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Page 1: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Metabolic Acidosis

Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCPInternal Medicine, Infectious Disease

and Critical Care Medicine

Page 2: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Basis of Metabolic Acidosis

H+ + HCO3- H2O + CO2

Added acids

Loss ofNaHCO3

New A- No New A-(rise in plasma AG) (no rise in plasma AG)


Page 3: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Overproduction of Acids• Retention of anions in plasma (increased anion gap):

– L-lactic acidosis

– Ketoacidosis (-hydroxybutyric acid)

– Overproduction of organic acids in GI tract (D-lactic acidosis)

– Conversion of alcohol (methanol, ethylene glycol) to acids and poisonous aldehydes

• Excretion of anions in the urine (normal plasma anion gap):– Ketoacidosis and impaired renal reabsorption of -hydroxybutyric


– Inhalation of toluene (hippurate)

Page 4: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Actual Bicarbonate LossNormal Plasma Anion Gap

• Direct loss of NaHCO3

– Gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, ileus, fistula or T-tube drainage, villous adenoma, ileal conduit combined with delivery of Cl- from urine)

– Urinary tract ( proximal RTA, use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors)

• Indirect loss of NaHCO3

– Failure of renal generation of new bicarbonate (low NH4+ excretion)

– Low production of NH4+ (renal failure, hyperkalemia)

– Low transfer of NH4+ to the urine (medullary interstitial disease, low

distal net H+ secretion)

Page 5: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Rate of Production of H+

Event Rate( mmol/min)


Production of H+

Lactic acid 72 Complete anoxia

7.2 10% hypoxia Ketoacids 1 Lack of insulin

Toxic alcohols <1 Poisening metabolites

Removal of H+

Excretion of NH4+ 0-2 Lag period


Lactic acid 4-8 Oxidation and glucogenesis

Ketoacids 0.8 Oxidized in brain and kidney

Page 6: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

L oss o f N aH C O 3G I trac t

U rin eIn d irec t

N o rise in A G

K etoac id os is

Y es

R en a l fa ilu re

Y es

M eth an o lE th an o l

E th ylen e g lyco l

Y es

Typ e B L ac tic ac id os isD -lac tic ac id os is

O th er ac id s

N o

N o

Is G F R low

N o

L -lac tic ac id os is

Y es

N o

A re th e p lasm aketon es s tron g ly

p os it ive

R ise in A G =fa ll in H C O 3

M etab o lic a lka los is

R ise in A G >fa ll in H C O 3

Is th e A Ge leva ted

Y es

R esp ira to ryac id os is o r a lka los is

N o

M etab o lic A c id os is

Plasma osmolal gap

Is hypoxemia present?

Page 7: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Diagnostic Approach to Metabolic Acidosis

• Confirm that metabolic acidosis is present

• Has the ventilatory system responded appropriately

• Does the patient have metabolic acidosis and no increase in plasma anion gap

• Has the plasma anion gap risen appropriately

Page 8: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Patient [H+] pH PaCO2 [HCO3-]

A 64 7.20 20 8

B 120 6.90 40 8

C 30 7.50 10 8

Page 9: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Metabolic Acidosis with Elevated Plasma Anion Gap

Page 10: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.


• Ketoacidosis with normal -cell function:– Hypoglycemia– Inhibition of -cell (-adrenergics)– Excessive lipolysis

• Ketoacidosis with abnormal -cell function:– Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus– Pancreatic dysfunction

Page 11: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.


hydroxybuturic acid: a hydroxy acid

• Acetoacetate: a real ketoacid

• Acetone: it is not an acid

Page 12: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Production of Ketoacids


Fatty acids

Hormone sensitive lipase

Fatty acids






Page 13: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Control of Ketoacid Production in the Liver

Fatty acids Acetyl-CoA Ketoacids

Fatty acids ATPHigh glucagonLow insulin


Page 14: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Production of Ketoacids

• Ketoacids are produced at a rate of not more than 1.3 mmol/min

• Maximum rate of production would be 1500- 1850 mmol/day

• The brain can oxidize 750 mmol/day

• The kidney will oxidize 250 mmol/day

Page 15: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Removal of Ketoacids

TG Fattyacids


H+ + HB-

ATP in other organs




Oxidation ATP

Ketoacidsand NH4in urine


150Acetonein breath





Page 16: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Excretion of -HB- + NH4+

has no net acid base effect










Page 17: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Excretion of -HB- + NH4+

• If NH4+ are excreted, HCO3

- are added to the body, and balance for H+ and is restored.

