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CHAD Consolidated Appeal Mid-Year Review 2013+

Cluster Tables


Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

1Reduce mortality and morbidity within the targeted populations according to their vulnerability.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Facilitate the coordination of humanitarian actors to ensure the appropriate, adequate and timely delivery of humanitarian assistance to the most affected populations

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedHumanitarian coordination mechanisms in place and functioning

Number of regular coordination meetings held: general coordination, HCT, inter-cluster coordination (ICC).

Description: Twelve monthly general coordination meetings held at field (Abeche, Goz Beida, Koukou, Farchana, Mao) and N’Djamena level; twelve monthly HCT meetings held in N’Djamena; Twelve Inter cluster coordination (ICC) meetings held in Ndjamena; roll out of the IASC Transformative Agenda in country.

5 regular monthly meetings of the HCT were held in Ndjamena and several ad hoc HCT meetings were held to discuss the crisis in Tissi. Five regular intercluster meetings held in N’Djamena. Monthly general coordination meetings in N’Djamena and in field offices.

Humanitarian coordination mechanisms in place and functioning

Number of functioning and active clusters

Description: Number of functioning clusters: Seven (Protection, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Education, Water and Sanitation, Early Recovery) and ad hoc task forces and inter-sectorial meetings (i.e.: taskforce on migration previously called Libya taskforce, WASH-Health inter-sectorial on cholera preparedness, Food Security-Nutrition inter-sectorial on the Sahel crisis)

Seven clusters are currently operational in Chad, in addition to the NFI sector meeting related to the crisis in Tissi. A weekly Tissi task force was created in May. OCHA deployed surge staff from Abeche and Goz Beida to ensure a physical presence in Tissi.

Humanitarian coordination mechanisms in place

Number of responses to crises addressed through cluster approach.

Description: Food security, malnutrition, floods, epidemics, reintegration of migrants, expelled individuals from neighbouring countries and


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and functioning reintegration and provision of basic services to IDPs addressed through cluster approach.

Humanitarian coordination mechanisms in place and functioning

Number of common needs assessments facilitated and organized in accordance with guidance and policy from IASC

Description: Technical working groups on the implementation of MIRA and other IASC needs assessment operational guidance in Chad in line with the IASC Transformative Agenda. Interagency needs assessment missions in sudden-onset crisis deployed in a timely manner.


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Promote humanitarian principles and effective humanitarian action through improved information management and advocacy efforts

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedInformation management

Humanitarian snapshots, humanitarian dashboards and website on humanitarian situation in the country regularly updated

Description: Humanitarian information (matrixes, reports and website) elaborated and/or regularly updated, with the implication of national information managers. 3 humanitarian snapshots, 2 humanitarian dashboards delivered and website under a new user-friendly format.

1 humanitarian snapshot on Tissi, 1 humanitarian dashboard, 2 new websites created

Information management

Common Humanitarian Database updated

Description: Common Humanitarian Database updated with latest humanitarian regional profiles, humanitarian response data, baseline data and indicators as well as information to feed secondary data review when a crisis hits

Online common humanitarian data base created at the humanitarian response website

Information management

Humanitarian maps produced and delivered to the humanitarian community in Chad

Description: Political, geographical, thematic and sectorial maps produced and delivered to the humanitarian community. (i.e.: maps on floods, food security, 3Ws, humanitarian presence, refugees, displacement, migration from third countries, epidemics preparedness)

117 Political, geographical, thematic and sectorial maps produced and delivered to the humanitarian community in 2013– maps on Tissi, 3Ws, humanitarian presence, refugees and humanitarian snapshots. OCHA printed and distributed 811 maps in 2013

Public information and advocacy

Regular information products on humanitarian themes produced

Description: Twelve humanitarian bulletins, weekly press releases, press conferences, exhibitions on humanitarian situation (i.e.: world humanitarian day).

5 humanitarian bulletins published

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Public information and advocacy

Strengthened humanitarian public information networks

Description: Regular meetings of the humanitarian information network (RICH) held in Ndjamena with the participation of UN agencies and NGOs

The RIH meets regularly in Ndjamena with the presence of NGOS and UN agencies

Public information and advocacy

Key messages for humanitarian advocacy produced and delivered according to the targeted audience

Description: Key messages identified for advocacy and the development of a coordinated communications strategy.

Key messages developed and shared with the humanitarian community

Public information and advocacy

Mechanisms to support accountability to affected populations are created

Description: Number of consultations with affected populations in order to assess their views on the humanitarian response

Ongoing development

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Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedCivil-Military Coordination

Number of workshops and training sessions targeting security forces in humanitarian operations zones held by the civil-military section.

Description: Civil-military workshops and training sessions organized, targeting DIS officers


Civil-Military Coordination

Number of BSM meetings attended and proactive advocacy for the respect of humanitarian principles

Description: BSM meetings attended by OCHA in areas with an OCHA presence. Advocacy for the respect of humanitarian principles ensured by OCHA

OCHA attends the BSM meetings in Abeche and Goz Beida regularly

Partnership with NGOs for the implementation of SLT and IASC Transformative Agenda directives

Regular consultation with NGOs directly and through local NGO consortia

Description: Direct regular meetings with National and International NGOs and/or through CCO for information exchange and collaboration.

OCHA continues to support the NGO Coordination Committee through technical support and office space. Ad hoc meetings with NGOs

4Reduce the vulnerabilities and reinforce the livelihoods and human resilience of affected people and their communities.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Facilitate and coordinate humanitarian preparedness, strategic humanitarian planning and funding processes

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedResource mobilization processes

Strengthened humanitarian planning cycle.

Description: CAP 2013 (original and MYR completed)

CAP 2013 published

Resource mobilization processes

Effective Humanitarian funding mobilization processes

Description: CERF submissions completed and submitted in a timely manner

One CERF RR successful submission on the Tissi crisis

Resource mobilization processes

Proactive humanitarian fund raising missions.

Description: In country donors meetings held and missions to sub region and Geneva/New York

Several fundraising meetings held in Geneva and New York by the Humanitarian

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National capacity building and preparedness

Contingency plans and vulnerability mapping streamlined.

Description: National contingency planning is developed and updated by national authorities with the support of the humanitarian community and HCT. Vulnerability mapping is undertaken on a regular basis.

Contingency plan developed

National capacity building and preparedness

Capacity building of local authorities and NGOs.

Description: Training of local local authorities and NGOs on preparedness, information gathering, gender marker, crisis management and response across the country

Training of local authorities on disaster prevention and management conducted in Ndjamena

National capacity building and preparedness

Preparedness, early recovery and resilience implemented across sectors

Description: Cluster response plans are updated and take into account preparedness, recovery and resilience elements

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Early Recovery

Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

1Reduce mortality and morbidity within the targeted populations according to their vulnerability.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Strengthen cluster coordination, including the capacity of cluster members in order to enhance the quality of projects and their impact on early recovery

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedCluster coordinator represents the cluster members and ensures the external communications on behalf of the cluster

Well defined and available ToR of cluster and cluster coordinator

Description: Meetings are held at least once a month with CR available 7 days after meetings

No revision done Meeting held as planned and took place once a month in N'Djamena and Goz Beida and recruitment of an early recovery consultant top provide support to the cluster coordination.

Establishment of a mechanism of information exchange, mailing list and regular visits of cluster coordinator to areas targeted and

Description: Reports are shared with inter cluster and OCHA and Minimum of 2 annual visits of cluster coordinators in targeted areas.

No revision done Reports are share after all regular and emergencies meetings. A data base with the contacts of all participants is available.Visit at TISSI was done for a quick need assessment of the refugees, returnees and host communities.One visit was done at The east were the recovery activities for IDPs and host community are implemented.

The early recovery situation in Chad is analyzed regularly and gaps are identyfied

Cluster strategy is available and cluster coordinator participates in the CAP workshop

Description: Organization of consultative meetings to develop cluster strategies, triggers of humanitarian action, priority needs and how the cluster responds to crisis in line with the CHAP. Cluster coordinator participates int he CAP workshop, the drafting of the

The cluster strategy is revised to adapt it with the recent crisis(Tissi Refugees influx)

After the Need assessment of the Tissi refugees and returnees influx an intervention strategy was develop taking in account the early recovery priorities.

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CHAP and its MYR

2Provide assistance and protection to refugees, IDPs, returnees, forced repatriated migrants, host communities and other vulnerable people.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Contribute to improve life conditions and integration of IDPs, returnees, forced repatriated migrants, host communities and other vulnerable people

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedDecrease of commuting population movements.

Number of IDPs, returnees, forced repatriated migrants, host communities with improved life conditions

Description: Short term income-generating activities (cash for work, food for work, cash transfer, etc.)

