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Page 1: METHODOLOGY I ( I Bimestre Abril Agosto 2011)

METHODOLOGY I Abril – Agosto 2011






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SUCCESSFUL teacher:1.has a practical command of English, not

just a knowledge of grammar rules.

2.uses English most of the time

in every class, including

beginner classes

3.thinks mostly in terms of learner

practice, not teacher explanations

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4.finds time for really communicative activities, not just practice of language forms.

5.Focuses the teaching on learner`s needs, not just on “ finishing” the syllabus or course book.

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1.enable the learners to communicate in real English (both spoken and written)

2.enable the learners to read technical

publications in real English.

3.get the learners to me -

morize English grammar

rules and vocabulary.

The goals of different courses should

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to learn language in order to read the

target language literature

1. Analysis of grammar rules followed by translating exercises

2. Reading and writing ( little attention to speaking / listening) . Reading of difficult classical texts is begun at an early stage of studying.

3. Vocabulary is based on reading texts used(words are taught through bilingual isolated word






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Positive Points


It is useful when understanding texts is the primary focus of foreign language study

little need for speaking

no specialized training on the part of teachers

no special material for teaching

It is successful in leading a student toward a reading knowledge of a foreign language.

tests of grammar rules and of translations are easy to construct and score objectively

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The DIRECT METHOD (XIX) , Charles Berlitz

“ “ naturalistic “ or “natural” method – child language acquisition

Meaning is conveyed directly through demonstration and action.

Emphasis on speaking skills

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1.Classroom instruction - exclusively in the target language2. Everyday vocabulary is taught.3.Oral communication- around

question/answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive class.

4.Concrete vocabulary is taught through demon- strations, pictures, objects.


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5.Grammar is taught


6.Listening and speaking are


7.Emphasis on correct grammar

and pronunciation.

8. New teaching items are

introduced orally

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Principles of The Direct Method

Never translate : demonstrate Never explain : act Never make a speech : ask questions Never imitate mistake : correct Never speak with single words: use sentences Never speak too much : make students speak

much Never use your book : use your lesson plan Never jump around : follow your plan Never go too fast : keep the pace of the student Never speak too slowly : speak normally Never speak too quickly : speak naturally

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4.It is difficult to apply in public secondary school education

5.It is counterproductive

(long teacher explanation in order to avoid using the native language)

The D.M. declined in Europe by the 1920s

It was implemented in American schools

with some modifications.

Limitations of The D.M.

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The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching ( 1930`s – 1960`s, Harold Palmer and A. Hornby )

Palmer and Hornby -grammar asthe underlying sentence patternsof the spoken language

Speech - is the basis of language,and grammar – is the heart of


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teaching begins with the spoken language. Material is taught orally before it s presented in

written form. The target language is the language of the

classroom. Language is introduced and practiced situationally. Grammar:simple forms are taught before complex

ones. Reading and writing are introduced once a sufficient lexical and grammatical basis is established. Emphasis on accuracy (grammar and pronunciation), avoid errors at all costs. Writing derives from speech.


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Meaning, context, and situation

are given a prominent place.

Language is related to goals

and situations in the real world.

The word meaning and grammar

are deduced from the way they

are used in a


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To teach a practical command of four

basic skills. Accuracy in both pronunciation and

grammar (avoid errors )


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Teacher serves as a model to create the new structures for students to


Teacher is a “skillful manipulator”

using questions,commands to elicit

correct sentences from the learners

Class is teacher – centered


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SLT is dependant on both a textbook

and visual aids

Textbook – contains organized lesson planned around diff. grammar structures

Visual aids may be produced by the teacher

(wall harts, flashcards, pictures, stick

figures, so on )

The Role of Instructional


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Typical OA / SLT class1.PRESENTATION:introductio

nof a new teaching item in a context or situation

2.PRACTICE :controlled practice of the item

3.PRODUCTION : a freer practice phase

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(The Army method)

Speech is language: we first learn

to speak,and then to read and write

Speech is a primary goal

Language skills are learned

more effectively if the items are

presented in the spoken form first

before they are seen in written form

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Short –term : training in listening

comprehension, accurate pronunciation ,

acquaintance with vocabulary items, meaning

Long – term :“ must be language as the native speaker uses it “ (Brook )

Emphasis :

- accurate pronunciation

- correct grammar

- ability to respond quickly in

speech situations


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1 Characteristics

Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills

Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized

Vocabulary is limited and learned in context , not in


Reading and writing may betaught but they are dependant

on prior oral skills

New material is presented in dialogue form

Successful responses are immediately reinforced

The mother tongue is not permitted.

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After a dialogue has been presented and memorized, specific grammatical patterns in the dialogues are selected and become a focus of various kinds of




Memorization Dialogues



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Teacher `s Role The Role of Instructional Materials

This is a teacher- centered method.

Instructional materials assist the teacher to develop language mastery in the learner.Language laboratory is essential. Tape-recorder and audiovisual equipment have central roles

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James Asher, ( 1970s – 1980s ,USA)

Main objective

Total Physical Response

Teach oral proficiency at a beginning level Achieve comprehension Teach basic speaking skills

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* It is built around the coordination of speech and action (child language acquisition)).* A stimulus – response view ( memory connection )

*Listening should be accompanied by physical movement.*Speech and other productive skills should come later.


