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I. Preliminary Items

A. Call to Order at 1:17pm

1. Members Present: a) President, Jimmy J. Johnston - sitting in – Charles Greene

b) Treasurer, Blanca Per

c) Student Rep, Harold Lewis - sitting in – John Eleby

d) Secretary, Susana Nieva

e) CFO Chair, Bill Gaper - Representative, Elizabeth B.

f) Dean, Dorothy S. Smith

g) Secretary, Susana Nieva

(1) Quorum is established

B. Move to adopt the minutes May 19, 2015

1) Dean S. Smith Motion to approve the Minutes for May 19,2015 at 1:20 pm

2) Dean, Smith - Seconded with correction 1st sheet on second side introduction and reports Harold Lewis (Spelling error) r-e-g-i-o-n

3) No Objection, Motion Passes

I. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items


Meeting Time and Location: RH: 105 May 28, 2015 at 1:17pm

Finance Meeting Minutes Special Finance

No comments

II. Introductions and Reports

A. Treasure Blanca – I meet with Bill Gasper this Wednesday at 8:00am. He tried to get me access to Quick Books but the IT department is having trouble getting everything together, so I have to wait longer. We talked about the procedures on the proposal for the request of funds to ASO and we need to follow the s-rags Student Regulation from 4, 5,6,12 and 13 that apply to the procedure that we have to follow for the request of funds. We need to have invoice or receive that have the same amount that is being requested, the amount have to match. I came across with several issues, but that I will talk to the individuals.

B. Dean Smith – I had meetings with Bill Gasper, when we launch the new process for the finance committee to have some structure, if we run up against some issues across, if is not the exact amount whatever the lower price is, we will pay, is something less obvious as it relates to the problems we have with the district and the audits.

C. John Eleby – working with Mr. Charles and Baye, my goal is to get a positive name to ASO, my thing is to put positive events for ASO.

D. Secretary Susana – I’ve been doing my duties and I spoke to Christian Galeno on the previous missing minutes. He said he was going to email me what he had, but I haven’t receive anything yet.

E. Elizabeth, Rep of Bill Gasper – I distributed the ASO Financial Statement for May 14, 2015. So far ASO is earning income compared to the previous year. Set aside parking income through the ASO funds since then we can see a profit for the ASO funds. The first column is the prior year financial statement, the second is the adopted revenue, which is the budget forecast. The third column is the actual Revenue which is the actual money we get, through the ASO fees, interest income time deposit. Last column is the difference between the actual revenues verses the budget, it shows that we are still short $2,462 for the ASO membership income but we will recover the amount of $2,462 by the end of June. So the total revenue we have for the actual is $89,223.13 as of May 14, 2015. On the second part of the expenses you can see the actual expenses on the

third column, on the second we have the budget, on the third we have the Actual and on the last one we have short or over, short means we already exhausted the funds set aside for the awards and banquets, we still have money like in child development we have $456.

F. Dean Smith – 2014/2015 that we look straight down, we started with $89,223.13 this is actual expenses. everything on the revue part one is base 100’s, next one down is how many the account been identify by 4,5,6,7, down the column under 2014/2015 the total expenses are $53,288.67. We expended $53, 288.67 out of $89,223.13, which means we have around $33.000 to spend.

G. Elizabeth B. - turn page 2014-2016, on the first column is the ASO Income, is separated from the Rep. Fee Income. The ASO Income is the seven dollars fee ASO Members pay. The Rep Fee is the number one dollar per student fee according to the Rep Fee Income there is $27, 691.05. We collected $61, 532.08 for the ASO income, the total expenses for the ASO Income is $32,819.28 that leads us with ASO Income balance of $28,721.80. Rep Fee Income the total as of May 14, 2015 is a total 27,691.05 and that money is only spend on workshops, conferences etc. Out of that $27,691.05 we spend $20,469.39, which we have a balance of $7,221.66, which equals to $35,934.46 minus $7,221.66 because that money can only be spend on conference workshops etc. our real money is $28,712.80.

