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Michael J. Emery

We all walk in the dark and each of us must learn to turn on his or her own light. 

~ Earl Nightingale



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Plato’s Allegory of the CaveOnly knowledge of the Forms constitutes real knowledge. Begin recognizing patterns and systems as a key to freedom.


WHAT IS PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT?What you need to know about enhancing your self-awareness, building life skills, choosing your personal identity, resolving limiting beliefs and experiences, and uncovering latent talents and abilities.

One of the philosophical fathers of Western

culture, Plato, wrote the Allegory of the Cave

nearly 2,500 years ago. Ironically, it is perhaps

more relevant today than it was when it was


In The Republic, Socrates describes a

group of people who have lived chained to the

wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank

wall. The people watch shadows projected on

the wall by things passing in front of a fire

behind them, and begin to ascribe forms to

these shadows. According to Socrates, the

shadows are as close as the prisoners get to

viewing reality. He then explains how the

philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from

the cave and comes to understand that the

shadows on the wall do not make up reality at

all, as he can perceive the true form of reality

rather than the mere shadows seen by the


At the end of the passage, Plato expresses

that education is not a process of putting

knowledge into empty minds, but of making

people realize that which they already know.

In our modern era, perhaps these

“shadows” have changed form; in some cases,

becoming clearer than shadows, but more

elusive than ever. The mass of humanity suffers

an endless barrage of media messages from all

sides. The hopes and fears many experience on

various levels of consciousness are directly

derived from the degree to which a person

knows oneself... We are all prisoners who hold

the keys to our freedom, when we perceive the

forms for what they are... illusions. Be your own

philosopher and determine your own path.

The School of Athens

Raffaello Sanzio (1483–1520)

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Personal Development is about accepting responsibility and taking control of your life.

It includes the activities, exercises, and

learning opportunities that enhance self-

awareness and facilitate an empowered identity.

Nearly all, but a small fraction of the population

are just “doing time.” By this, I mean going

through the motions and repeating what their

parents did or striving for the social accolades

that media messengers deem as important.

Personal development can include the

following activities:

• improving self-awareness / self-knowledge

• choosing your identity

• developing internal resources

• identifying and improving potential

• enhancing your lifestyle

• choosing a life path

• improving social abilities

HealthOptimizing your physical wellbeing means

understanding the foundational building blocks

of health. This includes applying the latest

advances in nutrition, exercise, and rest.

WealthThis is an intangible, qualitative concept

that could aptly be described as, “you know it

when you’ve got it, and you know it when you

don’t...” My opinion is: unless you pursue a path

of creative work, you are no better than an ox

chained to a plow wandering across a field...

RelationshipsIntimate, familial and social relationships all

require the ability to communicate effectively. A

major challenge in today’s relationships is due to

media influences that manufacture dissent and

distrust between couples and a lack of empathy

for other human beings. It isn’t all about you.

SpiritualityFor centuries, religion had held the claim to

spiritual experience and expression. Even today

religious persecution occurs around the world

and only a few generations ago “witches” were

burned at the stake for their practices. Oddly

enough, my profession would have either landed

me a job in a royal court or a turn at the

inquisition rack. Spirituality is your connection to

the qualitative experiences in life - those things

which are beyond words and are often

described as a sense of “oneness.”


What do you talk about...? There’s no need for extensive case studies - just do your own empirical research when it comes to the context of your next conversation. My guess is that the majority of your conversations fall into the contexts of health, wealth, relationships, and spirituality. These are what we fixate upon and harness our resources to experience in life.

"Be here now." ~ Ram Dass





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You don’t know what you don’t know.

A Johari window is a cognitive

psychological tool created by Joseph Luft and

Harry Ingham, used to help people better

understand their interpersonal communication

and relationships.

As with all models, there are

generalizations and margins for error, but what

the Johari Window demonstrates is that there

are perceptions others have of us of which we

are not aware, things that we know but no one

else knows, and additionally there is the

mysterious individual unconscious part of us of

which no one is aware. This is the realm of my

Attention Shifting programs - drawing out of you

the innate abilities and capabilities you have

while sharing with you the resources you need

to proactively pursue your personal


Often pain is the catalyst for change.Pain comes in many forms: heartbreak in

the form of a relationship ending or never

beginning; illness, death and dying; financial

distress or loss; change in-or a sudden

awareness of-social status; and, undesired

circumstances. Typically, the pain is so great or

seemingly unbearable that most people will do

anything to get away from it. In my opinion, this

is directly related to the rampant, widespread

usage of symptom-suppressive (pharmaceutical)

medicine. Pain is your mind/body’s way of

saying, “Hey, pay attention. Something is

wrong!” But if it is only masked and not heeded,

then the symptoms will continue indefinitely.

Embrace pain as your call to the Hero’s Journey,

and in hindsight this will make sense.

Pleasure is a different catalyst for change.

A sign of one’s personal development is

the ability to begin psychologically, physically,

and emotionally choosing the actions and

behaviors necessary to move you closer to

desired experiences. Instead of moving away

from what you don’t want (the reaction we’re

conditioned to experience), you begin

consciously determining exactly what you want.

The next step is proactive preparation for those

moments you’ve been waiting to experience.

Where are you going...? "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” [said Alice] “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat. "I don’t much care where--" said Alice. "Then it doesn’t matter which way you go," said the Cat.

