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  • Microchip Mathematics number theory for computer users

    Keith Devlin lIathematlcs Department Unlvenlty of Lancaster

  • SHIV A PUBLISHING LIMITED 64 Welsh Row, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 5ES, England

    Keith Devlin, 1984

    ISBN 1 850140472

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means. electronic, mechanical, photocopying. recording and/or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publishers.

    This book is sold subject to the Standard Conditions of Sale of Net Books and may not be resold in the UK below the net price given by the Publishers in their current price list.

    The front cover shows the author with a print-out of the largest known prime number, a number with 39751 digits. The print-out is 9 feet in length. It required over half an hour of main frame computer time to work out the digits in this number. (Photograph taken at The Computer Unit, Warwick University, courtesy of Dr Keith Halstead.)

    Printed and bound in Great Britain by Billing and Sons Limited

  • Contenls










    Prime Numbers

    The Sieve of Eratosthenes

    The Distribution of Primes

    Largest Known Primes

    Conjectures About Primes

    Exercises 0

    Computer Problems 0







    Mathematical Induction

    Divisibility. The Euclidean Algorithm

    Efficiency of Algorithms. Mu1tiprecision


    The Fibonnaci Sequence and the Efficiency

    of the Euclidean Algorithm

    Prime Numbers

















  • II.



    6. Diophantine Equations

    Exercises I

    Computer Problems I







    Modular Arithmetic

    Fermat's Little Theorem and the

    Euler Phi-Function

    Random Number Generators and Primitive Roots

    Exercises II

    Computer Problems II






    Perfect Numbers and Mersenne Primes

    Public Key Cryptography

    Primality Testing

    Factorisation Techniques

    Exercises III

    Computer Problems III
























  • Preface

    In the Autumn of 1983, in the face of the phenomenal growth of

    home computer sales in the U.K., the national British newspaper

    The Guardian decided to produce, each week, a 'Computer Page'.

    Noone was quite sure exactly what should go into the page on a

    regular basis, but it was thought that a fortnightly column on

    computer mathematics might be a good idea, and when the computer

    page first appeared on 20th October of that year, it included a

    small item on binary arithmetic by me.

    From the mail I received after my column had been running

    for a few months, it was clear that the microcomputer age had brought

    with it a huge increase in the number of (potential)

    'recreational mathematicians'. Though in many cases without any

    formal training in mathematics, my correspondents displayed tremendous

    mathematical ability, and I was frequently asked if I could recommend

    any suitable books. What they seemed to want was a genuine

    mathematics text book, but one which did not require a great deal

    of prior knowledge. This is intended to be just such a book.

    Number Theory is one of the few areas of modern mathematics

    which is accessible to the non-expert. (At least, the kind of

    Number Theory considered here: there is a lot of other material


  • which also goes under the title 'Number Theory', most of which

    is pretty well inaccessible to the majority of trained

    mathematicians~) It is also an area in which there is a genuine

    two-way flow between man and the computer. Indeed, it was this

    fascinating interplay of brain power and computer power that

    awakened my own interest in the subject to a level where I began

    to give a course on the subject at Lancaster University and,

    coincidentally, write about it in The Guardian. (Previously my

    mathematical research work had been in Set Theory, a subject dealing

    almost exclusively with the mysterious world of the infinite.)

    This is a book about (the computational aspects of) Number

    Theory. Though written for university undergraduates in

    mathematics, I have tried to present the material in such a way

    that it can be followed by the keen but largely untrained 'amateur'

    sitting at home with (or possibly even without) a cheap home

    computer. I do not pretend to give a complete coverage of the

    computational aspects of Number Theory. (For instance, no mention

    is made of Quadratic Reciprocity, a tremendously important part

    of the subject.) Rather my aim is to cover the (very) basic parts

    of Number Theory and at the same time give some indication of the

    way in which Number Theory both feeds off and leads to advances

    in Computation Theory. Consequently, if the book were used as

    a text to accompany a university lecture course, the lecturer would

    presumably deal with additional topics not covered in this book.

    In writing this book, I made extensive reference to, in

    particular, two excellent books, to which this text could be regarded

    as a precursor. David Burton's book Elementary Number Theory

    gives a wonderfully readable coverage of (essentially the non-


  • computational aspects of) Number Theory, and covers many more topics

    than I have space for here, whilst Donald Knuth's 'The Art of

    Computer Programming, Volume ~' is the 'bible' for serious

    computational number theorists.

    The book is structured in a way that assumes a more or less

    direct passage from start to finish, though an index is provided

    to enable the book to be used as a reference text if necessary.

    Each chapter (including an informal preparatory chapter) ends with

    a selection of (mathematical) Exercises, grouped according to the

    section they refer to, and some Computer Problems. The latter

    are, for the most part, just initial 'pointers' as to what can be

    tried out on a computer, and I would hope that these are enough

    to spur the reader on to carrying out further computer investigations

    of his or her own devising.

    To assist readers who wish to skip proofs and concentrate on

    the development of the main results, the symbol 0 is used to

    indicate the end of a proof. (Whenever this symbol occurs

    immediately following the statement of a result, this indicates

    that the proof is so obvious as to require no further comment.)

    For easy reference, all results obtained are numbered consecutively,

    the reference numbers consisting of the Chapter number, section

    number, and result number.

    Keith Devlin

    Lancaster, August 1984


  • Pierre De Fermat: 'The Father of Number Theory'. Born in 1601

    near Toulouse in France, Fermat was a jurist by profession, and

    only took up mathematics as a hobby in his thirties. Through

    correspondence with many of the leading scholars of the day, Fermat

    developed most of the pivotal ideas of present day Number Theory.

    Many of his ideas to simplify mental calculation are nowadays

    employed to speed up computer algorithms. This painting is from

    the collection of the Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions et

    Belles Lettres de Toulouse; it is reproduced here with the kind

    permission of Robert Gillis.

  • o Background: Prime Numbers

    Numbers constitute the one mathematical system familiar to all

    mankind, at least if by 'number' you mean 'positive whole number'

    as did the Ancient Greeks. Today the professional mathematician

    uses the phrase 'natural number' to denote the positive whole

    numbers 1,2,3, .. This is a book about these 'natural' numbers,

    and we shall rarely have occasion to speak of other numbers such

    as proper fractions like t,t, or t. The study of the natural

    numbers is known as 'Number Theory', and in keeping with the

    traditions of that subject we shall use the word 'number' to mean

    'natural number' unless otherwise indicated. (This convention

    is used in the very name 'Number Theory' of course.)

    The natural numbers are so fundamental to the rest of

    mathematics that the famous 19th Century mathematician Leopold

    Kronecker once remarked that 'God created the natural numbers,

    and all the rest is the work of man.' What he meant by this

    was that, starting from the natural numbers it is possible to

    construct, in a rigorous fashion, the entire edifice of modern

    mathematics, which is true, and that the natural numbers themselves

    cannot be constructed (in a mathematical sense) from any simpler

    entities, which was true when Kronecker made his remark but is


  • no longer valid, Cantor's Set Theory having provided a way of

    constructing the natural numbers using simple sets. But this

    last point notwithstanding, Kronecker's remark is still pretty

    indicative of the status of the natural numbers in mathematics.

    As the natural numbers are fundamental to the rest of

    mathematics, so are the prime numbers fundamental to the natural

    numbers. Strictly speaking, we shall not be in a position to

    make a proper study of the prime numbers until we have developed

    our Number Theory sufficiently, but so basic are the prime numbers

    that it will be helpful to present a few basic facts before we

    do anything else. All of these facts will be proved rigorously

    in due course. (This is not to say that anything we say is at

    all likely to strike you as unlikely, quite the contrary. But

    in mathematics it is prudent to leave nothing to chance, as history

    has taught us time and time again.)


    A number (natural number) p is said to be prime if it is greater

    than 1 and is divisible (without remainder) by only 1 and p.

    A number greater than 1 which is not prime is said to be composite.

    For example, 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19 are all prime and 4,6,8,9,10,

    12,14,15,16,18,20 are all composite. Obviously, with the

    exception of 2, all primes are odd numbers, a fact which leads

    to the old joke that 2, being even, is a very 'odd' prime.

    In Book IX of his 'Elements', Euclid proved that there are

    infinitely many prime numbers. (It is obvious that there are

    infinitely many composite numbers, for instance every even number

    greater than 2 is composite.)


  • The reason why the prime numbers play such a fundamental part

    in Number Theory lies to a great extent in the following simple

    fact, which we shall prove when we come to develop the theory of

    prime numbers in a proper fashion: if p is a prime and p divides

    a product ab of two numbers a and b, then p must divide (at least)

    one of a and b on its own.

    for instance, 6 divides 36

    4 or 9.)

    (This is not true for non-primes p:

    4.9 but 6 does not divide either of

    Using the above fact, it can be proved that every number greater

    than 1 can be expressed as a product of prime numbers, and that

    moreover such an expression is unique apart from the order in which

    the prime factors appear.

    Theorem of Arithmetic.