No revision done 10 multifunction agriculture platforms are putting in place in Sila, Ouaddai and Guera regions.

Basic social services are available.

Number of water supply systems, health centres, schools built

Description: effective setting of basic social services (shelters, health services, water, hygiene, sanitation, etc

No revision Nothing done

Limited impact of population displacement on host communities.

Number of surveys and assessments undertaken and published

Description: monitoring of return and advocacy at local, national and international level

No revision done Returnees were asses during the Tissi visit and theirs needs presented to the HCT in order to mobilize assistance for returnees and host communities

Pacific co-existence facilitates the stabilization of the population.

Number of workshops related to pacific co-existence organized

No revision No workshop held so far

3Provide timely assistance and protection to people victims of natural disasters and epidemics.

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Cluster objectives/outcomes:Contribute to the rational management of natural resources and to the reduction of risks related to natural disasters and their impacts.

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedRisks of natural disasters are analyzed, understood and reduced.

Existence of contingency plans Description: analyses of environmental and natural risks

No revision A recruitment of a Disaster Reduction and preparedness advisor was done.A N’Djamena flooding Management Contingency plan is in the processA workplan is in place to support the civil protection and three region to have an Response plan and a mapping of risks.

Support for the setting up of a national committee to prevent and respond to natural disaster.

Existence of national strategy for natural disasters

Description: Reduction of identified risks (hydraulics works, prevention of erosion and soils preservation, reforestation.).

No revision A work plan is in place to carry out a vulnerability and capacity assessment in three Regions (N’Djamena, Sila and Mayo Kebbi)A tree planting exercise is planned to be carry out in three target communities for reforestation.

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedThe methods used for sustained energies are promoted.

Households sensitized(Unit = number)

Description: re-enforcement of local communities capacity for rational management of natural resources

No revision 0

Local communities adopt good practices to preserve environment and prevent natural disasters.

Number of households using improved stoves

Description: Improved practices for improving the environment are adopted by targeted communities

No revision 0

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4Reduce the vulnerabilities and reinforce the livelihoods and human resilience of affected people and their communities.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Support capacity-building of national and local institutes, civil society, for post crisis transition.

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedLocal and national authorities are able to analyse and respond by themselves to post crises development issues.

Number of public staff trained Description: Training of national staff and local bodies’ civil society on good governance and human rights.


Good governance and respect of Human Rights are promoted at all levels.

Number of Civil society organizations rehabilitated and recognized

Description: civil society recognized as development actors

No revision Put in place of 4 judicial aid offices in Abeche; Farchana; Goz Beida and Koukou in partnership with Human right NGOs

Civil Society organizations are active and able to participate in socio - economic recovery and Human Rights promotion.

Number of workshops organized Description: support for rehabilitation, formalization and functioning of local and decentralized structures and CSOs


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Cluster objectives/outcomes:Facilitate the self-reliance of populations affected by crises, particularly women, young and vulnerable people and strengthen their resilience to face future shocks

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


Procedures for socio – economic recovery analyzed, spread and implemented.

Number of policy guidance, research and analysis undertaken and published

Description: analyses and research on markets and promising sectors


Socio-economic sector in affected areas is restored and revitalized

Number of IGA supported Description: capacity enforcement for women organizations


Micro enterprises’ role in peace building is promoted.

Number of beneficiaries trained Description: vocational training 0

Key economic structures (micro-credit, mills, attics, vocational centres etc.) are supported and enforced.

Number of microcredit organizations created and supported

Description: microcredit becomes available for affected communities


Access to resources (financial and education namely) for the most vulnerable is supported and encouraged.

Access to financial and educational resources

Description: Rehabilitation, creation and support to community based socio-economic structures (crafts, fairs, community attics, markets, etc.)


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Progress towards cluster objectives and output targetsError! Bookmark not defined.Error! Bookmark not defined.

2Provide assistance and protection to refugees, IDPs, returnees, forced repatriated migrants, host communities and other vulnerable people.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Increase the access to quality preschool and primary education by 10% points for affected children (refugees, IDPs, returnees, forced repatriated migrants, host communities and other vulnerable children) focusing on girls

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


1.1 The quality of pedagogical supply through the recruitment, initial and in-service training of preschool and primary school teachers is improved

# of teachers initially and in-service trained(Unit = unit)

500Description: Teachers initially and in-service trained

1.2. Communities’ awareness for the importance of early childhood development is promoted

# of sensitization/awareness raising campaigns(Unit = campaigns)

30Description: Sensitization on ECD priorities and practices

1.3. Children of primary schools benefit from friendlier schools and more protective environments

# of primary schools children enrolled in friendlier and more protective environments(Unit = number of children)

51000Description: primary school children


1.4. Preschool children benefit from friendlier ECD centers and more protective environments

# of ECD centers with adequate recreational and hygienic, facilities and kits(Unit = number of kits)

20Description: ECD centers

1.5. ECD centers and primary school are friendlier and more protective to children

% of registered students, especially in crises affected areas (IDPs, returnees, host communities) who receive learning materials(Unit = students)

100Description: IDP, returnees, host communities, refugees

1.6. Didactic and learning materials are distributed to preschool and primary school students, especially for girls and those in particularly difficult situations

# preschool and primary school children enrolled and provided with school supplies(Unit = children)

51800Description: preschool and primary school children enroll


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affected by armed conflict, crises and natural catastrophes

3Provide timely assistance and protection to people victims of natural disasters and epidemics.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Promote equity between boys’ and girls’ access to quality preschool and primary education by improving gender parity index and retention rate for girls by 10 points, especially for those living in crises, catastrophes and armed conflicts affected areas

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached2.1. Communities are aware and well informed of the importance of schooling, especially for girls and other vulnerable children living in crises, catastrophes and armed conflicts affected areas

# of sensitization/awareness raising and advocacy campaigns(Unit = campaign)

20Description: communities in rural and disadvantaged areas as well as crises, catastrophes and armed conflicts affected areas


2.2. Gender parity index in preschool and primary schooling is improved

% of girls enrolled in preschools(Unit = boys & girls)

50Description: preschool boys and girls in rural and disadvantaged areas as well as crises, catastrophes and armed conflicts affected areas

2.2. Gender parity index in preschool and primary schooling is improved

% of girls enrolled in primary schools(Unit = boys & girls)

50Description: primary school boys and girls in rural and disadvantaged areas as well as crises, catastrophes and armed conflicts affected areas


2.3. Boys and girls enrolled in targeted school remain and succeed for 2012-2013 academic year

% of retention for boys and girls(Unit = boys & girls)

100Description: Boys & girls who remain and succeed in school in targeted area

4Reduce the vulnerabilities and reinforce the livelihoods and human resilience of affected people and their communities.

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Cluster objectives/outcomes:Strengthen institutional capacity of the Government and community based associations through development of capacity building activities ensuring a better governance and effective management of the education system in affected areas

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached3.1. Government decentralized structures staff are trained on INEE minimum standards for monitoring and management of education in targeted areas

# of Government decentralized and communities’ structures staff trained on INEE minimum standards(Unit = staff)

100Description: Government and communities organisations staff

3.2. Teachers in active duty in targeted areas are trained in innovative approaches such as Gender, Peace Education, psychosocial support and HIV/AIDS to reinforce their lifeskills

# of teachers in targeted areas trained in innovative approaches(Unit = teachers)

500Description: teachers in targeted areas

3.3. Government decentralized structures staff are trained on INEE minimum standards for monitoring and management of education in targeted areas

# of regions who have adequate and executable contingency plans(Unit = regions)

12Description: regions with contingency plans

4 (N’Djamena, Guéra, Abéché et Mao)

3.4. PTAs (APE + AME) capacities to participate in the management of schools and the promotion of girls’ education is strengthen

# of trained PTAs’ members in the management of schools and the promotion of girl’s education(Unit = members)

1,500Description: PTA's members in target areas

Food Security

Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

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1Reduce mortality and morbidity within the targeted populations according to their vulnerability.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Ensure immediate needs coverage (food assistance, emergency support to livelihoods) to mitigate crisis impact

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


Implementing targeted distribution of food commodities to vulnerable groups in affected areas

% of planned beneficiaries receiving food commodities within a given timeframe (by category, age group, and gender)(Unit = %)

80 80 52 %

Implementing targeted distribution of food commodities to vulnerable groups in affected areas

% of planned quantity of food distributed within a given timeframe (by project category and commodity types)(Unit = %)

80 80 48 %

Supporting the agricultural and pastoral sector through improving access to agricultural and pastoral inputs & tools to affected populations through targeted distributions and cash transfers

Number of beneficiaries receiving agricultural or pastoral inputs as percentage of planned beneficiaries (by input type, and gender)(Unit = %)

80 80 41 %

Supporting the agricultural and pastoral sector through improving access to agricultural and pastoral inputs & tools to affected populations through targeted distributions and cash transfers

Quantity of agricultural or pastoral inputs including seeds, tools, animal feed,...as a percentage of planned (by project category and commodity types)(Unit = %)

80 80 Cereals seeds : 5%Vegetable seeds : 62 %Tools : no data

Piloting cash and voucher based interventions to vulnerable poor households

Number of beneficiaries receiving cash transfers and vouchers by category, activity, transfer modality and as % of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 176 %

Piloting cash and voucher based interventions to vulnerable poor households

Quantity of cash transfers and vouchers by category, activity, transfer modality and as % of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data ; 168 million FCFA reported to date

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Cluster objectives/outcomes:Ensure protection, security and recovery of livelihoods in areas affected by climatic hazards (drought, floods).

