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Page 1: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG


470 Maryland Drive • Ft. Washington, PA 19034 • 215/885-2900 • Toll Free 800-523-2200 • Fax 215/885-2910 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com

“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.”


A Case CX225 excava-tor sets coping panelson top of the retainingwall on the toll roadproject.

November 142009

Vol. XVI • No.23

By Maura Bohart and Peter SuanlarmCEG EDITORS

For the past three years, the Indiana TollRoad has undergone major improvements.These improvements came about as a resultof the growing population in Lake and Porter

counties, necessitating the ITR ConcessionCompany LLC (ITRCC) to widen theIndiana Toll Road.

As a result, ITRCC hired Indiana Toll-Roads Contractors LLC, a joint venturebetween Ferrovial Agroman Indiana LLC

Joint Venture TacklesIndiana Toll Road Project

Mark your calendars!The fourth annual Chicago Construction Expo at the

Renaissance Shaumburg Convention Center inSchaumburg, Ill., is primed and ready to go onWednesday, Feb. 24 and Thursday, Feb. 25, 2010. Showhours will be 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Visitors have come to expect an extensive and diversecollection of exhibitors at the Chicago ConstructionExpo, and this year’s show will be no different.

Additionally, the expo will provide networking andeducational opportunities for attendees. This year’sshow will feature several seminars, training sessions andcertification programs including Julie One Call, LICAand UCA as presenters.

The show is going green this year, with the introduc-

tion of the virtual totebag.The Virtual Totebag is an eco-friendly solution

designed to reduce the cost and waste of printing, ship-ping and distributing paper collateral. With the VirtualTotebag, attendees can request, store and share sessioncontent and exhibitor materials via their mobile devices.

Door prizes, donated by the exhibitors, will be award-ed throughout the show, and show-goers are likely torun into a celebrity or two as they travel the show floor.

For more information on exhibiting, call BobBuckley, CEG Productions sales manager, at 800/992-7116.

For all other questions, call Sheila Kirby, CEGProductions trade show manager, at 800/523-2200, orvisit www.cegltd.com.

Annual Chicago Construction Expo Draws Nears


For the third time in 20 years, Mike Myszkowski,Illinois Department of Transportation engineer, isresurfacing the Bishop Ford Freeway just outside ofChicago. In 1989, a “surface fix” was performed,putting down a 2-in. (5 cm) layer of asphalt. In 1998,the work needed to be repeated, due to wear causedby heavy traffic. Nearly 10 years later, the road onceagain needs repair.

The current rehabilitation project involves resur-facing all lanes and shoulders of the 9-mi. (14.5 km)stretch of freeway between Martin Luther KingDrive and 159th Street, as well as pavement patch-ing, bridge repairs, new guardrail installation andexit/entrance ramp resurfacing — including theStony Island Feeder Ramp.

One of nearly 250 “shovel-ready” constructionprojects in Illinois, the $27.5 million job, funded bythe Stimulus Plan — President Obama’s AmericanRecovery and Reinvestment Act, is a joint ventureheaded by Chicago area-based Gallagher Asphaltand K-Five Construction. Let in April, work got

IDOT Takes onNew Phase forFreeway in Ill.EErrbb EEqquuiippmmeenntt AAccqquuiirreess

KK && WW iinn IInndd..,, KKyy.. ……1166

AAlleexx LLyyoonn && SSoonn SSaalleeDDrraawwss BBiiddddeerrss iinn WWiiss.. ……6688


Table of Contents ........4

Business Calendar......20

Crushing, Screening &Recycling Section 29-34

Parts Section ..............39

Trucks & Trailers ..53-59

Auction Section ....64-70

Advertisers Index ......71

Published Nationally

see BISHOP page 42see TOLL page 50DDiiggiittaall EEddiittiioonnss AAvvaaiillaabbllee aattccoonnssttrruuccttiioonneeqquuiippmmeennttgguuiiddee..ccoomm


470 Maryland Drive • Ft. Washington, PA 19034 • 215/885-2900 • Toll Free 800-523-2200 • Fax 215/885-2910 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.”


October 312009

Vol. XVI • No.22


When the U.S. Senate failed in September to enact six-year transporta-tion legislation or to extend the existing funding authority in a responsibleway, it created a billion-dollar-a-month hole for the construction industry.

“The baseline for the federal highway account is reduced by a billiondollars each month we have a continuing resolution,” said Tony Dorsey,media spokesman of the American Association of State Highway andTransportation Officials (AASHTO). “It will cost our members one bil-lion dollars every month we have a resolution.”

While the huge loss is mostly on paper — so far — it nonetheless is a

drag on the construction economy. Here’s the deal: Though the Senate agreed with the House at the very last moment to a

one-month extension of existing transportation funding authority, senatorsfailed to include a provision to roll back funding rescissions stipulated inthe last six-year bill. The $8.7 billion in rescission money was a book-keeping method of understating the true cost of SAFETEA-LU, whichwas passed in 2005 (two years into the six years of its effective authority).The sleight of hand was needed to help win legislative support. However,the scheduled rescissions never were voided, as planned, and inadvertent-ly became effective Oct. 1.

“For most states, it is not hard cash money, just promise money,” said

Congress Lags on Highway Bill Extension

Start Us Up USA!, a nationwide grass-roots campaign of the construction equip-ment industry and their allies, descendedupon Chicago Oct. 20 with a rally of localbusiness and labor leaders and construc-tion workers calling on the federal gov-ernment to move quickly on the reautho-rization of a critical transportation bill.

New transportation funding is neces-sary to improve the nation’s infrastructureand spur a recovery of the constructionequipment industry, especially in hard-hitstates like Illinois. The rally was followed

by a caravan of construction equipment,idled by the lack of federal support, parad-ing around Soldier Field to urge the feder-al government to stop job loss.

