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Page 1: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Middle East JeopardyMiddle East Jeopardy

Page 2: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

(Insert Title Here)(Insert Title Here)

FormatFormation of ion of IsraelIsrael

Israel-Israel-Arab Arab


Israel Israel and and Arab Arab


EgyptEgypt IranIran IraqIraq

100 100 100 100 100 100200 200 200 200 200 200200300300 300300 300300 300300 300300 300300400400 400400 400400 400400 400400 400400Final Jeopardy!!

Page 3: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic A 100Topic A 100

These two states were originally These two states were originally supposed to come into existence after supposed to come into existence after WWIIWWII

Israel and PalestineIsrael and Palestine

Page 4: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic A 200Topic A 200

This event happened during WWII and made This event happened during WWII and made people sympathetic to the Jewish peoplepeople sympathetic to the Jewish people


Page 5: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic A 300Topic A 300

This person declared Israel a free, This person declared Israel a free, independent countryindependent country

David-Ben GurionDavid-Ben Gurion

Page 6: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic A 400Topic A 400

This country was supposed to make This country was supposed to make preparations for a Jewish homeland after WWIpreparations for a Jewish homeland after WWI


Page 7: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic B 100Topic B 100

During this war, Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack against Israel to gain their land back. As a result, US helps Israel to push back the Arab armies, both sides agree to a cease-fire

Yom Kippur WarYom Kippur War

Page 8: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic B Topic B 200200 During this war, Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, and Iraq invade

Israel, not wanting it to be a state. As a result, Arab armies were defeated, signed a cease-fire agreement, Arab state never comes into existence, Egypt controls the Gaza strip, Transjordan controls the West Bank, Jewish refugees move to Israel, Arab refugees move out of Israel

First Arab-Israeli WarFirst Arab-Israeli War

Page 9: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic B Topic B 300300 In this war, Israel, expecting a large-scale Arab attack,

launches air strikes against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. As a result, Israel takes control of Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem

Six Day WarSix Day War

Page 10: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic B Topic B 400400

Middle East countries refused to sell oil to countries supporting Israel in the Yom Kippur War and as a results, oil prices rose world wide

OPEC Oil EmbargoOPEC Oil Embargo

Page 11: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic C 100Topic C 100

Egyptian President, Nasser, and Israel Prime Minister, Bagin, meet in Maryland with US President Jimmy Carter to discuss peace. As a result, Egypt recognizes Israel as a state, Israel returns the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt

Camp David AccordsCamp David Accords

Page 12: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic C Topic C 200200

Group that pledged to destroy Israel and replace it with an Arab State

Palestinian Liberation Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)Organization (PLO)

Page 13: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic C Topic C 300300

This person led the PLO and launched a series of guerilla attacks against Israel

Yasser ArafatYasser Arafat

Page 14: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic C Topic C 400400 At this meeting, Yasser Arafat and Israeli

Prime Minister Rabin meet to negotiate peace. Palestinians gradually gain control over the West Bank and Gaza strip

Oslo AccordsOslo Accords

Page 15: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic D 100Topic D 100

US led alliance against communism in the Middle East, Nasser refused to sign it.

Baghdad PactBaghdad Pact

Page 16: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic D 200Topic D 200

Took over as leader of Egypt, forced out the king, and began to make changes and promote nationalism

Gamal Abdel NasserGamal Abdel Nasser

Page 17: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic D 300Topic D 300

Egypt gains control of this major Egypt gains control of this major waterway in 1956waterway in 1956

Suez CanalSuez Canal

Page 18: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic D 400Topic D 400

Arab unity, Nasser hoped to united the Arab world


Page 19: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic E 100Topic E 100

This leader modernized Iran very quickly, worried the Iranian people, was overthrown twice

Shah PahlaviShah Pahlavi

Page 20: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic E 200Topic E 200

This leader of Iran This leader of Iran enforced strict Islamic religious and social values, and his foreign policy became more anti-Western

Ayatollah KhomeiniAyatollah Khomeini

Page 21: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic E 300Topic E 300

Iranian revolutionaries were upset the shah went to the US and demanded he return to Iran to be on trial. As a result, Americans were kept hostage here

US Embassy in Tehran, IranUS Embassy in Tehran, Iran

Page 22: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic E 400Topic E 400

Why did the Iranians revolt against Why did the Iranians revolt against the shah?the shah?

Worked with US Westernizing/modernizing too quickly Used secret police to keep control Failed to unite Iran Iranians did not see him as a legitimate leader

Page 23: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic F 100Topic F 100

This person was the leader of Iraq, built up Iraq’s military, US was worried he was developing deadly weapons

Saddam HusseinSaddam Hussein

Page 24: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic F 200Topic F 200 In this war, Saddam Hussein built up Iraq’s military and invaded

neighbor Kuwait after accusing them of drilling in Iraqi oil fields. As a result, the UN passes economic penalties on Iraq, US helps Kuwait defeat Iraq, UN then insisted that Iraq destroy it’s weapons

Persian Gulf WarPersian Gulf War

Page 25: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic F 300Topic F 300

This war was caused by Iraq not fully cooperating with UN weapons inspectors

Iraq WarIraq War

Page 26: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Topic F 400Topic F 400

Iraq attacked this country because of border disputes and this countries’ new government was encouraging Iraqi Shiites to revolt. As a result 500,000 die, Iraq uses chemical weapons, ends in a stalemate with both sides signing a cease-fire


Page 27: Middle East Jeopardy (Insert Title Here) Formation of Israel Israel- Arab Conflict Israel and Arab countries EgyptIranIraq 100 200 300 400 Final Jeopardy!!

Final JeopardyFinal Jeopardy









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