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Commands are used

Commands are accompanied by

physical actions

No verbal response is necessary

Special attention to feedback(teacher

should not interrupt for correction )

Much affection

Grammar is taught inductively


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Stress - free learning environment More complex syntax could be

incorporated into the imperative mood.

Sentence-based syllabus vs grammar–based

Detailed lesson plan

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The Silent Way – is “ learning to learn” Primacy of learning over teaching.Emphasis on learner's priorities and commitments. Problem-solving approaches to learning , represented in the words of Benjamin Franklin: Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn.

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Learners are expected to develop independence, autonomy, and responsibility

Students correct themselves

Students are expected to make

generalizations and come

to their own conclusions.

Learner's Roles

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Teacher's Roles

To teach

To test

To get out of the way

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Teacher remains silent as much time as possible

Teacher monitors learner's interaction with each other

Teacher uses gestures, charts, shapes students responses

Teacher “writes the script, chooses the props, sets the mood, models the action, designates the players, and is critic for the performance”

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The Silent Way Class

. Testing follows immediately

Presentation of the item using nonverbal clues to get across meanings

Students are presented with the structural patterns and learn the grammar rules through inductiveprocess

Elicitation and shaping of student production

Lessons are planned around grammar and related vocabulary

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The S. W. Class

Summaries based on the discussed topics

Class / group discussion of single topic

Practice of the learned material in a situation

Analysis /practice of sentence structure, patterns, vocabulary

Work on intonation /pronunciation

Free conversations and dialogues are transcribed and distributed for study and analysis.

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COMMUNITY LANGUAGE LEARNING ( Charles Curran, 1970’s, University of Chicago)

Counseling- learning (counselor-client relationships). It includes emotions and feelings.

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Theory of Language and Learning: LL interactions :

between learners and teacher ( this interaction is dependant )

between learners (class becomes a community of learners; this interaction is unpredictable and involves exchanges of affect)

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* Students learn to work

cooperatively (vs competitively)

* Ss should create a positive environment to feel

comfortable both correcting one another and

being corrected by one another.

*Ss learn through interaction within the community(teacher-classmates)

Learner's Roles

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Negative points

- High demand on teachers

- The counceling by teacher is under the question (special training)

- No teacning materials

-Teacher is dependant on the

students`choice of topics

-Evaluation is difficult to


- Enadequate control of the

oral production and grammar

CLL stressesthe benefits ofhumanistic side



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(1979, Georgi Lozanov)

- class arrangement : the use of comfortable furniture

- music and music rhythm – it helps to increase self-esteem through increased self-satisfaction in musical performance

- state of relaxation of learners and highly positive environment



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- authoritative behaviour of the

teacher: people remember better

and are more influenced if infor-

mation comes from an authorita-

tive source

Authority (of a teacher) –

to suggest a teacher-student

relation like that of parent to child.


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DIRECT : text and tapeThe text should have emotional

force,literary quality, and interesting

characters.- INDIRECT: classroom décor, music.


OBJECTIVE – to deliver advanced conversational profociency quickly

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Classroom activities

Listening activities Readings


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Typical class:


1stpart-oral review section.Previously learned material is a basis for discussion. Attention to grammar, vocabulary. Emphasis on role- plays

(in a hotel,description of tourist or other places, etc)

2nd part - presentation and discussion of new material (students may analyze a new dialogue and its translation, grammar, vocabulary. This section is exclusively in the target language)

3rd part – concert session – teacher reads the text. Students listen and at the end, leave the room in silence. No homework.

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POSITIVE POINTS-We learn about how to believe in

the power of the human brain;- The state of relaxation may be

beneficial in the classroom.

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( 1980’s -1990’s)

The WhL - language should be taught as a “whole”

Emphasis on learning to read and write naturally with

a focus on real communication and reading

and writing for pleasure

Language is seen as something that is used

for meaningful purposes and to carry out

authentic functions


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1.The use of authentic literature and real world materials rather than specially

preparedtexts.2.Focus on real and natural events

rather than on specially written stories that do not relate to student’s experience.

3.Reading for comprehension

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The Teacher creates a supportive and

collaborative climate.

The teacher is a facilitator and negotiates a plan of work with the learners.The Teacher is an active

participant in the learning community rather than an expert passing on knowledge.

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Negative Point

WhL approach is seen as anti – directteaching, anti-skills, anti–materials.

Positive Points* It focuses on experiences and

activities that are relevant to learner’ s lives and needs

* It uses authentic materials* It facilitates the development of all

aspects of a second language.

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Kinds of intelligences and

Language – Learning Activities1.Linguistic-the

abilityto use language inspecial and creativeways.

(Lawyers,writers,editors, interpreters

Student speeches, storytelling, debates, word games, creating class newspapers

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Kinds of intelligences and Language Learning Activities2.Logical-

mathematical – the ability to thinkrationally


scientists )

*puzzles,story problems,


tific demonstrations,

logic problems

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3.Spatial-the ability to

form mental models of

the world(architects,

decorators sculptors,

painters )

*Charts,maps,video, diagrams, movies, optical illusions, student drawing, imaginative storytelling

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5.Bodily /Kinesthetic

–having a well- coordinating

body(athletes andcraftsperson )

*Creative movement,

role-plays, hands-on activities, miming

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7.Intrapersonal-the ability to

under-stand oneself

andapply one’s


*Independentstudent work,options for homework, reflective

learning, goal setting

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8.Naturalist – the ability to understand and organize the patterns of nature

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[email protected] 072 – 570-275 ( ext. 2327 )

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