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Page 1: Microsoft SQL Server Query Tuning

Microsoft SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL ServerQuery TuningQuery TuningQuery Tuning Query Tuning 

Speaker: Dean RichardsSenior DBA, Confio Software

Silicon Valley SQL Server User GroupNovember 2010

Mark Ginnebaugh, User Group Leader, [email protected]

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Query TuningGet it Right the First Time

Dean Richards Senior DBA, Confio Software


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Who Am I?

Dean Richards, of course!, 20+ Years in SQL Server & Oracle

• DBA and Developerp

Senior DBA for Confio Software• [email protected]• Makers of Ignite8 Response Time Analysis Tools• http://www.ignitefree.com – only free RTA Tool

Specialize in Performance Tuning Presented at 24 Hours of PASS


13 SQL Saturdays and counting…

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Introduction Which Query Should I Tune Query PlansQuery Plans SQL Diagramming

• Who registered yesterday for Tuning Classg y y g• Check order status


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Why Focus on Queries

Most Applications• Read and Write data to/from database• Read and Write data to/from database• Simple manipulation and smaller amounts of data• Inefficiencies would not be noticed• Inefficiencies would not be noticed

Most Queries• Examine larger amounts of data, return a littleExamine larger amounts of data, return a little• Inefficiencies quickly become bottleneck

Why Tune Queries?y Q• “Gives the most bang for your buck”• Changes to SQL are usually safer


• ~85% of performance issues are SQL related

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Who Should Tune

Developers?p• Developing applications is very difficult• Typically focused on functionality• Not much time left to tune SQL• Do not get enough practice

SQL diff tl i P d ti th D /T t• SQL runs differently in Production than Dev/Test

DBA?D t k th d lik d l d• Do not know the code like developers do

• Focus on “Keep the Lights On”• Very complex environment


• Very complex environment

Need a team approach

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Which SQL

User / Batch Job Complaints Queries Performing Most I/O (LIO PIO) Queries Performing Most I/O (LIO, PIO) Queries Consuming CPU Queries Doing Table or Index ScansQueries Doing Table or Index Scans Known Poorly Performing SQL Server Side Tracing Highest Response Times (Ignite8)SELECT sql_handle, statement_start_offset,

statement end offset, plan handle, execution count,statement_end_offset, plan_handle, execution_count, total_logical_reads, total_physical_reads, total_elapsed_time, st.text

FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS st


ORDER BY total_elapsed_time DESC

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Why is SQL Slow – Wait States

Focus on Response Time

Understand the total time a Query spends in Database Measure time while Query executes


SQL Server helps by providing Wait Types

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Wait Time Tables (SQL 2005/8)


dm_exec_query_statsexecution_counttotal_logical_writestotal_physical_readstotal logical reads

dm_exec_requestsstart_timestatussql_handleplan handle total_logical_reads

total_elapsed_timeplan_handlestart/stop offsetdatabase_iduser_idblocking_sessionwait type

dm_exec_query_planquery plan_ yp


dm_exec_text_query_planquery plan

dm_exec_sql_textt t

dm_exec_sessionslogin_timelogin_namehost_nameprogram name



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Base Monitoring Query

INSERT INTO SessionWaitInfoSELECT i id l h dl t t t t t ff tSELECT r.session_id, r.sql_handle, r.statement_start_offset,

r.statement_end_offset, r.plan_handle, r.database_id,r.blocking_session_id, r.wait_type, r.query_hash,s.host_name, s.program_name, s.host_process_id,s.login_name, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP cdt

FROM sys dm exec requests rFROM sys.dm_exec_requests rINNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions s ON s.session_id = r.session_idWHERE r.status <> 'background'AND d 'AWAITING COMMAND'AND r.command <> 'AWAITING COMMAND'AND s.session_id > 50AND s.session_id <> @@SPID


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RTA - Proactive


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RTA - Firefighting


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RTA - Correlation


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Sample Wait Types

WRITELOG• Waiting for a log flush to complete

LCK_M_S, LCK_M_U, LCK_M_X…• Waiting to acquire locks

NETWORKIO, ASYNC_NETWORK_IO• Waiting on the network


WAITFOR (idle event)W i i d i WAITFOR d


• Waiting during a WAITFOR command

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Tracing with waits gathers very good dataC b Hi h O h d i P fil Can be High Overhead via Profiler

