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  • 7/28/2019 Microbeast 3.0.2 Eng




  • 7/28/2019 Microbeast 3.0.2 Eng


  • 7/28/2019 Microbeast 3.0.2 Eng


    BEASTXb e A b S O L U T e S T A b L e


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    3 MOUNTING AND CONNeCTION 113.1 Mounting the MICROBEAST unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113.2 Preparing a transmitter or ybarless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123.3 Servo connections and auxiliary channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

    4 Rcivr connction 144.1 Connection o a standard receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154.2 Use o single-line receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

    5 Rcivr typ stup 245.1 Receiver type choice (receiver menu pointA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .245.2 Input channel assignments (receiver menu pointsB -H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265.3 Programming the Failsae (receiver menu pointN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

    6 SeTUP PROCeDURe OVeRVIeW 326.1 Setup menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .346.2 Parameter menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .346.3 Example: Selection within the menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356.4 Switching to the next menu point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

    7 SeTUP MeNU 36AMounting orientation o the MICROBEAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37B Swashplate servo requency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38C Tail servo center position pulse length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40D Tail servo requency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41E Setting the Tail rotor endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

    F Setting the Tail sensor direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45G Adjusting the swashplate servo centering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47H Swashplate mixer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

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    I Setting the swashplate servo directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50J Teaching the cyclic pitch geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51K Adjusting the collective pitch range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53L Adjusting the cyclic swashplate limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54M Setting the swashplate sensor directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55N Setting the pirouette optimization direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

    8 DIALS AND TAIL GYRO GAIN 608.1 Swashplate: cyclic gain (Dial 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .608.2 Swashplate: direct cyclic eed orward (Dial 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .618.3 Tail dynamic (Dial 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

    8.4 Tail gyro gain (adjusted by the transmitter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .629 PARAMeTeR MeNU 63A Swashplate cyclic center adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64B Control behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65C Swashplate pitching up compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67D Tail HeadingLock gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68

    E Stick deadband. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70F Tail torque precompensation (RevoMIX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71G Cyclic response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72H Pitch boost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73

    10 THe FIRST FLIGHT 74


    12 TROUbLe SHOOTING 77Lgal trms 81

    Disclaimr 81

    Copyrights 81

    Dclaration o conormity 81

    M I C R O b e A S T o v r v i w 8 2

    Adjustmnt options - ovrviw 83

    My srvo stup 84

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    Radio controlled (R/C) helicopters are not toys! The rotor blades rotate at high speed and pose

    potential risk. They may cause severe injury due to improper usage. It is necessary to observe common

    saety rules or R/C models and the local law. You can gather inormation rom your local R/C model

    club or rom your national modelers association.

    Pay attention to your own saety and the saety o other people and property in your vicinity when

    using our product. Always y in areas away rom other people. Never use R/C models in close proximi-

    ty to housing areas or crowds o people. R/C models may malunction or crash due to several reasons

    like piloting mistakes or radio intererence, and cause severe accidents. Pilots are ully responsible or

    their actions, and or damage or injuries caused by the usage o their models.

    The MICROBEAST-System is not a ying aid or beginners! It replaces the conventional mechanical

    ybar on most R/C helicopters. It is absolutely necessary that you have ying experience and that you

    are experienced in the operation o R/C helicopters. Otherwise we suggest you to seek the support o

    an experienced helicopter pilot beore you undertake the rst ight o your model. Additionally, ight

    training with a R/C simulator can help make ying easier and more enjoyable. Ask your local dealer i

    you need technical support or i you observe problems during the usage o our system.

    Please read the ollowing instructions thoroughly beore the rst use o your MICROBEAST and

    setup the system careully according to this manual. Allow sucient time or the setup procedure and

    check each step careully. Watch or a mechanically clean and proper build o your helicopter. A wrong

    system setup can lead to a serious accident and damage to the model.

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    Radio controlled (R/C) models consist o several electrical components. It is thereore necessary to

    protect the model rom moisture and other oreign subtances. I the model is exposed to moisture this

    may lead to a malunction which may cause damage to the model or a crash. Never y in the rain or

    extremely high humidity.

    Do not expose the MICROBEAST-System to extreme variations in temperature. Beore powering up

    the system, wait some time so that the electronics can acclimatize and any accumulated condensation

    is able to evaporate.

    MICROBEAST consists o highly sensitive electrical components with limited capability to operate

    with excessive vibrations or electrostatic discharges. I you nd such disturbances in your model, the

    use o MICROBEAST should be postponed until the problems have been xed.

    When operating the helicopter with a MICROBEAST ensure there is a suciently large and stable

    receiver power supply. Because o the direct coupling o the rotor blades to the servos, without the use

    o a ybar mixer, the servos are exposed to increased actuating orces. In addition, because o the inter-

    mediary electronic gyro system, the servos are driven more oten than with traditional use.

    Ths actors can mak th powr consumption incras a lot compard to a yar hlicoptr

    Particularly when operating electric helicopters with single-line receivers, make sure that the elec-

    tric motor cannot start inadvertently during the setup procedure, i the ESC is connected directly to the

    MICROBEAST. We recommend disconnecting the electric motor rom the ESC during the setup proce-

    dure. Prior the rst usage please slide the motor/pinion away rom the main gear, then check that the

    motor does not to start inadvertently when the receiver is switched on.

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    Plas not that ths instructions ar

    only valid or th MICRObeAST rmwar Vrsion 3xx !

    The delivered sotware version is printed on a sticker on the outside o the MICROBEAST packaging.You can also read it out on a computer by using the optional USB2SYS Interace and you can directlyread on the MICROBEAST unit during the initialization phase, what rmware version your MICROBEASTis running:

    The MICROBEAST rst carries out a brie LED test by lighting up all menu LEDs simultaneously, andcycling the Status-LED color. Then or about 3 seconds, the Status-LED lights red while the menu LEDsA -G display the rst digit o the rmware version, and the LEDsH -N the second digit o the rm-ware version. Only th rst digit o th rmwar vrsion is o importanc!

    I only LEDB is lighting or i the display on initialization is not as described, but ONLY a running lighto all menu LEDsA -N, then the MICROBEAST is running an older version. In this case we recommendupdating to the latest rmware version. I you like to continue to use the older rmware version, youmust also use the appropriate instructions and not this manual!

    You will get more inormation about the version display in section 11 o this manual.

    Firmwar vrsion 3xx

    On the rst column LEDsA andBmust light corresponding to digit 3.LEDsH -N are irrelevant or the purposes o this instruction manual.


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    Dar customr, thank you or choosing th MICRObeAST!

    MICROBEAST is an easy to use three axis gyro system which makes it possible to y R/C helicopterswithout a mechanical ybar. This brings a boost in power as well as longer ight times and makes itpossible to adapt the agility and ying behavior o your helicopter to your individual preerence.

    The MICROBEAST has a built-in high end tail gyro based on the latest MEMS Technology which givesyour helicopters tail perect stopping behavior and constant rotation rate during any manoeuvers.

    The MICROBEAST can be used in nearly any size o helicopter, using either electric motors or nitro en-gines or propulsion. It provides ight stability or beginners and maximum agility and precision orintermediate and proessional pilots.

    Nevertheless, the MICROBEAST is not a ying aid or beginners! I you are inexperienced with modelhelicopters, please consult an experienced pilot or help with setup and your rst ights.

    The ollowing manual will lead you step by step through the setup procedure rom the correct moun-ting o the unit up to the rst ight. Please read the ollowing instruction manual thoroughly. You willsee that during the development o the MICROBEAST, that our ocus is to user riendly and soon youwill be able to operate the system intuitively.

    The included overview map o the setup menu can be taken out to the ying eld as a quick reerenceto the various menu options.

    Check our website WWWbeASTXCOM where we will inorm you about the latest updates and down-loads.

    Now have un and a good time using MICROBEAST!

    Sincrly, th beASTX-Tam

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    31 Mounting th MICRObeAST unit

    Attach the MICROBEAST unit by using one o the provided gyropads at apreerably low vibrating position on your helicopter such as the gyro platorm orreceiver platorm. You may also need to choose another type o mounting paddepending on the vibration pattern o your helicopter. Ask you MICROBEASTdealer.

    The MICROBEAST unit can be attached at or upright, and even upside downunder the helicopter. Howvr, th srvo connctor pins must always pointtoward th ront (or rar) o th hlicoptr

    Pay attention that th dgs o th MICRObeAST unit ar all paralll with thcorrsponding axs o th hlicoptr! And be sure that the mounting platorm is perpendicular tothe main shat!



