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Page 1: METROPOLITAN CALOUNDRA Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club IIntroductionntroduction Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Annual Report Club Motto ‘Saving Lives. Serious Fun. Kings

Annual Report Season 10 / 11 1


Annual Report 2010~2011

78th Annual Report and Financial Statements for the 2010 ~ 2011 Season

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78th Annual Report & Financial Statements78th Annual Report & Financial Statements

Annual Report Season 2010/2011 Annual Report Season 2010/2011

Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Inc Annual Report

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Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club4

IntroductionIntroduction Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Annual Report

Club Motto

‘Saving Lives. Serious Fun. Kings Beach, since 1933.’


Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC is committed to the Surf Life Saving Queensland mission: Zero preventable deaths on Queensland beaches.


• High standards of management.• Responsiveness to the needs of our community and our members.• Operating with integrity, equity and accountability.• Innovation and constantly improving our services.• Operating as a team with internal and external stakeholders.• Accepting our role as the leader in aquatic safety services in our region.

Strategic Objectives

• Creating a positive fi rst impression for new and renewing members.• Marketing: building positive relationships with informed stakeholders.• Training & Assessment: Qualifying our members to be the best surf lifesavers they can be.• Delivering quality lifesaving experiences to members and the community.• Lifesaving: Be the most effi cient and effective patrol service on the Sunshine Coast.• Surf Sports: Improve Metropolitan Caloundra’s performance in regional, state and national surf sports competition in all age groups and disciplines.• Development: Create opportunities for our members to develop as people, as surf lifesavers; and, support the club’s development as a community service.• Providing the foundation for club success.• Management & Operations: Effective resource acquisition and fi nance management systems that support the continuing viability and improvement of our surf lifesaving services.

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Annual Report Season 10 / 11 5

Our People

Life Members



Member Recognition

Surf Sports

Our Members

Supporters Club

FINANCIAL STATEMENTSMetropolitan Caloundra SLSC Incorporated

Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Supporters Club Incorporated

Table of contentsTable of contents Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Annual Report

Copyright 2011 Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club Inc.

The Management Committee appreciates everyone’s contribution to the 2010-2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements. We acknowledge the editorial team of Jase Bean, Kay Blokkeerus, Rachel Barber, Amy Blokkeerus, Ken O’Connell, Suzanne Bishop and Dennis Rowley. Thanks also goes to those members who contributed photographs used in this publication, including Jeff Angus for his assistance with photography and cover design.

Designed by - www.roguedesign.com.au

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Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club6

Our PeopleOur People Committees

Life Governor Desmond J Dwyer OAM

PatronMark McArdle MLA

Vice Patrons Cr Bob Abbot Cr Tim Dwyer

President Jase Bean

Deputy President Stuart Cordingley (to Sep 2010)Craig Spender (from Oct 2010)

Vice Presidents Graham Andrews, Rick Burns, Ronald Davidson OAM, Roy Henzell, Bryan Costigan, Christine Phillips, Donna Wil-liams, Barry Weatherall, Debbie Hoogvliet, Monica Cook, Gary Jones, Cheryl de Malmanche, Ann Twomey, Suzanne Bishop.

Immediate Past President Simon Richards

Club CaptainBronson Slater (to Dec 2010)Fiona Fewtrell (from Feb 2011)

Acting Club Captain Jase Bean (from Dec 2010 to Feb 2011)

Vice CaptainSnow Maurice (to Dec 2010)Nathan Steer (from Feb 2011)

Director of Administration & PlanningDennis Rowley

Director of Finance & Property Dennis Croft

Assistant Director of Finance & Property Suzanne Bishop

Director of Junior ActivitiesDale Dow

Director of Youth Development Karen Bray

Director of Sponsorship & Marketing Neil Anderson

Director of Surf Sports Jeff Morris

Chief Training Offi cer Darryl Webster

Assistant Training Offi cerTracey Webster Clubhouse Director Gary Jones

Assistant Clubhouse Director Donna Williams

Surf Boat Offi cer Jase Bean First Aid Offi cer Elizabeth Dawes

Assistant First Aid Offi cerRobert Schwartz

Registrar Suzanne Bishop

Club Supervisor Elizabeth Dawes

Team Manager Simon Richards

Assistant Team Manager (Masters) Stephen Maitland OAM

Active Member Representative Tracey Webster

Communications Offi cer Snow Maurice

Clothing ConvenorAnn Twomey

Boards and Ski Offi cerCarl Perkins Jnr

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Annual Report Season 10 / 11 7

Our PeopleOur People Committees

Gear & Equipment Offi cerSnow Maruice

Assistant Gear & Equipment Offi cerBarry Thomas

Volunteer CoordinatorPaula Ryan

Beach CoachJackie FytenJenny Singleton

Water Coach Jeff Morris

Craft CoachJeff Morris

Competitor LiaisonCarl Perkins Snr

Masters LiaisonStephen Maitaland OAM

Honorary Auditor Poole and Partners

Honorary Medical Offi cer Dr David Raine

Honorary Solicitor Kim Christie (Griffi ths Parry)

Professional Staff Surf Coach / Development Offi cer Rhett Collie

Administration Offi cer Kay Blokkeerus

Administration Assistants Rachel Barber (to April 2011)Amy Blokkeerus

Junior Activities CommitteeDirector of Junior ActivitiesDale Dow

SecretaryLibby Ferguson TreasurerMargot Rousell

RegistrarCheryl de Malmanche

Assistant RegistrarNova Thomas

Team Manager 8-10 Dale Dow

Team Manager 11-14Michelle Bounty

Carnival Coordinator Cheryl de Malmanche

Gear Steward Barry Thomas

Chief Water Safety Offi cerAdam Graves

Carnival Nomination Offi cerCheryl de Malmanche

Clothing CoordinatorAnn Twomey

Catering Offi cer Donna Williams

Age ManagersGreen Caps Lynelle Hertslet Phillip Ashworth

Under 8 Glen Christensen Paula Christensen

Under 9 Richard Small

Under 10 Jill Brearley

Under 11 Darren Bull

Under 12 Tamara Sheppard

Under 13 Jackie Fyten

Under 14 Margot Rousell

Supporters ClubPresidentCraig Spender

Deputy President Jase Bean

SecretaryJohn Buchanan

TreasurerDennis Croft

CommitteePaula Ryan Rob DaniecKen O’Connell

ManagerJulie Richards (to 3 Feb 2011)Ben Levesque (from April 2011)

Administration Assistant Jenny Clarke (from April 2011)

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life memberslife members Vale


Our deepest respect is extended to all club members who suffered bereavements in their families during the year.

Please accept our deepest feelings of respect and sympathy on your loss.

May they rest in peace.

Life Members

W.L. Hardcastle*A.Tailford*

J.M. Corkey* J. Irwin

S. Cordingley B.Bennett*

C. Roughsedge J.R. Spender OBE*

N. Irvine P. Otago

J.S. Clarke* R. Dittman

Col D.E. Evans* R. SkillenR. Otago

C.R. Croughan*T. Hunt

D.H. Davey* G. Hardcastle J.B. AndrewsM. Schafer*G. Archdall

J. Kershaw* B. A. McCarthy*

K.L. O’Connell H.Kennedy*

G. Forbes D.J. Dwyer OAM

D. Brooker J.D. Morris

B. Campbell AM,MBEA. DuncanB. Richter

J. BuchananS.J. Richards

N. Heywood OBEJ. Thurtell

* Denotes deceased

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Annual Report Season 10 / 11 9

Presidents Report

Welcome all members to the 78th edition of Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Annual Report. Season 2010/11 has seen the club face a number of different challenges both on and off the beach.

Thanks to our patrolling members that completed numerous life changing actions over the summer from attending unconscious people on the rocks, falls on wet rocks, unassisted rescues via tube, board and IRB, blue bottle stings, shark sightings, near drowning’s outside the fl ags, near drowning’s inside the fl ags, administering oxygen, spinal carries, broken bones, Brisbane fl ood, lost family members, boat and jet ski roll-overs on the Caloundra bar as well as protecting wildlife. Your selfl ess actions on and off the beach makes all the difference. Special thanks to all Patrol Captains and IRB Drivers with limited help you have all performed above and beyond what is required. In my eyes, two of the highlights being Steve Bacon with Australia Day celebrations getting out of hand with drunken youths and a small riot; and John Keller with the most 5pm rescues, lost children and a shark sighting.

Also big thanks to Fi Fewtrell and Nathan Steer who came on board mid-season in the roles of Club Captain and Vice-Captain respectively to take over as I was starting to go under with the extra work load. I’d also like to extend another special thanks to the one and only Snow. Although due to an injury, becoming unable to perform his profi ciency Snow has stepped into the much need role of gofer, making phone calls, collecting, repairing patrol equipment, fi nding subs and fi ll ins; without you the club would have been in some serious trouble.

In January 2011, Brisbane was inundated with fl ood water expected to be higher than the great fl oods of 1974. All SLSC on both coasts were asked to respond to what was a life threatening disaster. Within four hours Mets had a team at the SES headquarters on the north side of the city awaiting orders. What was to follow over the next 48 hours was truly amazing. Our members proved to the QLD and Federal government that the Australian Surf Lifesaver will put their personal safety aside to do anything to save a life, driving through fast moving water full of debris, skimming under power lines and trees, navigating fl ooded roads to get closer to the trouble area, all in the dark of night. Our skills have changed the way the Government will utilize Disaster Response, Swift Water Rescue, SES and SLSC team departments in the future. Many thanks to Rachel Barber, Mike McDonald, Carl Perkins Jnr, Steve Maitland, John Keller, Kirsten Phillips, James Baldock and James Creedy and myself.

As you are all aware our Supporters Club Management has returned to our control under the guidance of the Supporters Club board of management and new manager Ben Levesque. Metropolitan Caloundra Supporters Club was created for you, the patrolling member. Over the past few years our active members have for one reason or another forgotten this and have abandoned the Caloundra Surf Club. Together we can make this club fun and enjoyable to visit with family and friends once again. Under new management all profi ts stay here with us for our future, our future which includes a new clubhouse, one that will be the envy of all other clubs. Only with our members help can this be done. So come down on a Friday afternoon and solve the world’s problems over a beer, raffl es and Saturday night dinner or a Weekend breakfast. Thanks to our small but

committed work force that spent the best part of 18 hours on Good Friday, which subsequently had glorious weather, the best we have seen in years slaving to beautify our Supporters club. Great work and thanks to Jonesy, Snow, Donna, Craig Spender, John Buchannan, Jeff Morris, Carl Perkins Jnr, Paula Ryan, Fi Fewtrell, Glen Forbes, Rob Daniec, Ben Levesque (manager) and myself. Big thanks to our treasury team of Dennis Croft, Margot Rousell and Kay Blokkeerus for their unbelievable efforts keeping the books and club on the straight and narrow with our cash fl ow and expenditure. This seasons State Wide Surf Appeal total was one of the biggest in the clubs history. Jonesy and Snow have both once again outdone themselves with their efforts through chocolates sales and supporters club raffl es. Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC is in the best fi nancial health we have been in years. To bolster our current position we all need to make a commitment to doing our part next season and continue our great clubs growth.

In surf sports last year we saw Bec Creedy rise to make her name in the Ironwoman series this year she went one better qualifying for next season’s Nutri-grain series and placing 3rd in the Australian open Ironwoman fi nal, well done Bec. Corey Jones also had a strong year in the Nutri-grain series with a spectacular showing at the Coolum round enduro format placing 3rd and continuing on even stronger at the business end of the season at Aussies with a 5th in the open Ironman and 1st in the board fi nals. Steph Cronin showed much promise for next season qualifying at Aussie’s in not only the board fi nal but also ironwoman and ski, one to watch. The boats were also in the winner’s circle with a 1st place in 140yrs state masters and 3rd at the Australian masters, congratulations to Brain Pascoe, Paul Mullens, Michael O’Kelly, Anthony Wright and sweep Greg Bacon well done boys. Josie Pike has been one of our stronger boaties in previous years, but this season without a crew she took up ski paddling and picked up 3rd at State Masters and 2nd at the Australian Masters in the 30-34yrs single ski. I am already looking forward to next year’s competitions.

At the end of the day we are all volunteer’s to the Surf Lifesaving movement, giving up some of our work time, play time and the hardest thing of all our family time. What we all need to remember is that some members want or are able to give more of themselves than others. No members should be treated differently or looked down upon if they aren’t able to put in as much time as some of our other more devoted members. We are all a part of a bigger machine that is Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Lifesaving Club, 900 members sharing the work load is far better than 20 people doing all the work.

Thank you all again for another great season, be safe over the winter, relax and rest up. You’ve all done an excellent job. I’m looking forward to seeing you all again shortly whether it is at the supporters club for a beer or at next season’s sign on.

See you on the sand,Jase “Molly” Bean President

ManagementManagement President

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ManagementManagement Administration and Planning

Administration and Planning Report

On behalf of my family and I, we would like to sincerely thank all the volunteers and staff who combined, to ensure the Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club continues serving the local community of Caloundra by saving lives, educating visitors and developing our members, during this past season.

Time is a precious commodity, so for all of you who offer your time, be it in large or small doses, well done and once again thanks.

It was great to see so many people involved this year. Like most volunteer organisations balancing work and family commitment’s and volunteering is complex. With the continued increase in administrative processes we face week in and week out I am impressed with those who put their hand up to assist the professional staff. Rhett, Kay, Amy and Rachel your professionalism is greatly appreciated.


This has been dominated this season with the amicable parting of ways with our working arrangement with the RSL upstairs in the Supports club. This transition phase required enormous efforts from our Supporters Club along with the generous support of Surf Life Saving Queensland. This change has resulted in some tasks the RSL previously conducted being transferred to the administrative team and volunteers. The next administrative challenge is to work through the increase in tasks and defi ne any overlap between tasks and functions of the Supporters Club and the Surf Life Saving Club. At the time of writing this report the transition is running smoothly.

Next year’s Board of Management will have the responsibility to continue with the strategic planning knowing they have a clear platform to work from.

Time in Office

Jase Bean PresidentStuart Cordingley Deputy President To Sept Craig Spender Deputy President From OctDennis Rowley Director of Administration and PlanningDennis Croft Director of Finance and PropertyNeil Anderson Director of Marketing and SponsorshipJeff Morris Director of Surf SportsDarryl Webster Chief Training OfficerDale Dow Director of Junior ActivitiesKaren Bray Director of Youth DevelopmentBronson Slater Club Captain To DecJase Bean Acting Club Captain From Dec to JanFiona Fewtrell Club Captain From Feb Snow Maurice Vice Club Captain To DecNathan Steeer Vice Club Captain From Feb

PositionManagement Committee Meeting

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Annual Report Season 10 / 11 11

ManagementManagement Management Committee Meeting Attendance


The inclusion of more volunteers assisting in the offi ce has been fantastic and has ensured we keep that important balance between professional staff and volunteers. The award winners indicate who they are.

The administrative positions have been aligned to the appropriate administrative award with the positions being held at a “casual” status to provide the fl exibility we require during the administrative year. The coaching position remains under a contract arrangement.

We received a grant this year to upgrade our computers and we changed our suppliers for support. The next phase is to upgrade our server which is a more expensive task.


Levels continue to be very good, the only area for further development is our Youth area. This division is a bit like the surf. Sometimes you get a great set of waves to work with other times you have to work a bit harder for the set. This area requires continuous development with a large dose of fun included.


It was good to see some new initiatives being introduced e.g. the “Smashing of the Egg” and the “Cutting of the Ham”. With the absence of a Surf Girl this year these evenings were a great way to wind down and enjoy the night for all those who attended. We need to remember to enjoy this opportunity as volunteers by having fun as it is an important ingredient that strengthens our mateship and team work.Thanks one and all and have a great off season!

Dennis RowleyDirector of Administration and Planning.

Name Poistion Time In Office






























Totals Eligible

Jase Bean President 10 11Stuart Cordingley Deputy President To Sep 10 2 3Craig Spender Deputy President From Oct 10 6 8Dennis Rowley Dir of Administration & Planning 9 11Bronson Slater Club Captain To Dec 10 5 6Jase Bean Acting Club Captain From Jan 11 1 1Fiona Fewtrell Club Captain From Feb 11 2 4Neil Anderson Dir of Marketing & Sponsorship 9 11Jeff Morris Director of Surf Sports 10 11Darryl Webster Chief Training Officer 9 11Dale Dow Dir of Junior Activities 10 11Dennis Croft Dir of Finance & Property 7 11Karen Bray Dir of Youth Development 8 11Snow Maurice Vice Club Captain To Dec 10 6 6Nathan Steer Vice Club Captain From Feb 11 3 4

Management Committee Meeting

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Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club12

ManagementManagement Finance and Property Report

Finance and Property Report

The Club’s Board Of Management (BOM ) is pleased to report a continuation of the improvement on the 2010 fi nancial year. We have continued to adhere to our basic objectives in running the Club.

• Maintaining the Club’s purchasing policy.• Increasing revenues.• Controlling expenses.


This year we did not have an entrant in the Surf Girl Appeal but despite this loss of income our overall total revenue in-creased by $36,692 (8.5% ). The main contributing items were• Grants applied for and received by the Club.• Increase in membership fees.• Full year lease income from the Supporters Club.• Interest received.• Increase in Surf Rescue Appeal.


Total operating expenditure before depreciation expenses was $354,107 a reduction of $7,368 ( 2% ) compared to last year. We did see expense increases in administration, staff, and Junior carnival nominations, but these were offset by reductions in other areas.

Cash Flow

The Club’s 30th May bank balance was $117,097.36 compared to last year of $65,654.38. This is an excellent position and has increased our cash fl ow by $51,442.98.The Surf Club is currently providing the Supporters Club with a loan of $43,997.77 during the transition of the management agreement from the RSL. It should be noted that this fi gure is not included in our above cash balance compared with last year. The Club’s Foundation account as at the 30th May was $159,877.

Profi t

The profi t for the Surf Club before depreciation is $100,682 compared to last year of $57,623. This is a $43,059 increase (74.7% ) and shows a pleasing improvement from our losses in 2009.

During the year the RSL advised us that they would no longer assist the Surf Club with operational support in preparing the monthly accounts. This could have been a problem for us but with the determination of Kay Blokkeerus and supported by Margot Rousell the BOM received P&L on a timely basis. I thank them for their support.


The major improvement to the building during the year was the new slatted facial on the front of the building. The cost of this was shared by both Clubs. There were also rain water tanks installed for use in the Surf Club area.The Club received monthly lease payments of $10,000 from the Supporters Club during the year.

Thanks for the support to all concerned during the year and I wish the Club every success in building on this result.

Dennis Croft.Director, Finance and Property.

Finance and Property Report

The Club’s Board Of Management (BOM ) is pleased to report a continuation of the improvement on the 2010 fi nancial year. We have continued to adhere to our basic objectives in running the Club.

• Maintaining the Club’s purchasing policy.• Increasing revenues.• Controlling expenses.


This year we did not have an entrant in the Surf Girl Appeal but despite this loss of income our overall total revenue in-creased by $36,692 (8.5% ). The main contributing items were• Grants applied for and received by the Club.• Increase in membership fees.• Full year lease income from the Supporters Club.• Interest received.• Increase in Surf Rescue Appeal.


Total operating expenditure before depreciation expenses was $354,107 a reduction of $7,368 ( 2% ) compared to last year. We did see expense increases in administration, staff, and Junior carnival nominations, but these were offset by reductions in other areas.

Cash Flow

The Club’s 30th May bank balance was $117,097.36 compared to last year of $65,654.38. This is an excellent position and has increased our cash fl ow by $51,442.98.The Surf Club is currently providing the Supporters Club with a loan of $43,997.77 during the transition of the management agreement from the RSL. It should be noted that this fi gure is not included in our above cash balance compared with last year. The Club’s Foundation account as at the 30th May was $159,877.

