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Page 1: Michelangelo buonarroti

Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564)

"I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free“


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Michelangelo, Pieta, c. 1500, St. Peter’s, Vatican

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Michelangelo, David, 1501-1504, Florence

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Michelangelo was creating sculptures for Julius II’s memorial when the Pope told him to design and paint the Sistine Chapel Ceiling.Since he so strongly believed he was a sculptor and not a painter he despised the project from the beginning writing to a friend he whined,

“This miserable job has given me a goiter…The force of it has jammed my belly up beneath my chin. Beard to the sky…Brush splatterings make a pavement of my face…I’m not a painter.”

And then he painted the most exceptional, admired, and powerful style of the High Renaissance.

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Michelangelo, Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, 1511-1512, before and after the cleaning

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Michelangelo, The Fall of Man, Sistine Chapel, 1508-1512

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Layout of the Sistine Chapel Biblical Stories from the Old and New Testament

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Michelangelo, The Last Judgment, Sistine Chapel, 1536-1541

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Michelangelo, Moses, San Pietro in Vincoli 1513-1515

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Michelangelo,Slaves, 1519-1536,

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Michelangelo, Tomb of Giuliano Medici, New Sacristy , church of San Lorenzo, Florence, 1519-1534

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