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MGT502-ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR New Lecturewise Questions and Answers for final terms By Virtualians.pk

Lesson No.23

Q-1What is achievement-oriented leadership style, and in which situational conditions it proved more successful in increasing performance of employees and followers.


The achievement-oriented leader behavior is originally indentified in path goal theory. The theory states that a leader's behavior is contingent to the satisfaction, motivation and performance of her or his subordinates. The achievement-oriented leader behavior refers to situations where the leader sets challenging goals for followers, expects them to perform at their highest level, and shows confidence in their ability to meet this expectation. Occupations in which the achievement motives were most predominant were technical jobs, sales persons, scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs.

Q-2According to the fielder's contingency theory Task-oriented style is more effective in extremely favorable or unfavorable situations. How can it works?

Answer-Task-oriented leadership style is a behavioral approach in which the leader focuses on the tasks that need to be performed in order to meet certain goals, or to achieve a certain performance standard. Task-oriented leaders focus on getting the necessary task, or series of tasks, at hand in order to achieve a goal. Relationship-oriented leaderships a behavioral approach in which the leader focuses on the satisfaction, motivation and the general well-being of the team members. Task-oriented and relationship-oriented leadership are two models that are often

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compared, as they are known to produce varying outcomes under different circumstances.

Q-3What is meant by "zero sum allocation"?


Zero sum allocations are traditional budgets to allocate funds for future expenditures. They require managers to ensure that all organizational activities are adequately carried out within the allocated funds. Traditional budgets, therefore, focus primarily on the resources allocated to facilitate organizational activities.

Q-4Whether internal/external locus of control is positive trait or negative?


Internal locus of control is the belief that events in one’s life, whether good or bad, are caused by controllable factors such as one’s attitude, preparation, and effort. External locus of control is the belief that events in one’s life, whether good or bad, are caused by uncontrollable factors such as the environment, other people, or a higher power. Individuals with a high internal locus of control believe that events in their life derive primarily from their own actions; for example, when receiving test results, people with an internal locus of control would praise or blame themselves and their abilities, whereas people with an extra high external locus of control would praise or blame the teacher or the test.

Q-5Explain the difference between transformational and transactional leader?


In general, a relationship between two people is based on the level of exchange they have. Exchange need not be money or material; it can be anything. The more exchange they have the stronger the relation. Manager expects more productivity

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from employee in order to give good rewards. In this way, if something is done to anyone based on the return then that relation is called as ‘Transactional’ type. In politics, a leader announces benefits in their agenda in exchange to the vote from the citizens. In business, a leader announces rewards in turn to the productivity. These relations are all about requirements, conditions and rewards (or punishment). Leaders who show this kind of relationship are called ‘Transactional Leaders’.

In life, at one point of time, things happen without expectation from other side. Mother’s dedicated service to her kid and doesn’t expect anything from the child and the service she provides in raising the child is unconditional, dedicated, committed. Mother plays a major role in shaping up the kid’s future life. This type of relation is called as ‘Transformational’. Leaders do exist in this world with these behaviors. Transformational Leaders work toward a common goal with followers; put followers in front and develop them; take followers’ to next level; inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests in achieving superior results.

Q-6Explain the contingency theories and the contingency model in the leadership. Explain the trust in simple word.

First of all, let’s discuss the contingency theory. Contingency theory is a class of behavioral theory that claims that there is no finest way to establish a corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions. Instead, the ideal course of action is contingent (dependent) upon the internal and external condition. The main idea of this early theory is that leadership effectiveness (in terms of group performance) depends on the interaction of two factors; the Leader's task or relations motivations and Aspects of the situation. For your second query we would briefly describe the contingency theory Model. The Contingency theory holds that group efficacy depends on a suitable match between a leader’s style (essentially a trait measure) and the demands of the situation. Situation control the extent to which a leader can determine what their group is going to do to be the primary contingency factor in determining the effectiveness of leader behavior. The contingency model is a vibrant model where

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the personal characteristics and motivation of the leader are said to interact with the current situation that the group faces. Finally Trust can be defined as the Firm belief in the reliability, truth, or strength of someone or something. Q-7Either all managers are good leader or not


Leadership is the ability to inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals. Management consists of four functions: Planning, organizing, controlling and leading. Leading is the major part of a manager’s job yet a manager must also plan, organize and control. Broadly speaking, Leadership deals with the interpersonal aspects of a manager’s job, whereas planning, organizing and controlling deals with administrative aspects. Leaders deal change, inspiration, motivation and influence. In contrast management deals more with maintaining equilibrium and the status quo



Vision: Vision is the ability to imagine different and better conditions and better way to achieve them. The visionary people look beyond the immediate future to create an image of what the organization or unit is capable of becoming. A vision is designed to close the discrepancy between present and ideal condition

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Q-9What is self worth?


Self- worth: Self worth is the positive opinion about one’s own self. When a person thinks that he is capable of doing any task in a good manner.



Legitimate power emerges as one’s formal power due to his position in the hierarchy of an organization; one can have this power in his day to day business, in other words one can have this power due to his responsibilities in a certain organization, Legitimate power can increase by adding the responsibilities, as well as it can decrease if someone fails to meet all the responsibilities, legitimate power is also viewed as coercive and reward power

Lesion No-24

Q-1What is meant by manager being central?