“The construction equipment industryis in a deep depression and we have lost33,000 jobs in Illinois and 37 percent ofour workforce nationwide the past fewyears,” said Toby Mack, president andCEO of the Associated EquipmentDistributors (AED), based in Oak Brook,Ill.

‘Start Us Up USA!’Ralliesfor Investment, Jobs in Ill.

Manitowocc Openss NewCenterr inn Indiana…12

Ritchiee Bros.. HostsSalee inn Medford…75

UU off MM Kickedd Offf SeasonWithh Neww Stadium…44


Table of Contents ........4

Business Calendar......23

Trailers Section ....33-40

Paving Section ......59-67

Parts Section ........68-69

Auction Section ....74-81

Advertisers Index ......83

Published Nationally

Our Latest Issues Are Now Online!Midwest$3.00

470 Maryland Drive • Ft. Washington, PA 19034 • 215/885-2900 • Toll Free 800-523-2200 • Fax 215/885-2910 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.”


October 172009

Vol. XVI • No.21


A short 19-mi. (30.5 km) stretch of road justnorth of Detroit has been transformed into animprovement project with a rather complicatedstrategy. Extensive work on the I-96/I-696 cor-ridor in Oakland and Macomb counties has beendivided into four separate projects.

Project 1 consists of rehabilitation of eightbridges and repair of 4 mi. (6.4 km) of pavementin Oakland County between Novi and Halstedroads, including the I-96/I-696/M-5 interchangein Novi and Farmington Hills.

Project 2 picks up where the first project endsand involves pavement patching and rehabilita-tion of 42 bridges on I-696 in Oakland Countybetween Halsted and Campbell-Hilton roads.

Project 3 focuses on rehabilitating 22 bridgeson I-696, 15 of which are located within the I-696/Mound Road interchange.

Project 4 includes rehabilitation of six bridgesand extensive pavement repairs to I-696between Hayes and Nieman roads in MacombCounty. Also included are safety upgrades andlighting replacement on the median and ramps.

OverlapFor all practical purposes, the $67 million

overall project has been divided into two con-tracts — east and west — with two prime con-tractors: Dan’s Excavating out of Grant, Mich.,on the west contract and C.A. Hall on the east.

But even that division is a little blurry.“There are overlapping facets,” says Bob

Daavettila, construction director for Tetra Tech,

particularly concerning the bridge work. A total of 56 bridges will undergo rehabilita-

tion. Because C.A. Hall is a subcontractor for allbridge work on both contracts and since there’sa lot of bridge work in the west contract, Hall isdoing considerable work on both.

“Because they’re a major sub, it leads to a lotof coordination. Hall is at all the meetings forthe Dan’s contract.”

According to Daavettila, the two big con-tracts consist of a two-year project for $47 mil-lion to reconstruct pavement from Novi toFarmington Hills — the west project — and a

$14 million contract to conduct bridge rehabili-tation and concrete patching on I-696 — the eastproject. The west contract involves significantamounts of overlay, but there is none on the eastcontract. Instead, there is, as Daavettila says, “alot of concrete patching.”

Other Names for an Old-Time Trail

Before being designated as a military high-way in 1832, the corridor from Lake Michiganthrough Detroit, Lansing and Grand Rapids was

MDOTRehabilitates Crucial Mich. Corridor


Health care reform in the United States has been beaten nearly to deaththis year by advocates and critics alike. Yet as the debate moves intoOctober, the final shape of “reform” remains elusive and elastic with con-struction industry executives anxious about its impact on their companies.

Any change in the system definitely will have impact on contractorsand a sweeping change could upend smaller firms — and most construc-tion companies are small-to-medium-sized. The truth of the matter is the

reform model in which government would provide most health care serv-ices would dramatically change the way every business operates, large orsmall.

It is impractical to hope that health care reform will be tailored to theconstruction industry. Nevertheless, small businesses consistently favorcertain reform initiatives over others. Were Washington to institute reformalong the lines general contractors might lay down, the following featureswould be among the legislated changes:

• New authority for associations to negotiate insurance packages

Constructing a Healthy Look at Health Care Reform

ICUEEE Welcomess LargeTurnoutt too Louisville…12

Halll Industriall ThanksCustomerss inn Ohio…58

HCEAA Preservess Historyatt Annuall Convention…14


Table of Contents ............4

Business Calendar ........32

Truck & Trailer Section ......................................35-42

Crushing, Screening &Recycling Section ....55-62

Parts Section ................63

Auction Section ......68-74

Advertisers Index ..........75

Published Nationally

see REFORM page 51

see MICHIGAN page 44

A total of 56 bridges will undergo rehabilitation. Because C.A. Hall is a subcontractor forall bridge work on both contracts and since there is a lot of bridge work in the west con-tract, Hall is doing considerable work on both.



Aseries of torrential downpours in the Atlantametro area in late September caused what U.S.Geological Survey experts deemed a 500-yearflood, leaving 10 people dead and 20 counties inGeorgia disaster areas. The rain also triggeredextensive flooding throughout Georgia,Tennessee and Alabama. Flooding in Atlantapeaked on Sept. 21, after more than 20 in. of rainfell overnight.

Georgia Gov Sonny Perdue quickly declareda state of emergency in 17 Georgia counties,clearing the way for the massive deployment ofstate personnel and equipment. PresidentBarack Obama followed suit in similar rapidmanner, issuing a Federal Disaster Declarationfor individual assistance to aid residents of the14 counties that were hardest hit: Carroll,Catoosa, Chattooga, Cherokee, Cobb, DeKalb,Douglas, Fulton, Gwinnett, Newton, Paulding,Rockdale, Stephens and Walker

The Georgia Emergency ManagementAgency coordinated the state’s recovery effortwith local, state, federal and volunteer counter-parts.