Profi t

The profi t for the Surf Club before depreciation is $100,682 compared to last year of $57,623. This is a $43,059 increase (74.7% ) and shows a pleasing improvement from our losses in 2009.

During the year the RSL advised us that they would no longer assist the Surf Club with operational support in preparing the monthly accounts. This could have been a problem for us but with the determination of Kay Blokkeerus and supported by Margot Rousell the BOM received P&L on a timely basis. I thank them for their support.


The major improvement to the building during the year was the new slatted facial on the front of the building. The cost of this was shared by both Clubs. There were also rain water tanks installed for use in the Surf Club area.The Club received monthly lease payments of $10,000 from the Supporters Club during the year.

Thanks for the support to all concerned during the year and I wish the Club every success in building on this result.

Dennis Croft.Director Finance and Property

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Annual Report Season 10 / 11 13


Marketing and Sponsorship Report

Firstly, I would like to thank the support that our sponsors have provided throughout the 2010/ 2011 Season.Without your fi nancial and in kind support our club would not be able to provide the services that it does to our members, locals and visitors of Kings Beach, Caloundra.

Prior to the season commencing our major sponsor for the previous three seasons Investa advised that they would not be able to commit to the same funds they had previously. To ensure that the club did not miss out on any of the valuable funds, Michael and the team at Investa arranged for PJ Burns to be joint major sponsors of the Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC for the next three seasons.

So a special thank you to the team at Investa for their ongoing support and a big welcome back and thank you to John (Snapper) Thurtel and the team at PJ Burns.

To our long-time supporters thank you once again for supporting us: the team at Dwyer’s Retravision, Henzells business and Control Logic our club relies on your valuable contributions and assistance and we thank you for all that you do for us.

This year as well as welcoming back PJ Burns, Scott Hammell and the team from Goodlife Health Club at Caloundra came back on board as a sponsor this year.

This season we have had a number of new Sponsors come on board and I would like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our club this season.

Defi nium surveyors, thanks to Peter Hickey for organising this; Ikon Engineered Solutions thank you Tammy & BrendanSheppard; Concept Roofi ng Services and Asbestos Removal thanks to Kieron Jefferies; Dow Plumbing thanks to Dale Dow; Carpet Choice Carseldine thanks to Annette & Richard Hoskins; Caloundra Physiotherapy Centre thanks to Paul & Michelle Bounty; Caloundra Eyewear thanks to Brian Dreves; Hutchinson Builders thanks to Steve Ferguson; Caloundra Naturopathic and Massage Clinic thank you Tamara Skok and Get Running thank you to Alan Cuttler.

All of these new sponsors are businesses owned by our members who already put a lot of time and energy into the running of our club, so thank you for your additional fi nancial support this season.

We set a record this year for the most amount of funds collected for the state wide Surf Rescue appeal for this club. The $20,334.25 raised was a fantastic effort that we should all be proud of. A special thanks to Isaac Cox for coordinating the Brisbane part of the collection.

We had a couple of different fundraising events this season, including the return of the Mets Race Day at the Sunshine Coast Turf Club on Sunday the 24th of October. The day was a great day and those that attended had a ball we hope to get even greater support for the 2nd Race day which will be held at the same time in October 2011. I would like to thank those that supported the club by sponsoring a race. Tammy and Brendan Sheppard sponsored two races with their business Ikon Engineering Solutions. Jeff and Kate Morris for their sponsorship J&K Morris Building Contractors; Steve and Mick Bacon for sponsoring a race with their business Control Logic.

This season we also had the Westpac Chopper challenge that helped raise over $2600.00 dollars for the club. Thanks to the team at Westpac Caloundra, but a special mention to John Taylor who ran approximately 80 km’s on the day – from Tewantin to the Mets clubhouse; a fantastic effort John, thank you. This event will be back again next season so please ensure you support it once again.

It has been my pleasure to be the Director of Marketing and Sponsorship for the past two seasons, unfortunately I will not be nominating again for the position due to work and family commitments. I wish the person coming into the position all the best for the role, and I do ask all members to get behind them and support them, as it is really the club you are supporting.

Neil Anderson.Director Marketing and Sponsorship

Marketing and Sponsorship Report

Marketing and Sponsorship Report

Firstly, I would like to thank the support that our sponsors have provided throughout the 2010/ 2011 Season.Without your fi nancial and in kind support our club would not be able to provide the services that it does to our members,locals and visitors of Kings Beach, Caloundra.

Prior to the season commencing our major sponsor for the previous three seasons Investa advised that they would not beable to commit to the same funds they had previously. To ensure that the club did not miss out on any of the valuable funds, Michael and the team at Investa arranged for PJ Burns to be joint major sponsors of the Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC forthe next three seasons.

So a special thank you to the team at Investa for their ongoing support and a big welcome back and thank you to John (Snapper) Thurtel and the team at PJ Burns.

To our long-time supporters thank you once again for supporting us: the team at Dwyer’s Retravision, Henzells business and Control Logic our club relies on your valuable contributions and assistance and we thank you for all that you do for us

This year as well as welcoming back PJ Burns, Scott Hammell and the team from Goodlife Health Club at Caloundra cameback on board as a sponsor this year.

This season we have had a number of new Sponsors come on board and I would like to thank the following sponsors forsupporting our club this season.

Defi nium surveyors, thanks to Peter Hickey for organising this; Ikon Engineered Solutions thank you Tammy & BrendanSheppard; Concept Roofi ng Services and Asbestos Removal thanks to Kieron Jefferies; Dow Plumbing thanks to Dale Dow; Carpet Choice Carseldine thanks to Annette & Richard Hoskins; Caloundra Physiotherapy Centre thanks to Paul &Michelle Bounty; Caloundra Eyewear thanks to Brian Dreves; Hutchinson Builders thanks to Steve Ferguson; Caloundra Naturopathic and Massage Clinic thank you Tamara Skok and Get Running thank you to Alan Cuttler.

All of these new sponsors are businesses owned by our members who already put a lot of time and energy into the running of our club, so thank you for your additional fi nancial support this season.

We set a record this year for the most amount of funds collected for the state wide Surf Rescue appeal for this club. The$20,334.25 raised was a fantastic effort that we should all be proud of. A special thanks to Isaac Cox for coordinating the Brisbane part of the collection.

We had a couple of different fundraising events this season, including the return of the Mets Race Day at the Sunshine CoastTurf Club on Sunday the 24th of October. The day was a great day and those that attended had a ball we hope to get even greater support for the 2nd Race day which will be held at the same time in October 2011. I would like to thank those that supported the club by sponsoring a race. Tammy and Brendan Sheppard sponsored two races with their businessIkon Engineering Solutions. Jeff and Kate Morris for their sponsorship J&K Morris Building Contractors; Steve and Mick Bacon for sponsoring a race with their business Control Logic.

This season we also had the Westpac Chopper challenge that helped raise over $2600.00 dollars for the club. Thanks to the team at Westpac Caloundra, but a special mention to John Taylor who ran approximately 80 km’s on the day – from Tewantinto the Mets clubhouse; a fantastic effort John, thank you. This event will be back again next season so please ensure you support it once again.

It has been my pleasure to be the Director of Marketing and Sponsorship for the past two seasons, unfortunately I will notbe nominating again for the position due to work and family commitments. I wish the person coming into the position all thebest for the role, and I do ask all members to get behind them and support them, as it is really the club you are supporting.

Neil Anderson.

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Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club14

Boardies Day3rd December 2010

Brisbane City Works $100.60Caloundra Physio Ctr $350.00Caloundra Surf Club $14.40Elizabeth Dawes $131.05Golden Beach State School $192.00Met Caloundra SLSC $249.90

Total: $1037.95

Chopper Challenge3rd December 2010

BBQ $210.10Jase Bean $150.00G Brooks $8.00Caloundra Surf Club $39.10Dennis Croft $160.00Dale Dow $160.00Geoff Lyons Solicitor $100.00Snow Maurice $160.00Offi ce National $8.00Other Donations $160.00Margot Rousell $174.85Dennis Rowley $40.00Darryl Webster $160.00Wendy’s Caloundra $500.00Westpac $627.27

Total: $2657.32

Brisbane and Caloundra Surf Rescue AppealDecember 4th – 5th 2010

G & B Andrews $25.00Clare Anker $74.70Jack Anker $74.70Greg Bacon $201.35Michael Bacon $100.00Steve Bacon $100.00Lille Batchelor $32.20Abbey Bates $182.20Chris Bates $182.05Peter Bateman $237.45Gail Battaglene $191.05Jase Bean $104.20Carly Bell $287.20Amanda Benson $311.25Cathy Bond $220.00Andrew Boscoe $44.30Tim Boscoe $44.30Denise Boyd $55.45 Jack & Laurie Boyd $1.55Karen Bray $159.15Mikaela Bray $159.20Jan Burdekin $231.20Ben Canniffe $100.00Amanda Cartwright $262.05Laura Cartwright $183.25James Chisholm $327.30Eliza Christiansen $34.65Owen Christiansen $34.65Rhett Collie $218.75Julie Collins-Moore $95.35Mark Copson $563.70

James Creedy $440.90Nicole Creedy $231.40Rebecca Creedy $224.95Dennis Croft $209.20Stephanie Cronin $50.05Allen Cuttler $89.85Marie-Louise Cuttler $89.85Izaak Davis $151.85William Davis $222.80Elizabeth Dawes $160.35Cheryl de Malmanche $63.85Lee De Wit $311.55Calum Devine $400.10Dreves Family $347.80Carla Dreyer $104.20Dale Dow $380.90David Dyer $50.00Geoffrey Feeley $83.20Yvonne Feeley $83.20Fiona Fewtrell $231.20James Fissenden $40.10Tara Fissenden $40.10Jacob Frampton $100.00Gayle Gaffney $52.75Jack Gaffney $52.75Chris Goninon $78.05Goggins Family $202.55Adam Graves $41.40Flynn Graves $67.85Lily Graves $41.45Grech Family $4.45James Griffi n $300.00Peter Hall $116.15Anthony Heugh $143.05Hoskin Family $397.85Paul Hutchins $78.15Sarah Hutchins $217.85Mark Imrie $157.40Melanie Innes $213.70Charlotte Jackson $19.25Kieron Jeffries $66.30Nick Jeffries $66.30Corey Jones $50.05Riley Jordan $201.50John Keller $92.90Angela Larsen $49.20Sam Larsen $49.20Alice Llewelyn $25.85Drew Llewelyn $41.85 Alan Macklin $40.70Stuart Marsh $311.55Snow Maurice $231.20Shona McClelland $311.40Sean McMahon $98.15Jeannie Meijer $110.40Tibor Meijer $110.40Nic Morandini $43.60Patti Morandini $43.60Jeff Morris $217.60Brett Morrissey $100.00Paul Mullens $277.25Dimity Muller $203.85Peter Muller $425.95Alanna Murphy $35.90Kelly Murphy $35.85Michael O’Kelly $171.85Ovenden Family $476.50Kyle Parker $57.05Brian Pascoe $196.60Carl Perkins Jnr $347.65Karen Perkins $104.20Kieren Perkins $130.10

Beth Phillips $203.85Kirsten Phillips $92.90Joise Pike $104.20Anita Roberts $61.90Greg Roberts $61.90Judy Robertson $76.90Ross Robertson $76.95Paula Ryan $231.20Sanders Family $181.95Chris Schostakowski $144.25Robbie Schwartz $259.25Tamara Sheppard $209.30Bronson Slater $61.20Craig Spender $327.80Nick Spillane $254.05Cameron Smith $50.05Sarah Stacey $340.90Nathan Steer $61.25Cameron Taylor $166.75Emily Taylor $110.45Toraya Family $106.15Tottman Family $126.30Kirsten Twidale $207.05Ann Twomey $132.10Courtney Twomey $138.70Tiah Twomey $129.30James Ware $100.00Michelle Weir $111.60Brenden Welch $110.65Bryanna Wilson $75.25Paige Wilson $154.05 Total: $20,334.25

Support Crew

Suzanne Bishop, Isaac Cox, Rachel Barber, Dennis Croft, Neil Anderson, Jess Norton, Dennis Rowley, Gary Jones, Rosanne Otago.

Caloundra Collection April 2011

Jase Bean $109.41Carla Dreyer $109.41Josie Pike $109.41Jeff Morris $220.85Snow Maurice $490.10Brendan Welch $34.20Thomas Family $262.75Izaak Davis $34.65Nick Spillane $23.70Gary Jones $225.70

Support Crew Dennis Rowley

Total: $1620.20

Surf Rescue Appeal Collections

oardies Dayrd December 2010

risbane City Works $100.60aloundra Physio Ctr $350.00aloundra Surf Club $14.40izabeth Dawes $131.05

olden Beach tate School $192.00et Caloundra SLSC $249.90

otal: $1037.95

hopper Challengerd December 2010

BQ $210.10ase Bean $150.00Brooks $8.00

aloundra Surf Club $39.10ennis Croft $160.00ale Dow $160.00eoff Lyons Solicitor $100.00now Maurice $160.00ffi ce National $8.00ther Donations $160.00argot Rousell $174.85ennis Rowley $40.00arryl Webster $160.00endy’s Caloundra $500.00estpac $627.27

otal: $2657.32

risbane and Caloundra urf Rescue Appealecember 4th – 5th 2010

& B Andrews $25.00lare Anker $74.70ack Anker $74.70reg Bacon $201.35ichael Bacon $100.00teve Bacon $100.00lle Batchelor $32.20bbey Bates $182.20hris Bates $182.05eter Bateman $237.45ail Battaglene $191.05ase Bean $104.20arly Bell $287.20manda Benson $311.25athy Bond $220.00ndrew Boscoe $44.30m Boscoe $44.30enise Boyd $55.45 ack & Laurie Boyd $1.55aren Bray $159.15ikaela Bray $159.20

an Burdekin $231.20en Canniffe $100.00manda Cartwright $262.05aura Cartwright $183.25ames Chisholm $327.30iza Christiansen $34.65wen Christiansen $34.65hett Collie $218.75


James Creedy $440.90Nicole Creedy $231.40Rebecca Creedy $224.95Dennis Croft $209.20Stephanie Cronin $50.05Allen Cuttler $89.85Marie-Louise Cuttler $89.85Izaak Davis $151.85William Davis $222.80Elizabeth Dawes $160.35Cheryl de Malmanche $63.85Lee De Wit $311.55Calum Devine $400.10Dreves Family $347.80Carla Dreyer $104.20Dale Dow $380.90David Dyer $50.00Geoffrey Feeley $83.20Yvonne Feeley $83.20Fiona Fewtrell $231.20James Fissenden $40.10Tara Fissenden $40.10Jacob Frampton $100.00Gayle Gaffney $52.75Jack Gaffney $52.75Chris Goninon $78.05Goggins Family $202.55Adam Graves $41.40Flynn Graves $67.85Lily Graves $41.45Grech Family $4.45James Griffi n $300.00Peter Hall $116.15Anthony Heugh $143.05Hoskin Family $397.85Paul Hutchins $78.15Sarah Hutchins $217.85Mark Imrie $157.40Melanie Innes $213.70Charlotte Jackson $19.25Kieron Jeffries $66.30Nick Jeffries $66.30Corey Jones $50.05Riley Jordan $201.50John Keller $92.90Angela Larsen $49.20Sam Larsen $49.20Alice Llewelyn $25.85Drew Llewelyn $41.85Alan Macklin $40.70Stuart Marsh $311.55Snow Maurice $231.20Shona McClelland $311.40Sean McMahon $98.15Jeannie Meijer $110.40Tibor Meijer $110.40Nic Morandini $43.60Patti Morandini $43.60Jeff Morris $217.60Brett Morrissey $100.00Paul Mullens $277.25Dimity Muller $203.85Peter Muller $425.95Alanna Murphy $35.90Kelly Murphy $35.85Michael O’Kelly $171.85Ovenden Family $476.50Kyle Parker $57.05Brian Pascoe $196.60Carl Perkins Jnr $347.65K P ki $104 20

Beth Phillips $203.85Kirsten Phillips $92.90Joise Pike $104.20Anita Roberts $61.90Greg Roberts $61.90Judy Robertson $76.90Ross Robertson $76.95Paula Ryan $231.20Sanders Family $181.95Chris Schostakowski $144.25Robbie Schwartz $259.25Tamara Sheppard $209.30Bronson Slater $61.20Craig Spender $327.80Nick Spillane $254.05Cameron Smith $50.05Sarah Stacey $340.90Nathan Steer $61.25Cameron Taylor $166.75Emily Taylor $110.45Toraya Family $106.15Tottman Family $126.30Kirsten Twidale $207.05Ann Twomey $132.10Courtney Twomey $138.70Tiah Twomey $129.30James Ware $100.00Michelle Weir $111.60Brenden Welch $110.65Bryanna Wilson $75.25Paige Wilson $154.05

Total: $20,334.25

Support Crew

Suzanne Bishop, Isaac Cox, Rachel Barber, Dennis Croft, Neil Anderson, Jess Norton, Dennis Rowley, Gary Jones, Rosanne Otago.

Caloundra Collection April 2011

Jase Bean $109.41Carla Dreyer $109.41Josie Pike $109.41Jeff Morris $220.85Snow Maurice $490.10Brendan Welch $34.20Thomas Family $262.75Izaak Davis $34.65Nick Spillane $23.70Gary Jones $225.70

Support Crew Dennis Rowley

Total: $1620.20


Page 15: METROPOLITAN CALOUNDRA Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club IIntroductionntroduction Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Annual Report Club Motto ‘Saving Lives. Serious Fun. Kings

Annual Report Season 10 / 11 15

lifesavinglifesaving Report

Lifesaving - Club Captains Report

This season was a truly eye-opening one for me, having come on as Club Captain with only a few months to go. It was a positive one however, and I thank everyone for their support.

Our rescue statistics show that January was our busiest month by far this season – with 119 rescues, 454 preventative actions, and 3557 people warned (this is over ¼ of the total beach attendance for that month). The total rescues for the season were 161, and total preventative actions were 826. This shows that in January alone, we performed approximately 74% of all rescues, and 55% of all preventative actions for the season. October proved to be a treacherous month as well recording 19.5 hours of beach closures due to dangerous surf. March was our biggest month for fi rst aid cases with 159 recorded treatments, 157 of those were for bluebottle stings alone! And we all know how fun they are…

We haven’t received offi cial results for Buhk Wilkes yet - however I have it on good authority that the reigning champion patrol team for results this season was that of our former Club Captain, Paula Ryan. This was of course up until Good Friday, when the patrol including the current Club Captain and Vice Club Captain scored a massive 332/340 points. Better luck next year Sea Turtles.

Six of our patrolling members were invited by Lifesaver 6 (helicopter) to partake in some training exercises. This involved a few hours dry land training at Caloundra airport with the crew, which has resulted in three live water training sessions being conducted at Kings Beach and the Caloundra Bar in subsequent months. This is a fantastic opportunity for not only our members, but also for the public to witness these exercises fi rst hand at their beach. Well done to everyone involved.

As we are all too aware, we were bombarded with some pretty severe weather resulting in devastating fl ooding across the entire state. I am proud to announce that Surf Lifesavers proved this year that it is not only the beaches that we can patrol to keep our community safe. Many of our members and equipment were called to assist in the relief effort in Brisbane and the patience, dedication, and selfl essness they showed is second to none. This truly cemented our place as part of the Emergency Services team, and every single person who is involved in this organisation ought to be congratulated.

If I had to single out one particular patrol that had gone over and above the call of duty this season it would have to be the Stingrays. This patrol dealt with nearly every scenario you could think of - from public drunkenness, riots, unconsciousness, trauma, rescues and numerous warnings. You certainly would not wish any of these things to happen to any patrol, but the Stingrays seemed to cop it all this season. They handled everything that was thrown at them withprofessionalism and integrity, and deserve recognition for their efforts.