~ Lewis Carroll Alice in Wonderland


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20 Personal Development Secrets1. Your greatest challenge is your biggest opportunity.The psychologist Carl Jung believed that

everybody who seeks therapy has a story. “The

patient who comes to us has a story that is not

told, and which as a rule no one knows of. To

my mind, therapy only really begins after the

investigation of that wholly personal story. It is

the patient's secret, the rock against which he is

shattered. If I know his secret story, I have a key

to treatment.” (Memories, Dreams, Reflections,

p.117) Jung also stated, “what you resist

persists.” As you move forward to take on the

greatest challenge in your life, you’ll find that it

requires that you surpass the levels of

mediocrity that society has laid out for you to

follow. We all have an Achilles heel, and like the

Greek hero we must move forward toward our

purpose regardless of that weak spot. When you

accept it, you’ll likely find that the more painful

and secretive it is, the more people have

experienced it also. Accept, integrate, and

transcend... This is your biggest opportunity.

2. Fear will always be an option.For most people living in the West, there isn’t

much actual fear in the sense of us being

physically threatened with pain or the loss of life.

Of course, this is always readily available should

one want to seek it out, but for the most part we

have been pretty sheltered when you contrast

our lives by the lifestyles of our ancestors

hundreds and thousands of years ago. Modern

fear reveals itself in two forms: anxiety and

overwhelm. Anxiety is the same fight or flight

response that fear creates, but instead, anxiety

is based upon hypothetical, imagined scenarios

taking place within a person’s mind. The mind-

body processes this imagined scenario as

something that is actually happening and this

results in a sympathetic response within the

body. Overwhelm, is what occurs when a person

tries to maintain a constant too far out in time

(often perceived internally as distant in time/

space). The further away an event or experience

is, the less control one actually has over it.

Overwhelm is bringing too many events to the

forefront of one’s mind while overlooking the

immediate small steps necessary to move

towards a specific event. As you realize these

subtle distinctions, you’ll find that you are

actually in control of many more situations than

you might have believed. It’s all a matter of how

you perceive it...

3. Live at the edge of your comfort zone.I believe that we’ve been misled to pursue

balance as a final resting place in our lives.

Many of the experiences we attempt to make

happen in during our lifetimes are based upon

processes that require leaving the state of

equilibrium. Consider fitness as an example -

you break down muscle tissue so that it

generates more size and strength. You do this

by pushing and pulling it out of balance. From

one perspective, balance is what you’re

experiencing right now in this very second.

Regardless of whether or not things are calm or

chaotic as this state continues in your life in the

form of something that you desire to get away

from her move out of, then you’re likely in a

state of equilibrium now. I believe that there is a

point at which we can all find ourselves at the

edge of uncertainty and discomfort, while

internally finding the sensation of being alert,

relaxed, and leaned back as we move into the

future. It is at this edge that we are the most

alive. If you don’t believe me, consider all the

people who are thrill seekers trying to find

adrenaline rushes while staying safe.

4. No one else really cares.Period. Not even your closest friends and family,

because in many ways they’ve decided to

accept you as you are... It’s harsh, I know, but

everybody else is too busy worrying about their

problems and how they’re going to get an ahead

in life. If you don’t change or don’t do anything

extraordinary in your life it won’t really upset

them. However, you will find that tension can

exist when you begin to make changes. They’ll

test you to see how congruent you are with your

endeavors. Take their tests as a compliment and

a sign that you’re moving forward...

5. You’re really not that flexible.Paradoxically, there seem to be only two

constants in life (perhaps three if you count

death): uncertainty and chaos. We tend to prefer

change when it’s on our terms and we can

anticipate a degree of uncertainty. In some

cases, the greatest gift we can ever receive from

the universe is unexpected change which of

course brings along with it a great deal of

uncertainty and chaos. Embrace it , realizing

that no one gets out of life alive. In the rare

occasions you manage to do this, you’ll look

back realizing that you are the calm in the heart

of the storm.

6. What you’re experiencing is exactly that to which you are the most committed.A lot of people want to do a lot of things

different, or at least that’s what they’ll say... I’ve

also heard the highway to hell is paved with

good intentions. And, just to fit one more

maximin in here, an old mentor of mine used to

constantly tell me that there are millions of

people out there in the world dying of terminal

potential. The bottom line is you’re getting

exactly what you want - on one level or another.

So, if it’s not working for you it’s time to check

your blind spot (unconscious mind) and set a

different course for the future.

7. Everyone else is really waiting for you to lead.The average person makes a big deal about

getting his or her way when it comes to minutia

(the minor details). This is just an ego-based,

narcissistic pissing contest. When it is really

time for significant leadership, the valedictorian,

the class president, the quarterback, the head

cheerleader, the office manager, and the

neighborhood bully usually can’t be found.

When you say you’re going to do something,

people will go through a variety of stages. First,

they’ll demonstrate disbelief and say “sure

whatever.” Second, once you’ve been

moderately successful, they will say they

supported you from the very beginning. And,

lastly, when you become very successful, they

will tell everyone they know how they knew you

you’d be a success from the very beginning.

Don’t wait for them or their approval, because

they’re waiting for you.

8. There will always be an excellent excuse.No matter what you want to do, there will be an

equal, if not greater, force pushing you in the

opposite direction. The most effective way to

stay on track it is to learn how to give yourself

double binds. Remove failsafes and establish a

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path forward with many options, but destroy the

possibilities of retreat. And when it gets tough,

as it always will when you’re doing something

significant, remind yourself that you’re only

getting warmed up.

9. At the end of the day, only you are responsible for your life. People are being gradually acclimatized to not

taking responsibility for their actions behaviors.

We live in a litigious society. If you slip on the

floor you can sue someone. If someone tries to

save you from dying while administering CPR,

and you sustain injuries from their attempt to

save them, you can sue that person. If a

business sells you coffee and you spill it on

yourself, you can sue them for selling hot coffee.