• To the degree that -HB- are excreted with Na and K, a deficit of HCO3

- Na and K may occur

Page 18: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Conversion of Ketoacids to Acetone

• Acetoacetate- + H+ + NADH -HB- + NAD+

• Acetoacetate- + H+ Acetone + CO2

Page 19: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Balance of Ketoacids




Acetone(nitroprusside test)

If the patient has NADH accumulation in mitochondria, such as in hypoxia and during Alcohol metabolism, the equilibrium of the equation is displaced to the rightThus the quick test will be low

Page 20: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Alcoholic Ketoacidosis





Fatty acids

Low ECF-adrenergics


Low net insulin

+ + Ketoacids

Ethanol -


Page 21: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Rate of Production of H+

Event Rate( mmol/min)


Production of H+

Lactic acid 72 Complete anoxia

7.2 10% hypoxia Ketoacids 1 Lack of insulin

Toxic alcohols <1 Poisening metabolites

Removal of H+

Excretion of NH4+ 0-2 Lag period


Lactic acid 4-8 Oxidation and glucogenesis

Ketoacids 0.8 Oxidized in brain and kidney

Page 22: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Stoichiometry of ATP and O2

• The ratio of phosphorus to oxygen is 3:1

• 6 ATP can be produced per O2

• Consumption of at rest is close to 12 mmol/min

• The amount of ATP needed per minute is 12 X 6, or 72 mmol/min

Page 23: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Lactic Acid

• Dead-end product of glycolysis

• Produced in all tissues

• Most from tissues with high rate of glycolysis, gut, erythrocytes, brain, skin, and skeletal muscles

• Total of 15 to 20 mEq/kg is produced per day

• Normal lactic level is maintained at 0.7-1.3 mEq/L

• Eliminated in liver (50%), kidneys (25%), heart and skeletal muscles

Page 24: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Glucose Glucose-1-phGlucose-6-ph



2 Glyceraldehyde-3-ph


1,3 Diphosphoglycerate





Lactate- + H+











Page 25: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Formation of Lactic Acid in the Cytosols

Pyruvate + NADH + H+ Lactate + NAD

Lactate Dehydrogenase

1 time 10 times

Page 26: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Utilization of Lactic Acid

Lactate itself cannot be utilized by the body, and blood Lactate levels are therefore dependent on pyruvate metabolism

Page 27: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Pyruvate can be Utilized by Three Pathways

• Conversion to acetyl-CoA and oxidization to CO2 and H2O by Krebs cycle

• Transamination with glutamine to form alanine and -ketogluarate

• Gluconeogenesis in the liver and kidney: Cori Cycle

Page 28: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.


2 Pyruvate

2 Lactate + 2 ATP +

CO2 + H2O + 36 ATP









Page 29: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Lactate= Pyruvate X Keq -------------------(NADH) (H+)


Keq is the equilibrium constant of LDH

Pyruvate + NADH + H+ Lactate + NADLactate Dehydrogenase LDH

Page 30: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.


H+ + Lactate-

Na+ + HCO3- CO2 + H2O




Page 31: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

L-Lactic AcidosisOverproduction of L-lactic Acid

• Net production of L-lactic acid occurs when the body must regenerate ATP without oxygen

• 1 H+ is produced per ATP regenerated from glucose• Because a patient will need to regenerate 72 mmol of

ATP per minutes, As much as 72 mmol/min of H+ can be produced in case of anoxia

• 2ATP2 ADP + 2 Pi + biologic work• Glucose + 2 ADP + 2 Pi 2 H+ + 2L-Lactate- + 2 ATP

Page 32: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

L-Lactic AcidosisOverproduction of L-lactic Acid

• Rapid increase in metabolic rate: strenuous exercise

• Increase Glycolysis

• Normal Lactate/Pyruvate ratio suggest that the cause is not related to anaerobic metabolism or anoxia

Page 33: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

L-Lactic AcidosisUnderutilization of L-lactic Acid

• Decreased gluconeogesis: liver problems, inhibitors by drugs

• Decreased Transamination: malnutrition

• Decreased oxidation: anaerobic conditions, PDH problems

Page 34: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Lactic Acidosis

• Severe hypoxemia • Acute circulatory

shock (poor delivery of O2)

• Severe anemia (low capacity of blood to carry O2)

• Prolonged seizures• Exhausting exercise

• PDH problems: thiamin deficiency or an inborn error

• Decreased gluconeogenesis, liver failure, biguanide, alcohol

• Excessive formation of lactic acid: malignant cells, low ATP, inhibition of mitochondrial generation of ATP: cyanide, uncoupling oxidation and phosphorylation, alcohol intoxication