What I infer from your first part of the question is that you are referring to the 'Centralized Management'. Centralized Management is a broad management style in which most of the decisions are taken at the top-level of management. Decision-making is not delegated to the lower managers i.e. the lower managers are given limited authority and are not given sufficient decision-making powers. Let me give you a simple example, if you are the Manager Administration of a company and you report to the Director Administration of that company. If you do

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not have the powers to approve leave to your employees, approve purchases of the company, and approve similar other administrative matters and which are approved by the Director Administration. Then your company follows Centralized Management, and if it is the reverse case that is you has the authority to settle all these administrative matters yourself, and then your company follows Decentralized Management.

Q-2What is controlling contingencies?


Contingencies' are the environmental factors or situations within a company. For example, if you are a Manager of a company then the contingencies or environmental factors may include your sub-ordinates or team members, that are whether your sub-ordinates are competent, trained or they are not. The term contingencies became popular with the introduction of 'Contingency Theories of Leadership' in which it was proposed to apply appropriate style keeping in mind the contingencies. Like apply Directive Style of Leadership when your subordinates (contingency factor) are new or not skilled/trained, and use Participative Style when your subordinates are trained/capable. 'Controlling Contingencies' means to change the environmental factors according to the requirement, like to train the less skilled employees etc.

Q-3Explain the terms lobbying?


'Lobbying' in organizational context is the act of influencing the decisions. For example, if a group of Directors of a company tries to convince their CEO to change a decision recently taken about introducing a new employee-benefits package, the Directors are actually lobbying.

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Q-4What is whistle blowing?

'Whistle blowing' in organizational context is an act of informing your higher/decision-making authorities about any issue or event mostly informally. For example, if an employee 'A' is causing disturbance in the work environment of a company, and another employee 'B' conveys this issue to the higher authorities, then this act of employee 'B' is whistle blowing. In daily life, recently when the website Wiki leaks published publicly the secret documents of many governments, by doing this action, many called Wiki leaks as a whistleblower.

Q-5What is potential conflict and real conflict?


Potential conflict of interest is association, situation or circumstances of a conflict. There circumstances may develop into a real conflict. Real conflict is an outcome of potential conflict. Every situation leads to an end, here situation of conflict is “potential conflict” while an outcome/end is “real conflict”.

Lesson No-25

Q-1What is meant by this that political behavior can circumvent the lack of organizational power?


as you know that Organizational Power which is more often known as the Legitimate Power is derived by a person because of his/her formal position in an organization where he/she works. For example, If Mr. Aslam is the Director (Finance) of an organization, then the power exerted by Mr. Saleem on the employees of the Finance Department is simply because he is the director of this particular department. Now, ‘political behavior’ is any action by a person which is aimed to attain power

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or simply to influence decisions. And, the term ‘circumvent’ simply means to ‘bypass’ or ‘ignore’ something. Now, by examining the whole phrase “political behavior can circumvent the lack of organizational power”, it simply means that when the different positions in an organization (from which the organizational/legitimate power is derived) are not clearly defined then employees of that organization ignore the formal reporting channels of different positions and do certain actions which can be termed as political behaviors. For example, in an organization, there are 3 positions namely Manager (Finance), Deputy Manager (Finance), and Assistant Manager (Finance). The reporting channel in that company is that Assistant Manager (Finance) reports to Deputy Manager (Finance) who then reports to Manager (Finance). And it is not clearly mentioned in the company’s policy that the Assistant Manager (Finance) would first request the Deputy Manager (Finance) for a leave who will then forward the leave request to the Manager (Finance), and assume that the Manager (Finance) has the authority to grant leave. Then in this case the Assistant Manager (Finance)

Q-2Explain zero sum allocation?


“zero-sum allocation” which is also known as Zero-Sum rewards. Zero-Sum is that situation in which two entities cancel the effect of each other to give a zero. For example, someone says that you have 3 good qualities in your personality, but the same person also highlights your 3 bad qualities, then to sum it, your good qualities and bad qualities cancel the effect of each other to form a ‘zero’, this is zero-sum effect or zero-sum allocation. In Organizational Behavior, we say that Zero-Sum Allocations is a factor that contributes to Political Behavior. For example, when an employee Mr. Naveed is rewarded, he will feel happy, but when he is assigned a burden of duties, and if that

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rewards and additional duties are assumed by Mr. Naveed to be somewhat equal, it will create a ‘zero-sum effect’ and Mr. Naveed will not be motivated, and he will tend to engage in political behaviors to reduce those additional duties or increase reward, because he will think that the previous reward was not enough when compared with the additional duties.

Q-3What is meant by trivial?


The word "Trivial" means of little worth, value or importance.

Q-4What are the antecedent conditions?


"Antecedent conditions" refer to the preceding conditions being applied after some events or occurrence. These are actually the conditional elements.

Q-5What is the first stage of conflict?


The first stage of "Conflict process" is:

Potential Opposition or incompatibility

in conflict process, first stage points out towards presence of conditions that can create opportunities for conflict to arise. They may not directly cause conflict to arise but these conditions are necessary for conflicts to surface.

There are five conflict handling intentions:

1. Competing

2. Collaborating

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3. Avoiding

4. Accommodating

5. Compromising

these intentions provide guideline to the parties in conflict to adopt certain course of action.

Q-6What is resistance?


The word “resistance” means confrontation and to oppose something. It is refusing to accept anything in order to prevent something by argument or action.

Lesson No-26

Q-1Explain the contingency theories?


Contingency theory is a class of behavioral theory that claims that there is no finest way to establish a corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions. Instead, the ideal course of action is contingent (dependent) upon the internal and external condition. The main idea of this early theory is that leadership effectiveness (in terms of group performance) depends on the interaction of two factors; the Leader's task or relations motivations and Aspects of the situation.

