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Page 1: Metronome’s Quarterly Newsletter Issue No. 9You’re Welcome BY VIRGIL VIRGA Chief Operations Officer Virgil Virga’s quarterly anthem: You’re Welcome by Dwayne Johnson from Disney’s

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Metronome’s Quarterly NewsletterFebruary 2017

Issue No. 9

Page 2: Metronome’s Quarterly Newsletter Issue No. 9You’re Welcome BY VIRGIL VIRGA Chief Operations Officer Virgil Virga’s quarterly anthem: You’re Welcome by Dwayne Johnson from Disney’s

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Message from Jen

Pulsers, Happy New Year! We celebrated so many suc-cesses in 2016 and look forward to even more in 2017. I’d like to share with you some of the highlights!

Holiday Party at TysonsPulsers gathered for our Holiday Party at the Maggiano’s at Tysons Corner in December. I look forward to this gathering every year. It’s wonderful to see familiar faces, meet the newest Pulsers, and have all of our loved ones share in the excitement. We can really see how much we’ve grown, as we take over an additional room each year!

We had to postpone our celebration in St. Louis due to a win-ter storm. We are rescheduled for Feb 25th, and look forward to seeing our St. Louis Pulsers soon!

Prime Proposal SubmissionEarlier this month, we submitted a prime proposal for an op-portunity at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. The opportunity is to provide General Support Services to the NGA. With a win, we would be able to expand our family of Pulsers at NGA and the services we provide.

Thank you to everyone who provided technical expertise, capture, and proposal support to make this happen. What a tremendous team effort! The proposal is being reviewed by the Government so please send good vibes! We hope to hear more in the coming months.


Jennifer Virga, Metronome’s Chief Executive Officer, highlights the big takeaways from the last quarter and what you should know for the road ahead.

Growing Our Support TeamIn the final quarter of 2017, we made some significant chang-es to our team. We had 6 promotions, including 3 Operations Managers. We added several key hires to our HQ Support Team. All in all, we have a total of 30 new Pulsers! Welcome and congratulations!

Our Goal for 2017As we enter 2017, we are implementing a new Metronome Operating System (MOS) which you can read more about on pages 4 and 5. As a part of the MOS, we established one primary goal for the year. The goal is to Grow our Family of Pulsers. We broke this down into two main efforts - adding new Pulsers and retaining our current Pulsers.

Implementing a new MOS will take a lot of effort and disci-pline. I have full faith in our teams across Metronome and am confident in our ability to achieve our goal by the end of 2017. I look forward to updating you on our progress throughout the year!


As always, thank you for your hard work and for being a SPARK that ignites passion for our customers and each other.

Let’s make it a great 2017!

Metronome’s Quarterly NewsletterFebruary 2017

Issue No. 9

1 Message from JenBY JENNIFER VIRGAChief Executive Officer Jen Virga reflects on the first quarter of 2017 and what’s next for Metronome.

2 How We OperateBY REBECCA WOOLSONWe have a new Metronome Operating System (MOS). Learn about the five disciplines that make up the MOS.

6 LogitechBY CHRIS DEMARESTLogitech Unifying Peripherals are simplifying connectivity for wireless computer accessories.

7 Cloud AnalyticsBY SILVANO MELGARMetronome Pulsers support cloud analytics development.

8 Talent DevelopmentBY SAM SANDERSMetronome’s P&C Department added a Talent Development Advocate. Learn more!

9 Foreign TravelBY DEBORAH MCCLINTONWhat you need to know as an employee with a security clear-ance when you plan to travel abroad.

10 2017 Pay DatesBY MARYANNE VAUGHNMetronome’s 2017 pay periods, pay dates, and paid federal holidays.

12 Open PositionsPositions available for you, your friends, or family members to apply to.

13 Michaele HardyBY SILVANO MELGARPulser Spotlight on Michaele Hardy, a Pulser earning accolades for her performance at NGA.

14 Quarterly Celebrations BY SARAH SOLTISCelebrate this quarter’s upcoming birthdays, last quarter’s anniversaries, and new Pulsers!