    This result is known as the Fundamental

    For example, 1200 (Actually,

    it is perhaps prudent to make a remark here about the use of the

    word 'product' in mathematics. Ordinarily, by a 'product' of

    numbers one means two numbers multiplied together. In mathematics,

    the word 'product' is used to mean the result of any number of

    numbers multiplied together. Included in this is the degenerate

    case of a single number, where in reality there is no multiplication

    involved at all. Thus, for example, the prime number 3 is a

    'product' of primes, as is any prime number. Though on the face

    of it it may seem a little strange to refer to individual primes

    as 'products' of primes, this is done in order to simplify the

    statement of mathematical results. For instance, without this

    convention it would be necessary to exclude the prime numbers from

    the statement of The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.)



    Given a particular number, how can we determine whether it is prime

    or not? The most obvious method is to go through all smaller

    numbers greater than 1 and see if any of them divide into it.

    If a divisor is found, the number cannot be primel if no divisor

    is found, it must be prime. Though simple to describe, this method

    is unwieldy in practice: for example, to check if 83 is prime would

    require 81 trial divisions.

    The above can be speeded up considerably by the observation

    that if a number a has a factor (other than 1 and a) it necessarily

    has a factor less than la. (This is easily proved.) So in order

    to check if a number is prime it is only necessary to look for

    possible factors less than its square root. For numbers such

    as 83, this makes the method feasible, of course, since then only

    the numbers 2, ,9 need be checked, but for larger numbers the

    method is still unwieldy.

    A simple technique for determining all the primes less than

    a given number without using any arithmetic at all was invented

    by the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes of Cyrene (276-194 B.C.).

    To find all the primes less than N, you begin by writing all the

    numbers 2,3,4,5, ,N in a list. Starting from 2, every second

    number on the list will be even, of course, and hence, excepting

    2 itself, will be composite. So you go through the list deleting

    every second number (but leaving 2 untouched). Now turn your

    attention to the next number on the list which has not been crossed

    out, namely 3. Starting from 3, every third number will be a

    multiple of 3, hence, excepting 3 itself, composite. So leave


  • 3 untouched and then proceed to cross out every third number

    thereafter. (In counting every third number, you include the

    crossed-out numbers.) The next number remaining on the list (i.e.

    not crossed out) is 5. Starting at 5, cross out every fifth number

    (but leave 5). And so on. By the time you reach the largest

    number less than the square root of N by this procedure, you will

    have deleted all composite numbers from the list, and what is

    left will constitute a list of all the primes less than N.

    The process of successively eliminating the multiples of

    2,3,5,7, etc in the above method is known as 'sieving' (for obvious

    reasons): hence the name 'The Sieve of Eratosthenes'. Later in

    the book we shall have occasion to study other 'sieving' procedures.

    Though it eliminates the need for arithmetic, it is clear

    that if N is much greater than, say 100, sieving is also not a

    very practical way to find prime numbers. In fact, utilising

    various mathematical results we shall obtain in this book, it is

    possible to develop much more efficient methods for primality



    If you use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to list all the primes less

    than, say, 100, you will be able to see that, though the primes

    are common amongst the smaller numbers (less than 20, say), they

    become less frequent the higher up you go. In fact, the sieving

    method makes it quite clear why this is the case. The higher

    up you are, the more numbers will be sieved out by the time you

    get there.

    If we denote by ~(n) the number of primes less than n, then


  • the following table shows how n(n) varies with n for a few values

    of n.

    n n(n)

    1,000 168

    10,000 1,229

    100,000 9,592

    1,000,000 78,498

    10,000,000 664,579

    100,000,000 5,761,455

    , In 1896, Hadamard and de la Valee Poussin independently

    succeeded in proving that as n tends to infinity, n(n) approaches

    the value n/log(n), i.e.

    lim n(n) 1 n~ n/log(n)

    (This followed considerable work on the problem by Tchebychef,

    Riemann, and others.) This result is known as The Prime Number

    Theorem. It had been conjectured over a hundred years earlier

    by Legendre and Gauss, based upon the numerical evidence supplied

    by tables such as the above.

    An even better formula approximating n(n) for 'large' n was

    suggested by Gauss and subsequently proved by de la Va1~e Poussin,

    namely the function

    Li(n) fn dx 2 log(x)

    The accuracy of these approximating functions can be judged from

    the following table, which extends the one above.


  • n n(n) n/log(n) Li(n)

    1,000 168 145 178

    10,000 1,229 1,086 1,246

    100,000 9,592 8,686 9,630

    1,000,000 78,498 72,382 78,628

    10,000,000 664,579 620,420 664,918

    100,000,000 5,761,455 5,428,681 5,762,209

    One thing that is immediately apparent from the above table

    is that, whilst Li(n) approximates n(n) with considerable accuracy

    for quite modest values of n, it always does so on the large side:

    Li(n) - n(n) is always positive. Is this in fact always the case,

    or are there values of n for which Li(n) - n(n) is negative?

    This is one of those salutary occasions when the mathematical

    fact is at variance with all the available numerical evidence.

    No number n has ever been found for which Li(n) - n(n) is

    negative, despite considerable computer searches. Nevertheless,

    the mathematician J.E.Littlewood proved that such an n must exist.

    In fact, the sign of Li(n) - n(n) changes infinitely often as n

    runs up through all the numbers.

    somewhere before the number

    It must certainly change

    a number of incomprehensible magnitude, and almost the largest

    number ever to playa genuine part in mathematics. It seems

    likely that, no matter how much computers develop in the future,

    noone will ever know of a specific example of a number n for


  • which TI(n) exceeds Li(n).


    Knowing that there are infinitely many primes, mankind's curiosity

    has naturally resulted in computer searches being made for 'record'

    primes. Such searches involve some interesting mathematics, and

    require very efficient computer programs. For mathematical reasons

    which will be explained later in the book, record primes are

    nowadays always of the form 2n -1 for certain numbers n.

    Prior to 1971, the largest known prime was 211 ,213 1, a

    number which would require some 3,376 digits to write out in the

    normal way. This was discovered by Donald B. Gillies in 1963

    using the ILLIAC-II computer. In 1971, Bryant Tuckerman used

    an 1MB 360-91 computer to show that the 6,002 digit number

    219,937 l' . - l.S prl.me. In 1978, two 18 year old American high

    school students, Laura Nickel and Curt Noll, discovered the prime

    221,701 _ 1, using a CDC-CYBER-174. This feat so caught the

    imagination of the American public that Nickel and Noll's discovery

    was announced on nationwide television and made every major American

    newspaper. The Nickel-Noll prime has 6,533 digits. One year

    later, Noll used the same computer to better the record with the

    6,987 digit number 223,209 - 1.

    It took the CDC-CYBER-174 well over eight hours to run the

    check on primality for Noll's number. Two weeks later, David

    Slowinski used the immensely powerful CRAY-1 computer to check

    the primality of the same number: it took a mere seven minutes.

    Aided by Harry Nelson, Slowinski used the CRAY-1 to discover, on

    April 8, 1979, that the 13,395 digit number 244 ,497 - 1 is prime.


  • For the period 1976 until 1984, the CRAY-1 was probably the most

    powerful computer in the world, so it is not too surprising to

    learn that Slowinski and his CRAY-1 kept the record for the world's

    largest known prime. On September 25, 1982 the 25,962 digit

    prime 286 ,243 - 1 was discovered. Then, on September 19, 1983

    (at 1 36 33 ) the 39 751 d o 2132 ,049 1 f d 1: : a.m. , 19lt glant - was oun,

    this time using a CRAY-XMP computer, essentially two CRAY-1

    computers joined together. At the time of writing, this is the

    largest known prime number in the world.


    There are many easily formulated conjectures about primes, based

    upon numerical evidence, which have resisted numerous attempts

    at solution. For instance, to make the business of primality

    testing feasible, record primes are nowadays always sought amongst

    the numbers of the type 2n - 1. It is conjectured that there

    are infinitely many prime numbers of this kind, but this has never

    been proved. In fact the numerical evidence is rather flimsy.

    Including the examples listed in the previous section, only 29

    examples of such primes are known. A similar unsolved problem

    is whether there are infinitely many primes of the form 2n + 1.

    2 Are there infinitely many prlmes of the form n + 1? The

    conjecture is that there are. Again, Fermat, the great 17th

    Century number theorist, conjectured that all numbers of the form

    are prime.

    F n

    This is certainly true for FO = 3, F1 = 5, F2 = 17,

    65,537. But unfortunately, there it stops.


  • In 1732, Euler found that F5 = 4,294,967,297 is divisible by 641.

    Despite considerable computerised searches, no prime numbers of

    the form Fn for n>4 have ever been found, and the present day

    conjecture is that Fn is composite for all n>4.

    Two primes which are only 2 apart are said to be twin primes.

    For example, 5 and 7 constitute a pair of twin primes, as do 17

    and 19. Thousands of examples of such pairs have been discovered,

    but the conjecture that there are infinitely many pairs of twin

    primes remains unresolved.

    In a letter to his colleague Euler written in 1742, Christian

    Goldbach conjectured that every even number is the sum of two

    numbers that are either prime or 1. For example, 4 = 2+2, 6 = 3+3,

    8 = 3+5. Computer searches have demonstrated that this is true

    up to 1,000,000,000, but the general problem remains unsolved,

    and is known today as the Goldbach Conjecture. A similar open

    question is whether every even number can be expressed as the

    difference of two consecutive primes in infinitely many ways.

    And in 1775 Lagrange conjectured that every odd number greater

    than 5 can be written in the form p + 2q where p and q are both

    primes, again still open.