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Number of beneficiaries receiving agricultural support as percentage of planned beneficiaries (by input type, and gender)(Unit = %)

80 80 41%

Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Quantity of agricultural inputs, equipments, infrastructure, etc. distributed as a percentage of planned distributions (by project category and commodity types)(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data ,; Cereals seeds : 5%Vegetable seeds : 62 %reported to date

Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Number of households benefiting from improved infrastructures wells, water pumps, storage facilities, animal traction equipment… as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 11%

Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Number of households benefiting from trainings (technical, food utilization, nutritional education....) as a percentage of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data

Enhancing pastoral production through improving access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

Number of beneficiaries receiving pastoral support as percentage of planned beneficiaries (by input type, and gender)(Unit = %)

80 80 66 %

Enhancing pastoral production through improving access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

Quantity of pastoral inputs, equipments, infrastructure, etc. distributed as a percentage of planned distributions (by project category and commodity types)(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data

Enhancing pastoral production through improving access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

Number of households benefiting from improved infrastructures, storage facilities, equipment…as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 79%

Enhancing pastoral production through improving Number of households benefiting from trainings 80 80 No baseline data

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access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

(technical, food utilization, nutritional education....)as a percentage of planned(Unit = %)

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


Assisting in reconstruction and rehabilitation of community infrastructure

Number and type of assets created and beneficiaries of asset-creation (FFW/T or CFW/T or IGA) projects, by category, and as percent of planned(Unit = %)

70 Beneficiaries : 34%

Assisting in reconstruction and rehabilitation of community infrastructure

Quantity of food or cash distributed by types of commodity expressed as a percentage of planned tonnage for asset-creation(Unit = %)

70 15%

Supporting income generating activities Number of households benefiting from inputs to implement Income Generating Activities as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

70 No baseline data ; 7200 beneficiaries reported to date

Supporting income generating activities Quantity of inputs to implement Income Generating Activities as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

70 No data available

Supporting income generating activities Number of households benefiting from trainings (technical, food utilization, nutritional education....) to implement Income Generating Activities as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

70 No baseline data ; 7200 beneficiaries reported to date

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2Provide assistance and protection to refugees, IDPs, returnees, forced repatriated migrants, host communities and other vulnerable people.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Restore and rebuilt livelihoods of refugees, IDPs, returnees, forced repatriated migrants, host communities and other vulnerable people

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedEnhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Number of beneficiaries receiving agricultural support as percentage of planned beneficiaries (by input type, and gender)(Unit = %)

80 80 41%

Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Quantity of agricultural inputs, equipments, infrastructure, etc. distributed as a percentage of planned distributions (by project category and commodity types)(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data ,; Cereals seeds : 5%Vegetable seeds : 62 %reported to date

Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Number of households benefiting from improved infrastructures wells, water pumps, storage facilities, animal traction equipment… as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 11%

Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Number of households benefiting from trainings (technical, food utilization, nutritional education....) as a percentage of planned

80 80 No baseline data

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(Unit = %)

Enhancing pastoral production through improving access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

Number of beneficiaries receiving pastoral support as percentage of planned beneficiaries (by input type, and gender)(Unit = %)

80 80 66 %

Enhancing pastoral production through improving access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

Quantity of pastoral inputs, equipments, infrastructure, etc. distributed as a percentage of planned distributions (by project category and commodity types)(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data

Enhancing pastoral production through improving access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

Number of households benefiting from improved infrastructures, storage facilities, equipment…as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 79%

Enhancing pastoral production through improving access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

Number of households benefiting from trainings (technical, food utilization, nutritional education....)as a percentage of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Ensure protection, security and recovery of livelihoods in areas affected by climatic hazards (drought, floods)

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedEnhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Number of beneficiaries receiving agricultural support as percentage of planned beneficiaries (by input type, and gender)(Unit = %)

80 80 41%

Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Quantity of agricultural inputs, equipments, infrastructure, etc. distributed as a percentage of planned distributions (by project category and commodity types)(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data ,; Cereals seeds : 5%Vegetable seeds : 62 %reported to date

Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity

Number of households benefiting from improved infrastructures wells, water pumps, storage facilities, animal

80 80 11%

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building and provision of technical services traction equipment… as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Number of households benefiting from trainings (technical, food utilization, nutritional education....) as a percentage of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data

Enhancing pastoral production through improving access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

Number of beneficiaries receiving pastoral support as percentage of planned beneficiaries (by input type, and gender)(Unit = %)

80 80 66 %

3Provide timely assistance and protection to people victims of natural disasters and epidemics.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Ensure food security situation monitoring in close coordination with national food security information system.

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedReinforcing food security assessments, monitoring and information sharing in close coordination with national food security information system.

Number of food security assessments conducted, early warning bulletins, and maps or reports produced

10 10 10

Provision of technical training (data collection and analysis in food security sector) to government stakeholders and implementing partners.

Number of stakeholders (partners or governmental staff, targeted communities) trained in food security assessments or in implementing food-security related activities (by training and audience category).(Unit = people trained)

50 50 0

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Reinforce food security sector coordination to improve its performance

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Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedCoordinating food security cluster meetings at national and regional level

Number of food security cluster meetings organized and minutes shared as a percentage of planned

12 12 5

Coordinating food security cluster meetings at national and regional level

Number of active decentralized food security coordination groups operational

4 4 3

Coordinating food security cluster meetings at national and regional level

Percentage of food security cluster members satisfied with cluster performance(Unit = %)

50 50 No data available

Liaising with humanitarian/development actors and national crisis management bodies

Number of food security cluster meetings with national crisis management bodies participation as percentage of total number of food security cluster meetings(Unit = %)

90 90 100

Liaising with humanitarian/development actors and national crisis management bodies

Number of national crisis meetings management bodies with food security cluster team participation as percentage of total number of national crisis meetings management bodies meetings(Unit = %)

90 90 100

4Reduce the vulnerabilities and reinforce the livelihoods and human resilience of affected people and their communities.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Ensure protection, security and recovery of livelihoods in areas affected by climatic hazards (drought, floods).

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Number of beneficiaries receiving agricultural support as percentage of planned beneficiaries (by input type, and gender)

80 80 41%

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(Unit = %)

Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Quantity of agricultural inputs, equipments, infrastructure, etc. distributed as a percentage of planned distributions (by project category and commodity types)(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data ,; Cereals seeds : 5%Vegetable seeds : 62 %reported to date

Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Number of households benefiting from improved infrastructures wells, water pumps, storage facilities, animal traction equipment… as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 11%

Enhancing agricultural production through equipment, yield management, farmers’ capacity building and provision of technical services

Number of households benefiting from trainings (technical, food utilization, nutritional education....) as a percentage of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data

Enhancing pastoral production through improving access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

Number of beneficiaries receiving pastoral support as percentage of planned beneficiaries (by input type, and gender)(Unit = %)

80 80 66 %

Enhancing pastoral production through improving access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

Quantity of pastoral inputs, equipments, infrastructure, etc. distributed as a percentage of planned distributions (by project category and commodity types)(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data

Enhancing pastoral production through improving access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

Number of households benefiting from improved infrastructures, storage facilities, equipment…as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 79%

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


Enhancing pastoral production through improving access to livestock, animal feed, and animal health, strengthening livestock owners capacity and supply of technical services

Number of households benefiting from trainings (technical, food utilization, nutritional education....)as a percentage of planned(Unit = %)

80 80 No baseline data

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Assisting in reconstruction and rehabilitation of community infrastructure

Number and type of assets created and beneficiaries of asset-creation (FFW/T or CFW/T or IGA) projects, by category, and as percent of planned(Unit = %)

80 Beneficiaries : 34%

Assisting in reconstruction and rehabilitation of community infrastructure

Quantity of food or cash distributed by types of commodity expressed as a percentage of planned tonnage for asset-creation(Unit = %)

80 15%

Supporting income generating activities Number of households benefiting from inputs to implement Income Generating Activities as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

70 No baseline data ; 7200 beneficiaries reported to date

Supporting income generating activities Quantity of inputs to implement Income Generating Activities as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

70 No data available

Supporting income generating activities Number of households benefiting from trainings (technical, food utilization, nutritional education....) to implement Income Generating Activities as percentage of planned(Unit = %)

70 No baseline data ; 7200 beneficiaries reported to date

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Ensure food security situation monitoring in close coordination with national food security information system

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedReinforcing food security assessments, monitoring and information sharing in close coordination with national food security information system

Number of food security assessments conducted, early warning bulletins, and maps or reports produced

10 10 10

Provision of technical training (data collection and analysis in food security sector) to government stakeholders and implementing partners.

