a t Cam p Groon, batta lion drill was carried on with, g rea t ■ chorgy a n d fa ith ­fulness- Tho artllW ry. d rill w as . specially good. Both thb regular flold:pleco3 a n d tho G atling g uns were m ounted and dism ounted ^v|th g rea t skill and cnlerlty, and all the o thor a rtille ry m aneuvers woro oxccuted ■ w ith equal success. Tbo Cam eron B attery elicited fre^uont b u rsts of app lauso by tholr a;dmlr- ablu m arching n ad thorough drill in h a n d ­ling regulation rillos as woll as b y tholr m an- agon ien t of th e ir G atling.specialty . ‘

R o b b e r y a t f^ong; ,‘I,1>tU r a u c | | ,

letweon.S-and Q o’clock M onday m orning, M rs. H erm an . Solomon, w hb is s topp ing a t th e W est E n d Hotel, L ong B ranch, was a t ­tack ed on M orrl^ av en u e by a negro who sn a tch ed h e r w atch chain And a lo ck e t an d m ad e b is oscapo. T he chain b roke an d ho d id (n o t got h er-w atch . -

P . 1C. K . B i i r e a u .o f I n lo r jn a ^ io n .Tho P ennsy lvan ia R ailroad inform ation

b u reau a t the Ooean Grovo A ssociation Olfico Is ag a in open fo r ten days from 10 a . m. u n til 1 p. Ht I f any o f o u rv is ito re 'havo any k no tty inqu iries to unravel, they should call o r d ro p , a noto to tho agent. .Tickets"to d is ta n t po in ts m ay bo obt&ined. Pu llm an accom m odations reserve*! In ad v an ce and checks fo r baggago d irec t from co ttago o r hoto l-arranged . M r. F ran k 'McOonnell, T raveling Passenger A gent,

in charge . '

/D IE D .KENNEDY.—A t Deal Beach, New-Jersoy, on

8 ii turd ay, August 18. Au d a C. Kknnkuy, young­est daughter o f Uie la te Ffederlok U. Kennedy.

TO RENT.A eevsm-room houso to l e t ; atoro fron t, on

Cuokm auavoim o. Cheap to April 1, 18811.Inquire of II. HURLKY; 53&Cookman ave., -

.or P. O. Box 45, ASbury Park, N. J .;

TO WHOM IT MAY) th a t I

c o n c er n :I hereby glVo notice th a t X will pay n6 bills

contracted by others than.myself. 1, WtlLLIAM RIDDLE;

-Atlantio City, N. J ., August 18,1888.

g o t c I j S ) ' ^ c .


- Directly bn the beach, 100 yafclsfrom bathing grounds. Unobstructed view of th o ocean fromUlroornB.' \ ' ....

.■ —‘ . ' A M I. STOCKTON, P ro p rie to r .'

TH E H A M IL T O N ,- I ' f .214* Cookman Avenlue,

ASBURY PARK, \ NEW JERSEY.Trio Hamilton ooouples oho of th e flnest Joca-

tlonrf In tho Park; Only One m inute’s w alk from the beach"and In immpdlato vicinity o f the Cole­m an and West End llotels,

^ • i C. T.SJVilTir, ManaKOr-

BR IQ HAM C O TTA G Ewill open for t h e ‘season May lQth.for transien t

a n d perm anent b o a rd e rs ^ ' - Tho rooms a re largo and woll furnished. Table.

TinaOrpassod. Jlpuee lias al^ tho modern san­itary Improyements, Torms reasoDable. - , ~4 ^ . , Address MRS. E. Q. BRIQIIAM, prop.

New Hotel LafayetteArherlcan and European plan, v;V

Broad and Chestnut. S t s . , Philadelphia,W ithin throo m inutes’ walk o f P. -Rriir,"Station.

- • TERMS:American Plan, 83, $3.50 aud $4. Baths ex tra . European Plan, 91,181:50 a n d 82. ■ B aths ex tra ,

f '-- ,* '. ‘ L.U.MALTAY.

; - v . ^ tV ' ■ » OrganLKed February, 1880. . ;; . L;RENltYC. WINfitiR,-President.- - JAS. A- WAINRIGHT, Vico President.

. ALBERT C. TWINING, Caphler, ~ J l f . ' M

? .