In closing, I would like to say a massive thankyou to my Vice Captain Nathan Steer for all his assistance; I would be stuck without him; also to Snow Maurice, Paula Ryan, and Molly for their help and guidance throughout the season. Thanks also to the Creedy brothers for their continued care and maintenance of our IRB’s, Carla Dreyer for her continued stocking of our First Aid Room, and Snow for his care of all our gear and equipment. Thank you to Bronson Slater for tackling the role of Club Captain for the fi rst half of the season.

See you all next season

Fi FewtrellClub Captain

Page 16: METROPOLITAN CALOUNDRA Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club IIntroductionntroduction Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Annual Report Club Motto ‘Saving Lives. Serious Fun. Kings

Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club16

lifesavinglifesaving Rescue Statistics

2010/2011Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Total

Without Rescue Gear 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4Rescue Tube 0 1 14 0 105 1 2 0 0 123Rescue Board 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 5Boogie Board 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Surf Boat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0RWC 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 4IRB 0 1 2 6 0 10 10 1 3 33Other 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4Total Rescues 0 2 20 6 113 14 14 1 3 173Resusitation Cases 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1Oxygen Therapy 1 0 2 1 9 2 2 0 2 19Drowning/Near Drowning 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3Marine Stings 1 8 21 0 64 22 157 0 0 273Suspected Spinal Injuries 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 6Fractures 2 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 8Defib Cases 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1Minor First Aid 4 4 1 3 13 6 1 6 1 39Major First Aid 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 4Other 0 1 1 0 4 1 0 0 0 7Total First Aid Cases 9 14 27 7 100 32 160 7 5 361Preventative Actions 7 56 119 34 454 69 70 18 0 827Lost Children Searches 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Shark Alarms 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1Searches 2 2 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 9Total Other 9 58 119 34 454 73 70 20 0 837Grand Total 18 74 166 47 667 119 244 28 8 1371

Yearly Comparisons01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11

Without Rescue Gear 6 1 7 1 2 2 5 2 6 4Rescue Tube 46 39 19 39 23 16 85 28 139 123Rescue Board 11 2 4 8 5 2 18 6 4 5Boogie Board 0 0 1 0 0 0 7 4 0 0Surf Boat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0RWC 0 0 0 11 0 0 60 2 0 4IRB 50 33 51 28 35 26 11 41 60 29Other 18 0 0 4 6 2 5 7 1 4Total Rescues 131 75 82 91 71 48 191 120 210 169Resusitation Cases 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 1Oxygen Therapy 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 12 13 17Drowning/Near Drowning - - - - - - - - 3 3Marine Stings 126 40 166 160 259 198 93 369 427 273Suspected Spinal Injuries 0 0 0 4 7 0 4 3 3 4Fractures 0 0 0 3 4 0 7 4 2 7Defib Cases 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1Minor First Aid 64 59 61 65 64 57 43 38 38 32Major First Aid 12 4 11 12 5 6 4 2 3 4Other - - - - - - - - 9 7Total First Aid Cases 202 103 239 244 340 264 164 428 498 349Preventative Actions 997 881 2345 2113 1422 1866 1499 1584 1150 809Lost Children Searches 11 14 11 12 19 14 7 7 0 0Shark Alarms 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 1 1Searches 0 0 0 5 2 0 1 7 7 7Total Other 1008 895 2356 2127 1445 1880 1509 1598 1158 817Grand Total 1341 1073 2677 2462 1856 2192 1864 2146 1866 1335

Rescues. Resusitations, First Aid Treatments

Rescues, Resusitations, First Aid Treatments

Rescue Statistics2010/2011

Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May TotalWithout Rescue Gear 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4Rescue Tube 0 1 14 0 105 1 2 0 0 123Rescue Board 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 5Boogie Board 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Surf Boat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0RWC 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 4IRB 0 1 2 6 0 10 10 1 3 33Other 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4Total Rescues 0 2 20 6 113 14 14 1 3 173Resusitation Cases 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1Oxygen Therapy 1 0 2 1 9 2 2 0 2 19Drowning/Near Drowning 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3Marine Stings 1 8 21 0 64 22 157 0 0 273Suspected Spinal Injuries 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 6Fractures 2 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 8Defib Cases 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1Minor First Aid 4 4 1 3 13 6 1 6 1 391Major First Aid 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 40Other 0 1 1 0 4 1 0 0 0 70Total First Aid Cases 9 14 27 7 100 32 160 7 5 361Preventative Actions 7 56 119 34 454 69 70 18 0 827Lost Children Searches 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Shark Alarms 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1Searches 2 2 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 9Total Other 9 58 119 34 454 73 70 20 0 837Grand Total 18 74 166 47 667 119 244 28 8 1371

Yearrlyly C Comompaaririsoonsns0101-0-02 002-22-03003 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08--09090 090909-1-1-10 10 10 100-0-11

Without Rescue Gear 6 1 7 1 2 2 5 2 6 4Rescue Tube 46 39 19 39 23 16 85 28 139 123Rescue Board 11 2 4 8 5 2 18 6 4 5Boogie Board 0 0 1 0 0 0 7 4 0 0Surf Boat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0RWC 0 0 0 11 0 0 60 2 0 4IRB 50 33 51 28 35 26 11 41 60 29Other 18 0 0 4 6 2 5 7 1 4Total Rescues 131 75 82 91 71 48 191 120 210 169Resusitation Cases 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 1Oxygen Therapy 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 12 13 17Drowning/Near Drowning - - - - - - - - 3 3Marine Stings 126 40 166 160 259 198 93 369 427 273Suspected Spinal Injuries 0 0 0 4 7 0 4 3 3 4Fractures 0 0 0 3 4 0 7 4 2 7Defib Cases 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1Minor First Aid 64 59 61 65 64 57 43 38 38 32Major First Aid 12 4 11 12 5 6 4 2 3 4Other - - - - - - - - 9 7Total First Aid Cases 202 103 239 244 340 264 164 428 498 349Preventative Actions 997 881 2345 2113 1422 1866 1499 1584 1150 809Lost Children Searches 11 14 11 12 19 14 7 7 0 0Shark Alarms 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 1 1Searches 0 0 0 5 2 0 1 7 7 7Total Other 1008 895 2356 2127 1445 1880 1509 1598 1158 817Grand Total 1341 1073 2677 2462 1856 2192 1864 2146 1866 1335

Rescues. Resusitations, First Aid Treatments

Rescues, Resusitations, First Aid Treatmennttts

Rescue Statistics

Page 17: METROPOLITAN CALOUNDRA Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club IIntroductionntroduction Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Annual Report Club Motto ‘Saving Lives. Serious Fun. Kings

Annual Report Season 10 / 11 17

lifesavinglifesaving Patrol Hours

Anderson Neil 41:00 75:00 116:00Anderson Sinead 31:30 6:00 37:30Anker Jack 37:15 37:15AraBena-byrnes Amy 10:30 10:30Bacon Gregory 16:15 16:15Bacon Michael 10:00 2:00 12:00Bacon Steven 27:45 27:45Baldock James 38:15 38:15Barber Rachel 61:00 61:00Barlow Kerry-Ann 51:15 51:15Batchelor Lillie 42:30 3:05 45:35Bateman Peter 17:50 17:50Bates Abbey 30:45 30:45Bates Jacob 64:00 64:00Bean Jase 32:00 32:00Bell Carly 36:30 36:30Blokkeerus Amy 57:00 57:00Blokkeerus Niki 39:10 39:10Bond Cathy 49:30 49:30Boscoe Joel 21:30 21:30Boscoe Ryan 86:30 86:30Boulton Michael 40:15 3:30 43:45Boyd Denise 18:45 31:00 49:45Bray Karen 31:30 18:00 49:30Bray Mikaela 54:10 15:00 69:10Brown Kristina 15:45 15:45Bryant Karlee 143:35 16:00 6:00 165:35Bull Darren 42:45 42:45Bull Jake 5:00 5:00Bull Karen 10:45 10:45Burdekin Jan 53:45 6:45 60:30Callaghan Grant 29:00 29:00Canniffe Ben 14:45 14:45Canov Ashleigh 44:30 44:30Cartwright Laura 10:45 2:00 12:45Chisholm James 43:45 43:45Clark Wade 30:00 5:00 35:00Collie Rhett 37:15 37:15Cordingley Apryl 43:30 43:30Cordingley Stuart 7:00 7:00Cox Isaac 26:30 26:30Crain Corbin 12:00 12:00Creedy Daniel 24:15 4:15 28:30Creedy James 52:15 52:15Creedy Rebecca 46:30 4:15 50:45Croft Dennis 20:45 20:45Cronau Tegan 87:15 4:00 91:15

Surname First Name Kings BeachHours

Bonus Hours

Water SafetyClub Junior

Activities HoursTotal HoursOperations


Patrol Hours


Anderson Neil 41:00 75:00 116:0Anderson Sinead 31:30 6:00 37:3Anker Jack 37:15 37:1

yrnes Amy 10:30 10:3Bacon Gregory 16:15 16:1Bacon Michael 10:00 2:00 12:0Bacon Steven 27:45 27:4Baldock James 38:15 38:1Barber Rachel 61:00 61:0Barlow Kerry-Ann 51:15 51:1Batchelor Lillie 42:30 3:05 45:3Bateman Peter 17:50 17:5Bates Abbey 30:45 30:4Bates Jacob 64:00 64:0Bean Jase 32:00 32:0Bell Carly 36:30 36:3Blokkeerus Amy 57:00 57:0Blokkeerus Niki 39:10 39:1Bond Cathy 49:30 49:3Boscoe Joel 21:30 21:3Boscoe Ryan 86:30 86:3Boulton Michael 40:15 3:30 43:4Boyd Denise 18:45 31:00 49:45Bray Karen 31:30 18:00 49:3Bray Mikaela 54:10 15:00 69:1Brown Kristina 15:45 15:4Bryant Karlee 143:35 16:00 6:00 165:3Bull Darren 42:45 42:4Bull Jake 5:00 5:0Bull Karen 10:45 10:4Burdekin Jan 53:45 6:45 60:3Callaghan Grant 29:00 29:0Canniffe Ben 14:45 14:4Canov Ashleigh 44:30 44:3Cartwright Laura 10:45 2:00 12:4Chisholm James 43:45 43:4Clark Wade 30:00 5:00 35:0Collie Rhett 37:15 37:1Cordingley Apryl 43:30 43:3Cordingley Stuart 7:00 7:0Cox Isaac 26:30 26:3Crain Corbin 12:00 12:0Creedy Daniel 24:15 4:15 28:3Creedy James 52:15 52:1Creedy Rebecca 46:30 4:15 50:4Croft Dennis 20:45 20:4Cronau Tegan 87:15 4:00 91:1

Surname First Name Kings BeacchhHours

Boonus Hours

Water SafetyClub Junior


Activities HoursActivities HoursTotal HoursOperations


Patrol Hours


Page 18: METROPOLITAN CALOUNDRA Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club IIntroductionntroduction Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Annual Report Club Motto ‘Saving Lives. Serious Fun. Kings

Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club18

lifesavinglifesaving Patrol Hours

Surname First Name Kings Beach

Bonus Hours TotalOperations

SupportCronin Stephanie 45:00 45:00Cruickshank Glen 12:30 3:00 15:30Daniec Courtney 32:15 12:00 44:15Daniec Robert 48:30 48:30Davis Izaak 84:30 84:30Davis Troy 26:55 26:55Davis William 86:00 86:00Dawes Elizabeth 47:45 4:30 52:15Dawson Christopher 57:30 8:00 65:30

De Malmanche Benjamin 9:15 21:17 30:31Devine Calum 21:15 21:15Dow Bronson 15:00 15:00Downey Melita 10:00 10:00Dreves Brian 64:15 3:45 15:45 83:45Dreves Eliza 50:15 3:45 7:25 61:25Dreyer Carla 78:55 4:05 83:00Duncan Iain 3:45 3:45 7:30Edwards Bruce 14:30 14:30Ellwood Emily 34:55 3:45 38:40Faa Justin 14:15 14:15Ferguson Stephen 20:00 39:00 59:00Fewtrell Fiona 43:45 7:00 50:45Fisk Selena 55:30 17:30 73:00Fissenden James 40:45 49:45 90:30Fissenden Kerrie 27:00 33:00 60:00Fissenden Madeleine 10:00 10:00Frampton Jacob 27:30 27:30Gallagher Damien 45:45 18:55 64:40Gansberg Kimberley 5:00 5:00Gardner Neil 45:30 45:30Gordon Alexander 24:45 4:00 28:45Graves Adam 30:05 64:30 94:35Hall Wendy 56:50 56:50Hampton Aaron 39:30 39:30Hampton Christopher 60:00 3:45 63:45Hertslet Bryce 29:45 13:30 43:15Heugh Anthony 34:30 3:30 30:45 68:45Heymer Jennine 19:15 28:30 47:45Hoogvliet Tamara 2:45 2:45Hooper Damian 2:30 26:15 28:45Hoskin Keagan 43:30 43:30Hoskin Maddison 40:05 3:00 2:00 45:05Hunt Collin 15:00 15:00Hutchins Paul 5:45 32:00 37:45Imrie Mark 40:45 40:45Ingram Justin 15:00 15:00

JacksonCharlotte-Amelia 21:15 21:15

Jeffries Benjamin 7:00 7:00Jeffries Kieron 46:15 26:00 92:15

Patrol HoursWater SafetyClub Junior

Activities HoursSurnrname First Name Kiingngs

BeaccchhBonuus s Hoours ToTootatallOpOpereratatioionsns

SuSuS ppppororttCronin Stephanie 45:00 45:00Cruickshank Glen 12:30 3:00 15:30Daniec Courtney 32:15 12:00 44:15Daniec Robert 48:30 48:30Davis Izaak 84:30 84:30Davis Troy 26:55 26:55Davis William 86:00 86:00Dawes Elizabeth 47:45 4:30 52:15Dawson Christopher 57:30 8:00 65:30

De Malmanche Benjamin 9:15 21:17 30:31Devine Calum 21:15 21:15Dow Bronson 15:00 15:00Downey Melita 10:00 10:00Dreves Brian 64:15 3:45 15:45 83:45Dreves Eliza 50:15 3:45 7:25 61:25Dreyer Carla 78:55 4:05 83:00Duncan Iain 3:45 3:45 7:30Edwards Bruce 14:30 14:30Ellwood Emily 34:55 3:45 38:40Faa Justin 14:15 14:15Ferguson Stephen 20:00 39:00 59:00Fewtrell Fiona 43:45 7:00 50:45Fisk Selena 55:30 17:30 73:00Fissenden James 40:45 49:45 90:30Fissenden Kerrie 27:00 33:00 60:00Fissenden Madeleine 10:00 10:00Frampton Jacob 27:30 27:30Gallagher Damien 45:45 18:55 64:40Gansberg Kimberley 5:00 5:00Gardner Neil 45:30 45:30Gordon Alexander 24:45 4:00 28:45Graves Adam 30:05 64:30 94:35Hall Wendy 56:50 56:50Hampton Aaron 39:30 39:30Hampton Christopher 60:00 3:45 63:45Hertslet Bryce 29:45 13:30 43:15Heugh Anthony 34:30 3:30 30:45 68:45Heymer Jennine 19:15 28:30 47:45Hoogvliet Tamara 2:45 2:45Hooper Damian 2:30 26:15 28:45Hoskin Keagan 43:30 43:30Hoskin Maddison 40:05 3:00 2:00 45:05Hunt Collin 15:00 15:00Hutchins Paul 5:45 32:00 37:45Imrie Mark 40:45 40:45Ingram Justin 15:00 15:00

JacksonCharlotte-Amelia 21:15 21:15

Jeffries Benjamin 7:00 7:00Jeffries Kieron 46:15 26:00 92:15

Patrol HoursWaWater SaS fefetyClC ub Junu ior r


Acctiviv tiese HHouourscc s ouu s

Page 19: METROPOLITAN CALOUNDRA Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club IIntroductionntroduction Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Annual Report Club Motto ‘Saving Lives. Serious Fun. Kings

Annual Report Season 10 / 11 19

lifesavinglifesaving Patrol Hours

Surname First Name Kings Beach

Bonus Hours TotalOperations

SupportJeffries Louise 27:45 22:00 49:45Jeffries Nicholas 7:45 1:45 9:30Jeffries Samuel 5:00 5:00Jones Corey 14:30 14:30Kay Simon 19:15 19:15Keller John 71:00 52:30 123:30Lambert Thomas 5:00 5:00Latham Bronte 31:30 31:30Liley Andrew 28:50 28:50Llewelyn Alice 15:30 15:30Llewelyn Drew 10:15 10:15Lyons Thomas 15:00 15:00Macklin Alan 5:30 5:30Maitland OAM Stephen 113:15 15:45 129:00Mancini Margaret 2:45 2:45Maurice Josh 10:00 10:00Maurice Snow 81:15 81:15Mccahon John 5:00 5:00McClelland Shona 31:00 31:00McCormick Shayne 10:30 10:30McDonald Michael 86:55 13:40 38:52 139:27McFadyen Jennifer 35:35 4:05 39:40McFadyen Simon 5:45 5:45McKenzie Grant 78:00 25:00 103:00McNamara Thomas 10:45 10:45Meijer Jeannine 7:30 7:30Meuleners Jonathon 46:15 46:15Morandini Nic 156:30 156:30Morris Jeffrey 31:10 31:10Morrissey Brett 32:15 32:15Mullens Paul 15:00 15:00Muller Dimity 31:45 31:45Muller Peter 32:45 32:45Murdoch Rachael 5:00 5:00Murphy Anthony 20:45 31:30 52:15Myers Colin 21:45 21:45Nelson Adam 51:30 51:30Nelson Ray 51:35 51:35Newton Simon 10:15 10:15O'Kelly Michael 11:30 9:30 21:00Ovenden Brady 10:00 10:00Overton Georgina 84:10 2:10 86:20Overton Lauren 58:40 2:10 60:50Parker Kyle 31:15 31:15Parsons Ryan 12:00 12:00Pascoe Brian 12:15 4:00 16:15Peart Bridget 99:30 5:00 104:30Perkins Kieren 28:30 28:30Perkins Jnr Carl 62:30 62:30Phillips Bethany 20:15 20:15Phillips Kirsten 37:45 54:30 92:15

Patrol HoursWater SafetyClub Junior

Activities Hours

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Pike Josie 54:30 54:30Pleass Colton 61:45 4:30 66:15Punter Shane 31:45 6:30 38:15Punter Sharon 10:45 5:45 16:30Richards Matthew 1:30 1:30Richards Simon 33:30 33:30Roberts Gregory 13:15 15:35 28:50Robertson Judith 64:15 7:15 71:30Robertson Ross 50:15 11:25 61:40Robinson Daniel 10:00 10:00Rolley Daniel 14:35 14:35Rowley Sarah 39:30 9:00 48:30Russell Benjamin 50:45 4:00 54:45Ryan Paula 51:30 3:45 55:15Schwartz Robert 11:15 6:15 55:00 72:30Seaward Barbara 4:00 4:00 8:00Seto Paul 103:45 16:00 119:45Sharry Graham 6:30 49:20 55:50Sheppard Brendan 51:45 25:45 77:30Sheppard Tamara 7:15 18:45 26:00Short Connie 37:05 37:05Short Lachlan 61:15 5:15 66:30Skok Tamara 59:57 2:12 62:09Slater Bronson 109:30 8:00 117:30Slater Teigan 18:30 18:30Smith Cameron 46:30 46:30Smits Jayson 56:13 2:43 58:56Sneesby Cameron 39:05 5:15 44:20Spillane Nick 28:25 28:25Spurr Todd 5:00 5:00Stacey Sarah 38:30 38:30Steer Nathan 95:20 6:30 101:50Stewart Michael 41:30 41:30Taylor Cameron 59:55 11:15 71:10Taylor Emily 80:45 11:30 92:15Thomas Michael 2:30 9:00 11:30Thompson Nicholas 10:00 10:00Twomey Courtney 10:00 10:00Twomey Tiah 53:35 3:45 57:20Wall Jackson 12:00 12:00Waples Warren 32:15 32:15Ware James 41:45 41:45Webster Darryl 87:55 12:30 100:25Webster Tracey 67:40 4:00 71:40Welch Brendan 28:30 28:30Wells Craig 44:00 2:30 46:30Wilson Ewan 15:15 15:15Woods Damien 10:45 10:45Wright Anthony 4:00 4:00Yule Andrew 6:35 6:35Yule Steven 12:20 12:20

