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Page 1: Microsoft project calender


Setting calendar for our project

1. Existing Calendar’s.

2. Exceptions.

3. Working Hours.

4. Copying Calendars.

A. When the project will start or end.

Go to Microsoft office project.

Click on project -> project information.

Set Start Date, Finish Date, Type Of Calendar.

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B. Viewing Calendar’s Details.

Go to Project -> Change Working Time.

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C. Creating Exceptions.

Clicking on project -> Change Working Time.

Clicking on Exception Tab.

Click on Date which Has to Be A Holiday.

Set Or Write Which Holiday Has To Be On Which Day.

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For Yearly Exception Holiday Which Has To be There Every Year.

Click On Details.

Click -> Yearly -> End after (Give No. Of Years).

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D. Setting New Task and Effect on Calendar.

Click Gantt chart -> Enter New Entry As “NEW TASK”.

Now Changing No. Of Days and Check the Result.

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Now Click -> Project -> Change Working Time.

Click -> Create New Calendar.

Give The Name “Late Week” -> Keep Standard -> Click Ok.

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E. Modify The Working Time For This Week.

Now In Change Working Time -> Click “Work Week” to modify the working hours of the week accordingly.

To Change The Default Timing -> Click Details And Do As Follows In Snapshot.

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To Set Specific Days as Non-Working Days.

To Make Saturday And Sunday As Working Days For A Particular Week.

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Now You Can Check The Calendar Accordingly.

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F. Calendar Effect Task Results / Assign Calendar To A Task.

Click -> Gantt chart -> New Task.

Task Information Dialog Box Will Open.

Go to Advanced.

Click -> Calendar -> late Week. Ok.

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Now the Task Look As.

To Check Timescale. Right Click on Calendar Part -> Non-Working Time and Set Accordingly.

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G.Concept of Task per Day.

Click New Project -> Enter Tasks.

Click -> Change Working Time -> Options Change Accordingly.

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New Task Option in Gantt chart.

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H.Copying the calendar tasks.

Click -> File -> Info -> ORGANISER.


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Over Writing or Renaming the Early Entry.

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