Q-2Explain contingency theory Model.

For your second query we would briefly describe the contingency theory Model. The Contingency theory holds that group efficacy depends on a suitable match between a leader’s style (essentially a trait measure) and the demands of the

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situation. Situation control the extent to which a leader can determine what their group is going to do to be the primary contingency factor in determining the effectiveness of leader behavior. The contingency model is a vibrant model where the personal characteristics and motivation of the leader are said to interact with the current situation that the group faces.

Q-3What is trust?


Trust can be defined as the Firm belief in the reliability, truth, or strength of someone or something.

Q-4What is Task Conflict?


Task Conflict occurs when there is disagreement between group/team members over the contents and goals of the work. In this type of conflict, there are differences of opinion, ideas and viewpoint over how tasks to be performed. For Example: A conflict between Labor union and management over distribution of resources and promotion criteria.

Q-5What is Dysfunctional Conflict?


Dysfunctional Conflict is a disagreement between two or more which results in bad performance of the organization or group. The consequences of dysfunctional conflict are disastrous and destructive for the organization. It causes anxiety, stress and tension in group members. For Example: A conflict between Workers and Supervisor due to work overload which may hamper the production resulting in loss for the organization

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Q-6In path goal theory leaders are less motivated or managers?


Path goal theory specifies that the leader’s responsibility is to increase followers’ motivation to attain organizational goals. The essence of path goal theory is that the leader’s job is to assist followers in attaining their goals and to ensure that their goals are compatible with the overall objectives of the group or organization. A leader’s behavior is acceptable to employees to the degree that they view it as an immediate source of satisfaction or as a means of future satisfaction. The leader will not be able to motivate his followers unless he himself is not motivated. Q-7What is deference between leader and managers? Answer- Manager is someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals. Leader is someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority. Managers are appointed to their position. Their ability to influence is based on appointed or emerge from within a work group while leaders are able to influence others to perform beyond the actions dictated by formal authority. Q-8What is charismatic leadership? Answer- Charisma is the special quality of leaders like extraordinary determination that differentiate them from others. The main feature of charismatic leadership is that it involves very strong relationship and interaction between the leader and the people being led. Charismatic leaders are visionary, action oriented with very effective communication skills and self-promoting personality.

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Lesson No-27 Q-1Is mapping necessary for negotiation? Answer- Preparation and planning is very important in negotiation. Negotiation never starts suddenly. First conflict arises and after that a person has to bargain for it. It is beneficial for a person to do complete homework before starting negotiations. If a person is unaware of the reasons of conflict or do not know that what he requires from it, than no action will provide him fruitful results. Therefore it is always advised to gather all relevant information before getting into negotiations. Q-2What is integrative bargaining Answer- Integrative bargaining creates a win-win situation for all the parties involved in negotiations. If a company has “no credit sale policy” as mentioned by you then company will not sell its products on credit at any cost whoever is guarantor, it would not involve integrative bargaining approach. But if it wants to build long term relationships and do not have such policy then it can involve bank in this deal. Bank will play the role of guarantor where it will insure that buyer will return the loan within prescribed time frame. If buyer’s previous record is also favorable then seller can exclude bank from its deal but it all depends upon the discretion of buyer and seller according to the encountered situations. Q-3Distributive bargaining: Answer- Bargaining technique in which the gain of one party will result in loss of other party. Situations in which a particular object is to be divided among different parties and one party would gain full or more advantage in comparison to the other one. For example in economic transactions seller always wants to sell his product at higher price while buyer wants to purchase on lower prices. So low price will give loss to seller and higher price will affect buyer.

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Q-4What is the basic difference between bargaining and negotiation please explain? The terms "Bargaining" and "Negotiations" are used interchangeably. Negotiation refers to a process in which two persons or groups try to reach a mutual agreement by exchanging goods or services. In this process, there is “Give and Take” to create a win-win situation. There are two general approaches to Negotiate, which are: Distributive Bargaining and Integrative Bargaining. Q-5Tell me in detail about 360-degree appraisal method that how 360‐degree appraisal effectively supports to the organization? Answer- 360-degree feedback, also called 'multi-rater feedback', is employee development feedback. In 360-feedback, feedback is gathered from subordinates, managers, peers as well as person himself. Q-6What is opportunity network? Answer- Influential networks are very important for every person as they bring different career opportunities for him. Therefore the group of high-achievers and influential people that can be helpful for a person in his career development is called opportunity network. Q-7Collaboration comes after compromising? Please explain it with any example. Answer- Competing, Accommodating, collaborating, compromising and avoiding are the five conflict handling intentions/styles. A person may adopt any one of these styles while resolving a conflict. These are not interdependent therefore a person can adopt only one style at a time or during the whole process of conflict resolution.