The “system” is designed to babysit people so

that they give away their sense of personal

power and responsibility. It is human nature to

try to place the blame on someone or something

else, but doing so rarely resolves anything. This

is an external locus of control, and people who

live by this live in a world of blame and act as

the poster children for irresponsibility. When

you shift control inwards and assume

responsibility for even the strangest or most

challenging of circumstances, regardless of its

degree of truth, at least you’re choosing to

participate in a way that gives you power To

decide, act, and choose.

10. Someplace on the spectrum between your greatest fear and most innate talent lies your opportunity for greatness.Most people don’t have a clear understanding of

what they fear. In many cases fear is elusive,

and spread throughout various contexts in their

lives as a generalized sensation that is felt but

rarely observed. Observe your fear, treat it like a

part of you, and chunk up to its highest intention

in your life. Learning how to chunk up from

specific fears, to larger and more encompassing

meta-fears will give you an idea as to how much

fear has been generalized in your life. Often, its

highest purpose is just to keep people safe, and

now you know this you can establish more

effective ways for managing fear. As you read

earlier, most of the time this fear is in the form

of anxiety or overwhelm. However, the two

major fears that exist are: the fear of immediate

personal injury and/or death, and the fear of

social rejection. On the other hand, I believe

there is that thing you do naturally, no matter

how marginalized or how great it might be... It is

the one thing that has been a marker of personal

success and victory. It is up to you to learn how

to transmute this thing that you have done

throughout your life into a larger spectrum of

service and value. I’ll tell you mine, trusting that

someplace at the core part of you in charge of

making your most important decisions, this will

spark the fire of inspiration. I flunked the first

grade. In hindsight, I don’t even know how that

was possible, but I flunked. I could not write and

I could not read. I spent more time in the

principal’s office suffering from homesickness

which is actually a form of anxiety. Yet, oddly

enough within the following two years I’d

become one of the most voracious readers in

my peer group; reading anything and everything

I could get my hands on, and this hasn’t

stopped. From the outside, it’s no big deal; quite

insignificant actually if you consider how many

people can read, but for me it was a personal

victory in something that I have channeled into

my unique way of serving and adding value.

What is your’s?

11. Death is waiting.The author Carlos Castaneda shared that the

shaman Don Juan told him that death sitting on

his left shoulder is his most powerful teacher. "A

detached man, who knows he has no possibility

of fencing off his death, has only one thing to

back himself with: the power of his decisions.

He has to be, so to speak, the master of his

choices. He must fully understand that his

choice is his responsibility and once he makes it

there is no longer time for regrets or

recriminations. He decisions are final, simply

because death does not permit him time to cling

to anything... The knowledge of his death guides

him and makes him detached and silently lusty;

the power of his final decisions makes him able

to choose without regrets and what he chooses

is always strategically the best; and so he

performs everything he has to with gusto and

lusty efficiency.” (A Separate Reality p. 184) For

many people this is a morbid thought. there’s

been so much speculation around death – and

what might happen after - that many of us have

become ingrained with certain belief systems.

Or, at least fragments of systems, and usually

the perpetual damnation variation. The one

constant, that I mentioned earlier is that in life no

one gets out alive. Death awaits us all. The

challenge is that none of us know what our final

moment might be. We can either ignore this, and

fear it, or, we can live each day as though it’s our

last while planning to stay alive until our twilight

years. There is the often used maxim, carpe

diem, yet with all the busyness of life we tend to

push that aside. Ultimately, it is not until we face

the brevity of life, and not that of someone

else’s, but our own short, fragile existence that

we can draw true power and perspective in the

moment. I often say, and do my best to follow

through, with the statement: “act as if...” today,

tomorrow, and until the final day, act as if it is

your last and live from your heart. And, to death

there on your left shoulder, smile and say, “not


12. No one can do it for you.Nope. Not your doctor; not your psychologist;

not your politician; not your favorite athlete; not

your favorite entertainer; not your pastor, imam,

priest, guru, or any other holy man/woman. And,

definitely not me. At best we can serve as

guides, inspiring you, and at worst we will

distract you from your purpose. This is your life,

your fragment of time, you deal with the

consequences, and you accept full responsibility

for your thoughts, your emotions, and your

actions. That’s how it’s always been, and this is

how it will stay when you choose to keep your

personal power.

13. It is okay to be mad at your parents... There is no manual for raising children. Some

parents are downright horrible and some are

amazingly inspirational. For whatever reason,

and you can think of a multitude of different

meanings to assign, from burning off karma to

the chaotic luck of the draw in the multiverse.

Regardless, you survived childhood in one form

or another as is evidenced by the fact that

you’re reading this now. You learned a lot. And,

you can re-learn it all differently if what you

“learned” hasn’t served you. Perhaps, you could

take it as a personal cause to do your part to

ensure that those initial learning experiences will

not be repeated on your watch. And going the

opposite direction, to promise to uphold the

sanctity of the positive learning experience so

that future generations will benefit from them.

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Emotions are energy. Stagnant emotions are

stagnant energy. Stagnation in the human body

body can, over time, turn into cancer. Likewise,

stagnant emotions that are not processed

through the body will eat away at you. So, it is

up to you to move them out and process them.

Be angry, be hurt, be helpless, be whatever you

need to be until you fully access those emotions

and release them; consciously letting go of hurt.

Forgive your parents and anyone else who

wronged you. There is a Buddhist saying that

holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal

and attempting to throw it at another person-

you are the one who is burned. In most cases,

your parents did the best they could based upon

the resources they had while dealing with the

situation at hand. Whatever happened then was

the past, and reading this now makes you

responsible for the present and moving forward.