Surname First Name Kings Beach

Bonus Hours TotalOperations


Patrol HoursWater SafetyClub Junior

Activities HoursPike Josie 54:30 54:30Pleass Colton 61:45 4:30 66:15Punter Shane 31:45 6:30 38:15Punter Sharon 10:45 5:45 16:30Richards Matthew 1:30 1:30Richards Simon 33:30 33:30Roberts Gregory 13:15 15:35 28:50Robertson Judith 64:15 7:15 71:30Robertson Ross 50:15 11:25 61:40Robinson Daniel 10:00 10:00Rolley Daniel 14:35 14:35Rowley Sarah 39:30 9:00 48:30Russell Benjamin 50:45 4:00 54:45Ryan Paula 51:30 3:45 55:15Schwartz Robert 11:15 6:15 55:00 72:30Seaward Barbara 4:00 4:00 8:00Seto Paul 103:45 16:00 119:45Sharry Graham 6:30 49:20 55:50Sheppard Brendan 51:45 25:45 77:30Sheppard Tamara 7:15 18:45 26:00Short Connie 37:05 37:05Short Lachlan 61:15 5:15 66:30Skok Tamara 59:57 2:12 62:09Slater Bronson 109:30 8:00 117:30Slater Teigan 18:30 18:30Smith Cameron 46:30 46:30Smits Jayson 56:13 2:43 58:56Sneesby Cameron 39:05 5:15 44:20Spillane Nick 28:25 28:25Spurr Todd 5:00 5:00Stacey Sarah 38:30 38:30Steer Nathan 95:20 6:30 101:50Stewart Michael 41:30 41:30Taylor Cameron 59:55 11:15 71:10Taylor Emily 80:45 11:30 92:15Thomas Michael 2:30 9:00 11:30Thompson Nicholas 10:00 10:00Twomey Courtney 10:00 10:00Twomey Tiah 53:35 3:45 57:20Wall Jackson 12:00 12:00Waples Warren 32:15 32:15Ware James 41:45 41:45Webster Darryl 87:55 12:30 100:25Webster Tracey 67:40 4:00 71:40Welch Brendan 28:30 28:30Wells Craig 44:00 2:30 46:30Wilson Ewan 15:15 15:15Woods Damien 10:45 10:45Wright Anthony 4:00 4:00Yule Andrew 6:35 6:35Yule Steven 12:20 12:20

Surname First Name Kings Beach

Bonus Hours TotalOpOpeerationns


Patrol HoursWaWateter SaSafefetytyClub Junior


Activities Hours

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Annual Report Season 10 / 11 21

Training & Assessment ReportIt is my pleasure to present the Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Training and Assessment Report for Season 2010/11. Another surf lifesaving season has come to an end. A big thanks goes to all our trainers and assessors for their efforts in ensuring our members are achieving the standard required to provide a quality service to members of the public visiting Kings Beach.

Profi cienciesThis season saw the introduction of Defi brillation Awareness as part of the profi ciency process. This will again be included next season.

I would like to thank all of our members for their patience on profi ciency days. It was amazing how quickly we could get through everything when every member just got on with the job.

CPRAs of June 1st 2011 SLSA will be introducing to all training and assessment the changes to CPR as recommended by the Australian Resuscitation Council. These include the addition of an S for ‘send for help’ to the CPR acronym. It now becomes DRSABCD. Also if the patient is not a drowning victim then there is no necessity to perform rescue breaths. We will endeavor to have Training Offi cers available to run through the new process prior to profi ciency assessments.

Bronze MedallionIt is always a pleasure to see young and not so young people taking the fi rst step in surf lifesaving by qualifying for their Bronze Medallion. The Bronze Medallion is the most diffi cult award to achieve in surf lifesaving but opens the door to further awards. For the 2010/11 season the club trained 34 successful candidates for their bronze medallion. This included one addition to our list of International Bronzies.Our fi rst (to my knowledge) was Massimo Donalisio in the 07/08 season and he was followed in the 09/10 season by Stefano Pagliai & Matthias Sperka from the USA and Gustave Burguet from France. This season we had Cesar Chroscik from France. All have left our country proudly wearing the Met Caloundra colours.

Congratulations to the new members of Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC and those members upgrading from their SRC to Bronze for their efforts.

Congratulations also go to all those who participated in courses to achieve their Surf Rescue Certifi cate this year. Next step is your Bronze!

IRB Crewman

There were 6 people to achieve their IRB Crewman award this season. Congratulations to all participants and big thanks to Dan and James Creedy and their able assistants for their efforts.

Operational First AidThanks to the efforts of Liz Dawes we were able to run an Operational First Aid course. We now have 8 new First Aid offi cers.

Other awards11 members completed their Advanced Resuscitation Certifi cate and Defi brillation Award this season. Congratulations to those members.23 of our Under 13’s achieved their Basic Resuscitation Certifi cate.

Finally, I would like to thank the Management Committee, Club Captain, Club Supervisor Liz Dawes, Offi ce Staff (Kay, Amy and Rachel) and all the Trainers and Assessors for the time and effort they have put into the club this year and the assistance I have been given. Last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank all the members of Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC for their interest and enthusiasm in both gaining and maintaining their surf lifesaving awards.

Darryl WebsterDirector Training and Assessment

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lifesavinglifesaving Awards Achieved

Age Managers AccreditationTotal: 5Paul BountyStephen FergusonLynelle HertsletMargot RousellTamara Sheppard

Observers Certifi cateTotal: 3Paul BountyLynelle HertsletMargot Rousell

Basic Resuscitation Certifi cateTotal: 27Nelson AndersonAbbey BatesLeon BattagleneEmily BoscoeJoel BoscoeTimothy BoscoeChloe BountyJack BoydMicheal BrearleyLaura CartwrightEliza ChristiansenPatrick DefriesAlexander DrevesMarcus FergusonThomas HarleJessica HoskinRiley JordanSophie LarsenJacob LawrenceKauri-Shell LowienJessica SaddlierPatrick SchostakowskiAbbey SchuttRory SingletonBen ThomasKyla TribePaige Wilson

Resuscitation CPR Certifi cateTotal: 2Cathy BondAaron Hampton

Bronze MedallionTotal: 34Jack AnkerPeter BatemanRyan BoscoeCesar ChroscikApryl CordingleyCorbin CrainCalum DevineEliza DrevesRonald FlynnAlexander GordonPeter HadleyMaddison HoskinCollin HuntBenjamin JeffriesThomas LambertAndrew LileyThomas LyonsShayne McCormickJennifer McFadyenNic MorandiniPeter MullerSimon NewtonRyan ParsonsBenjamin RussellBrendan SheppardLachlan ShortCameron SneesbyNick SpillaneEmily TaylorMichael ThomasJackson WallBrendan WelchEwan WilsonSteven Yule

Surf Rescue Certifi cateTotal: 17Amy Arabena-ByrnesSean AustinAbbey BatesCharlie Bissell-BennettJoel BoscoeJake BullLaura CartwrightBenjamin de MalmancheEmily EllwoodJustin FaaMadeleine FissendenNicholas JeffriesAndrew LileyThomas McNamaraConnie Short

Cameron TaylorNicholas Thompson

Silver Medallion Basic Beach ManagementTotal: 5 Steven BaconJase BeanRhett CollieTamara SkokBronson Slater

Skills Trainer TAA ProgramTotal: 2Snow MauricePaula Ryan

Operational First AidTotal: 8Karlee BryantCarla DreyerShona McClellandBridget PeartKieren PerkinsSharon PunterNathan SteerTiah Twomey

Operational First Aid RenewalTotal: 1John Keller

Advanced Resuscitation Certifi cateTotal: 11Mikaela BrayKarlee BryantTegan CronauCarla DreyerBryce HertsletJennifer McFadyenBridget PeartNathan SteerMichael StewartEmily TaylorTiah Twomey

Defi brillation Certifi cateTotal: 11Mikaela BrayKarlee BryantTegan CronauCarla DreyerBryce HertsletJennifer McFadyenBridget PeartNathan SteerMichael StewartEmily TaylorTiah Twomey

Age Managers AccreditationTotal: 5Paul BountyStephen FergusonLynelle HertsletMargot RousellTamara Sheppard

Observers Certifi cateTotal: 3Paul BountyLynelle HertsletMargot Rousell

Basic ResuscitationCertifi cateTotal: 27Nelson AndersonAbbey BatesLeon BattagleneEmily BoscoeJoel BoscoeTimothy BoscoeChloe BountyJack BoydMicheal BrearleyLaura CartwrightEliza ChristiansenPatrick DefriesAlexander DrevesMarcus FergusonThomas HarleJessica HoskinRiley JordanSophie LarsenJacob LawrenceKauri-Shell LowienJessica SaddlierPatrick SchostakowskiAbbey SchuttRory SingletonBen ThomasKyla TribePaige Wilson

Resuscitation CPRCertifi cateTotal: 2Cathy BondAaron Hampton

Bronze MedallionTotal: 34Jack AnkerPeter BatemanRyan BoscoeCesar ChroscikApryl CordingleyCorbin CrainCalum DevineEliza DrevesRonald FlynnAlexander GordonPeter HadleyMaddison HoskinCollin HuntBenjamin JeffriesThomas LambertAndrew LileyThomas LyonsShayne McCormickJennifer McFadyenNic MorandiniPeter MullerSimon NewtonRyan ParsonsBenjamin RussellBrendan SheppardLachlan ShortCameron SneesbyNick SpillaneEmily TaylorMichael ThomasJackson WallBrendan WelchEwan WilsonSteven Yule

Surf Rescue Certifi cateTotal: 17Amy Arabena-ByrnesSean AustinAbbey BatesCharlie Bissell-BennettJoel BoscoeJake BullLaura CartwrightBenjamin de MalmancheEmily EllwoodJustin FaaMadeleine FissendenNicholas JeffriesAndrew LileyThomas McNamaraConnie Short

Cameron TaylorNicholas Thompson

Silver Medallion BasicBeach ManagementTotal: 5Steven BaconJase BeanRhett CollieTamara SkokBronson Slater

Skills Trainer TAAProgramTotal: 2Snow MauricePaula Ryan

Operational First AidTotal: 8Karlee BryantCarla DreyerShona McClellandBridget PeartKieren PerkinsSharon PunterNathan SteerTiah Twomey

Operational First Aid RenewalTotal: 1John Keller

Advanced Resuscitation Certifi cateTotal: 11Mikaela BrayKarlee BryantTegan CronauCarla DreyerBryce HertsletJennifer McFadyenBridget PeartNathan SteerMichael StewartEmily TaylorTiah Twomey

Defi brillation Certifi cateTotal: 11Mikaela BrayKarlee BryantTegan CronauCarla DreyerBryce HertsletJennifer McFadyenBridget PeartNathan SteerMichael StewartEmily TaylorTiah Twomey

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Annual Report Season 10 / 11 23

lifesavinglifesaving Awards Achieved

IRB Crewman Certifi cateTotal: 6Jacob BatesSelena FiskBrendan SheppardEmily TaylorTiah TwomeyDamien Woods

Surf Aware OneTotal: 31Kya AntoniolliLuke BowmanJake BrooksClaudia BrowningLucinda BrowningCourtney CallaghanWilliam CartwrightStephanie CawleyOwen ChristiansenMax CopsonGemma CowinTori DuttonLachlan FeeleyLucy GallagherHolly GogginsDarcy HelionPiper HertsletLachlan HillLucy HooperAngus HudsonSophie LawrenceNicholas MashCharlie PunterJesse RogersLeah SharryHamish SingletonJoshua SmallChloe TownsendHollie TwidaleElizabeth WarrenAbbegail Woods

Surf Aware TwoTotal: 26Gyanya BaltruschaitisMadeline BrearleyMacy DowAden EverdingLuca FerroussatTara FissendenWilliam FoxMollie FraserElla GaffneyCampbell GillickFlynn Graves

Georgia HarleHenry HooperHarrison HunterSarah HutchinsWilson KayeZane MooreAlanna MurphyChristopher RothKristian RussellMatthew SandersHarriet SmallRosie SmallKeely SmallwoodAiden WillEmma Woods

Surf Safe OneTotal: 27Ella BlackmoreDaniel BountyLaurie BoydGrace BreenMarc CollinsJack CowinDaniel CuttlerAidan FeeleyMatthew FisherJi FlynnJack GaffneyJoshua GoddardMax HelionGrace HudsonLachlan HunterEliza LangbyHarry LawrenceOliver MashCallum McFarlaneEmma McKeanLiam O’KellyDarcy SchostakowskiAngus SingletonApril SweetDane TottmanAudrey WarrenLachlan Woods

Surf Safe TwoTotal: 32Ricky BaltruschaitisNichola BatesJade BlackmoreChloe BountyGeorgia BullSacha CartwrightSophie ConwayMichael Cuttler

Charlotte Ferguson Thomas FergusonJack FissendenEdward GoninonLilly GravesJade Heugh-FieldEdward HooperJacob HunterAlex InnesThomas JeffriesHarrison MashAbbey McFarlaneHarrison MurphyOran O’SullivanWilliam RobertsonGeorgia RussellLouisa SandersAimee SheppardBenjamin SheppardEthan SmallwoodAmie ThomasTarnie TribeTibor Van MaasBryanna Wilson

Surf Smart OneTotal: 33Nelson AndersonNichola BatesLeon BattagleneTimothy BoscoeChloe BountyJack BoydMichael BrearleyJake BullEliza ChristiansenSophie ConwayMichael CuttlerPatrick DefriesAlexander DrevesMarcus FergusonMadeleine FissendenGianni GagliardoThomas HarleJessica HoskinJacob HunterThomas JeffriesSophie LarsenJacob LawrenceHarrison MashHarrison MurphyOran O’SullivanJacob RobertsBenjamin SheppardRory SingletonGeorgina Snelling

Ben ThomasTibor Van MaasPaige Wilson

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Youth Development Report

What can I say about the Youth Development role this year? I took the role on late in the season not expecting it to be such a diffi cult role. Trying to organise a group of young adults to get enthusiastic about anything has proven much harder than expected. I would really like to encourage someone that has a bit more time and energy available, to take on this role next year. I am more than happy to be part of an organising committee that helps with ideas and can start this from early August 2011, if possible. I have already done some preliminary work with Brunswick Heads Club in northern NSW, to organise a camp for early September 2011 that would be a great kick-off for the Youth for the season and get them together to meet each other and have some fun before the season starts. Please get involved with any activities that are organised and have your input so these activities are what you want.

We did manage to pull off a few activities though. We were given the Caloundra Come and Tri Day to provide water safety for, this ran over 3 Sundays and required the Youth to come along and provide water safety and First Aid for about 2-3 hours at 6am at Lake Kawana. Thanks to Snow for the tip off here and for his assistance with First Aid also. Mikaela and Karlee attended all 3 days with Tegan, Emily, Tiah, Eliza and Brian also helping out for a couple of days each. There were a few amusing happenings with Emily “saving” a guy in knee deep water and having to paddle him back on the board sitting up cause he didn’t want her to lie down. I have never heard a male scream like this fellow did. Mikaela also had a larger fi gured gentleman hanging onto the back of her board (and onto the fi n) as she paddled him across the Lake in a howling wind (with no assistance from him at all - not even a kick), when she fi nally got him in where he could touch the bottom and she was absolutely spent - he slapped her on the leg and said “thanks darl” she had the mark on her leg for a quite a while. She did make a new friend though! Tegan and Karlee also thought they would take the buoy out to the turning point and were trying their damdest not to get wet, however they both ended up in the drink.

We also organised a bit of a fund raising activity where we purchased wrist bands in blue and red with Met Caloundra across them and car stickers. We made a bit of money off that adventure and the nippers also used these as a gift for their break-up. There are still more to be purchased and you will fi nd them in the Offi ce or in the Supports Club.

Our next event was held at Ski n Skurf at Bli Bli and we had quite a few turn up for this event. The U13’s also came along being the next group to join the Youth Development ranks.

A great day was had by all and thanks to Rob for cooking the BBQ.

There were a few of the Youth team that also provided water safety at the Caloundra triathlon in Ray and Adam Nelson, Brian Dreves, Connie Short, Karlee Bryant, Nathan Steer, Bridget Peart, Maddie & Keegan Hoskins and Keiren Perkins. By all reports all had a good time although it was a long session.

Karlee, Mikaela, Tegan and Nathan attended the Mudjimba Branch Survivor Camp as leaders and had a great time and provided loads of input to the weekend. Karlee also attended the State camp in Lennox Heads in January.

In mid April Fi and Nathan attended the State Pellerman Camp in Brisbane.

Anyway, we have some really talented Youth with our club and it would be great to see them start getting together a regular program for all to interact with.

