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Customized solutions in fluid measurement


Metroval technical

capability and experience

Metroval was formally born in 1988, but its experience in industrial flow meters

manufacturing began in 1981. It was then that its team ini�ated its flow

technical vast learning curve through a technology transfer contract signed

between Bopp & Reuther – Germany and Tecnobras S/A, which was transferred

later to Metroval in 1988. In order to increase its flow meters por�olio, Metroval

signed in 1991 another technology transfer contract with Rheonik Messgerate

GmbH – Germany, being the first Brazilian manufacturer of Coriolis Mass flow

meters. In 2001, Metroval launched the Systems Division, with the focus in the

engineering and supply of Flow Metering Systems for the Oil industry. Our

current products and solu�ons for the Flow Metering Market includes

manufacturing and supply of Posi�ve Displacement Oval Gears Volumetric flow

meters, Coriolis Mass flow meters, High performance Density meters, LPG

Metering Systems, GNC Dispensers, Truck/Wagon/Vessel Loading/Unloading

Systems, Industrial Communica�on Protocols, Dosing Systems, Chemical

Injec�on Systems, High Pressure Gas Metering Systems, and Oil & Gas, Refined

Products, Biofuels Metering Systems complying with Local and Interna�onal

Legal Metrology Standards for Fiscal, Alloca�on, Custody Transfer and

Opera�onal applica�ons. Due to Metroval experience and leadership in the

Brazilian flow metering and control Market, Metroval was awarded during 2003 -

2004 with the local biggest flow metering contract ever: To adapt all exis�ng Oil

& Gas Metering Systems of 14 Petrobras Offshore Pla�orms to the new Brazilian

Metrology Legisla�on (ANP/INMETRO nº 1 and 64 Regula�on). This huge

project mo�vated Metroval to establish a Branch opera�on in Macaé-RJ in order

to be able to perform technical support for this contract and offer flow

measurement systems management services (physical and metrological

maintenance) to Petrobras and other O&G operators.

Main Facility - Nova Odessa/SP

Branch - Macaé/RJ

Main Facility - Nova Odessa/SP


Customized solutions in fluid measurement Customized solutions in fluid measurement

1. Fuel unloading systems

Main contracts

The measurement and control system for fuels unloading has the objec�ve of measuring the volume of

diesel oil unloaded in full compliance with the metrological and legal Brazil requirements.

The system measures and records all quan��es required to calculate the volume of fuel unloaded at

reference condi�ons (20 °C) by monitoring the quality of the fuel. Among the measured quan��es are:

raw and fixed volumetric flow rate at the reference condi�ons, specific mass, and temperature.

Measurement of the primary (flow) and secondary (specific mass and temperature) quan��es are done by

properly calibrated measuring instruments whose calibra�ons are evaluated individually and collec�vely

before final system approval.

Ÿ Supply of 13 systems installed in Vale S.A. mines below:

Ÿ São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo – MG;

Ÿ Mariana – MG;

Ÿ Rio Piracicaba – MG;

Ÿ Itabira – MG;

Ÿ São Luis – MA;

Ÿ Ourilândia do Norte – PA;

Ÿ Canaã dos Carajás – PA;

Ÿ Brumadinho – MG;

Ÿ Itabirito – MG;

Ÿ Ouro Preto – MG.

Diesel fuel unloading system

Ÿ Mina Imperatriz - MA;

Ÿ Vale – São Luiz do Maranhão – MA.

Ÿ Supply of 09 systems to GHT, installed in Vale S.A. mines below:

Ÿ Mina de Pico in Itabirito - MG;

Ÿ Mina de Fábrica in Belo Horizonte - MG;

Ÿ Mina de Jangada in Brumadinho - MG;

Ÿ Mina de Abóbora in Nova Lima - MG;

Ÿ Capitão do Mato in Nova Lima - MG;

Ÿ Tamanduá in Nova Lima - MG;

Ÿ Capitão Xavier in Nova Lima - MG;

Ÿ Mina Serra Leste in Curionópolis - PA;

Ÿ Mina Manganês - MG.