15 You’re WelcomeBY VIRGIL VIRGAChief Operations Officer Virgil Virga’s quarterly anthem: You’re Welcome by Dwayne Johnson from Disney’s Moana

16 Fun & AdventuresPhotos of fun and celebrations from last quarter.


cover illustration: stock.adobe.com © christian42this page image: stock.adobe.com © christian42


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We’ve adopted a new Metronome Operating System (MOS) based on a set of disciplines for effective execution which will help drive our success in 2017 and beyond.


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DISCIPLINE 1: FOCUSFocus on the Wildly Important

Discipline 1 is to focus on one or two important goals. The more goals we work toward simulta-neously, the less likely we are to achieve them. The fewer goals we have, the more likely we are to achieve them. Why? Because we FOCUS our efforts.

It can be incredibly difficult for leaders, teams, and individuals to accomplish goals in the face of competing priorities and the whirlwind of day-to-day tasks. Once you narrow your focus to one or two wildly important goals, you can put your best efforts toward accomplishing them.

Steve Jobs once said “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully.”

So how do you pick your goal? Don’t ask your-self what’s most important. Ask yourself what one thing would make the greatest impact in moving you forward. Once you have your goal, you can think of it as a war. What battles must you fight to win the war? This helps to organize teams and establish focused goals for each team to contribute to goal achievement.

One major rule of an effective goal is to frame it with clear, measurable results and make it time-bound. You do so by establishing your goal in the form of “from X to Y by when.” This way, you know where you stand today, where you want to get to, and by when.

DISCIPLINE 2: LEVERAGEAct on the Lead Measures

Discipline 2 is to act on lead measures which give you leverage to achieve your lag measures. A lag measure tells you if you’ve achieved a goal while a lead measure tells you if you’re likely to achieve it.

A straightforward example to understand this one is weight loss. You want to get fit so you say you want to lose 10 pounds in the next two months. This is a lag measure. What do you have to do achieve that goal? Lead measures would be to lower daily caloric intake and increase calories burned through exercise.

We often focus on lag measures when we es-tablish goals. However, this is like taking a shot in the dark. You wait to see if you’ll achieve the

Metronome has experienced tremendous success in the past five and a half years. To ensure we continue to grow steadily and with integrity, we have adopted our new Metronome Operating System (MOS). Largely based on FranklinCovey’s The 4 Disciplines of Execution, our MOS provides a framework for us to organize our teams across Metronome to execute our most important goals.

How We OperateMOS


Our new Metronome Operating System (MOS) has 5 major disciplines. Our MOS is based on FranklinCovey’s The 4 Disciplines of Execution with one addition — a fifth discipline which is the

same as our fifth core value — Celebrate Success. We are gearing up teams across Metronome to implement our MOS with the ultimate goal of growing our family of Pulsers in 2017!

As you read through the five disciplines of our MOS, you might find yourself thinking, “Hm, wow, these are really practical for everyday use, too.” They absolutely are! Combined, the disciplines are an operating system that you can apply to execute your personal goals such as continuing your ed-ucation, weight loss, or home improvement projects.

As mentioned in the Message from Jen, our wildly important goal for 2017 is to grow our Pulser family. To do this, our efforts are organized to add new Pulsers to our family AND retain the Pulsers that joined our fami-ly over the last five years.

The five disciplines of our MOS are going to drive us in meeting our wildly important goal. Let’s take a more detailed look at each discipline.

goal. By breaking down your goals into daily or weekly lead measures, you provide yourself the leverage you need to achieve your goal.

Lead measures have two main characteristics. They are predictive (if you act on it, you can predict it will impact your lag measure)and influenceable (you can act on it without signifi-cant dependence on another factor).

One of the most difficult parts of Discipline 2 is actually measuring the data to ensure you’re meeting your daily or weekly metrics. If you’re serious about achieving your goal, you must take the time to gather and track your lead measure data.