Type A Type B

Page 35: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Lactic Acidosis in Sepsis

• Normal lactate/Pyruvate ratio

• Increasing Do2 Does not reduce lactate level

• Inhibition of pyruvate dehydrogenase

• Increase pyruvate production by increased aerobic glycolysis

• Hypoxia and hypoperfusion

Page 36: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Ethanol-Induced Metabolic Acidosis

Ethanol Acetaldehyde

L-Lactate Pyruvate


Page 37: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Decreasing Rate of Metabolism in Specific Organs

Organ Strategy

Brain AnestheticsSedatives

Kidney Lower GFRLower Na pumping

Muscles Paralytic agents

Page 38: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Organic Acid Load from the GI TractD-Lactic Acidosis

• Bacteria in GI tract that convert cellulose into organic acids:– Butyric acid: provide ATP to colon– Propionic acid and D-lactic acid– Acetic acid

• Total of 300 mmol of organic acids is produced each day: 60% acetic acid, 20% propionic and d-lactic acids, and 20% butyric acid

Page 39: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Organic Acid Load from the GI TractD-Lactic Acidosis

• Slow GI transit lead to bacterial growth: blind loop, obstruction, drugs decreasing GI motility

• A change in bacterial flora secondary to antibiotic usage : large population of bacteria producing D-lactic

• Feeding with carbohydrate-rich food will aggravate D-lactic acidosis in patients with GI bacterial overgrowth

Page 40: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Metabolic Acidosis Caused by Toxins

Alcohol AldehydeAlcohol dehydrogenase

Carboxylic AcidAldehyde dehydrogenase

Ethanol Acetaldehyde Acetic acid

Methanol Formaldehyde Formic acid

Ethylene glycol Glycoaldehyde Glycolic acidOxalic acid

Page 41: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Ethanol Methanol EthyleneGlycol



+ + + +

Convulsion + + + +

Odor + - - Acetone

Blood gases Respiratoryacidosis,




Mild metabolicacidosis

AG + +++ +++ +

Osmo gap + + + +


- - ++hypocalcemia



30 minutes 12-48 hr 30 min-12 h Rapid

Lethal dose 5-8 g/kg 1-5 g/kg 1.5 g/Kg 3-4 g/kg

Lethal bloodlevel

350-500 80 200 400




Page 42: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Basis of Metabolic Acidosis

H+ + HCO3- H2O + CO2

Added acids

Loss ofNaHCO3

New A- No New A-(rise in plasma AG) (no rise in plasma AG)


Page 43: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Metabolic Acidosis With Normal Plasma Anion Gap

Page 44: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Normal Renal Response to Acidemia

• Reabsorb all the filtered HCO3-

• Increase new HCO3- generation

by increasing the excretion of NH4

+ in the urine

Page 45: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Renal Tubular Acidosis

• Inability of the kidney to reabsorb the filtered HCO3


• Inability of the kidney to excrete NH4


Page 46: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Metabolic Acidosis with Normal Plasma Anion Gap

• Excessive excretion of NH4+

• Increased renal excretion of HCO3-

• Low excretion of NH4+

Page 47: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Increased Renal Excretion of NH4+

Negative Urine Net Charge/High Urine Osmolal Gap

• Gastrointestinal Loss of HCO3-

• Acid ingestion

• Acetazolamide ingestion

• Recovery from chronic hypocapnea

• Expansion acidosis

• Overproduction of acids with the rapid excretion of their conjugate base: Toluene

Page 48: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.


• Should be more than 4 liters per day

• Normal kidney can generate 200 mmol of HCO3 as a result of enhanced excretion of NH4

• Normal anion gap with acidosis and negative urine net charge and increased osmolality

Page 49: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

An 80-year-old man with pyelonephritis, developed diarrhea after a course of

antibiotics, what is the diagnosis?