    Connectors parallel

    to the longitudinal axis

    Fig. 1

    Fig. 2

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    32 Prparing a transmittr or yarlss

    (This step is unnecessary when using the MICROBEAST with the optional cable or stand-alone tail gyro use.

    Please see 4.1.2)

    First create a new model in your radios model memory. When using the MICROBEAST you have to disableany mixing unctions or the swashplate or tail. Each unction should be assigned to just one receiver chan-nel. As you see our requirement or the transmitter is very low.

    Be sure that all trims and sub trims are disabled and that all servo travel are 100% (increasing or decreasingthe servo travel or aileron, elevator and rudder can later adjust the maximum control rates, see chapter 9-B ).

    Never enable your radios eCCPM mixing unction: this will be done by the MICROBEAST. Always set yourradios swash mixer to mCCPM (mechanical mixing) which is oten called H1 or 1 servo mixing.

    Do not adjust the pitch curve at the moment. For the setup procedures, it has to be set as a straight line rom-100% to +100% (or 0 to 100% depending on radio brand).

    Again make sure that there are no mixing unctions active (or example revo-mixing).

    Other unctions such as throttle curves, ESC switches or auxiliary unctions can be adjusted as usual.

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    33 Srvo connctions and auxiliary channls

    In slot CH1 is the elevator servo. With electronic swashplate mixing the two roll servos have to be con-nected to CH2 and CH3, with a mechanical mixed head (H1) the roll servo connects to CH2 and pitch

    servo to CH3. The tail servo is always connected on CH4.

    Dont plug th srvos into th MICRObeAST yt! Th corrct srvo typ and appropriat drivingrquncy has not yt n slctd in th Stup mnu We recommend not installing the servohorns yet as the servos could bind and get damaged on rst power up.

    When you route the wire leads in your model make sure that there is no tension passed to theMICROBEAST. Make sure that the MICROBEAST is able to move reely, so no vibrations getpassed onto the unit.It is not recommended to bundle or tie down the leads clos to the MICROBEAST.On the other hand the wires must be attached so that they are unable to move the MICROBEASTduring the light. In particular, do not use any shrink tubing or abric hose to bundle or encase

    the wiring in close proximity to the point at which the cables are plugged into the Microbeast.This makes the cable sti and inlexible and can cause even the slightest vibrations are trans-mitted to Microbeast.

    At this point w would lik to point out that th corrct dimnsioning o rcivr powr supply is vryimportant (beC and attry currnt rating, numr o supply cals, cal diamtr, cal lngth )For yarlss hlicoptrs, th load on th srvos and th rsulting powr consumption is signicant-

    ly highr than or hlicoptrs with a yar! Also th srvos ar constantly in motion whn usd withan lctrical control systm

    Fig. 3





    CH2 CH3



    CH2 CH3




    CH H32 C2 C


    mechanical mixing electronic mixing

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    In relation to the control o MICROBEAST you have the opportunity to use diferent types o receivers.It is distinguished between conventional standard receivers and socalled single-line receivers:

    A standard rcivr is a receiver that is connected to the MICROBEAST by using any single servo output othe receiver to connect the ve control channels between MICROBEAST and receiver. The channel whichdetermines the controlled unction simply is selected by inserting each plug to the correct output at thereceiver. In section 4.1.1 it is shown how to exactly connect the receiver to the MICROBEAST when using theMICROBEAST as ybarless system. In addition the use o MICROBEAST is possible as a stand-alone tail gyro.See section 4.1.2 to learn how to connect receiver and MICROBEAST in this case.

    When using a singl-lin rcivr all channels are transmitted by one single connection line to theMICROBEAST. Because o this, it is not possible here by inserting the appropriate plugs in the receiver toassign unctions to the MICROBEAST. This must be done by a specic setting in the MICROBEAST (describedin chapter 5).Also single-line receivers similar to standard receivers with additional single channel connectors areavailable. Thereore you only have to treat such receivers as single-line receivers in combination withMICROBEAST i you really use this unction.

    How diferent types o single-line receivers are connected to the MICROBEAST is described in section 4.2.

    Use as a stand-alone tail rotor gyro in single-line mode is possible under certain circumstances,but not intended and thereore is not described urther in the ollowing.

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    41 Connction o a standard rcivr

    411 Flyarlss usag

    Now plug the receiver cables or aileron, elevator, pitch, rudder and tail gain between the MICROBEASTand the receiver. To nd out the channel assignments o your remote control receiver, please reer tothe user manual o your transmitter or contact its manuacturer.

    To connect lvator and ailron, use the plain 3-wire cables that transmit the control signal in

    addition to the power supply rom the receiver to the MICROBEAST.Pitch (red), tail (orange) and gain (brown) have only one lead or the control signal on the receiver side, andare connected to the MICROBEAST on the combined connector. Please ensure these plugs are connectedcorrectly to the receiver. Although the cable color is diferent, all three wires are signal lines, which go to theusual orange, yellow or white side! + and - remain open on theses channels.

    Please respect the polarities or the plugs going to the MICROBEAST. The orange line on the MICROBEASTmust always be on the top and the brown on the bottom. Also sur whn insrting th connctors

    not to accidntally plug thm into th spac nxt to th pins or vrtically ofst y on pin

    Other wires such as throttle servo, ESC or power supplies are connected as usual to the remote controlreceiver.



    Elevator servo

    Aileron servo 1

    Aileron servo 2 / Pitch

    Tail servo

    Ruddr (orange)Pitch (red)

    Tail Gain(brown)



    Fig. 4Top

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    412 Usag as stand-alon tail gyro

    The MICROBEAST can also be used as high-end stand-alone tail gyro. This requires the use o a special patchcable which can be purchased separately. This ensures that the MICROBEAST is provided with power andthat the signals or rudder and tail gain are available rom the receiver.

    The signal lead with the orange and yellow wires must be connected to the slot[ Aux | Pit | Rud ]. The orange wiremust be closest to the topside o the MICROBEAST.

    The power lead must be plugged into the slot [ eLe | DI1 ]. The brown wire (negative or ground) is on thebottom, the red wire (positive or power) should be in the middle position. Connect the tail servo to [ CH4 ].

    I using th MICRObeAST as stand-alon tail gyro only th mnu pointsA,C,D,E andFnd

    adjustd in stup mnu All othr mnu points can skippd

    To avoid damage to the tail servo, rst setup menu pointsC andDwhich are tail servo pulse and requency,prior to connecting the servo.

    Tail servo


    Tail gyro gainReceiverouputs

    Fig. 6


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    42 Us o singl-lin rcivrsThe MICROBEAST enables the use o conventional receivers with individual channel outputs or the use ospecial receivers which output the channel signals as a merged single-line signal. These include Spektrumsatellite receivers, PPM composite signal receiver (e.g. Futaba SP Series receiver or the satellite receiver rom

    Jeti ), receivers with Futaba S-BUS as well as receivers with SRXL compatible data output (e.g. SRXL-Multiplex or BEASTRX).

    421 Gnral nots

    When operating with single-line receivers (Spektrum satellite receiver, PPM composite signal receiver- e.g. Futaba SP-series or the satellite receiver rom Jeti, receivers using Futaba S-BUS, SRXL

    compatible receivers), the throttle servo/motor controller can be connected to [CH5] on theMICROBEAST. When using a motor controller or electric models with a BEC this slot then also will besupplying the MICROBEAST, the servos and the receiver with power.

    We recommend i possible (e.g. on all receivers that have normal servo connectors together with singleline output) to connect the throttle servo/motor controller directly to the receiver to benet rom thenative Failsae/Hold unctions. Although the MICROBEAST also has adjustable Failsae or [CH5] this will

    only be activated when the connection between MICROBEAST unit and receiver ails but not orexample in case o signal loss between transmitter and receiver.

    On slot [DI2 | CH7 | CH6] another auxiliary channel is available on the top pin [CH6], or example tohook up a governor or nitro engines. Please note that this slot is only issuing a control signal and hasno power. For this reason a servo cannot be plugged here directly. The two lower pins [DI2] and [CH7]are reserved or other applications. Nvr connct a powr sourc on thos two pins: this could

    damag th MICRObeAST!

    In the case o an electric model i the ESC has a second BEC output or when using a bufering batterythis wire can be connected to the [SYS] terminal or (i possible) plugged directly into the receiver.

    On models with a separate power supply this can only be connected to the MICROBEAST on slot [SYS].Thereore please ensure adequate sizing o the supply lines, especially with large models. A secondpower connection can be derived to the receiver or, by using a Y cable, you can inject a parallel powersupply to one o the servo outputs. When using very powerul servos you might even consider using aseparate voltage regulating unit that the servos can be connected to.