DISCIPLINE 3: ENGAGEKeep a Compelling Scoreboard

Discipline 3 is to keep a compelling scoreboard so you and your team know if you’re winning. If you don’t keep track or don’t understand your scoreboard, your goal is probably going to get lost in the day-to-day whirlwind.

People play differently when they keep score — they know whether they are winning or losing. If you don’t know the score, you don’t know what you need to do to win.

Team leaders often track progress and keep score in complex spreadsheets housed on their computer here. The key is to create a simple and compelling scoreboard that tells the team the score in 5 seconds or less.

Team leaders often track progress and keep score in complex spreadsheets housed on their computer here. Instead, it’s important that the team get creative and develop their OWN scoreboard. The key here is to create a simple and compelling players scoreboard that is highly visible to the team. The scoreboard must clearly reflect at a glance if the team is winning or losing.

Again, steer clear of a spreadsheet on some-one’s computer. Rather, the team works togeth-er to creates something so THEY understand the connection between their performance and reaching the end goal. Teams play with more intensity when THEY keep score!

The development of the scoreboards drives team morale and engagement. The scoreboard itself has the positive impact of instilling a winning mindset. People feel great and excited when they are winning!

DISCIPLINE 4: COMMITCreate a Cadence of Accountability

Now that you’ve set the team up for success, it’s time to achieve! You do this with Discipline 4, creating a cadence of accountability, or as we like to say, “Holding each other successful!”

To hold each team member successful, we establish weekly team meetings during which each team member makes personal commit-ments to the team.

These meetings remain brief (15-20 minutes), are scheduled for the same day and time weekly, and maintain a consistent agenda. The agenda for every session is: 1. Account for the prior week’s commitments; 2. Review the scoreboard; and 3. Make specific commit­ments for the next week, to include your own deadline for completing your commitment. If other topics come up, establish a separate meeting so the team can stick to the agenda.

As team members establish their commitments for the coming week, they must ask them-selves “What are the one or two most impactful things I can do to affect the lead measure?” Making and fulfilling the right weekly com-mitments are what ultimately result in goal achievement.

Establishing this cadence of accountability pro-vides a chance for your team to come together, recognize one another’s achievements, and realize how their actions impact the organiza-tion goals. The entire team holds one another successful!

DISCIPLINE 5: ACHIEVECelebrate Success

Discipline 5 is to celebrate success! Through-out this process you will achieve little and big wins. It’s important to pause, recognize your and your team’s accomplishments and celebrate!

Based on your team’s preference, you can establish rewards for goal achievement which can help motivate them to get to the finish line. Understanding your team’s preferences is important as people are motivated differently.

Once you achieve your goal, take time to cele-brate, and then get your team back together to establish your next wildly important goal.


We look forward to updating you on our prog-ress throughout the year. Let’s do it Pulsers!



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I don’t usually do write­ups on such a specific branded product, but we’ve been using Logitech Unifying receivers and peripherals at the home office for quite a while. I use their functionality for work

often enough that expressing a preference for them feels entirely fair. They’ve earned my endorsement. Unifying receivers are dongles for mice and keyboards that let you pair them universally to compatible Logitech mice and keyboards.

Traditionally, a mouse and/or keyboard is paired to a specific receiver that comes with the device. If you lose the receiver, you’re out of luck. We used to have a box of keyboards to recycle, because we lost or broke their receivers. Unifying receivers let you get a new keyboard or mouse and pair it to that receiver when you lose the original. You can also buy a new Unifying receiver if you have some loose but compati-ble keyboards or mice that have lost their receiver. In an office where things get broken or lost, that’s invaluable. When a keyboard gets lost or a receiver gets broken, you can mix and match as needed.

But pairing devices to the receiver requires the Logitech Unifying software. You can easily search for and download it: http://support.log-itech.com/en_us/software/unifying. Once you do, here’s how to use it:

Once you open the program, you have 2 options, Next to pair a device or Advanced to either update the software or un-pair devices.

Press Next and, if it detects your USB receiver, will instruct you to flip the On/Off switch on your mouse or keyboard off, then on again. It should detect it, and your mouse or keyboard should start working. The program will give you a short test for the device. Press Finished when done. You have to pair each device individually.