    Is it possible to find arbitrarily long finite arithmetic

    progressions of prime numbers? At present the longest known is

    of length 18, starting with the prime 107,928,278,317 and increasing

    in steps of 9,922,782,870 until the number 276,615,587,107 is

    reached. Even more demanding, are there arbitrarily long finite

    arithmetic progressions of consecutive primes? The longest known

    has length 6, starting with 121,174,811 and going up in steps of



  • Occasionally a conjecture about primes does get solved.

    For instance, in 1850, Tchebychef established Bertrands's Conjecture

    that for every number n>l there is a prime number strictly between

    nand 2n. And in 1950 it was shown that every number greater

    than 9 can be written as a sum of distinct odd primes. But by

    and large, most of the present day open conjectures about primes

    seem to be extremely hard to answer.


    1. Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to determine all the primes

    less than 100.

    2. Prove that if n is composite, it has a prime factor less

    than In.

    3. A number is said to be square-free if it is not divisible

    by any perfect square. Prove that a number n>l is square-

    free if, and only if, it is a product of distinct primes.

    4. Prove that the only prime of the form n 3 - 1 is 7.

    5. Prove that if an - 1 is prime, then a=2.

    6. Show that any prim~ greater than 3 is either one less or one

    more than a multiple of 6. (This requires the Division

    Algorithm considered in Chapter I.)

    7. 2 2 Show that if p is a prime greater than 5, either p -lor p +1

    is divisible by 10. (This requires the Division Algorithm,

    considered in Chapter I.)


  • 8. Use Bertrand's Conjecture to show that if Pn is the n-th prime

    n (so Pl=2, P2=3, P3=5, etc.), then Pn

  • 4. A natural question which arises from the proof if the

    infinitude of the primes (see question 9 in the above

    Exercises: see also Chapter I) is whether the numbers

    are prime, where Pn denotes the n-th prime number.

    Investigate this question.

    5. Investigate the primality of the values of the quadratic


    f(n) n 2 + n + 41

    for n 0,1,2, ,100.

    6. There is an arithmetic progression of seven primes which starts

    with a number less than 10 and increases in steps of 150.

    Find it.

    7. The de Polignac Conjecture states that every odd number is

    the sum of a prime and a power of 2. Find a counterexample.

    8. Verify the Goldbach Conjecture for all even numbers up to


    9. Find five primes of the form 2n - 1.

    10. Find 10 pairs of twin primes. Find 100. Investigate the

    behaviour of the function t(n) which gives the number of twin

    pairs less than n.


  • I Basic Concepts

    This preparatory chapter collects together an assortment of concepts

    and ideas that will be required throughout the remainder of the

    book. Most of the material covered will probably be familiar to

    you, though the 'casual' reader may be a little surprised at the

    degree of rigour with which the development proceeds. Exercising

    great care and leaving nothing to 'chance' may well seem unnecessary

    during the early stages, but when things become more complicated

    and there is little or no intuition to be the guide, mathematical

    rigour is the only guarantee of correctness, so it is as well to

    start out as you mean to go on.


    Many results in Number Theory are of the form 'all numbers have

    such and such a property'.

    any number n

    For example, the statement that for

    1 + 2 + 3 + + (n-1) + n tn(n+1)

    How can one set about proving that such a statement is true?

    Certainly one might begin by trying the formula with a few values

    of n, say n = 1,2,3, ,10. In the case of the example given,


  • this will show that the formula is valid for each of these values

    of n. Whilst this may well give cause to suspect the general

    validity of the formula for all values of n, it does not at all

    prove its universal validity. Indeed, the unreliability of

    numerical evidence in situations such as this was highlighted by

    the result of Littlewood mentioned in Chapter 0.3. (Another

    instance was provided by Computer Problem 5 in that chapter.)

    In order to demonstrate rigourously that a statement is valid

    for all values of the number n, it is necessary to prove that it

    is impossible for there ever to be an n for which the statement

    is false, no matter how large and computably inaccessible it may

    be. In order to do this, it is common to argue like this.

    Suppose, for the sake of argument, that there were a value of n

    for which the statement in question is false. Then there would

    have to be a first (i.e. least) such value of n. For this particular

    value of n we would then have the situation where the statement

    is true for all values 1,2,3, ,n-l but fails at n. The method

    of proof by Mathematical Induction works by preventing this situation,

    or rather by demonstrating that it can never arise.

    The method is more easily understood by considering a specific

    example, such as the one given above.

    that for any number n

    That is, we want to pr,ove

    1+2+3+ +n !n(n+l)

    We begin by observing that the formula is valid for the special

    case n=l. Now suppose that it were false for some number n.

    Let K be the least number for which the formula is false. We

    thus have the situation


  • (i) 1 + 2 +

    (ii) 1 + 2 +

    + (K-l) = ;(K-l)(K)

    + K f. ;K(K+l)

    To complete the proof we demonstrate that this situation is

    contradictory, i.e. that equations (i) and (ii) cannot both be

    valid. This is the part of any induction proof where some ingenuity

    is required.

    In the case of this example suppose we take equation (i) and

    add K to both sides. This gives

    1 + 2 + + (K-l) + K ;(K-l)(K) + K

    which, when we simplify the right hand side gives

    1 + 2 + + (K-l) + K ;K(K+l)

    This contradicts equation (ii), of course. (strictly speaking,

    (ii) is not an 'equation' but an 'inequation' but mathematicians

    never bother about this kind of detail: there are more important

    details to worry about.) It follows that the original assumption

    that there were an n for which the formula is false cannot be a

    valid assumption.

    all numbers n.

    In other words, the formula must be true for

    The reason the above method of induction works can be explained

    like this. The difficulty in trying to prove that something is

    true for all numbers n is that there are infinitely many numbers

    and it is impossible to consider them all individually. By making

    the assumption that the statement is false for some number, and

    then concentrating on the least number for which it is false, you

    are reduced to looking at just one number, namely that least value.


  • Of course, you do not know just which number that is. (Indeed,

    if the result you are trying to prove turns out to be true, then

    there will in fact not be such a number, so there is no way you

    can know its value. But at the time of trying to prove the result

    you do not know this, at least not 'officially'.) But as the

    above example shows, in order to arrive at a contradiction it is

    not at all necessary to know anything about the critical value

    K other than that it is (by assumption) a critical value where

    the statement in question first becomes false.

    Notice that in the above example, in order to reach our final

    contradiction we began with equation (i). But there will only

    be an equation (i) provided that K>l. This was why the proof

    began with the observation that the result was valid for n=l.

    This means that K, for which the result is assumed false, must

    indeed be greater than 1. This important point is often over-

    looked by the beginner, so we shall emphasise it by trying to prove,

    by induction, the false statement

    1 + 3 + 5 + + (2n-1) 2

    n + 3

    Suppose that the above equation is false for some value of

    n. Let K be the least value of n for which it fails. Then we

    have the situation

    (i) 1 + 3 + 5 + + (2K - 3) (K-1)2 + 3

    (ii) 1 + 3 + 5 + + (2K - 1) ~ K2 + 3

    Add 2K-1 to both sides of equation (i) to obtain

    1 + 3 + 5 + + (2K-3) + (2K-1) 2

    (K-1) + 2K + 2


  • Rearranging the right hand side of this equation gives

    1 + 3 + 5 + + (2K-1) 2

    K + 3 ,

    which contradicts (ii). So far this looks very similar to the

    proof used in our first example. The difference is that in this

    example the result is not true for n=l. This 'small' fact means

    that the argument just given does not lead to the conclusion that

    the formula concerned is valid for all values of n. In fact it

    is false for all values of n.

    Proofs by mathematical induction are often written in a slightly

    different fashion. In order to prove that some statement A(n)

    involving the number n is valid for all numbers n, it is possible

    to proceed as follows.

    1. Establish (usually by simple observation) that A(l) is


    2. Give an algebraic proof that the truth of A(n) implies

    that of A(n+1) (for an unspecified n).

    This procedure is in fact logically equivalent to the first one.

    Step 1 is, of course, common to both approaches. Step 2 above

    will clearly preclude the existence of a K for which A(K) is false,

    since any such K will have to be greater than 1 (by Step 1), and

    so the least K will be for the form K = n+1 where A(n) is true

    (K being the least for which A(K) is false), and Step 2 then implies

    A(n+l) is true, i.e. A(K) is true, a contradiction.

    We shall use this method of writing the proof to establish

    the correct version of the formula for the sum of the first 2n-1

    odd numbers, considered above. The formula is


  • (i) 1 + 3 + 5 + + (2n-1) 2


    To prove this by the method of induction, we begin by observing

    that the formula is valid for n=l. Now we make the assumption

    that it is valid for an unspecified n, i.e. we assume that equation

    (i) is indeed valid for some (unspecified) n, and we try to prove

    that it is valid for n+1, i.e. that

    (ii) 1 + 3 + 5 + + (2n+1) (n+1)2

    How do we prove that (ii) follows from (i)? This is easy.

    Sim~ly add 2n+1 to both sides of equation (i) and simplify the

    right hand side.

    Really the only difference in the two approaches is that in

    the former we perform the algebra on the special (but unknown)

    value n=K where the statement is false for the first time, and

    in the second we perform the same algebra on some fixed, but likewise

    unknown, n.