Karen BrayDirector Youth Development

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Annual Report Season 10 / 11 25

Members RecognitionMembers Recognition Lifesaving Awards


Assessor or the Year2010-2011 Nominees:Elizabeth DawesTamara SkokBruce Edwards Darryl Webster

Winner 2010-2011: Tamara Skok

Training Offi cer of the Year2010-2011 Nominees:Jan BurdekinElizabeth DawesDarryl WebsterJames Creedy

Winner 2010-2011: Darryl Webster

JJ Betts Trophy for most Patrol Hours

Winner 2010-2011: Karlee Bryant

Old Boy Trophy for Most Effi cient Patrol Captain2010-2011 Nominees:John KellerSteven BaconDarryl WebsterBill DavisStephen Maitland OAM

Winner 2010-2011:Steven Bacon

Most Effi cient Cadet Lifesaver2010-2011 Nominees:Mikaela BrayEmily TaylorSinead AndersonMaddison Hoskin

Winner 2010-2011: Emily Taylor

Most Effi cient Junior Lifesaver2010/2011 Nominees: Karlee BryantTegan CronauIzaak DavisNic Morandini Jack Anker

Winner 2010-2011:Tegan Cronau

Most Effi cient Senior Lifesaver2010-2011 Nominees:Brendan SheppardCarl Perkins Jnr Stephen Maitland OAMElizabeth DawesCarla DreyerNathan SteerGrant McKenzie Michael McDonald

Winner 2010-2011: Carla Dreyer

Cliff Croughan Trophy for Best Patrol Team Members

Winner 2010-2011: Rachel Barber, Georgina Overton, Jason Smits, Chris Dawson, Izaak Davis, Elizabeth Dawes, Adam Nelson, Karlee Bryant, Damien Gallagher, Nic Morandini, Brian Dreves and Rebecca Creedy

Surf Sports Awards:

John Phillips Memorial TrophyMost Valuable Carnival Offi cer2010-2011 Nominees:Gary JonesCheryl de MalmancheSamantha de MalmanchePeter Hall Ann TwomeyRon Davidson OAM

Winner 2010-2011:Samantha and Cheryl de Malmanche

John Thurtell Trophy for Best Masters Competitor2010-2011 Nominees:Jeff Morris and Glen ForbesJosie Pike140 year Boat Crew Greg Bacon, Anthony Wright, Michael O’Kelly, Paul Mullens, Brian PascoeCraig Spender

Winner 2010-2011:Josie Pike

Most Outstanding Junior Competitor (under 15 to under 19)2010-2011 Nominees:Cameron SmithCarl Perkins JnrMaddison HoskinU19 Male Boat Crew: Calum Devine, Peter Bateman, Nick Spillane, Brendan Welch Winner 2010-2011:Carl Perkins Jnr

Colin Roughsedge Trophy for Most Outstanding Competitor2010-2011 Nominees:Corey JonesRebecca CreedyStephanie CroninJosie Pike Winner 2010-2011:Corey Jones

Des Dwyer OAM Trophy – Best & Fairest Competitor2010-2011 Nominees: Corey JonesRebecca CreedyMichael BaconJames CreedyDaniel Creedy

Winner 2010-2011:Rebecca Creedy

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Members RecognitionMembers Recognition Club Awards

Membership Awards:

Supporters Club Encouragement Award2010-2011 Nominees:Elizabeth DawesStephanie CroninCarl Perkins JnrCarla Dreyer

Winner 2010-2011:Elizabeth Dawes

Club Captain’s Trophy for Best New Member2010-2011 Nominees:Peter MullerApryl CordingleyNic MorandiniJack Anker

Winner 2010-2011: Nic Morandini

Most Improved Member2010-2011 Nominees: Nathan SteerCarl Perkins Jnr Winner 2010-2011: Nathan Steer

Stirrers Award2010-2011 Nominees:Gary JonesCarl Perkins JnrSteve FergusonBrendan Sheppard

Winner 2010-2011: Brendan Sheppard

Ken O’Connell Trophy for Best Club Member2010-2011 Nominees:Snow MauriceMargot RousellJase BeanCraig Spender

Winner 2010-2011: Margot Rousell

Jack Spender Memorial Trophy for Most Valuable Offi ce Bearer2010-2011 Nominees:Snow MauriceSuzanne BishopJase BeanJacqui Harle

Winner 2010-2011: Jase Bean

Stanley Lucas Trophy for Surf Appeals2010-2011 Nominees:Gary JonesSnow MauriceJeffrey MorrisMark Copson

Winner 2010-2011: Snow Maurice and Gary Jones

President’s AwardWinner 2010-2011: Snow Maurice

Alton Tailford Trophy for Excellence2010-2011 Nominees:Rebecca CreedyCorey JonesCraig SpenderJase Bean Margot Rousell

Winner 2010-2011: Craig Spender

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Annual Report Season 10 / 11 27

Member RecognitionMember Recognition Club Awards

Junior Activities Awards

Most improved

U8 Male Lachlan Feeley U8 Female Holly Twidale U9 Male Harrison Hunter U9 Female Tara Fissenden U10 Male Bailey Kong U10 Female Grace Breen U11 Male Joseph Gilmour U11 Female Louisa Sanders U12 Male Jacob Roberts U12 Female Nichola Bates U13 Male Patrick Schostakowski U13 Female Riley Jordan

Lifesaver Award U8 William Cartwright U9 Ella Gaffney U10 Jack Gaffney U11 Aimee Sheppard U12 Thomas Jeffries U13 Alexander Dreves U14 Thomas McNamara O’Brien Glass TrophyLeon Battaglene

Gorman Trophy Alex Innes Les Steers TrophyPaige Wilson Senior Club Award Cameron Taylor

Supporters Club Encouragement AwardNick Jeffries

Sharplin Family AwardCameron Taylor

Hamburger AwardGary Jones and Donna Williams

Club PersonRory Singleton

Thora Hunt TrophyPaige Wilson and Eliza Christiansen

President’s AwardPaige Wilson

Phillips Family Long Service AwardBronson DowCourtney DaniecLillie Batchelor

Other Awards

National MedalRobert SchwartzNicholas Lindley

SLSQ AwardsPC 5 Year AwardJohn Keller

100% Patrol AttendanceJacob BatesWilliam DavisMichael McDonaldGrant McKenzieGeorgina OvertonBronson SlaterDarryl Webster

Over 100 Beach Patrol HoursKarlee BryantStephen MaitlandNic MorandiniPaul SetoBronson Slater

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Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club28

Surf Sports Report

When asked to take on the role of Surf sports Director I had very little idea of what that really involved, apart from attending a couple of meetings each month, it couldn’t be that diffi cult, but things always look easy from the veranda of the clubhouse or the bar stool of the supporters club, that is why I need to thank the rest of the surf sports board for making my job a lot easier. After some discussions with Rhett I had a better idea of what we needed to achieve. Our aim was to provide an environment that would have a sustainable increase in competition numbers & performance,in all age groups and disciplines, at regional ,state and national competitions, put simply quantity and quality. Asked if we achieved that objective, I would give a big high fi ve yes.

Nipper growth has been consistent and it is great to see we are having a real “presence“ at carnivals. At the Mets carnival we had the 2nd highest number of nominations, outdone only by the heavyweights Maroochydore. Our midweek training sessions have a regular 50+ attendance and that is realizing some solid performances at carnivals with many making fi nals at branch and state level for the fi rst time. The good beach results are a credit to Jackie and Jenny‘s hard work in establishing a regular beach training program. I congratulate everyone from the nipper ranks on their performance and look forward to seeing them back at training next season and also moving up to the senior ranks in the coming years. We are very conscious of the need to grow our senior squad from the bottom up and that is why Rhett has introduced sessions, for the more competent kids, with his senior squad at Bokarina .These are often challenging for the kids and even more so for the parents, but the improvement in surf skills and interaction between the athletes is like mother’s milk to a baby. I wish everyone well in their endeavours and be assured we will support you to be the best you can be and have fun on the way.Part of our strategy to improve & sustain athletes’ performances was to commit to a comprehensive subsidy program. This involved a variety of payments to help with training costs, craft subsidies and a bonus system which rewarded all athletes for achievements at major carnivals, and gave Dennis Croft, our treasurer, a few headaches. I realise for a club with limited funds this is an ambitious program but I believe we achieved good value for money. These payments increase the clubs assets both in craft and personnel and it’s arguable that it had a direct infl uence on Corey’s performance in the Aussie board fi nal when Rhett mentioned it could be worth $300 to him, just before the race.

The Kellogg’s’ Nutri Grain series was contested over a longer period with more races of an endurance format this season. Trials were held in August and we had Bec and Corey qualify for the series. Corey being an automatic qualifi er with his top ten fi nish from last year. Stephanie raced well on the fi rst day of the trials to make the fi nal 18 but was outclassed in the fi nal cut. Kelly-Anne had to pull out through a recurring knee injury that she sustained while training for the Coolangatta Gold. It was very disappointing to have Kelly-Anne transfer to Mooloolaba to continue her aspirations to compete in the Gold and we wish her well. We had two new members join the senior squad in Keegan and TJ, what they lack in experience they make up for in enthusiasm. It’s encouraging to see Maddy continuing from last season, her

improvement on the ski is a result of her hard work and perseverance on the most diffi cult craft to master and to see her qualify for the Iron fi nal in her fi rst crack at the race at North Burleigh was a testament to her improvement.

We took a bus load of nippers to Currumbin for the fi rst race of the series, combined with a training session at Currumbin beach before the race. It was very successful outing but I’m not sure if the level of excitement shown by the kids was entirely from watching the race or the gallons of Red Bull that the promo girls dished out, it made for an interesting trip home and I commend Michelle’s father for the patience he showed while driving a bus full of hyperactive kooks. Still we all agreed it was worth doing again. The Nutri Grain Series saw mixed performances from Corey and Bec. The highlights being Bec’s 4th in round 1, 5th in round 3 and 2nd in round 5, and Corey’s 3rd in round 3. Bec’s 9th place overall qualifi es her for next season’s series and Corey’s 12th overall means he has some work to do preseason to be ready for the qualifying rounds in August. On his day, he has the potential to beat anyone. The Aussies were the next big focus for our senior squad. Corey’s 1st place in the Board fi nal shows a part of what he is capable of. He also made the fi nals in Iron and Swim. Rebecca qualifi ed for Swim, Ski and Iron fi nals, and was most gracious in her 3rd placing after leading the fi rst two legs of the Iron fi nal only to be overtaken on her way home by two other competitors by a slip on her board and a fortunate wave. The way she presented herself in the interview after the race should be highlighted to our younger athletes on how to deal with disappointment. Stephanie qualifi ed for the Ski, Board and Iron fi nals and will give her confi dence in what she is capable of achieving next season. Congratulations also to Carl and Neil in making the u19 Double Ski fi nal. On ya boys!

Masters Competition this year saw a regular contingent of 6 – 8 masters competing at each carnival and some excellent results culminating in one gold and two bronzes at the Queensland titles and a wonderful silver at the Aussies. The season kicked off early with the “Noosa Ocean Classic” endurance race in which we had four competitors. A fi rst, third, fourth and sixth provided a great start the year! At the Marcoola Carnival it looked like that form was set to continue with a fi rst in the Board Relay, and a second in the Ski and Taplin Relays and a second in the Double Ski to Glen and I. By the time we got to the Alex Masters, we were on fi re (well, smouldering a bit, maybe...) taking three 2nds (45-49 Ski; 50-54 Ski; 55-59 Ironman) two thirds (130 Surf Teams; 55-59 Surf Race) and a surprise fi rst in the Double Ski with the improvised pairing of Stephen and I. Four of us ventured south of the border for the Brunswick Heads carnival. I’m not sure of placing’s but a great time was had .We also had a hit out between branch and state titles at a craft carnival at Tugun, again not sure of placing’s but from memory Craig and I both fi nished in the medals.

The results at the Branch Championships were very good, but clearly exposed our lack of competitors compared with other clubs. Despite securing one fi rst, six seconds, fi ve thirds and numerous minor point-scoring results, we could only achieve tenth overall from a fi eld of 15 clubs.

Surf SportsSurf Sports Report

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Surf Sports Report/continued

We need more Masters competitors!However, despite having signifi cantly fewer competitors than most clubs, we still managed to fi nish 9th on handicap at the State titles (from a fi eld of 50 clubs). This included two bronze (Josie in the Ski and Macka & Stuart in the Double Ski) a silver for Glen and I in the Double Ski and gold for Craig in the Ski, as well as a number of point-scoring positions, resulting in the Masters’ team more than doubling its point-score compared with last year.This set the stage for a strong performance at the Aussies... Unfortunately, the challenging conditions (and leaving some of our best form back at the Queensland Titles?) meant the results were scarce. The highlights were clearly Josie’s excellent silver medal in the Ski and me just missing a medal (fourth) also in the Ski.Overall, it was a good season for the old guys and the much (much) younger girls in the masters’ squad.

For anyone who’s interested, Masters competition is a terrifi c way to keep fi t, as competitive as you want it to be, and offers a wonderful opportunity for fun and social interaction.Please me if you’d like to fi nd out more about participating.The IRB team had another great season braving the chilly temperatures for some great results. It was fantastic to see a number of new comers join the team and compete well. As the team decided not to travel to Penguin in Tasmania for the Aussie Titles, the major carnival for the season was the State Titles at Broadbeach where the team of James and Dan Creedy and Mark Imrie picked up a well-deserved bronze medal in the Masters tube race. Racing is already underway for this season and I would encourage members to get along and support our crews.

The results for a relatively small squad and club with limited resourses are very encouraging, knowing there are still achievable improvements to be made. To everyone involved in the surf sports team, from the youngest U8 having their fi rst board training session, U14s about to embark on a whole new level in the senior squad, senior squad members taking up an unfamiliar role of mentoring our younger athletes to our oldest master competitor just having a go and making up a team event, I thank you for your efforts and hope you had an enjoyable season. I encourage and challenge you to be the best you can be and look forward to an exciting future of development for the club. It’s yours to be proud of.

Jeff Morris Director Surf Sports

Surf SportsSurf Sports

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Surf SportsSurf Sports Results

Carnival Results 2010-2011State IRB Championships - Broadbeach SLSC16-18 July 2010

30+ IRB Tube Rescue 2nd Daniel Creedy, James Creedy, Mark Imrie 13th overall – 5 points

13th overall - 5 points

Round 1 Ocean Roar Series- Bribie Island7th May 2011

30+ IRB Mass Rescue 1st Amy Blokkeerus, Bridget Peart, John Keller, Mark Imrie

30+IRB Tube Rescue 1st Daniel Creedy, James Creedy, Mark Imrie

8th Overall – 13 Points

Round 2 Ocean Roar Series – Miami21 -22 May 2011

30+ years IRB Team Rescue 2nd Daniel Creedy, James Creedy, John Keller, Kirsten Phillips, Mark Imrie, Shona McClelland

Row For Cancer 28 August 2010

Open Women 1st Josie Pike, Jan Burdekin, Fi Fewtrell, Paula Ryan, Sweep Jase Bean

Rooster River Run18 September 2010

Open Women 1st Josie Pike, Jan Burdekin, Fi Fewtrell, Paula Ryan, Sweep Jase Bean

Bondi Watson Bay24 October 2010

Open Women 2nd Josie Pike, Jan Burdekin, Fi Fewtrell, Paula Ryan, Sweep Jase Bean

Aussie Bum Bundaberg6 November 2010

Open Men 1st Ben Cannife, James Ware, Brett Morrissey, Jacob Frampton and Sweep Michael Bacon.

Navy Round 1 - Bribie Island13 November 2010

Open Men 3rd Ben Cannife, James Ware, Brett Morrissey, Jacob Frampton and Sweep Michael Bacon

Open Women 3rd Josie Pike. Paula Ryan, Jan Burdekin, Fi Fewtrell, Carla Dreyer, Sweep Jase Bean

Aussie Bum Mooloolaba5 March 2011 Masters Men 1st Sean McMahon, Len Fox, Jason Hague, Dan Rolley, sweep Michael Bacon

Aussie Bum Coolum12 March 2011

Reserve Grade Men 2nd Wade Clarke, Jonathon Meuleners, Michael Boulton, Adam Hammersley, sweep Len Fox

FASTEST MAN ON SANDRound 1 - 24 October 2010

U11 Male Beach Flags 3rd Alex Innes

Round 5 – 6 March 2011

U11 Male Beach Flags 1st Alex Innes

U13 Female Beach Relay 5th Eliza Christiansen, Madeleine Fissenden, Paige Wilson, Sophie Larsen

U13 Male Beach Sprint 5th Patrick Defries

Kellogs Nutri Grain Series

Round 1 5th Corey Jones 16 Pts 10th Rebecca Creedy 11 Pts

Round 2 16th Corey Jones 5 Pts 12th Rebecca Creedy 9 Pts

Round 3 3rd Corey Jones 18 Pts 7th Rebecca Creedy 14 Pts

Round 4 8th Corey Jones 13 Pts 6th Rebecca Creedy 15 Pts

Round 5 3rd Corey Jones 36 Pts 8th Rebecca Creedy 26 Pts

Overall 12th Corey Jones 88 Pts 9th Rebecca Creedy 75 Pts

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Cooly Ocean Classic31 July 2010

Open Female Paddle Board 3rd Stephanie Cronin

Open Female Surf Ski 3rd Rebecca Creedy

U12 Female Paddle Board 1st Paige Wilson

U19 Female Paddle Board 1st Kelly-Ann Perkins

U19 Female Surf Ski 1st Kelly-Ann Perkins

Noosa Ocean Classic11 September 2010

50-54 Male Surf Ski 1st Craig Spender 3rd Jeffrey Morris

Open Male Paddle Board 2nd Corey Jones

U12 Female Paddle Board 3rd Paige Wilson

Rainbow Beach Junior Carnival16 October 2010

U11 Female Beach Flags 3rd Georgia Russell

U11 Female Beach Sprint 3rd Georgia Russell

U11 Male Beach Flags 1st Alex Innes 3rd Ethan Smallwood

U11 Male Beach Sprint 1st Ethan Smallwood 3rd Alex Innes

U13 Female Surf Board 2nd Paige Wilson

U13 Male Beach Sprint 2nd Patrick Defries

2010 State Endurance Championships23 October 2010

Open Male 2km Beach Run 1st Kieren Perkins

U13 Female 1km Beach Run 3rd Paige Wilson

U11-14 Junior Teams Carnival - Met Caloundra SLSC 30 October 2010

U13 Female Board Rescue 3rd Jessica Hoskin, Paige Wilson

Marcoola Masters Carnival13 November 2010

150 Years Male Board Relay (minimum) 1st Glen Forbes, Jeffrey Morris, Stephen Maitland OAM

150 Years Male Surf Ski Relay (minimum) 2nd Craig Spender, Glen Forbes, Jeffrey Morris

150 Years Male Taplin Relay (minimum) 2nd Alan Macklin, Glen Forbes, Stephen Maitland OAM

55-59 Years Male Double Ski 2nd Glen Forbes, Jeffrey Morris Maroochydore Junior Carnival20 November 2010

U13 Female Cameron Relay 6th Eliza Christiansen, Jessica Hoskin, Paige Wilson, Sophie Larsen

Dicky Beach Surf Classic11-12 December 2010

U14 Female Beach Flags 3rd Laura Cartwright

Sizzler Oceans 38 Round 18 January 2011

U17 Male Surf Board 1st Cameron Smith

Overall - 19th 10 Points

Xcel Surfcraft Young Guns Carnival22 January 2011

U13 Female Surf Board 2nd Paige Wilson 3rd Jessica Hoskin

Alex Masters Carnival22 January 2011

130 Yrs Males Surf Teams 3rd Matthew Richards, Stephen Maitland OAM, Stuart Cordingley

45-49 Yrs Male Surf Ski 2nd Stuart Cordingley 50-54 Yrs Male Surf Ski 2nd Craig Spender

50-59 Yrs Ironman 2nd Jeffrey Morris

Surf SportsSurf Sports Results

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Surf SportsSurf Sports Results

55-59 Yrs Male Double Ski 1st Jeffrey Morris, Stephen Maitland OAM

55-59 Yrs Male Male Surf Race 3rd Stephen Maitland OAM

Overall - 11th 40 points

SSCB U8 - U10 Branch Championships5 February 2011

U10 Male Flags 1st Harry Lawrence

U10 Male Sprint 2nd Dane Tottman

SSCB U11-14 Branch Championships26 & 27 February 2011

U11 Female Beach Flags 5th Aimee Thomas

U11 Female Beach Relay 2nd Aimee Thomas, Georgia Russell, Jade Heugh-Field, Sacha Cartwright

U11 Female Beach Sprint 3rd Georgia Russell 6th Aimee Thomas

U11 Male Beach Flags 3rd Jack Fissenden

U11 Male Beach Relay 1st Alex Innes, Jack Fissenden, Max Helion, William Robertson

U 11 Male Beach Sprint 2nd Alex Innes

U12 Female Beach Relay 4th Bryanna Wilson, Nichola Bates, Sasch Cartwright, Shopie Conway

U12 Ironwoman 5th Chloe Bounty

U13 Female Beach Relay 3rd Eliza Christiansen, Madeline Fissenden, Paige Wilson, Sophie Larsen

U13 Female Beach Sprint 6th Sophie Larsen

U13 Female Board Relay 2nd Jessica Hoskin, Paige Wilson, Sophie Larsen

U13 Female Cameron Relay 4th Eliza Christiansen, Jessica Hoskin, Paige Wilson, Sophie Larsen

U13 Female Surf Board 5th Paige Wilson 6th Jessica Hoskin

U13 Ironwoman 4th Paige Wilson

U13 Male Beach Flags 5th Michael Brearley

U13 Male Beach Relay 4th Michael Brearley, Patrick Defries, Rory Singleton, Thomas Harle