Number of stakeholders (partners or governmental staff, targeted communities) trained in food security assessments or in implementing food-security related activities (by training and audience category).(Unit = people trained)

50 50 0

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Reinforce food security sector coordination to improve its performance

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Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


Coordinating food security cluster meetings at national and regional level

Number of food security cluster meetings organized and minutes shared as a percentage of planned

12 12 5

Coordinating food security cluster meetings at national and regional level

Number of active decentralized food security coordination groups operational

4 4 3

Coordinating food security cluster meetings at national and regional level

Percentage of food security cluster members satisfied with cluster's performance(Unit = %)

50 50 No data available

Liaising with humanitarian/development actors and national crisis management bodies

Number of food security cluster meetings with national crisis management bodies participation as percentage of total number of food security cluster meetings(Unit = %)

90 90 100

Liaising with humanitarian/development actors and national crisis management bodies

Number of national crisis meetings management bodies with food security cluster team participation as percentage of total number of national crisis meetings management bodies meetings(Unit = %)

90 90 100

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Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

1Reduce mortality and morbidity within the targeted populations according to their vulnerability.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Increas access to and use of primary health services with an emphasis on immunization, HIV / AIDS, SGBV, the reproductive health in regions affected by crises

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedAvailability and use of primary health care services improved

Utilisation rate of health services(Unit = Number of contact with health services)

1Description: Population has access to health services in regions affected by crisis with at least 1 contact per person per year.

Description: Population has access to health services in regions affected by crisis with at least 1 contact per person per year

0.2 consultations per person per year at health center

Availability and use of primary health care services improved

Immunization covrage(Unit = Percentage of immunized children)

85Description: At least 85% of children of under five years old immunized for measles and Penta-3 in affected regions

Description: At least 85% of children of under five years old immunized for measles and Penta-3 in affected regions

30% of children of under five years old immunized for measles and Penta-3 in affected regions

Availability and use of primary health care services improved

Supply of drugs to health facilities without stockout(Unit = Percentage of health facilities without stock out )

80Description: In affected regions, at least 80% of health facilities have essential drugs and other medical consumables without stock out

Description: In affected regions, at least 80% of health facilities have essential drugs and other medical consumables without stock out

In affected regions, 30% of health facilities have essential drugs and other medical consumables without stock out

Availability and use of primary health care services improved

Utilisation and access to prevention treatment and support HIV/AIDS, STI(Unit = Percentage of health facilities with PMTCT and VCT)

50Description: At least 50% of health facilities in affected regions have PMTCT and VCT services

Description: At least 50% of health facilities in affected regions have PMTCT and VCT services

87% of health facilities in affected regions have PMTCT services

65% of health facilities in affected regions have VCT services

Availability and use of primary health care

% of reported cases of violations (gender disaggregated) with

100Description: 100% cases of GBV referred to

100Description: 100% cases of GBV

0 No PEP kits

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services improved access to appropriate medical services(Unit = % of GBV cases treated)

health facilities are correctly managed and receive medical care

referred to health facilities are correctly managed and receive medical care

Availability and use of primary health care services improved

Acces and utilisation rate of antenatal care services(Unit = Coverage rate of antenatal care)

50Description: At least 50% of women (15-45 years old) have 2 antenatal consultations in affected regions

Description: At least 50% of women (15-45 years old) have 2 antenatal consultations in affected regions

23 % coverage of ANC

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedAvailability and use of primary health care services improved

Percentage of deliveries in health facilities(Unit = Percentage of delivery assisted by trained staff)

20Description: At least 30% of deliveries assisted by trained staff in health facilities of affected regions

Description: At least 30% of deliveries assisted by trained staff in health facilities of affected regions

10% of deliveries assisted by trained staff in health facilities of affected regions

Availability and use of primary health care services improved

Access and utilisation of family planning services(Unit = Prevalence rate of family planning)

10Description: At least 10% of women (15-45 years old) use a modern family planning method.

Description: At least 10% of women (15-45 years old) use a modern family planning method.


3Provide timely assistance and protection to people victims of natural disasters and epidemics.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Ensure medical care to the affected population in areas affected by natural disasters and /or epidemic situations

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedPrevention of outbreaks and case management of people affected by natural disasters and /or epidemics improved

Completness of epidemiological surveillance data(Unit = Percentage of weekly surveillance report submitted)

90Description: 90% of weekly reports timely submitted by health’s districts to National Surveillance Service in order to ensure early detection of epidemics

Description: 90% of weekly reports timely submitted by health’s districts to National Surveillance Service in order to ensure early detection of epidemics

90% of weekly reports timely submitted by health’s districts to National Surveillance Service in order to ensure early detection of epidemics

Prevention of outbreaks and case management of people

Case Fatality Rate (CFR) <10 % for meningitis outbreaks management

10Description: Supply of drugs, lab reagents

Description: Supply of drugs, lab reagents and other


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affected by natural disasters and /or epidemics improved

(Unit = Case fatality rate) and other medical consumables in affected health’s districts, train staff to ensure that CFR is <10% during meningitis outbreaks

medical consumables in affected health’s districts, train staff to ensure that CFR is <10% during meningitis outbreaks

Prevention of outbreaks and case management of people affected by natural disasters and /or epidemics improved

Case Fatality Rate (CFR) <1 % for cholera outbreaks management(Unit = Case fatality rate)

1Description: Supply of drugs, lab reagents and other medical consumables in affected health districts , train staff to ensure CFR is <1% during cholera outbreaks

Description: Supply of drugs, lab reagents and other medical consumables in affected health districts , train staff to ensure CFR is <1% during cholera outbreaks


Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedPrevention of outbreaks and case management of people affected by natural disasters and /or epidemics improved

Immunazation covrage during outbreaks(Unit = Percentage of immunized population)

95Description: At least 95% of affected population is immunized against measles (6-14 years old) during measles outbreaks end (1-29 years) during meningitis outbreaks

Description: At least 95% of affected population is immunized against measles (6-14 years old) during measles outbreaks end (1-29 years) during meningitis outbreaks

No measles and meningitisoutbreaks

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Improve case management of medical complications of severe acute malnutrition and in affected regions

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedNutrition Therapeutic Center capacity for managment of medical complications of severe acute malnutrition improved

Percentage of therapeutic nutrition center with trained staff for Integrated Managment of Childhood Illness(Unit = Percentage of Facilities with trained staff)

100Description: 100% of Nutrition Therapeutic Center have at lest one staff train for integrated managment of childhood illness

Description: 100% of Nutrition Therapeutic Center have at least one staff train for integrated management of childhood illness


Nutrition Therapeutic Center capacity for management of medical complications of severe acute malnutrition improved

Supply of drugs and other medical consumables to therapeutic nutrition center without stockout(Unit = Percentage of health facilities without stock out)

100Description: In affected regions, 100% of nutrition therapeutic center have drugs and of medical consumable to treat medical complications of severe acute malnutrition

Description: In affected regions, 100% of nutrition therapeutic center have drugs and of medical consumable to treat medical complications of severe acute malnutrition


Nutrition Therapeutic Center Improved referral system of severe 5 Description: Mobile clinics in 0

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capacity for management of medical complications of severe acute malnutrition improved

acute malnutritionon to Nutrition Therapeutic Centers(Unit = Number of mobile clinics)

Description: Mobile clinics in place to ensure outreach treatment activities and improve referral to nutrition therapeutic centers of severe acute malnutrition with medical complication in nomadic population and remoted ares of affected regions

place to ensure outreach treatment activities and improve referral to nutrition therapeutic centers of severe acute malnutrition with medical complication in nomadic population and remote areas of affected regions

4Reduce the vulnerabilities and reinforce the livelihoods and human resilience of affected people and their communities.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Strengthen the capacity of the health system and communities to ensure resilience after epidemics and natural disasters

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedHeath system and communities capacity improved to sustain health services offer after crisis

Percentage of health facilities with community heath committee in place(Unit = % of Heath facilities)

50Description: After crisis at list 50% of health facilities in affected regions have a community heath committee for population mobilisation and management of health facility

Description: After crisis at list 50% of health facilities in affected regions have a community heath committee for population mobilisation and management of health facility


Heath system and communities capacity improved to sustain health services offer after crisis

Trained health workers in early warning system for monitoring of epidemics and case management(Unit = Percentage of health facilities with trained staff)

50Description: At least 50% of health facilities in affected regions have a trained staff in early warning system to monitor epidemics and case management of epidemic prone diseases and primary health care

Description: At least 50% of health facilities in affected regions have a trained staff in early warning system to monitor epidemics and case management of epidemic prone diseases and primary health care


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Progress towards sector objectives and output targets

2Provide assistance and protection to refugees, IDPs, returnees, forced repatriated migrants, host communities and other vulnerable people.