“Damage assessment teams are continuing towork with local authorities in all affected areasof the state to assess losses,” GeorgiaEmergency Management Agency DirectorCharley English told reporters in the days fol-lowing the flood.

With reports of closed highways, roads,bridges, schools and businesses, and as many as20,000 homes and other structures that have suf-fered major damage, Georgia InsuranceCommissioner John Oxendine adjusted his ini-tial estimate of flood-related insurance claims,doubling the total to as much as $500 million.However, Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, isn’thappy with even the revised numbers. She pre-dicted to presidential officials that damage willreach $1 billion, pointing out that repairing theR.M. Clayton sewage treatment plant on theChattahoochee River could cost $100 millionalone.

GDOT DeploymentWhile stating its own prediction of $2 billion

in damages, the Georgia Department of see FLOOD page 25

Cat 321C LCR and 330DL excavators are hard at work at a C.W. Matthews project inNortheast Cobb County, Ga., for emergency Cobb DOT road replacement, which includedinstallation of a triple barrel 72 in (183 cm)., 70 ft. (21 m) long piping system and tempo-rary road to service 40 homes that were without a roadway to get out of their Waterfordsubdivision homes.

Georgia Flood Recovery Begins in Earnest

Staffordd Holdss Openn Houseatt Itss Neww Va.. Facility…8

St.. Johnss Riverr DredgingUnderr Way…27

HCEA Holdss 24thh AnnualConvention…18


470 Maryland Drive • Ft. Washington, PA 19034 • 215/885-2900 • Toll Free 800-523-2200 • Fax 215/885-2910 • www.constructionequip mentguide.com“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.”

® SoutheastEdition

$3.00October 72009

Vol. XXII • No.20

Published Nationally


In 2005, the Base Realignment andClosure (BRAC) law was passed byCongress. With BRAC, the Department ofDefense reorganized its installation infra-structure in order to more effectively and effi-ciently support its forces. As a result of thislaw, operational readiness would increaseand allow for innovation in doing business. Amajor change that has occurred under BRACinvolves moving two commands, U.S.Armed Forces Command (FORSCOM) and

the U.S. Army Reserve Command from FortMcPherson, in Atlanta, to Fort Bragg, inFayetteville, N.C. The new CommandHeadquarters complex is currently under con-struction at Fort Bragg.

The groundbreaking ceremony for theCommand Headquarters complex was heldDecember 8, 2008, and construction began inFebruary 2009. The building will house bothcommands, but they will remain separate.According to Billy Birdwell, Public AffairsSpecialist, Savannah District, U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers (USACE), “The con-

Hensel Phelps Leads Chargefor New Fort Bragg Commands

see BRAC page 67

Table of Contents ............4

Paving Section ........33-45

Mini & CompactEquipment Section ..49-62

Parts Section ............64-65

Business Calendar ........74

Auction Section ......80-91

Advertisers Index ..........90

New England


In trucking, cooperation is everything. The same could besaid for construction work, all contracting and the running ofany successful club or organization.

Cooperation in all these arenas came together as one at theAntique Truck Club of America’s Little Rhody Chapter’sSixth Annual Antique Truck Show on Sept. 13 on theWashington County Fairgrounds in Richmond, R.I.Working in conjunction with the Historical ConstructionEquipment Association’s (HCEA) Northeast Rockbustersonce again, more than 60 members of the local AntiqueTruck Club brought out their finest old equipment, to thedelight and surprise of other members, guests and enthusi-asts.

The Antique Truck Club and the Rockbusters hold thisevent every September, drawing people from every NewEngland state. Machines that range from the unusual to thesublime fill the flat fields of the fairgrounds for passersby to

admire.“We combine our shows. We support them and they sup-

port us, even in the rain,” said Jackie Volatile, who organiz-es these shows with her husband, Roger, the club’s president.

What made the presidential couple so proud this year wasthat the event was organized to raise money and food for theRhode Island Food Bank.

We brought in 800 pounds of canned goods. Last year, wefed 2,000 needy families for a year and we are quite proud ofthat,” said Jackie Volatile.

They also are very proud of the cooperation and sharedinterests of their members who bring any and all workingantique machines to these events, as long as they are able.

“We welcome classic trucks, we welcome tractors, any-thing that comes in,” added Roger Volatile. “Antique isantique to us.”

The Volatiles represent the Little Rhody Chapter at nation-al events, usually held in the National Chapter’s home stateof Pennsylvania. “There are 21 different chapters in the

Antique Truck Lovers, NE RockbustersJoin for Sixth Annual Machine Show


Your New England States Connection • John LaCamera 1-800-225-8448 • Kent Hogeboom 1-800-988-1203

October 142009

Vol. XXII • No. 21“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded in 1957.”





16 201













93 95








90 90







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The Northeast Rockbusters sign adorns a1934 McCormick Deering track tractor ownedby Dave Burnham of Saunderstown, R.I., presidentof the group and one of the event’s chief organizers.

see ROCKBUSTERS page 14

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Phillyy Liftedd too NewParkingg Heights…8

HCEA Holdss 24thh AnnualConvention…18

Atlanticc Cityy WelcomesUTCAA Members…12


Table of Contents ............4

Truck & Trailer Section ......................................58-63

Crushing, Screening &Recycling Section ....67-88

Parts Section ................89

Business Calendar ......111

Auction Section ..110-128

Advertisers Index........126


After many years of discussion, an ambitiousproject to ease congestion in Pennsylvania’sdensely populated Bucks and Montgomery coun-ties is finally under way withconstruction of a long-awaitedparkway.