I . ASBURY PARK, N. J.,C a p i t a l , »50,OOO.OO. , - , S u rp lu H , 8 3 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0

TOST OB'FlCE DtJlLDINq, MAtNiflTRBter'AND MATTISOS AVENUB,Tmusnotfl a KODerRrbsnkliiff buslncw. Imuob le tters of orodit (lvnlliil)lo in tlio jirinolpnl cities of the world. Foreign andldomestlo exchanges bought and sold.* ,CoHoctlonscarefully rim lo and prom ptly accounted for. ’ :T ' •


G. F. Kroohl, Jas.<A. Walnrlght«

Albert C. Twining, • Ilenty 'C . WlnsQr,

N .X Buohanon,-'-^ - Isaao O. Kennedy, Oliver H. Drowu, J . Stanley Ferguson.-'

S e p a l .

Q H K lU F r ’S. SAXiE.—B y 'virtnO o f nO . w rit of ft.:fa. ,to m e d irected, liisuod, out i>t iho Supromo C ourt of the State of Now Jorsoy. will be exposed to sale-' a t’ public vendue; on M o n d a y ; th q 3 d d a y o f S e p te m b e r , 1888, between tho hours o f 12 and 6 o'clock,’:(a tf2 o ’dlook), la the afternoon of said day, a t P a rk ' Hall, in the borough of- Anbury P ark , in tho' townsldp of Neptune, coun ty of Monm°Uth, New Jersey. . •

A ll t h a t c e r ta in l o t o r p a rc e l o f l a n d situate in the township o f Noptuno, co u n ty of Monmouth, Now Jersey^, know n as lo t No. 538 aud p arts of lots Nod; 530 and 587, on a m ap of Asbyry Park , beginning a t a point In tho south­erly edjce of SowaU avenuo, d istan t ono hundred ana fifty feet and four inehcs westerly from a marble stone planted a t tho intersection of tho southerly edge of said Sewall avonuo w ith the northerly- ed(?o of Cookman avenuo, It being also the ndrtnw est com er to a lo t-o f land belonging to Susannah C. M obro; thonco along tho edgo of said Sewall avonuo westerly, sixty-six foot and eight Inches; thenoo a t right angles to said Bow- a llavenuo southerly, ono hundred and twonty- nlno fo«t tw o Inohos to. th e northerly edgp of Cookrd%t avonuo-; thonco oastorly-along tho edgo of Cookman avonuo seventy-seven feet and six inches, theneo on a lino a t right anglos.to the aforesaid Sewall avenuo northerly , eighty- nine feotrand’fivo inches to .th o njtpresald place° o l ^ d 'a s f ii0 property o f P rcder|qka A. Dohm and G. Adam Dohm, taken In execution a t tho suit o f Adellno Jeffrey, Adm’x. «fco.< and to bo sold by '•THEODORE FIELDS, Sheriff.

*- * - " <EDT. A tt’v.Isaac C. Kennedy, A tt’y. Dated Avg* 2,1888. fPE’s fee, $7.20.)

# u # i w l « I . ;


728 M attison Ave., opp. P . O. ASBUKY'PARK, N EW JERSEY.

Ca p it a l , $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .Authorized by law tb aot as Executor, Admin­

istrato r, Guardian, Trustoo. Assignee, Receiver, A iront,eto., and fo r tho faithful performance of a ll such duties Its capita l s tock and surplus are liab le; aWo to Receive and Tixocuto Trusts? of every description, from the Courts, Corporations and Individuals.

All T rust Funds and Investm ents aro inscribed in the names o f the owners of tho property hold in trust, aud a ro kopt separata and ap art from the assets of the Company. ; ’ ■■

I n t e r e s t A l lo w e d o n D e p o s i t* . . .N nfe n c p o H lt K n ii ltH i n A r e a n d i i n r .

( c ia r p r o o f b n iM ln R now In course of erec- tidn, corner M attison avenue ^,nd Bond street.

Wills receipted for and ko p t w ithoutbharep.ISAAC C. KENNEDY, President - GKO. P. KROE1IL, Vico President. 11ENKY O. WINSOIt, Secretary.A. C. TWINING, Treasurer.

DIRECTORS:G. D. W. VROOM. T renton, N. J .W. J . HARRISON, Lako wood. N- J „ , OLIVER II. BROWN, Spring iAke. N. J . HENRY II, YARD, Ocean Boach, N. J . JNO. S. FERGUSON, Asbury Park, N. J . HENRY C.WINHOR, r‘ , “<lEO. F . KItOKIIL, ' _ .**

- BRUCES. KEATOR.M.D., “ “X. C. TWINING, “ . “ •


Fully furnlshed bodrdlng houso near tho beach, also co ttage and oholoo lot very cheap.