Use Server-Side Tracing• sp_trace_create – create the trace definitionp_ _• sp_trace_setevent – add events to trace• sp_trace_setfilter – apply filters to trace• sp trace setstatus – start/stop the tracesp_t ace_setstatus sta t/stop t e t ace

Use Profiler to Create Initial Trace• Use File > Script Trace to Get Script

Cumbersome to review data Cumbersome to review data Set trace file sizes appropriately


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Summary of Response Time

Using Response Time Analysis (RTA) Ensures you Work on the Correct Problem Shows Exactly Why Performance is Suffering

l bl Helps Prioritize Problems Do Not Rely Exclusively on Health Stats (CPU

Utilization Disk IO Cache Hit Ratio)Utilization, Disk IO, Cache Hit Ratio) Data Collection

• DMVs – build it yourselfDMVs build it yourself• Tracing – know how to process trace data• Tools – Ensure they use Wait Time and Health


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Why is SQL Slow - Plans

SQL Server Management Studio• Estimated Execution Plan - can be wrong• Actual Execution Plan – must execute query, can be

dangerous in production and also wrong in testdangerous in production and also wrong in test

SQL Server Profiler Tracing• Event to collect: Performance : Showplan All• Event to collect: Performance : Showplan All• Works when you know a problem will occur

DM EXEC QUERY PLANDM_EXEC_QUERY_PLAN, DM_EXEC_TEXT_QUERY_PLAN(@handle,@s,@e)• Real execution plan of executed query


p q y

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Case Studies

SQL DiagrammingQ g g• Who registered yesterday for Tuning Class• Check order status


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SQL Statement 1

Who registered yesterday for SQL Tuning

SELECT s.fname, s.lname, r.signup_dateFROM student s INNER JOIN i t ti ON t d t id t d t idINNER JOIN registration r ON s.student_id = r.student_idINNER JOIN class c ON r.class_id = c.class_idWHERE c.name = 'SQL TUNING'AND r.signup_date BETWEEN @BeginDate AND @EndDateAND r.cancelled = 'N'

Execution Stats – 9,634 Logical Reads


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Database Diagram


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Execution Plan

R d ti f SSMSRecommendation from SSMSCREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [<Name of Missing Index>]ON [dbo].[registration] ([cancelled],[signup_date])INCLUDE ([student id] [class id])


INCLUDE ([student_id],[class_id])

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SQL Diagramming

Great Book “SQL Tuning” by Dan Tow• Great book that teaches SQL Diagramming

registration .03

• http://www.singingsql.com





student class .001

select count(1) from registration where cancelled = 'N'and signup_date between '2010-04-23 00:00' and '2010-04-24 00:00'

54,554 / 1,639,186 = 0.03

select count(1) from class where name = 'SQL TUNING'


select count(1) from class where name = SQL TUNING

2 / 1,267 = .001

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New Execution Plan

CREATE INDEX cl_name ON class(name)

Execution Stats – 9,139 Logical Reads Why would an Index Scan still occur on REGISTRATION?


Why would an Index Scan still occur on REGISTRATION?

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Database Diagram


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New Execution Plan

CREATE INDEX reg_alt ON registration(class_id)

Execution Stats – 621 Logical Reads


Execution Stats 621 Logical Reads

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Better Execution Plan

CREATE INDEX reg_alt ON registration(class_id) INCLUDE (signup date cancelled)INCLUDE (signup_date, cancelled)

l d


Execution Stats – 20 Logical Reads

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Alternative from SSMS

CREATE INDEX reg_can ON registration(cancelled, signup_date)INCLUDE (class_id, student_id)

Execution Stats – 595 Logical Reads



CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [<Name of Missing Index>]ON [dbo].[registration] ([class_id],[cancelled],[signup_date])INCLUDE ([student_id])

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SQL Statement 2

Paychecks for specific employees

SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, l.descriptionFROM emp eINNER JOIN loc l ON e.loc id = l.loc id_ _WHERE (e.first_name = @fname OR e.last_name = @lname)AND EXISTS (

SELECT 1FROM tFROM wage_pmt wWHERE w.emp_id = e.emp_idAND w.pay_date>= DATEADD(day,-31,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)))

Execution Stats – 64,206 Logical Reads


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Database Diagram


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SQL Diagramming

wage_pmt .02




.0005 .0009





select count(1) from wage_pmtwhere pay_date >= DATEADD(day,-31,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)

40,760 / 1,915,088 = .02

select top 5 first_name, count(1) from emp group by first name order by 2 desc



12 / 23,798 = .0005 – first_name22 / 23,789 = .0009 – last_name

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Execution Plan


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New Execution Plan

CREATE INDEX ix2_fname ON emp(first_name)


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Which Index?