The PennsylvaniaDepartment of Transportation(PennDOT) has estimated thatby 2020 the new highway willbe traveled by between 23,700and 28,300 vehicles daily

Certain changes, however,had to be made before groundcould be broken for the project.

According to PennDOT, theparkway had initially beenplanned as an expressway withlimited access. However, inMarch 2004, the departmentrealized its projected revenueswould not provide enoughfunding for all its proposed

projects and this particular job was among thosere-evaluated. As a result, a parkway was ultimate-ly chosen as an appropriate solution for improvingtravel conditions in the area while remaining with-in the limitations imposed by available funds.

W To470 Maryland Drive • Ft. ashington, PA 19034 • 215/885-2900 • ll Free 800-523-2200 • Fax 215/885-2910 • www.ConstructionEquipmentGuide.com“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.”



October 142009

Vol. XLVIII • No.21

Published Nationally


Health care reform in the United Stateshas been beaten nearly to death this year byadvocates and critics alike. Yet as thedebate moves into October, the final shapeof “reform” remains elusive and elasticwith construction industry executives anx-ious about its impact on their companies.

Any change in the system definitely willhave impact on contractors and a sweepingchange could upend smaller firms — andmost construction companies are small-to-medium-sized. The truth of the matter isthe reform model in which governmentwould provide most health care serviceswould dramatically change the way everybusiness operates, large or small.

It is impractical to hope that health carereform will be tailored to the constructionindustry. Nevertheless, small businessesconsistently favor certain reform initiativesover others. Were Washington to institutereform along the lines general contractorsmight lay down, the following featureswould be among the legislated changes:

• New authority for associations tonegotiate insurance packages for theirmembers. Besides gaining clout in negoti-ating benefits, association insurance nego-tiators could win lower premiums, if giventhe opportunity. Associated Builders andContractors noted that private insurancecarriers must mark up premiums as muchas 35 percent when dealing with smallgroups in order to meet profit targets andoffset overhead. Whereas associations canprovide the same administrative servicesfor their members at a cost of 15 percent orless — if, that is, members are allowed tobuy insurance through small businesshealth plan pools.

ConstructingHealthy Lookat Health Care

see REFORM page 22

Construction crews pourconcrete for an abutmentthat will support theRoute 202 parkwaybridge over Route 309.

Words Into Action: Route 202Parkway Finally Advances

Additional $30M inFunds En Route to Md.

Gov. Martin O’Malley announced that additional transportationprojects worth $30 million will be funded by President BarackObama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).Funding for these additional projects is available due to savingsgenerated by the intense competition for Maryland’s ARRA high-way and transit contracts advertised earlier this year.

“Without a doubt, President Obama’s recovery program is gen-erating the desired effect here in Maryland,” said O’Malley.“Across our state, work is under way rehabilitating our roads,bridges and transit systems. Healthy competition for those state

see FUNDS page 116

see PARKWAY page 30


470 Maryland Drive • Ft. Washington, PA 19034 • 215/885-2900 • Toll Free 800-523-2200 • Fax 215/885-2910 • www.constructionequip mentguide.com“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.”

® WesternEdition


October 102009

Vol. V • No.21

HOLTT Cranee Hostss OpenHousee inn Houston…8

Cashmann Supportss StartUss Upp USA!! inn Vegas…39

Scott-Maconn Holdss GrandOpeningg inn Dallas…14


Table of Contents ........4

Crushing, Screening &Recycling Section ..19-23

Business Calendar ....20

Truck & Trailer......33-35

Parts Section ............37

Auction Section....41-45

Advertisers Index ......46

Published Nationally

The bridges that were moved vary in length from 85 to 173 ft. (25.9 to 52.7 m) and were 43to 94 ft. (13 to 28.6 m) wide. The largest weighed in at 1,350 tons (1,220 t).


Work on a Utah freeway reconstruction projectso unusual it was featured as NationalGeographic Channel’s “World’s Toughest Fixes”is heading for an on-time, on-budget completionat the end of the year.

What made work on a 2-mi. (3.2 km) stretchof I-80 in Salt Lake City project extraordinarywas the Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC)method using Self Propelled Modular Transports(SPMT) to construct six of 12 bridges and one oftwo ramps in the project.

The $139 million project along a 2-mi. stretchfrom State Street to 1300 East through Salt LakeCity includes construction of the bridges andramp “not at their final location,” John Montoya,project manager, said. Instead, the girders anddecks were constructed on the ground at a “bridgefarm.” Massive transporters moved them to belifted into place along the expressway.

Horrocks Engineering and H.W. LochnerEngineering are the designers and Ralph L.Wadsworth Construction is the general contrac-tor.

Some of the bridges were transported as muchas a mile and a half which is “a good distance,”Montoya said.

“That was significant. There are a fair amountof projects where you move a bridge a couplehundred feet but we actually moved some ofthem a mile and a half.”

The bridges that were moved vary in lengthfrom 85 to 173 ft. (25.9 to 52.7 m) and were 43 to94 ft. (13 to 28.6 m) wide, Carlye Sommers, pub-lic involvement manager for Lochner, said. Thelargest weighed in at 1,350 tons (1,220 t).

The SPMTs that moved the bridges hadapproximately 250 wheels and moved at an aver-age speed of five miles per hour, Sommers said.

The only route crews could move the bridgesdown was the same one they were working on so

Reconstruction on Schedulefor UDOT’s $139M Project

see UDOT page 37


Health care reform in the United Stateshas been beaten nearly to death this year byadvocates and critics alike. Yet as thedebate moves into October, the final shapeof “reform” remains elusive and elasticwith construction industry executives anx-ious about its impact on their companies.