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    422 Spktrum Satllit rcivr

    To connect a Spektrum satellite (remote) receiver on the MICROBEAST a special optional adapter isrequired. This adapter is connected to the [DI1] input o the MICROBEAST. Please observe correctpolarity, the orange signal line must be next to the cover. The cable or the Spektrum satellite receiver

    is then plugged into this adapter.

    Fig. 7


    CH5 throttle servo/ESC and power supply

    Elevator servo

    Aileron servo

    Aileron / pitch servo

    Tail servo

    Power supply

    CH6 additional channel


    SPEKTRUMSatellite receiver

    Th us o MICRObeAST with a singl Spktrum satllit rcivr is allowd only on micro ormini hlicoptrs (450 siz hlicoptrs) caus o th limitd rang du to th lack o antnnadivrsity!

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    binding procdurIn the case o using a Spektrum satellite receiver it is very important to bind the receiver irstbeore programming the MICROBEAST. This stp is ssntial to prorm, even i the satellite wasalready in use elsewhere (e. g. in connection with a standard Spektrum receiver) and was already

    bound to the transmitter earlier.

    To bind a satellite receiver, it must be connected via the adapter to the MICROBEAST.

    Simultanously with th inding procss, th typ o satllit rcivr has to st, iwhthr it is a DSMX or DSM2 satllit (Th actual slctd signal protocol in th transmittr

    is not rlvant!) It is vry important to choos th corrct typ o satllit rcivr hr,sinc an impropr stting may sm to work ut can lad to radio intrrnc or total losso th link in th susqunt opration!

    Insert a Spektrum Bind Plug in the [SYS] slot on MICROBEAST.In cases where power is supplied exclusively by the [SYS] Connection, to bind a Spektrum satellite re-ceiver, the power supply must be provided temporarily through any o the servo port (CH1 - CH5).

    To select a DSM2 satellite and to enter bind mode, simply switch on the power supply now. TheLED on the receiver and LEDN on the MICROBEAST will start to ash. You can bind the transmitteras usual (or more inormation reer to the instructions o your radio control system).

    To select and bind a DSMX satellite, hold down the button on the MICROBEAST while switchingon the power supply. Now the receivers LED and LEDH (!) on the MICROBEAST will ash and youcan release the button and bind the receiver with your transmitter.

    Ater successul binding procedure the receivers LED will stay solid. LED H respectivelyN ash

    alternately to all other LEDs. Now switch of the power supply and remove the bind plug. Nowcontinue with receiver type setup (see next chapter).

    Note: It makes no dierence i you pull o the Bind Plug during the binding process or leave it

    connected as you would expect rom some standard Spektrum receivers.

    Watch out that th motor can not start accidntally whn using th beC of your spd controllrto powr th unit!

    hold down button release button

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    Dcisiv for th slction alon is, which typ of satllit rcivr is pluggd in! It is irrelevantwhich transmission method between the receiver and transmitter is actually used.

    Chck carully what typ you us Crucial is the rmware on the satellite not its look! An incorrect

    setting is not obvious, but later will lead to malunction or ailure o the connection.

    Bind Plug

    Bind Plug

    DSM2 - satellite

    switch on power supply

    LEDH ashes

    LEDN ashes

    DSM2 satellite selected

    DSMX satellite selected

    power supply

    (either on CH1 - CH5)

    Now start bindprocedure ontransmitter!

    LEDH+ all menu LEDs ash

    switch of

    power supply


    remove Bind PlugLEDN+ all menu LEDs ash

    Fig. 8

    DSMX - satellite

    power supply(either on CH1 - CH5)

    4 2 3 Conncting singl lin rcivrs without additional srvo outputs

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    423 Conncting singl lin rcivrs without additional srvo outputs(g PPM composit signal rcivrs)

    For the connection o PPM composite signal receivers there is usually no special adapter required. Inmost cases (e.g. Futaba -receivers o the SP-series) the receiver can be connected to the MICROBEAST

    with one o the supplied regular 3-wire cables. For some receivers, the connecting cable is also alreadyxed to the receiver (e.g. Jeti satellite receiver).

    I not xed to the receiver, plug the cable into the output o the digital composite signal o your receiver,usually labeled with SIG or the like. Again pay attention to correct polarity. Be careul, since the sup-plied cable is designed to be used universally, and the usual Futaba polarity protection tab is mis-sing.

    Plug the other end o the cable into the MICROBEAST input [DI1]. Make sure the polarity is correct; theorange signal line must be next to the MICROBEAST top cover.

    Fig. 9


    CH5 throttle servo/ESC and power supply

    Elevator servo

    Aileron servo

    Aileron/pitch servo

    Tail servo

    Power supply

    CH6 additional channel

    PPM compositesignal Receiver

    424 Connction o singl lin rcivr with additinal srvos connctors (g S-bus, SRXL)

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    424 Connction o singl lin rcivr with additinal srvos connctors (g S bus, SRXL)

    Connect the receiver to the MICROBEAST with one o the supplied regular 3-wire cables. Plug the cable intothe MICROBEAST input [DI1] and the other to the receiver to the output [S. BUS] or [B | D] or Multiplex.

    Please make sure that the connectors are plugged in with the correct polarity. Be careul, since the suppliedcable is designed to be used universally, and the Futaba polarity protection tab missing. On the MICROBEAST,the orange signal wire must be close to the top cover.

    This dscription also applis to othr singl lin rcivr with additinal srvos connctors (g SRXLrcivrs (Multiplx or beASTRX)):

    Fig. 10


    Elevator servo

    Aileron servo

    Aileron/pitch servo


    Power supply

    e.g. Futaba S-BUSReceiver



    Additional channel

    Throttle servo/ESCand power supply)

    We recommend to directly connect speed controller and additional unctions to the receiver to use the Failsae /

    Hold unctions o the remote control system (see 4.2.1). But you can also CH5 and CH6 on the MICROBEAST or

    these unctions!

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    Beside using conventional receivers, the MICROBEAST supports the use o diferent types o single-linereceivers. These are receivers which transmit the control signals only over one single cable wiring. Iusing such a receiver because o the diferent signal protocols the receiver type must be selected in the

    receiver menu beore the rst use and urther steps such as allocation o individual channels or ailsaesetting are needed. You can see rom the yellow LED next to the lettersA -N at which receiver menupoint you are currently in. By briey pressing the button you can go to the next receiver menu pointwhich also saves the current settings.

    51 Rcivr typ choic (rcivr mnu pointA)To get into the receiver menu press the button on the MICROBEAST and hold it down while you turn onthe receiver power supply. The yellow menu LED A should now be ashing and you can release thebutton.I you us a motor controllr with beC, disconnct th motor or saty rasons to avoid thpossiility o unintntional motor start up!

    At menu point A where menu LED A is ashing, the color and state o the Status-LED gives youinormation about which type o receiver is currently selected (reer to the table below).In order to change the type o receiver, prss and hold th utton or aout 2 sconds. The Status-LEDwill light in the next color or eventually ash. Repeat this as many times as required until the Status-LEDmatches your receiver type:

    Status-LeD Rcivr typ

    of Standard receiver (Fig. 4,5)*

    purpl Spektrum Satellite (Fig. 7)

    rd fashing Futaba S-BUS (Fig. 9,10)

    rd SRXL (Fig. 9,10)

    lu fashing PPM - composite signal (Fig. 9,10)

    *Factory Setting

    Push and hold

    button or

    about 2 seconds

    Not: By deault the use o a conventional standard receiver is provided. Thereore it is not necessaryto call the receiver setup menu. Skip the ollowing sub-items and proceed with chapter 6.

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    Then press the button, but only riy, to save the setup and switch to receiver menu pointB.I you have already briey pressed the button by mistake and it did not change the receiver type but switch

    to menu point B, switch of the power and repeat the above procedure.Programming xampl - operation with a Futaba S-Bus receiver:

    Hold the button down Release button

    Release button

    Release button

    Turn Powersupply ON

    Keep buttonpushed

    a long time

    Keep buttonpusheda long time

    push buttonshortly

    LEDA: ashingStatus-LED: OFF =Standard receiver

    LEDA: ashingStatus-LED: fashing red=Futaba S-Bus receiver

    LEDA: ashingStatus-LED:purple =Spektrum receiver

    LEDB: ashingStatus-LED: blueas soon as signal is valid

    Menu Point A

    Menu PointBFig. 11

    convntion: LED lights: LED is ashing:

    Not: I selected receiver type is Standard the set up is now complete and by briey pushing thebutton you will jump directly to the end o adjustment procedure (all menu LEDs are ashing).Switch of the power supply now.Another channel assignment is not necessary and not provided since the allocation takes place byappropriate insertion o the cables into the standard receiver. So you can directly proceed withchapter 6.

    h l B H

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    52 Input channl assignmnts (rcivr mnu pointsB -H)

    I not a standard receiver but a single-line receiver was selected at menu pointA, it must be establishedwhich control unction is controlled by what channel. This is necessary because all the control unctionsare transmitted via one single line and thus there is no possibility o plugging the cables in each

    individual channel matching at the receiver.