Ÿ Supply of 03 systems to Construcap, installed in Vale S.A. mines below:


Customized solutions in fluid measurement Customized solutions in fluid measurement

Ethanol and diesel fuel unloading system with loading arm

Ÿ Supply of 01 ethanol unloading system for Cofco Brasil S. A. in Po�rendaba – SP.

Ÿ Supply of 02 diesel fuel unloading systems for Centrais Elétricas do Pará S.A. in Belém – PA;

Ÿ Supply of 02 diesel fuel unloading systems for Central Energé�ca Palmeiras S.A. in Palmeiras de

Goiás – GO;

Ÿ Supply of 04 diesel fuel unloading systems for Oliveira Energia Geração e Serviços LTDA in Manaus

- AM;

Ÿ Supply of 01 system for Powertech Engenharia in Manicoré - AM.

Ferry diesel fuel unloading system

Diesel fuel unloading system

Ÿ Supply of 09 double unloading systems for Raízen units below:

Oil byproducts unloading systems (mul�products)

Ÿ Uberlândia – MG;

Ÿ Ribeirão Preto – SP;

Ÿ São José dos Campos – SP;

Ÿ Brasília – DF;

Ÿ Araucária – PR;

Ÿ São Luís – MA;

Ÿ Miri�tuba (Porto de Itaituba) – PA;

Ÿ Cuiabá – MT.

Ÿ Supply of 01 single unloading system for Raízen unit in Brasília – DF.

Jet fuel double unloading/loading system

Ÿ Supply of 02 jet fuel unloading system and truck loading system jet fuel for aircra� supply to

Raízen unit at Aeroporto Internacional de Brasília – DF.


Customized solutions in fluid measurement Customized solutions in fluid measurement

Main contracts

The fuel loading system sold in the form of a spool (instruments previously integrated in piping), has as

main objec�ve the correct monitoring and control of road fuel loading.

2. Fuel loading systems

Biodiesel loading system

Glycerin loading system

Diesel fuel loading systems

Ÿ Supply of 02 systems for Intecnial S.A. in Erechim – RS.

Ÿ Supply of 01 system for Vale in Ourilândia do Norte - PA.

Ÿ Supply of 06 systems for Intecnial S.A. in Erechim – RS;

Ÿ Supply of 01 system for Bunge Alimentos S.A in Nova Mutum – MT;

Ÿ Supply of 05 systems for Bioverde in Taubaté - SP;

Ÿ Supply of 01 system for Potencial in Araucária - PR;

Ÿ Supply of 01 system for Olfar Alimento e Energia in Porto Real - RJ.

Ethanol loading systems

Ÿ Supply of 12 lubricant oil loading systems to locomo�ves for Construcap in São Luiz - MA

Ÿ Supply of 03 diesel fuel loading systems for Vale in Marabá - PA.

Ÿ Supply of 02 systems for Usina Frutal Açúcar e Álcool S/A in Frutal – MG;

Ÿ Supply of 02 systems for Usina Conquista do Pontal S.A. in Mirante do Paranapanema – SP;

Ÿ Supply of 01 system for Usina Petribu in Lagoa do Itaenga – PE;

Ÿ Supply of 02 systems for Rio Claro Agroindustrial LTDA in Cacu - GO;

Ÿ Supply of 02 systems for Guarani in Guaíra – SP;

Ÿ Supply of 04 systems for para Noble (Usina Meridiano) in Meridiano - SP;

Ÿ Supply of 02 systems for Cosan Raízen in Jataí – GO;

Ÿ Supply of 02 systems for Usina São José da Es�va in Novo Horizonte – SP;

Ÿ Supply of 04 systems for Usina Noroeste Paulista in Sebas�anópolis do Sul – SP;

Ÿ Supply of 02 systems for Agro Energia Santa Luzia in Nova Alvorada do Sul - MS;

Ÿ Supply of 04 systems for Raízen Energia in Barra Bonita – SP.