Any change in the system definitely willhave impact on contractors and a sweepingchange could upend smaller firms — andmost construction companies are small-to-medium-sized. The truth of the matter isthe reform model in which governmentwould provide most health care serviceswould dramatically change the way everybusiness operates, large or small.

It is impractical to hope that health carereform will be tailored to the constructionindustry. Nevertheless, small businessesconsistently favor certain reform initiativesover others. Were Washington to institutereform along the lines general contractorsmight lay down, the following featureswould be among the legislated changes:

• New authority for associations tonegotiate insurance packages for theirmembers. Besides gaining clout in negoti-ating benefits, association insurance nego-tiators could win lower premiums, if giventhe opportunity. Associated Builders andContractors noted that private insurancecarriers must mark up premiums as muchas 35 percent when dealing with smallgroups in order to meet profit targets andoffset overhead. Whereas associations canprovide the same administrative servicesfor their members at a cost of 15 percent orless — if, that is, members are allowed tobuy insurance through small business

ConstructingHealthy Lookat Health Care

see REFORM page 28


see EXTENSION page 51

see CHICAGO page 16

Diane Benck, vice president of West Side Tractor SalesCo., noted how difficult this recession has been on theemployees of her company as well as the other dis-tributors across America.

Page 2: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

Page 2 • November 14, 2009 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE








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Cat 430D IT, 2005, N4001, EROPS, A/C, E-Stick ................$59,000

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Cat 938G, 2005, UE1013, EROPS, A/C, Ride Control ........$110,000

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Cat 980G, 2001, UN0980, A/C, Ride Control, GP BKT ......$199,000

Cat 988G, 2004, UE1058, EROPS, A/C, RCtrl, AutLube ....$220,000




ID# UN2283 $110,000

Page 3: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 3

The Premier Midwest Equipment Dealer

Rockford Lake Geneva, WI






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Gary IN



“The Premier Midwest Equipment Dealer”

2003 Cat 973C, cab, A/C, 7,800hours, $102,500

2002 Cat 980G II, cab, A/C, 311HP,66,000#, ride control, 7 yard bucket,

29.5R25 tires, 5,663 hours,$189,500

2003 Cat 963C, cab, A/C, 43,000#, 22”pads, 3.2 yard GP bucket, 2 lever con-

trols, 5,288 hours, $84,500

2005 New Holland LB75.B, cab, ridecontrol, extend-a-hoe, 4x4, pilot con-trols, 4-n-1 bucket, 24” bucket, 459

hours, $44,500

2005 New Holland LB75.B, OROPS,15,000#, 4x4, pilot controls, 289

hours!, $28,500

2003 New Holland LB75.B, cab,15,500#, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, 2 levercontrols, hammer circuit, 862 hours,


2006 New Holland B95LR, cab, A/C,15,500#, ride control, long reach

extend-a-hoe, 4x4, 24” bucket, pilotcontrols, 260 hours, $52,500

2007 Cat 345CL, cab, A/C, 345HP,100,000#, 36” pads, 13’ stick, 1,743hours, factory warranty ‘til 1-8-10,


2006 Cat D6R XL III, cab, A/C,200HP, 45,000#, 24” pads, 10’ 8”

semi-u blade, sweeps and screens,drawbar, 3,361 hours, $149,500

2004 Cat D6N LGP, cab, A/C,150HP, 35,500#, 34” pads, 13’ 6” 6-

way blade, diff steer, 3rd valve,3,845 hours, $119,500

2001 Cat 330BL, cab, A/C, 74,000#,220HP, 34” pads, 10’ stick, hydraulic

q-coupler, 3,898 hours, Labountygrapple, $89,500

UNUSED 2008 TrailKing TK110hydraulic detachable gooseneck, 55

ton, self contained, 48’ x 102”, 24’ deck,air ride, air lift 3rd axle, set up for flip

4th axle, 2 pin neck, $49,500 plus FET

2007 Challenger MT875B, cab, A/C,powershift, 30” belts, 6 remotes,

new tracks and rollers, frontweights, 2,140 hours, $189,500

2005 Ford F650, 26,000# GVWR,VT-365 diesel, 7 speed, A/C, 2,200gallon United tank, 43,527 miles,


2005 Cat 613C, cab, A/C, NEW 5,000gallon AGM tank, side and rear dis-

charge, water cannon, hose reel,23.5-25 tires, 4,631 hours, $124,500

815-941-1900Fax: 815-941-1486

Email: [email protected]

View Entire List of Equipment at:

www.iltruck.com I-80 Exit 112Joliet

2003 Cat 953C, cab, A/C, 33,400#,20” pads, 2.5 yard GP bucket, draw-bar, joystick, 3,715 hours, $64,500

Page 4: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

Page 4 • November 14, 2009 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Construction Equipment Guide Midwest Edition (ISSN 1081-7034) is published bi-weekly by Construction EquipmentGuide Ltd. Advertising and Editorial Offices are located at 470 Maryland Dr., Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Toll Free800/523-2200 or Fax 215/885-2910. Annual Subscription Rate $65.00. Call for Canadian and foreign rates.

Periodicals postage paid at Ft. Washington, PA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes toConstruction Equipment Guide Midwest Edition, 470 Maryland Dr, Ft. Washington, PA 19034.

Contents Copyrighted ©2009, by Construction Equipment Guide, which is a Registered Trademark, registered in the U.S.Patent Office. Registration number 0957323. All rights reserved, nothing may be reprinted or reproduced (includingframing) in whole or part without written permission from the publisher. All editorial material, photographs, drawings,letters, and other material will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are sub-ject to Construction Equipment Guide's unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. Contributor articles do not nec-essarily reflect the policy or opinions of this publication.