When you go to Advanced, you can un-pair devices for use elsewhere. Each receiver can pair a certain number of devices and may get confused if you pair more than one keyboard or mouse if they’re both close by. You can also use Advanced to update the firmware of your device if it needs it.

I download the Unifying software as widely as I can, in case anyone loses a mouse, keyboard or receiver. This way, a new keyboard/mouse or receiver can quickly be paired-up as appropriate.

Message from IT


Logitech Unifying Peripherals are simplifying connectivity for wireless computer accessories. Learn how to seamlessly connect your devices below.

Cloud Analytics

The overall objective of this cloud analytics program is to enable and support Multi-INT analytical tradecrafts by provi-sioning analytic capabilities and functionalities into an online

suite of applications and services. These services may leverage Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS), Government Off-the-Shelf (GOTS), open­source, and other beneficial technologies currently in use or approaching deployment.

So can you give us an overview? What is cloud analytics for Dummies?

Right now, analysts have to dig for the information and it takes them a long time. We are automating the way analysts will gather their intelligence to increase speed and productivity.

Program Spotlight


Metronome teamed with Booz Allen Hamilton to support a cloud analytics program within the Intelligence Community (IC) in August 2016. We now have seven (7) Pulsers supporting this program. In order to

dive deeper into the program and see the bigger picture, Silvano enlisted the help of some of our newest Pulsers, Cloud Analytics Developers Forrest Meade and Adam Kingsdorf.

What kind of success has the contract found so far?

The Government was blown away by the last demo of our minimum viable product. I think this is because we find huge success in the speed of integration of our tools into the production environment. We are also adding three more teams next year which will bring us much more success.

How is this contract going to change the IC?

We are exponentially increasing the ability to do analytics. Instead of taking hours it will only take the analysts minutes to find the information they are searching for! This is a cutting edge never before done project in the IC and for that reason it will reshape the landscape of the IC. If successful, it will influence the way other agencies look at analytics. We are so happy to have the opportunity to be on such a cool contract!


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Talent Development

Talent management is a set of practices that are implement-ed in organizations and refers to how organizations attract, select, develop and manage employees in an integrated and

strategic way (Scullion and Collings, 2011). Talent development represents an important component of the overall talent manage-ment process (Novations, 2009, Cappelli, 2009). While it is possible for organizations to pursue a strategy that focuses on talent acqui-sition from the external labor market, such a strategy is unlikely to be successful in the long term. There are significant advantages to be gained from an internal development approach.

Last fall, we created the TDA role to provide guidance, counsel, and support to Pulsers on career de velopment, conflict resolution and workplace concerns. Metronome honors the immense value, unique experiences and incredible diversity that each Pulser provides. Therefore, we have dedicated the TDA to ensure each Pulser’s continued professional growth and development.

I am pleased to announce that Silvano Melgar, a previous Resource Manager on our Delivery Team, was selected for this opportunity. He will serve as a liaison be tween Pulsers, Metronome’s leadership team, and People & Culture.

Metronome believes in an internal-driven talent development program that focuses on a multiplicity of organizational needs, the achievement of business strategy, and the development of each employee. So, what does all of this mean for you? Our TDA will cre-ate a Professional Development Plan (PDP) with each Metronome employee.

A great career doesn’t just happen by itself. Like anything else you want to achieve in life, a successful career takes time, effort and planning. For that reason, a PDP in the form of a written summary of your ambitions, aspirations and objectives can be extremely useful in helping to clarify your career goals and sharpen your focus. Articulating a vision statement for your career is the first step

Message from People & Culture


Within our People & Culture Department, we created a new role: Talent Development Advocate (TDA). Why did we do this? What is the impact to you? Below, our Director of People & Culture provides more insight

on the TDA and what you can expect.

in helping you get that dream job. By setting clearly defined career goals and mapping out the steps you need to take to get where you want to be, you can more easily navigate towards the vision you’ve laid out for yourself. Writing your career plan out (rather than just having an abstract idea in your head) also gives you something to keep referring back to, and you can much more easily measure your progress. It’s also a satisfying process to be able to tick each career objective off your list and actually see the progress you’re making.