    521 Prst channl assignmnt

    When selecting a specic type o single line receiver the appropriate type o receiver channel allocationwill be preset in the MICROBEAST. Please reer to the tables below and check i your radio transmits thechannels in the correct order. I this is not the case, you have to assign the channel order step by stepthrough the menu pointsB -H (or this see section 5.2.2). To know th channl assignmnt o your

    transmittr you can chck th usr manual o th transmittr or look at th srvo monitor o thtransmittr (i it has this atur) I in dout ask th manuacturr o your transmittr

    When using SRXL the preset channel assignment is based on the receivers protocol version (see nextpage).

    Spktrum Futaa S-bUS PPM - composit signal

    transmitter channelassignment

    unction unction unction

    channel 1 throttle (CH5) aileron pitch

    channel 2 aileron elevator aileron

    channel 3 elevator throttle (CH5) elevatorchannel 4 rudder rudder rudder

    channel 5 tail gyro gain tail gyro gain auxiliary (CH6)

    channel 6 pitch pitch throttle (CH5)

    channel 7 auxiliary (CH6) auxiliary (CH6) tail gyro gain

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    beASTRX Multiplx

    transmitter channelassignment

    unction unction

    channel 1 aileron aileronchannel 2 elevator elevator

    channel 3 throttle (CH5) rudder

    channel 4 rudder pitch

    channel 5 tail gyro gain throttle (CH5)

    channel 6 pitch tail gyro gain

    channel 7 auxiliary (CH6) auxiliary (CH6)

    Not: I the selected receiver type is standard another channel assignment is not necessary andnot provided since the allocation takes place by appropriate insertion o the cables into the

    Standard receiver. Thereore menu pointsB


    are not accessible and the MICROBEAST jumpsater the brie press at menu pointA to the end o the receiver menu (all menu LEDs ashing).Power of the unit now and proceed as described in chapter 6.

    I you are on receiver menu pointB, please wait until the Status-LED lights blue.

    I th Status-LeD stays rd, it means that there is no valid remote control signal available. A channel

    assignment in this case is impossible! I the Status-LED doesnt turn blue ater a ew seconds, check i thereceiver is properly bound to the transmitter (bind already done successully?) and that a receiver othe correct type is selected in receiver menu point A. I a wrong receiver type has been selected,switch of the power and restart the receiver type setup procedure.

    To load the selected standard channel assignment (see above tables), hold the button down or sever-al seconds. The menu LED will immediately jump to receiver menu pointN. In addition, you can alsoload the deault settings by pushing the button or several seconds in any o the points romC toH.

    This will erase all previously made individual channel assignments.

    Release button

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    522 Taching o customizd channl ordr

    I you need a customized channel order, please rst prepare (i not already done) your transmitter asdescribed in section 3.2 .

    Additionally, mak sur (or xampl, using th srvo monitor o your transmittr) that ach controlunction o your transmittr activats on and only on channl This can be tricky especially orthrottle/pitch unctions which are usually coupled by a mixer in the transmitter. In this case set the throttlechannel quiet by using or example the throttle hold switch or provide a at throttle curve so that the pitchstick actually controls only the channel or the pitch servo, but or the later, keep the possibility to controlalso the throttle channel by ipping a switch or example.

    In the ollowing 7 menu pointsB -H, you can assign diferent unctions by simply actuating the appropriatechannel unction on your transmitter. A blue ash o the Status-LED indicates that a channel has beendetected. It does not matter how ar or in what direction you move the stick or in what position the stick/switch was. Note the channel value itsel is not important, but the change o this value is. It is thereoreimportant that only the requested unction is activated and not by accident several simultaneously.Otherwise, the MICROBEAST may not recognize the allocated channel correctly.

    Hold buttona long time

    LEDB lightsStatus-LED: blue

    LEDN lightsStatus-LED is ashingred/blue

    Menu pointB Menu pointN(Failsae setting)

    Loading ostandard channel


    Fig. 12

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    I you have moved the wrong stick/switch, you can reactivate the correct unction again. The MICROBEASTremembers only the last unction that was operated and conrms it with blue ashing o the Status-LED.

    Press the button ater learning each unction to save the assignment and to go to the next unction. Thebutton remains locked until you operate a new control unction. You hav to assign vry unction withthe exception o the last auxiliary channel CH6 (this channel can be skipped by pressing the button withoutlearning the unction).

    Onc a channl is assignd, it is no longr availal and is ignord y th MICRObeAST or th

    rmaining procss Thus, ater learning o the pitch unction (menu pointB) you can enable the throttleunction (remove throttle hold and switch to a linear or V shape curve) and teach the throttle channel byre-operating the collective stick (menu pointG). The pitch channel is now no longer considered, as thischannel has already been assigned previously!

    Rcivr mnu point Function

    B pitch

    C aileron

    D elevator

    E rudder

    F tail gyro gain

    G throttle (CH5)

    H auxiliary (CH6)

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    I th Status-LeD stays rd, it means that there is no valid remote control signal available. In thiscase, a channel assignment is impossible! I the Status-LED doesnt turn blue ater a ew seconds,check i the receiver is properly bound to the transmitter (bind already done successully?) and

    that a receiver o the correct type is selected in receiver menu pointA

    . I a wrong receiver type hasbeen selected, switch of the power and re start the receiver type procedure.

    by prssing th utton at rcivr mnu pointH th mnu LeD jumps dirctly to rcivr mnupoint N

    Move pitch stick

    Move aileron stick

    Push buttonshortly

    Push button


    (Learning o subsequentchannels according totable in section 5.2.2)

    LEDB ashing

    Status-LED: blue

    LEDC ashingStatus-LED: blue

    Status-LED: ashing blue

    Status-LED: ashing blue

    Learning opitch channel

    Learning oAileron channel

    Fig. 13

    5 3 Programming th Failsa (rcivr mnu pointN)

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    53 Programming th Failsa (rcivr mnu pointN)At receiver menu pointN you have to program the ail-sae position or the throttle channel. I during ope-ration, the received signal is interrupted, the throttle servo / motor controller (connected to the output CH5)is automatically reset to this ail sae position. To avoid accidents, you should program electric motors to of

    and reduce throttle on nitro helicopters to idle.

    We recommend to directly connect speed controller and additional unctions to the receiver to use the Failsae /

    Hold unctions o the remote control system (see 4.2.1). But you can also CH5 and CH6 on the MICROBEAST or

    these unctions!

    Set the throttle channel on your remote control to the desired position and press the button riy. I youdid not connect a unction to CH5, anyway press the button to complete setup.

    This complts th asic rcivr stup and th MICRObeAST will go into slp stat atr th uttonis prssd (all mnu LeDs ash) Power of the unit and proceed as described in the next chapters.

    Set throttlechannel to

    ailsae position

    Push buttonshortly

    LEDN: ashingStatus-LED: ashing red/blue

    Fig. 14

    For th othr channls thr is no ail-sa programming In case o interruption o the recei-ved signal, these channels just hold the position corresponding to the last valid signal

    (Failsae programming)


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    Ater powering on the MICROBEAST will initialize. During this phas, do not mov th MICRObeAST unit or th

    hlicoptr First the MICROBEAST runs a short LED test and then the rmware version is displayed or 3 seconds. Ater

    that, the running LEDsA toG show the calibration o the sensors and the LEDsH toN the initialization o the receiver


    When the system is ready it does a short move o the swashplate servos and the Status-LED turns blue i the tail gyro

    is in HeadingLock mode or purple in Normal-Rate mode. For about 10 seconds you can see one o the LEDsA -N

    light according to the current amount o tail gain.

    Th programming o th MICRObeAST works in th ollowing way:

    There are two menu levels. From ready mode (ight mode) you can always get into the one or the other menulevel. A change between the menu levels is not possible; you always have to rst get out o the current level toenter in the other menu level. Each level includes several setup points. The yellow LEDs next to the letters showsat which setup point you are currently. Note that the two menu levels have a diferent number o setup points.

    ToaccesstheSetupmenuyoukeepthebuttonpressed(severalseconds)untilLEDA stops ashing and lights upcontinuously. In this menu all the basic settings are made to adjust the MICROBEAST to your helicopter.