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Q-8What is the reinforcement theory? Answer- Reinforcement theory is the process through which the behavior of an individual can be shaped by controlling the outcomes of a behavior. In this theory combination of rewards and/or punishment is used to strengthen desired behavior or eliminating undesirable behavior. Positive reinforcement means following a response with something pleasant. For example if a sales man makes high sales, he will get a commission. Or if any employee work hard and do a good job then he will get a bonus or promotion. Negative reinforcement means following a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant. For example for a student negative reinforcement is to get “F” grade in exams. Punishment is causing an unpleasant condition in an attempt to eliminate an undesirable behavior. For example: Pay reduction for lateness. Extinction When the behavior is not reinforced, it tends to gradually be extinguished. For example if a child is conducting an undesirable behavior then just ignore him when he will find no response then he will ultimately leave it. Lesson No-28 Q-1What are the major differences between aptitude and attitude? Answer- Attitude is manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc. with regard to a person or thing: tendency or orientation, esp. of the mind; a cheerful attitude. In other words, attitude is a way of looking at things. Attitude is something over which all of us have total control. It may be the ONLY THING over which all of us have total control. Aptitude is an innate ability; talent: an aptitude for mathematics or readiness or quickness in learning; intelligence. For our purposes now, aptitude mean natural talent or ability possessed from birth (which can be acquired as learned

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skills). Aptitude (as defined above) is something over which none of us have any control whatsoever (except when we acquire learned skills). Q-2What are the major differences between ability and capability Answer- He difference in meaning between the words ability and capability is pretty thin. Capability is usually defined as the feature of being capable of something. In short, it is practical ability. This is probably where the confusion sets in because the definition of the word capability makes use of the word ability. Conversely, ability is a word that pertains to being able. This means that when one is considered to have the ability then he is able to do or has the means to do something may it be mental or physical. Ability also connotes one’s skill, talent and level of expertise.

In common practice, ability is much nearer to describe talents of people whereas capability is more applicable in reflecting the worth of being capable of an organization, group or company, and not humans. But in the event when the word capability is used to describe people, then it will not mean talents but a form of limitation. This distinction is clearly shown in the following examples

Q-3What are the processes of any service/manufacturing firms? Answer- Manufacturing Processes Manufacturing process analysis focuses on the sequential steps that make up the manufacturing process. The process itself is initiated by the manufacturer, usually begins with a set of product specifications, moves through production and testing, and ends with delivery to the customer. A good manufacturing process produces products that consistently meet quality requirements, with little or no waste, delivered to the customer on time and on budget. Service Processes Service processes, on the other hand, generate value as the customer interacts with the process and, ultimately, it’s the customer’s experience with the process that’s most important.

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Q-4What are the major differences between culture and corporate culture? Answer- Organizational culture and corporate culture are usually used interchangeably. Both refer to the collective values, outlooks and approaches within an organization. Obviously, the term corporate culture focuses on for-profit corporations, while organizational culture extends to all forms of organizations including small business, privately held companies and nonprofit organizations. Q-5Discuss the affects of cohesiveness and norms on productivity? Answer- Group cohesiveness binds group members together. Members of strongly cohesive groups are more inclined to readily participate while norms are staying with acceptable behavior standards within a group. Therefore, cohesiveness and norms increases the group productivity. Q-6What is meant by jurisdictional clarity? Answer- Jurisdictional clarity is the clarity of the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law. For further clarification, please go through the handouts as well. Lesson No-29 Q-1Explain Self-fulfilling prophecy Answer- Self-fulfilling prophecy refers to positive or negative expectations from a person, group or event which may result in affecting person’s behavior towards it in such a way that it causes the expectations to be fulfilled. It simply happens because beliefs have the tendency to influence our actions. When we expect something positive or negative about ourselves, we unconsciously behave in such a way to make the predictions or expectations true.

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For Example: A teacher comments about a student, “I’m sure he’ll secure good marks”. It may foster that student in behaving alike and unconsciously make him try to come up to the expectations.

Q-2What is legitimate power? Answer- Legitimate Power refers to the power which is vested in a particular

position in the formal hierarchy of a formal group or organization. This power is accepted by the members of the organization or group and expected to be followed by all within authority of the particular position. For Example: A Production manager has the power to direct his subordinates to produce 400 items a day. The manager’s position gives him the authority or power to order his subordinates with his sphere of authority to act accordingly.

Q-3 Explain with example process departmentalization. ANSWER- Departmentalization itself is process that refers to the process of grouping

activities into departments. Departmentalization or division of labor creates specialists who need coordination. This coordination is facilitated by grouping specialists together in departments. Whereas process departmentalization is type departmentalization and its function is grouping activities on the basis of product or service or customer flow. Because each process requires different skills, process departmentalization allows homogenous activities to be categorized. For example, the applicants might need to go through several departments namely validation, licensing and treasury, before receiving the driver’s license.

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Lesson No.30 Q-1 What is line authority, staff authority? Answer-

Line authority the officially sanctioned ability to issue orders to subordinate employees within an organization. For example, production and sales managers that have been empowered with line authority typically also have the responsibility of achieving their company's business goals with the greatest possible efficiency.

Staff authority is the unit that provides counseling on financial matters to the company's management personnel.

Q-2What is advisory capacity?


Advisory capacity is Status of a person or group which does not have the authority or the responsibility to take definitive actions or issue executive orders, but which may only advise or suggest what needs to be done under the circumstances.

Q-3What is formalization?


Formalization is the extent to which work roles are structured in an organization, and the activities of the employees are governed by rules and procedures.

Q-4Hard work or smart work which is more successful ?


The smart work and the hard work are correlated and equally important while conducting any sort of project. If you are working very hard towards some stuff with a wrong logic then it is of no use and vice versa. Consequently, you should work hardly with smart ideas. Both are important for achieving success in life.

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Q-5What is the Difference b/w Job enlargement & Job enrichment?

Job enlargement is increase of the job’s tasks (activities). For example: In making a wooden table different tasks are involved which are completed by a team of skilled workers like cutting of wood, shaping wooden pieces, joining them and painting. Suppose one of the workers responsible for cutting of wood is assigned additional tasks of shaping wooden pieces and then joining them in shape of table. This is job enlargement. Job Enrichment is the addition to a job of tasks that increase the amount of employee control or responsibility. For example a company may decide to cross train its HR generalists to use the HRIS so they can run their own reports. Rather than submitting requests and waiting for someone else to run the reports, they have the additional control over their job of being able to get the reports whenever they need them

Lesson No-31

Q-1Explain virtual structure?