Plasma UrineNa 134 Na 10K 2.8 K 40CL 115 CL 100HCO3 10 Osmo 800H 62 Urea 300pH 7.20 pH 5.9

Page 50: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Acid IngestionAnion of the Acid is Cl-

• HCl

• NH4Cl

• Lysine-HCl

• Arginine-HCl

Page 51: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Acetazolamide Ingestion

• Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase

• Bicarbonaturia

• Metabolic acidosis with loss of bicarbonate in the urine

• Normal anion gap

Page 52: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Recovery from Chronic Hypocapnea

• During hyperventilation and hypocanea, the low PCO2 will be compensated by decreased bicarbonate

• If the stimulus for hyperventilation and hypocapnea resolved, the lag period before the bicarbonate is corrected will give metabolic acidosis

Page 53: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Expansion Acidosis

Condition ECF volume [HCO3] HCO3content

Normal 15 24 360


10 24 240


15 16 240

Page 54: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Metabolic Acidosis Caused by ToxinsNormal Plasma Osmolal Gap

Toluene (Glue Sniffing)

Toluene Benzyl alcohol

Benzoate- + H+



+ H+

To urine along withNa, K, NH4

HCO3- +NH4+


H2O + CO2to exhaled air

Page 55: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Excessive Excretion of HCO3-

Inadequate Indirect Reabsorption of filtered HCO3-

HCO3- Na


H+ + HCO3-

CO2 + H2O

HCO3- Na+






Page 56: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Indirect Reabsorption of HCO3-

Using the Transport of NH4+

Page 57: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Excessive Excretion of HCO3-

Inadequate Indirect Reabsorption of filtered HCO3-

Proximal RTA

• A defect in proximal H+ secretion

• Excretion of NaHCO3 in the urine

• Metabolic acidosis and no increase in AG

• Bicarbonaturia at onset

• Decreased filtered bicarbonate

• Decreased Bicarbonaturia

Page 58: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Excessive Excretion of HCO3-

Inadequate Indirect Reabsorption of filtered HCO3-

Proximal RTA

Filtered proximalreabsorption




Normal 4500 4000 500 0 30

ProximalRTA, onset

4500 3000 1500 >100 0


3600 3000 600 0 20

Page 59: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Indirect Reabsorption of HCO3-

Using the Transport of NH4+

Page 60: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Reduced Renal Excretion of NH4+

Distal RTA

• Reduced excretion of NH4+

• Failure to regenerate the needed HCO3

• Decreased [NH3] in the medullary interstitium: high urine pH

• Decreased transfer of NH3 to the lumen of the collecting duct

Page 61: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

A ld os te ron e p rob lemTyp e IV

H yp erka lem ia

N H 3 p rob lem

< 5

H + sec re tionp rob lem

> 6

H yp oka lem ia

W h at is th e p lam a K ?

< 1 0 0 = R TA

O ccu lt overp rod u c tiono f ac id

> 2 5 0

W h at is th eu rin e osm ola l

g ap

N a+ K > C l

G I lossA ce tazo lam id e

A fte r h yp ocap n eaH C l,N H 4 C l,C aC l2

C l > N a+ K

M etab o lic A c id os isN orm a l A G

What is the urine pH?

Page 62: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Metabolic Acidosis in Renal Failure

• Normal AG acidosis results from failure of the kidney to generate new HCO3

- from a reduced rate of synthesis and excretion of NH4


• Increased AG acidosis results from the reduced GFR, with accumulation of anions: HPO4

Page 63: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Ken Has a Drinking Problem

• 26 year old man consumed an excessive quantity of alcohol during the past week, in the last 2 days he has been eaten little and has vomited on many occasions.

• He has no history of DM

• P.E. revealed marked ECF contraction, alcohol is detected in his breath

Page 64: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Blood Plasma

Glucose 90 Na 140

BUN 28 K 3.0

pH 7.30 Cl 93

H 50 HCO3 15

PaCO2 30 Ketones Stronglypositive

Page 65: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Ken Has a Drinking Problem• Large Na deficit due to renal Na excretion dragged out by

HCO3 from vomiting• Hypokalemia results from excessive loss of K in the urine due

to hyperaldpsteronism secondary to ECF contraction and because of bicarbonturia

• Metabolic acidosis with high anion gap of 20• AG is grater than the fall in plasma bicarbonate 20>10• Alcoholic ketoacidosis secondary to relative insulin deficiency

plus L-lactic acidosis secondary to low ECF and ethanol

Page 66: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Alcoholic Ketoacidosis





Fatty acids

Low ECF-adrenergics


Low net insulin

+ + Ketoacids

Ethanol -


Page 67: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

An Unusual Case of Ketoacidosis

• A 21-year-old woman has had DM for 2 years and requires insulin. Six months ago, she presented with lethargy, malaise, headache, and metabolic acidosis with normal plasma anion gap, her complaints and the acid-base disturbance have persisted for 6 months. She denies taking acetazolamide, halides, or HCl equivalents

• While taking her usual 34 units of insulin per day, she frequently had glycosuria and ketonuria but no major increase in AG

Page 68: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.


