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Enteroliths In Horses by Kc Barclay What are Enteroliths? Enteroliths, or intestinal stones, are a common cause of obstruction-induced colic in horses. They are mineral concretions primarily composed of magnesium ammonium phosphate salts that form in the colon of horses. The mineral salts are usually deposited around a foreign body such as gravel, shavings, or even a piece of baling twine. Their uneven surface causes them to become lodged against the wall of the colon where they continue to accumulate minerals and grow in size. Smaller stones may exist in the colon for extended periods without causing problems, and may even be passed in the faeces. Larger stones, however, cause signs of colic due to complete/ partial obstruction of the colon. Some Horses may even form more than one stone. Who is at risk? Enteroliths most commonly form in horses from 5- 10 years of age, and are most often seen in Arabians and female horses. What causes Enteroliths to form? Although the specific cause is unknown, possible causes include excessive minerals in the diet such as magnesium, phosphate, or calcium, ingestion of foreign objects, lack of pasture grazing, and prolonged stall confinement. Excessive alfalfa hay (or Lucerne hay as we call it in Australia) intake has especially been implicated in the formation of Enteroliths in horses. Lucerne hay provides the gut with a large amount of minerals, including magnesium and phosphorus, this attaches to the foreign object that has been ingested and begins to grow until it either passes in faeces or becomes a problem. How to prevent Enteroliths? Allow horses plenty of time out of their stables exercising, this keeps bowels moving happily and will help minerals and any small stones to pass easier. Feed mixed blend chaffs and white chaffs like Oaten and Barley chaff. When buying Lucerne hay, shedded bales and oaten or barley hay are the best.

Ambers Story Amber is an 8 year old small horse mare, she has always been very healthy and is the proud mother of 2 daughters, her only history of injury or illness in the days prior to getting sick was the morning before her symptoms started she was kicked in the thigh by another horse that made her a little bit lame for 12 hours, the next day she was fine and on the afternoon of the 24th July 2012, Mum called me home from work to check Amber who was lying down refusing to get up or eat her dinner, I work at a Veterinary surgery where I have been a nurse for 12 years so I have seen my fair share of colic horses. When I got home Amber was standing and looked depressed, she was not eating and seemed uncomfortable but not what I would call Colicy

I checked her all over and couldn’t find any reason for her behaviour, her heart rate was 44 (normal heart rate for a horse is around 40), temperature was 37.9 (normal is 37-38) and her gums were pink and moist. I could hear normal sounds from her bowels when I listened with a stethoscope, with only a small decrease in sounds on her upper R side. I decided to get a second opinion from one of the vets I work with and she also found no reason for Amber’s symptoms so we decided not to treat Amber for colic as neither of us was convinced she had an obstruction of any kind. The vet thought maybe she was developing a haematoma in her leg from the kick 36 hours earlier and that would explain why she was lying down. Amber was put onto IV fluids to rehydrate her as she wasn’t drinking when offered water and it had been a hot day so it was possible she had not had enough to drink and that could make her feel off. Overnight Amber’s condition remained the same with no signs of rolling or discomfort just lethargy and she refused to eat anything. IV fluids were continued through the night and the following day which was the 25th of July, I took Amber to work with me for monitoring and more fluid therapy, on the way to work Amber did a small poo that was well formed but very tiny, this was not a huge concern as she had not eaten much so we did not expect a large poo. While at work a further 2 vets checked her over and once again could find no reason for Amber’s symptoms, by now she was eating small handfuls of grass and when given pain relief would eat small amounts of chaff. Between these brief periods of improvement Amber would lay down and sleep, she never rolled or stretched and her bowels continued to make sounds but because she was eating so little they were a bit quiet. We took blood from Amber and ran a general health profile to check for infection or any abnormalities with her organs. They all came back normal and as her observations were all still normal we decided it wouldn’t hurt her to have a drench with some electro-lytes and oil to keep her bowels moving well as she wasn’t eating a lot.