    Notice in particular that in the second formulation of

    induction, we do not make the assumption that A(n) is true for

    all n, indeed, it is precisely in order to prove this that induction

    is being used in the first place. Rather we assume that A(n)

    is true for a single but totally unspecified value of n, which,

    being unspecified, has to be referred to as 'n' throughout. (Some

    authors introduce a second symbol, 'k', at this point and speak

    about 'letting n=k', and you can do this if you prefer, preserving

    the distinction between 'n', the variable, and 'k', a fixed but

    arbitrary number. But the algebra remains the same, except that

    n becomes k everywhere.)


  • The two examples of induction considered so far both involved

    the verification of an equation. This is not always the case.

    As an illustration, let us use induction to prove that for all

    numbers n, 6 divides into 7n_1. For n=1 this is obviously true.

    Now assume the result is valid for some arbitrary but fixed number

    n. We shall try to use this assumption in order to prove that

    6 divides into 7n+1 - 1. Notice that

    7.7n - 7 + 6 7.(7n - 1) + 6

    By our 'induction hypothesis', 6 divides into 7n_1, so certainly

    6 divides into 7.(7n-1). It follows at once that 6 divides into

    7.(7n-1) + 6, of course, so we have succeeded in proving that 6

    divides into 7n+1 - 1. It follows ('by induction') that 6 divides

    into 7n-1 for all n.

    You may well ask, why write 7n+1 - 1 in the form we did?

    The only answer is that this led to the result we wanted. Different

    situations will require different 'tricks', and induction proofs

    often require considerable ingenuity at the 'n to n+1 step'.

    We end this section with a particularly important application

    of the method of induction: The Binomial Theorem. This allows

    us to express powers of the form (a + b)n as a sum of products

    of powers of a and b. For example, the following are well known

    and easily proved by direct evaluation:

    2 2 a + 2ab + b ,

    In order to obtain a general result of this kind we need the

    factorial function. For any number n, factorial n (also called


  • 'n factorial') is that number, denoted by n!, obtained by

    multiplying together all the numbers 1,2,3, ,n. Thus

    n! n(n-1) 3.2.1.

    For example,

    I! = 1, 2! = 2.1 = 2, 3! = 3.2.1 6, 4! 24,

    5! = 120, 6! = 720,

    7! = 5040, 8! = 40320

    From the above examples it should be clear that the values of n!

    increase very rapidly as n increases. It should also be clear

    that there is a simple recursive procedure for calculating values

    of n!, namely, for any n,

    (n+1) ! (n+1) (n!)

    For convenience, we define o! = 1.

    For any numbers n,r such that 0 ~ r ~ n, the binomial

    coefficient Cn is defined by: r

    n! r!(n-r)!

    For example,

    2 Co 1,

    2 C1 2,

    2 C2 1;

    4 4 4 Co 1, C1 4, C2 6,

    Note that for any n, Cn n

    n(n-1) (n-r+1) r!

    3 1, c3 Co 1

    4 4.

    4 C3 C4

    3, 3

    C2 3,


    1, and that for any n,r, Cn r

    c3 3


    Cn n-r


  • Theorem 1.1.1 (The Binomial Theorem) For any n il: 2 ,

    Proof: By induction on n. The cases n = 2, 3 follow from

    previous observations. So assume the result holds for n (i.e.

    as stated above) and prove it for n+1. By this induction

    hypothesis, we have:

    a.(a + b)n n n+l + cnlanb + cn2an-1b2 + n n-r+1 r cOa + Cra b +

    b.(a + b)n n n + cn1an-1b2 n n-1 3 coa b + C2a b + n n-r r+l

    + Cab + r

    n n + Cnbn+1 + Cn _1ab n

    Adding these two expressions, we obtain

    n+1 (a + b)

    (Cn n n-r+1 r + r + Cr_l)a b +

    + (Cn + Cn l)abn + Cnbn +l n n- n

    . n+1 1

    n and

    n+l 1

    n shall have completed Sl.nce Co = Co Cn +1 Cn' we

    proof if we can show that Cn n Cn+l our + Cr - 1 for all r, since r r

    the above expression will then be the theorem for n+l in place

    of n. So we must prove that

    n! +

    n! (n+1)! r! (n-r)! (r-l)! (n-r+1)! r! (n+1-r)!

    But this is easy. Simply combine the two fractions on the left

    into a single fraction, and upon simplification the expression


  • on the right is obtained. This completes the proof of the

    binomial theorem. 0


    The notion of divisibility of one number by another is fundamental

    to practically all aspects of Number Theory. Given any two

    numbers one can add them or multiply them and obtain a new (natural)

    number. If you allow for negative numbers (and zero), by

    considering the integers rather than just the positive integers,

    you can subtract as well. But division cannot, in general, be

    performed, which is to say the result of dividing one number*

    or integer by another is not necessarily another number* or

    integer. For instance, you cannot divide 2 by 3 and obtain a

    natural number as the result. Division is an operation for which

    you need, at the very least, the rational number system. But

    rational numbers are not what we study in Number Theory (at least,

    not for most of the time).

    When you are restricting yourself to whole numbers, either

    the natural numbers or the integers, the process of division

    results in a 'quotient' and a 'remainder'. For example, when

    you try to divide 9 by 4 you get a quotient of 2 and a remainder

    of 1:

    9 = 4.2 + 1

    This fundamental fact is embodied in a result called The Division

    Algorithm. This is a bit of a misnomer, since the result itself

    * Remember ~hat we have agreed that the word 'number' shall mean 'natural number' except where indicated otherwise.


  • is not an 'algorithm' at all. On the contrary, it merely asserts

    the existence of a quotient and a remainder, and does not tell

    you how to calculate them. (Though it can presumably be safely

    assumed that you are, in fact, able to perform this task should

    it prove necessary to do so.)

    Theorem 1.2.1 (The Division Algorithm) Let a,b be integers, b>O.

    Then there exist unique integers q,r such that

    a q.b + r and O~r

  • where O~r,r'

  • The following result is more general than Theorem 1.2.1.

    Theorem 1.2.2 Let a,b be integers, b ~ O. Then there are

    unique integers q,r such that

    a = qb + rand 0::; r < Ib I.

    Proof: We only need to consider the case bO

    having been dealt with in Theorem 1.2.1 above. Since Ibl > 0,

    an application of Theorem 1.2.1 gives unique integers q',r' such


    a = q'.lb 1+ r' and 0::; r' < Ibl.

    -b, if we set q -q' and r r', we get

    a = qb + rand 0::; r < Ibl,

    which proves the theorem. o

    Simple though it is, the Division Algorithm enables us to

    prove various results that can be of help in simplifying

    computational work. For instance, suppose that we were looking

    for numbers which are the square of a prime. It may be useful

    to know that the square of any prime greater than 2, in fact the

    square of any odd number, is one more than a multiple of 8. (For

    example, 32 = 9 = 8 + 1, 52 = 25 = 3.8 + I.> To prove this fact,

    note that by the Division Algorithm, any number can be expressed

    in one of the forms 4q, 4q+l, 4q+2, 4q+3, so any odd number is

    of one of the forms ~q+l, 4q+3. Squaring each of these gives


  • (4q+1)2 = 16q2 + Sq + 1 = S( 2q2 + q) + 1 222

    (4q+3) = 16q + 24q + 9 = S(2q + 3q + 1) + 1.

    In both cases the result is one more than a multiple of S.

    Further examples of this kind are given in the Exercises at

    the end of this chapter. (See also Exercises 6 and 7 in

    Chapter 0.)

    An integer b is said to be divisible by a non-zero integer a,

    written symbolically as alb, if and only if there is an integer c

    such that b = ac.

    The following result lists the basic properties of divisibility.

    Lemma 1.2.3 Let a,b,c be integers, a ~ o. Then:-

    (i) alO, 11a, ala;

    (ii) all if and only if a = l

    ( iii) if alb and cld then aclbd (for c ~ 0)

    (iv) if alb and blc then alc (for b ~ 0)

    (v) [alb and blal if and only if a = b

    (vi) if alb and b ~ 0, then la I :> Ibl

    (vii) if alb and alc then al(bx+cy) for any integers x,y

    Proof: In each case the proof simply involves going back to the

    definition of alb. For example, to prove (iv), the assumptions

    mean that there are integers d,e such that b da and c = eb, from

    which it follows that c = (de)a, and so alc. To take another

    case, consider (vi). Since alb there is an integer c such that

    b = ac. I a 1.1 cl. Since b ~ 0, we must have c ~ 0, so I c I ;: 1. The remaining cases are left as an exercise. 0


  • Let a,b be given integers, at least one of which is not zero.

    Then there are only a finite number of numbers d such that dla

    and dlb. The largest of these numbers d is called the greatest

    common divisor of a and b, denoted by gcd(a,b) or, more simply

    if the meaning is clear from the context, by (a,b).

    For example, take the integers 18 and -24. The positive

    divisors of 18 are 1,2,3,6,9,18, whilst those of -24 are

    1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24. The common divisors of 18 and -24 (amongst

    the positive numbers) are thus 1,2,3,6. Thus 6 = gcd(18,-24).

    (In the shorter notation, 6 = (18,-24).) Notice that, as this

    example indicates, the gcd of two integers is always positive,

    regardless of the sign of the two given integers.