Call or write for advertising rates, publication schedule and media kit. The Construction Equipment Guide is not responsi-ble for clerical or printer's errors, every care is taken to avoid mistakes. Photographs of equipment used in advertise-ments are not necessarily actual photographs of the specific machine. Similar photographs are used occasionally andevery effort is taken to depict the actual equipment advertised. The right is reserved to reject any advertising.

IN THIS ISSUESPECIAL SECTION…RECYCLING, CRUSHING AND SCREENINGBe sure to check out this special section! Keep up to date with the latest information on recycling, crushing and screening.

FEATURES…FIRST IMPRESSIONS SHINE FOR BOBCAT T630 M-SERIES LOADERIn today’s economic environment, Maine Township Superintendent BobBrzezinski is constantly looking for ways to keep costs down while still getting his projects done.

FOLEY EQUIPMENT ACQUIRES MARTIN TRACTOR;ADDS 50 COUNTIES IN KAN.With this acquisition, Foley Equipment will add an additional 50 countiesand offer an enhanced set of resources to deliver even better and morecomprehensive customer service and business solutions throughout Kansas.

DAWES RIGGING & CRANE RENTAL DONATES TORAWHIDE BOYS RANCHMore than 125 people participated in the company’s 17th Annual GolfOuting, including Dawes customers, equipment manufacturers.

ERB EQUIPMENT ACQUIRES K & W EQUIPMENT IN IND., KY.K & W Equipment now will go under the banner of Erb EquipmentCompany and most of K & W’s employees including Dick Christ, managerof the Owensboro location, have joined the Erb team.

LINK-BELT HOLDS CRANEFEST 2009 TO CELEBRATE ITS 135TH ANNIVERSARY Link-Belt Construction Equipment Company held CraneFest 2009 at itsworld headquarters in Lexington, Ky., the week of Sept. 28. The eventmarked Link-Belt’s 135th Anniversary, and its 35th year at its Lexington facility.

TEREX WELCOMES D-P EQUIPMENT CO. AS NEWCOMPACT EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORD-P Equipment Co. Inc., with branches in Camden, Mich., and Montpelier,Ohio, now distributes the full line of Terex compact construction equipment.

ONE COMPLETE UNLOADS IRON WITH ALEX LYON & SON IN WIS. The auction featured a liquidation for One Complete Construction Companyplus the auctioning off of aerials, forklifts, trucks, dump trucks, trailersand support.








EQUIPMENT…69 HIRSCHMANN iVisor Mentor E165 Indicator System

MIDWEST EDITIONCirculated Throughout • North & South Dakota • Nebraska

• Kansas • Minnesota • Iowa • Missouri• Illinois • Wisconsin • Michigan • Indiana • Ohio • Kentucky

Founder, Publisher & CEO Edwin M. McKeon Sr.Vice President Emeritus Hal Ewing

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Circulation Mgr. Rolf Krog Asst. Circulation Mgr. Cathy Printz

Main office 470 Maryland Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034

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Page 5: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 5