An organization that uses telecommunications and information technology to conduct its operations so that it’s geographically dispersed employees and operations can be managed and collaborated properly. Virtual University of Pakistan is an example of Virtual Structure.

Q-2Explain, how social class shapes thoughts and actions in organizations?


Social class is the level of economic income or the status of a person and his perceived rank within the social hierarchy of society. People from different social class have different assumptions and beliefs and act accordingly. These differences if not managed properly can create conflicts in organizations and resultantly cause decrease in overall productivity of organization. Therefore management should

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consider these facts while developing the culture of the organization as its culture is a source of shaping behaviors of employees according to the requirements of organizations.

Lesson No-32

Q-1Please Explain Job Sharing


Job sharing is also called work sharing. It is an employment arrangement where one full time job is split between two individuals and both are responsible for its success. Creative schedules are designed to meet the needs of job sharer. Organization provides them proper salary and paid off time.

Q-2Simplify the Flextime.?


Flextime is a variable work schedule, in contrast to traditional work arrangements requiring employees to work a standard 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. day. In this phenomenon, workers are given flexible times to work on a job. Hope this clears your concept.

Q-3What is Unity of Command?


Unity of Command states that “a subordinate should have only one superior to whom he or she is directly responsible”. As per the situation you are talking about, if a person is reporting to two managers for different matters. Such reporting mechanism refers to dual chain of command applied in Matrix structures, which negates and breaks “Unity of Command”.

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Q-3What is deliberately structured?


Deliberately Structured means decision made on design of the working of an organization at micro and macro level and design of working of departments and divisions as per requirements. As a structure of educational institute may vary from the structure of a manufacturing firm, so structures are deliberately designed as per specifications and requirements of the organizations

Q-4What is the mechanistic organizations?


The mechanistic organizations are those organizations that have formal rules and regulations systems, centralized decision making authority, and high worker specialization. Like bureaucratic or government organizations.

Q-5What is the organic organizations?


The organic organizations also called flexible management system as they show less rigidity, low formalization and decentralized decision making authority.

Q-6What is Accountability?


Accountability means that people with authority and responsibility are subject to reporting and justifying task outcomes to those above them in the chain of command. Accountability is often built into the organization structure so that people may know they will be held accountable for specific task

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Q-7What is Dual chain of command?


Dual chain of command is opposite to unity of command. It is used in matrix structure where a person has to report to more than one supervisor. One of them can be a functional head or other can be from project head.

Q-8What misallocation of specialist?


Allocation of specialist: In Matrix structure specialist from different functions or tasks are combined to work on a project. In this way the project is done by the specialists that can ensure high level of quality and speed.

Lesson No.33

Q-1Expand Selecting job”


Selecting job candidate is one of the functions of HRM. In recruitment process a pool of eligible candidate is generated. And after interviewing the most appropriate person is selected for a particular job. This process is called “selecting job candidate.”

Q-2What does the word implicatation mean?


The word Implication means " A Suggestion" , "A Hint" or "An Inference"

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Lesson NO-34

Q-1What is Dual-Career Path?


DualCareerPath: Creating dual career paths involves preparing employees to succeed and be rewarded without necessarily being on a management or vertical organization career path. Technical specialists contribute expertise without becoming managers. They may make recommendations in a wide range of business areas, participate in high level decisions, and act as mentors to other employees. For example a doctor by profession may also deliver lectures in a medical college.

Q-2In Network Career Path, what is vertical sequence of jobs and series of horizontal opportunities.


In network career path a person can not only progress from one job position to another for example from sales man to area sales manager or regional sales manager but also with in the same position or function he can be assigned different task.

Q-3What is meant by job description?


Job Description is a written list pertaining to the tasks, responsibilities, accountabilities, functions, specifications and qualifications required for any position. It is important document usually narrative in nature explaining whom to report, salary range and hierarchical position of the job in organization.

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Q-4What is Job specification?


Job specification determines employee characteristics (like age, qualification, gender etc) to perform a particular job, reporting relations and working conditions.

Q-5What is compensation?

The reward package offered to an employee for his/her performance on the relative position within an organization is termed as a compensation package. It includes both monetary & non-monetary rewards

Q-6What is performance appraisal?


Performance appraisal may be defined as a structured & formal method to evaluate employees' performance to check whether the set goals are met or not.

Q-7What is Job Identification”?

Job Identification collects the detailed description of a job, along with skills required to perform the individual tasks of the position into a document.

Q-8What is type A and type B personalities?\

Researchers have differentiated personality into two types on the bases of vulnerability of a person towards the ill effect of stress. People with Type A personality are aggressive and impatient towards their work while Type B personality exhibit less of these behaviors. Type A personality is hyper active. These people always work in urgency. They create stress not only for themselves but also for people working under their supervision. That is why they are not team players. And their decision making is also affected by this behavior. These factors sometimes cause inefficiencies. While Type B people remain calm and take decisions after giving proper thought to it. Moreover they are good team players. That is very important for a top level manager.

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It does not mean that Type A people cannot be at top level. But they are more affected by stress.

Lesson No.35 Q-1What is maintenance stage?


At maintenance stage an individual is able to find his/her true place or career of his choice. Stagnation does not mean that a person refrain himself from learning or knowledge rather it is about finding out the appropriate job or career for himself. People at maintenance stage may progress in their organization or position but most of the time they do not switch their organization.