U13 Male Cameron Relay 6th Michael Brearley, Nelson Anderson, Patrick Defries, Thomas Harle

U14 Male Board Rescue 6th Cameron Taylor, Nicholas Jeffries

Overall - 7th 60 Points

Senior Branch Results19 February 2011

Open Ironwoman 1st Rebecca Creedy 5th Stephanie Cronin

U17 Male Single Ski 4th Cameron Smith

Open Ironman 2nd Corey Jones

Open Female Single Surf Ski 1st Rebecca Creedy 6th Stephanie Cronin

Open Female Board Relay 4th Maddison Hoskin, Rebecca Creedy, Stephanie Cronin

Open Female Double Ski 1st Rebecca Creedy, Stephanie Cronin

Open Male Board Relay 3rd Cameron Smith, Carl Perkins Jnr, Corey Jones

U19 Male Double Ski 4th Carl Perkins Jnr, Neil Gardner

U19 Ski Relay 5th Cameron Smith, Carl Perkins Jnr, Neil Gardner

Open Women’s Boat 5th Sarah Stacey, dimity Muller, Bethany Phillips, Carly Bell, sweep Michael Bacon

U19 Men’s Boat 1st Calum Devine, Nick Spillane, Peter Bateman, Brendan Welsh, sweep Michael Bacon

Overall - 6th 41 Points

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Masters Branch Results20 February 201130-34 Years Female Surf Board 2nd Josie Pike

30-34 Years Female Surf Race 2nd Josie Pike

30-34 Years Female Surf Ski 1st Josie Pike

30-34 Years Ironwoman 1st Josie Pike

150 Years Male Board Relay (min) 2nd Glen Forbes, Jeffrey Morris, Stephen Maitland OAM

150 Years Male Surf Ski Relay (min) 5th Craig Spender, Glen Forbes, Jeffrey Morris

150 Years Male Surf Teams (min) 2nd Jeffrey Morris, Stephen Maitland OAM, Stuart Cordingley

150 Years Male Taplin Relay (min) 5th Craig Spender, Jeffrey Morris, Stephen Maitland OAM

50-54 Years Open Double Ski 3rd Craig Spender, Stephen Maitland OAM

55-59 Years Open Double Ski 3rd Glen Forbes, Jeffrey Morris

45-49 Years Male Rescue Tube 2th Stuart Cordingley

50-54 Years Male Surf Ski 2nd Craig Spender

55-59 Years Ironman 3rd Jeffrey Morris 4th Stephen Maitland OAM

55-59 Years Male Beach Flags 4th Glen Forbes

55-59 Years Male Beach Sprint 3rd Glen Forbes

55-59 Years Male Surf Race 3rd Stephen Maitland OAM

55-59 Years Male Surf Ski 6th Glen Forbes

Overall10th 74 points

2011 Queensland Junior Championships18, 19 & 20 March 2011U11 Male Beach Relay 6th Alex Innes, Jack Fissenden, Max Helion, William Robertson

U11 Male Beach Sprint 4th Alex Innes

U13 Female Beach Relay 4th Eliza Christiansen, Madeleine Fissenden, Paige Wilson, Sophie Larsen

U13 Female Board Relay 5th Jessica Hoskin, Paige Wilson, Sophie Larsen

U13 Male Beach Flags 4th Micheal Brearley

U13 Male Beach Sprint 5th Patrick Defries

2011 Queensland Senior Championships25, 26 & 27 March 2011Open Female Double Ski 6th Rebecca Creedy, Stephanie Cronin

Open Surf Boat Relay 2nd Ben Canniffe, Bethany Phillips, Brendan Welch, Brett Morrissey, Calum Devine, Carly Bell, Dimity Muller, Jacob Frampton, Nick Spillane, Peter Bateman, Sarah Stacey, Michael Bacon

Reserve Grade Surf Boat 6th Anthony Wright, Brian Pascoe, Gregory Bacon, Michael O’Kelly, Paul Mullens

U19 Male Single Ski 6th Carl Perkins Jnr

U19 Male Surf Board 5th Kieren Perkins

Overall 18th Points 15 2011 Queensland Masters Championships30-34 Female Surf Board 4th Josie Pike

30-34 Female Ski 3rd Josie Pike

30-34 Female Ironwoman 4th Josie Pike

45-49 Double Ski 3rd Alan Macklin, Stuart Cordingley

50-54 Double Ski 5th Craig Spender, Stephen Maitland OAM

55-59 Male Surf Board 6th Glen Forbes

55-59 Open Double Ski 2nd Glen Forbes, Jeffrey Morris

160 Years Masters 5th Dan Rolley, Jason Hague, Leonard Fox, Michael Bacon, Sean McMahon

140 Years Masters 1st Anthony Wright, Brian Pascoe, Greg Bacon, Michael O’Kelly, Paul Mullens

Overall 15th Points 48 DHL Australian Lifesaving Titles2-10 April 11Open Male Board Race 1st Corey Jones

Open Ironman 5th Corey Jones

Open Ironwoman 3rd Rebecca Creedy

Open Female Surf Race 4th Rebecca Creedy

30-34 Women’s Single Ski 2nd Josie Pike

140years Boat Crew 3rd Greg Bacon, Anthony Wright, Michael O’Kelly, Paul Mullens, Brian Pascoe

Seniors - 20 points, 45th overall

Masters -12 points, 80th overall

Surf SportsSurf Sports Results

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PPostcards from the seasonn that was 2010-2011

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Postcards from the season that was 2010-2011

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Surf SportsSurf Sports Junior Activities

Junior Activities

This season our nipper numbers were 307 members. Thanks to you all for being part of another great season. This season we reformed the JA Committee. Thankyou to all committee members for your support, this committee has helped to share the work load. Thanks to my Secretary Libby Ferguson and Treasurer Margot Rousell, you have both done a fabulous job.

This season we recognised all our under 14’s as Junior Club Captains, they were well deserved of this honour. Congratulations Abbey Bates, Connie Short, Laura Cartwright, Cameron Taylor, Nick Jeffries and Ben de Malmanche. Thank you U14’s for all your help with water safety, we hope you continue within the senior ranks as a patrol member and as a competitor.

To all our Age Managers, thank you for your time and effort, without you Mets Nippers would not be possible. I’m sure our families’ appreciate all you do. To the water safety, thanks for your many hours in the water, keeping the kids safe, encouraging them and helping them with new techniques, in the diffi cult conditions we experienced this year. Thanks to Cheryl for making sure we all were registered and thank you also Ann Twomey for again making sure we have uniforms.

Nipper Sundays have been a great success, thanks to Donna, Jo and Nova, our Queens of the Canteen and thanks to the very hard working Jonesy and Barry on the BBQ. Without you all there every week I’m sure we would all go hungry. Nippers couldn’t run on a Sunday with out the beach being set up, thanks to Barry and the parent workforce for your early morning set up and pack up on the beach.

This season we continued the Sunday Nipper format, to include a beach coach, a swim coach and a board coach. This has been very successful again this season , the children who are unable to come to weekly training get a little more coaching on a Sunday, thus enjoying nippers more and getting much more out of the season. Thank you to Rhett and Jeff for all you have done to make this season so great, as always your coaching has given the children valuable skills and more confi dence in themselves. Our children were challenged more and have learnt more this season thanks to the following JA coaches Neil Anderson, Jenny Singleton, Jackie Fyten, Chris Brearley, Scott Wilson, Glen Christensen and Steve Ferguson.

Points Days were a hit for the kids, competing against each other rather than other clubs makes for healthy competition and helps when the children are in carnivals.

Congratulations to our Age Champions (results published on the Surf Sports Results page). Thank you Parents for all your help in the organisation of these days.

This season we had a couple of special combined inter club training days. These days were a hit with the kids and thanks to Redcliffe, Kawana, Dicky Beach and Alexandra Headlands clubs for joining us on those days. We hope to continue this next season. Thanks also to the parents who helped on these days to accommodate the extra nippers on the beach.

This season our attendance at carnivals was at an all time high, participation through all age groups has been strong. Thanks to the parents for getting the kids to the carnival and the age managers for their hours of standing on the beach, watering and encouraging the kids, and just keeping them where they need to be. Thank you all, children, parents and age managers, for representing our club in such a sportsman like manner.

To attend a carnival there is a lot of preparation done behind the scenes. Thanks to Jackie Harle for making sure all the profi ciencies and competencies were processed, this is a massive job. Thank you to Tamara Skok for all your days on the beach assessing our kids. Thank you Cheryl for all you have done again this season, carnival nominations, offi ciating at many and varied carnivals. Thank you Michelle for taking on Team Manager this year, you did a great job. Thanks to the other team managers who stepped in to help out our kids. Our team mangers days starts well before the carnival, tents have to be organised and set up, teams have to be sorted, set up on the day and the list goes on, thank you all.

This season we hosted two carnivals in November, the 11-14 teams carnival and the 8-10 individual carnival. Thanks to Donna, Jo, Baz, Margot and the entire Workforce both kitchen and beach, thank you all for your many hours of work, it is safe to say we will be looking forward to doing it all again next season. These carnivals are a great fundraiser for the Nippers. On that note we ran some raffl es throughout the season which boosted our fundraising, thanks to all who supported these.

Thank you to Neil Anderson, Imogen Kettle and Jenny Singleton for your persistence to receive the Gaming grant. This grant provided the nippers with a well needed trailer and fi breglass and foam boards.

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Surf SportsSurf Sports Junior Activities

Junior Activities / continued

Thank you to the many business’s who sponsored the fi breglass boards and the trailer, Dow Plumbing, Ikon Engineering, Caloundra Physiotherapy Centre, Get running, Concept Roofi ng Services, Carpet Choice Carseldine, Control Logic, Caloundra Naturopathic and Massage Clinic and Caloundra Eyewear your support is gratefully accepted. Thank you to Hutchinson Builders for the donation of the tent, this supplies great sun protection at carnivals and on Nipper days. Thank you to PJ Burns and Investa for your loyal and continued support. Thank you to Woolworths for the grant which bought foam boards for the kids.

Nipper camp was restricted to 11-14s this year, this was done so we could provide specialist training to the older age group. The children improved their skills and confi dence as well as making fi rm friendships. Thanks to the water safety, cooks, food preparers, drivers and den parents for helping this week run as smoothly as possible. Thank you Jackie Fyten and Jackie Harle for organising, shopping for and cooking all the yummy food that kept us going. Thanks to Tammy Sheppard for taking a record of the camp in pictures. The 8-10 age group got there turn to have the specialist training at several extra sessions over the school holidays, thanks Rhett for both of these opportunities.

This seasons Branch Championships at Dicky Beach and State Championships at Coolangatta, were a huge

success; we had great attendance to both of these important carnivals. The children who compete at this level have dedicated an enormous amount of time and energy. Thanks to the parents for supporting the children in this. All of our competitors gave 100% both in there races and supporting each other. I am proud to be a member of Mets to see this commitment from the kids. Thank you Tammy Sheppard and Jackie Fyten for all your hard work on the uniforms, the kids looked great.

This year we celebrated the Nipper Breakup and trophy day at the Caloundra Aquatic Centre. The children had a great time on the pool infl atables. Congratulations to all trophy winners and Age Champs (list of trophies published in this report). Thank you Jackie for your work organising the trophies, thank you Liz Sweet, Amanda Woods, Kirsten Twidale and Fiona Tottman for organising the day, fun was had by all. I’d like also to thank Sheppo for organising the nipper parent breakup, we had a blast.

Thank you Nippers, you have grown remarkably this year in Life Saving, your skills, knowledge, confi dence and friendships will be with you for life. See you all back for another fun fi lled season in September, keep your eye on the web site for sign on and profi ciency days in August.


Dale Dow Director Junior Activities

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Category 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 6/07/ 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11Life Member 21 21 22 22 22 22 25 25 24 24Active Senior 113 98 78 73 87 95 104 113 116 102Active Junior 28 31 32 29 23 17 28 24 19 19Active Cadet 19 16 19 17 33 32 25 38 31 21Active Reserve 5 5 6 7 6 5 6 8 9 8Long Service 13 22 20 19 22 18 20 22 25 29Award 33 19 17 19 15 13 12 11 22 15Nipper 212 189 147 138 191 264 301 317 355 307Associate 256 216 190 187 183 263 310 311 314 276Past Active 3 14 5 8 6 5 8 9 6Probationary/Other 17 11 0 5 1 8 20 20 6 12Total 717 631 545 521 591 743 856 899 930 819

Active CadetTotal:21Sinead AndersonAmy Arabena-ByrnesLillie BatchelorNiki BlokkeerusRyan BoscoeMikaela BrayCourtney DaniecEliza DrevesEmily EllwoodJustin FaaMaddison HoskinSimon KayAndrew LileyColton PleassLachlan ShortHarley SlaterCameron SneesbyEmily TaylorCourtney TwomeyTiah TwomeySteven Yule

Active JuniorTotal: 19Jack AnkerKristina BrownKarlee BryantAshleigh CanovTegan CronauIzaak DavisNeil GardnerChristopher HamptonKeagan HoskinBenjamin JeffriesThomas LambertNic MorandiniAdam NelsonLauren OvertonKyle ParkerBridget PeartSarah RowleyCameron Smith

Nick Spillane

Active SeniorTotal: 102Neil AndersonSteven BaconJames BaldockRachel BarberKerry-Ann BarlowPeter BatemanJacob BatesCarly BellWilliam BlanckAmy BlokkeerusCathy BondMichael BoultonKaren BrayDarren BullJan BurdekinGrant CallaghanJames ChisholmCesar ChroscikWade ClarkApryl CordingleyCorbin CrainRebecca CreedyStephanie CroninRobert DaniecTroy DavisWilliam DavisElizabeth DawesChristopher DawsonCalum DevineBrian DrevesCarla DreyerBruce EdwardsStephen FergusonFiona FewtrellSelena FiskJames FissendenKerrie FissendenJacob FramptonDamien GallagherKimberley Gansberg

Alexander GordonAdam Graves Peter HadleyBryce HertsletDamian HooperCollin HuntMark ImrieJustin IngramKieron JeffriesLouise JeffriesSamuel JeffriesJohn KellerThomas LyonsStephen Maitland OAMShayne McCormickMichael McDonaldJennifer McFadyenGrant McKenzieJonathon MeulenersBrett MorrisseyPaul MullensDimity MullerPeter MullerAnthony MurphyColin MyersRay NelsonSimon NewtonGeorgina OvertonRyan ParsonsKieren PerkinsCarl Perkins JnrCarl Perkins SnrBethany PhillipsJosie PikeShane PunterSharon PunterGregory RobertsJudith RobertsonRoss RobertsonDaniel RobinsonBenjamin RussellPaula RyanPaul SetoGraham Sharry

Brendan SheppardTamara SkokBronson SlaterJayson SmitsSarah StaceyNathan SteerMichael StewartCameron ThomasMichael ThomasJackson WallWarren WaplesJames WareDarryl WebsterTracey WebsterBrendan WelchCraig WellsEwan WilsonDamien Woods

our membersour members Listed Categories

Our Members - Membership Analysis - 2001-2002- to - 2010-2011

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Our membersOur members Membership Analysis

Life MemberTotal: 24Blake AndrewsGraham ArchdallDennis BrookerJohn BuchananBruce Campbell MBEStuart CordingleyRon DittmannAlastair DuncanDesmond Dwyer OAMGlen ForbesGeoffrey HardcastleNoel HeywoodThora HuntNorman IrvineJoe IrwinJeffrey MorrisKenneth O’ConnellPeter OtagoRosanne OtagoSimon RichardsBruce RichterColin RoughsedgeRobert SkillenJohn Thurtell

Long ServiceTotal: 29Phillip AshworthMichael BaconJase BeanBen CanniffeRhett CollieDaniel CreedyJames CreedyNicole CreedyIain DuncanDaniel DwyerTimothy DwyerAdam HammersleyRoss HardcastleLuke HaselerPeter HoogvlietGregory KentPeter LaydonAlan MacklinMargaret ManciniJohn MccahonShona McClellandSean McMahonBrian PascoeKirsten PhillipsAndrew RichardsMatthew RichardsRobert SchwartzBarbara SeawardCraig Spender

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our membersour members Listed Categories

Past ActiveTotal: 6 Peter CannonBryan CostiganPeter MaitlandRobert MaitlandDennis RowleyChicquita Wodhams

ProbationaryTotal:12Bronson DowBen GallagherSamuel Hawkins-ManciniCharlotte-Amelia JacksonAlex KingBronte LathamAlice LlewelynJarrah LowienSimon McFadyenBrady OvendenTimothy PhilipTeigan Slater

Reserve ActiveTotal: 8Gregory BaconGlen CruickshankTamara HoogvlietCorey JonesMichael O’KellyDaniel RolleyBarry ThomasAnthony Wright

Award MemberTotal: 15Sean AustinDenise BoydIsaac CoxRonald Davidson OAMMelita DowneyBeatrice FellowsMark GreggWendy HallAnthony HeughJennine HeymerDebra HoogvlietPaul HutchinsJo-Anne McDonaldJeannine MeijerTamara Sheppard

Associate MemberTotal: 276Bob AbbotSusan AdamsWade Ambrose

Elizabeth AndersonGraham AndrewsJeffrey AngusNoel AnkerRachel AnkerNicole AntoniolliAndrea BaconAndrew BaileyFiona BarlowTravis BarlowChristine BatesJustin BathGail BattagleneMartin BeareGrant BensonSuzanne BishopMaria BissellJacqueline BlackmoreKay BlokkeerusGreg BlumkeAdam BonassiAndrew BoscoeMichelle BountyPaul BountyChris BowmanRobyn BowmanChris BrearleyJill BrearleyDaniel BreenPauline BreenKate BroadbentMichelle BrooksSharon BrownCraig BrowningKaren BullRachel CampbellCaroline CanovLou CanovGlen CarmichaelMelissa CarmichaelBen CarreiraRhonda CarreiraAmanda CartwrightTimothy CartwrightJodie CawleySean CawleyGlen ChristiansenPaula ChristiansenJulie Collins-MooreAlana CondonJason CondonChristine ConwayJohn ConwaySharon Coombe-BlumkeRos CopsonJeanette CotterBradley CowinJane Cowin

Dennis CroftAllen CuttlerMarie-Louise CuttlerMarianne DaniecKim DavisNicole DavisVicki DavisCheryl de MalmancheSamantha de MalmancheLeigh De WitShane DekosterCameron DickieJulie DohertyDale DowLenore DowMegan DrevesNicholas DuttonAmanda EverdingAshlee EverdingTed FaaGeoffrey FeeleyYvonne FeeleyBaie FergusonLibby FergusonGerard FerroussatLorelle FisherLeila-Jean FlanneryRoger FloodMaree FlynnRonald FlynnJacqueline FytenDavid GaffneyGayle GaffneyAngela GagliardoDianne GallagherFrank GallagherJodie GallagherJulie GayStephen GayKendall GeorgeSharyn GillickTroy GillickJohn GilmourRebecca GilmourCory GoddardKevin GogginsChristopher GoninonTerri-Ann GoninonWendy GravesCraig GrechDaneil GreyNigel Grey Tina Grey James Griffi nBen GrossSian GrossPeter HallJacki Harle

Ryan HarrisBradley HelionJulie HelionSharee HenschellRoy HenzellLynelle HertsletKellie HillRachel HollandMelinda HooperAnnette HoskinRichard HoskinChris HudsonJulie HudsonJason HunterLouise HunterMark Innes Claire Jackson Aaron JonesGary JonesBrian JordanGraeme KayeEdward KeechMaribel KeechMelinda KleinAaron KongEmma KongDean KurzHelene KurzAngela LarsenMarina LauchsCheryl LawrenceSteven LawrenceDi LevackDrew LlewelynSam LlewelynBrett MagnussenKaren MagnussenFrances MaitlandAnthony ManciniKiran MangatPargat MangatBeverley ManuelMegan MashStuart MashAndrew MasonJane MasonJosh MauriceSnow MauriceSusan McDonaldCaroline McEvoyLindsay McEvoyPaul McFadyenHelen McKayMichael McKeanPatricia McKeanElaine McKittrickMartin McKittrick

