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Methodology III

Syllabus Development Project

Authors: Galindo Martinez Claudia Isabel

Hernández Cenobio Paulina Ivette

Hernández Rojas Rocío

Intended Group of Students: 3rd grade kindergarten students

Age: 5 years.

Location: “Jardín de Niños Manuel Doblado” San Sebastian Teitipac, Tlacolula, Oaxaca.

Overall Description of the Syllabus: (Don’t worry about this; We will do this at the end)

Critical Localization of the Syllabus:

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Physical Description of the Community and the School:

The correct name is Teiticpac which means "above the stone." It consists of tetl, "stone", Iti, ligation euphonious, and icpac, "up". The meaning is related to the famous "metates" are two stones that are used by the natives to grind beans and chillies. Physical Location Located in the Central Valley Region, 29 kilometers from Oaxaca City, belongs to the District of Tlacolula. It is located at coordinates 16 º 57 'north latitude and 96 ° 37' west longitude, at an altitude of 1,600 meters above sea level. It borders to the north with the municipality of San Sebastián Abasolo, same district on the south by San Juan Teitipac; west to San Juan Teitipac, and east to Santa Cruz Papalutla, same district. Orography Its territory consists mainly of flat land. Hydrography its water resources are scarce, so only small streams come to town about the clime it is temperate, similar to that of the capital city. Main Ecosystems Flora • Flowers: cloud cempazuchitl, lilies, flower dead rooster and flower • Edible Plants: chepil, guides, quintoniles, squash blossoms and quelites • Trees: mesquite, willows, pepper trees and pines. • Fruits: lemon, grapefruit, mango and pomegranate. • Exotic plants and decoration: laurel. • Medicinal plants: sleepy sapote, chamomile, rue, lemon verbena and basil Fauna • Wild birds: White-winged doves, chachalacas, sparrows, hawks and chupamirtos. • Wild animals and wild: badger, ringtail, skunk and opossum. • Insects: scorpions. • Reptiles: snakes and coral snakes.

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Natural Resources *Characteristics and Land Use classification belongs to the calcium cambisol. It is useful for agriculture, subject to a permanent fertilization.

*It is an attractive, cultural and tourist place.

*Landmarks lay the temple erected in honor of San Sebastian dating from the seventeenth century, whose main attraction is the red mottling of the quarry. *Celebrations, dances and traditions are taken as the festivities held on January 20 in honor of San Sebastian, and December 8 in honor of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. *They have entrenched stewardships and day celebration of the Holy Souls; in such festivals are organized dances, processions, Kalends and popular fair. *Music festivals and social events are always entertained by traditional music bands of wind in the population. *Handicrafts stone handicrafts made useful for housewives, such as metates (craft

consisting of two stones: a base form and other Molenillo shaped, with which you can grind or pulverize beans, peppers, etc.), mortars, metate hands, tejolotes and millstones. *Gastronomy Typical dishes are: pork livers with egg, black mole Valley native, mole tamales, chepil, bean, yellow, cracks, etc.., The traditional drink is the tejate.

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Major Towns The municipality is made up of a municipal, San Sebastián Teitipac, and a Police Agency, San Antonio Buenavista.

Characterization of City The city council is composed of the following members: • Mayor • Trustee • 3 aldermen of Finance, Education and Monitoring. In addition the council is supported by a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Mayor.

Auxiliary authorities Its authority is auxiliary police officer in the town of San Antonio Buenavista.

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Timeline of mayors

Presidente Municipal Período de Gobierno

Andres López 1940-1941

Gabino Martínez 1941-1942

Guadalupe Marcial 1943-1944

Margarito Ruiz 1945-1946

Albino Pacheco 1947-1948

Pedro Santiago 1949-1950

Gregorio Gutiérrez 1951-1952

Maximiano Hernández 1953-1954

Silvestre Carreño 1954-1956

Aurelio Valencia 1957-1959

Mateo Marcial 1960-1962

Wenceslao Gutiérrez 1963-1965

Pablo Rojas 1966-1968

Jesús Gutiérrez 1968-1971

Francisco Ruiz 1972-1973

Apolinar Hernández 1973-1974

Juvenal Valeriano 1975-1977

Germán Rojas 1978-1980

Julián Valencia 1981-1983

Manuel Valencia 1984-1986

Guadalupe Marcial 1987-1989

Isauro Cruz 1990-1992

Alejandrino Gutiérrez 1993-1995

Juan Valencia Pinelo 1996-1998

Fausto Valencia Martínez 1999-2001

¿? 2002-2004

Pablo Rojas López 2005-2007

Constantino Valeriano 2008-2010

Ivan Fuentes de los Santos


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Social Problems Found in the Community: The people of this community have political problems, as is divided into two main groups of people who are in favor of the president of the community and people who do not support it. It is very difficult for the president allocated many resources to school. The clinic does not have many resources. The pipe water shortage is a serious problem. Lack of culture in care of natural resources (water streams).

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Multimodal Texts Landscape

One of the texts that we found in the community, it is vegetation and a signboard with the name of the community. Vegetation is a general term for the plant life and it refers to the ground cover provided by plants. Vegetation is so important for the life because it supports critical functions in the biosphere. Vegetation provides a certain degree of shelter from weather conditions. And also it becomes the habitat of many animals. Finally, vegetation is so important to humans because it is necessary for food, shelter, and medicine. This text is so important for my program because now I realized that these children live in a place with much vegetation and we can teach them how to take care of that.

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This was one of the texts that we found in the community; it is a wall with graffiti. The “graffiti” is considered bad, because most of the people believe that graffiti expresses violence and ill intentions. One of the styles of graffiti is called bombing. Bombing is where the person puts up a piece of writing on a wall in the style that could be in fancy lettering, colors, or even both. Some people say that graffiti helps guys to express who they are and what they feel art should look like. I think this text is important because now I know that graffiti is a way to express a feeling.

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One of the texts that we found in the community San Sebastian Teitipac is about smoking.

Smoke is an action that the people usually do because of influences of friendsry or like an adiction. In these days these adiction is very popular in teenagers and also the consume of alcohol.

The cause that it produces is cancer or problems with the respirstory sistem. Most of the people don’t know how dangerous could be it, but this kind of texts help people to know this information. This text tells us that our future students must be informed about this kind of problems and also to have a good health.

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