Q-2What is Lateral skill path I?


Lateral skill path is the movement of an employee to another equivalent designation. It provides opportunities to develop new skills and employees are rewarded by increased job challenge rather than pay increments. For example assistant admin officer can be switched to assistant HR officer. Where his designation will remain same but he may learn a different set of skills or experience

Q-3explain The Development Phase?


In effective career development, there are three phases which are:

• The Assessment Phase

• The Direction Phase

• The Development Phase

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In development phase practical actions are taken in order to increase the skills and capabilities of an employee for any possible future opportunity. In this phase emphasis is given on the self improvement and growth of the employees.

To achieve this goal, the following techniques are used:

• Tuition assistance programs are used to help the employees to plan their careers and provided with enough information so that they have better choices in choosing the career.

• Job rotation is applied to broaden the horizon and experience of the individuals.

• Mentoring and coaching is done by the senior employees to provide guidance and assistance.

Q-4What is Functional job analysis?


Functional job analysis (FJA) is a method of job analysis that was developed by the Employment and Training Administration of the United States Department of Labor. FJA produces standardized occupational information specific to the performance of the work and the performer. FJA is a task analysis technique that distinguishes between what gets done on a job and what workers do to get the job done. FJA focuses directly on worker activities in accomplishing a job.

Q-5Explain recruitment in easy way with example


Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, selecting, and on boarding a qualified person for a job. Or Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization) for a job opening, in a timely and cost effective manner. The recruitment process

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includes analyzing the requirements of a job, attracting employees to that job, screening and selecting applicants, hiring, and integrating the new employee to the organization.

Q-6explain what causes the organizational behavior to emerge?


First of all we will go through the Organizational behavior (OB) and its elements. “Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and organizational structure have on behavior within the organization, for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organizational effectiveness”. The above definition has three main elements; first organizational behavior is an investigative study of individuals and groups, second, the impact of organizational structure on human behavior and the third, the application of knowledge to achieve organizational effectiveness. These factors are interactive in nature and the impact of such behavior is applied to various systems so that the goals are achieved. The nature of study of organizational behavior is investigative to establish cause and affect relationship.

Lesson No-36

Q-1what is Vertical/Horizontal Differentiation?


The mechanistic organizations are those organizations that have formal rules and regulations systems, centralized decision making authority, and high worker specialization. Like bureaucratic or government organizations. Mechanistic structure is vertically designed and a strict chain of command is observed. Horizontal differentiation is done among the same units or functions of an organization. It is based on the education, experience and training of employs and the nature of jobs they perform. While vertical differentiation is about the number of hierarchical levels that an organization has.

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Q-2what is Social Glue?

It is one of the functions of a culture that it keeps people together. It also helps in stability of the social system. Due to this function of culture, it is called “Social Glue”.

Q-3What Do Cultures Do? and what is Material Symbols


Culture is a set of key values, assumption, beliefs, understanding and norms that members of an organization share. It is a pattern of shared assumptions about how things are done in the organization. This pattern is invented or learned as organizational members cope with internal and external problems and then taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems. Material symbols: A symbol may be an object, act or event that conveys special meaning to others. Rite, ceremonies and stories are symbols. Other symbols are physical artifacts of the organization. These are very important as they focus attention on a specific item and its meaning. For example, when a CEO gives increment to innovative and creative employees he emphasizes the importance of innovation in his organization.

Q-4What is Rituals in organizational culture.?


The terms rite and ritual are closely related (the Latin noun rites, of which the adjective form is ritualism), Rites and rituals are recurring activities that are used at special times to influence the behavior and understanding of organizational members. For example taking out Colors when oath ceremony is underway in the defense services. Colors remind soldiers of the excellent work done by their predecessors and the sacrifices they have made. Presentations of certificates and convocation ceremony in the university. Rituals are systems of rites like departmental song, colors, and company picnic or retirement dinners.

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“Cultural symbols are an object, act, or event that serves to transmit cultural meaning”. Corporate uniform, tie, buttons etc are the examples.

Q-5Explain compensation and how is related to career?


Compensation is the total of all rewards provided employees in return for their services. Or Compensation is the remuneration that one receives in exchange for the work or services performed. Typically, this consists of monetary rewards, also referred to as wage or salary. Non-financial Rewards/Compensation is consisting of the satisfaction that a person receives from the job itself or from the psychological and/or physical environment in which the person works. Fair financial and non-financial rewards are the basic required need of an individual who demand and acquire in his/her career. All such rewards comprise a total compensation program.

Lesson No-37 Q-1Define dominant culture and subculture? Question: Which core values are expressed by dominant culture? kindly give example? Question: What is difference between dominant culture and subcultures? Question: What is Rituals. Kindly give example?


The set of key values, assumptions, beliefs, understandings and norms that members of an organization share is called its culture. The overall culture of an organization is its dominant culture. While dominant culture has many subcultures. Culture is a pattern of shared assumption about how things are done in an organization. This pattern is invented or learned as organizational members cope with internal and external problems and then taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems. Sub cultures are the mini-cultures within an organization that are developed and shared by the members of a team, function or a department. It is the combination of common goals, problems and experiences.

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Rituals are organized and planned activities that make up a special event and are often conducted for the benefit of an audience. Company managers can schedule rites or ceremonies to provide dramatic examples of what the company values. These are special occasions that reinforce valued accomplishments, create a bond among people by allowing them to share an important event. For example one of the prestigious pharmaceutical companies of Pakistan sends its best sales person on foreign tours on achieving annual sales goals. These kinds of rituals strengthen and reinforce employee’s commitment to the goals of the organization.