H. Treasurer Blanca – is the $17,000 included here (ASO Budget Report).

I. Elizabeth B - $17,000 is for fiscal year 2013-2014, is not for this current year 2015. 17,000 will go to undesignated funds. Undesignated funs is where the money that is not spent goes with the $800,000 funds.

J. Dean Smith – how do we get our $17,000, what is the process so we can start asking for our money.

K. President J. Johnston Rep. Charles Green - was actually $22,000 but they only found $17,000.

Elizabeth Rep. - As a suggestion since the money came from 2013- 2014 if we would do the right proper accounting procedure there should be included on the previous year not this current year. But on your new budget include the $17,503.15, the money would be included for the on the current year 2015-2016. We got the $17,000 I deposit the money on May 26, 2015, is in the ASO bank account, but is not included as income because it belongs to previous year. On the project projection include the $17,000 for the current year 2014-205 without distorting the financial statement of ASO.

L. Dean Smith – we did is in the minutes for the $17,000 to roll over to the incoming year 2015-2016. Our budget income for 2015-2016 is around $101,063. As a committee we need to get together and determined what line items go where for our upcoming year. $800,000 we still have access so we can update, we set $50,000 for ASO renovation.

IV. Old and New Business

President Jimmy Johnston has arrived at 2:07pm

A. Dean Smith – Motion to approve item A, Finals Give Away of $1500 from line 497, College Wide activities

1) President, Jimmy Johnston – Seconded 2) No objection, Motion Passes

B. John Eleby – Move to postpone item B, ASO Summer Fest, until incoming new board

1) President Jimmy – seconded 2) No objection, motion passes

C. President Jimmy Johnston –Move to table item C ASO Stipend Pro-Rate until next Finance Meeting

1) Dean Smith – seconded 2) No objection, motion passes

D. Dean Smith – Motion to table or combine with another item, item D, ASO Semester Dinner Event

1) President Jimmy – Seconded2) No objection, motion passes

E. President Jimmy – Move to allocate $50,000 for ASO Renovation from budget $34,000, undesignated funds fiscal year 2014-2016.

1) Dean Smith - seconded 2) No Objection, motion passes

F. President Jimmy Johnston – Motion to move $4,444.80 from line 503, conference to line 459, Awards and Banquets

1) Seconded 2) No objection, motion passes

G. President Jimmy – Motion to combine items F, ASO Jackets, with item G, Awards and approve one total of $5000

1) John Eleby – seconded 2) No objection, motion passes

H. President Jimmy – Motion to postpone items I and M to next agenda.1) Seconded2) No objections, motion passes

I. Dean Smith – Motion to move $300 from line 535, Dean’s Teas/Reception/Awards, to line 545, College Transfer.

1) Seconded2) No objection, motion passes

J. Dean Smith – motion to move item 664, Public Relations-ASO, to line 661, and approve printing for the ASO new board members business cards.

1) John Eleby – Seconded2) No objection, motion passes

K. Jimmy Johnston – move to support the BSU with $6000 for their events under assumption that the contractors will accept payment after their duties, from account line 497, College Wide Activities.

1) Seconded2) No objection, motion approved

L. Dean Smith – account line 781, and 783 not to be touch, we have to pay the secretary and Treasurer, Blanca

M. President Jimmy – move to allocate $1000 for Deaf Day, Magic Mountain from lines 525, Multi-Cultural Activities

1) Seconded 2) No objection, motion passes

N. President Jimmy – Motion to move $1000 from line 551, Equipment Purchase, to line 525, Cultural Activities-Multi

1) Seconded2) No objection, motion passes

O. President Jimmy – items to be table J, ASO Cameras, H, ASO Laptops, K, ASO Meeting Greet, L, and ASO Xbox.

1) Seconded 2) No objection, motion passes

VII. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items

A. Comm. Of Fundraising John Eleby - Bring it all together the Appreciation Dinner

VIII. Advisor Comments

IX. Future meetings

President Jimmy Johnston – We do not meet during finals

X. adjourned at 2:35pm

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