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Suzanne McNamaraAdrea McNeilSusan MildernJacqueline MillsTracey MinslowCassandra MoggAdam MooreColin MooreSuzanne MoorePatricia MorandiniCarly MullerCraig MullerRachael MurdochJanelle MurphyKelly MurphyRobert MurphyLinda MyersMatthew NeagleSean O’GradyJeremiah O’SullivanVivienne OhlAnna OvertonVicki Pasterfi eldClinton PattersonMelissa PattersonMicheal PaulJane Peacock

Frances PeartTiffany PeckittKaren PerkinsChristine PhillipsCate PleassPhillip RapleyAndrew RennieAnita RobertsAndrew RobertsonPeter RoddyBrett RogersPaul Rogers Susan RogersMartin RothShirley RothMargot RousellVeronica RowleyCraig RussellMishell SaddlierLauchlan SandersPeta SandersLisa SauerWayne SauerChristopher SchostakowskiLaurelle SchostakowskiStephanie SchuttDavid Shahar

Melinda ShortMichael ShortJennifer SingletonMark SingletonAnthony SlaterMark SmallRichard SmallJenny SmallwoodRussell SmallwoodVynka SmithMurray Sneesby Gary SnellingNicola-Jayne SnellingTodd SpurrLeslie SteersTimothy StephensMatthew StubbsBradley SugdenCindy SugdenLiz SweetJohn TaylorNova ThomasWendy ThomasRobyn ThompsonKyle TippettTino TorayaFiona Tottman

Mervyn TottmanSean TownsendKirsten TwidaleAnn TwomeyScott WalshJill WareCamille WarrenDavid WarrenBarry WeatherallMichelle WeirNathan WeirShane WillDonna WilliamsScott WilsonAmanda WoodsBrendan WoodsLisa WoodsAndrew YuleWendy Yule

our membersour members Listed Categories

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our membersour members Listed Categories

Nippers: Under 6Total: 35Sahara AmbroseKearnie BaltruschatisJoshua BarlowJae BathAudrey BlumkeKate BowmanPatrick BreenLaura CallaghanSam DickieCruz DowneyMakayla EverdingEmily FoxRiley GoddardAmie HagueAbbey HerstletOliver HunterMax KurzSophie MagnussenRisa MangatAbbie MasonEmma McEvoyMax MillsAbbie O’GradyGage PattersonCooper PaulKiara SauerGriffi n SchostakowskiGeorgia SharryJoshua SheppardJade SmartLuca StubbsMontego SugdenEthan TorayaMegham TownsendHenry Warren

Nippers: Under 7Total: 32William AshworthElla BaconSophie BarlowJasper BensonAlisha Bissell-BennettLaila BonassiSasha BrooksJack CarmichaelMia CartwrightJae FlynnLiam GallagherJared GayJai GillickAnnabelle GoninonLiam GrechTommy Grey Kurtis KayeMatthew Magnussen

Aiden McKittrickJack MurphyGrace O’GradyLuke PascoeFletcher PattersonAlexander PeckittMeg RapleyNoah RichardsLiam RobertsDallas RogersAdi ShaharBrianna SmartDafydd ThomasEliza Woods

Nippers: Under 8Total: 47Kya AntoniolliLewis BaileyFraser BlumkeLuke BowmanJake BrooksClaudia BrowningLucinda BrowningCourtney CallaghanSian CarreiraWilliam CartwrightStephanie CawleyOwen ChristiansenReef CondonMax CopsonGemma CowinBrennan De WitTori DuttonLachlan FeeleyLlewelyn FellowsLucy GallagherTommy GilmourKayley GoddardHolly GogginsAlexander GrossDarcy HelionPiper HertsletLachlan HillLucy HooperAngus HudsonAyva KongSophie LawrenceNicholas MashRhiannon MillsHaley MinslowTaylor PeacockCharlie PunterJesse RogersEthan SauerLeah SharryHamish SingletonJoshua Small

Marcus SmartKaine TippettChloe TownsendHollie TwidaleElizabeth WarrenAbbegail Woods

Nippers: Under 9Total: 45Hayden AmbroseGyanya BaltruschaitisCooper BensonEliza BlumkeMadeline BrearleyJesse CotterMacy DowAden EverdingLuca FerroussatTara FissendenWilliam FoxMollie FraserElla GaffneyCampbell GillickFlynn GravesZachary GreyGeorgia HarleHenry HooperHarrison HunterSarah HutchinsWilson KayeTy KeechBelle KurzMeg ManciniBridget McKeanCallan McKittrickAengus McNeilImogen MillsZane MooreAlanna MurphyWillow Pasterfi eldDylan RobertsCaylee RogersChristopher RothKristian RussellMatthew SandersHarriet SmallRosie SmallKeely SmallwoodGregory SnellingHayley SugdenMatthew WeirNathan WeirAiden WillEmma Woods

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our membersour members Listed Categories

Nippers: Under 10Total: 42Ella BlackmoreDaniel BountyLaurie BoydGrace BreenDeclan BrewerDominic Campbell-MayChloe CarmichaelMarc CollinsJack CowinDaniel CuttlerAlvy DohertyLevi Duane-DavisAidan Feeley Matthew FisherJi FlynnJack GaffneyJoshua GoddardMax HelionGrace HudsonLachlan HunterBailey KongEliza LangbyHarry LawrenceOliver MashCallum MasonCallum McFarlaneElliott McKeanEmma McKeanZac McKittrickPhoebe McNeilMaisie MooreLiam O’KellyBronte PascoeRiley RennieDarcy SchostakowskiAngus SingletonWilliam SkokNoah StephensApril SweetDane TottmanAudrey WarrenLachlan Woods

Nippers: Under 11Total: 40Zara BaconRicky-Dean BaltruschaitisJade BlackmoreAlexandra BrowningGeorgia BullBradley CanovBrock CarmichaelSacha CartwrightMitchel CondonStephanie De WitCharlotte Ferguson

Jack FissendenAshlee GayJoseph GilmourEdward GoninonLilly GravesBrendan GrossJade Heugh-FieldEdward HooperAlex InnesTravis KeechHunter KurzJames ManciniNia MangatZion MartinAbbey McFarlaneBella MooreKayla MurphyConnor RobertsonWilliam RobertsonGeorgia RussellLouisa SandersRyan SauerAimee SheppardEthan SmallwoodAyla SugdenAmie ThomasTarnie TribeAiden WalshBryanna Wilson

Nippers: Under 12Total: 25Claire BaconNichola BatesSullivan BeareChloe BountyAlex BowmanParis CarreiraSophie ConwayMichael CuttlerThomas FergusonGianni GagliardoMark HollandJacob HunterThomas JeffriesHarrison MashAidan MasonHarrison MurphyOran O’SullivanJared PascoeMaddy RennieJacob RobertsBenjamin SheppardMorgan SlaterGeorgina SnellingTibor Van MaasKristy Wells

Nippers: Under 13Total: 30Nelson AndersonClare AnkerLeon BattagleneEmily BoscoeTimothy BoscoeJack BoydMicheal BrearleyJake BullEliza ChristiansenPatrick DefriesCarter DowneyAlexander DrevesMarcus FergusonMadeleine FissendenMatthew GallagherThomas HarleJessica HoskinRiley JordanSophie LarsenMitchell LauchsJacob LawrenceKauri-Shell LowienJessica SaddlierPatrick SchostakowskiAbbey SchuttRory SingletonBen ThomasBrae TottmanKyla TribePaige Wilson

Nippers: Under 14Total: 11Abbey BatesCharlie Bissell-BennettJoel BoscoeLaura CartwrightBenjamin de MalmancheTyson GreyAaron HamptonNicholas JeffriesThomas McNamaraConnie ShortCameron Taylor

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supporters clubsupporters club Report

Supporters Club Report

This is my second year as Supporters Club President and as I recall, in last year’s report I said there was cause for“cautious optimism” in the year ahead. Seems I was only half right. There was certainly cause for caution. Optimism? Maybe not so much...

Over the last twelve months we’ve endured one of the worst climates (both meteorological and fi nancial) in which the club has ever operated and as a consequence of this and other factors, the results have not been good.After careful analysis of the fi gures and of the club’s fi nancial and cultural “trajectory”, the board made the unanimous decision to resume direct control of the club’s operations.

Poor revenue, excessive expenses and enormous management fees were all indicators that an urgent change was needed and that reasserting control of the club was the only viable option.

I won’t delve into the intricate and extensive effort that was needed for this transition. Suffi ce to say, a lot of people have worked long and hard to make this happen. All you really need to know is three words:UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT!

As of the fi rst of May this year, we are back in charge of our own destiny and it’s the board’s goal to return the club to its primary objective (supporting the Surf Club) and to once again make the club a fun and enjoyable environment for members, guests and staff alike.

What does this mean for the club?Firstly, we now have more direct infl uence over the club’s operations and its responsiveness to members’ needs. We’ll turn it back into a Surf Club, not just another soulless club venue.

Secondly, we can minimise expenses. Better control over quality and quantity of staff, menu and bar options and operational overheads will mean greater effi ciency and more satisfi ed patrons.

In addition, a new and innovative approach to marketing and promotion will draw more patrons from Caloundra’s growing resident and tourist population.

Finally, the removal of $100,000 worth of annual management fees from our bottom-line can’t help but improve the club’s fi nancial performance and thus its ability to support life saving activities on Kings Beach.

The last three months have seen such a phenomenal effort from so many people, that it’s hard to adequately convey my gratitude for their efforts.

To all our board members, - Molly, Dennis, John, Paula, Ken, Rob, - your support during this diffi cult and challenging period has been wonderful. Thank you all for your assistance.

To Kay and all the administrative staff “downstairs” - you have our overwhelming gratitude! Without your support, I’m pretty sure the wheels would no longer be attached...

Very special thanks must also go to someone whom very few of you will know. Craig Cooper from State Centre has been absolutely instrumental in guiding us through this transition period. He has worked tirelessly on our behalf, advising us, directing activities and coordinating logistics around the transition. Craig - your assistance and advice have been invaluable. Thank you so much!

Last (but certainly not least!) I’d like to welcome our new employees to the Met Caloundra “family”.Ben Levesque is our new Club Manager and comes to us with a wealth of experience from much larger venues. His enthusiasm is already proving infectious...

Stephen Wallis is our new head chef and if the new menu is any indication, he’s a great addition to the team. Bon Appetit!

Jenny Clarke is our new accounts/administration clerk and returns to the club after an eight year hiatus (holiday?). Welcome back!

To all our other staff (of which there are too many to mention individually) - you’ve all been hand-picked and each of you are wonderful additions to our team. Welcome to the Club!

In closing, I’d once again like to encourage all club members to use the Supporters’ Club at every opportunity. This year the food is even more exceptional, the facilities are still improving, and the view remains fantastic! It’s your club and you are always welcome.

PS: Special thanks also to all those members who assisted with the working bee over Easter. I still owe each of you a beer (or fi ve!).

Craig Spender President Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Supporters Club

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Annual Report Season 10 / 11 45

Financial statementsFinancial statements Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Incorporated

Independent Auditor's Report

Income and Expenditure Statement

Assets and Liabilities Statement

Statement of Cash Flows

Notes to and Forming Part of the Financial Statements

Statement by Members of the Committee





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Financial statementsFinancial statements Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Incorporated



Note 2011 2010

INCOMEMembership Fees 49,445 40,752Nipper Family Levy 5,750 0Transfer of Membership Fee 100 180DES Subsidy 21,640 15,743Grants - Council 5,455 4,000Grants - Other 41,010 15,145Sponsorship 40,181 37,593Donations 27,595 45,100Other Income 2,316 7,437Supporters Club - Sub Lease 120,000 85,000Supporters Club - Other 2,669 900Interest 15,388 10,292Board Hire and Deposits -100 100Proceeds - Sale of Equipment 5,684 1,455Fuel Tax Credit Income 0 300Clothing Sales 19,131 20,460Lifesaving Camp Income 3,789 3,481Surf Sports Camp Income 5,844 6,941Training Resource Sales 525 551Annual Dinner Sales 3,041 2,953Other Event Income 1,008 2,435History Book Income 1,391 0Prize Money 700 4,050Surf Resc Appeal- Chopper Chal 2,397 0Surf Resc Appeal- Boardies Day 1,038 0Surf Resc Appeal- Donations 24,805 30,390Raffle Income 12,106 25,339Chocolate Sales 9,091 14,086Art Union Income 8,740 10,979JAC BBQ Income 16,775 20,021Other BBQ Income 4,217 7,537Race Day Income 2,849 0Other Fundraising Event Income 210 5,876TOTAL INCOME 454,789 419,097

EXPENDITURECost of SalesCOS - Clothing 21,356 22,871COS - Lifesaving Camp 1,790 2,158COS - Surf Sports Camp 3,456 3,740COS - Training Resources 12 1,180COS - Annual Dinner 2,795 3,072COS - Other Events 1,216 1,473COS - Prize Money 50 1,350COS - Raffles 4,917 11,019

The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 1



Note 2011 2010

INCOMEMembership Fees 49,445 40,752Nipper Family Levy 5,750 0Transfer of Membership Fee 100 180DES Subsidy 21,640 15,743Grants - Council 5,455 4,000Grants - Other 41,010 15,145Sponsorship 40,181 37,593Donations 27,595 45,100Other Income 2,316 7,437Supporters Club - Sub Lease 120,000 85,000Supporters Club - Other 2,669 900Interest 15,388 10,292Board Hire and Deposits -100 100Proceeds - Sale of Equipment 5,684 1,455Fuel Tax Credit Income 0 300Clothing Sales 19,131 20,460Lifesaving Camp Income 3,789 3,481Surf Sports Camp Income 5,844 6,941Training Resource Sales 525 551Annual Dinner Sales 3,041 2,953Other Event Income 1,008 2,435History Book Income 1,391 0Prize Money 700 4,050Surf Resc Appeal- Chopper Chal 2,397 0Surf Resc Appeal- Boardies Day 1,038 0Surf Resc Appeal- Donations 24,805 30,390Raffle Income 12,106 25,339Chocolate Sales 9,091 14,086Art Union Income 8,740 10,979JAC BBQ Income 16,775 20,021Other BBQ Income 4,217 7,537Race Day Income 2,849 0Other Fundraising Event Income 210 5,876TOTAL INCOME 454,789 419,097

EXPENDITURECost of SalesCOS - Clothing 21,356 22,871COS - Lifesaving Camp 1,790 2,158COS - Surf Sports Camp 3,456 3,740COS - Training Resources 12 1,180COS - Annual Dinner 2,795 3,072COS - Other Events 1,216 1,473COS - Prize Money 50 1,350COS - Raffles 4,917 11,019

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Note 2011 2010COS - Chocolates 6,785 8,213COS - Art Union 5,363 6,026COS - JAC BBQ 13,502 13,697COS - Other Club BBQ 2,715 4,825COS - Surf Rescue Appeal 711 1,330COS - Other F/Raising Events 332 1,202Total Cost of Sales 64,999 82,156

LifesavingPatrol Catering 0 58Patrol Leadership 27 386Surf Rescue Purchases 1,242 2,739Surf Rescue Repairs & Maint 1,286 2,571IRB - Repairs 4,690 3,763IRB - Fuel & Oil 1,018 1,218IRB - Purchases 619 970First Aid & Medical 2,660 2,811Tractor - Fuel 115 163Tractor - Repairs & Maint 1,948 3,287Tractor - Rego & Insurance 59 85Total Lifesaving 13,665 18,051

Training & AssessmentTraining Expenses 2,693 1,546Total Training & Assessment 2,693 1,546

DevelopmentClub Youth Program 421 270Leadership/Member Camps 645 2,464Total Development 1,067 2,733

AdministrationAffiliaton, Capitation & Reg. 4,560 300Annual Report 1,794 4,865Audit & Accounting Fees 5,800 6,140Bad Debts 42 0Bank Charges 2,149 2,577Capitation & Registration Fees 2,260 5,372Computer Maintenace 2,376 2,575Computer/Software Purchases 734 1,292Electricty (Both) 3,963 4,033Flowers & Gifts 484 94General Repairs and Maint 2,762 4,282History Book Expenses 10,877 10,000Insurance 21,344 17,587Interest 0 1,411Interest on Esanda Loan 288 858

The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 2



Note 2011 2010COS - Chocolates 6,785 8,213COS - Art Union 5,363 6,026COS - JAC BBQ 13,502 13,697COS - Other Club BBQ 2,715 4,825COS - Surf Rescue Appeal 711 1,330COS - Other F/Raising Events 332 1,202Total Cost of Sales 64,999 82,156

LifesavingPatrol Catering 0 58Patrol Leadership 27 386Surf Rescue Purchases 1,242 2,739Surf Rescue Repairs & Maint 1,286 2,571IRB - Repairs 4,690 3,763IRB - Fuel & Oil 1,018 1,218IRB - Purchases 619 970First Aid & Medical 2,660 2,811Tractor - Fuel 115 163Tractor - Repairs & Maint 1,948 3,287Tractor - Rego & Insurance 59 85Total Lifesaving 13,665 18,051

Training & AssessmentTraining Expenses 2,693 1,546Total Training & Assessment 2,693 1,546

DevelopmentClub Youth Program 421 270Leadership/Member Camps 645 2,464Total Development 1,067 2,733

AdministrationAffiliaton, Capitation & Reg. 4,560 300Annual Report 1,794 4,865Audit & Accounting Fees 5,800 6,140Bad Debts 42 0Bank Charges 2,149 2,577Capitation & Registration Fees 2,260 5,372Computer Maintenace 2,376 2,575Computer/Software Purchases 734 1,292Electricty (Both) 3,963 4,033Flowers & Gifts 484 94General Repairs and Maint 2,762 4,282History Book Expenses 10,877 10,000Insurance 21,344 17,587Interest 0 1,411Interest on Esanda Loan 288 858

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Financial statementsFinancial statements Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Incorporated



Note 2011 2010Internet/Website/Email 1,551 2,714Transfer Fees 20 200Permits, Licences and Fees 805 190Photocopier 5,776 6,787Postage & Freight 1,525 2,141Printing & Stationery 1,398 1,706Photography 573 100Rates & Charges 2,422 4,409SMS Texting 657 369Sponsor Servicing 2,826 72Sundry Expenses 453 41Sign On Expenses 0 10Supporters Club Expense 127 -1Telephone 3,801 4,060Trophies & Prizes 6,833 2,762Uniforms 4,273 468Variances Banking 0 -18Total Administration 92,472 87,396

Professional StaffWages & Salaries 92,475 81,829FBT Wages/Salaries 22,184 16,016Superannuation 9,431 8,136Employee Telephone 370 89Other Employee Expenses 2,000 283Motor Vehicle - Fuel 3,890 3,561Motor Vehicle - Rego & Ins 346 697Motor Vehicle - R & M 1,809 689Motor Vehicle - Other 100 59Motor Vehicle HP Interest 2,776 3,290Total Professional Staff 135,381 114,649

Junior ExpensesJNR Surf Sport Purchases 575 227JNR Board Repairs 0 36Age Managers 909 398JNR Carnival Nominations 5,521 2,387Total Junior Expenses 7,005 3,048

Surf SportsSurf Sports Subsidies 13,250 16,682Surf Sports Purchases 643 8,751Board & Ski Repairs 127 296Surfboat Repairs & Maint 2,800 6,728Carnival Nominations 13,594 14,997Carnival Expenses - Other 1,748 2,243Aussie Titles Perth March 09 0 182

The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 3

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Annual Report Season 10 / 11 49

Financial statementsFinancial statements Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Incorporated



Note 2011 2010IRB Carnival Expenses 373 55Coaching Fees 2,135 219Officials Expenses 1,085 50Water Safety/IRB Expenses 1,071 1,693Total Surf Sports 36,827 51,895

Depreciation ExpensesDeprn Building & Supp Equip 8,100 8,609Deprn Sport & Rescue Equip 29,602 27,992Deprn Jointly Owned Craft 1,151 1,530Depr Plant & Equipment 6,144 8,448Depr Office Furniture 3,637 3,916Loss on Disposal of Assets 8,290 22,803Total Depreciation Expenses 56,924 73,298

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 411,031 434,773

NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 43,758 -15,675



The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 4

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Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club50

Financial statementsFinancial statements Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Incorporated



Note 2011 2010CURRENT ASSETSCash 2 244,133 252,695Receivables 3 15,120 3,997Inventories 14,088 12,297Other 4 8,504 6,967

281,846 275,957

NON-CURRENT ASSETSProperty, Plant & Equipment 5 406,989 397,263Intangible 6 27,470 27,470

434,459 424,733

TOTAL ASSETS 716,305 700,690

CURRENT LIABILITIESAccounts Payable 7 41,198 24,281Overdraft Facility 8 0 33,185Borrowings 9 21,924 14,590

63,122 72,056

NON-CURRENT LIABILITIESBorrowings 9 0 19,207


NET ASSETS 653,183 609,426

MEMBERS' FUNDSReserves 10 288,859 288,859Accumulated Income 364,323 320,565TOTAL MEMBERS' FUNDS 653,183 609,425

The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 5

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Financial statementsFinancial statements Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Incorporated



Note 2011 2010


Receipts from Members & Guests 157,283 215,504Rent from Supporters Club 120,000 85,000Members Subscriptions 55,295 40,932Grants Received 68,105 34,888Donations Received 27,595 45,092Interest Received 15,388 10,292Payments to Suppliers & Employees -334,378 -370,168Interest Paid -3,065 -5,559NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 11 106,223 55,981


Asset Purchases & Deposits -66,722 -34,527Proceeds from Sale of Assets 0 1,455NET CASH USED BY INVESTING ACTIVITIES -66,722 -33,072


Net Transfer to Supporters Loan Account 0 33,441Repayment of Borrowings -48,064 -15,226NET CASH USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES -48,064 18,215


Cash at the beginning of the Year 252,695 211,573

Cash at the end of the Year 2 244,133 252,695

The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 6

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Financial statementsFinancial statements Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Incorporated




a) Income Tax

b) Property, Plant and Equipment

c) Inventories

d) Leases

e) Goods and Services tax

f) Prepayments

g) Employee BenefitsProvision is made for the association's liability for employee benefits arising from services rendered byemployees to the end of the reporting period. Employee benefits have been measured at the amountsexpected to be paid when the liability is settled.