Look out for some exciting new developments in talent devel-opment — 2017 will prove to be a year of advancements and improvements!

Foreign Travel

Whether you are traveling on business or pleasure, foreign travel plans must be reported to the FSO in

advance of your travel. Following your trip, you will also be required to complete a post-foreign travel briefing and report any unusual incidents that occurred during your travel.

To ensure secure and safe travels, there are several things to consider.

First, plan your wardrobe so that it is not offensive and does not draw unwanted attention to yourself. Americans perceived to be wealthy are targeted for pickpocketing and other crimes of opportunity. Do not wear expensive jewelry. If overseas, avoid wearing American sports team shirts and baseball caps that may indicate you are an American.

Second, leave your electronic devices at home. If you must take a device, take nec-essary precautions including:

Message from our FSO


As you schedule and plan your travels abroad in the coming year, remember that as a Pulser with a security clearance, you must do certain things! First, get in touch with FSO, Deborah McClinton!

• Sanitize your laptop: remove all personal data and backup all information.

• If possible, use a different phone and a new email while traveling.

• Use-up-to-date software protec-tion.

• Do not leave devices unattended.• Avoid public Wi-Fi networks.• Clear browser after each use.

Third, familiarize yourself with the local laws and customs. For international travel, you are expected to obey the laws of that country, which may include dress standard, photography restrictions, telecommunica-tionrestriction, curfews etc.

Other helpful reminders include:

• Check travel.state.gov to be aware of travel alerts and warnings for your destination.

• Check cdc.gov for traveler health information from the Center for Disease Control.

• Gather and make photocopies of your travel documents.

• Prepare for any possible emer-gency.

• Acquire an International Drivers Permit (IDP), if needed.

• Maintain a list of domestic con-tacts during your travel.

• Be cautious of what you post on social media.

If you need assistance while traveling, contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate at your destination.

Remember: Contact your FSO, Deborah Mc-Clinton, before and after any foreign travel. If you have questions or concerns, you can reach her directly at 703-865-0512 or [email protected].


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Our Talent Development Advocate, Silvano Melgar, transitioned from his former role as a Metronome Resource Manager. He

has been a Pulser since June 2015. Silvano is shown above at an outreach event at George Mason University.

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2017 Pay DatesPay Dates


Metronome pay periods close on the 15th and last day of each month. Payroll is processed and issued five (5) BUSINESS days after the close of the pay period. Below are the 2017 pay dates and federal


Last Day of Pay Period PAY DATE Hours in Pay Period

1/15/2017 1/23/2017 80 hours

1/31/2017 2/7/2017 96 hours

2/15/2017 2/23/2017 88 hours

2/28/2017 3/7/2017 72 hours

3/15/2017 3/22/2017 88 hours

3/31/2017 4/7/2017 96 hours

4/15/2017 4/21/2017 80 hours

4/30/2017 5/5/2017 80 hours

5/15/2017 5/22/2017 88 hours

5/31/2017 6/7/2017 96 hours

6/15/2017 6/22/2017 88 hours

6/30/2017 7/10/2017 88 hours

7/15/2017 7/21/2017 80 hours

7/31/2017 8/7/2017 88 hours

8/15/2017 8/22/2017 88 hours

8/31/2017 9/8/2017 96 hours

9/15/2017 9/22/2017 88 hours

9/30/2107 10/6/2017 80 hours

10/15/2017 10/20/2017 80 hours

10/31/2017 11/7/2017 96 hours

11/15/2017 11/22/2017 88 hours

11/30/2017 12/7/2017 88 hours

12/15/2017 12/22/2017 88 hours

12/31/2017 1/8/2018 80 hours

Date Federal Holiday

1/2/2017 New Year’s Day (observed)

1/16/2017 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

2/20/2017 Presidents Day

5/29/2017 Memorial Day

7/4/2017 Independence Day

9/4/2017 Labor Day

10/9/2017 Christopher Columbus Day

11/10/2017 Veterans Day (observed)

11/23/2017 Thanksgiving Day

12/25/2017 Christmas Day

Our purpose is to be a spark

that ignites passion for our

customers & each other.