    ToaccesstheParametermenu,pressandholdthebuttonbrieyuntiltheLEDA starts to ash quickly andimmediately release the button. This menu is used to ne tune the ight characteristics and is mostly neededat the aireld.

    Whileinoneofthemenusyounormallyselectthedierentoptionsbygivinganinputwiththetailsticktothe let or right. The momentary selected option is indicated by the color o the Status-LED. Possible colorsare: of, purple, ashing red, red, ashing blue and blue. On some o the menus you might have to adjustsettings with other stick unctions.

    Whileinoneofthemenus,ashortpushonthebuttonwillswitchtothenextmenupoint.Itisalsopossibletoskip a menu point. Thereore do not move any stick while being in the menu point you want to skip, and justpress the button once again.

    Ater the last menu point, a short press on the button will exit the menu. Then the MICROBEAST is ready to yagain. I there is no stick or button input or 4 minutes while being in one o the menus, the MICROBEAST willexit the menus automatically. (This is not true in the setup pointsD,G,I andJ to give you enough time toadjust the mechanical setup o your helicopter).

    Nvr y whil th MICRObeAST is in on o th stup or paramtr mnu!

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    In this condition the gyro control and the stick controls are disabled.


    Tail gyro mode:

    of, ashing blue or blue

    = HeadingLock mode

    purple = Normal-Rate mode

    Menu LEDs: Amount o tail gainA=0% toN=100%

    (only ater powering up or when adjusting the gain)

    Menu LEDs: steady on = setup menu

    ashing = parameter menu


    - to enter setup menu push down several

    seconds until LEDA is steady on

    - to enter Parameters menu push shortly

    until LEDA is ashing

    Dial 1: cyclic gain

    Dial 2: direct cyclic eed orward

    Dial 3: tail dynamic

    Opration Mod

    Mnu slction



    red ashing


    blue ashing



    press shortly or next menu point

    Selection by tail stick input or ailron / lvator / pitch stick within menus as needed.

    Fig. 15

    61 Stup mnuFig 16

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    62 Paramtr mnu

    No Menu LED is on

    Push button or about 3 seconds

    Operation mode Setup menu menu pointA

    Menu LEDA steady on

    no Menu LED is on

    Press button shortly Menu LEDA is ashing quickly

    Operation mode Parameter menu menu pointA

    Fig. 16

    Fig. 17

    63 exampl: Slction within th mnus

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    64 Switching to th nxt mnu pointPush button shortly

    Menu pointA Menu pointB

    By moving the tail stick to thelet or right, you can select thediferent options within a menupoint.

    The number o possibilitiesdepends on the menu point.



    ashing blue red

    purple ashing red


    Fig. 18

    Fig. 19

    7. SETUp MENU

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    7. SETUp MENU

    Beore the rst ight the MICROBEAST has to be adjusted to your helicopter and the used components.

    When the MICROBEAST shows that the system is ready, press and hold the button down, the menu LED nextto menu pointAwill begin to ash and then ater a while will be steady on. Now and only now you canrelease the button. You just entered the setup menu in menu pointA.

    To leave the setup menu you have to skip through all menu points by pressing the button several times.Ater pushing the button at menu point N you will exit the setup menu and the system is ready oroperation again. None o the LEDsA -N are glowing anymore (see chapter 6).

    I thr is no stick or utton input or 4 minuts, whil ing in th stup mnu, th MICRObeASTwill xit th mnu automatically (This will not happen during setup pointsD,G,I andJ to give youenough time to adjust the mechanical setup o your helicopter).

    Factory Rst:

    To reset the MICROBEAST to actory settings, you can, at any setup menu point, push down the button or atleast 10 seconds until the LEDsA -N andJ quickly blink one ater the other to conrm the reset.

    Plas not that any prvious conguration is now dltd Do not attmpt to y th hlicoptr withoutdoing th complt stup procdur again otherwise you will crash your helicopter. Please also note that all

    servo settings are lost, thereore you should unplug the servos and remove the servo horns beore resetting theMICROBEAST.

    Th rcivr typ sttings (s chaptr 5) ar not afctd y th rst!Conversely, i you change any settings in receiver type, the setup menu or parameter menu are not afected.However, you have to redo the receiver-specic settings (channel assignment and ail-sae, see sections 5.2 to5.3).

    AMounting orintation o th MICRObeAST

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    AMounting orintation o th MICRObeAST

    The MICROBEAST unit can be mounted in nearly all possible orientations. The only restriction is thatthe plug connectors have to point in or against ying direction (see chapter 3).

    At setup menu pointA, you have to choose whether the MICROBEAST is mounted horizontally (prin-ted surace 90 degrees to the main shat) or vertically (printed surace in parallel with the main shat).

    The color o the Status-LED shows the currently selected orientation:

    Status-LeD Mounting orintation

    rd vertical (on the side)

    lu horizontal (flat)*

    * Factory Setting

    As already described (Fig. 18) you can switch between the two options by moving the rudder stick toone or other direction. For checking purposes the Status-LED will change color.

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to stup mnu pointB

    Fig. 20

    Status-LED: lu

    Status-LED: rd

    B Swashplat srvo rquncy

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    I you do not know what th maximum puls rat tolratd y your srvos is, plas slct not morthan 50Hz driving rquncy A highr driving rquncy can lad to ailur o th srvos!

    Analog Servos usually tolerate only 50Hz, some types up to 65Hz. Digital servos allow usually higher re-quencies, but this has to be veried in the servo datasheet. You may need to check with the manuacturer

    o the servos.On WWWbeASTXCOM you can nd a list o parameters or the most common servos.

    To optimize the perormance o the MICROBEAST, the rule is the higher the better! Nevertheless i youexperience an unusually high power consumption o the receiver power supply or i the servos get hot,you should reduce this requency.

    With high requencies, some servos run in a jerky manner, especially the ast ones like coreless orbrushless servos. This is due to the high update rate that the servo receives. This is not critical and willnot impact ight perormance.

    The color and state o the

    Status-LED shows thecurrently selected requency:

    Status-LeD Swashplat srvo rquncy

    purpl 50 Hz *

    rd fashing 65 Hz

    rd 120 Hz

    lu fashing 165 hz

    lu 200 Hz

    of Usr dnd

    B p q y

    I you are using the MICROBEAST as stand-alone tail gyro with the optional patch cable (see section 4.2.2) itis not necessary to make any adjustments at this setup menu point.

    Setup menu pointB is or selecting the servo requency o your swashplat srvos.

    * Factory Setting

    To select the desired servo requency, move the tail stick repeatedly in one direction until the Status-LEDli h i h l

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    The MICROBEAST can be used with nearly all available servo types. However, the selected servos shouldbe adequate or ybarless operation (high torque and also ast and precise).

    The quality o the servos will have a direct inuence on the range o rotor blades that can be used. Themore the servos are suited or ybarless operation, the less important is the ybarless specicity o therotor blades.

    The use o a bad servo-rotor blade combination will lead to several issues, ranging rom oscillations du-ring hover to unwanted reactions in ast orward ight.

    lights in the correct color.

    The option usr dnd allows you to dene your own setting with the PC sotware.

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to stup mnu pointC

    CTail srvo cntr position puls lngth

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    There is a relationship between the setting o the tail servo center position pulse length and the tail servorequency (menu pointD). I a pulse length is selected that does not allow a certain requency, this re-quency is automatically reduced. The center position pulse-setting always has priority, since a servo canrun without problems at a too low requency but can not be operated with an incorrect center position


    On WWWbeASTXCOM you can nd a list o parameters or the most common servos.

    The color o the Status-LEDshows the currently selected

    servo center position pulselength:

    At setup menu pointC you can select the pulse length or the tail servos center position. Almost allcommercially available servos work with 1520 s. But there are a ew special tail servos on the market

    which use a diferent center position pulse length.

    To select the desired servo center position pulse repeatedly move the tail stick in one direction until theStatus-LED glows in the correct color.

    The option user dened allows you to dene your own setting with the PC sotware.

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to stup mnu pointD

    Status-LeD Tail srvo cntr position puls lngth

    purpl 960 s

    rd 760 s

    lu 1520 s *

    of Usr dnd

    * Factory Setting

    DTail srvo rquncy

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    Please note that depending on the tail servo center position pulse length chosen at setup menu pointC, youmay not be able to choose a requency higher than 333Hz. This also applies to the usr dnd setting whichmight be limited to 333Hz (see also note at setup menu pointC).

    I you do not know what th maximum rquncy tolratd y your srvo is, plas slct not morthn 50Hz A highr rquncy can lad to ailur o th srvos!

    Analog Servos usually tolerate only 50Hz. Digital servos usually allow higher requencies, but this has tobe veried in the datasheet o the servo. You may need to check with the manuacturer o the servos.

