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1 | Mercy Hospital CSR

Compassion with Excellence

CEO’s Message

Mercy Hospital is a multi-specialty network of hospital and clinics throughout West Bengal,

Orissa and Jharkhand. Situated at the heart of the city, Mercy Hospital, started in 1977, is the

second oldest private hospital in Kolkata serving for almost 40 years now. Our history,

commitment to providing free healthcare to 40% of our patients, and innovative leadership

combine to make Mercy Hospital a model healthcare network.

Our rural network of Clinics is providing healthcare to those living outside the city limits and

who find it difficult to travel to our flagship hospital. The hospital is committed to serve the

underserved through its network of rural clinics, functioning as satellite facilities to deliver basic

medical care at little to no cost to the patient.

Besides healthcare, Mercy Hospital is also intent on changing lives and impacting communities.

In this endeavor Mercy Hospital has launched the “Hope Small Business Project” which is a

simple, but effective program providing alternative job opportunities to individuals and families.

Its initiation has begun by providing employment for women at risk and for those rescued from

the illegal sex-trade industry. The project employs women to manage and operate a Laundromat

that processes linens for Mercy Hospital & others. The women and children of the red light

districts are provided for through a Hope Clinic owned and operated by Mercy Hospital. A home

called Hope House for the children redeemed from the red light area is presently being

constructed to accommodate 100 or more girls who will be given opportunities for education and

vocational training.

As a part of its Social Responsibility Mercy Hospital has initiated ‘Project Rhino’ which is

providing disadvantaged children with basic education, nutrition and healthcare. In 2014 the

initiative grew to 700 children in Kolkata and its surrounding areas. Most of the children are

between the ages of 3 and 16 and it is inspiring to see opportunities emerging before these young


I believe that every individual and institution has to be socially relevant to impact the nation for

its betterment. We at Mercy Hospital are committed to do this through ‘Compassion with


Mr. Sanjay Prasad

President & CEO

Mercy Hospital

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Compassion with Excellence

Brief of Company

Mercy Healthcare has nurtured and sustained a unique healthcare delivery model at three levels;

a structured free care delivery model through a network of 20 rural clinics, a lower cost and

subsidized treatment model delivered through partnerships collaborated through six urban clinic

centres and a competitively ‘marked to market’ priced delivery model for sustainability through

the multi-specialty hospital on Park Street.

Since its inception in 1977, Mercy Healthcare has made medical care affordable to the general

public in Kolkata, West Bengal and other states in Eastern India and Bangladesh. For India as a

nation, overpopulation still remains a real issue and the healthcare system remains overburdened.

Healthcare the world over has been experiencing its challenges as the burden of diseases is

growing and rapidly changing. Health and well being have been made one of the key priorities of

the Government in West Bengal, and the Hospital is aligning itself with this responsibility

advocating preventive rather than curative treatment only.

Mercy Hospital is now a 200 bed general tertiary care hospital serving approximately 100,000

patients per year, a School of Nursing and a 20 plus Clinic Network operating in the states of

West Bengal, Odisha and Jharkand come under the Mercy Hospital banner. It has been an

honour that Harvard Medical School and Mass General Hospital, Boston undertook a study to

understand better this initiative and partner with Mercy Hospital. The hospital has a variety of

services including a complete surgical facility (General Surgery, Orthopedic, Obstetrics &

Gynecology, Neuro Surgery), three critical care centers (ICCU, ITU, NICU), a Mother & Child

centre, an Emergency centre, and General Medical and Surgical centres. To perform best in an

increasingly competitive market, the hospital is committed to serve people through ‘Compassion

with Excellence’, hence achieved an NABH accreditation with 100% compliances.

The Hospital is certified as ISO 9001 : 2000 QMS, ISO 9001 : 2008 QMS, ISO 14001: 2004

EMS & OHSAS 18001 : 2007. The West Bengal Government has empanelled Mercy Hospital

as a Class-I Medical Service Provider. Mercy Hospital is also the only private hospital in

Kolkata affiliated to the West Bengal Health University for research work.

From its beginnings Mercy Hospital has been engaged in an holistic healthcare delivery and each

month close to 200 children suffering with Thallasemia have received care at Mercy Hospital

continuously at the highest clinical level through the expertise and leadership of eminent haemato-

oncologists who serve as a guide and counsellor not only to the children but also to their parents.

