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  • 8/14/2019 Mexican Restaurant Fb Concept


    Cookout at the Sancho Corral!

    Concept for a Facebook App

    Developed for a Mexican Restaurant

    Mahesh Patwardhan

    Digital and New Media Consultant

  • 8/14/2019 Mexican Restaurant Fb Concept


    Once upon a time in San Sanchose

    South of the border, in a sleepy little Mexican village called San Sanchose, the dust in the air wassuddenly disturbed by the clattering of hooves the sleepy Senors, Senoras, and Senoritaspeered out of their little huts to see five of the badest, meanest, dirtiest bandidos riding intotown.. Everyone was scared and pulled down their sombreros even more tightly over their eyesand ears hoping that the bandidos would go away.but they did not Give us all your moneywe want mucho pesos .. And we are not leaving until we get it..and they shot muchobullets from their pistoleros into the airos

    Everyone had almost given up all hopes of being saved when one amigo stepped. Senor Sancho,who owned Sanchos Corral a little Mexican Eating House around the corner!

    Ha ha ha look who is going to make us sooo scared that we will go awaywe will vamooseamigos..ha ha ha hey amigo.you better vamoose before we shoot your sombrero andponcho full of holeso

  • 8/14/2019 Mexican Restaurant Fb Concept


    Once upon a time in San Sanchose

    Senor Sancho spoke up and said.Listen Amigos Why fight with your pistoleros when I will giveyou much better weapons to fight with and the prize is going to be even better.

    What is it? the mean bandidos asked.

    Senor Sancho replied Put down your guns. Instead you will all take part in a contest. A

    cookout at the great Sancho Corral and the winner, the one who cooks up the best meal, willget a free dinner and dance with the wonderful Senorita Tequila Lailathe most gorgeousSenorita in all the land.

    The bandidos paused in their tracks and thought about the offer.and then, much to the relief ofSenor Sanchos and the other sleepy townspeople of San Sanchose, they agreed to the Cookout atthe Sancho Corral.Word soon spread throughout the land about this great contest. Many people

    came to watch it. And after that it became a tradition.

    So now, each year on that particular day, the great Chefs from all over Mexico gather at thesleepy town of San Sanchose to participate in the Cookout at the Sancho Corral. The prize - achance to win a dinner date with the dusky beauty Senorita Tequila Laila.

  • 8/14/2019 Mexican Restaurant Fb Concept


    Recreating the Sancho Corralonline!

    (Facebook / Orkut / Hi5)

    Mexican Restaurant

  • 8/14/2019 Mexican Restaurant Fb Concept


    The way in

    Section or link on the website for theCookout App


    The Cookout App

  • 8/14/2019 Mexican Restaurant Fb Concept


    Inside the online Sancho Corral

    Import User profiles

    Import Friends List

    Invite Friends

    Import User interests

    The Cookout App

  • 8/14/2019 Mexican Restaurant Fb Concept


    Playing a role.

    Taco Tandon

    Nacho Nandan

    Salsa Shekar

    Bala Burrito

    Pappu Pedro

    Tequila Laila

    Senor Sanchos

  • 8/14/2019 Mexican Restaurant Fb Concept


    Putting everything together.

    Characters List Drinks List

    Food List

    Chefs List

    Other Ingredients

    Cookout App

  • 8/14/2019 Mexican Restaurant Fb Concept


    Cooking up a meal !!

    The finished Dish

  • 8/14/2019 Mexican Restaurant Fb Concept


    Judgement Day.what do the others think?




    The cookout meterWith the votes count

  • 8/14/2019 Mexican Restaurant Fb Concept


    And the lucky one gets to dine and dance with

    Tequila Laila !

    Recipe and Winnerfeatured on the site

  • 8/14/2019 Mexican Restaurant Fb Concept


    And so till next time.adios amigos!

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