Diesel fuel and lubricant oil loading systems


Customized solutions in fluid measurement Customized solutions in fluid measurement

3. Produc�on measurement systems

The produc�on measurement system has the main objec�ve of correct monitoring and control of fuel

produc�on inventory.

As an integral part of inventory control, the system ensures the volume fixed on 20 °C.

The instruments could be assembled on a spool and integrate volume, temperature and INPM degree

measurements into a high-tech and reliable electronics. Available with mass meter.

Main contracts

Ÿ Raizen: Supply of 17 systems;

Ÿ Usina São João: Supply of 01 system;

Ÿ Noble: Supply of 01 system;

Ÿ Guarani: Supply of 02 systems;

Ÿ Bunge: Supply of 02 systems;

Ÿ Usina Frutal: Supply of 01 system.

4. Engineering

With domain of the en�re cycle of solu�ons in fluid control, Metroval has an engineering department,

focused on the development and management of projects of measurement systems that integrates

professionals, materials and equipment in an efficient way, involving the following disciplines: process,

instrumenta�on and automa�on, piping, metal and electrical structure.

We work intensively on developing conceptual and basic projects, providing to our client mul�ple

solu�ons, such as:

Ÿ Field surveys (onshore and offshore) for budgets and proposals prepara�on;

Ÿ Plant analysis and improvement studies;

Ÿ Prepara�on of descrip�ve memorials and technical specifica�ons for services contrac�ng;

Ÿ Consul�ng of Oil & Gas measurement systems for the adequacy to the legal regula�on;

Ÿ Development of process flowcharts and engineering flowcharts;

Ÿ Detailed project, encompassing all ac�vi�es enabling the installa�on, maintenance and opera�on

of the systems installed, such as details of installa�on, plans, diagrams, materials lists, piping

isometrics, metal structures breakdown, single line diagrams, power distribu�on, electrical;

Ÿ Supply support;

Ÿ Elabora�on of databooks of systems, including, cer�fied project, cer�fied documents of suppliers,

cer�ficated of manufacture and of materials and other cer�ficates required.

Technical Team:

Ÿ 20 project engineers;

Ÿ 05 automa�on engineers.

METROVAL Engineering teams are located at the Nova Odessa–SP Headquarters and at the Macaé-RJ



Customized solutions in fluid measurement Customized solutions in fluid measurement

5. Volumetric flow calibra�on laboratory

Metroval flow laboratory is the most wide-coverage, modern, versa�le and automated in La�n America. It

is able to calibrate flow meters from several measurement technologies such as posi�ve displacement,

turbine, Coriolis mass, electromagne�c, ultrasonic, among others.

6. Portable laboratories

The mobile calibra�on labs are mounted into containers and can be conveyed and installed at On-Shore

and Offshore customer's site.

Metroval has 20 mobile laboratory containers.

7. Pipe shop

Metroval pipe shop has a produc�on capacity of 25 tons per month and it is located at the Nova Odessa

site, consis�ng of all the required systems ac�vi�es: moun�ng, welding, electrical, instrumenta�on,

control panels, etc.

8. Technical assistance services

Metroval provide technical assistance service and Metrological Management on-shore and offshore. The

Metroval support team is consisted as a highly trained and qualified on the ac�vi�es below:

Ÿ Metrologists;

Ÿ Technical offshore and on-shore support staff;

Ÿ Calibra�on of measurement instruments (temperature, pressure, density and BSW);

Ÿ Dimensional analysis of orifice boards and straight stretch of measuring;

Ÿ Preven�ve maintenance;

Ÿ Metrological verifica�on of flow computers;

Ÿ Calibra�on tasters volume (compact prover e pipe prover);

Ÿ Metrological audits of measurement systems;

Ÿ Monitoring of third party audits;

Ÿ Prepara�on of calibra�on procedures and es�mates of uncertainty for instruments and

measurement systems;

Ÿ Equipment/system installa�on, commissioning and startup services;

Ÿ Metrological management services.