Started in 2004 as a specialized program, Mercy Hospital has successfully operated on over a 1,000

children needing Cleft Lip & Palate Repair. Mercy Hospital is proud of its association with Smile

Train an organization based in New York City, USA founded in 1999 and is the largest charity

providing corrective surgery for children with cleft lips and palates.

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Compassion with Excellence

In the area of education, Mercy Hospital has collaborated with Christian Medical College

Vellore and is successfully running the Masters in Family Medicinen for Doctors since 2008.

The ongoing efforts has also culminated in Mercy Hospital being the only host center for

CCGDM (Certificate Course on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus) in collaboration with PHFI

(Public Health Foundation of India) and Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Education Academy. Mercy

Hospital operates a School of Nursing that was started in 1979 under the West Bengal Nursing

Council and recognized by The Indian Nursing Council. At present work is underway to develop

a College of Nursing and a Masters in Hospital Administration.

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Compassion with Excellence

CSR Practices, Success Stories

Project Rhino

The purpose of this project was to provide Healthcare, Education and Nutrition to the under

privileged children. Close to a 1000 children

them for life and vocation.

The children at the centers have

taken to them they will never be able to g

The centers function informally with the merging of learning procedures from Montessori

education, English, Mathematics, Vernacular languages and hygiene

skills and are engaged in extra curricular activities to build confidence and nurture talent.

Initially it was difficult to attract

i. The boredom of a regular school curriculum

ii. The lack of interest on the part of the parents to send them to school

iii. The excitement of earning money at an early age

iv. The pressures of household chores

v. Fear of a school campus and a structured environment

The centers were structured to operate under basic infrastructure

to reduce apprehensions linked to high walls and buildings. Over

a period of time an introduction to a formal schooling

environment will take place.

The classes are divided into smaller

coded; Red team, Blue team, Green team and Yellow team. This

was done after checking their aptitudes and interest towards

learning, to ensure progress in learning according to child’s


The centers are currently operating out of Tangra,

Konark (Orissa).

At present 70 students have been prepared through these centres

and have joined regular schooling.

employed in Singapore. In 2016. 13 students

matriculation and all did very well. Nine students are pursuing higher studies.

CSR Practices, Success Stories

was to provide Healthcare, Education and Nutrition to the under

Close to a 1000 children being informally educated with the intent to prepare

The children at the centers have had no previous educational background. If education is not

taken to them they will never be able to go to a school.

ormally with the merging of learning procedures from Montessori

education, English, Mathematics, Vernacular languages and hygiene. They are also taught life

skills and are engaged in extra curricular activities to build confidence and nurture talent.

children owing to;

The boredom of a regular school curriculum

The lack of interest on the part of the parents to send them to school

The excitement of earning money at an early age

The pressures of household chores

a school campus and a structured environment

operate under basic infrastructure

to reduce apprehensions linked to high walls and buildings. Over

a period of time an introduction to a formal schooling

The classes are divided into smaller groups, which are color-

; Red team, Blue team, Green team and Yellow team. This

was done after checking their aptitudes and interest towards

learning, to ensure progress in learning according to child’s

currently operating out of Tangra, Katabon and

0 students have been prepared through these centres

and have joined regular schooling. Three students are presently

employed in Singapore. In 2016. 13 students appeared for their

matriculation and all did very well. Nine students are pursuing higher studies.

was to provide Healthcare, Education and Nutrition to the under-

being informally educated with the intent to prepare

. If education is not

ormally with the merging of learning procedures from Montessori

They are also taught life

skills and are engaged in extra curricular activities to build confidence and nurture talent.

The lack of interest on the part of the parents to send them to school

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Compassion with Excellence

Laundry Project in the Red Light area of Kolkata

Mercy Hospital operates a laundry

institutions at Rambagan, situated in the Red Lig

rehabilitation opportunity for sex workers who would like to leave the world of prostitution for a

vocation and alternative education.

A coordinator and six women run the project

hospital. The Hospital provides the expenses thus incurred.

The women involved are trained by IFB

machines. Every day the dirty linen

facility and after a thorough wash

The Laundry project has been a great success thus far, initially the quantity of linen sent

minimal as it was at a trial stage,

increase the number of washers and dryer

As of now six women have found rehabilitation

regular meditational activity, counseling and reintegratio

all women of the area and is finding a good response.