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(QWHUROLWKV�,Q�+RUVHV����-����$PEHU¶V��6WRU\���&RQWG��������������������������������by Kc Barclay After we drenched her the noises in her bowels increased and she seemed happier and was able to eat more chaff. That afternoon she did another small poo that was moist and had some formed balls, it was still a very small poo but it was something so once again it led us away from a possible obstruction. I gave Amber some vitamins in her drip plus some glucose to keep her energy up and I took her home. I stayed up with Amber all that night taking her temperature, heart rate, gum colour and listening for bowel noises, everything was still within normal ranges and she didn’t seem to get any worse, she was at this point still passing a very small amount of faeces about every 12 hours but I wasn’t too concerned as I thought there wasn’t much going in so I shouldn’t expect much out. On the morning of the 26th of July, Amber was once again lying down in the yard not wanting to eat or do anything so we took her to the University Equine hospital for an abdominal ultrasound. During the ultrasound Amber was being a very good patient but seemed to get some spark back once it was time to get a long stay catheter placed in her neck, there was a dozen or more vet students plus staff in the room learning from her case which I think is wonderful as these training vets will one day be faced with complicated cases and symptom’s that don’t give you straight forward answers just like Ambers case. The head medical vet performed Amber’s ultrasound and after what seemed like forever decided he could not find any gas or abnormalities in her bowels that would indicate an obstruction or problem. I was very happy with this result as it meant no surgery and she would be ok, shortly after the ultrasound Amber produced a small amount of diarrhoea that led the vets to think she had a possible colitis starting so they decided to keep her in hospital overnight on a drip to stop her getting dehydrated. During the night the vets at the University performed lots of blood tests and by the following morning when I thought I would be picking her up they had some not so good news for me as Amber now had very low white blood cells which meant she was losing them somehow - most likely from the diarrhoea, they told me she had been moved into isolation in case it was salmonella and they had started culture and sensitivity tests on faecal samples from her to see if that was causing the diarrhoea. The blood tests also showed that because she was not eating properly her Triglycerides were extremely high which was leading to her into hyperlipemia, this is when fatty acids infiltrate the liver and triglycerides accumulate in the plasma, resulting in elevated serum triglyceride levels and impaired hepatic function. Reduced feed intake or anorexia is usually the cause of hyperlipemia. This can be a very serious problem if left untreated - Clinical signs vary widely and are usually a reflection of the primary disease. The most common clinical signs are anorexia and lethargy, but weakness, ataxia, depression, diarrhoea, jaundice, and ventral oedema have also been noted. Prognosis for survival in miniature horses can be as low as 50% in some cases or as high as 78% in others. Because the majority of cases of hyperlipemia in miniature horses occur secondarily to primary systemic disease, the nature and severity of the primary disease is a major determinate of survival. In Amber’s case the primary problem at this stage was not clear but it became a serious situation and the University vets decided to do an x-ray of her abdomen to see if there was anything hiding in there that the ultrasound did not pick up.

By lunch time the vet that was looking after Amber called me with the news no owner wants to hear, they had found something on the x-ray and they need to do surgery to get it out, they were guessing it was an Enterolith and because it looked so large the only option was surgery. On the x-ray the Enterolith looked like a heart in the middle of her body, it measured at least 8cm x 10cm and was made up of 3 smaller Enteroliths that had stuck together, the vets told me it was possible the Enterolith may have been inside her for a couple of years growing and they were shocked there was no previous history of mild colic signs. 3 hours later Amber went into surgery and although the Enterolith was very large it was moveable so the surgeons were able to manipulate it up very high and re-move it with no contamination to her abdomen, they performed a double enterotomy with one incision in the transverse colon just outside the stomach to remove the Enterolith and the other was in the pelvic flexure to empty any contents in her intestines. The surgery was very successful and there didn’t appear to be any signs of inflammation or infection in her abdomen which they later attribute to the 2 days of IV fluids Amber was on before being admitted to hospital.