SSMS RecommendationCREATE INDEX wp pay date ON wage pmt(pay date)CREATE INDEX wp_pay_date ON wage_pmt(pay_date)INCLUDE (emp_id)

50 000 L i l R d50,000 Logical Reads


Better OptionCREATE INDEX wp emp pd ON wage pmt(emp id, pay date)CREATE INDEX wp_emp_pd ON wage_pmt(emp_id, pay_date)

46 Logical Reads


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New Execution Plan

CREATE INDEX wp_emp_pd ON wage_pmt(emp_id, pay_date)


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SQL Statement 2

Lookup order status for caller

SELECT o.OrderID, c.LastName, p.ProductID, p.Description, sd.ActualShipDate, sd.ShipStatus, sd.ExpectedShipDate

FROM [Order] oINNER JOIN It i ON i O d ID O d IDINNER JOIN Item i ON i.OrderID = o.OrderIDINNER JOIN Customer c ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerIDINNER JOIN ShipmentDetails sd ON sd.ShipmentID = i.ShipmentIDLEFT OUTER JOIN Product p ON p.ProductID = i.ProductIDLEFT OUTER JOIN Product p ON p.ProductID i.ProductIDLEFT OUTER JOIN Address a ON a.AddressID = sd.AddressIDWHERE c.LastName LIKE ISNULL(@LastName,'') + '%'--AND c.FirstName LIKE ISNULL(@FirstName,'') + '%' AND o.OrderDate >= DATEADD(day, -30, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)AND sd.ShipStatus <> 'C'

Execution Stats 10 159 Logical Reads


Execution Stats – 10,159 Logical Reads

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Database Diagram


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Execution Plan


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SQL Diagramming

o .08 .005

.03i c

psd psd

aSELECT COUNT(1)*1.0/(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Customer) FROM Customer WHERE LastName LIKE 'SMI%'.03SELECT COUNT(1)*1.0/(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [Order]) FROM [Order] WHERE OrderDate >= DATEADD(day, -30, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP).08SELECT COUNT(1)*1.0/(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [Order]) FROM [Order] WHERE OrderStatus <> 'C'.005


.005-- Combined.005

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Data Skew Problems

SELECT OrderStatus, COUNT(1)FROM [Order]FROM [Order]GROUP BY OrderStatus

Only 0.5% of rows are <> ‘C’ How about changing the query?g g q y

• AND o.OrderStatus = 'I'

Add an Index on ShipStatus


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New Execution Plan

CREATE INDEX IX2_OrderStatus ON [Order] (OrderStatus)INCLUDE (OrderID,CustomerID) ( , )

41Execution Stats – 3,052 Logical Reads

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Takeaway Points

Tuning Queries gives more “bang for the buck”M k t i th t Make sure you are tuning the correct query Use Wait Types and Response Time Analysis

L ki bl b Q T i i• Locking problems may not be a Query Tuning issue• Wait types tell you where to start

Use “Real Execution Plans” Use “Real Execution Plans”• Get plan_handle from DM_EXEC_REQUESTS• Pass plan handle to DM EXEC QUERY PLAN()• Pass plan_handle to DM_EXEC_QUERY_PLAN()

SQL Diagramming - “Get it right the First Time”• Query Tuner Tools can mislead you• Query Tuner Tools can mislead you

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Confio Software

Wait-Based Performance Tools Igniter Suite

• Ignite for SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Sybaseg Q , , , y• Ignite for Databases on VMWare (Beta)

Helps show which SQL to tune Provides visibility into entire stack Based in Colorado, worldwide customers, Free trial at www.confio.com


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To learn more or inquire about speaking opportunities, please contact:

Mark Ginnebaugh, User Group [email protected]


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