Sector objectives/outcomes:Uninterrupted delivery of air transport support to the humanitarian community to remote areas not easily accessible by road.

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedTo provide safe, efficient and cost-effective inter-agency air transport service for over 100 United Nations Agencies, NGOs and donor organizations providing humanitarian assistance to Sudanese refugees, host populations and IDPs in the region.

Aircraft occupancy rate(Unit = percent)

70 70 66 (Jan-May)

To provide safe, efficient and cost-effective inter-agency air transport service for over 100 United Nations Agencies, NGOs and donor organizations providing humanitarian assistance to Sudanese refugees, host populations and IDPs in the region.

Number of passengers transported per month(Unit = number)

5000 4500 (reduced fleet) 4662 (Jan-May)

To transport light cargo such as medical supplies, high energy foods and information and communications technology (ICT) equipment.

Tonnage of food or non-food items transported per month(Unit = Metric Ton)

15 10 (reduced fleet) 13.76 (Jan-May)

To provide timely medical and security evacuations for the humanitarian community in Chad.

Response to medical and security evacuations duly requested(Unit = percent)

100 100 100 (Jan-May)

Error! Bookmark not defined.Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Multi-Sector for Refugees

Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

2Provide assistance and protection to refugees, IDPs, returnees, forced repatriated migrants, host communities and other vulnerable people.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Health status of the population improved

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedAccess to primary health care services provided or supported

Crude mortality rate in South(Unit = Per 1000 population/month))

0.30Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic

0.20Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic


Access to primary health care services provided or supported

Crude mortality rate in East(Unit = Per 1000 population/month))

0.20Description: Sudanese refugees in East

0.20Description: Sudanese refugees in East


Access to primary health care services provided or supported

Extent PoCs have access to primary health care(Unit = percent)

100Description: Sudanese refugees in East, Central African refugees in the South and Urban refugees

100Description: Sudanese refugees in East, Central African refugees in the South and Urban refugees


Health services to children under 5 delivered

Under-5 mortality rate decreases(Unit = Per 1000 population/month)

0.50Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

0.50Description: Refugees from Sudanese refugees in the East


Health services to children under 5 delivered

Under-5 mortality rate decreases(Unit = Per 1000 population/month)

0.80Refugees from the Central African Republic


Preventative and community-based health care services provided

Routine immunization programme established and maintained

100Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees

100Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and


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(Unit = percent) in the East Sudanese refugees in the East

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Nutritional well-being improved

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedCommunity management of acute malnutrition programmes implemented and monitored

Prevalence of anaemia in women of reproductive age (15-49 yrs)(Unit = percent)

29Description: Central African refugees in South and South East

20Description: Central African refugees in South and South East


Community management of acute malnutrition programmes implemented and monitored

Prevalence of anaemia in women of reproductive age (15-49 yrs)(Unit = percent)

20Description: Sudanese refugees

20Description: Sudanese refugees


Community management of acute malnutrition programmes implemented and monitored

Prevalence of global acute malnutrition (6-59 months)(Unit = percent)

5Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic

5Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic


Community management of acute malnutrition programmes implemented and monitored

Prevalence of global acute malnutrition (6-59 months).(Unit = percent)

9Description: Sudanese refugees in the East

9Description: Sudanese refugees in the East


Supplementary feeding programme implemented and monitored

Prevalence of anaemia in children (6-59 months)(Unit = percent)

53Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic

53Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic


Supplementary feeding programme implemented and monitored

Prevalence of anaemia in children (6-59 months).(Unit = percent)

42Description: Sudanese refugees in the East

30Description: Sudanese refugees in the East


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Supply of potable water increased or maintained

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedWater system constructed, expanded and/or upgraded

Average # of litres of potable water available per person per day(Unit = Litres)

22Description: Central African refugees in South and South East.

22Description: Central African refugees in South and South East.


Water system constructed, expanded and/or upgraded

Average # of litres of potable water available per person per day.(Unit = Litres)

20Description: Sudanese refugees.

20Description: Sudanese refugees.


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Water system constructed, expanded and/or upgraded

Incidence of watery diarrhoea decreased(Unit = per population)

5Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

5Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic


Water system constructed, expanded and/or upgraded

% of PoC living within 200 m from water point(Unit = percent)

87Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

100Description: Sudanese refugees in the East


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Shelter and infrastructure established, improved and maintained

Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

Shelter materials and maintenance tool kits provided

% of households living in adequate dwellings(Unit = percent)

45Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

44Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic


Shelter materials and maintenance tool kits provided

% of households living in adequate dwellings(Unit = percent)

50 50Description: Sudanese refugees in the East


Shelter materials and maintenance tool kits provided

# of shelter maintenance tool kits and materials provided.(Unit = number)

2000Description: Sudanese refugees in East, Central African refugees in the South

3.000Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic


Shelter materials and maintenance tool kits provided

# of persons receiving shelter support.(Unit = number)

20000Description: Sudanese refugees in East, Central African refugees in the South

20.000Description: Sudanese refugees in the East


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Population has sufficient access to energy

Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

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Energy saving practices promoted

% of households with access to sustainable energy(Unit = percent)

50Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

70Description: Sudanese refugees in the East


Energy saving practices promoted

% of households with access to sustainable energy -(Unit = percent)

50 80Refugees from the Central African Republic


Energy saving practices promoted

% of households using alternative energy (eg. Solar, biogas, ethanol, environmentally friendly briquet, wind, etc.)(Unit = percent)

38Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

83Description: Sudanese refugees in the East


Energy saving practices promoted

% of households provided with energy saving equipments(Unit = percent)

60Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

100Description: Sudanese refugees in the East


Energy saving practices promoted

Sustainable energy strategy developed & implemented (yes/no)(Unit = percent)

100Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

100Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Protection of children strengthened.

Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

Core child protection % of 35 35 14

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structures/functions established

unaccompanied and separated children for whom a best interest process has been initiated or completed(Unit = percent)

Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

Core child protection structures/functions established

% of out of school adolescents who participate in targeted programs(Unit = percent)

30Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

30Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East


Core child protection structures/functions established

Extent children of concern with specific needs are identified and assisted(Unit = percent)

70Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

70Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Risk of SGBV is reduced and quality of response improved.

Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

Participation of community in SGBV prevention and response enabled and sustained

Extent that known SGBV survivors receive support(Unit = percent)

30Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic , Sudanese refugees in the East and urban refugees

80Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic , Sudanese refugees in the East and urban refugees


Participation of community in SGBV prevention and response enabled and sustained

# of reported incidents of SGBV per year.(Unit = number)

2000Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic ,Sudanese refugees in the East and urban refugees

1600Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic ,Sudanese refugees in the East and urban refugees

Information is not available at the time of review

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Cluster objectives/outcomes:Natural resources and shared environment better protected

Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

Forest protection undertaken.

Extent environmental risks associated with the operation are mitigated(Unit = percent)

25Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

40Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic


Forest protection undertaken.

Extent environmental risk associated with the operation are mitigated(Unit = percent)

28 28Description: Sudanese refugees in East


Forest protection undertaken.

# of hectares planted(Unit = number)

550Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

2500Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East


Forest protection undertaken.