Komatsu PC50MR-2, ‘06, 1161 hrs ......$40,000

Komatsu PC150LC-6, ‘98, 9246 hrs ......$39,500

Komatsu PC150LC-6, ‘99, 5600 hrs ......$45,000

Komatsu PC200LC-7, ‘05, 3800 hrs ......$84,500

Komatsu PC200LC-7, ‘05, 2718 hrs ......$89,500

Komatsu PC200LC-7, ‘04, 5418 hrs ......$72,500

Komatsu PC228UCLC-3, ‘01, 4587 hrs..$75,500

Komatsu PC300LC-6, ‘01, 11,700 hrs ....$67,500

Komatsu PC300LC-7, ‘03, 6222 hrs ......$99,500

Cat 311B, ‘96, 4080 hrs ............................$29,500

Cat 315CL, ‘01, 4080 hrs ........................$55,500

Deere 200LC, ‘04, 7000 hrs ....................$47,500

Hitachi EX400LC-3, ‘96 ..........................$36,500

Hitachi ZX450, ‘05, 5060 hrs ................$139,500

Volvo EC160BLC, ‘04, 3200 hrs ..............$60,000

Gehl 7810, ‘04, 1517 hrs ........................$21,500

Takeuchi TL140, ‘05, 984 hrs ................$22,500

Blaw Knox PF500, ‘87 ............................$19,000

(2) Hamm HD120HV Rollers, ‘03+’06 ......CALL

(3) Hamm HDO120HV Rollers, ‘06 ..........CALL

Hyster Roller C747B, ‘01, 3497 hrs ......$14,500

Hyster Roller C747B, ‘06 ......................$14,500

LeeBoy 8500, ‘96 ....................................$22,500

LeeBoy 8500, ‘97 ....................................$14,500

LeeBoy 8500LD, ‘04, 2236 hrs................$45,500

LeeBoy 8500LD, ‘04, 2739 hrs................$26,500

LeeBoy 8515, ‘06, 3300 hrs ....................$29,500

IR DD24 Roller, ‘04, 2728 hrs ................$16,500

IR SD105DX Roller, ‘03, 1487 hrs ..........$54,500

Metso ST620 Mobile Plant, ‘05 ................CALL

Raygo Barco 100 Planner, ‘82 ..............$12,500

Cat D5C, ‘01, 4500 hrs ............................$42,500

Cat D6NXL, ‘03, 3841 hrs ........................$89,500

Deere 550GLGP, ‘96, 4861 hrs................$29,500

Deere 550GLGP, ‘98, 9415 hrs ..............$21,500

Komatsu D31P-20, ‘93 ..........................$18,000

Komatsu D31PX-21, ‘06, 317 hrs ..........$56,750

Komatsu D61EX-15, ‘05, 950 hrs ........$105,500

Komatsu D475-3, ‘03, 15,197 hrs ................Call

Komatsu WA65-3, ‘02, 3076 hrs ............$36,500

Volvo A35C, ‘01 ....................................$117,500

Moxy MT30, ‘95, 9000 hrs ......................$37,500

Fabrek FT-133 Harvester, ‘00 ..............$90,000

Timbco 415D, ‘99 ..................................$145,000

Timbco 415D, ‘00, 7365 hrs ..................$165,000

Timbco 415B, ‘96 ....................................$95,000

Timbco 425E Proc., ‘01........................$145,000

Valmet 911C Processor, ‘00................$110,000

Komatsu WA380-5L, ‘06, 4293 hrs ......$115,000

Komatsu WA400-1, ‘87, 12,564 hrs ......$39,500

Komatsu WA500-3, ‘99 ..........................$70,000

Deere 624G, ‘93, 7223 hrs ......................$39,500

Tramac Breaker V55, ‘02 ........................$36,500

Komatsu TLB WB140, ‘03, 796 hrs ........$34,000









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Deere 200LC, ‘04, 7000 hrs....................$47,500 Takeuchi TL140, ‘05, 984 hrs ................$22,500

Page 6: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

Page 6 • November 14, 2009 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

2005 Takeuchi TB53FR,s/n 15811048, 1845 hours,Rubber Track Mini-Excavator, Cab w/Heat, 18"and 24" buckets....$35,800

2001 Vac tron, s/n 13009,Multi/Crack-vac TRLR MTDwith 200 gal Wet or DryVacuum dump tank, GasEngine, with 60 gal potholeunit........................$23,000

2006 Case 1850K, s/nHHA431139, 704 hours, Cabw/Heat & A/C, 13'6" 6-wayBlade, 30" Pads, Cold Start(48MO / 4000 Full MachineWarranty until 08-10-2009) ..............................$180,000

2007 Case 1150K, s/nN7DC00076, 786 hrs, Cabw/ Heat & A/C, 132" DozerBlade, 30" Pads, ColdStart, (4000 Full MachineWarranty until 05-30-2001) ............................$129,000

2005 Vibromax VM116PDB,s/n JKC8340900, 945 hours, 82" Padfoot Rollerwith Blade.............$43,000

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Bobcat S185 Turbo, 56hp Kubota,1,850# load rating, open ROPS,10x16.5 tires new rubber, 67"tooth bucket, I/D: 036163, 1370hours $15,995

Takeuchi TL150, 97hp rubber track-loader, Cab w/Heat & A/C, joystickcontrols – CASE control pattern, 80"tooth bucket, I/D: 5023572324,900 hours $39,995

Gehl 883, 8,000# lift, 40' boom,open ROPS, 50% rubber, 48" car-riage w/ forks, I/D: 077242, 7400hours $14,995

Sky Trak 5028, 5,000# lift, 28'boom, open ROPS, 48" carriage w/48" forks, I/D: 9D2494, 3050 hours$17,500

Mustang ME3003, 6,700#, 9’6” maxdig depth, 29hp Yanmar diesel,OROPS, aux. hyd., 24” pin on bucket,I/D: D03044, 530 hours $16,995

Mustang 940E, 40hp loader, T-barsteering, single pin FAT, tooth buck-et, 10x16.5 tires @ 25%, I/D:499606, 2057 hours $8,495

Takeuchi TL120,52hp rubbertrackloader, openROPS, backupalarm, joystickcontrols, I/D:200219, 300hours $19,995

Mustang 2076,84hp skid steer,open ROPS,hand/foot con-trols, hydraulicpower-tach, I/D:0 0 4 8 8 3 2 3 1 2 ,352 hours$21,995

Budrovich Crane rental is quickly becoming the leader in Midwest crane rental services. We are known for our superior equipment, operators and service with mobile hydraulic cranes rang-ing in size from 2-550 tons. Now, after 40 years of taking our customers to new heights, we have added a Manitowoc 999 and

meet the increasing demand for hoisting services which go above and beyond the St. Louis market. For your next project, let BudrovichCrane rental show you how weRun, Crawl and do it all. 314-892-3030 • www.budrovich.com

Run, crawl, we do it all.

Page 7: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 7

Please Contact Bob Williams or Jeff Speer 11200 W Silver Spring Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53225

800/353-1944 414/461-9100 www.FABCO.comOutside WI & Upper Michigan Within WI & Upper Michigan Hundreds of machines. Listings updated daily.