Amber woke up well from her Anaesthetic and I was able to visit her about an hour after she woke up, she was already trying to eat and looked heaps better. The vets were very happy with her progress while also being shocked by the size of the Enterolith they removed from her. I was shocked by the long wound my precious Amber now sported on her abdomen. During the night after surgery Amber required some Glucose and Insulin plus more blood tests and IV fluids to help stabilise her after the surgery and due to the ongoing problems not eating for 3 days caused her, by the 27th of July and only 24 hours after surgery she had improved a lot and was taken off IV fluids and sent home for me to continue care at home as I was equipped to do all her aftercare myself. I was still required to take blood samples to work daily to check her white blood cells were increasing and also to check her hydration levels but she was improving so fast she impressed everyone and all her levels returned to normal


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(QWHUROLWKV�,Q�+RUVHV����-����$PEHU¶V��6WRU\���&RQWG������������������������������������by Kc Barclay

$ERYH���$PEHU�ZDNLQJ�XS�IURP�6XUJHU\ $ERYH���$PEHU¶V�ZRXQG�DIWHU�VXUJHU\� In the days following surgery Amber continued to eat more and generally improved far quicker then I expected, she was going to the toilet regularly and although she did cause me a lot of sleepless nights stressing if she was eating and drinking enough we got through it and after 2 weeks I knew she was going to be ok. Amber spent 4 weeks locked in a stable with only a couple of walks on a lead in the garden allowed per day. After 2 weeks it was almost impossible to put her back in her stable as she felt better and couldn’t understand why she was not allowed to go play with the others. It has now been 3 months since her surgery and Amber is completely back to normal and is back running with her friends. From this experience I have learnt that even if the horses don’t act like a typical colic horse things like this can still be happening and it is always best to get them checked just to be sure. I am happy that we did everything we could to help Amber and to see her feeling all better back in the paddock is the best reward I could ask for.



I have the Enterolith at home and I plan to cut it in half one day to find out if there is anything left of what may have started it growing. Kc Barclay


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HIGH POINT PEFORMANCE MINIATURE HORSE: JUNIOR EXHIBIT: Kamelco Park Destiny’s Red Hot Pepper SENIOR EXHIBIT: Sapphire Park Sculptures Painted Image HIGH POINT PERFORMANCE SMALL HORSE: JUNIOR EXHIBIT: Tapika Topcat’s Master Of Rhythm� SENIOR EXHIBIT: Sapphire Park Sculptures Ima King

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Thank you so much to all competitors at the NSW State Show the show had great numbers competing and a fantastic friendly atmosphere. We also wish to especially thank Members for their assistance in contributing pics from the show, as the professional photographer organised was unable to attend; we very much appreciate you sending them in and giving us permission to put them in Fine Lines for you. Congratulations to everyone who participated, to be make it such a successful show, especially those who travelled from interstate to join us. Also the winners, placegetters all the horses were of such a high quality, presented beautifully for the Judges, whose comments were very encouraging on the standard of our horses paraded before them. Something I'm sure we all really enjoy hearing as owners and breeders ,you can all be very proud of your animals. Thank you especially to our Members who travelling from Queensland to attend with some very unpleasant weather conditions making your return journey quite scary. I'm sure everyone in NSW appreciates you making the long trip to join us and contribute so positively to our State Show, hopefully some of our NSW Members will make the journey up to your State Show also, so that we can all enjoy the friendly rivalry between our States. The feedback from the Show has been very positive, please keep your ideas coming through, its the only way we can try to make the Shows exactly what you would like them to be. Again our sincere thank you for taking the time to not only attend our 2013 NSW State Show but also for putting in so much time and effort to do so. Colin Lawson State Representative on behalf of the NSW State Committee.


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�����0+$$�6XSUHPH�)XWXULW\�([KLELWV Miniature