Address JBOX181, Asbury P a rk P. O.

FOR SALE.Cottago a t Oocan Bpnch, Second avenuo,- farina south-- Second housa from the ocean. Price, ‘ jlshed ,$4,000. Addrqss, “ OWNER,”

Allen lloilse, Deal Beach, N. J .

For S a l e o r E x c h a n g e .A country storo and deslrablo dwelling 18

nx»ms (sultablo for summer b o a te r s ) barn, w a­gon house, &o. 7 acres tine garden land, 400 peach trees, 25 applo trees, ‘1 acre strawberries and raspberries. ,Nenr Long branoh and AsburyPark, N ;J . ^

Farm 12 ft0 res*»8^ in l lf is from Asbury P a rk , N .J . Apply to L-’ WM. B. BYRAM, .

. ’■ PostoHIcoTluIIdIngrRwmn7Asbury P a rk , N. J .

C g d M f j i t i t f u a l ;

Children’s Educational, Home.Board, tu ition and best o f c a re fo r children.

Engagements by-the month o r yearr—Call a t — if-. WOODSIDE COTTAGE,

;; 216Second avenuo, Asbury,Park.

Sea-Side Home,Boarding anil D ay Soliool lor Yonng

fad ioe and Children,ASBURY F A B E . ' - , NEW JE n S E T .• ;--Eleventti year openB^SOptombor 20,'1888,

Address JULIA ROSS, Principal; v - . 604 A sburr ave-A B bnry P a rk , N. J

SHOW LICENSES. ‘Bo It enaoted by tho Committee of the Town­

ship o f Neptune; T hat a license feo o f fifty (150) dollars shall hereafter be obarged each metmgo- rie, circus, o r show in the nature thereof, exhib­iting within th is townBhip.,

Any person o r persons exhibiting as qforosaid w ithout Such lloenso-flrRt being obtaltiad. Blmll bo pimished by.a Ano of 820,.and prohlbited-from giving such exbibitfan. * ^

v " BV Order Township Commlttoo. Dated-Aug. 8,1888. 'A. DART, Clerk.

Tlio only fine calf $3 S e a m le s s Shoo In tho world m ade^A V ithout taulciw o r n n llw . Asstylish and durable a s those c o s tin g ^ or $0,and having no tacks o r nails to w ear the stocking or h u rt tho feet, m akes them as comfortable and well-fitting as a hand-sewed shoo. Buy tho best. Nono genulno unless stam ped on bottom ** WJ L.' Douglas $8 Shoe. W arranted.” '■

W. t . Douglas $4 Shoe,only hand-sew ea w e lt 84 shoe, whleii equals cus- tom-made Bhoes, costlngvfro m $«to$9 .

W. L.0ougla3$2.50 Shoe * a » ;fo r heavy Wbar. ' - •

W. L. Douglas $2 S h q ^ T i i ^and is tho bost school shoe In th o M M i. *

All th e above gopds a re m ade In Congrcss^Bnt- ton, Labe a n d W aukenphastv and aro for sale a t

CD. EC, PORTER’S' “ T w in C ity ” H at and Shoa S to re ,

Main St„-Opp. Depot, . A S H W tV P A l l I t .

tSS^Ccdl an d sco our Now Spring Ilats. They aro l ig h t in Weight, F ast In Color and Popular


$5 ami $10 U pw ards.• »


Pianos to Rent.n d J E x a r a in f l o u r S p e c ia l B a r - n in s f r o m $ n O U p w a r d .

Pianos and Organa Tunod aud Ropairod.



The Monitor and Adams & Westlake Oil Stoves are the . Best, Vithoiitexception.

Absolute. SafetyPerfect Com- -', bustionJ

S i m p l i c i t y .Durability.


_ Convenience.Even Flame and

Heat.Entire Absence of Smoke or 1 Smell. -

W. M. PAWLEY &■ CO:* Ileadquartors for 0,11 Stove,a anil Oasollno HtbvenV

166-168 Main Street,■* It T” '

t - ' ' .