Free Clinics at Rural and Semi

Mercy Clinics Network

‘Healthcare is for all and must reach all

challenges. The age old, affordability, accessibility has its own set of issues. With most of the

rural population needing healthcare touch points,

Mercy Clinic Network in so doing taking healthcare to the masses. In a few years

expanded to include 18 Clinics across the states of West Bengal and Odisha. The vision is to

geographically map the traffic to include services that would be beneficial to the people of

that region. It has been an honor for

General Hospital, Boston

undertook a study to

understand better this

initiative and partner with

Mercy Hospital. The

hospital through the clinics

ht area of Kolkata

laundry facility, which caters to the washing of linen of various

situated in the Red Light area of the City. It is principally a

sex workers who would like to leave the world of prostitution for a

ative education.

A coordinator and six women run the project. The coordinator is responsible to a manager at the

he Hospital provides the expenses thus incurred.

The women involved are trained by IFB (Indian Fine Blanking) personnel

Every day the dirty linen from the Hospital and some other institutions are

wash, they are delivered back.

has been a great success thus far, initially the quantity of linen sent

l stage, the quantity has now increased and there is a request now to

and dryers to facilitate the quantity.

As of now six women have found rehabilitation and acceptance. The coordinator

, counseling and reintegration exercises. This has been made open to

all women of the area and is finding a good response.

Free Clinics at Rural and Semi-urban areas

Healthcare is for all and must reach all’ is a dream, which is deeply imbedded with

challenges. The age old, affordability, accessibility has its own set of issues. With most of the

rural population needing healthcare touch points, Mercy Hospital took a decision to invest in

in so doing taking healthcare to the masses. In a few years

Clinics across the states of West Bengal and Odisha. The vision is to

geographically map the traffic to include services that would be beneficial to the people of

It has been an honor for Mercy Hospital that Harvard Medical School

caters to the washing of linen of various

t is principally a

sex workers who would like to leave the world of prostitution for a

. The coordinator is responsible to a manager at the

personnel to operate the

some other institutions are sent to the

has been a great success thus far, initially the quantity of linen sent was

increased and there is a request now to

d acceptance. The coordinator conducts

. This has been made open to

’ is a dream, which is deeply imbedded with

challenges. The age old, affordability, accessibility has its own set of issues. With most of the

a decision to invest in

in so doing taking healthcare to the masses. In a few years the network

Clinics across the states of West Bengal and Odisha. The vision is to

geographically map the traffic to include services that would be beneficial to the people of

Harvard Medical School and Mass

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Compassion with Excellence

at present has a reach to over fifty villages.

The clinics are identified by its location and reach, each clinic has a local doctor to check the

patients and a nurse to assist. Medicines given are supplied by the hospital. The clinics run two

times a week and they are open till every patient is seen. Through the clinic awareness

programmes we run in the villages, we engage in preventive practices as well as education on


Free Thalassemia Treatment

Children suffering with Thalassemia have received care at Mercy Hospital continuously over the

years. Every month there are close to 200 children who are receiving consultation at the highest

clinical level through the expertise and leadership of the haemato-oncology team of Mercy

Hospital. The children have been receiving care and transfusion at Mercy Hospital for many

years free of cost. It is good to note that some of our care recipients are now married and have

families of their own. Some have found employment and are living regular lives.

Free Cleft & Lip Palate Surgery

Thousands of children in West Bengal are born with cleft palates or lips. This deformity affects

not only the child’s appearance but also their ability to eat, speak, and breathe. Mercy Hospital

collaborates with Smile Train (a US based organization providing corrective surgery for children

with cleft lips and palates ‘one smile at a time’) to provide free surgery for these children.

A pediatric physician evaluates a child with a cleft lip or palate in the outpatient department.

After a complete physical examination and diagnostic tests, a date for surgery is set. The child is

admitted to the hospital the evening prior to surgery.

Once a cleft lip or palate surgery is completed, each child rests in the Pediatric Centre to

recuperate. When a child has recovered from the surgery, is eating well, and is displaying no

signs of infection, he/she is discharged. During this period the parents of the child is also

counseled and taught ways in dealing with the psychological difficulties of the child.

Started in 2004 as a specialized program, Mercy Hospital has successfully operated on over 1300

children needing a Cleft Lip & Palate Repair. The Hospital’s plastic surgery team has become a

champion of this initiative and their commitment has transformed many a child’s life. Keeping in

mind the need to provide comprehensive care to these children, work is undertaken with children

and their families to provide speech therapy and dental work, when necessary. As of now it’s a

100% success!

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