14. Only you can define your personal standard for integrity.A hypocrite is someone who does not take his/

her own advice, or demands that others do what

they would not. As is evidenced by current

events, integrity is not dependent upon

education, social class, or religion. The

supposed best and brightest in academia have

been caught up in all sorts of corporate financial

scandals. Those who we believe to have

concrete philosophical backgrounds, when

appointed to political positions have more often

than not cheated, lied, and sold out the very

citizens they promised to represent. Then, there

are those religious leaders who purport to

represent the teachings of the specific belief

system yet their actions go against the very core

message of that religion, and they wield their

followers as a weapon bringing death instead of

spiritual life. When it comes down to it, all you

have is your personal sense of integrity.

Understand what it is, be certain about how you

developed it, and be flexible enough to adapt it

to circumstance. You are the measure of your


15. Life is meaningless until you champion a cause.People who say, “what is the point,” have either

lost the connection to their personal cause, or

never fully developed it. Participation in

something that is greater than oneself,

benefitting others, is the highest calling, and we

all have the opportunity to make this our

vocation. Any problem in the world is an

opportunity for you to hone your skill sets,

develop resources, face fears, and champion a

cause. Throughout your life, you will encounter

the weak and the helpless, you will have

countless opportunities to inspire and lead

through your actions. You can draw upon the

resources left behind by those who go before

you, and you can create resources for those

who follow your footsteps. Inspire autonomy,

independence, and resourcefulness and the

cause you champion will one day be won.

Sometimes, simply saying “no” is a revolutionary

action, and if you’ll reflect for a moment on

history countless men and woman courageously

sacrificed their lives for you, defending your

liberties and freedom, simply by wielding my

favorite word. “No.”

16. You’re constantly nominalizing.In the field of NLP (neuro-linguistic

programming), a nominalization is what occurs

when a process becomes static. Typically our

linguistic representation [nominalization] of

experiences [nominalization] deletes,

generalizes, and distorts a process

[nominalization] in its entirety [nominalization]. In

fact, much of what we communicate

[nominalization] is being nominalized

[nominalization]. nominalization occurs when a

verb, adjective, or adverb becomes a noun.

This may not seem very important, but many

problems occur when people perceive

processes as static, non-changing events. For

example, think of a relationship. This term

actually represents a process of relating to

another person. Problems may arise when one

or both people involved in a relationship believe

it will not change. If there is a challenge you’re

experiencing, my guess is that it is something

that has been nominalized, or perceived as a

static event. Linguistically, it is easier to convey

and “grammatically proper,” but dramatically

hinders our perceptions of events. Change a

problem into a process and you’ll find yourself

perceiving many options that were previously


17. You’re continuously changing.Some people believe they don’t change, others

insist that they don’t want to change, and quite

a few agree that we can’t help but change. In

the human body cell tissue is constantly being

renewed. Some cells last a few days and others

may last years. Research indicates that possibly

all cells - except for a select few cell types in

the brain and the heart - are recycled. The

perception many people have might be to think

of their body as a fairly permanent structure,

most of it is in a state of constant flux as old

cells are discarded and new ones generated in

their place. Each kind of tissue has its own

turnover time, depending in part on the

workload endured by its cells. The cells lining

the stomach last only five days. After traveling

nearly 1,000 miles through the maze of the

body's circulatory system, red blood cells last

only 120 days or so on average before being

dispatched to their graveyard in the spleen. As

this is a process that is continuing as long as

your heart is beating, you’re changing in many

and all ways... Embrace it and generalize this

change systemically through all areas of your life

and you learn empowering skill sets, discover

metaphors, and enjoy growing.

18. All emotions are energy.As children, we tend to learn that some

emotions are good while others are bad. What

if, neither is the case. Instead emotions are

packets of energy, carrying signals throughout

your mind-body. We tend to channel our

emotions through external sources. I won’t be

gender specific since it’s irrelevant, but

someone who is experiencing a lack of passion

in his or her life might turn to a romantic movie

or book to fill this void. On the other hand,

someone who is channeling aggression might

take it out at the gym or by watching mixed

martial arts competitions. I’m personally

indifferent about the outlet of these emotions, as

long as they do not harm others. I’m more so

interested in people realizing they are in charge

of any emotional experience. The English word

emotion is derived from the French word

émouvoir. This is based on the Latin emovere,

where e- (variant of ex-) means "out" and

movere means "move." The related term

"motivation" is also derived from the word

movere. When perceived this way the best

emotions to practice, are the emotions that have

the best long-term benefits for you and those

around you. Every emotion has a “residue” you

carry with you, and it is up to you to decide what

you want to associate with your being.

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19. You’ll never be fooled when you follow your gut instinct.The gut instinct is what kept your ancestors

alive long enough to procreate. You are here

today because of the instinctual drive to live and

create. Your gut instinct is a part of your

unconscious mind whose role it is to ensure you

stay alive. Of course, this is just my own

definition and you’re free to make up your own

but what is important is to realize that your gut

instinct is here to serve and keep you safe. It

runs based upon what has been imprinted upon

your paradigm. Often, throughout your life will

find that what you desire to do conflicts with

your gut instinct. This is not a sign that what you

are trying to do is wrong, but instead a warning

for you to reconsider what you want and if it still

seems congruent with your ideals and values

then update your paradigm by re-imprinting it.

Be forewarned, the your gut instinct may not

allow you to do what seems to be okay for

others. This may change over time, or quickly if

it is reframed with new understandings or

information, or it may never change. If it is

something you really desire to experience, then

gradually acclimatize yourself to the experience

by taking precise, effortless steps toward it. Let

go of the outcome and focus more upon the

inner dialogue of permission and imagery. After

all, there is some perceived danger or parts-

conflict occurring in this scenario.