A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J f



INGRAIN CARPETING5 0 Patterns of ‘our Bost r; vr.r(i

Grade, w o r t l t § 0 c . ; ot por y^ rn -5 0 Patterns, w o r t h

« 0 c .; a t

SFB1HG LAKE, M. J.2 5 Patterns, w o r t h

* 1 .7 5 ; a t



Our Special Sales have always a ttrac ted a large number of buyers from all.parts of tho city nnd country. This la th e largest quantity and finest lino of patterns wo navo over offered a t retail a t Huuh LOW DOWN PRICKS, a n d n o one should m iss tho chance o l secuTinu aome and do so quickly, being tho products o f our own factories w ? w arran t every C arpet as represented.

Our New Patterns for this Season are now.ready.

JOHN AND JAMES DOBSON,Tlfe Finest Stook of

Steinbach Bros.LEADING ,



Largest and “ Finest StockOF MERCHANDISE

In ;y Park,, i

STEINBACH BROS.,Wood sn Building, Near ilia Lake.

n o v e l t i e sF i n e N t n t l o i i e r y , I » o i lB , ’ T o y s j ' '.

C n l l e r ^ i W r i t i n g M a t e r i a l s ! , , e t c ; - ___ C l r c u I n t l i i K I , i t t r a r y .


Mnip street, opposito D epot.

TH E IR V IN G ,- J Third avonuo, n e a r opean,


F or fu rther particulars, ajlOross'A . LAUDBNSLAQKR.



Can b e seen running a t Cooper’q Ioo CrCam G ar­den, Second aVonuo, Asbury I 'a rk , • Ni J.-- Will sell cheap, a s i t Is too Small to do m yjyork. ., ' . . WMf^T. COOPBR.

Singer Sewing Machine for Salechoijp, a t $80- In flrstTclass order.


ir t ~ '

II. 1>. CLARK,618 Cooknmn avonuo.

HoMiilnisMng -floods• to bo fonnd oit the New Jersey Coast.

Newest Designs in Furniture;ANTIQUE OAK ...

n Bedroom S u its , Sido B o a rd s V Chairs, ; T a b le s , E t c .

Carpets, Mattings,-R eed and RattanXJooi!

BEDDING, :Silverware, Lamps, Sto-ves.

, All the Novelties in .• * French, Bohemian and I>o-

i mestic Glass. 'Foreign andD om estic China

and Table W arer > “GqodB delivered in ABburv Park and Ocoan

> * Grove.

FISHING TACKLE.-. A ll p radea and V arieties o^ _

Jointed Rods from IB cents tq lO,

Reels Crab Nets ^E verything needed : for Boa o r hake, fishing.

Also a line lino o f . . ,

BASE BALL GOODS,— AT------ . -X - -


Comor Bond stree t a n d Bangs avenue,- * A S B tn iY PARK; N . J .

MATTRESSES a id BEDDING o f all kinds can bo found a t : : '•

N q .X M a i n S t . (O f m e r o d B u l l d in g ),... ASBUjiV PA fyC .JI.J . ,. '■» 1

Renovating Mattfessoa a npcClalty a t reasonable prices, >•' G e o .W l l l i a u i8 o n ,A |{ t . r

FOR SALE CHEAP.•Small pony, a dog o a r ta n d ppny phastom

A d d re ss ' 8 . 0 . C O W A llT . F reo h o ld ^ N .rf.

Pioneer Oyster House C. V. FRENCH,

Dealer In F 0 ISEK1N ANO DOIIICSTIO FRUITS. OVBTKItH a nnm.lQlty, I'amllloa ,

704 Cookman Avendro, Asbury Park, H. J

We are Almost Riving AwaylOOO PIECES

15c. 5 0 0 PIEC ES



VELVET CARPETING.1 . 0 0 per, yard.

__________________MWltrtlwwwsjViMHwewtfi**}'1,,500 PIECES

Tapestry Brussels Carpeting.2 8 p c r y?rU,

2*2 j Patterns,. w o lr jl i ‘ S I .2 3 ; a t -v'

S 3 Pattornflf w o i 'l l t - ' 7 5 c . ; a t 55c.


(E lta b iu h c d 'ln Sew Y ork 1861.)

K N I C k E R B O C K E R - M A R K E T , %

Pinesi Poultry. „ , Smoked Meats.

S u p e r i o r C o r r S e d B e e f

Prom Seleotod'Stock, Artesian Water and puW Pickling Materials.

Vegetables and Fruits„FroSh Daily from ^Qnniouth Countyi J

- < V- vpnpte-.- '7' *->•'

o a n n e h v e g f .t a i i i .e r ,DEJWRHT FHIIIT8,

- PLVH PB D niN O . Ae.■

A Batlafactory placo todealjwhoro overything sdld is guarantebd to bc^tho best in the, market,

Tolopliono oonnoctlonswith Park and Grove.