Metronome’s Purpose

illustration: stock.adobe.com © nu1983

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Special Assistant Herndon, VA

Sr. Business Intelligence Data Analyst Springfield, VA

Sr. Computer Technical Support Analyst Herndon, VA

Sr. Elastic (ELK) Engineer Springfield, VA

Sr. Enterprise Management Systems Engineer

Springfield, VA

Sr. Geospatial Systems Engineer Fort Belvoir, VA

Sr. Linux Cloud Engineer Springfield, VA

Sr. NetBackup Engineer Springfield, VA

Sr. Oracle DBA/Exadata Engineer Springfield, VA

Sr. Principal Network Engineer Springfield, VA

Sr. SAN/NAS Engineer Springfield, VA

Sr. SharePoint Developer Springfield, VA

Sr. Systems Administrator Fort Belvoir, Springfield, Herndon, VA

Sr. Systems Engineer – Citrix Fort Belvoir, VA

Sr. Systems Engineer (Active Directory) Springfield, VA

Sr. Systems Engineer (Microsoft Identity Manager)

Springfield, VA

Sr. Systems Engineer (SCCM/IAVA/MDT) Springfield, VA

Sr. Systems Engineer (UNIX) Springfield, VA

Sr. Test Engineer Fort Belvoir, VA

Sr. VDI Engineer Springfield, VA

Surge Logistics Support Officer McLean, VA

System Administrator Staff – HBSS Fort Belvoir, VA

System Administrator Staff (SharePoint) Fort Belvoir, VA

System Administrator Staff (VMware) Fort Belvoir, VA

Systems Administrator (Desktop) Springfield, VA

Systems Administrator (Linux Admin) Fort Belvoir, VA

Systems Administrator Staff (VMware Horizon View)

Fort Belvoir, VA

Systems Administrator Staff (Windows) Fort Belvoir, VA

Systems Engineer Staff – Citrix Fort Belvoir, VA

Systems Engineer Staff – Cloud Services Fort Belvoir, VA

VMware (ESXi) Systems Engineer Springfield, VA

Warehouse McLean, Springfield, VA

Are you looking for a change? Contact your Manager if you'd like to apply to a different position within Metronome. You can also refer a friend! Ask them to send their resume to [email protected]. For each referral hired, you could receive a bonus between $500 and $3,000 (depending on clearance level and exemption status).

To see our most current list of open positions, please visit our Smart Recruiters page.

Administrative Secretary Springfield, VA

Application Developer Fort Belvoir, VA

Associate Systems Administrator Springfield, VA

Audio Visual/Multimedia Technician Springfield, VA

Business Development Ambassador Fairfax, VA

Business Support Specialist Reston, VA

Computer Technical Support Analyst Fort Belvoir, VA

Cyber Intel Analyst Fort Belvoir, VA

Executive Assistant Support McLean, VA, Bethesda, MD

Executive Secretary Springfield, VA

Forensic Analyst Fort Belvoir, VA

GEOINT Technical Support Springfield, VA, St. Louis, MO

Geospatial System Engineer Fort Belvoir, VA

HR Ops Support McLean, VA

Human Resources Consultant Reston, VA

Information Systems Security Officer Springfield, VA

Inventory Management and Property Control

Reston, VA, Chantilly, VA

Local Courier McLean, VA

Mission Support Administrator Reston, McLean, Dulles, Herndon, VA

Multimedia Developer Springfield, VA

Multimedia Specialist Chantilly, VA

Network Engineer Staff Fort Belvoir, VA

Principal VDI Engineer (XenDesktop) Springfield, VA

Program Analyst (Storage Services) Springfield, VA

Secretary Springfield, VA

Security Administrator Chantilly, McLean, VA

Security Analyst Assistant Chantilly, VA

Senior Secretary Springfield, VA

Senior VDI Engineer (XenDesktop) Springfield, VA

Software Developer/Programmer St. Louis, MO

OpportunitiesOpen Positions

Michaele Hardy

What were you doing before Metronome? I worked as a government contractor doing SharePoint admin-istration as well! Before that, I was active duty military in the Air Force.