20. Don’t believe anyone.Not even me. The majority of people are

followers. In practically every situation they are

leaking their personal power. Most often, our

egos do their best to prevent us from being

wrong. In our current society there is an

abundance of opinions, information,

misinformation, and disinformation. Statistics

can be skewed to serve practically any purpose

- at least 79% of the time for half the population.

There are many truths out there and it is easy to

create truisms especially since you’re reading

this right now, but the objective truth is better

left in the halls of philosophy. You are free to

create your own belief system. There are many

rules in the universe - some of which are even

referred to as laws - but ultimately it’s up to you

to choose or not choose how you live your life.

Those who are afraid of being wrong will follow

somebody else’s system, and those who are

results-oriented might borrow from various

systems and create their own. You can probably

guess what I do. And, I encourage you to

approach all experiences and information with a

degree of skepticism and open-mindedness.

But don’t believe me. Try it for yourself. Do your

own research. Be responsible for your own life.

Live in a way that inspires you to greatness. Do

what moves you. As Joseph Campbell said,

“follow your bliss.” This will take you down the

strangest of paths, and create the most

rewarding of experiences. It will be tough. You

will be challenged. There will be times in which

you doubt you’ll be able to continue. You’ll feel

the greatest of agonies and the most refreshing

joys of fulfillment.

But don’t believe me, find out for yourself...

Be Amazing.

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Place your attention on the experiences you desire to have in life...

At the first sign of trouble, we tend to habitually recall the last failed

experience or imagine a negative possible outcome. I believe human

beings are wired this way as a survival mechanism to keep us alert and

aware of potential danger. But, it doesn't necessarily work to our benefit

in most situations. The "T-Rex is chasing me" (fight or flight ) response to

someone cutting us off in traffic, or the notice that our boss wants to

speak with us is old programming. That said, we "can't help but learn..."

and these default reactions are engrained, hardwired into our DNA. But

you can learn to control your emotional states and mindset, and as a

result control your behavior.

If we can't help but learn, then it's probably in our best interest to

reframe our learning behaviors and practice empowering outcomes for

old situations. This is the process of creating new neural pathways -

synapses firing and sending messages along neural tissue resulting in new


This is learning and what you practice, you perfect;

imagined or real. And, this is the main purpose behind

the Attention Shifting personal development programs.

These hypnosis and NLP-based audios give you an

opportunity to rehearse and practice specific

situations; resulting in the creation of new neural


There will always be surprises and challenges in life.

How you [re]act in response to the situation will be

congruent with what you have practiced, and if you haven't practiced a

specific outcome... Well then, just about anything might happen,

but it probably won't be what you want. There a very few

opportunities you’ll have in life to experience an

environment in which you can practice state

management and develop emotional resources. This

isn’t new age, fluffy talk about the “secret” Law of

Attraction, nor is it the deep hypnotism of forgetfulness.

Instead, this is about reclaiming your personal power,

facing fears, and overcoming challenges. All in all, it is

about you succeeding, pursuing significance, and

becoming your own source of inspiration.

“What you practice in your mind’s eye you

perfect in reality”~ MJE


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Direct Download: 4 mp3 audio files / 75 minutes total • Track 1: A+ Student 1 - Program overview and guided imagery

techniques. • Track 2: A+ Student 2 - Theta brainwaves that are effective

for studying, writing, memorization, and focused reading. • Track 3: Alpha Brainwave - Effective for active learning,

presenting, and acting. • Track 4: Delta Brainwave - Effective for deep meditation,

brainstorming, and drawing upon intuition.

One of the biggest obstacles for students of all ages is finding a way to effectively study, learn, and complete assignments without being distracted. Often students waste more time with distractions than they spend actually studying. Learn more about the A+ Student NLP and Hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 26 mp3 audio programs / 230+ minutes totalAdvanced Sports Imagery for Athletes is a 26-part audio program series for athletes that will teach you how to apply the best techniques in the fields of guided imagery, sports psychology, self-hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). In most sports, the majority of the emphasis is placed upon outer game skills such as physical conditioning, endurance training, and exercises related to a specific sport. The inner game is a bit more elusive. Exceptional athletes at every level tend to develop inner game skills like an understanding of the rules, strategies, and psychology of a specific sport. Yet, the most important element that completes the outer game and inner game skills is an athlete’s ability to change his or her beliefs and learn to control his or her emotions, mindset, and actions. Learn more about Advanced Sports Imagery for Athletes...

Direct Download: 14 mp3 audio programs / 400 minutes of audioAll 14 of the Attention Shifting 1.0 personal development audio programs in one folder. Save $4.00 and get all of the 1.0 audio programs for only $10.00.Attention Shifting 1.0 consists of the following programs: Put Off Procrastination, Expressive Personality, Expressive Personality 2, Complete Confidence, Attracting Wealth, Dynamic Determination, A+ Student, Healing the Inner Child, Applying Anger, Deep Sleep, Release Stress and Anxiety, From Depression to Hope, Disappearing Cancer, and The Call.

You can also download this bundle as part of the $75 Attention Shifting bundle and save. Learn more about the Attention Shifting 1.0 NLP and Hypnosis bundle...


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Direct Download: 29 minute mp3 audio programWhat if your anger was perceived to be like a fuel? Most people are afraid to even show anger because they don't trust that they can experience anger and still be in control. What if you could? What things in your life could you apply all energy this toward? Applying Anger is a unique 30 minute program that creates a private, safe place for a person to experience and redirect their anger. When directed and applied, anger can become one of your most powerful resources for achieving what you want in life. Learn more about the Applying Anger - NLP and Hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 850 minutes (14 hours) of hypnosis and NLP based personal development programs in mp3 audio format. Attention Shifting 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 are included in this compilation. The 1.2 gigabyte bundle includes: Dynamic Determination, Pure Focus, Creative Space, Compelling Clarity, From Depression to Hope, End Your Day Perfectly, Start Your Day Right, The Call, Applying Anger, Just Your Luck - Beginning to Change, Reclaim Your Life, Attracting Wealth, Expressive Personality, Transpersonal Meditation, A+ Student, Release Stress, Complete Confidence, Healing the Inner Child, Full Forgiveness, Sheer Resolve, Deep Sleep, Advanced Sports Imagery, Re-imprinting Yourself, and Put Off Procrastination. Learn more about the Attention Shifting Bundle...