DO NOT FAIL-TO VISITThe Grand Oriental' Baz&ar,

" Mikado,” on Railroad Spare!»'■ • . .. ..[•

Stranco and W onderful Hoods from ChinAand - Japan. C . E - B O B B T .

Larjro clook In ■1 fron t of th e store


JEWELRY.Flno ' ro p a lr in g afid

a d ju stln ff a sp o o ia lty

$ 1 0 , 0 0 0Good Itd Morteag ...

8. O. COWART, Freohold. N .J . Tbo lino movod fu the followln o r d e r ;

, ; . v k r . . . . ^

T im a b o v e cut represents thffBlzo'ftrthe

g o l d .• to bo dwarded to tho - ^

Champion Fisherm an fo r S E i S O H o l 1 8 8 8 .A T T U K 'A S U U n Y PARK FISIUNQ PIBR.

; * . ■ ■ • * ; ‘ , .V


LO N G M A N a /fc^M A H TIN E Z



'* A C u r i o u B P r o n i n .I.Was s tay ing w ith a frlond in a strange,

l ia lf 'd o p o p iija tc d o lty /of tho Old W orld. W hile Standing, l a tfi&d&fr-way of ourJ^ptfgK ing house, ono w a rrp ^sn n n y afternoon In A utum n, dljfciJsslng tho odd m anners and c t^ to m s o f tho Inhabitan ts, and tlio rise and fall o f th a t onoo populous otty, wo wore na­tu ra lly lod to sp eak o f tho m illions and.mil* lions of hum an beings who havo been and are no moro. Ttaon eam o questions concerning tho fu tu re . W h at is It to "bo ?-sIs thpro a hea- von o r a holl t I s thero to* bq a n n t to r anriihi- } l a t io n j Theso problem s wore d o b a tJ n g \ whon wo woro suddenly In te rru p ted by. the approach o f a old, gray-haired m instrel’. At* ' though, ap p aren tly , abou t the a&o o f n inety, . ho possessed tho vigor an d bearing of a m an > o f thirty^ { ^

Ho wfw rom arkably tall a n d ’ crSct. Ujo snow y beard descended in w avy m asses be­low his w aist, an d his. hair, soft an d white, foil g racefully over, his shoulders. H is faco was rad ia n t w ith a m anly dignity an d beauty,' su rpassing any th in g I had over im agined, eclipsing tho conceptions o f tho m ost, re­now ned pa in te rs . N or could a n y w ord-paint­ing hayo p o rtray ed tho happlno§8 an d wisdom beam ing from his-countenance.

Ho stopped a t o a r door, loaned upon his h a rp for a*fow m om enta, and looking heaven­w ard ,-ran his fingers over tbo chords,/w hich gavo forth Bounds o f unearth ly Sweetness;

j^nch as wo had novor before listened to. Wo stood en tranced , Incapablo o f th o u g h t o r action , unconscious of tho ga thering crow d, seolng only^the lordly m instrel, a n d hearing only hie heavenly notes. . Tho m usic ceased. Ills oyeS fell Bmlllngly u pon ub as tie Struck

’ a ip a fan d an g o , " Im m ediately a Httlo girU his / com pahlon^tlU then ufiob&erved, sp ran g in to

thoe oircle7 l ln Immense crow d had by this tlm o collected,^ The littlog lrl began to ^an ce . Sho seem ed to bo eight o r ten years old, and was exquisite ly beautiful.— •- - -

H or dress waa of the p u res t w hito gauze,; and floated a round her- liko folds o f 'm is t

hloWn-and w hirled abou t/by a s trong b a t gen­tle breoze, ps' she m oved to an d fro, keeping stop to tho m usic. So ethereal was h e r. ap ­pearance, th at T was rom inded of th e fairies I bad "read a b o u t when a child, and I.w on-.