    A very useful result concerning the gcd of two integers is

    that gcd(a,b) can always be expressed as a linear combination

    (with integer coefficients) of a and b. For instance, in the

    case of the example 6 = (18,-24) considered above, we have

    6 (-1).(-24) + (-1).(18).

    Theorem I.2.4 Let a,b be integers, not both zero. Then there

    are integers x,y such that

    (a,b) xa + yb

    Proof: Assume, for the sake of argument, that a ~ O. Let S

    be the set

    S {ua + vb I u,v are integers and ua + vb > O}

    Let u = 1 if a > 0 and let u = -1 if a < O. Then ua + Ob S.

    This shows that S is not empty.


    Let d be the smallest member

  • of S. Pick x,y so that d = xa + yb, as guaranteed by the

    definition of S. We complete the proof by demonstrating that

    d = (a,b).

    By the Division Algorithm there are integers q,r such that

    a = qd + r and o ~ r < d.


    r a - qd a - q(xa + yb) (1 - qx)a + (-qy)b.

    If r > 0, this would mean that r S, contrary to the minimality

    of d in S. Thus we must have r = O. But then a = qd, so dla.

    Similarly, dlb.

    Having proved that d divides into both a and b, we now prove

    that d is the largest such number. Suppose that c is a number

    which divides both a and b. Then (by Lemma 1.2.3, part (vii

    cl (xa + yb), i.e. cld. It follows that c ~ d, and hence that d

    is the greatest common divisor of a,b. 0

    Corollary 1.2.5 Let a,b be integers, not both zero, and let

    T {xa + by I x,y are integers}

    Then T is the set of all multiples of (a,b).


    of d.

    Let d = (a,b). Clearly, every member of T is a multiple

    Conversely, since we may write d = xOa + YOb for some

    integers xo,yo' we have

    for any integer n, so every multiple of d is a member of T. 0


  • We say that integers a,b are coprime (or relatively prime)

    if (a,b) = 1.

    In the case of coprime integers, Theorem I.2.4 has a converse,


    Theorem I.2.6 Let a,b be integers, not both zero. Then a,b

    are coprime if and only if there are integers x,y such that

    xa + yb 1.

    Proof: If (a,b) = 1 then the existence of such x,y follows from

    Theorem I.2.4. Conversely, suppose such x,y exist. Let d = (a,b).

    Since dla and dlb we must have dl(xa + yb), i.e. d11. But d > 0

    (since it is a gcd). Thus d = 1. o We have already observed that division is not a permissible

    operation when we are restricting ourselves to whole numbers.

    But in the case where integers a,b are such that alb, by definition

    there is a (necessarily unique) integer c such that b = ac, and

    we shall write bla to denote that unique integer c. We make use

    of this natural convent~on in the next result, a corollary to the

    above theorem.

    Lemma I.2.7 If (a,b) d then (aid, bid) 1.

    Proof: Write d xa + yb. Since dla and dlb we can rewrite

    this equation as

    1 x(a/d) + y(b/d).

    So by Theorem I.2.6, (aid, bid) 1. o

    Notice that alc and blc do not necessarily imply that ablc.


  • For example, 6124 and 8124 but 48124. However, we do have:

    Lemma 1.2.8 Suppose that (a,b) 1. If alc and blc then ablc.

    Proof: Pick r,s so that c = ra, c = sb. Pick x,y so that

    xa + yb = 1. Then xac + ybc = c, so

    c = xasb + ybra ab(xs + yr).

    Thus ablc. o The following result, sometimes known as Euclid's Lemma, turns

    out to be of fundamental importance in Number Theory.

    Theorem 1.2.9 If albc and (a,b) 1 then alc.

    Proof: Write 1 xa + yb, bc na. Then

    c = xac + ybc xac + yna a(xc + yn),

    so alc. o How do you go about calculating the gcd of two given integers?

    The 'obvious' method is to factor each number into a product of

    primes and see which primes (with multiplicities) are common to

    both. For example, to calculate (90,2268), notice that

    90 and 2268

    2 so that (90,2268) = 2.3 = 18. (It is easy to see that this method

    always works.) The problem with this method is that factoring

    a number into primes is an extremely time consuming business.

    (See later.) A much more efficient method of calculating a gcd

    is to use The Euclidean Algorithm. This depends upon the following



  • Lemma I. 2 .10 Ifa qb + r then (a,b) (b,r)

    Proof: Let d (a,b) Then dla and dlb, so dlr. Hence dl (b,r).

    Suppose that c > 0 also divides (b,r). Then clb and clr so

    c I a (=qb + r). Thus cl (a,b), i.e. cld. It follows that c ~ d. So, by definition, d = (b,r). 0

    We are now able to describe the Euclidean Algorithm to determine

    the gcd of two given integers a,b. We may assume that neither

    of a,b is zero. (Otherwise the problem is trivial.) Since

    (a,b), we may further assume that a ~ b > O.

    By the Division Algorithm applied to the pair a,b we can find

    integers q1,r1 such that

    If r 1 = 0 then bla so (a, b) = b and we are done. Otherwise

    r 1 > 0 and by the above Lemma 1.2.10 we have (a,b) = (b,r1 ).

    We now apply the Division Algorithm to b,r1 to obtain integers

    Q2,r2 such that


    If r 2 = 0 then r11b so (a, b) = (b,r1 ) = r 1 and we are done.

    Otherwise r 2 > 0 and by Lemma 1.2.10 again we have

    (a, b) = (b,r1 ) (r1,r2 ). Now apply the Division Algorithm to

    r 1 ,r2 to obtain Q3,r3 such that

    Keep on in this fashion. Since b > r 1 > r 2 > r3 > ~ 0, there

    must come a stage n for which r n+1 O.


    Then r n

    (a,b), and we

  • are done.

    As an example, we shall find the gcd of the numbers 12345

    and 678. Applying the Euclidean Algorithm as just outlined, we

    obtain the following steps:







    18.678 + 141

    4.141 + 114

    1.114 + 27

    4.27 + 6

    4.6 + 3

    2.3 + 0

    Thus the gcd of 12345 and 678 is 3, the last non-zero remainder


    It is obvious that the above computation is easily carried

    out using at most a pocket calculator.

    by factoring into primes takes longer.

    To obtain the same result

    The relevant factorisations


    12345 3.5.823 and 678 2.3.113.

    From these factorisations it is immediate that the gcd is 3, the

    only prime factor the two numbers have in common. In fact, for

    numbers of this size it is not so apparent that the factorisation

    technique is not always feasible. The necessity of checking that

    the numbers 823 and 113 are prime in the above example, though

    involving more work than in the Euclidean Algorithm, is nonetheless

    not too onerous. But, as we shall indicate in Chapter III, for

    larger numbers, factorisation is virtually impossible, and must

    therefore be avoided wherever possible.


  • Theorem 1.2.4 tells us that the gcd of two numbers can be

    expressed as a linear combination (with integer coefficients) of

    those two numbers. By tracing backwards through the Euclidean

    Algorithm it is possible to find such an expression. This method

    is best explained by means of an example. Consider the computation

    above to determine gcd(12345,678). How can we express 3, the

    answer, as a linear combination of 12345 and 678?

    way back through the calculation we find:

    3 27 - 4.6

    27 - 4.(114 - 4.27)

    27 - 4.114 + 16.27

    17.27 - 4.114

    17.(141 - 1.114) - 4.114

    17.141 - 21.114

    17.141 - 21.(678 - 4.141)

    101.141 - 21.678

    101.(12345 - 18.678) - 21.678

    101.12345 - 1839.678

    Working our

    We shall examine the Euclidean Algorithm more closely in the

    next section.


    There are two distinct senses in which a mathematical problem can

    be said to be 'solved'. First there is the pure 'existence' proof,

    which demonstrates that, say, a number exists having certain

    properties, but gives no indication as to just what that number

    is. An example of such a solution is Littlewood's Theorem,


  • mentioned in Chapter 0.3, that there is a number n for which

    Li(n) - n(n) is negative. No-one has any real idea of how to

    actually find such a number. (Of course, in a sense there is

    a method: examine each number in turn until one is found with the

    desired property, but for reasons indicated in Chapter 0.3 this

    is not at all a feasible method.) The second type of solution

    is the computational solution, whereby a method (or 'algorithm')

    is given which enables one to calculate numbers with the property


    a solution.

    The Euclidean Algorithm is a good example of such

    As soon as you start talking about algorithms for the solution

    of problems, the questions arise: 'How efficient is the algorithm?'

    'Is it feasible in practical, computing terms?' 'And if so, for

    what 'inputs' is it feasible?' The whole subject of algorithm

    efficiency is a big one in its own right, and for the most part

    lies outside our present scope, but insofar as it concerns our

    subject matter we need to know a little bit about it.

    First of all, just what do we mean by an 'algorithm'? It

    is possible to give a fairly precise definition, but at this stage

    it is sufficient to say that an algorithm is a sequence of

    instructions which describe, in 'reasonable' detail, the steps

    that must be performed in order to compute something: usually

    the algorithm will have one or more numerical 'inputs' and produce

    one or more numerical 'outputs'. The Euclidean Algorithm described

    in the last section is a good example of such a procedure. (The

    name 'algorithm' derives from al-Khow~rizm!, an 8th Century Arabic

    mathematician who wrote an influential textbook explaining the


  • Hindu system of decimal arithmetic.)