Forest protection and harvesting strategy developed & implemented (yes/no)(Unit = percent)

100Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

100Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Self reliance and livelihoods improved

Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

Access to agricultural / livestock / fisheries

# of PoC receiving production kits /

12.000Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese

60.000Description: Refugees from the


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production enabled inputs for agriculture/livestock/fisheries activities(Unit = number)

refugees in the East Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Potential for resettlement realized

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

Identification of resettlement cases including women & girls at risk conducted

# of cases identified including women and girls at risk(Unit = number)

1000Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic ,Sudanese refugees in the East and urban refugees

1000Description: Sudanese refugees and urban refugees


Identification of resettlement cases including women & girls at risk conducted

% of identified individuals departed for resettlement(Unit = percent)

28Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and urban refugees

25Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and urban refugees


Identification of resettlement cases including women & girls at risk conducted

% of persons submitted for resettlement who have departed for resettlement(Unit = percent)

23Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and urban refugees

75Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and urban refugees


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Law and policy developed or strengthened

Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

Advocay conducted Extent law and policy consistent with international standards.(Unit = percent)

95Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

95Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East


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Advocay conducted # of government officials lobbied(Unit = number)

50Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

75Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Population has optimal access to education

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedMeasures to improve education quality and learning achievement implemented

% of teachers who are female(Unit = percent)

30Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic

17Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic


Measures to improve education quality and learning achievement implemented

% of teachers who are qualified ( man and Women)(Unit = Number and percentage)

10Description: Sudanese refugees in the East

30Description: Sudanese refugees in the East


Primary education provided

% of PoC aged 6-13 yrs enrolled in primary education(Unit = percent)

90Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and urban refugees

75Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and urban refugees


Early childhood education provided

% of PoC aged 3-5 yrs enrolled in early childhood education(Unit = Percentage of deliveries assisted by trained staff)

80Description: Refugees from the Central African Republic and Sudanese refugees in the East

80Description: Sudanese refugees in the East


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Population has optimal access to reproductive health and HIV services

Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

Preventive reproductive health and HIV services provided

% of HIV positive PoC eligible for ART who receive antiretroviral therapy(Unit = percent)

80Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East and urban refugees

100Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East and urban refugees


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Preventive reproductive health and HIV services provided

Extent PoCs have access to comprehensive reproductive health services(Unit = percent)

70Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East

100Description: Central African refugees in South and South East


Preventive reproductive health and HIV services provided

% of rape survivors receiving PEP within 72 hours of an inciden(Unit = percent)

90Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East

90Description: Central African refugees in South and South East


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Services for persons with specific needs strengthened

Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

Support to persons with specific needs provided

% of older persons ( man , women and children) with access to services for their specific needs(Unit = percent)

70Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East and urban refugees

100Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East and urban refugees


Support to persons with specific needs provided

% of PoC with disabilities with access to services for their specific needs(Unit = percent)

40Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East and urban refugees

65Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East and urban refugees


Support to persons with specific needs provided

% of PoC with psycho/ social needs w access to services for their specific needs(Unit = percent)

70Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East and urban refugees

97Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East and urban refugees


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Civil registration and civil status documentation strengthened

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Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

Birth registration and certificates provided

% of PoC who have a birth certificate(Unit = percent)

100Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East

100Description: Central African in South and South East and urban refugees


Birth registration and certificates provided

% of children under 12 months old who have been issued birth certificates by authorities(Unit = percent)

100 39Description: Sudanese refugees in East


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Level of individual documentation increased

Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

Issuance of ID & travel documents to persons of concern supported

% of PoC who have a valid identity document(Unit = percent)

90Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East and urban refugees

95Description: Sudanese refugees in East


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Quality of registration and profiling improved or maintained

Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

Eligible cases identified and registered

% of female and male registered on an individual basis(Unit = percent)

100Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East and urban refugees

100Description: Sudanese refugees in East , Central African in South and South East and urban refugees


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Protection from crime strengthened

Output Output indicator

2013 target REVISED 2013 target Reached

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Extent security management system effective in ensuring security of PoC

# of police in camps/communities(Unit = number)

300Description: DIS personel present in the camp

1000Description: DIS personnel present in the camp


Extent security management system effective in ensuring security of PoC

# of $ of local and international procurement undertaken to reinforce capacity of security forces(Unit = $)

1,063,851Description: Procurement of fuel and equipment

1,063,851Description: Procurement of fuel and equipment


Extent security management system effective in ensuring security of PoC

% of vehicles maintained in adequate conditions(Unit = percent)

100Description: DIS fleet

100Description: DIS fleet


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Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

1Reduce mortality and morbidity within the targeted populations according to their vulnerability.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Increase the coverage and quality of the management of acute malnutrition

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedA)100% of health centers in Chad have integrated the management of acute malnutritionb) 75% of children identified with acute malnutrition receive adequate treatmentc) 100% of health centers have at least one person trained on the national protocol and at least 80% of Community health workers in targeted area trainedd) In 100% of health facilities, screening on acute malnutrition is systematically performed at community level and/or through mobile clinics and malnourished children are referred to Health facilities for treatment.

Number of health centers implementing the management of acute malnutrition in sahel belt and soudanian region(Unit = Nb)

707Description: 467 health centers will integrate the Management of acute malnutrition in sahel belt regions and 100% of functional health facilities (231) in prioritised southern area: Logone Or, tandjile, Chari baguirmi, Mandoul

474 primary health facilities will integrated treatment of SAM and at least 40 team will provide SAM screening and treatment as outreach strategy in the 11 Sahel belt regions100% of functional health facilities (231) in prioritised southern area: Logone Or, Tandjile, Chari Baguirmi, Mandoul.Almost 15 mobile clinic s to provide basic health services including treatment of severe acute malnutrition to IDPs and refugees at the Eastern border

467 primary health facilities integrated treatment of SAM;10 mobile team provide screening in 11 Sahel Belt Regions

8 mobile teams provide basic health services to IDPs and refugees at the Eastern boarder

A)100% of health centers in Chad have integrated the management of acute malnutrition

Percentage of identified malnourished children treated(Unit = %)

75Description: At least 75% of 125.000 <5years with SAM and 50% of SAM

Description: At least 80% of 150.000 in the Sahel Regions and 2,500 at eastern

1st quarter 2013: 26,120 children affected by severe acute malnutrition were put

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b) 75% of children identified with acute malnutrition receive adequate treatmentc) 100% of health centers have at least one person trained on the national protocol and at least 80% of Community health workers in targeted area trainedd) In 100% of health facilities, screening on acute malnutrition is systematically performed at community level and/or through mobile clinics and malnourished children are referred to Health facilities for treatment.

cases in southern area (65.000) are reached for treatment. 90% of health facilities respond to Sphere performance

boarders<5years with SAM are reached for treatment. 90% of health services respond to Sphere performance

under treatment. Among 79.4% were discharged as cured, 12% defaulted from treatment and 0.4 % diseased

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedA) 100% of health centers in Chad have integrated the management of acute malnutritionb) 75% of children identified with acute malnutrition receive adequate treatmentc) 100% of health centers have at least one person trained on the national protocol and at least 80% of Community health workers in targeted area trainedd) In 100% of health facilities, screening on acute malnutrition is systematically performed at community level and/or through mobile clinics and malnourished children are referred to Health facilities for treatment.

Nb of health centers with staff trained on the national protocol(Unit = Nb)

707Description: 100%of health centers have a staff trained on the national protocol

Same 70%

A)100% of health centers in Chad have integrated the management of acute malnutritionb) 75% of children identified with acute malnutrition receive adequate treatment

Nb of health facilities which initiated the community based screening(Unit = %)

100Description: 100% of health facilities provide monthly the screening data from community and health centre level.

Same 70%

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c) 100% of health centers have at least one person trained on the national protocol and at least 80% of Community health workers in targeted area trainedd) In 100% of health facilities, screening on acute malnutrition is systematically performed at community level and/or through mobile clinics and malnourished children are referred to Health facilities for treatment.

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Cluster objectives/outcomes:Ensure the prevention of maternal and child malnutrition and micronutrients deficiencies in targeted population

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedA) 100% of mothers with under five children reached for treatment receive messages on health and nutritionb) 100% of <5 children receive VIT A supplementation and deworming each 6 monthsc) At least 70% of targeted children have received the branket feeding supplementation

Percentage of mothers with malourished children in treatment reached for messages on nutrition and health(Unit = %)

100Description: 100% of mothers accompaning children for treatment receive messages on nutrition and health

Same 80%

A) 100% of mothers with under five children reached for treatment receive messages on health and nutritionb) 100% of <5 children receive VIT A supplementation and deworming each 6 monthsc) At least 70% of targeted children have received the branket feeding supplementation

Percentage of <5 children reached for VIT A supplementation and deworming(Unit = %)

100Description: 100% of < 5 children in targeted area receive twice annualy VIT A et deworming

Same 100%

A) 100% of mothers with under five children reached for treatment receive messages on health and nutritionb) 100% of <5 children receive VIT A supplementation and deworming each 6 monthsc) At least 70% of targeted children have received the branket feeding supplementation

Nb of targeted children reached for the Branket Feeding program(Unit = Nb)

320000Description: At least 70% of targeted childen receive the branket feeding package


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Strengthen nutrition surveillance and emergency preparedness

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedA) The nutrition data are monthly Nutrition data with 12 Same Monthly data analysis

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submitted; analysed and shared in cluster meetings b) SMART surveys are organized each 6 months

performance indictors are made available monthly(Unit = Nb)

Description: 12 reports of nutrition data collected are shared to cluster coordination for analysing and discussion during cluster meetings

done and shared at the cluster meetings

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedA) The nutrition data are monthly submitted; analysed and shared in cluster meetings b) SMART surveys are organized each 6 months

Nb of SMART surveys and evaluation done annualy(Unit = Nb)

2Description: 2 SMART surveys are organised are conducted for the area the intervention and evaluation on the coverage done annually.