    On WWWbeASTXCOM you can nd a list o parameters or the most common servos.

    As with the swashplate servos at setup menu point B you can select at setup menu point D therequency or the tail servo.

    To optimize the perormance o the MICROBEAST tail gyro, the rule is the higher the better!A good rudder servo should be capable o running at least 270Hz.

    By moving the tail stickrepeatedly in one direction youcan choose the desired tail servorequency.

    Status-LeD Tail srvo rquncy

    purpl 50 Hz *

    rd fashing 165 Hz

    rd 270 Hz

    lu fashing 333 Hz

    lu 560 Hz

    of Usr dnd

    * Factory Setting

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    Fig. 21

    The option usr dnd allows you to dene your own setting with the PC sotware.

    Next attach a servo horn to the tail servo in such a way that the tail linkage rod orms a 90 degreeangle to the servo horn (or as close as possible) and then adjust the linkage rod as described in themanual or your helicopter. For most helicopters the tail pitch slider should be centred and the tail rotorblades will then have some positive pitch to compensate or the torque o the main rotor.

    Not: This menu item will not be let automatically ater 4 minutes, so you have plenty o time to adjustthe mechanical setup.

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to stup mnu pointE

    E Stting th Tail rotor ndpoint

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    Pay attntion that th strd dirction o your tail stick corrsponds to th dirction your hlicoptr shouldturn I this is not th cas, us your transmittrs srvo rvrsing unction or th tail stick I your not sur

    in which dirction th hlicoptr should rotat consult th manual or your hlicoptr

    At setup menu pointE you adjust the best possible servo throw or your tail rotor. This best throw isdetermined by the maximum possible control travel o the tail mechanism or based on the maximumallowed angle o attack o the tail rotor blades, that will not lead to an aerodynamic stall o these bla-des. Such stalls can cause very bad stopping behavior.

    To adjust the limits, move the tail stick in one direction until the servo reaches the maximum end pointwithout any binding or stall and release the tail stick. The urther you move the tail stick the quicker theservo will steer into the given direction. I you move the servo too ar you can steer the stick to theopposite direction and move the pitch slider a short way back.Once you adjusted the maximum endpoint dont move the tail stick anymore and wait or the Status-LED to ash and then light steady red or blue, depending on the adjusted direction. Now you havesaved the servo limit or one direction.

    Fig. 22

    Red or blue

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    F Stting th Tail snsor dirction

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    I this is not the case you have to reverse the sensor direction. This happens by moving the tail stickonce into any direction. For conrmation you will see that the Status-LED will change its color.

    At stup pointF, you can nd this out vry asily:

    The gyro always tries to steer in the opposite direction o the rotation that is applied to the helicopter.

    I you move the helicopter by hand around its vertical axis, the gyro must actuate a tail servo movement tocompensate this rotation. I or example you move the nose o the helicopter to the right, the gyro has to

    steer let the same way as you would steer let with the rudder stick (see g. 24)

    Here you have to check i the MICROBEASTs tail gyro does compensate into the right direction.

    Status-LeD Tail Snsor dirctionrd normal *

    lu reversed

    * Factory Setting

    Once again repeat the test as described above. The MICROBEAST should now correct in the right way:

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    I using the MICROBEAST as a stand-alone tail gyro with the optional patch cable (see chapter 3.5) youdo not have to do any urther adjustments within the setup menu. Push the button repeatedly to skipthe ollowing setup menu points until no menu LED is on anymore and the system is ready or operation.

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to stup mnu pointG

    wrong corrct




    Fig. 24

    G Adjusting th swashplat srvo cntring

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    Not:This menu item will not be let automatically ater 4 minutes, so you have plenty o time to adjust

    the mechanical setup.

    You can switch back and orth between the servos as oten as you need, and also switch back to the

    zero position or reerence anytime. The already adjusted servo centers will not be lost doing this.

    Not that only th adjustd srvo positions ar important and gt stordThose which have been setwith the corresponding Status-LED colors. The Status-LED of only serves or reerence and to plug the servohorns in the best position. For instance, i you install or replace the servos in the model.

    When entering setup menu pointG connect all swashplate servos as described in chapter 3.3. They nowwill be running to their zero position (1520 s) what we call reerence position here when the Status-LED isof.

    This reerence position is used to mount the servo horns on the servos so that they orm as much as possiblea 90 degrees angle to the linkage rod. Usually this will not work out perectly depending on the servos geartrain and the servo horn, thereore you can adjust electronically every single servo in the next steps. Later,you can come back anytime to this reerence position (when the Status-LED is of) or checking themechanical setup..I you move the tail stick to a single direction once, you can select one servo and change its center positionby moving the elevator stick back and orth. Every color o the Status-LED is corresponding to a specicservo channel that is indicating its selection by a short up and down move.

    Status-LeD Function

    of Swashplate servos at reerence position

    purpl CH 1 elevator servo center adjust

    rd CH 2 roll (1) servo center adjust

    lu CH 3 roll (2)/ pitch servo center adjust

    I you move the tail stick onceagain in the same direction as

    beore you can select the nextswash servo and adjust its centerposition as mentioned.

    Now adjust the linkage rods according to your helicopter manual. The swashplate should now be at themidpoint and perpendicular to the main shat and the rotor blades should have 0 degrees o pitch.

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    Always work this out rom bottom (servos) to top (blade grips).

    Also lvl and phas th swashplat drivr in th corrct way

    At 0 degrees o pitch the swash driver arms must be horizontal and the linkage balls o the blade gripshave to be perpendicular to the spindle shat.

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to stup mnu pointH

    Fig. 26

    Fig. 25

    H Swashplat mixr

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    At setup menu pointH you can choose the electronic swashplate mixer your helicopter requires or choosemechanical or switching o the electronic swashplate mixer i your helicopter has a mechanical mixer. Forthe electronic mixer, the MICROBEAST supports 90, 120 and 140 swashplates. Besides these choices, youcan set any swashplate geometry with the PC sotware and mechanical or switching of the electronicswashplate mixer option.

    Which kind o CCPM your helicopter uses can be read in the manual or your helicopter.

    The color and state o the Status-LED shows the currently selected mixing type:

    Status-LeD: of purpl rd fashing rd lu fashing lu

    swashplat mixr usr dnd mechanical 90 120 * 140 140 (1=1)

    I your hlicoptr rquirs an lctronic swashplat mixr y no mans us your

    transmittrs swashplat mixr unction!The mixing is all done by the MICROBEAST. Deactivate the swashplate mixing in your transmitter orprogram it to mechanical mixing oten called H1 or 1 servo even i your helicopter requireselectronic mixing (also see section 3.2).

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to stup mnu pointI

    * Factory Setting

    usr dnd mchanical 90 120 140 140 (1=1)

    Fig. 27

    I Stting th swashplat srvo dirctions

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    At setup menu pointI, you adjust the correct swashplate servo directions. To acilitate this setup, youdont need to adjust every servo by its own, but just try the 4 possible combinations.

    Move the pitch stick and check i the swashplate moves horizontally up and down. The direction itselis not yet important. I one or more servos are not running in the right direction, just choose anothercombination by giving a short rudder input. Repeat this rudder input until all servos are running in thesame direction.

    Chck now, i your control dirctions o ailron, lvator and pitch ar corrct I this is not thecase, you have to use the srvo rvrs atur o your transmitter to reverse the appropriate controlunction...

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to stup mnu pointJ

    Not: This menu item will not be let automatically ater 4 minutes, so you have plenty o time to adjust

    the mechanical setup.

    I the servos are still not reacting properly to aileron and elevator unctions, check i the servos andreceiver wires are connected as described above in section 3.3 and chapter 4. Also check i the channelassignment within receiver menu has been done correctly (section 5.2) i applicable.Additionally veriy the settings o your transmitter on any remaining mixer unctions (see section 3.2).

    Status-LeD CH1 CH2 CH3

    of normal reverse reverse

    purpl normal* normal * reverse *

    rd normal reverse normal

    lu normal normal normal* Factory Settings

    Srvo dirctions

    JTaching th cyclic pitch gomtry


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    At this setup pointJ, you have to tell the MICROBEAST the available cyclic pitch range.

    First dont touch any stick on your transmitter when entering setup menu point J. Orientate one othe rotor blades so that it is parallel to the tail boom (Fig. 28). Then attach a pitch gauge to this rotorblade. The swashplate should be in the neutral position and the blades should have 0 degrees o pitch,otherwise repeat the swashplate servo centering at setup menu pointG.