    The first arithmetical algorithm that we ever meet is the

    classical method for adding two numbers in decimal notation.

    In order to develop the ideas we shall need to discuss algorithm

    efficiency, let us have a quick look at this algorithm.

    The classical addition algorithm depends upon the prior

    knowledge of the sums of all pairs of 1-digit numbers (1 + 3 4,

    5 + 7 = 12, etc.) Then, to add two n-digit numbers

    x xnxn_1 X2X1 and Y = YnYn-1 Y2Y1 (where the xi'Y j are single

    digits), we perform a sequence of n additions of the form

    where c 2 , ,cn are the possible 'carries', defined by (setting

    c1 = 0 for convenience)

    { 0 , if xi +Yi +ci :i! 9

    1 , if xi+yi+c i > 9

    NOw, our discussion of algorithms will really only make sense

    when applied to computers, which perform the steps of the

    algorithm in sequence at a fixed rate. So let us imagine that

    we are to use the above addition algorithm in such a fashion,

    taking no short cuts and performing each step in succession.

    (The basic operation of adding two 1-digit numbers will correspond

    to the basic addition operation provided in the computer hardware.)

    Let to be the (assumed constant) time it takes to perform one basic,

    single digit addition, and let T(n) denote the time taken to add

    two n-digit numbers using the above algorithm. At first glance

    it would seem that


  • This is not quite accurate, however, since we have ignored the

    various 'book-keeping' tasks involved to keep track of where we

    are in the algorithm. (Computer programmers refer to the time

    taken for such operations as the 'overheads' involved in the

    computation.) A few moments reflection should indicate that

    these additional steps might themselves require a total time of

    the order of 2n.tO


    for some constant c.

    At any rate, we will have a bound of the

    We would say that the addition algorithm

    'runs in linear time' to describe this situation: that is, the

    time taken to perform the computation using the algorithm depends

    linearly upon the size of the inputs (expressed in terms of the

    number of digits in the two inputs). (If we wanted to express

    the efficiency of the algorithm in terms of the magnitude of the

    inputs rather than the number of digits involved, we would say

    that the algorithm runs in 'log linear time'. This is because

    the number of digits in a number N is approximately equal to

    loglON, which means that the computation bound would be of the


    Time taken to add two numbers of the order of N ~ c.loglON.tO.)

    So much for addition (and, by a trivial modification to the

    algorithm, subtraction). What about the other fundamental number

    theoretic operation:multiplication? We start by examining the


  • conventional multiplication algorithm we learn at school. This

    depends upon knowing in advance the product of any two I-digit

    numbers (4.5 = 20, 6.9 = 54, etc.). Normally, when we make use

    of this algorithm we layout the calculation more or less like


    35 24 x 20

    120 100 600 840

    (4X5=20) (4X3=12) (2 X5=10) (2 X3=6) (adding)

    Thus we reduce the problem of multiplying two 2-digit numbers to

    that of performing 4 multiplications of I-digit pairs, using

    position to take care of the multiples of 10 involved (with a

    units column, a tens column, etc.). In fact it will be more

    convenient for us to write out such a calculation in the form

    24.35 100.2.3 + 10.2.5 + 10.4.3 + 4.5

    In general, if X and Yare two 2-digit numbers, say X

    Extending the above algorithm to the general case of two

    n-digit numbers we have: if

    X and Y

    are n-digit numbers then


  • Xy

    In the course of this calculation, x,y, is calculated for each l. J

    value of i,j = 1, ... ,n. What else is involved? There are some

    additions, of course, n(n+1) of them, ignoring the final collection

    of the various powers of 10. Each of these is essentially a 2-

    digit addition, so runs in time 2tO' where to is the time for single

    digit addition, giving a total addition time of 2n(n+1)tO (This

    will turn out to be a good enough approximation for our needs.)

    There are also the multiplications by the various powers of 10,

    but since multiplication by 10k simply involves a 'shift' along

    (accompanied by the addition of zeros) of k places, this operation

    can be assumed to require a time k.tO The final additions will

    require a time of at most cO.n for some constant cO' and there

    are 2n of them, so this part of the calculation requires a time

    2 bounded by c 1n for a suitable constant c 1 We may assume that

    t 1 , the time taken to perform a basic single digit multiplication,

    is not less than to. Thus the algorithm has a running time


    where c 2 is chosen large enough to take care of any overheads

    involved in the basic multiplications, c 3 to allow for the 2-digit

    addition overheads, c 4 to allow for the shifting overheads, and

    Cs covers overheads in running the whole show. In other words,

    for a suitable constant c.


  • You may well think that a multiplication algorithm for

    multiplying two n-digit numbers in a time proportional to n2 is

    the best possible. As we show next, this is not the case at all.

    There is room for considerable improvement.


    x Y

    be two 2n-digit numbers. We wish to calculate the 4n-digit

    product XY. To this end, split each of the numbers X,Y into a

    most significant (left) half and a least significant (right) half,

    as follows:





    X r

    Y r


    Now observe that this can be rearranged to give



    Apart from various shifts and additions (including the formation

    of XI-Xr and Yr-Y l ), only three multiplications are required here,



  • each of which is a multiplication of two n-digit numbers. Thus,

    for this algorithm (which simply reduces a single 2n-digit multi-

    plication to three n-digit multiplications, and does not

    completely 'solve' the problem) we have, for a suitable constant c

    T(2n) ~ 3.T(n) + cn (*)

    How do we take care of the three n-digit multiplications? We

    use the same trick again (replace n by n+l if n is odd). And

    so on, until you get down to basic, I-digit products. If we do

    this we obtain a 'recursive' algorithm which keeps referring back

    to itself for smaller and smaller arguments. What is the running

    time for this algorithm? If we choose the constant c large

    enough so that c ~ T(2), then by an easy induction argument using

    inequality (*) we see that for all k ~ 1,

    Let 'x' denote, for any real number x, the least integer

    greater than or equal to x. Then, for any number n we have,

    from the above inequality,

    Since 10g23 ~ 1.59, this means that for some constant K,

    T(n) 159

    ~ K.n

    For 'large' values of n this will be significantly faster than

    the classroom algorithm, of course. (In practice, 'large' may

    mean 'greater than 4' here.)


  • So far all of our discussion has had a somewhat artificial

    air to it, since in practice all sorts of short cuts are available

    in hand calculation, and in any case no-one would ever commence

    a calculation that looked too complicated to carry out in a

    reasonable time. But for the computer programmer, prior knowledge

    of how long it will take a program to run is very important, as

    are any tricks that might be employed to speed up a calculation.

    The programmer only needs to examine algorithms for addition and

    multiplication when it is necessary to deal with numbers which

    are too large to fit into one half a computer word (when overflow

    would result when a multiplication of two such numbers were


    Multi-Precision Arithmetic is the name used to describe the

    procedures for performing arithmetic on numbers larger than one-

    half the computer word size. The numbers themselves have to be

    stored in arrays over two or more words, and to manipulate them

    one needs to use algorithms very like the ones described above.

    In fact only minor changes need to be made to adapt the algorithms

    we have studied to make them suitable for computer implementation.

    First of all the basic 'units' involved in the computations

    are not single digits but the single-word parts of the multi-word

    numbers. Secondly, the basic operations in terms of which the

    computations must be performed are, as you might expect, the standard

    single-word arithmetical operations provided by the computer

    hardware. Thirdly, since modern computers perform all of their

    arithmetic in binary form rather than decimal form, it is necessary

    to replace '10' by '2' throughout. Subject to these changes,

    all of our discussion about algorithm running times now holds for


  • multi-precision arithmetic routines on a computer.



    In order to investigate the efficiency of the Euclidean Algorithm

    it will be helpful to introduce a famous, classical number sequence:

    the Fibonacci Sequence.

    The Fibonacci sequence gets its name from the great 13th

    Century Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, who wrote under

    the name of 'Fibonacci' (from 'filius Bonacci' - son of Bonacci).

    His influential work Liber Abaci, written in 1202, introduced

    the Hindu-Arabic decimal number system to Western Europe. In

    this books appears the following problem:

    A man puts one pair of rabbits in a certain place

    surrounded by a wall. How many pairs of rabbits can

    be produced from that pair in a year, if the nature of

    these rabbits is such that every month each pair bears

    a new pair which from the second month on becomes


    It does not take long to figure out that the number of pairs

    of rabbits present each month is given by the sequence


    The general rule for generating this sequence is

    un +1 + un (for all n ~ 1),


  • where un is the n-th term in the sequence.

    32+ 1

    5 3 + 2

    85+ 3



    This sequence is now known as the Fibonacci sequence.

    From the recursive definition of the Fibonacci sequence given

    above, it is easy to prove the following result:

    Lemma I.4.1 1.

    Proof: Suppose that the lemma were false, and let d > 1 divide

    both u and u n+1 Then d divides u = u - u . Hence d n n-1 n+1 n divides u = u - u n-1 Continuing in this fashion we arrive n-2 n eventually at the conclusion that d divides u1 ' i.e. d11, which

    is absurd. Thus the lemma must in fact be true. o

    Using the Fibonacci sequence we can easily show that there

    is no upper bound on the number of steps (divisions) necessary

    to calculate a gcd using the Euclidean Algorithm. Specifically:

    Lemma I.4.2 Let n > 1. The number of divisions necessary to

    calculate (un' un+1 ) is exactly n.