Same 1 SMART survey carried out in January and results shared at the cluster meeting

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Strengthen the coordination mechanisms related to nutrition interventions; and strengthen monitoring and evaluation system

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedA) 100% of coordination meetings are organised as planned. b) Participation in Inter clusters meetings monthly with WASH/FOOD SEC/Health c) Monthly participation at least in 1 coordination meeting at regional level d) Implementing partners elaborate project proposals for CAP and 100% of projects submitted are shared with the cluster team in charge for analysise) 1 strategic plan for 3 years is elaborated and approved by the cluster members

Number of coordination meetings organized by the number of scheduled meetings(Unit = Nb)

36Description: 12 cluster meeting organised monthly and 12 participation in Inter clusters meetings organised monthly; 12 Participations in at least 1 regional meeting montly and report shared

Same 4 clusters meetings carried out and minutes done

A) 100% of coordination meetings are organised as planned. b) Participation in Inter clusters meetings monthly with WASH/FOOD SEC/Health c) Monthly participation at least in 1 coordination meeting at regional level d) Implementing partners elaborate project proposals for

Implementing partners elaborate project proposals for CAP and 100% of projects submitted are shared with the cluster team in charge

15Description: At least one project proposal by region analysed and submitted for funds mobilization with integration approach including Wash, Protection and

Same Not done

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CAP and 100% of projects submitted are shared with the cluster team in charge for analysise) 1 strategic plan for 3 years is elaborated and approved by the cluster members

for analysis(Unit = Nb)

gender marker.

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Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedA) 100% of coordination meetings are organised as planned. b) Participation in Inter clusters meetings monthly with WASH/FOOD SEC/Health c) Monthly participation at least in 1 coordination meeting at regional level d) Implementing partners elaborate project proposals for CAP and 100% of projects submitted are shared with the cluster team in charge for analysise) 1 strategic plan for 3 years is elaborated and approved by the cluster members

A strategic plan for 3 years (2013-2015) is elaborated and approved by the cluster members(Unit = Nb)

1Description: A strategic plan for the cluster available at the start of 2013.

Same Strategic plan available

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Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

2Provide assistance and protection to refugees, IDPs, returnees, forced repatriated migrants, host communities and other vulnerable people.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Promote and strengthen durable solutions to persons of concern ( Female, male,and children) affected by humanitarian crises

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


Support to persons ( male, female and children) with specific needs provided

% of PoC with disabilities with access to services for their specific needs(Unit = percent)

40Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


Support to persons ( male, female and children) with specific needs provided

% of older persons with access to services for their specific needs(Unit = percent)

52Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


Support to persons ( male, female and children) with specific needs provided

# of families with specific needs receiving support (non cash)(Unit = number)

1500Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Shelter and infrastructure established, improved and maintained

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


Shelter materials and maintenance tool kits provided

% of households living in adequate dwellings(Unit = percent)

40Description: IDPs in sites and Returnes in Village of origin


Shelter materials and maintenance tool kits provided

# of person receiving shelter support(Unit = number)

1500Description: IDPs in sites and returnees in village of origin


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Cluster objectives/outcomes:Community mobilization strengthened and expanded

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedOpportunities for community self-management supported

Extent PoC represented in leadership management structures(Unit = percent)

40Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Ensure the protection of persons affected by forced displacement and access to humanitarian space through the strengthening of national institutions and the community.

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedSituation of persons of concern monitored

Extent national rights of returnees are re-established(Unit = percent)

80Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


Situation of persons of concern monitored

Advocacy conducted(Unit = number)

5Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in villages of Origine


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Reinforce mechanisms for prevention, protection and response to GBV particularly sexual violence in areas of return, re-localisation and integration.

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedIncreased awareness of GBV issues as a human rights violations

# of persons sensitized on key concepts Gender, GBV and Human rights(Unit = Number of beneficiaries)

1000Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


Increased awareness of GBV issues as a human rights violations

# of awareness raising campaigns that are specific to the local contexts and priorities(Unit = Number of beneficiaries)

5000Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


GBV prevention and response mechanisms reinforced (health, psychosocial, legal and security)

% of reported cases have access to medical, psychosocial, legal, and security assistance(Unit = percent)

100Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


GBV prevention and response mechanisms reinforced (health,

# of protection committees established

1000Description: IDPs in sites and


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psychosocial, legal and security) (Unit = number) Returnees in village of origin

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedGBV prevention and response mechanisms reinforced (health, psychosocial, legal and security)

# of known SGBV survivors ( families) receive support(Unit = number)

100Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


GBV prevention and response mechanisms reinforced (health, psychosocial, legal and security)

Victim/ survivor referral mechanisms have been established and sustained(Unit = percent)

100Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Access to legal assistance and legal remedies improved

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedLegal services and clinics established or provided

# of persons of concern receiving legal assistance(Unit = number)

250Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


Advocacy conducted # of advocacy interventions for access to national justice systems conducted(Unit = number)

5Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Law and policy developed or strengthened

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedAdvocacy conducted # of workshops or seminars held to

promote compliance with protection standards(Unit = number)

5Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


Advocacy conducted Advocacy for PoC inclusion in local, national and regional development plans (yes/no)(Unit = percent)

100Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


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Cluster objectives/outcomes:Protection of children strengthened

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedCapacity building undertaken # of trainings on national

codes/texts related to child rights(Unit = trainings)

3Description: IDPs and returnees in Village of origin


Capacity building undertaken Extent children of concern with specific needs are identified and assisted(Unit = percent)

70Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


Cluster objectives/outcomes:Operations management, coordination and support strengthened and optimized

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedGeneral project management services provided

Extent programme management mechanisms working effectively(Unit = percent)

100Description: IDPs in sites and Returnees in village of origin


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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

1Reduce mortality and morbidity within the targeted populations according to their vulnerability.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Contribute to the reduction of morbidity and mortality through improved access to safe drinking water, sanitation facilities suitable, sustainable and good hygiene practices to people affected by the food and nutrition crisis

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


The population (Male, Women) affected by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

Number of people (Male, Women) with access to water in sufficient quality and quantity according to national standards(Unit = Number of people)

477,300 477,300 24,168

The population affected by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

Number of health centers, CNT / CNA and health facilities have access to drinking water quality / quantity;(Unit = number)

385 385 45

The population affected by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

% Water points constructed or rehabilitated have a functional management committee and repairmen trained and equipped(Unit = %)

100 100 05%

The population affected by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

% mixed community animators (men / women) are trained and know the essential techniques of household water treatment and conservation(Unit = %)

100 100 04%

The population affected by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

% of water quality monitoring activities in the source, in CNA/CNT and at households in affected areas are carried out regularly(Unit = %)

80 80 04%

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Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


The population affected (Male, Women) by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

Number of CNA/CNT delivering the WASH minimum package(Unit = number)

385 385 38

The population affected (Male, Women) by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

Number of hygiene kits with key hygiene messages distributed to SAM affected carer / mother and child(Unit = number)

127,300 127,300 24,168

The population affected (Male, Women) by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

% of men, women, couple carer/mother-malnourished children know and adopt good hygiene and sanitation practices for the fight against malnutrition, food insecurity and diarrheal diseases(Unit = %)

80 80 04%

The population affected (Male, Women) by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

% population of the communities affected know the ways of transmission and prevention of waterborne diseases related to poor hygiene(Unit = %)

80 80 0

The population affected (Male, Women) by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

% of clubs hygiene mixed (boys and girls) implemented are functional(Unit = %)

100 100 0

The population affected (Male, Women) by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national

ATPC / CLTS disseminated and adapted to the context in X number of villages(Unit = Number of villages)

150 150 9

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The population affected (Male, Women) by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

% of triggered villages became open defecation free in targeted areas of intervention(Unit = %)

80 80 0

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


The population affected (Male, Women) by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

% of CNA and CNT in the Sahel belt have access, use and maintain separate latrines (taking into account accessibility for children and specific needs of men , women and children)(Unit = %)

100 100 09%

The population affected (Male, Women) by the food and nutritional crisis in the Sahel (477,300 people) has access to potable water, sanitation, promotion of good family hygiene practices and with autonomous and sustainable maintenance of the infrastructures according to the national standard