* dered i i sho was n o t ono. T he daneo ended, and ali eyes- tu rn e d f from tho ch ild , to ' the lia rpor ; w hen lo 1 in the tw inkle o f. a n eye, his face ch an g ed -in to , th a t of a dem on. In ano ther second horns, in lons au d w ings wero developed, T h o ‘ground all a round , w ithin flfteon feo t o f him , becam e a m olten, burn ing ,

. sn rg jn g m ass; ljqu id flame, broad an d . inas-. slve, co n ta in ing all the co lors of tho rainbow , yol g reatly intensified, now an d then buret from .th ls boiling w§ll, i n w hich tho m instre l— now^tho E v il One, y a s swallow ed up . The child again began to danco. RoOnd arid round she went, on the very vergo of the flaming circle, beckoning us all to d o llke- w ls e fb n t none dared follow h er. I I.QOked around m e. T here wero Inhnrncrablo faces— facea fa ll of s u rp r l^ and eftnstcrnatton-^gaz- ing Upon thoticene, and I s a i d ; V '

‘‘ This,seem s as if thore were a hell,’1'Tho las t word had scarcely le ft m y lips

when tho Evil Ono n jshed a t m o w lth q u t-0 stretched^ arm s i and_ wide-spread wings, all \ lr ip p lr ig with ttio flaming, bisalng fluid. Im ag­ine my agony an d to rro t, you w ho ean , for it ca n n o t bo described. I drew ' back, an d in- stat-tfy a n o m ing, soft an d low, b u t doep and wide, and peacefu l as* the Bound o f ocean waved in Sum m er, escaped from tho su r­round ing m ultitude, and, God stood In our

- 'm id s t H e looked upon m e, and his looks said : " . ' ’ r t

. <lC/too$e between v s .”I lifted up my h an d s to him , eatlc tt Upon

his nam e, and, 0 1 w h a t jo y 1 I was ac­cepted In s ta n ta n e o u s ly m y body becam e n6 ligh t as a ir. Y

M y w holtrboing w as-sp irltualized . I_real-.

sorrow o r suffering, n o rd o u b ^ nor fear—th at , - a ll e a rth ljrea re s and tria ls were gone in to the

e ternal p ast—th a t I was trium phan t, happy a t last. In the m eantim e, S a tan , who sm oth­ered curses of rage and jealousy , san k down, down, an d tho boiling w aters closed and_ dis­appeared with him , leavipg only a d ry cavern o fash ^ s and lava-llko s ta la g m ite s ., Then a s lstor sp lritr touohlng‘mo, sa id : '

“ Come, i w an t to show you som ething ,”A t a wish, an d w ithout any physical exer­

tion , we m oved a lo n g ju s t abovo tho surface of tho ground w ithout to u c ^ n g it. I lot- lowed through a winding,, su b te rran ean pass­age. I t w as n o t dark, b u t lighted only by o u r sp ir itu a l presence. I n a sh o rt tim e we^

- -merged In to a b road , open s tree t, and floated to .the to p o f th o h ighest b u ild ing In tho citv.

T here sho stopped and exclaim ed, “ Look l** A now, howovor, becam e aw are th a t in being sp iritualized m y se n se s 'h a d been perfected;I noticed th is w ith regard to to u ch and smell as wo ascended through tho delightfully

- cool and f ra g ra n t atm osphero; W hen I was com m anded to “ look” I raised m y eyes from

■j.^hb s tree t below and looked abroad . _ / I t w a s :n o w supnncr. The whole .eoiivex

ti world, lay sp read b u t before m e. Rivers, v a K -leysj-m ountalns, oceans, s ta rs an d planets, sceraed a s d istinc t, to ray en tranced vision as if every po K it'in the imm enso p rospect \Vas b u t a sh o rt d istance from ro e ; while tho en ­tire broad ex ten t of one side of the g lobe was- only tho fo reground of tho vast s te lla r space I bchold.- I looked ibeyond tho e a rth , bclotf

—and-abovej;and-saw w orlds-inhabited^by-our- departed friends. Tho a ir , too, which oceu-' p ied all spaco, was full o f sp ir its , an d , al­though thousands o f miles off, I recognized .my fa th e r and o th er frlonds a n d " heard them

‘ talk ing^ All this, and rnpro th d t I cannot^ And language, to oxplajn, I tf saw a t a glance,-

^nnd I th o u g h t : - “ (ih j i f I couhj tin ly havo. know n th is while in.flesD, bow 'happy I should

, ’havd been, cou ld I have realized tho m illionth p a rt o f tills was ln s to re for,m b I How insig^

•niQ ^ant ray greatest" troub les w ould 'have seem ed ; I c o u l(^ h a io h o r f te o v o ry tbingSvlth-

, o u t a m urm ur.” - T..-r v; : .‘ S ta rtin g to m cH m y^friends, whQ i^ r o 'a p ­

proaching, and unable lo con tain ihy jo y 'an d thankfu lness, I began c lapping , m y h an d s . and sh o u tin g p raises to God, T he so und of my own voice aw akened mo.—

W H ililS F O B D BEY . - T . FB A N K APPLEBY.

