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Page 1: Mexico and the United States

Mexico and the United States

Comparing the Three BranchesJoe Johnson

Tommy ThompsonSally Sanders

Page 2: Mexico and the United States

The Legislative Branchby

Joe Johnson

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Similarities - StructureO Bicameral Legislatures – Senate and

Chamber of Deputies O Two Senators represent each stateO Equal representation + proportional


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Similarities - PowersO Pass laws, impose taxes, declare warO Approve treaties and confirm

presidential appointments (Senate)O Committees study and recommend


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Other Similarities O Chamber of Deputies = House of

Representatives – initiates all budget matters

O Has the power to impeach and remove the President

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Differences – Terms of Office

United States MexicoO Senate = 6 year

terms/House = 2 year term

O No term limits

O Senate = 6 years/Chamber of Deputies = 3 years

O May not serve consecutive terms

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Differences - Representation

United States MexicoO Senate = equal

representationO House =

proportional representation

O Both Houses have a mix of equal and proportional representation

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Differences – Legislation

United States MexicoO Most legislation

introduced by Congress

O Up to 90% of legislation proposed by the President

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The Executive Branchby

Tommy Thompson

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Similarities – Duties O Serves as both Chief of State and

Head of GovernmentO Appoints cabinet members and

federal judges

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Similarities - PowersO Meets with leaders of other nationsO Makes treaties and handles foreign


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Similarities – Qualifications

O Must be a native born citizenO Must be at least 35 years old

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Differences – Terms of Office

United States MexicoO Serves a 4 year

term of officeO May be elected to

two terms

O Serves one 6 year term

O May not be re-elected

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Differences – Election and Succession

United States MexicoO Elected by the

Electoral Vote (must have majority)

O Succeeded by a Vice-President

O Elected by a Popular Vote (no majority is necessary)

O No Vice-President (Congress chooses and interim President)

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Differences – Powers and Party

United States MexicoO Less influence

over Congress and state governors

O Two-party system = Democrats & Republicans

O A great deal of influence over Congress and state governors

O One dominant political party = PRI

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The Judicial Branchby

Sally Sanders

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Similarities – Structure

O One Supreme CourtO Several different levels of courts

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Similarities – Nomination and Term of Office

O Justices nominated by the President and approved by the Senate

O Serve for life

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Similarities – Judicial System

O Different levels include district courts and circuit courts

O Justices can be impeached

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Differences – Number of Justices

United States MexicoO Nine justices

make up the Supreme Court

O Supreme Court of Justice includes 21 ministers or judges

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Differences – Requirements

United States MexicoO No specific

requirements to be a Supreme Court Justice

O Must be citizens by birth, thirty-five to sixty-fiver years old, and hold a law degree

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Differences – Judicial System

United States MexicoO Supreme CourtO Courts of AppealsO District Courts

O Supreme Court of Justice

O Collegiate Circuit Courts

O Unitary Circuit Courts

O District Courts

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Sources:O CIA World Factbook: https://


O Library of Congress Country Studies: http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/mxtoc.html

O At least one other source:

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