This financial report is a special purpose financial report prepared in order to satisfy the financialreporting requirements of the Queensland Associations Incorporations Act 1981. The Committee hasdetermined that the association is not a reporting entity.

The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historical costs and doesnot take into account changing money values or, except where specifically stated, current valuations ofnon-current assets.

The following specific accounting policies, which are consistent with the previous report period unlessotherwise stated, have been adopted in the preparation of this report:

The club is exempt from Income Tax in accordance with Section 50-45 of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1997.

Prepayments have been brought to account for insurance premiums in line with their treatment in theprior year.

The depreciable amount of all fixed assets are depreciated over the useful lives of the assets to theAssociation commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use. Leasehold improvements areamortised over the estimated useful lives of the improvements.

Inventories are measured at cost. Costs are assigned on a first-in, first-out basis.

Leases of fixed assets, whether finance leases or operating leases, are expensed in the periods inwhich they are incurred.

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amountof GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office. In these circumstances theGST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an item of the expense.Receivables and payables in the assets and liabilities statement are shown inclusive of GST.

The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 7

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Annual Report Season 10 / 11 53

Financial statementsFinancial statements Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Incorporated



2011 2010NOTE 2: CASH

Cash at Bank - CBA Savings 14066 0Cash at Bank - CBA Surf Girl 100 5,737Cash at Bank - Online Saver 0 22,129Cash at Bank - Foundation 90 26Cash at Bank - Payroll Cheque Account (Clearing) 0 320Cash Floats 0 90 Working Accounts 14,256 28,302Term Deposits BOQ - Foundation 159,877 154,393Term Deposits - Surf Club 70,000 70,000 Investment Accounts 229,877 224,393

244,133 252,695NOTE 3: RECEIVABLES

CurrentTrade Debtors 15,120 3,997

15,120 3,997NOTE 4: OTHER ASSETS

CurrentAGL Security Deposit 20 20Prepayments 8,484 6,947

8,504 6,967


Clubhouse Building At Cost 434,155 428,816Less Accumulated Depreciation -199,608 -192,482

234,547 236,334

Plant & Equipment At Valuation 158,061 148,788Less Accumulated Depreciation -112,614 -106,470

45,447 42,319

Sports & Rescue Equipment At Cost 236,068 206,544Less Accumulated Depreciation -123,412 -106,649

112,656 99,895

Office Furniture & Equipment At Cost 74,679 70,282Less Accumulated Depreciation -63,686 -60,049

10,994 10,233

The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 8

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Financial statementsFinancial statements Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Incorporated



Supporters Club Equipment At Cost 151,494 151,494Less Accumulated Depreciation -148,572 -147,598

2,921 3,895

Jointly Owned Surf Craft At Cost 2,746 22,895Less Accumulated Depreciation -2,322 -18,309

424 4,586

Total Property, Plant & Equipment atNet Book Value 406,989 397,263


Redevelopment Expenses 27,470 27,470


CurrentSundry Creditors 22,297 15,622Payroll Liabilities 18,901 8,659

41,198 24,281


CBA Overdraft Facility 0 30,725General Clearing Account 0 2,460


CurrentLoans SecuredEsanda Finance - Server 0 3,548G.E. Money - Nissan 21,924 11,042

21,924 14,590

Non-CurrentLoans SecuredG.E. Money - Nissan 0 19,207

0 19,207

The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 9

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Financial statementsFinancial statements Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Incorporated




Asset Revaluation Reserve 288,859 288,859


Net Profit from Ordinary Activities 43,758 -15,675

Non-Cash Flows in Profit from Ordinary ActivitiesDepreciation 48,634 50,495Profit/Loss on disposal of assets 8,290 22,803

Changes in Assets & Liabilities(Increase)/Decrease in Inventory -1,791 6,973(Increase)/Decrease in Receivables -11,123 12,619(Increase)/Decrease in Other assets 1,537 618Increase/(Decrease) in Creditors & Borrowings 6,675 -29,520Increase/(Decrease) in Employee Entitlements 10,243 7,668

Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 106,223 55,981


Current Commitments GE Money (Nissan Navara) 3 payments of $920.18 and 1 payment of $19,000 Telstra (Telephone Equipment & Maintenance) 12 payments of $179.11

Non-Current Commitments Telstra (Telephone Equipment & Maintenance) 44 payments of $179.11

A 37 month finance loan with GE Money has been entered into by the Club for the purchase of a NissanNavara (approx. $42K). Repayments of $920.18 started on 26th September 2008 with a final paymentof $19,000 due on the 37th month (August 2011). A 60 month Corporate Services Agreement withTelstra was entered into by the Club on 21/12/2010 for the use of Telephone equipment. Monthlypayments for the use and maintenance of the equipment is $179.11 (excl GST).

The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 10

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The committee has determined that the association is not a reporting entity.

The committee has determined that this special purpose financial report should be prepared inaccordance with the accounting policies as outlined in Note 1 to the financial statements.

In the opinion of the committee the financial report;

1. Presents a true and fair view of the financial position of Metropolitan-Caloundra Surf Life SavingClub Inc. as at 30th April 2011 and its performance for the year ended on that date.

2. At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that Metropolitan-Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club Inc. will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.

This statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the Committee and is signed for and onbehalf of the Committee by:



Dated this 27th day of May 2011

The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 11

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ReReportrt on tht e FiF naancn iai l ReRepoportrt

We hahaveve aua did ted td thehe accoompanyiyingng fifinanancnciaal rl repeporort, being aa spspececiaial purposee fifinanancnciaiaal rl eport, of the Metropolitan-Caalounu dra Sa Surf LLifife Saving Club (Inncocorprpororated),),,, whwhwhwhicicicich ch chh omomprprisises tthe asssetets as andnd liabillititieies statement as at 30th ApApril202 11 for tr thehe yeyearar thhen ended, the iincncomommme ae ae ae andndndnd exexexexpepepependdddititurure se statatetemeentnt, s, statatetemementnt of cash flows for the yyyeeaear tr thehennendeed, a sa sa sa sumumumummamary of significanant at accccountinng pg policieees, otooo heheer eexpxplalanaatotoryry nonotetes as andnd ththe sstatatetemem nt byy membererrs os os f ttheeheCommmititteteeee.e.e.e.

Commmmmittee's RResponsibility for thehe Finnnnanananancicicicialalalal R R Repepepeporororortttt

ThThThThe Ce Ce Ce Comomomommitttteeeeeeee ofooo the aassssssoociatitionoo is rereresspspspononnsisisisiblblblble fe fe fe forororor thththe pe pprerepapaaarararar titionn aaanand fd faiair pr prreresentn ata ion of tthe financnciaiall reporort at ndhahahahaveeee deteteeermrmrmmininededdd ththatt thththe accountntntntininining pg pg pg pololololicicicicieieiei s ds ddesesese crcribibeded ini NoNootetetete 1 totto ththe fe fininanancciic alal ststatatememenenntsts whwhich fh fororrm pm pm arart ot f thefinaaaancciaiaiaial repepeeporo t areee ccoconsisisisistetetetentntntnt wiwiwiwiththt thhe fe fe fe ininnanananncicicicialalaal rererepopopoortrtrtr ining rg reeqe uiiuiireremem ntntntnts os oss of tf tf tf heheh QQuQQueensnslalandnd AsA soociciatioonsns InIncocorprpororata ioionnAct 1tt 1981 aaandnd are ae aee pproprprprpriaiaiaatetetete totooo meeetett ththe ne ne ne neeeeeee dsdsds ofofofof ththe me mmmememe bebers. TT. hehe CoCoCoCommmmmitteee'e s rs rresese popoponsnsnsibbbililititieies as aalslssoo iinncluludedededdesisisisigninnnngg,g,g, imimimimplplplplememememenenenentititit ngngg aanand md md maia ntn aia niningnggg ininininteteteternrnrnrnalalalal cocococontntntn rorol rl rrrelele evevanant to thehehehe prprprprepepeparara atatatioion an aand faffairirir prprpresesesenenene tatataatititionononn ofof ththefifififinananancncncnciaiaiaial rl rl repepe oro t thahahahatt it iis fs fs freree frorom mm matereriaaaal ml ml ml misisisisststststatatatatememememeneneent,t, hwhether dueueueue totototo fraud or error; seleleleececting and aapppppplylylyinini ggapprpropo riatatee e e aaaca counntiting policies; aaandn mmakakaka ininng g acacacccococoununntittitingng e estststimimimmates thaat tt t ararre e e e reasonable in the circumstances.

AuAuudidididitotototor'r'r's s s ReReRespsppononononsisisisibbilityyyy

Our rresespoponsnnsibibillilittitty iy iy iis ts tss o eeeo expxpxpxprerereressssssss anananan opopopopininininioioioion on on on on tn tn tn thhhe finanancncncciaiaiaial rl rl rrepepepeporooo t bbasasededede onononon our ar aaududududit. No opinion is expressed as towhwhwhetetetheheer tr tr thehhe acaccocococoununnntitititingngngng popoliliiiciccciesesss ususususedededed, a, a, a, as ds dss desesescrcrcribibibbedededed inininin NoNoNoNottetete 11 11, aarerer apapapprpropopopriatatte tee o mo mo eeeet ttt he needs of the members. Wecocococondndndnducucucucteteed od od od ourur auauauaudidididit it it it in an an an accccccccorororordadadadancncncnce we we we witititith Ah Ah Ah Ausususustrttt alian AAAududududititititininining Sg Sg Sg Statatatandndndararardsdsdsd . T. T. Thehehehesese AuAuAuAudidid ting Standards require that wecocococompmpmpmplylylyly wiw th rerererelelelelevavavavantntntnt etetete hihihihicacacacal rl rl rl reqeqeqequiuiuuireremmeeenntnts rs relelelatatata ing tg to ao aaaududududitititit enee gageeemememementntntnts as as as andnddd plpp anan anaa d perform the auddit to obtainreeeasasaasonable assssssssurururrananaancececece www wheheheththt erererer t t t thhehehe ff fiininanananncicicic alalalal rrrrepporort t isiss fffrereree e e frfrfromomomom m mmmatatatatererereriaiaiaiallll mimimimisss tateemememementntntnt....

AnAnAnAn aauauaudidididit it it it invnvnvnvolololvevevess ps perfoormrmrmrminininng pg pg pg rororoceduurres ts to oo oobtbttaiaiain an an an udududdititt evevevidididdenenencececee abababa ououout ttt he amouountntnts as andndd dididiscscscclololosususurererres is is iin tn tn tn thehehehe fififif nanananancciaiaiaiallllrerepoooortrtrtrt. T. T. T. Theheheh procedddurururureseses selected dedepependndd onono thththe ae ae ae ududududitittororor's's's jujujujudgdgdggemememenent,t,t, inininclclcludududu inining tg tg thehehe asasasa seseessssssmememementntntn ofofofof ththththe re re re risisisisksksksks ofofofofmamamamateteteriririalaal missstattatatetetetemememementntntn of the financiall rerepopoportrtrtrt, w, w, w, wheheheththerer duduue te te to fo fo frarar ududd ororor erere roroor.r.r. InInn mamamam kiingngng thththt ososose re re re isisk ak ak assssssesesesessmsmsmsmenenenntstststs t, tttheheheheauditor cono sisidedersrss ininternalll cocococontntntntrorororol rl rl ele evant to the ennntitiitytyyty's's's prprpp epepeparararatatattioioion an aandndnd fafafaairir prprprp esesessenenentataatititiononono ofofoff thththe fe fee inininnananancicicialalal rererepopoportrt ininnorordeder tr to do desesigign an an udduditit prprprocococedededururreseses thatt ararare ae ae ae pppppppprorororoprprprpriaiaiaiatetetete ininin thththe ce ce ce iririri cucucumsmsmstatatatancncncnceseses, b, b, butututu nonononot ft ft ffororo thththe pe pe pe purururpopopoosesesee ofofofof exexprprpresesssisisingngng ananananopopininioion on on tn tn tn thehehehe efefefe fefefeectctctc ivivivivenenennesess os ooof tf tf tf thehehehe enenenentititititytytyty'ssss inininteteeernallll cocococontntntntrorororol.l.l.l. AnAnAnA auauauaudididid t at at alslslsso io io incncncnclulululudedededes es es es vavavaalululuatatatinininng tg tg tg thehehee apapapapprprprpropopopopririririatatatatenenene esesess os os oofffacaccocococoununununtitititingngngng popolilicicieses usedededed ananand td thehe rereasassononnnabababablelelelenenenenessssssss ofofofof acaaa countitiingngngng esesesestitititimamamamatetetet s ms ms madadade be be be y ty ty ty hehee CoCoCoCommmmmmmmitititittetetetee,e,e,e asasasas wewewewellllllll asasasasevevevevalalalaluauauaatititit nnng tthehehehe o o ooveveverararallll pppreresesentntatatioioon n nn ofofofof t ttthehehee f ffininnananaa cicicialallal r rrreeeeppporororort.tt.t.

ThThThe fe finininanananncicicicialalalal rerererepopopoportrtrtrt hahahahas bs bs bs beeeen pn pn pn prerererepapapaparererered fd fd fd fororor didididiststststriririribbububutitititiononono totoo memememembmbmbererre s fs fs fs fororor thththhe pe pe pe pururururpopopoposesesese ofofofof fufufufulfiliilllilililingngngng ththththe Ce Ce Ce Comomomommimimimitttttttteeeeeeee's's's'sfifififinannnancnccciaiaiaial rl rl rl repepepeporororortitititingngngng unununundedededer tr tr tr thehehehe QuQuQuQueeeeeeeensnsnsnslalalalandndndnd AsAsAsAssosososociciciatata ioioioonsns InInInIncocococorprprprpororororatatatioioioon An An An Actctt 19199981818181. W. WWWe de de de disisissclclclclaiaiaiaim am am am nynynyny asasasassusususumpmpmpmptitititionononon ofofofofrerererespspspspononononsisisisibibibibililililitytytyty fofofofor ar ar ar anynynyny rerererelilililianananancececece onononon ththththisisisis rerererepopopoportrtrtrt orororr ononono ththththe fe fe fe fininininanananancicicc aal rerepoportrt totototo whwhwhwhicicicich ih ihh t rt rrelelellatatatateseseses tototot anannany py py py perererersosososon on on on oththththererer ththththanananan thththt eeeememememembmbmbmbeeerers,s,s,s oooorr rr fofofofor rrr anananany y y y pupupupurprprprposososose eee ototototheheheherr r r ththththanananan tt tthahahat t fofofofor rr whwhwhicicich hh itit wwasasasas p p pprerereepapapaparererered.d.d.d.

WeWeWeWe bebebebelilililieveveveve te te te thahahahat tt ttt thehehehe auauauaudidididit et et et evivivividedededencncncnce we we we w he he he havavave oe oe oobtbtbtbtaiaiaineneneeddd id is ss ss sufufufuffififificicienennt att ndndndd apapapprprprpropopopopririrr atate te tto po po rorovividededee a ba ba ba bassassisisisi fofooor or ooururrur auauaudiddd ttttopopopopininininioioioion.n.n.n.


InIn coc nducuctingng ouour ar aududitit, w, wwee have complieed wdd witith th th heh independence requiri ements of Australian profession lal ethicalpronouncements.pprononououncncememeentsts

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Financial statementsFinancial statements Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC Supporters Club Inc.



Basis for Qualified Auditor's Opinion

a) A substantial amount of the Club’s income is derived from collections, donations and other general fund-raisingactivities. As is the case of similar organisations, it was impracticable to extend our examination of income derivedfrom these activities beyond that information which is recorded in the books of account.

b) The Club has a policy of purchasing various items of equipment which are provided to members to assist withtheir lifesaving training (e.g. surf skis, boards). This equipment is not directly controlled by the Club, althoughrecognised in the books of account as an asset. We have not been able to conduct physical inspection of theseassets and cannot verify their existence or their value.

Qualified Auditor's Opinion

In our opinion, except for the effect on the financial statements of the matters referred to in the preceding paragraph,the financial report of Metropolitan-Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club (Incorporated) presents fairly, in all materialrespects the financial position of the Metropolitan-Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club (Incorporated) as of 30th April2011 and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the accountingpolicies described in Note 1 to the financial statements, and the Queensland Associations Incorporations Act 1981.

POOLE AUDIT GROUP PTY LTDCertified Practising Accountants Level 1 Stockland House8 Innovation ParkwayBIRTINYA QLD 4575

Kerry McManus, B.Bus, C.P.A.

Dated this 27th day of May 2011

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METROPOLITAN CALOUNDRA Surf Life Saving Supporters Club

78th Annual Report and Financial Statements for the 2010 ~ 2011 Season

Over loo k ing beau t i fu l Kings Beach , Ca loun dra . The C lub w i t h the M i l l i on Do l l a r v i ews ! ` B e t w e e n t h e F l a g s R e s t a u r a n t `

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