    Now move the aileron stick until the rotor blade has an exact 6 degrees o cyclic pitch and then releasethe stick ( Fig. 29). I you moved the swashplate too ar you can steer the stick to the opposite directionand reduce the pitch. Also by moving the tail stick to one direction you can delete the adjustment and

    reset the swashplate back to 0 degrees.

    The direction you choose is not important, what is important is that you keep the position steady on 6when you save and leave this menu step. It is not enough to go to 6 and then move back beore savingand leaving.

    Whn raching 6 dgrs, th Status-LeD should light lu This indicates that your helicopters

    rotor head geometry is perect or the use with a ybarless system. Otherwise, i the Status-LEDs coloris red or purple or even i the Status-LED is of, this indicates that your helicopters geometry is notoptimal or ybarless usage. Correct this by using shorter servo horns, shorter linkage balls on the innerswashplatering or longer blade grip link levers.

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to stup mnu pointK

    Not: This menu item will not be let automatically ater 4 minutes, so you have plenty o time to adjust

    the mechanical setup.

    Always st th cyclic pitch to 6 dgrs! This setup does not afect the maximum rotation

    rate o the helicopter but is only there to show the MICROBEAST the actual mechanical cyclicgeometry. A wrong adjustment at this step may be extremely detrimental to the perormance othe MICROBEAST. The blue color o the Status-LED is secondary and just or inormation.

    1. Orientate the rotor blades parallel to the longitudinal axis o the helicopter.

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    2. Adjust the cyclic pitch to exactly 6 degrees.

    Move the aileron stick

    until6 dgrs (+ or-)o cyclic pitch is reached

    Fig. 28

    Fig. 29

    K Adjusting th collctiv pitch rang

    At set p pointK o adj st the ma im m desired negati e and positi e collecti e pitch

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    At setup pointK you adjust the maximum desired negative and positive collective pitch.

    Move the pitch stick all the way up and stay there. Now you can increase or decrease the maximum amounto pitch using the tail stick.

    When you adjusted the desired maximum pitch angle, move the pitch stick all the way down and again in-crease or decrease the pitch to the minimum desired value using the tail stick.

    Dont use any pitch curves in your transmitter whil doing ths adjustmnts. Later on or the ights,you can adjust your pitch curves as you like and are used to. Setup menu pointK solely serves to teachthe MICROBEAST the maximum used pitch range.

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to stup mnu pointL

    At this point, veriy again that the demanded pitch direction on the transmitter is in the correct

    direction or the model. Otherwise use your transmitters servo reversing unction or the pitch channelto correct this as already described in sectionI.

    L Adjusting th cyclic swashplat limit

    At setup menu pointL you adjust the maximum possible tilting o the swashplate or aileron and elevator The

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    At setup menu pointL you adjust the maximum possible tilting o the swashplate or aileron and elevator. Thedeection will be limited in a circular path similar to a cyclic ring unction.

    For adjustment proceed in the ollowing way:Careully move the sticks or aileron, elevator and pitch to all maximum end points and watch out i the swashpla-te, the linkage rods or servos are binding somewhere or even getting not more driven.

    By moving the rudder stick to the let or right, you can increase or decrease the aileron and elevator throw limiter.Always try to achieve the maximum possible cyclic throw. The higher the swashplate deection is set the greaterit will be in ight. This will achieve the maximum possible rotation rate o the helicopter without sacricing the

    gyro control loop.

    I aterwards any modications are done to one o the other setup menu points which afect servo

    adjustments (setup menu pointsG,J andK) the cyclic swashplate adjustment has to be redone.

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to stup mnu pointM

    Similar to setup pointJ, the color o the Status-LED indicates whether the adjusted limit allowssucient cyclic throw. In the ideal case, the swashplate is limited only to the extent where the Status-LED still lights blue. In particular, or models that are intended to be used in 3D aerobatics, 10 to 12cyclic throw should be possible. But even or all the other helicopters, it is recommended to adjust asmuch throw as possible, because otherwise the control loop may not work properly. Here, the color othe Status-LED provides a clue. I you get only purple or even no light at all, it is essential that youchange the mechanical setting o your model to increase the available throw.

    M Stting th swashplat snsor dirctions

    At setup menu pointM you check i thesensors or aileron and elevator areworking in the correct direction

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    At setup menu pointM, you check i the sensors or aileron and elevator are working in the correct direction.

    This can be directly veried in this menu point: I you roll or tilt the helicopter by hand the swashplate has to steer

    against this movement. Please reer to this on the next pages Fig. 30 and 31.

    I this is not correct, you can reverse the sensor directions by moving the tail stick in one direction. Forconrmation you will see that the Status-LED changes color. Repeat this step until both sensors arecorrecting in the correct direction.

    There are our possible displays or control to choose rom, one will be correct:

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to stup mnu pointN

    When tilting the helicopter orward the swashplate has to move backwards, when tilting the heli-copter to the back, the swashplate has to compensate orward. Same thing applies to the roll axis,when you roll the helicopter to the let the swashplate has to steer right and vice versa. Basically theswashplate has to remain horizontal while banking the helicopter.

    Snsor dirction

    Status-LeD elvator Ailron

    of reversed reversed

    purpl reversed normal

    rd normal reversed

    lu normal* normal*

    * Factory Setting

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    Tilt the helicopter orwards

    The swashplate

    has to move backwards

    Fig. 30

    Roll the helicopter to one side The swashplate has to steer

    to the opposite direction

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    to the opposite direction

    Fig. 31

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    1. Swashplate points to the let

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    p p

    2. Rotate the helicopteraround the vertical axis

    3. Swashplate must still point let, as beore

    Fig. 32



    Tail gyro mode

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    To adjust th dials plas only us th original plastic beASTX adjustmnt tool to prvnt damag toth dials!

    81 Swashplat: cyclic gain (Dial 1)

    Turn dial 1 clockwise to increase the swashplate gain.

    The actory setting or the dial is horizontal which corresponds to 100% swashplate gain. For your rst

    ights we suggest not changing this setting. However, when using very small helicopters (such as 250or 450 size), reduce the swashplate gain slightly.

    In general the higher the gain the harder the helicopter will stop ater cyclic moves and the helicopterwill eel more stable in the air. I the gain is too high the helicopter eels spongy and tends to oscillateespecially on the elevator axis.

    I the gain is too low the helicopter does not stop precisely ater a cyclic movement and eels unstablein ast orward ight.

    Tail gyro mode

    of, blue ashing, blue = HeadingLock

    purple = Normal-Rate mode

    Menu LEDs:

    The amount o tail gainA=0% toN=100%

    (only ater powering up or when adjusting the gain)

    Dial 1: cyclic gain

    Dial 2: direct cyclic eed orward

    Dial 3: tail dynamicFig. 33

    82 Swashplat: dirct cyclic d orward (Dial 2)

    Turn dial 2 clockwise to increase the swashplates direct cyclic stick eed orward. This is the part o the stickinput that is going directly to the servos I correctly adjusted this relieves the control loop which will work

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    input that is going directly to the servos. I correctly adjusted, this relieves the control loop which will workmore eciently by only having to make residual corrections. Factory setting o the dial is horizontal which

    provides a good setup in most cases.

    Increasing the direct cyclic eed orward will cause more cyclic stick input going directly to aileron and elevatoron the swashplate. Decreasing the direct stick eed orward will do the opposite.

    I the direct cyclic eed orward is too high, it will over control your cyclic input. The control loop needs theneventually to steer back. Even though you get the impression to have a more direct control, unwanted sideefects may appear, like pitch backs on cyclic stops and imprecise ast orward ight.

    I the direct cyclic eed orward is too low, the helicopter will eel soter, slower and less direct. The optimalpoint depends o many actors like blades, servos, head speed, size and mass o the helicopter.

    At delivery the dial is in the middle which should be a good starting point or most helicopters.

    83 Tail dynamic (Dial 3)

    Turn dial 3 clockwise to increase the tail dynamic. Turning dial 3 counter clockwise will decrease the taildynamic. Factory setting o the dial 3 is horizontal which provides a good setup in most cases.You haveto make sure the maximum possible tail gyro gain has already been determined (see section 8.4) beo-re adjusting the tail dynamic.

    Increasing the tail dynamic will lead to harder stopping behavior and more aggressive response to tail stickinputs. I the dynamic is too high the tail will bounce back shortly ater a hard stop and eel spongy

    when making ast direction changes. I the dynamic is set too low the tail eels dull and stopping might betoo sot. Ideally the tail should stop perectly to the point without making any apping noises.

    The direct cyclic eed orward does not afect the maximum rate o rotation! I the helicopter turns

    too slowly, you should check the settings o the swashplate limiter in setup menuL, change thecontrol behavior in the parameter menu at pointB, or increase the servo travels or Dual Rate setupin your remote control.

