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Page 1: Metastatic prostate adeno-carcinoma and Paget's bone ......Prostate cancer (PC) is the most common non-cuta-neous malignant lesion in men over 70 years. There is genetic predisposition

CLINICAL NOTE / Rev Osteoporos Metab Miner. 2018;10(1):37-4037

Prol C1, Ruiz-Oslé S2, Malaxetxebarria S3, Álvarez J1

1 Servicio de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial 2 Servicio de Urología 3 Servicio de Anatomía PatológicaHospital Universitario Cruces - Baracaldo (España)

Metastatic prostate adeno-carcinoma andPaget's bone disease of the mandible

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4321/S1889-836X2018000100006

Correspondence: Carlos Prol Teijeiro - C/Gernikako Arbola, 30 - 6º izda. - 48902 Baracaldo - Vizcaya (Spain) e-mail: [email protected]

Date of receipt: 19/11/2017Date of acceptance: 18/01/2018

SummaryProstate cancer is the most common non-cutaneous malignant lesion in males over 70 years of age.Diagnosis in advanced stages of the disease is not exceptional, through metastatic lesions as debut. Themost characteristic of these lesions are osseous with osteoblastic behavior, uncommon in maxillary bones.On the other hand, Paget's disease is a chronic metabolic disorder attributed to osteoclast dysfunction. Atthe craniofacial level, the characteristic affectation is an increase in size, a "cotton flakes" pattern or cir-cumscribed osteoporosis. The fact that this is only located in the mandible is exceptional. A case of Paget's disease of the right hemi-mandible bone is presented in which a metastasis is develo-ped due to prostatic adenocarcinoma.

Key words: Paget's bone disease, osteitis deformans, prostate cancer, metastasis, oral neoplasms.

Page 2: Metastatic prostate adeno-carcinoma and Paget's bone ......Prostate cancer (PC) is the most common non-cuta-neous malignant lesion in men over 70 years. There is genetic predisposition

CLINICAL NOTE / Rev Osteoporos Metab Miner. 2018;10(1):37-4038

IntroductionProstate cancer (PC) is the most common non-cuta-neous malignant lesion in men over 70 years. Thereis genetic predisposition and several exogenous fac-tors have been proposed, but without sufficient evi-dence to recommend lifestyle changes that mightprevent PC. Screening programs are controversial,by digital rectal examination and prostate-specificantigen (PSA) levels, with individualized strategiessuggested based on the risk profile. The eco-guidedbiopsy is standard for diagnosis, corresponding inmore than 95% of cases to acinar cell adenocarcino-ma1.

On the other hand, Paget's disease of bone(PDB) is a chronic condition of unknown causedue to osteoclast dysfunction, with increasedbone remodeling that triggers bone growth anddisfigurement. It presents genetic susceptibility,is more predominant in Caucasians, slightly morefrequent in males and exceptional in individualsunder 40 years. No cure has been found,although bisphosphonates are usually prescribeddepending on metabolic activity and symptoma-tology2-5.

Clinical Case Report A 77-year-old man, ex-smoker of 20 packs peryear, ex-drinker of 7 units of standard drink/dayuntil 2 years previous, and with a history of highblood pressure, ischemic stroke and interveningleft carotid stenosis. His treatment was standardwith atorvastatin, valsartan, hydrochlorothiazideand clopidogrel reported. He was diagnosedwith stage IV prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason3+4, with PSA values of 110.47 ng/mL and alka-line phosphatase (FA) of 142 U/L initially, andbone metastases in vertebrae C7 and D1. Theserum levels of calcium, phosphorus andparathyroid hormone were within normal limitsand treatment began with complete androgenblockade. After 19 months, he presented righthemifacial swelling, with bulging of both corticalof the ipsilateral mandible branch (Figure 1) andwithout ulceration of the oral mucosa upon exa-mination. The pathological anatomy provides anew diagnosis of PDB in mixed phase, withoutdata suggestive of malignancy (Figure 2). Thereis no suspicion of involvement in other skeletalregions.

He did not receive treat-ment for symptomatic stabi-lity until 11 months later,when the maxillofacial clinicis accentuated. Radiologically,sclerotic intensification withmandibular bone growth, softtissue increases in masticatoryspace, as well as lymphade-nopathies in right cervical Iaand Ib levels (Figure 3). Anew submucosa biopsy ofsoft tissues and bone showedfibrous tissue with changes ofsclerosis and intense artifact,with infiltration by malignantcells of epithelial aspect posi-tive for CK, AE1/AE3 andPSA. In addition, he is diag-nosed with a new bonemetastasis at the level of theleft iliac blade. Chemotherapyis ruled out, and two doses of20 Gy of radiotherapy areapplied with an antalgicintention in the jaw and pel-vis.

After 9 months, in a controlbone scan, new metastatic fociare seen in right orbit, ribs onboth sides, sacral column, lefthumerus, both scapulae andright femoral diaphysis. Heunderwent surgery with intra-medullary rod for femoralneck fracture. The patient died46 months after the initialoncological diagnosis, follo-wing prolonged bed rest athome.