Ÿ Audited by Cgre and member of the Brazilian Calibra�on Laboratories Network (RBC);

Ÿ Meets all requirements of the NBR ISO/ IEC 17025 standard;

Ÿ Calibra�on with oil (accredited up to 2,040 m³/h);

Ÿ Flow (0,06 to 2,040 m³/h);

Ÿ Mul�-viscosity (1 to 900 cSt);

Ÿ Calibra�on and measurement capacity 0,04% to 0,10%;

Ÿ Qualified for accredita�on tes�ng (according to OIML 117);

Ÿ Qualified for metrological verifica�on (according to OIML 117).

Others labs:

Metroval has density, proofing, dimensional, pressure and temperature calibra�on laboratories accredited

as per NBR-ISO/IEC 17025 standard.


Customized solutions in fluid measurement Customized solutions in fluid measurement

9. Offshore technical services

Main contracts:

Metering systems metrological management services contract complying ABNT NBR-10012 and

calibra�on services contract for secondary elements complying ABNT NBR-ISO/IEC 17025 for the

following Pla�orms:

From 2002 un�l 2008:

Ÿ Petrobras North Asset Pla�orms: PNA-1; PNA-2; PCH-1; PCH-2 and P-09;

Ÿ Petrobras Center Asset Pla�orms: P-08; P-15 and FPSO Espadarte;

Ÿ Petrobras South Asset Pla�orms: P-07; P-12; PPM-1 and PCE-1;

Ÿ Petrobras Ac�vo Albacora: P-25 and P-31.

From 2008 un�l 2013:

Ÿ Petrobras Center Asset Pla�orms: P-08, P-15 and FPSO (SBM) Espadarte;

Ÿ Petrobras South Asset Pla�orms: P-07; P-12; PPM-1 and PCE-1.

From 2013 un�l 2018:

Ÿ Petrobras South–CENTRAL Asset Pla�orms: P-07; P-08; P-15 and PCE-1;

Ÿ Petrobras APMF Asset Pla�orms: P-32; P-47 and P-65;

Ÿ Petrobras Marlin Asset Pla�orms: P-18; P-19; P-20; P-26; P-33; P-35 and P-37.

Since 2015:

Ÿ 07 SBM FPSP Pla�orms: FPSO’s Ilhabela, Paraty, Capixaba, Anchieta, Espírito Santo, Maricá and





Field calibra�on

10. Meter calibra�on




Since 2018:

Ÿ Petrobras South Asset Pla�orms: P-08; P-65 and PCE-1;

Ÿ Petrobras Center Asset Pla�orms: P-09; PCH-1; PCH-2; PNA-1; PNA-2 and PPM-1;

Ÿ Petrobras North Asset Pla�orms: PGP-1; PPG-1; PVM-1/3; PVM-2; PCP-1; PCP-2 and PCP-3.

Gas metering systems maintenance contract, with metrological inspec�on for meter runs and orifice

fi�ngs, complying with ABNT NBR-ISO/IEC 17025 for the following pla�orms:

Since 2015:

Ÿ Petrobras South Asset Pla�orms: P-08; P-65 e PCE-1;

Ÿ Petrobras Center Asset Pla�orms: P-09; PCH-1; PCH-2; PNA-1; PNA-2 e PPM-1;

Ÿ Petrobras North Asset Pla�orms: PGP-1; PPG-1; PVM-1/3; PVM-2; PCP-1; PCP-2 e PCP-3;

Ÿ Petrobras Marlim Asset Pla�orms: P-18; P-19; P-20; P-26; P-32; P-33; P-35; P-37 e P-47.

From 2015 un�l 2018:

Ÿ 11 MODEC FPSO Pla�orms: FPSO’s Rio de Janeiro, Niterói, Mangara�ba, Santos, São Paulo,

Angra dos Reis, Itaguaí, Caraguatatuba, Macaé, Fluminense and Campo dos Goytacazes.

9.1 Metrological management

9.2 Gas metering systems maintenance

Calibra�on services contract on secondary elements of flow metering systems complying with ABNT

NBR-ISO/IEC 17025 for the following pla�orms:


Customized solutions in fluid measurement

CTSCD - Jan/2019 REV B




+55 19 2127 [email protected]

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