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2. Mi full name is BERNARDO TORRES RAMIREZ. I was born in FLORENCIA CAQUETA, on the 29 of ogost in 1998. I am 14 years old. My fathers are: DEIVID TORRES LOPEZ and LUZ DARY RAMIREZ SILVA. I live with my father, my 2 brothers and my stepmother, in the primavera the neighborhood. My primary I ESTUDIED the SEDE PABLO NERUDA school and in the MIRAVALLE school UNTIL MY 10 years old. 3. FUN. I AM VERY HAPPY AND EXCITED ABOUT MY LIFE AND I THANK GOD FOR ME. I AM FINE WITH MY FRIENDS AND AT LEAST I DONT HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THEY. I am now 14 years old and I am studying at the Colegio JORGE Elicer Gaitn in the grade 9 I REALLY LIKE THE COLOR BLUE AND THE SONG TURN TO BORN OF CARLOS VIVES. ALSO I LIKE GO TO STROLLING OR TO PARTS WHERE I HAVE 4. With this, let me introduce you to my classmates, that this is my autobiography, where you will find what i lived and my plans that I would like to make in the future. Conclusin:

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