Small Horse



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“ Darsirla Savvar “ ~~ Craig Newton ~~ “ Darsirla Shareef “ About 4 years ago we moved to a property in the Adelaide Hills, so we could have my event horse (Cosi) outside the back door. He needed a friend & Craig didn’t want a riding horse but did like the look of minia-ture horses, so we went looking. As we drove in the gate of the first show that we attended, at Gawler in SA, Craig said “THAT’S what I want” & leapt out of the car & chased after a miniature horse. Luckily for us, Shirley Smith appears to be used to apparently crazy people who run after her, ask a lot of questions & cuddle her show ponies! His name was Darsirla Savvar, born 2007, a black small horse, & his designated role at our home was “companion”. The companion very quickly became the “show horse” when, led by Craig he won a ribbon in every class at our first show, which we went to for fun with no knowledge of what to do! It was 42 degrees that day & we had to take Cosi with us because we didn’t have an alternate babysitter for him: 16.2hh of desperation needing to keep his eye on his little friend! From then on we used to borrow a friend’s horse to stay in our paddock so “Savvy” could go to shows alone. Craig has all his ribbons & trophies on display: they are very colourful. We used to take Savvy to the beach often, where he was always a hit with pass-ersby & he would do “ride one, lead one” gallops along the beach on a lunge rein from Cosi - he has a fan-tastic turn of speed! Early in 2011, I got a second “big” horse (Sabre) to event, so we decided to get Savvy his own companion. We’d loved how Shirley & Daryl had helped & supported us with Savvy & he also has the perfect tempera-ment, so we decided to visit the stud & see if we liked his full brother of 2010 Darsirla Shareef. And so, of course, in July 2011, “Reef”, a grey pinto miniature horse, came home. When he first arrived he was very upset by mud & rain. If it was raining we always knew which mini would be clean & dry in his shed. When we got Reef, Savvy was suffering with depression as we had lost Cosi in March. He was a sad small horse for a while & tended to keep to himself. Then in October 2011 he & Reef went to their first show to-gether. Reef was nervous & Savvy stepped up & showed him what it was all about. They formed a bond that day & they now have a firm friendship & sleep, eat, & play tag together. They BOTH won heaps of ribbons in the season & Reef won SA High Point Miniature Horse Junior Gelding 2011 in his first season showing. He has the same super temperament as his brother, & bosses the biggest horse in the paddock – Sabre’s companion “Laddie” - to come & hang out with him & Savvy when Sabre is taken away for a competition. Reef has learnt the joys of mud & is now the grubbier of the two in winter: they have rolling competitions with the big horses & the mini’s always win! We now take them to the beach by themselves & this photo was taken on Christmas Day 2011. Luckily for the ponies Craig is an ex-triathlete, so he can run with them; the general public love to see them out, & Craig & the boys were the subject of many family Christmas photos as various people stopped us to have their photos taken with them on Goolwa Beach! - Written by proud “Mum” Judith, a wedding surprise for Craig Newton: miniature horse owner & enthusiast

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Country Rose Attitude’s Jet Star Sapphire Park Tuckers Fantasy

Excelllence Academy Love Me Tender Country Rose Braveheart by Attitude

Country Rose 143 Toy Soldier Shangrila CK Lord of the Ring

Chamel Fields Sweet William Cranage Lite my Fire


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Country Rose Attitudes In the Stars Wildflower Hot Hot Hot

Country Rose Touch My Heart Sapphire Park Princes Silk Stockings

Shangrila SE Karma Doowsnevar Kimberley Rose

Shangrila NR Miss America Brewers Captivation Prancing Doll (Imp USA)

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Country Rose Attitude’s Southern Star Country Rose RebelChase Really A Star

Country Rose Attitude’s Caliente Dream Country Rose 143 Cross My Heart

Sapphire Park Sculptures Just As Hot Shangrila SE Crusader

Sapphire Park Sculptures Cant Touch This Endeavour Boris


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Country Rose Attitudes In the Stars

Sapphire Park Sculptures Cant Touch This

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Sedona Indiana Jones Country Rose Attitude’s Shooting Star

Rumbrooke Spectaculars Braveheart Shangrila AL Aztecs Design

Centaur Al Capone Tapika Topcat Master of Rhythm

Kamelco Park Shazar Painted Wyld Wildflower Love Song

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Wildflower Sheza Hottie Wildflower Shes so Hot

Shangrila AL Moet on Ice Jedarras RMs Im Exquisite

Beau Cheval NC Dark Temptation Yarreh Lane Roxburgh Grand

Caldwells An Affair to Remember (Imp USA) Shangrila SE Grand Affair

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Summerlea Abras Minikin Warrior Amira Park Valentino

Grahams American Eagle (Imp USA) Country Rose Attitudes Heart Throb

FW Aztecs Laramie (Imp USA)

WHF Captivations Rockin Robin (Imp USA)

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Wildflower Sheza Hottie

Caldwells An Affair to Remember (Imp USA)

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Country Rose Attitude’s In the Stars

Wildflower Sheza Hottie

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Country Rose Attitude’s Jet Star

Ravensbrooke Spectaculars Braveheart

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