    Proof: Applying the Euclidean Algorithm to un ' un+l clearly

    leads to the following system of equations:


  • u3 l.u2 + ul

    u2 2.u l + 0

    Thus (Un' un+l ) 1, and exactly n divisions have been

    required. D

    Closely related to the above lemma is the following result,

    which shows that the Fibonacci numbers are rather special with

    regards to the Euclidean Algorithm.

    Lemma 1.4.3 For any n > 1, un is the least number such that

    there is a number b > un for which n divisions are required in

    order to calculate (unib) using the Euclidean Algorithm.

    Proof: Let a be the least number such that there is a b > a

    for which n divisions are required in order to calculate (a,b)

    using the Euclidean Algorithm. By virtue of Lemma 1.4.2 we know

    that un ~ a, so it suffices to prove that a ~ u n

    Let the Euclidean Algorithm applied to the pair (a,b) be:

    b q .a + r (0 < r < a) n n-l n-l

    a = qn-l,rn- l + r (0 < r < r n- 1 ) n-2 n-2 r n-l qn-2 r n-2 + r n-3

    (0 < r n-3 < r n- 2 )

    . . . . r 4 q3 r 3 + r 2 (0 < r 2 < r 3 )

    r3 q2 r 2 + r l (0 < r l < r 2 )

    r 2 qlri


  • Now, we know that r 2 > r l > O. Also, each qi is a natural

    number. Hence, working our way back through the above equations

    we see that:

    r 2 > r l

  • 10.u n

    (by equation (1. o

    Corollary 1.4.5 For any n ~ 1, u sn +1 has at least n+l digits.

    Proof: Since u 6 = 13, which has 2 digits, the result is valid

    for n=l. The result follows by induction using the lemma.

    (The easy details are left as an exercise.) o

    At last we are able to prove our result concerning the

    efficiency of the Euclidean Algorithm.

    Theorem 1.4.6 Let b > a > 1. In order to calculate (a, b) using

    the Euclidean Algorithm, at most s.k divisions are required, where

    k is the number of digits in a.

    Proof: Let n be the number of divisions required to calculate

    (a,b) using the Euclidean Algorithm. We must show that n ~ s.k.

    By Lemma 1.4.3, a ~ un. Let d be the number of digits in

    un. Since d ~ k, it suffices to prove that n ~ S.d.

    For some number t we have

    t.s < n ~ (t+l).s

    Since n > st, Corollary 1.4.5 implies that un has at least t+l

    digits, i.e. d ~ t+l. Thus

    n ~ s.(t+l) ~ s.d ,

    as required. 0

    Further discussion of the Euclidean Algorithm and its

    efficiency is provided in the Exercises to this chapter.



    Though discussed briefly in Chapter 0, the treatment given there

    was far from rigorous, so we shall here develop the theory of

    prime numbers from the very beginning.

    A prime number is a number p > 1 whose only divisors amongst

    the integers are 1 and p (alternatively, whose only divisors

    amongst the natural numbers are 1 and pl. A number greater than

    1 which is not prime is said to be composite.

    One of the most basic properties of prime numbers is provided

    by our first lemma on the subject:

    Lemma I.5.1 If P is a prime and plab, then pia or plb.

    Proof: Assume that p)a. Thus (p,a) = 1. (By the definition

    of p being a prime.)

    and we are done.

    So by Theorem I.2.9 (Euclid's Lemma), plb,


    Corollary I.5.2

    some i (1 ~ i ~ n).

    Proof: This follows from the lemma by an easy induction

    argument which we leave to the reader to supply. 0

    Using the above corollary we can already establish one of

    the most fundamental theorems of Number Theory.

    Theorem I.5.3 (The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.) Every

    number n > 1 can be expressed as a product of prime numbers,

    furthermore, this expression is unique up to the order of the

    prime factors.


  • Proof: The theorem is certainly valid for n=2, since 2 is already

    prime and hence, by convention, is a 'product' of prime numbers.

    So, if we assume that the theorem is false and let n be the least

    number which is not a product of primes, we have n > 2. If n

    were prime it would be (by convention) a 'product' of primes.

    Consequently, n cannot be prime. Thus there must be numbers

    a and b such that n = ab, where both a and b are less than n.

    Being less than n, a and b must be products of primes. But then

    n = ab is a product of products of primes, and is thus a product

    of primes, a contradiction.

    a product of primes.

    This proves that every number is

    We turn now to the uniqueness of the prime factorisation of

    any number. Suppose that there were a number n which had two

    prime factorisations

    (possibly with m ~ n).

    Then PI lqlq2 qn' so by Corollary I.5.2, PI divides one of

    ql,q2, ,qn. By rearranging QI,q2, ,qn if necessary we may

    assume that PI divides ql. This means that PI = ql' of course.

    So we can divide PI from the above equation to obtain

    Repeating the same argument we see that, with a possible

    rearrangement of q2,q3, ,qn' P2 = Q2' and hence that

    Continuing this process we see that it must lead to the


  • conclusion that m=n and (after various rearrangements)

    This completes the proof of the theorem.O

    Corollary I.5.4

    the form

    Every number n > 1 can be written uniquely in

    k n

    where each Pi is prime, Pl < P2 < < Pn' and each ki is a

    positive integer.

    Proof: Immediate. 0

    The following proof that there are infinitely many primes is

    due essentially to Euclid.

    Theorem I.5.5 There are infinitely many primes.

    Proof: Assume, on the contrary, that there were only a finite

    number of primes.

    Now form the number

    Since P > Pn' P must be composite. Hence P is divisible by some

    prime less than P. Thus for some k, P is divisible by Pk.

    But the division of P by Pk clearly leaves a remainder of 1, so

    this is impossible. This contradiction proves the theorem. o

    The above proof raises the question whether infinitely many

    of the numbers


    P P P p + 1 , n 1 2 n

  • where P1,P2,P3, ,Pn"" enumerates the primes in order, are

    themselves prime. This is not known.

    infinitely many of them are composite.

    to both questions is 'Yes'.)


    Nor is it known if

    (Presumably the answer

    In honour of the Ancient Greek mathematician Diophantus, we use

    the name Diophantine Equation to refer to an equation with integer

    coefficients for which a solution is sought in the integers.

    The simplest non-trivial form of Diophantine equation is

    the linear equation in two variables:

    ax + by c,

    where a,b,c are integers and integer solutions for x,y are sought.

    There may be no solutions, as is the case with the equation

    6x + By 13.

    Or there may be many solutions. For instance, the equation

    6x + By 14

    has the solutions x=l,y=l, and x=5,y=-2, and x=9,y=-5 (and

    infinitely many more).

    In a moment we shall see how the Euclidean Algorithm may

    be used to find the solutions to Diophantine equations directly,

    but first we prove a theorem which tells us exactly when a solution

    will exist, and what form the solutions will then have.


  • Theorem I.6.l The Diophantine equation

    ax + by c

    has a solution if and only if (a,b)lc. If (xo'Yo) is one solution,

    then all other solutions are given by

    x = Xo + (b/d)t y Yo - (a/d)t ,

    where t is any integer, and where d (a,b).

    Proof: Suppose first that a solution exists. Then by

    Corollary I.2.5 we know that die. So that's half the theorem


    Conversely, suppose that die, say c

    xO,yO so that

    dt. Pick integers

    (By Theorem I.2.4 we know that such integers exist.) Then

    c = dt

    so x = xot and y = Yot solve the equation.

    Now suppose that xo,yo is any solution to the equation.

    Thus, if xl'Yl is any other solution, we will have

    axo + byO = c


    By Lemma I.2.7 there are relatively prime integers r,s such that


  • a dr, b ds. So


    NOw, rls(Y I - YO) and (r,s) = I so by Euclid's Lemma (Theorem

    1.2.9), rl(Y I - YO). So for some integer t, YI - YO = rt.

    Thus r(xO - xl) = srt, which gives Xo - xl = st. Thus

    Xo - (b/d)t and YI YO + rt YO + (a/d)t

    Moreover, for any value of t, if xl and YI are as above, then

    xI'Y I are solutions to the given equation, as is easily seen,

    so our proof is complete. o The existence part of the above proof indicates how the

    calculation of the greatest common divisor of a,b and its

    expression as a linear combination of a and b plays a role in

    the solution of such an equation. We illustrate this by means

    of an example.

    We shall solve the Diophantine equation

    210x + 1001y 21.

    First we use the Euclidean Algorithm to find (210,1001).

    1001 = 4.210 + 161

    210 1.161 + 49

    161 3.49 + 14

    49 3.14 + 7

    14 2.7.


  • Thus (210,1001) = 7. Since 7121, the equation does have a

    solution. To find a solution we work back through the above

    calculation to find 7 as a linear combination of 210 and 1001.

    7 49 - 3.14

    49 - 3. (161 - 3.49)

    10.49 - 3.161

    10.(210 - 1.161 ) - 3.161

    10.210 - 13.161

    10.210 - 13. (1001 - 4.210)

    62.210 13.1001.


    7 62.210 - 13.1001 .

    Multiplying through by 3 to make the left hand side equal to 21,

    the constant term in the original equation, we get

    21 210.(186) + 1001.(-39).