W illisford Dey & Co.,' E S T A T E . ’•

.Wo have a larffo num ber o f furnished cottaRof* and a few boarding houses In A'shury P ark and Ocoan Grovo for rent. Bradloy Loach plots alm ost glvon away.. » '

S t r o n g e s t I n s u r a n c e A g e n c y i n A m e r i c a .

PUconix, H artfo rd ; German-American, Homo, Niagara, Continental, Plionix, ; Qlona |Talla and Liberty, Now Y ork ; Infftmmoo Co. o f N orth America, F ire

Aeaooiation and Union, PhU addbliia; Liverpool and London and _ a Globe, Royal and Londoii and Xjancaahiro, L iverpool; Com* •.

^ meroial Union, Pliconix, Im perial, 3Fire Insurance Asso> ' ;/ oiation and Oitry of London, London =; T/ancashiro, Manohooter ; '

North Hritiflh and Moroantilo, E d inbn rg li; E l io t , . B oston ; Britiah -• America, Toronto.; Providence Waahington, Providenoe; E quitable

Lifo, M etropolitan. Plato Glass, and Amorican Snrety Oompony, New York.; . Our companloslnsuro against damaffo by lightning, Vhother flro ensues o r not.

C3-©.p-'T?5 '- T r c L a s , • Licensed Auctioneer,


2|0 Maitf St., Asfitiry Park, N. J,



Meat JSs pip ~ and -Insurance. Agent>’ 726^,Oookman Avenuo, Asbury park* N. . - I

FERGUSON’S Coal, Wood & Charcoal

. Wholesale and Retail.Nine yoard steady.oxperlonCo, Summer nnd vMntpr, a t th e old ,

■ 1‘ s ta n d . . ,

AIl m y Stock Is o f tho best quality in tho m arket, aiid ia novp kep t constantly dry under comploto covor. ^

I w urninteverything I soil, If-not na rot)ro»ont«Hl the pioney will berofundod. -


O p p o a ito O c e a n G r o v i M a in E n t r a n c e . V*

B liA N C r i O F F IC K S ^ -R a m m a n ’s O ro c o ry S to ro i n th o P a r k .^ \V a In r i« h t $ E tT lcK so n ’s S t o r e i n t h e O ro v o ;

O rdeifl1>y m a l l p ro r t ip t ly rc c o iv o d n n d d e l iv e re d . C o m p le te . T e fe jjh o n o U o n n e e tlo n .’ :


251 Pearl Street, hear Fulton Street, New YorkHavo oeoupiod tho saino bulld l^r^aofe than ypn arto r o f a century. ,,Tholr Roods a ro shipped to a ll p a rts of th e United States.


AND 4-ARGEST STOCK OFBefore pnrchasinR elrtowhero consult yonr own

Interests by,Ihspectlng our assoi tm ent In

Parlor, Dining-roomFEATHERS, Etc.

FACTORY NO. 143 MAIN ST.Up Stairs,

Renovating M attresses a Specialty.T o le p h jA p C o n n e c t io n .


Matting, Oil Cloth and Linoleum. W indow Shades all grades. Cornice poles, &o. •

U pholstering in all its branches carried on,, ftlBb a full-line o f P icture Praniea and Mouldings kept constantly on, band. Window Cornices of aU tfo&oriptions.Stoves, Tinware, Crockery

and‘Silverware, Ifavlng had several y ears’ experience In tho undertaking business in Asbury Park and viclnltv I feel com petent to give satisfaction to alH vho m ay favor me with th eir patronage. ■

TELEP1IONE CONNECTIONS with principal hotels and stores in Tark and Grove. \in fac t everything in the ffousofurnishlng line. Quality and prlco guaranteed.. Con tracts solic­ited for furnishing Hotels and Cottages com- ploto. ■ “

A aB eent>bottlo makes 1© f.’n l lu n s of de« t ic io u aH o o tR e er. MO CO O K IN G . Easily made. Tho most hoalthy Suramer PtiveraRO Un iiso for I lo n ie and n a r r e a t - F ie ld * Larger BotUrs atG O o., t t l . a s and 93«BO..

- F u ll dircetiona on each bottle. ' Ask for

. . J p p p ’s Boo t fleer E x tr a c t.”f'.’l i f ’ EFJAl’P & 60S9, iow Yorfc

E s tn b lla h o d 1 8 3 0 .FOB BALE BY MOST DRUGGISTS,

Office open day and night.