Direct Download: 25 minute mp3 audio programThe Attracting Wealth audio program will take you through several exercises specifically designed to strengthen your sense of deservedness, align your purpose with your values, integrate new ways of attracting wealth into your life and creating clarity in your unique way of living in abundance. Learn more about the Attracting Wealth NLP and Hypnosis audio program...

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Direct download: 32 minute mp3 audio programWhat would it be like if you were able to clearly visualize an object or perfectly hold a concept in your mind's eye for as long as you desired? Perhaps, for you, it might be something as complicated as detailed diagrams with thousands of integrated components, or maybe something as seemingly simple as the form of an apple turning and rotating, zooming in and out, changing colors and size as is appropriate. A Zen-like state of "no mind" will allow you to experience clear cognition, allowing fleeting distractions that have captured your attention the past to fade away in order to understand your world with a compelling sense of clarity. Learn more about the Compelling Clarity NLP and Hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 30 minute mp3 audio programConfidence is not necessarily related to just social situations or interacting with other people. Your level of confidence is shaped by your feelings - by expanding the sphere of what you believe to be possible for you - you create the flexibility to respond competently and proactively when it is important. Very few people take the time to practice what they ideally want to experience in life, and are often left responding unprepared to the demands of their environment. As always, it's your choice to decide how you will live. I believe you will be amazed with the clarity and confidence you can live with by incorporating this practice into your life. Learn more about the Complete Confidence NLP and hypnosis program...

Direct Download: 27 minute mp3 audio programCreativity is a mind/body process resulting in the generation of new ideas, concepts, and associations. Or, perceptions between previously unrelated elements and elements sharing similarity.Divergent thought is both original and appropriate for the challenge, need, or opportunity at hand. The Latin root creatus literally means to have grown. And, during this time, you will have many opportunities to see beyond limitations and capture original thoughts. The purpose for this program is to create a white room, a specific space in your mind, or a place that only you will know about... Here you will be able to store all thoughts, ideas and plans that are relevant to your needs. This space is specifically reserved for your creative process. Learn more about the Creative Space NLP and hypnosis program...

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Direct Download: 22 minute mp3 audio programDeep Sleep is designed with soothing sounds and ambient dimensions to bring even the most restless of minds to slow down and relax into restful REM sleep. Specific sound frequencies scientifically shown to slow the brain's activity are used in this program to create an environment for deep sleep. If you suffer from insomnia, anxiety, or random thoughts running through your mind when you are trying to sleep, then try a natural way to safely fall asleep. This program is specifically designed to train your body how to enter a state of restful sleep. Learn more about the Deep Sleep NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 51 minute mp3 audio programThis program will affect the way a person faced with the challenges of cancer interacts with their friends and family, and how they can move into well-being. It doesn't matter if you pay close attention to what is being said, or if you quickly doze off to the ambient music - you will wake refreshed and hopeful. Don't be too surprised if forgiveness occurs; old, broken relationships are mended; and you find a sense of peace beyond words with the situation at hand. Learn more about the Disappearing Cancer NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 16 minute mp3 audio programThis NLP program is designed to empower you to take the necessary steps toward what you want to experience. By building upon the small steps, you can quickly move toward success in what you want. Many people have big picture wishes or hopes, but they have not identified the little steps in-between, which when linked together will absolutely contribute to success. Perfect for mental and emotional rehearsal before important events. Learn more about the Dynamic Determination NLP and hypnosis audio program...

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Direct Download: 20 minute mp3 audio programCommunication with your unconscious mind is by definition hypnosis. When you use your own internal imagery, create your own imagined scenarios, visualize, and experience emotions as a result of your internal imagery - this is self-hypnosis.I've personally found that the best way to access my unconscious mind is through the use of guided visualization prior to falling asleep. Imagine this to be like planting seeds in the field of your unconscious. When you pay attention to will permeate throughout your mind and body; resulting in the emotions, mindsets, and the actions that you experience in the future. Learn more about the End Your Day Perfectly NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 47 minute mp3 audio programHave you ever felt a little stuck when it comes to expressing yourself? Perhaps there are certain emotions that you just don't know how to convey to other people? Expressive Personality is a great way to learn how to try on those emotions and create flexibility with you capability to communicate with others. This program is about you becoming the full embodiment of what you want to share with others. It will help your interactions professionally and personally, and can be used in the context of various situations. Learn more about the Expressive Personality NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 26 minute mp3 audio programMany people experience depression in life, and it's all for various reasons... For some, it seems never-ending and for others it may be circumstantial. There is a way out of depression - when your entire world seems to be collapsing upon you - you can experience change. From Depression to Hope will show you powerful ways to reframe previously depressing experiences and this program will hold a space for you to create the changes you want and resolve old challenges now. If you have ever experienced a time when you felt completely overwhelmed or pushed to the brink of depression, make one subtle, small change today. Learn more about the From Depression to Hope NLP and hypnosis audio program...

