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Page 1: Micro analysis - Paranormal Activity

Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension.

DeJarna Green

Scene: 1:22:52 – 1:27:34

Page 2: Micro analysis - Paranormal Activity

DeJarna Green

Mise-en-sceneProps:The main prop of this sequence is the old video camera found at the start of the film. It is constantly used throughout the film but in this scene instead of having Ryan hold the camera for all of it, Emily Fleege holds on to it for the second half of the scene. For majority of the scene, the lights are turned off giving a dark atmosphere, causing the camera to be put in night-vision mode, limiting the colours to shades of green and black because the audience is only limited to two colours and an even worst vision of the film.

They use sheets to try and cover Toby once they are trapped in the pentagram. While it doesn't kill him, it reveals Toby's tall figure as he stands to the audience and characters. The sheets are white are to represent light and goodness, trying to get rid of Toby who is pull of darkness and evil. The audience might think that having the white sheet being lightest object in the scene will show that there is hope of Toby disappearing for good.

Scene: 1:22:52 – 1:27:34

Page 3: Micro analysis - Paranormal Activity

DeJarna Green

Mise-en-sceneSetting:The Fleege’s house, decorated for the Christmas season. The scene starts off in the living room, where it is large and open, so that they can try and cleanse the house and get rid of Toby. Fully furnished, with bright walls and a hint of red and yellow. This makes the house look warm, welcoming and friendly, easily showing that a family is living in that house trying to enjoy the festive season.

Upstairs has narrow stairs and corridors with a low ceiling, making it look more cramped and easier for Toby to catch up to Ryan Fleege, since he can only go in one direction. This also makes it impossible to hide anywhere and it give the Fleege family and Toby a clear path to Leila’s room.

Leila’s room is small and has bed in the middle of the room, giving Leila and Emily a hole to the other dimension above her bed. The Atmosphere has completely changed from the start of the film because of gateway to the other dimension has suddenly appeared out of nowhere, looking like it was carved into the wall.

Scene: 1:22:52 – 1:27:34

Page 4: Micro analysis - Paranormal Activity

DeJarna Green

Mise-en-sceneLighting:Set at night, so it is kept dark with only the dim Christmas lights, various lighting from the surrounding rooms and lighting from outside to keep it from being completely black. It gives the living room a lot of shadows and a dull yellow lighting, trying to keep a family and seasonal feeling but it disturbed by Toby presence.

During this scene, the lights are turned off and the camera turns to night-vision limiting the colours only to green and black. However, it has created more shadows, the long corridor to Leila's room is black, making it impossible to see the end of the corridor.This is so that the audience can not see Toby but know he is there lurking in the dark.

Leila's room only has lighting at the end of the portal and just like the dark corridor, the audience can not see the other end. It gives a slight ominous feeling, knowing that is the only place to run to but not knowing where it leads to. This can make the audience think, what would be at the end of the tunnel creating so much light because bright lights can mean getting to safety or close to death.Hpbtectunit10.wordpress.comLearning outcome 1 – micro analysis

Scene: 1:22:52 – 1:27:34

Page 5: Micro analysis - Paranormal Activity

DeJarna Green

Mise-en-sceneCostume:Emily, Mike and Ryan Fleege and Skyler are all wearing casual clothing. They wear a mixture of blue, brown, green and white, which blend in with the house. This can show the audience, that they were not important as Leila or that they die inside the house. This isn't something something the a lot of the audience may think about

Priest Todd wears all black, in which all priests wear. The audience will be able to easily pick him out from the rest of the characters but also an outsider, since he is introduced towards the end of the film and is the first one to die.

Leila wears a simple white nightie. Children often symbolise innocence so making her wear a white nightie enhances it. In addition to this her wearing her pyjamas can be a sign of her being weak and vulnerable because she is currently possessed by Toby and there isn't anything she is able to do about it, showing the audience that she never intentionally created the portal or try to revive Toby.

Scene: 1:22:52 – 1:27:34

Page 6: Micro analysis - Paranormal Activity

DeJarna Green

Mise-en-sceneCharacter movement:Everyone apart from Leila, who remained still after entering the scene, is constantly moving. Skylar and Mike set up for trapping Toby by moving the rug and drawing a pentagram on the floor, Emily goes off to get Leila and Ryan is filming everything. While everyone is moving at a fast pace not knowing what is going to happen, Todd doesn't seem as scared as the rest, he moves to certain location where Toby is lurking. This means he has done this before or has been given specific instructions on how to cleanse the house.

Once they thought Toby was gone for good, everyone's attention went to Leila as she turns back to normal. However after Mike and Skylar die,without hesitation, she runs to her room. Even with her parents screaming at her to stop she still runs away. This could tell the audience that she is still possessed by Toby because she is disobeying her parents.

Emily because hesitant and clumsy towards the end of the sequence. She falls over once when she reaches the top of the stairs and then again when Ryan dies. The audience will be able to tell that she is afraid when she enters Leila's room and see the portal, and looks back into the hallway before entering.They will think, she doesn't know what to face,being killed by Toby or following Leila to an unknown location.

Scene: 1:22:52 – 1:27:34

Page 7: Micro analysis - Paranormal Activity

DeJarna Green

Sound:Toby's screams and screeches are diegetic sounds, while they are really loud inhuman noises that can determine how far away he is. The audience will think, what Toby might look like to make such a monstrous sound, since his appearance isn't revealed clearly. Another diegetic sound is when Toby kills Ryan,the sound effects are similar to a knife or a sword which is really sharp, showing the audience how sharp Toby's nails are, piercing though Ryan's chest.

Ambient sound is non-diegetic, it stops there being any silence between conversations.This tricks the audience because they know that if there is no sound at all then they can prepare for a jump scare but with ambient sound, it can make them feel uneasy, knowing that there is some kind of low sound making a dark atmosphere.

Scene: 1:22:52 – 1:27:34

Page 8: Micro analysis - Paranormal Activity

DeJarna Green

Cinamatography:Throughout the whole scene it is handheld by Ryan and then Emily later on. It gives the audience a point-of-view shot on who the camera is held by so that they can see everything clearly, especially when the lights are turned off. The more camera movements such as whip pans can show the amount of fear and movement of the character. This shows how afraid the character holding the camera can be.

They have close-ups of the characters' faces such as Leila when her eyes are black, they show the audience that she is possessed by Toby. They use close-ups again for Todd and Skylar, this shows the audience the last appearance of the characters and how the characters die. This is so that the audience think these characters aren't dead if you don't see them dying.

There is a low angle shot when Toby when he is under the sheets. It increases his height as he walks closer to the camera, making the audience feel small and powerless compared to Toby without even knowing the actual height of him because they are closer to the ground.

Scene: 1:22:52 – 1:27:34

Page 9: Micro analysis - Paranormal Activity

DeJarna Green

Editing:CGI has been used multiple times throughout this sequence. Toby becomes trapped in the pentagram and flames appear with Toby's figure trying to escape. For health and safety, it isn't real to prevent and damage to the house or character. Later on Ryan get impaled by toby's hand, which could still be possible with practical effect but wouldn't look as good and the hand wouldn't be able to hold on the camera.

They edited the screen to look like it was filmed on the prop of the old video camera, so that they were able to have good quality for the audience to watch and still make it feel like the prop was actually used and are watching a found-footage film that did actually happen.

While it doesn't have a lot of cuts, it is still fast paced by the amount of character and camera movement. Since this film is made to look hand held, the camera is always shaking and changing angles, increasing the intensity the more it moves through the house.

Scene: 1:22:52 – 1:27:34

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