    Thus x = 186, Y = -39 is a solution to the original Diophantine

    equation. All other solutions are given by

    x = 186 + (1001/7)t = 186 + 143t

    Y -39 - (210/7)t = -39 - 30t,

    as t ranges over all integers. For instance, putting t = -1 we

    obtain the solution consisting of the smallest numbers in absolute

    value, namely x = 43, Y = -9.

    Sometimes we are only interested in solutions within a certain

    range. For instance, suppose that in the above example we want


  • to find all positive solutions. Thus we need to find all those

    values of t for which

    -39 - 30t> 0 and 186 + 143t > O.

    The first of these inequalities implies that t ~ -2 whilst the

    second implies that t ~ -1. Thus in this case we see that there

    are in fact no positive solutions.



    1. Prove each of the following statements by induction. Try

    to use both methods of writing out your proof.

    (i) 1 + 4 + 9 + + n 2 = n(n+l)(2n+l)/6.

    (ii) 1 + 8 + 27 + + n 3 = (!n(n+12

    (1 + 2 + 3 + + n)2.

    (iii) 1 + 1 + + 1 1.2 ~ n.(n+1)

    2. Prove that for any n,

    n n+l

    1.(1:) + 2.(2:) + + n.(n:) (n+l)! - 1.

    3. Do Exercise 0.8.


    4. Let a,b,c be integers. Prove the following

    (i) if alb then albc

    (ii) if alb and alc then a 2 1bc

    (iii) if c '" 0, then alb if and only if aclbc .


  • 5. Prove that every odd number is of one of the forms 4n+1 or

    4n+3. (In advanced work, this classification of all odd numbers

    into two classes turns out to be a fundamental one. See

    also Exercise 16 below.)

    6. Let a,b be integers, not both zero, and let d be any number.

    Prove that d = (a,b) if and only if

    (i) dla and dlb, and

    (ii) whenever cia and clb then cld

    7. Prove the following:

    (i) if (a,b)

    (ii) if (a,b)

    (iii) if (a,b)

    1 and (a,c) = 1 then (a,bc)

    1 and cia then (b,c) = 1

    1 then (ac,b) = (c,b)


    8. The least common multiple of two non-zero integers a and b,

    written lcm(a,b), is defined to be the smallest positive

    integer m such that aim and blm. Prove that this is always

    defined and that for any positive integers a,b,

    (a,b).lcm(a,b) ab.

    Deduce that for any numbers a and b, lcm(a,b)

    if (a,b) = 1.

    1 if and only

    9. Use the Euclidean Algorithm to find the greatest common

    divisor of each of the following pairs of numbers, and in

    each case express the gcd as a linear combination of the two

    given numbers :

    56,72 24,138 119,272 1769,2378


  • 10. Prove that the product of four consecutive integers is one

    less than a perfect square.

    11. Prove the following version of the Division Algorithm. Given

    integers a and b with b # 0, there exist unique integers q

    and r such that

    a = qb + r

    (Hint. Write a = q'b

    o :;; r' :;; ; ibi, let r =

    let r = r' - ibi and q

    b < o. )

    12. Define numbers un by Uo

    Show that

    u n


    + r', where 0 :;; r' < ibi. If

    r' and q = q'. If , ibi < r' < ibi,

    = q'+l if b > 0 or q = q' - 1 if


    Show further that the smallest numbers a > b > 0 for which

    the algorithm of question 11 requires n division steps are

    a = un + un- 1 and b = un


    13. Do Exercises 2 through 7 and 10 of Chapter O.

    14. A classical theorem of Dirichlet says that if a and bare

    relatively prime numbers, then the arithmetic progression

    a, a+b, a+2b, a+3b, , a+kb,


  • contains infinitely many primes. Prove that no arithmetic

    progression can consist entirely of primes.

    15. Prove that the sequence

    (n+l)! + 2, (n+l)! + 3 , , (n+l)! + (n+l)

    provides a sequence of n consecutive composite numbers.

    16. Prove that there are infinitely many primes of the form 4n+3.

    (There are also infinitely many primes of the form 4n+l, but

    the proof of this is rather difficult.)


    17. Find all solutions to the following Diophantine equations:

    (i) 56x + 72y = 40 ,

    (ii) 22lx + 9ly = 117

    18. Find all positive solutions to the following Diophantine


    (i) 30x + l7y 300

    (ii) 54x + 2ly 906

    19. Professor Euclid cashes a cheque at the bank, but the cashier

    mixes up the number of pounds and the number of pence, so


    instead of receiving Ea.b he receives Eb.a. Professor Euclid

    fails to notice this, but after spending 68p he is surprised

    to see that he still has twice the amount he wrote his cheque

    for. What is the smallest value for which the cheque could

    have been made out?


    1. Write a computer program which calculates n! for any given n.

    (Hint. It may be a better approach to consider the following

    'recursive' definition of n! :

    1 ! 1 (n+1)! (n+l).(n!).

    In any event, the rapid growth of n! as n increases will mean

    that your program will only run for a few values of n.)

    Arrange for the computer to print out the values 1!,2!,3!,etc.

    as far as it will go.

    2. Write a routine for carrying out multi-precision multiplication

    for numbers containing twice the number of digits as your

    computer allows in integers, and use this routine to extend

    your program to calculate n! from Problem 1 above.

    3. Write routines for the addition and the multiplication of

    integers (positive or negative) of arbitrary (as far as possible)

    size. Use the multiplication routine to obtain decimal print-

    outs of the record prime numbers described in Chapter 0.4.

    4. Write a multiplication routine for numbers occupying 2n computer

    words using the 'fast' method described in section 3. Compare

    its running time with that of the classical method. (This

    will require your accessing the internal clock of your

    computer. )

    5. Multi-precision routines written commercially are usually

    written in the assembly language of the computer concerned,


  • to enable efficient manipulation of the individual bits of

    the numbers in store. If you are able to program in assembly

    language, write a routine for the multiplication of two 2n

    bit binary numbers using the 'fast' method described in section

    3. Compare the speed of this routine with that of the

    classical algorithm programmed in a high level language.

    (This will require your being able to access the internal clock

    of your computer.)

    6. Write a program to calculate the greatest common divisor of

    two given numbers using the Euclidean Algorithm. Include

    in your program a count of the number of division steps required

    in each calculation.

    7. Fix a value of a and run your Euclidean Algorithm program to

    find (a,b) for a series of different values of b > a. (Do

    this by means of a loop so as to obtain a large number of runs.)

    Theoretical considerations indicate that the average number

    of division steps required by the Euclidean Algorithm for

    varying values of b greater than a fixed value of a is

    approximately 1.94 10910a. (This is, of course, much less

    than the bound provided by Theorem I.4.6) See how closely

    your computed results agree with this theoretical estimate.

    Repeat the computation for different values of the number a.

    8. If multiprecision arithmetic is required, the Euclidean

    Algorithm becomes a rather inefficient method for calculating

    greatest common divisors, since multi-precision division

    routines tend to be relatively slow. There is a simple


  • algorithm for calculating greatest common divisors which uses

    only the operations of subtraction, testing whether a number

    is even or odd (which for binary numbers involves simply looking

    at the last bit), and halving even numbers (which for binary

    numbers involves nothing more than a shift of the entire number

    one place to the right). This algorithm depends upon the

    following facts about positive numbers a and b:

    (1) If a and b are both even then (a,b) = 2(a/2,b/2).

    (2) If a is even and b is odd then (a,b) = (a/2,b).

    (3) If a > b, then (a,b) = (a-b,b).

    (4) If a and b are both odd, then a-b is even and

    la-bl < max(a,b).

    Prove these facts and then use them to develop an algorithm

    to calculate greatest common divisors of binary numbers.

    If you can program in assembly language, write a program

    which implements this algorithm, both for single precision

    arithmetic and multiple precision work.

    9. Write a program that finds a solution to a given Diophantine

    equation of the form

    ax + by c,

    using the Euclidean algorithm, as described in section 6.

    10. Modify the program from Problem 9 to look for a positive

    solution to the equation.


  • II Congruences

    Frequently in mathematics, a real breakthrough is made simply by

    regarding a familiar notion from a different viewpoint. Such

    is the case with the study of the notion of congruence, which is

    but a study of divisibility carried out in a special way. It

    is the brain-child of the great 19th Century German mathematician

    Karl Friedrich Gauss. Large parts of modern day number theory

    can be traced back to their origins in Gauss' Disquisitiones

    Arithmeticae, a monumental work carried out whilst Gauss was in

    his early twenties.

    this volume.

    Congruences appear in the first chapter of


    Let n be a fixed number. TWo integers a and b are said to be

    congruent modulo n, written

    a = b (mod n) ,

    if and only if nl(a - b).

    For example, 3 = 24(mod 7), -31 = II(mod 7), -15 = -64(mod 7). Given any integer a, by the Division Algorithm there are

    integers q,r such that


  • a = qn + r (0 :;; r < n).

    By definition of congruence,

    a - r (mod n).

    Clearly, no two numbers less than n can be congruent modulo n

    (unless they are equal), so we see that every integer a is

    congruent modulo n to a unique r such that 0 :;; r < n. The unique

    number r is called the residue of a modulo n, or more precisely,

    the least positive residue modulo n. This last remark is to allow


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