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Direct Download: 37 minute mp3 audio programTwenty-five centuries ago, a man by the name of Siddhārtha Gautama, known to most of us as The Buddha is recorded as having said, “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Full Forgiveness empowers you to drop the hot coal that has been burning you. It cuts out, eradicates, cancels, and makes the wrong as if it had never been. Some people may have learned or perceived forgiveness equals weakness. Learn more about the Full Forgiveness NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 30 minute mp3 audio programSo many people despondently wish that their childhood was different - that their parents were different, the environment was better, other people treated them differently, or that they had more resources like food, money, or social status. What is often overlooked is the process that all of your past experiences share: they formed your beliefs about what is or is not possible for you today. Even at an unconscious level, you are reacting to your environment based upon the patterns that were likely formed during your earliest years. Learn more about the Healing the Inner Child NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 140+ minutes of audio / 3 mp3 audio filesThe How to Visualize Series includes the following audio files:How to Visualize - Self Awareness and the Fives Senses - Visualization techniques designed to awaken and vivify your perceptions through all of your sensory faculties. How to Visualize - The Visual Submodalities of Perception - Visualization techniques drawing specifically upon NLP perception models designed to encompass a full spectrum of information processing and how this affects physiological and emotional states. How to Visualize - Time and Space Imagery - Experience how perceptions of time and space affect the ways that information is coded into your mind / body while understanding how linguistically this also occurs unconsciously during communication. Learn more about the How to Visualize NLP and hypnosis audio programs...

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Direct Download: 49 minutes of audio, 1 mp3 audio fileHow to Visualize - Self Awareness and the Fives Senses - Visualization techniques designed to awaken and vivify your perceptions through all of your sensory faculties. Learn more about the How to Visualize - Self-Awareness and the Five Senses NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 45 minutes of audio, 1 mp3 audio filesHow to Visualize - The Visual Submodalities of Perception - Visualization techniques drawing specifically upon NLP perception models designed to encompass a full spectrum of information processing and how this affects physiological and emotional states. Learn more about the How to Visualize - The Visual Submodalities of Perception NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 48+ minutes of audio, 1 mp3 audio files zippedHow to Visualize - Time and Space Imagery - Experience how perceptions of time and space affect the ways that information is coded into your mind / body while understanding how linguistically this also occurs unconsciously during communication. Learn more about the How to Visualize - Time and Space Imagery NLP and hypnosis audio program...

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Direct Download: 46 minute mp3 audio programThis is quite possibly one of my most playful audio programs to date. Just Your Luck is really about you, and people all over the world, reclaiming your self-autonomy and choosing to live in an empowering way. Trusting... that more people are joining you every day; sharing similar values that promote individual and collective well-being. One of my points in this program is that you always have a choice as to how you are going to process and perceive information, events, circumstances and the way your life unfolds. Learn more about the Just Your Luck NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 24 minute mp3 audio programWhat if you could harness the power that your habits have been exhibiting in your life and redirect this force into a state of pure focus that you can aim at any goal or challenge in order to achieve your desired outcome in a way that is nearly effortless… It’s been said before that your habits will determine your future and when observed it has been found that successful people typically have successful habits that compound and grow permeating into all areas of their lives in a way that you will similarly experience. This is making it impossible for you to not experience pure focus automatically. Learn more about the Pure Focus NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 39 minute mp3 audio programIt doesn't matter to me if your reason for wanting to end procrastination now are for your personal good, for the good of the world, or both. I think that it will all happen as you begin to bring more of what you want into your life by taking the necessary steps to move ahead. Perhaps it's your health that motivates you. It might be money. Maybe it's in the realm of relationships. You know best what it is and you'll know when it is time to make a change. Remember my friend, you can get back to procrastinating later. Aren't there things that benefit your life and the lives of those around you that you really want to be doing...now? Learn more about the Put Off Procrastination NLP and hypnosis audio program...

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Direct Download: 43 minute mp3 audio programThis program is specifically designed to cause previously unconscious imagery and thoughts to become conscious. And, portions of it will require you to actively change your thinking. Most people will experience that it does not happen easily or automatically at first, but on the other hand, some people do find he opposite to be true.... The changes they really desire to have happen, happen of their own accord when one’s attention is shifted to what is desired and, this might very well be for you. If you follow the instructions, then with each successful completion of the exercise you may find that the active participation happens more and more effortlessly until it is automatic. Learn more about the Re-imprinting Yourself NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 49 minute mp3 audio programThis program is specifically designed for soldiers, veterans, first responders, law enforcement and all individuals who have experienced a traumatic event that, until now, had impeded your quality of life. I use the catch phrase posttraumatic stress because of its popularity in society but I do not intend to imply that it is a disorder – my feeling is that it is no one’s responsibility but your responsibility to control your mind. And, when you have discovered the appropriate resources you will have authority to reclaim control over the way you process information – past, present, and future. Learn more about the Reclaim Your Life From Posttraumatic Stress NLP and hypnosis program...

Direct Download: 20 minute mp3 audio programI have also realized the importance of hitting the "restart" button on my mind, body and emotions. We all have goals in life that are important to us and if we don't routinely take time-out's for ourselves, then we are actually limiting the successful achievement of our goals by being overstressed or under-rested. This 20 minute program is designed to create an environment in which you can allow any stressful situation to just fade away. Nearly every person experiences times when things seem too overwhelming and often we don't take the time needed to allow our nervous system the downtime it needs to recharge and heal. Learn more about the Release Stress NLP and hypnosis audio program...