What was your favorite place that you were ever stationed? I think this is my favorite place! If I can’t pick DC, then it would be Japan. I was stationed in Japan for two years but don’t ask me to speak Japanese!

What type of music are you listening to nowadays? I listen to a mix of genres but my favorite is anything 80s.

Any talents or hobbies that you are passionate about? I used to do a lot of outdoor activities but I just had a baby! She is 10 months old and her name is Hayden. If I had to pick one thing that I’m passionate about it would be my job. I love it!

What is something you improved on in the last year? I think the one thing I improved the most were my skills within my current position. When I was in the military we didn’t have access to the tools that we have now. I have learned a lot more about development and coding.

What has your biggest accomplishment so far? I would say getting promoted to a Metronome Operations Man-ager!

Who is someone that inspires you? My husband does the same thing that I do and he’s always been there to motivate and inspire me. We met in the Air Force, he was working in the same place that I was!

Any advice to new Metronome Pulsers?I would probably just say follow your heart and do what you feel is right when it comes to your job. Also, “Don’t forget to be AMAZING!”

Pulser Spotlight


Michaele Hardy is a Metronome Operations Manager serving as a SharePoint Administrator for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. She is a Pulser that earns accolades from her customers and has

been recognized as an integral part of her team. Here, we shine a spotlight on Michaele Hardy!

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CelebrateQuarterly Celebrations

January2: Tiffany Hawkins

3: Trina Lunsford

6: Coy Roberts

10: Logan Miller

11: Kimberly Carver

11: Virgil Virga

12: Richard Valencia

12: Scotty Embley

13: Daniel Hughes

16: Reginald King

17: Angelo Tucker

18: Phillip Davis

18: Chris Demarest

19: Craig Hunlen

20: Tanya Gibson

22: Beverly Kennedy

23: Nicholas Nelson

23: Ryan Covington

26: Reynold Smith, Jr.

28: David Wells

February2: Juandella Williams­Gray

3: Audrey Kiefer

6: David Ovall

7: Clifford Barber

11: Fannie Beasley

27: Andre Jenkins

March4: Ebony Epperson

6: Bill Ide

6: Farrighton Wright

7: Kianna Pinkney

8: Timothy Richards

9: Tom Snopik

9: Dwayne Bailey

12: Sherri McCaulley

14: Belinda Jones

15: Latrice Alston

17: Rey Mireles

17: Altavon Clark


26: Babatunde Dina

28: James Galloway

29: Mary­Ellen Sheehan

April1: Jackie De Jesus

2: Ellen Biggs

5: Marquita Ransford

7: John Mastapeter

13: Gregory Nevens

13: Forrest Meade

14: Robin Leonard

14: Christina Ferrari

16: Paul Morse

16: Traci Barnhill

16: Arjun Suryakant

21: Sarah Soltis

24: James Tucker

24: Shane Longhurst

25: Silvano Melgar

27: Dana Richardson

27: Neal Speas

NEW PULSERSHannibal BlakeSeon Johnson

Nicholas NelsonPhilip Davis

Larren BryanFrederick BoydAbeeku PaulosJohn Barron

Trina LunsfordSiyang Si

Jonathan FlowersMike Megill

Sherri McCaulleyJohn Blake

Whitney BryantDwayne Dillon

Mohammad KhanTorrie Williams

James GallowayStephanie Kilbride

Neal SpeasArjun SuryakantAngelo TuckerKaren Zinck

Alan GeralnickNicholas ArnerTim RichmondMary McDowell

Janon GrayMelissa Kozak

Veronica MoffittSteven Madkins

Marquita RansfordMichelle StevensJames ObletonMonica BetheaDorthea DehartRohnda Gilbert

Earl BarronEbony EppersonMargot KinseyLogan Miller

Jason McConnllLavern King

Alan Isaacson

Each quarter, we assemble lists of Pulsers celebrating milestones and achievements. If you see one of the below Pulsers, be sure to help them celebrate!!!