    84 Tail gyro gain (adjustd y th transmittr)

    As with a conventional tail gyro, the tail gain can be adjusted by one o the transmitters auxiliary channels. Inone direction you can select the Normal Rate mode and in the other direction HeadingLock mode

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    one direction you can select the Normal-Rate mode and in the other direction HeadingLock mode.

    Th color o th Status-LeD indicats th slctd mod whn th MICRObeAST is rady or opration

    Purple indicates Normal-Rate mode and blue or exceptionally ashing blue indicates HeadingLock mode.Additionally while adjusting the gain or shortly ater the rst start up, the current amount o gain is displayedby one o the menu LEDs or about 10 seconds. So you always know the actual amount o gain in your helicopteras percentages will depend o the used transmitter. When the gain channel is centered, this will correspond to0% gain indicated by LEDA. In both modes, the maximum adjustable tail gain is 100% and will correspond toLEDN, but the actual percentage in the transmitter will depend on its brand and/or type.

    For the rst ight we suggest to start with a gain not higher thenF orG in HeadingLock mode. To nd theoptimal gain, we recommend starting with a low gain, where the tail will eel very weak and will stop withovershoots. Then increase the gain step by step and you will eel the tail having more and more precise stops,and hold better and better on jerky pitch inputs. I the gain gets too high, the stops will bounce back quicklyand wagging will appear in ast orward or backward ight.

    Operation without using a sensitivity (gain) channel is not possible!

    100% 100%



    Menu LED:

    Tail gyro gain

    Normal-Rate-Mode(Status-LED: purple)

    HeadingLock-Mode(Satus LED: blue)

    Fig. 34






    When the MICROBEAST is ready, hold down the button until the Menu LED next to point A ashesquickly and then release the button This is how to enter the paramtr mnu

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    quickly and then release the button. This is how to enter the paramtr mnu.

    To switch to the next parameter menu point, just briey press the button once again. Ater the lastmenu point pressing the button one time more exits the parameter menu and the MICROBEAST isready or ight again. Status-LED will indicate the tail gyro mode and the LEDsA -N are of.

    Single menu points can be skipped without perorming any changes. Thereore dont move any stickwhile you are at the menu point you want to skip and just press the button shortly once again. Theparameter menu has only eight points A toH, ater pointH you exit the parameter menu and the

    MICROBEAST returns to ight mode.

    Nvr attmpt to y whn th MICRObeAST is in on o th mnus!In this condition the control system and sometimes the stick inputs are deactivated!

    A Swashplat cyclic cntr adjustmnt

    The rst menu point in the parameters menu gives you the possibility to easily adjust your servocenters on the ying eld as or instance your helicopter is wobbling during pirouettes or when it

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    centers on the ying eld as or instance your helicopter is wobbling during pirouettes or when itdoesnt climb out straight on quick pitch inputs.

    Nvr us th trim unctions o your rmot control!The MICROBEAST will see trim as a control command and not as servo trim.

    Contrary to centering every single servo in the setup menu pointG, here you are able to directly adjustaileron and elevator without taking care about the single servos. However, the collective pitch cannotbe adjusted here.

    Similar to the digital trim unction o most transmitters here at parameter menu point A you canadjust the swashplate one click by shortly moving the aileron or elevator stick in the desired direction.I you want to trim the swashplate any urther repeat tapping the stick several times or simply hold the

    control stick pushed or a longer time to automatically perorm several trim steps.

    During the sub trim procedure you can delete the just perormed trimming by moving the tail stick inany direction. Additionally the color o the Status-LED gives you an approximate indication o howmuch you did trim.

    But remember that this unction as opposed to the digital trim o the transmitter is not

    a separate trim unction. Here you directly adjust the servo centers as well as you would set servocenters in the setup menu pointG. I the new position is saved once then this corresponds well to thenew servo center position in the setup menu pointG. A subsequent reset to the previous state is notpossible anymore!

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to paramtr mnu pointB

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    Whn using th prdnd control haviors w do not rcommnd to additionally adjust con-trol curvs (expo/Dual rats) in your transmittr as this will mix indnal th prst curvs o thMicroast with th curvs o th transmittr But i you only make little changes (e.g. slightlyincreasing the servo throw to increase rotation rate) this should be no problem.

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    Additionally when using the setting transmitter by increasing the tail stick throw, in HeadingLockmode you get to an additional eature where the tail rotation rate is not limited by the gyro anymore.With this eature, extremely high tail rotation rates are possible. The state o the Status-LED shows i thishigh rate mode is reached. I the LED starts to ash at ull tail stick input, you are on the controlledrotation rate limit. I you increase the tail stick servo travel urther, the Status-LED will end up turningof when at ull stick input. From this point on the rotation rate is no longer limited by the maximumgyro sensor capability, and you get into a ree spinning area that can not be controlled by the gyro

    anymore. By urther increasing the stick input (dual rates, or servo end points), the maximum rotationrate will increase even urther, as ar as the mechanics o the helicopter will allow it!

    The option user dened allows you to dene your own setting with the PC sotware.

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to paramtr mnu pointC

    This atur should only usd riy or spcial Show-manuvrs, or instanc y tmporarilyswitching th dual rat to highr stick throw Not thr is no tail gyro control in thisunrgulatd rang and it is vry diicult to proprly control th tail in this stat!

    Thror, mak sur that in normal ight opration th Status-LeD at ull ruddr stick dosnot turn of I it dos, plas rduc th srvo throw or dual rat or th tail channl in yourrmot control

    C Swashplat pitching up compnsation

    While in ast orward ight apply jerky collective pitch inputs to test this unction. The helicoptershould mainly remain in its horizontal path during climbing and descending. I the nose o the

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    * Factory Setting

    y p g g ghelicopter is pitching up and down heavily like a swimming dolphin, increase the value at parameter

    menu pointC to compensate or this efect. But, i the value is too high the helicopter might eel sluggishand lazy. Try to nd the lowest suitable setting.

    I the helicopter is still pitching up at the highest value, try alternatively to increase the swashplate gain(Dial 1) and use aster and stronger servos as well as rotor blades as neutral as possible (or exampleblades specically designed or ybarless helis).

    The currently selected value is indicated by the Status-LED color and state:

    Status-LeD Pitching up havior

    purpl very low

    rd fashing lowrd medium *

    lu fashing high

    lu very high

    of usr dnd

    Move the tail stick into one direction until the Status-LED lights in the desired color.The option usr dnd allows you to dene your own setting with the PC sotware.

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to paramtr mnu pointD

    DTail HadingLock gain

    At parameter menu pointD the HeadingLock gain or the tail can be adjusted:

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    The HeadingLock gain determines how constant the tail will maintain the rotation rate predetermined

    by the stick (this includes a rotation rate o height 0 = stick center position). Start with the HeadingLockgain set to low or very low and nd out the highest possible tail gain in your transmitter. Then you canstart to increase the HeadingLock gain:


    crosswind conditions.

    IstheHeadingLockgaintoohigh,itcanhappenthatfasttail-directionchangesnolongercanbecontrolled clean. It is also possible that the tail will commute gently while hovering or ying around(which also oten can be a sign o a stif tail mechanics!) and bounce back when stopping the rotation.

    Was the appropriate setting determined it is usually necessary to adjust the tail gyro gain in thetransmitter again.

    Move the tail stick into one direction until the Status-LED lights in the desired color:

    Status-LeD Tail HadingLock gain

    purpl very low

    rd fashing low

    rd medium *

    lu fashing high

    lu very high

    of usr dnd* Factory Setting

    I the tail pirouettes and stops unevenly in both directions, it is recommended to set the tail gyro toNormal-Rate mode in order to test, whether the tail will drit in a particular direction during hover. I itdoes, adjust the tail link rod length accordingly, so that the tail blades have the required compensation

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    pitch. Do not orget, to redo the tail rotor limits (setup menu pointE).

    I you did choose in the parameter menu the control behavior transmitter please make sure that youare not accidently entering the ree spinning range which might be a reason or inconsistent rotationrates. See note in parameter menuB (control behavior).

    The option usr dnd allows you to dene your own setting with the PC sotware.

    Push th utton to sav th conguration and to procd to paramtr mnu pointE

    E Stick dadand

    At parameter menu pointE you can adjust the stick dead band or elevator, aileron and rudder. Thedeadband is the range around the very center o the stick where the MICROBEAST will not react. Unor-tunately, some on the market available transmitters have the problem that when the sticks are brought

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    back, ater an input, to the middle position, they arent exactly at the same center position as beore.

    This generates a continuous deviation on the corresponding unction, although the stick seems to bein the middle. This deviation is interpreted as a

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