Q-2Explain Radical change and Revoluntary change


When a firm adopts or brings sudden and major changes in its processes or procedures, it is called radical change. For example in past all the production of firms was done through manual processes and through labor force, but with the advent of technology some organizations have to change their ways of doing business on immediate bases to remain competitive or ahead of the competitors.

Lesson No-38 Q-1If organization change your strategies how employees are change your behavior? Answer- In organizational change always comes resistance from employees initially. It’s up to managers how they are motivating employees regarding acceptance of change in organization. So, motivation and overall change benefits play important role in behavior of employees

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Lesson No-39 Q-1what is bureaucratic structure ANSWER- In Bureaucratic structure, highly routine operating tasks are achieved through specialization, formalized rules and regulations. In it, tasks are divided into functional departments, there is centralized authority in place, span of control is narrow and decisions are made in a formal chain of command. It is used in the environments, where there is high complexity. The disadvantage associated with it is that it is very rigid and very slow in adoption of the changing environment. Q-2Explain When the organizations need for the process reengineering? ANSWER- Business process reengineering is a basic concept of Organizational Development, it helps the organization to fundamentally rethink that how they redesign their processes to support their mission and reduce cost. Following are some reasons that why organizations need process reengineering? When organizations need to improve their customer services when they need to reduce their operational costs to be more innovative to become a world class competitor Business leader organizations are becoming bolder in using this technology to support their mission and to keep their competitive position high Q-3explain How the stress can be recognized in organization.? Physiological symptoms: They include increased heart and breathing rates, increased blood pressure and headaches. Psychological Symptoms: They include job dissatisfaction, tension, anxiety, boredom, irritability and procrastination. Behavioral Symptoms: Stress can also be recognized by the behavioral symptoms like absence from job, changes in productivity level, changes in eating

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habits, increase in smoking or taking any other drugs, sleep disorders and speaking rapidly. Q-4Explain the role of 360 degree feedback in the measurement of performance Answer- 360 feedback is a multisource or multi rater feedback , in which an employee get feedback from his / her supervisor, peers, and coworkers and also from his or herself . 360 Feedback as a Development Tool to help employees recognize strengths and weaknesses and become more effective. 360 feedback measures behaviors and competencies 360 assessments provide feedback on how others perceive an employee 360 feedback concentrates on skills such as listening, planning, and goal-setting A 360 evaluation focuses on subjective areas such as teamwork, character, and leadership effectiveness Lesson No-40 Q-1explain Internal Symptoms? Answer- Symptom can be defined as “any indication or sign of the existence of something”. We can say that it is a subjective evidence of any phenomenon to be happened. Internal symptoms are more related to the physical health of a person. It can be mental or physical like depression, illness or anxiety.

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Q-2What is meaning of Symptoms ? ANSWER- Symptom can be defined as “any indication or sign of the existence of something”. We can say that it is a subjective evidence of any phenomenon to be happened. Stress can be recognized by the following three symptoms: • Physiological symptoms • Psychological Symptoms • Behavioral Symptoms Q-3shortly brief Physiological symptoms.? Answer- Physiological symptoms include increased heart and breathing rates, increased blood pressure and headaches. Q-4What is the difference between organizational structure and organizational design? Answer- Organizational Design and Structure are processes for improving the probability that an organization will be successful. Organizational Structure emphasizes on systems and processes. It is the formal system of task and reporting relationships that controls, coordinates and motivates the employees to cooperate each other ,so that the objectives of organization can be achieved. While Organizational design emphasizes on management and leadership styles. It is the selection and management of various dimensions of structure and culture to achieve goals. for example authoritative style of management or bureaucratic style of management.

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Q-5please explain me what are the contemporary change issues managers are facing these days. Answer- There are few forces for change, which trigger the managers to incorporate changes accordingly to be in competition. They are also termed as contemporary change issues/problems managers are facing these days because of the speed of changes occurring in them. The factors/forces are: • Nature of the workforce/human resources. • Innovations • Technology • Competition in the market (Global competitions, mergers, growth of e-commerce) • Economic shocks • World politics • Social trends Q-6explain What management can do to create a more ethical culture within an organization? ANSWER- Ethical culture can be developed in an organization by the management by adopting the following steps: • Establishing fully enforceable code of conduct within organization. • Initiating and conducting ongoing training programs for employees to let them know the expectations of them and better understanding culture within. • Ensuring regular communication between all. • Establishing anonymous reporting hotline to report any misconduct. • Ensuring the reinforcement of code of conduct and actions is taken in case of non-conformity. • Rewarding the employees who are living up to the standard.

