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Page 1: Messina Paint Color Chart€¦ · Color Schemes for C elevations (Monterey Style) Exoo Frazee Paint Company ~w.~-.!: .lfflm~ Eld orado R bins n Stucco Trim Color, Foam/ Painted Old

• All non-decorative items such as meter doors, non-decorative vents etc. are to be painted the surrounding field color. Paint match to stucco is given for this purpose.

• All roof metal is to be painted to match the darkest color from the roofing blend • All metal spark arrestors are to be painted Frazee 870SD "Barn Rafter" flat finish • Mortar for brick and stone is to be Oreo Blended Products MAC Plus "OBP Nufad" or equal. See notes below stone and brick heading for mortar treatments.

• Windows are to be "A:lmond"·¢.ol~r,fQr ~.S\:ltea;~.. · ,..v~ ""'~i!'c~-ffi'w7.,?,<;'~~~T°2'.':\.: ,... 'tl -,~~~1?l~~=J~_!Y.5ga~<?~t~~~ y

NOTES: • All Paint is by Frazee Paint Company • All wrought iron is to be Frazee 8796N "Black Metal" Flat Finish

Color Schemes for A and D Elevations (Spanish, Mediterranean, Santa Barbara Styles) Expo Frazee Paint ComJ)any IJ- LMMA4!!!~ Robinson

Stucco Trim Color, Foam/ Painted Old World Aluminum Color Match to Stucco Wood Fascia, "Precast" Front Doors, & Classic Rain Gutter

Scheme Paint Color Garaze Doors Accents Shutters Collection Colors Thin Brick 'Eushdl ,uush oo wood Flat Semi-Gloss .t'Testamed (See notes below) Flush mO<'.ar Flu on SIUCCO & metal. Flllisb Finish Prent Doors loints

ADI 57 487 8306N 8673M 8606N Cashmere Rustic Brown Smokestack ~-· ~ -- ,.. _ _._ .t.1---n--·- ..... - ....... ~--··· , ....•

AD2 468 3/4 307 87150 8673M 8556A Mocha Rustic Brown Englishoub ,., ,n "1.r---=- nit..:.- u •••• ,,.,_ ...... _ ........ "·'-'·· ...... AD3 442 8232W 87050 8684M 8645D Chappo Rustic Brown Trainstation

T .. u., "-'•· ,, __ ,,_._ "·" .., __ r--·•-• AD4 418 1/2 8672W 8765D 8674M 8530N :Sable Rustic Brown Schoolhouse

.,..-·ila Besver r-..L Mud.dvRiver Blaclanar

Color Schemes for B Elevations (Tuscan Style) Expo Frazee Paint Company ~~&~~ ~ Eldorado Robinson

Stucco Trim Color, Foam/ Painted Old World Aluminum Color Match to Stucco Wood Fascia, "Precast" Front Doors, &Classic Rain Gutter Thin

Scheme Paint Color Garaze Doors Accents Shatters Collection Colors Stone Brick Eggshell Fmisb on wood Fl&t Semi-Gloss .t'Testamed (Seo notes below) Sloppy monar joinu Flush monat Fill on SIUCCO & metal. Finish Finish Front Doors (ktcs remain dean !oinll

Bl 111!1! 8286N CW025W 8516A Caramel Royal Brown Lucera Seawall .... _..,,_ ,, ___ , ... .,. _____ "·"'-·-

82 8316N 82::l2W 8570N Mocha KoyaJ Brown Veneto Smokestack 1"11--1-'""----..L.. r .. 11--..1 'ft-~- r:I~-·"' I', ........

83 2692 3/4 8255D 83150 8223M 8886N Sequoia Royal Brown Meseta Seawall .. '" ··- .• c. ft ........ _., C!'~---- ('I._ .. r:i~·b·--·~ ... ·· "''··~·-~--

84 1097 3/4 8285A 8765D 8234M 8636N Sable Rustic Brown Umbria City hall '·~ fM\ Mnnk'•Hood Reaver ,.__._ Danlin Cid P-'- .,.;.,,., ... ~.

Color Schemes for C elevations (Monterey Style) Exoo Frazee Paint Company ~w.~-.!: .lfflm~ Eldorado Robinson

Stucco Trim Color, Foam/ Painted Old World Aluminum Color Match to Stucco Wood Fascia, "Precast" Front Doors, & Classic Rain Gutter Thin

Scheme Paint Color Garae-e Doors Accents Shatters Collection Colors Stone Brick 'E&sehell rlllish on wood Flat Semi-Gloss Prestamed (See notes below) Satlt Finish MOl'IU Flat on S1Ucco & 111etal. Finish Finim Front Doors Faces are washed with mO<Ur

Cl 2841 + 25o/c 8213M 8726N 487 86550 Cashmere Rustic Brown York Seawall "'···-~-- "-'··

.,_._,, ___ <'.,O •• (',,rr_ .. , .......