% of villages ODF are aware of the concept of Eco-San as part of a pilot project in the Sahel(Unit = %)

20 20 0

2Provide assistance and protection to refugees, IDPs, returnees, forced repatriated migrants, host communities and other vulnerable people.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Contribute to improving access to basic social services (water, sanitation and hygiene) for displaced people, returnees, refugees and host of areas affected by humanitarian crises

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


The men and Women IDPs, returnees, refugees and host population in areas affected by humanitarian crises in Chad (635.432 people) have access and manage in an autonomous and sustainable way the water, hygiene and sanitation basic services in enough quantity and quality

Number of mane and women with access to water in sufficient quality and quantity according to national standards(Unit = Number of people)

635,432 715,342 79,910

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IDPs, returnees, refugees and host population in areas affected by humanitarian crises in Chad (635.432 people) have access and manage in an autonomous and sustainable way the water, hygiene and sanitation basic services in enough quantity and quality

% Water points constructed or rehabilitated have a functional management committee and repairmen trained and equipped(Unit = %)

100 130 05%

The men and women IDPs, returnees, refugees and host population in areas affected by humanitarian crises in Chad (635.432 people) have access and manage in an autonomous and sustainable way the water, hygiene and sanitation basic services in enough quantity and quality

% mixed community animators (men / women) are trained and know the essential techniques of household water treatment and conservation(Unit = %)

100 130 11%

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


IDPs, returnees, refugees and host population in areas affected by humanitarian crises in Chad (635.432 people: men and women) have access and manage in an autonomous and sustainable way the water, hygiene and sanitation basic services in enough quantity and quality

ATPC / CLTS disseminated and adapted to the context in X number of villages(Unit = Number of villages)

60 75 0

IDPs, returnees, refugees and host population in areas affected by humanitarian crises in Chad (635.432 people: men and women) have access and manage in an autonomous and sustainable way the water, hygiene and sanitation basic services in enough quantity and quality

% of triggered villages became open defecation free in targeted areas of intervention(Unit = %)

80 100 0

IDPs, returnees, refugees and host population in areas affected by humanitarian crises in Chad (635.432 people: men and women) have access and manage in an autonomous and sustainable way the water, hygiene and sanitation basic services in enough quantity and quality

% of water quality monitoring activities in the source and at households in affected areas are carried out regularly(Unit = %)

80 100 10%

IDPs, returnees, refugees and host population in areas affected by humanitarian crises in Chad (635.432 people: men and women) have access and manage in an autonomous and sustainable way the water, hygiene and sanitation basic services in enough quantity and quality

% of men, women know and adopt good hygiene and sanitation practices for the fight against malnutrition, food insecurity and diarrheal diseases(Unit = %)

80 100 0

IDPs, returnees, refugees and host population in areas affected by humanitarian crises in Chad (635.432 people) have access and manage in an autonomous and sustainable way the water, hygiene and sanitation basic services in enough quantity and quality

% population of the communities affected by crises know the ways of transmission and prevention of waterborne diseases related to poor hygiene

80 100 10%

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(Unit = %)

IDPs, returnees, refugees and host population in areas affected by humanitarian crises in Chad (635.432 people) have access and manage in an autonomous and sustainable way the water, hygiene and sanitation basic services in enough quantity and quality

% of clubs hygiene mixed (boys and girls) implemented in schools are functional(Unit = %)

100 100 0

IDPs, returnees, refugees and host population in areas affected by humanitarian crises in Chad (635.432 people: men and women) have access and manage in an autonomous and sustainable way the water, hygiene and sanitation basic services in enough quantity and quality

Number of functional health centers, school and public places benefitting from sustainable access to sanitation and hygiene promotion(Unit = number)

50 75 10

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


IDPs, returnees, refugees and host population in areas affected by humanitarian crises in Chad (635.432 people) have access and manage in an autonomous and sustainable way the water, hygiene and sanitation basic services in enough quantity and quality

% of schools using and maintaining separate latrines (taking into account accessibility for children and specific needs of men , women and children)(Unit = %)

80 100 0

3Provide timely assistance and protection to people victims of natural disasters and epidemics.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Preparedness and response to emergencies (operational action plan and contingency) to reduce the risks of natural disasters and the suffering of communities affected by humanitarian crises

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target


Mortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities

Number of men and women with access to water in sufficient quality and quantity according to national standards

305,803 385,413 7,750

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(305.803 people: men and women) in a resilient way (Unit = Number of people)

Mortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities (305.803 people: men and women) in a resilient way

% Water points constructed or rehabilitated have a functional management committee and repairmen trained and equipped(Unit = %)

100 100 09%

Mortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities (305.803 people men and women) in a resilient way

% mixed community animators (men / women) are trained and know the essential techniques of household water treatment and conservation(Unit = %)

100 100 06%

Mortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities (305.803 people) in a resilient way

ATPC / CLTS disseminated and adapted to the context in X number of villages(Unit = Number of villages)

60 75 0

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Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedMortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities (305.803 people) in a resilient way

% of triggered villages became open defecation free in targeted areas of intervention(Unit = %)

80 80 0

Mortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities (305.803 people) in a resilient way

% of water quality monitoring activities in the source and at households in affected areas are carried out regularly(Unit = %)

80 80 05%

Mortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities (305.803 people) in a resilient way

% of men, women know and adopt good hygiene and sanitation practices for the fight against malnutrition, food insecurity and diarrheal diseases(Unit = %)

80 80 0

Mortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities (305.803 people) in a resilient way

% population (men and women) of the communities affected by crises know the ways of transmission and prevention of waterborne diseases related to poor hygiene(Unit = %)

80 80 0

Mortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities (305.803 people) in a resilient way

% of clubs hygiene mixed (boys and girls) implemented in schools are functional(Unit = %)

100 100 0

Mortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities (305.803 people) in a resilient way

Number of functional health centers, school and public places benefitting from sustainable access to sanitation and hygiene promotion(Unit = number)

25 35 8

Mortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk

% of schools using and maintaining separate latrines (taking into account

80 80 0

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management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities (305.803 people) in a resilient way

accessibility for children and specific needs of men , women and children)(Unit = %)

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Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedMortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities (305.803 people) in a resilient way

Number men, women benefitting from a cholera prevention kit(Unit = Number of people)

235,000 314,910 0

Mortality and morbidity caused by epidemic diseases (such as cholera) and diarrhea is reduced and risk management (prevention and response) related to natural disasters is known and provided to the affected communities (305.803 people) in a resilient way

% pre-positioning of contingency stocks(Unit = %)

80 80 15%

4Reduce the vulnerabilities and reinforce the livelihoods and human resilience of affected people and their communities.

Cluster objectives/outcomes:Strengthen the technical and operational capacity of the WASH sector coordination, institutional and organizational capacities and inter-cluster coordination to provide the resources, tools and strategies for ensuring the effective and efficient management preparedness and emergency response

Output Output indicator 2013 target REVISED 2013 target ReachedThe WASH Cluster coordination and inter-cluster coordination will provide the necessary means and operational strategies to ensure coherent and effective management of humanitarian crisis (with a resilient approach).

% meetings organized by cluster featuring integrated strategy priority WASH / Nutrition / Food Security and WASH / Health and multisectoral coordination(Unit = %)

80 80 40%

The WASH Cluster coordination and inter-cluster coordination will provide the necessary means and operational strategies to ensure coherent and effective management of humanitarian crisis (with a resilient approach).

% WASH stakeholders (national and international) and community animators are trained through technical and operational capacity building in management of natural disasters and epidemics(Unit = %)

80 80 40%

The WASH Cluster coordination and inter-cluster coordination will provide the necessary means and operational strategies to ensure coherent and effective management of

% WASH needs are assessed in the Sahel belt and areas affected by cholera epidemics, natural disasters and crises in

80 80 40%

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humanitarian crisis (with a resilient approach). East(Unit = %)

The WASH Cluster coordination and inter-cluster coordination will provide the necessary means and operational strategies to ensure coherent and effective management of humanitarian crisis (with a resilient approach).

% the WASH and Nutrition data base of the Sahel belt are capitalized, updated and shared(Unit = %)

80 80 30%

Implement operational preparation of cluster and emergency response in Chad strategies according to the specific scenari to answer the needs of men, women and children in emergency situations in Chad (floods, epidemics, WASH in nuts, displaced refugees, back, etc. ..)

The operational framework of the strategic interventions WASH Cluster is being developed in the same operational strategies of preparation and response to epidemics of cholera and floods and emergencies in general and establishes formally adopted by the Cluster (Unit=%)

100 100 60%

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