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Q-7 please explain me Who is responsible for managing change activities in organizations? ANSWER In organizations only those people who have good understanding of change and have enthusiasm to progress in this technological era can manage the change. Change always comes in the organization with the efforts and support of top management as well as the employees of organizations. Senior executives and managers are involved in managing change in any organization. Lesson no-41 Q-1what is Decision Making? Answer Decision is a choice made from available alternatives and decision making is the process of identifying problems and opportunities, then resolving them. For example when an HR manger decides to hire more employees in production department, he is making a decision. Q-2Explain the Top managers makes all key decisions ? ANSWER- Top Managers are the Key personals in any organization. They have to make all type of important and crucial decisions for the organization. For Example objectives, mission and strategic goals are always made by the CEO or board of the directors of an organization Q-3explain individual and organizational stress management? ANSWER= Individual and organizational stress management topic has been discussed in detail in lecture#40. Kindly watch this lecture carefully and consult handout

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Q-4what are Levin’s three step towards organizational change. ANSWER- Lewin suggested three steps to bring change in the organizations which are as follows: Unfreezing The first step is unfreezing which necessary to initiate change in the organization. In this phase, the system is made ready for change by discontinuation of the old practices, behaviors, patterns or attitudes by creating momentum by increasing driving forces for change and decreasing resisting forces. This step can be carried out successfully by motivating employees for change through punishment or rewards. Moving Necessary actions are taken to involve people in process of change in the second step of “Moving”. People are prepared to learn new concepts and reinterpret old concepts to assess the need or importance of that particular change. Refreezing Refreezing refers to the establishing of new ways of working as ‘normal’ in the organization. If this occurs, the organization will tend to adjust with the new model, rather than the old. If not, it will tend to adjust itself back to the old. Among other thing, recognition and reward should be aligned to new ways of working Q-5 what is anticipatory socialization? difference between organizational and anticipatory socialization? Answer- Organizational Socialization is process by which employees learn an organization's values, norms, and required behaviors for their survival in the system. Whereas Anticipatory Socialization occurs before an individual joins an organization, and involves the information people learn about different careers, occupations, professions, and organizations.

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Q-6 explain symptoms management strategy and it can be used and how? ANSWER- Symptom Management Strategy is actually a control strategy that focuses on reducing the symptoms of stress which occur among employees during heavy workloads. Lesson No-42 Q-1What is formalization? Answer Formalization refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures. If a job is highly formalized, then the person doing that job has a minimum amount of discretion over what is to be done, when it's to be done, and vice versa. The degree of formalization can vary widely between organizations and even within organizations. For instance, at a newspaper publisher, news reporters often have a great deal of discretion in their job. They may pick their news topics, find their own stories, research them the way they want and write them up usually with minimum guidelines. On the other hand, the competitors and typesetters who lay out the newspaper pages don’t have that type of freedom. They have constraints- both time and space- that standardized hoe they do their work. Lesson No-43 Q-1Explain "Correcting Poor Performance" Answer- It is very important for the success of an organization to identify the poor performance and correct and align it according to the goals and objectives of organization. It is the responsibility of a manager to guide his subordinates regarding the criteria of required performance. An employee should be properly

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informed about the expected performance and should be trained to achieve that milestone Lesson NO-44 Q-1What is the meaning of EPM? Answer- EPM is employee performance management. It is the process of assessing progress toward achieving predetermined goals.

Q-2what is locus of control?locus of control internal and external explain?

Answer-Locus of Control is considered to be an important aspect of personality. It refers to an individual's perception about the underlying main causes of events in his/her life. The individuals with internal locus of control believe that his behavior is guided by their personal decisions and efforts. While individuals with external locus of control believe that their behavior is guided by fate, luck or any other external circumstances.

Q-3define politics strategy and politics tactics ?answer-

Political strategy is a plan to reach a goal using specific political tactics. Political tactics are attacking or blaming others, using information as a political tool, creating a favorable image (impression management), developing a base of support, praising others (ingratiation), forming political coalitions with strong allies, associating with influential people, creating obligations (reciprocity)

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People who know how to cope with uncertainties also gain power by using techniques of prevention, forecasting and absorption. By adopting prevention technique people take such actions that stops something from happening. In forecasting people try to predict or work out something that is likely to happen and absorption is a technique according to which actions are taken after the happening of something or an event

Q-5 what is meant by



Zero sum allocation means that the gain of a person or group achieves has to come on the expense of other person or group. Democratic decision making style is characterized by the decisions made with the equal participation of all. Scarcity of resources means shortage of resource.

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Q-6what is meant by agent and target?


Agent is a person who is providing a particular service or somebody who represents somebody else in business. Target is somebody or something that is the focus or object of the behavior or actions of others.

Q-7what is compliance?


Compliance is the state or act of conforming with or agreeing to do something.

Q-8Explain Dissonance?

It means lack of consistency or compatibility between actions or beliefs.

Q-9Explain the concept of the “boundary less” organization.

Answer-In boundary less organizations the goal is to develop greater flexibility and responsiveness to change and to facilitate the free exchange of information and ideas. The boundary less organizations encourage better integration between departments and closer partnerships with suppliers and customers.

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Q-10How does group size affect a group’s behavior?


Group size has an impact on group performance. A group large in size has more available resources and may be able to complete task independently. They can share more ideas and complete tasks in lesser time. But at the same time there are also some problems related to large groups like free riders and social loafing.

Lesson No.45

Q-1What is stereotype?

A stereotype person is one who perceives others on the basis of their belonging to a particular group. For example people usually perceive about Negros that they are strong and good athletes.

Q-2What is Ambiguity?


Ambiguity is a situation in which something can be understood in more than one way and it is not clear which meaning is intended.

Q-3What are Norms?


Norms are standard patterns of behavior that is considered normal in a society.

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Q-4What is Social loafing?


Social loafing is a phenomenon according to which people exert less effort when they work in a group. For example a group of five students are working on a project but they are putting less effort as compared to when they work on individual assignments.

Q-5What is Unity of command?


Unity of command is a principle of management that each subordinate should report to only one supervisor. An employee who had to report to two or more bosses might have to cope with conflicting demands or priorities.

Q-6What is meant by Vested Interest?


Vested Interest is a personal involvement in an undertaking or state of activities, especially one that has a probability of financial gain. We hope this would clear your concept

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