T '-···--

C2 3480 + 2..io/i 8674M 487 487 85550 Mocha Linen San Marino City hall .. ,,. 1..1 .... ...... . ""'·-- ~...: .. r.- .. .. , .. ,.. •...... I'-····--

C3 3793 + 25o/c 8o53M CW033W \..W033W IS796N Chappo Lmen Savannah Smokestack . ,.,,,. .. 'C1,.._1n.n..• i::,......,.1nf'L• Rl"l,o u~., I'-·-··· C4 1680 + 25o/c 8234M 87150 307 AC114N Caramel Rustic Brown Shilo Smokestack

Oat,lin Moose Point NavaioWJ,ire Robust Red J '-·-·-·

The Following Hanson "8" Tile Roofs will be plotted independently Sr3m I "'"rRAr-1~p~1 Rl R-589 Valencia Blend R3 R-583 Sand Canyon Blend R2 R-536 Trabuco Blend ~~;~-?lW-.~.~- .M.a.r£g -~1~!'19 ..... ,3 o, L_ l~A5

Messina La Costa Ridge Shea Homes

Page 2: Messina Paint Color Chart€¦ · Color Schemes for C elevations (Monterey Style) Exoo Frazee Paint Company ~w.~-.!: .lfflm~ Eld orado R bins n Stucco Trim Color, Foam/ Painted Old

DJ • Pinn 2D. 3A .. m & 3C: A 160 square top 6 panel door, Classic Collection D2 . l'l,tn 113 & 21!: /\ 130 I square top door, Old World Collection I) I · l'lan I A. IC: & 2C: A 1322 square top door, Old World Cotlection !WP Aurora Prcstained Front Door Style

Phase I Lotf Plan Elev. I Style I Scheme I Roof I Door SMc s 93 3 D Spanish ADJ R3 oi 5 94 2 n Tuscan 82 RI [)2 5 95 3 A Med/Santa b. AD4 R2 D3 5 96 IA Med/Santa b. AD) R4 DI s 97 2 D Spanish ADI RI D3 5 98 3 BR Tuscan 84 R3 03 s 99 2 CR Monterey C2 R2 DI 5 JOO 3 AR Med/Santa b. ADI R4 r»

1\rrn '\lattcsor Cc ~" 1 '"' Inc Ori&:. 8118/05

Added door styles. 6128/06

Chgs due to elev. chgs per Alex, 7/9/06

Rev. due to elev. chg., 7/17/06 Pha~tl Lotl Plan Elev. I Style J Schemel Roof ) Door Style Models 101 2 DR Spanish AD2 R2 1)3 Models 102 I CR Monterey C3 RI DI Models 103 3 BR Tuscan IH R3 [)3

I 82 2 [) Spanish AD4 R2 D3 I 83 I n Tuscan 111 R3 1)2

I 84 3 A Med/Santa 8. AD2 RI D3 I 85 2 B Tuscan 114 R4 02 I 86 I (' Monterey C4 R2 DI I 87 3 DR Spanish AD I R3 D3 I 88 3 A Med/Santa B. Al)4 R2 ()3 I 119 2 DR Spanish ADJ RI D3 I 90 3 BR Tuscan 82 R3 I))

I 91 2 CR Monterey C3 R2 DI I 92 I AR Mcd/Santu 11. AD2 R4 DI 2 64 2C Monterey Cl R4 DI 2 65 I ll Tuscan 134 RI 1)2 2 66 3 /\ Med/Sama ll. AD3 R3 l)J 2 67 IC Monterey C2 R2 () I 2 <>8 2 B Tuscan 01 RI D2 2 69 I /\ Med/Santa 13. A1)4 R4 DI 2 70 3 B Tuscan 132 R2 1)3 2 71 2 l) Spanish ADI R3 D3 2 72 3 /\ Med/Santa B. A()2 RI 1)3 2 .80 3 DR Spanish /\03 R2 1)3

2 81 2 CR Momcrey C4 R4 DI 3 73 IB Tuscan 04 R4 1)2

3 74 2C Monterey Cl R2 I) I

3 75 3 D Spanish AD I R3 03 3 76 IC Monterey C3 RI DI 3 77 2 11 Tuscan fl2 R4 1)2 3 7X 3 AR Med/Santa 11. AD4 RI r» 3 79 2 B Tuscan 133 R3 1)2

3 61 I A Mcd/Santu B. ADJ R2, f) I

3 62 3 u Tuscan B3 RI [)3 3 63 2 DR Spanish AD4 R3 1)3 4 49 IB Tuscan 02 RI 1)2 4 50 2C Monterey C2 R4 1) I 4 51 3 13 Tuscan fl I R3 1)3 4 52 I /\ Med/Santa 13. /\02 R2 I) I 4 53 3 [) Spanish /\D4 R4 ()3

4 54 2 C Monterey c.:i RI I) I <I 55 I ll Tuscan l!3 R2 1)2 .1 56 3 Al{ Mc·d/Sanrn H. /\DI 10 DJ 4 57 2 DR Spanish /\DJ RI l)J 4 58 I CR Monterey Cl R4 I) I 4 59 J DR Spanish /\02 IQ I)}

4 (,0 2 13R Tuscan l34 R3 1.)2

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