Figure 1. Orthopantomography. Irregular sclerosis of right hemimandible.Widening of adjacent periodontal spaces

Figure 2. Hematoxylin & Eosin 10x, 200x. Loss of demarcation betweencancellous and cortical bone. Hyperostosis with mosaic pattern, increasedbony trabeculae and prominent basophilic lines. Multinucleated osteo-clasts and isolated eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions. Bone marrow withfibrous stroma

Page 3: Metastatic prostate adeno-carcinoma and Paget's bone ......Prostate cancer (PC) is the most common non-cuta-neous malignant lesion in men over 70 years. There is genetic predisposition

CLINICAL NOTE / Rev Osteoporos Metab Miner. 2018;10(1):37-4039

DiscussionAccording to the literature,3% of intraoral malignantlesions correspond to metas-tasis. The most frequentregions affected are the man-dible in the molar area, withits rich vascular supply and aremnant of bone marrow inadults and the gum adheredto soft tissues. In many cases,these are late complicationsof advanced malignant disea-se with multiple visceralmetastases, although up to25% of cases are the firstmanifestation. Globally, themost common primary can-cers in the maxillary bonesare those of the breast, whilein soft tissues they are thoseof the lung. In males, maxi-llary metastases of prostaticorigin correspond to 11%,versus 1.5% in soft tissues.Inflammation, pain, sensitivealterations of relatively rapidevolution, or a bleedingexophytic hyperplastic lesionare usually the usualsymptoms, which can easilybe misinterpreted as benignpathology. The histologymay simulate primary intrao-ral neoplasms, especially those poorly differentia-ted originating in salivary glands, requiring addi-tional immune-histochemical and molecular tech-niques6,7.

In cases of PC, the Gleason scale allows, toge-ther with the TNM staging, to establish riskgroups. To assess the locoregional extension,magnetic resonance is generally employed, whilefor remote extension, computed tomography andbone scintigraphy are used, where the most cha-racteristic metastases are located1. PC cells fre-quently secrete factors that promote bone forma-tion, such as bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs),and RANK-L inhibitors, attenuating osteoclasticaction6. Therefore, most metastases will be osteo-blastic although they have also been reported in amixed, osteolytic form, even without radiologicalevidence. As with other mandibular neoplasms,diagnosis is not unusual after pain or paresthesia-hypoesthesia of the inferior dental nerve that doesnot improve after dental treatments8-11. They havenot only been reported at mandibular level, butalso in branches12, condyles13 and parotid glandswith bone infiltration14.

The number and location of bone metastases inPC are among the most commonly used but notvalidated prognostic factors, in addition to visceralmetastases, the Gleason score, PSA and AF. Theusual management is androgen blockade combi-ned or not with chemotherapy. The prescription of

bisphosphonates, radiotherapy, even cytoreductivesurgeries or metastasectomies to improve quality oflife is recognized for palliative purposes1.

As for PDB, the location is segmental, monos-totic or polyostotic, most common in the pelvis,femur, spine, skull and tibia, although it can affectany bone and may present with pain, arthralgiasand compression syndromes. There is an increa-sed risk of fracture and malignancy. It is asympto-matic in many cases, carrying out the diagnosiswhen complications appear or characteristic radio-logical images. The Paget-affected bone presentsvascular alterations, with regional vasodilatation,which could increase cardiovascular risk. Thebone scan allows us to assess the extension. In theactive phase of the disease, though not a specificdatum, serum FA increases along with other repla-cement markers. Histology usually shows amosaic pattern, with areas of osteoclastic and oste-oblastic activity. Multinucleated osteoclasts andcytoplasmic or intranuclear inclusions are moretypical of the initial rest phase. In addition, it pre-sents with bone marrow fibrosis and arterio-venous shunts3-5.

Increased cranial size, a "cotton flakes" patternor circumscribed osteoporosis, are the most cha-racteristic findings at the head level of the PDB,with singular mandibular involvement consideredexceptional. The teeth erupt mispositioned andmigrate with bone growth, showing in radio-

Figure 3. Computerized tomography. Axial, coronal, sagittal and 3D. Cortico-medullary sclerosis with soft tissue enlargement surrounding the right hemi-mandibular branch.

Page 4: Metastatic prostate adeno-carcinoma and Paget's bone ......Prostate cancer (PC) is the most common non-cuta-neous malignant lesion in men over 70 years. There is genetic predisposition

CLINICAL NOTE / Rev Osteoporos Metab Miner. 2018;10(1):37-4040

graphs both radiolucent areas as of hypercemen-tosis or ankylosis of roots. In these cases, theextractions are complex, alveolar healing is slowwith localized osteitis, and there is an increasedrisk of secondary osteomyelitis. Loco-regional sur-gical remodeling has its role, and additional pre-cautions should be taken to control haemostasisand infections with optional oral surgery5,15,16.

Bisphosphonates slow the differentiation ofcommon precursor cells, promote apoptosis andsuppress bone resorption by osteoclasts, hencetheir indication in active PDB and in symptomaticbone metastases. They also have anti-angiogenicproperties and a half-life of up to 11 years afterbone incorporation. Before starting treatment,whatever the disease and route of administration,a dental examination and extraction of periodon-tal teeth on or adjacent to the lesion, in order toprevent osteonecrosis are recommended2,17-19.

The main differential diagnoses of craniofacialPDB are fibrous dysplasia and fibro-osteomas5. Inthe present case, as there was a recent change inthe lesion with a soft-tissue component, sarcoma-toid malignancy would also be included, withosteonecrosis being less likely due to the lack of ahistory of bisphosphonates, anti-angiogenesis andradiotherapy. However, due to the vascular altera-tions and the compromised scarring of the Pageticbone, spontaneous osteonecrosis could be trigge-red20. Although the patient developed unfavorably,it has been shown that PC and PBD associationdelays metastatic progression and increases ove-rall survival21.

Conclusions Metastatic PC is not uncommon in our setting,with a high survival rate. The mandibular locationof this oncological or other lineage is a challengefor both clinicians and pathologists. Occasionally,the overlap of bone disease can hinder diagnosiseven more, highlighting metabolic disorders, bothtraining and recovery, and the side effects of the-rapies, such as osteonecrosis.

Conflict of interests: The authors declare no con-flicts of interest.The precepts of the Helsinki declaration on clinicalstudies have been observed throughout this rese-arch work.


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