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Direct Download: 40 minute mp3 audio programBurn the ships behind you... There are some things in life which require more than just a little motivation and effort. Very few people live with a burning sense of conviction that they must do something specific; something compelling that constantly runs through their minds. As you apply Sheer Resolve to Do What It Takes to a specific outcome the encouragement you receive will come from those who are seeking the value you have to offer. They will get what you are about and they will perceive you under a totally different light. A light that most of those who know you can’t see… yet. Learn more about the Sheer Resolve NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 17 minute mp3 audio programThis personal development program creates an excellent opportunity for you to reframe each morning. Wake up, roll over, and put on your headset. You have another 20 minutes to doze and a wonderful opportunity to program your unconscious mind in preparation for the day ahead of you. Never knowing what day might be your last, seize this opportunity by finding the energy that propels you forward looking for opportunities to live life to its fullest. Learn more about the Start Your Day Right NLP and hypnosis audio program...

Direct Download: 37 minute mp3 audio programThis program was originally based off of work I did in grad school around men finding purpose in life by experiencing the monomyth - or what Joseph Campbell referred to as the "Hero's Journey". (It is readily applicable to either gender.) The Call is an NLP and self-hypnosis audio program for men to discover their life purpose. It is a tribute to Joseph Campbell and his monumental work, The Hero's Journey. I'm reminded of a quote by Thoreau written over 150 years ago, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." It seems that more and more men are becoming disillusioned with the life that is most readily available to them today. Instead of boldly championing a cause and pursuing something purposeful, how often do we shrink in the face of mediocrity? Learn more about The Call - an NLP and hypnosis personal development audio program...

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Direct Download: 3 hours, 20 minutes of mp3 audio from the workshop; a colorful and detailed 66 page PDF manual with scripts; 50 minutes of mp3 audio with binaural beat frequencies: Out of Body and The Illusion of Time by Michael J. Emery - used as the background music of the workshopTaught in the style of a personal breakthrough session, this workshop will train you how to linguistically guide people through Timeline Imagery™ in a way that will free them from limiting beliefs and experiences. Learn more about the Timeline Imagery NLP and hypnosis training program...

Direct Download: 41 minute mp3 audio programPsychologist, Carl Jung, first used the phrase transpersonal unconscious as another way to describe the theory of the collective unconscious (the shared, intuitive knowledge shared by human beings). The term transpersonal means going beyond or transcending the bounds of ego. It can describe a state of oneness or nothingness as in the absence of preconception or senses. Often, individuals who have these experiences recount that the experience was simply and profoundly beyond words as language serves only to limit an experience that is timeless, spaceless, and outside of ego function (the perception of the personal "I"). That was their experience, and whatever is waiting to happen next for you will be your when you listen to this meditation / visualization mp3. Learn more about the Transpersonal Meditation NLP and Hypnosis audio program...

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Michael J. Emery uses NLP and Hypnosis to

focus upon changing conditioned responses -

think Pavlov's dog. The bell rings and the dog


Everyone has unconscious reactions to their

environments: the way a loved one looks at you,

hearing your boss's voice, seeing an email from

someone important, these examples all create a

specific response that either causes you to feel

good or bad in your body. How you feel almost

always determines your actions and outcomes

in specific situations.

What most people do not realize is that they are

in control of those reactions, and they can

create a response that benefits them. This is

called state management in the field of neuro-

linguistic programming (NLP). What separates

highly successful people in any field from those

who are not considered successful, is the

individual's ability to manage his or her

emotions, mindset, and actions in a seemingly

unpredictable environment.

Salespeople can learn how to overcome cold

call reluctance and as a result earn more money.

People in a relationship can learn how to

rekindle the passion even though it seems to

have dwindled over time. On the other hand,

people wanting to get out of limiting

relationships can learn how to break those

attachments that have been holding them back.

Someone needing to lose weight or make health

improvements can learn how to

avoid unhealthy foods, and in it's

place, create cravings for

healthy food and exercise.

You can learn how to

control your inner dialogue

(self talk), manage the

internal imagery (mental

pictures and movies) that seem

to play automatically, and grab a

hold of your emotions and the feelings in your

body so that you feel great about yourself and

what you're doing with your life.

Ultimately, my approach to personal

development coaching results in you becoming

aware of the ways that your body is processing

the information that comes in through your five

senses, and how this information is filtered to

create meaning which results in your response

to it. You will learn how the various ways you

represent this information to yourself diminishes

or increases your perceptions of an experience

so that you can take control of yourself in any


Try out the Coaching GymThe Coaching Gym is an innovative approach to

personal development coaching because of

several factors: worldwide access, coaching

precision, and focus completely upon NLP

synesthesias – the unconscious reactions to

specific situations (Pavlovian conditioned

response). The Coaching Gym uses Skype

video-conferencing technology for live

conversations anywhere in the world with an

Internet connection. My Coaching Gym is based

upon research that shows people have

conditioned responses for specific situations –

and that these responses become generalized

and associated with other experiences that are

perceived as similar. By changing the default

reactions to planned, by-design responses you

become empowered in a specific situation to

control your actions, emotions, and mindset in

order to create your desired outcome. Hence,

the Coaching Gym – just like attending the gym

to see physical results only you can do the

exercises. You will be expected to work and you

will notice the results!

ABOUT MICHAEL J. EMERYPersonal Development Coach and Trainer.

Want 1-on-1 Coaching?

Join Michael J. Emery’s Coaching Gym and show up ready to change!

$175 per hour

What is the Coaching Gym?• Worldwide access via phone / Skype• Coaching precision and expectation you

will show up ready to work on yourself• Focus upon NLP synesthesias and

conditioned response (Pavlovian)• Develop your unique strategy for

managing emotions, mindset and actions• Prepare in advance for important events• Learn to manage perceptions of time,

space, and information

Michael J. Emery, M.A.

Michael J. Emery has a masters degree from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology and a bachelors degree in marketing and advertising from Portland State University. Michael is a certified hypnotherapist and a certified trainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).


Place your attention on what

you want to experience.

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