• And ihoy-will tast alohglim e. ~Ono o f tho best places to And an assortm ent of FfRST-CLASS BUILDING MATERIAL, is at the

old established birslness placo of .ASBURY PARK, N. J

N. E. BUCHANON ^ CO.■ , . Sonthweat corner of Mala street and Asbury avenno,

A s b u r y P a r k , N o w J e r s e y .* : *

/T h o u san d s of custom ers w hp have putronlzed this house, can tes tify th a t there Is .no placo to purchase everything Which ontera Into tho construction o f a cottago o r a palace, along w itlryour orders for- ;... ................... . . ■ ' ' „— ... »•••••• ::.... - _


”~ri * And everything to complete your house, ^atlsfap t Ion'guaranteed to airoustom ers.o T lio M e r ry -G o -R o u iu l .

Tho ,‘Lako avonuo C arotisscllo , Saturday n ight rtaa a busy place. Crowds of sight­seers, and o th ers a ttrac ted by tho .steam pro-' polled o rgan , a s we] 1 a s tho .^erry -go-round Itself, wero draw n to tho new ly opened place of amuficmontT " .......

Tho little fd lks woro j n a w hirl of, delight, and anxiously aw aited tho lr tu rn to m ount tho. ponies, sea horses, lions, and o ther an i­m als p laced on tho circ ling platform . Even grow n u p children and gtoy-haired tri*n vyould re lu c tan tly y lch r thoir-'p laoea.4)h t. go tho “ ro u n d ” a nhm bor of tim es. 1 The little to ts weto hold on by tholr parents, o r some ono cmployed by /M r. Schnltzler, who vyas nresont him self 19 s eo .tha t all movod smooth- G. J. SCHANCK^ SON. Successors to

^ S p M ^ R S / ; Aslmry. Ave. »iul P a r k , M. «B».B R A N C H O F F IC E S ^ M ila n R o ss’s , 120 C o o k m a n a 'ifenno , A s b n ry P a r k , a h d O'. Y£, M ftrtiu 's ', P ilg r im

P a th w a y , O c c a n ^ r o y e . w ljo ro a l l o rd e r s r e c e iv e d w ill bo p r o m p t ly l i l le d .

. Granite and Marblo Monuments • Tombstones; aim all Cemetery Work. .Call a t ou r "show-room and seo samples, cuta, &cr. Wo can suit in quul- ityandprloo . G E N U N G d c C O .

710 Mattlson ave., Asbury 1'ark, N. J .

Successor to GRAVATT TAYLOR, wholcsalo jind reta il doaler In

M anufacturers nnd Dealers in all branches ofA n d S o w in g M ac liln e s , .

H I* SALE ORBF.NT N B H A U l Olt OS n i m m E m . •. •

Repairing and Tuning. Cor. Bond s tree t and Mattlson avo., Asbury P ark, N. J .


■ ^ ^ ^ ^ PHOTOGRAPHV. In Ite P e rfe c tio n I '


’i i ^ H p P A C H B R O S .B it nitOAIIWAY,

“■ Cor . 13th S t., . . N EW TOUK.CIU LD ItEN O U tt PETS. * PB tC E S MODERATE.

Main/Street,. M unro t AvenuO arid iRailroad,■ >'■ a s b u r y ;p a r k , n . j . ■;-■;

Window Fi'aium, Nfvili, Dllndn, D o o m , NonlillnRS, BraekfUl and Carvel Work* *" Hard and Soli Wood Mnnteln. TarnliiK and Scroll Nnwlnft a Npc-

, olalty. Dedl^ns and Prieeq Furnished <fu AppUcaiIon* *

■' ■-'•'"r4 ’ • a t ^ h o o ld e s ta b l la h o d y a ^ . - -; . v ;.4 1 N R E A R O F I A K E I T X a y r 3 H P U B E , ^ ,

A f n l l S to c k o f t h o a b o v o a r t lb lo s w i l l k e p t c o n s ta n t ly o n h a n d a h d sh ttH fa c tlo n f fn a ra n to e d . B r r a f ih offlCos a t B o a m e s ' G ro c e ry . A bb u ry P a r k .a n d M a t t h o w s \ B a l I a r d ’s G ro c e ry , O c e a n G ro v e .

, T E L K P llO N E . X ; ■ ■ '» ■ ” •

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