Urea 20 Na 136

Creatinine 0.9 K 2.9

Glucose 190 Cl 103

pH 7.35 HCO3 19

H 45 AG 14

PaCO2 35 -HB 2.2

Page 69: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.


Glucose 5 Na 47

Urea 50 K 60

pH 5.3 Cl 13

Osmolality 680

Page 70: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

An Unusual Case of Ketoacidosis

• Metabolic acidosis with mildly elevated AG and positive urine net charge suggest RTA secondary of low proximal or distal H secretion associated with hypokalemia

• Do you agree?

Page 71: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

An Unusual Case of Ketoacidosis

• Calculated osmolality is 269 and osmolal gap is 411 indicating the presence of a large number of unmeasured osmoles

• NH4 was 120 mmol/L in the urine indicating normal response to acidosis

-HB acid level is 234 mmol/L

• Thus acidosis was not evident because of marked ketonuria

Page 72: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.


2 Pyruvate

2 Lactate + 2 ATP +

CO2 + H2O + 36 ATP









Page 73: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Excretion of -HB- + NH4+

• If NH4+ are excreted, HCO3

- are added to the body, and balance for H+ and is restored.

• To the degree that -HB- are excreted with Na and K, a deficit of HCO3

- Na and K may occur

Page 74: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

A Stroke of Bad Luck

• 42 year old man has hypertension and rare alcohol binges, last night he consumed half a bottle of whiskey. This morning he was found unconscious and has intracerebral hemorrhage. There was no ECF volume contraction

• Laboratory results now and after 2 hours with no change.

Page 75: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.


pH 6.96 Glucose 162

PaCO2 11 Urea 14

HCO3 3 Creatinine 0.8

AG 42 Osmolality 305

Na 139 Ethanol 20

K 6.8 Ketones moderate

Page 76: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

A Stroke of Bad LuckAlcoholic Ketoacidosis

• Metabolic acidosis with elevation of 30 due to overproduction of acid

• L-lactic acid level was 7 mmol/L-HB level was 16 mmol/L

• The rest would be Acetoacetate and probably D-lactic acid

Page 77: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

A Superstar of Severe Acidosis

• A patient walked into the emergency room because of SOB

• PE revealed near normal ECF volume and hyperventilation

• His GFR was normal

• pH 6.79, PCO2 9, HCO3 1, AG 46, normal osmolal gap

Page 78: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

What is the diagnosis?

• Diabetic ketoacidosis

• Alcoholic ketoacidosis

• Type A lactic acidosis

• Type B lactic acidosis

• D-Lactic acidosis

• Toxins

Page 79: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Type B Lactic Acidosis

• Low rate of acid production, otherwise acidosis would have killed the patient

• Normal ECF volume rules out DKA and AKA

• No history of GI problem rules out D-lactic acidosis

• L-Lactic acid level was higher than 30 mmol/L and the patient was taking metformin for the treatment of NIDDM

Page 80: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Acute Popsicle Overdose

• 56 year old man developed diarrhea while traveling abroad for several months. He took antibiotics an a GI motility depressant, he consumed many popsicles to quench his thirst.

• Condition deteriorated and presented with confusion and poor coordination

Page 81: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Acute Popsicle OverdosePlasma Urine

PH 7.20 5.2

PaCO2 25 No data

HCO3 10 0

AG 19 101

Osmolal gap 0 No data

Albumin 38 No data

Ketoacids Negative Negative

Page 82: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

D-Lactic Acidosis

• Metabolic acidosis with elevated AG of 7 and decreased HCO3 of 15 indicating:

• Mixed type metabolic acidosis: increased AG (overproduction of acid) and normal AG (bicarbonate loss in diarrhea)

• D-Lactic acid was 10 mmol/L

• Bacteria in the GI were fed sugar from the popsicles and started producing D-Lactic acids plus CNS toxins

Page 83: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

The Kidneys Are Seeing Red

• 27 year old patient noticed progressive weakness when climbing stairs during the past several months. There was no diarrhea or evidence of problem in the GI tract. There was no special findings in the physical examination

Page 84: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Plasma Urine

pH 7.32 7.3

HCO3 17 -

PCO2 32 -

Na 140 57

K 2.7 32

Cl 115 82

Creatinine 0.8 7

Osmolality 290 350

Page 85: Metabolic Acidosis Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine.

Distal RTA

• Normal AG metabolic acidosis

• Low rate of NH4 excretion

• Little excretion of HCO3 in urine following bicarbonate therapy, rules out proximal RTA

• The diagnosis is distal RTA

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