3 Year AnniversariesAkillah Means

Katonyia Griggs

Murdock McCormick

2 Year AnniversariesDerrick Johnson

Rodney Buie

Mary-Ellen Sheehan

Ryan Covington

John Mastapeter

Chad Kuczka

Marquita Ransford

Vontia Perry

Coy Roberts

BIRTHDAYS1 Year Anniversaries

Beverly Kennedy

Niccole Radford

Christina Ferrari

Monica Brown

Ontee Biggs

Corrine Lyons

Dana Richardson

Patrice Dais

Belinda Jones

Tanya Harris-Drinkard

Claudia Meade

Deborah French

Ryan Lewis

Fannie Beasley

Derek Johnson

Nick Hamill

Boone Constantinides

Scott Troen

Ben Tsai

Sherry Trelow

Sheena Miles

Behn Zib

Javier Vazquez

Richard Valencia

Audrey Kiefer

Tiffany Hawkins

Beverly Kennedy

Juandella Williams-Gray

Peggy Lattion

Myra Brandon

Heinz Kiefer


Robin Leonard


image: stock.adobe.com © Kanea


Every quarter, our COO Virgil Virga selects a song to serve as Metronome’s anthem. This quarter, he picked You’re Welcome by Dwayne Johnson from Disney’s Moana.

The holiday season has a way of getting us all together, helping us all have lots of radiating times with family and friends and then spitting us all out the other end into a brand New Year. I hope you all had a perfect holiday season. Well, here we are; it is 2017!

Jen, the kids, and I went to see Disney’s Moana over the holidays ­ a great movie touting many values. Some of those values are: having and acting on your purpose; realizing your past mistakes and admitting them; love of family; and leading others when their energy has failed.

The movie’s co-star, Maui, is a demigod with a very human inten-tion. He did something dumb in order to be accepted. Moana needs his help to save the spirit of, well…the universe.

Though Maui finds his purpose through the movie he is not afraid to let Moana know he has already had a hand in creating the earth, land, sun and most natural phenomena. He does this with his per-formance of the song “You’re Welcome”. (He does this even though no one actually ever thanked him).

What can I say except you’re welcomeFor the tides, the sun, the sky

What has two thumbs that pulled up the skyWhen you were waddling yay high

This guy!

For us the intent of this Anthem is to generally give thanks. To be grateful more than we ask for things. Make lots of deposits into emotional bank accounts, so we can take withdrawals when it counts. Like Moana, we all have needs and many times we need others to help us attain them.

Maui reminded us that there is hard work being done on our behalf. Tides that flow, bees that buzz, trees that shade, and traffic lights that work. All while we are busy being us, there are humans and powers out there taking care of many housekeeping items for us each day that we don’t notice.

Not all gifts we receive are wrapped with a bow for us to open up…like coconuts were. Recognizing our purpose and living it while giv-ing thanks for breathing, drinking, eating, sleeping and loving each day is a great way to run the marathon of life.

Well, anyway let me say you’re welcomeFor the wonderful world you know

Hey, it’s okay, it’s okayYou’re welcome!

As we enter 2017, let’s resolve to be more mindful of the little things and show gratitude through recognition of others’ efforts. With that said, THANK YOU for all that you do for our customers and for Metronome.

Quarterly Anthem

You’re Welcome

image: stock.adobe.com © peteleclerc

Page 10: Metronome’s Quarterly Newsletter Issue No. 9You’re Welcome BY VIRGIL VIRGA Chief Operations Officer Virgil Virga’s quarterly anthem: You’re Welcome by Dwayne Johnson from Disney’s

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Metronome, LLC11216 Waples Mill Road, Suite 105Fairfax, Virginia 22030

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