2006 CAT 257B ......................................$21,500S/N SLK05074, 2,035 Hrs, Cab Heat, Hyd QC

1992 CAT 950F I ....................................$57,500S/N 4DJ00955, 8,734 Hrs, Cntrwght, 4cy,

Bucket, 23.5R25 Tires

2004 CAT 287B ......................................$23,000S/N ZSA00605, 1,595 Hrs, Canopy, GP Bucket

2005 CAT 262B ......................................$23,500S/N PTD01701, 527 Hrs, Canopy, GP Bucket

2005 CAT 268B ......................................$25,000S/N LBA00792, GP Bucket,

Towing Device Not Included

2001 CAT 420D ......................................$39,000S/N FDP00439, 5,421 Hrs, EROPS,

E-Stk, 4x4, Ride Control

2007 CAT 232B ......................................$16,900S/N SCH01118, 275 Hrs, Canopy, GP Bucket

1990 CAT D6H LGP ..............................$45,000S/N 3YG00577, 7,835 Hrs, S-Blade,

New P&B Segments

2002 CAT D4G XL..................................$49,500S/N CFN00523, 2,043 Hrs, EROPS, A/C,

PAT Blade, Sweeps

2006 CAT 930G ....................................$130,000S/N TWR01732, 790 Hrs, GP Bucket, Ride Control

2001 CAT IT28G ....................................$52,000S/N 8CR02826, 8,129 Hrs, QC, 20.5R25 Tires

1998 CAT 140H ....................................$105,000S/N 2ZK03838, 4,882 Hrs, A/C,

17.5x25 Tires, 14' Blade

2004 CAT 315CL ....................................$68,000S/N CJC00854, 3,296 Hrs, 10'2" Stick, 28" Pads

2005 CAT 308C CR ................................$66,000S/N KCX01137, 1,300 Hrs, Rubber Tracks, Blade

2005 CAT TH460B ................................$35,000S/N SLF01447, 2,121 Hrs, OROPS,

Tilt Carriage, Forks

1997 CAT 325BL ....................................$60,000S/N 2JR01139, 8,700 Hrs, 48" GP Bucket

Page 8: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

Page 8 • November 14, 2009 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

800-888-9515952-895-7033 • 952-895-7054 • 952-895-7044

Sales/Rentals Parts Service

Joe Graham [email protected]

12520 Quentin Ave S. Suite 100 • Savage, MN 55378

Concrete Equipment2006 Soff-Cut X-750 Early Entry Saw, #401249, 8" blade capacity, like new ........................................................................................................................$5,5952006 Allen Pro 1200 Riding Trowel, #357104, 8' width, Gas, Overlapping, 49Hours ........................................................................................................$7,9502007 Miller MB21 Concrete Buggy, #002869, 21 Cubic Ft., Foam Filled Tires,Like New, Propane Only ............................................................................$6,9952007 Canycom Concrete Buggy, #005019, 16 Cubic Ft., Full Rubber Track,Robin Power..............................................................................................$6,9952003 Stone 65CM-E Drum Mixer, #347352, 2HP Electric Motor, 6cu ftCapacity, Towable ......................................................................................$1,4502008 Stone 1285PM Mortar Mixer, #008220, 12 Cubic Ft. Capacity, HondaGas, New Paint ............................................................................................SOLD2002 Stone 1285PM Paddle Mixer, #347331, 11hp Honda, Gear Driven,Towable ....................................................................................................$2,5002007 Wacker CRT36-24A Riding Trowel, #004104, 6' width, 24 hp Honda, 12hours ..........................................................................................................SOLD2007 Wacker CRT48-31V-E Riding Trowel, #004105, New, Never Used, 31hpVanguard, Electronic Steering, 8’ Overall Width......................................$13,2502007 Whiteman/Multiquip HTX-44 8’ Riding Trowel, #009098, Hydro Driveand Steering, Diesel, 125 Hrs..................................................................$16,9952006 Whiteman/Multiquip STH-55 10’ Riding Trowel, #001672, Hydro Driveand Steering, Diesel, 144 Hrs..................................................................$19,000

Forklifts2006 SkyTrak 6042 Telehandler Forklift, #372050, 779 Hrs, OROPS, 50" TiltCarriage, Cummins Diesel, 6000 Lb. Capacity, 42' Max Height ..............$56,7002007 SkyTrak 6042 Telehandler, #54500, OROPS, 50" side-tilt carriage, 550hours ......................................................................................................$54,5002007 SkyTrak 6042 Telehandler, #002414, Cummins, Open ROPS, Side-Tilt,Choice of Carriages, 650 Hours ..............................................................$49,9002006 SkyTrak 8042 Telehandler Forklift, #372063, cab, side tilt carriage 1450hours ......................................................................................................$55,5002007 SkyTrak 8042 Telehandler, #002406, OROPS, 50" side-tilt carriage, new ..................................................................................................................$73,5002006 Lull 944E-42 Telehandler Forklift, #365499, Side tilt, Choice ofCarriages, 3200 hours ............................................................................$52,5002004 Lull 944E-42 Telehandler Forklift, #365022, open ROPS, side tilt car-riage, 2400 hours ....................................................................................$49,0002005 Lull 944E-42 Telehandler Forklift, #808846, 1725 Hrs, OROPS, 50" SideTilt Carriage, Cummins Diesel, 9000 Lb Capacity, 42' Max Height..........$64,0002002 Lull 1044C-54 Telehandler, #16875, Cummins, Cab, 48" Side-Tilt car-riage, Ready to Work ..............................................................................$53,5002005 Lull 1044C-54 Telehandler, #365404, cab and heat, side-tilt carriage,3700 hours ..............................................................................................$66,500

Scarifier1999 Bartell Scarifier, #404461, 8" cut width, Honda..............................$1,9952008 Edco CPM-8-5B Scarifier, #009411, 8" Wide Drum, 5HP/230V ElectricMotor, 220 Lbs, 1/8" Depth @ 350-500 sq ft per Hour ............................$2,0952008 Edco TG-10 Turbo Grinder, #009410, removes 1/16" of concrete @ 400-500 sq. ft per hour, 10" diamond headed disc, 11 hp Honda ....................$2,5952007 Edco TG-7 Turbo Grinder, #005053, removes 1/16" of concrete @ 300-400 sq. ft per hour, 7" diamond headed disc, 2 hp electric ......................$1,795

Pavers2005 LeeBoy 8816 Paver, #007698, grade & slope controls, sonic augers, 8'-15', 1350 hours ......................................................................................$89,5001994 LeeBoy 1000 Municipal Machine (serviced), #010897, 2200 Hours, Nice..................................................................................................................$7,9502007 LeeBoy 5000 Pathpaver, #005542, 165 Hours, Very Nice ............$59,500

Compaction1999 Stone PDB-54 Pad-Foot Roller, #347083, New paint, blade, OROPS,1050 hours ..............................................................................................$17,9951999 Stone RP1350D Plate Compactor, #347039 ..................................$5,9952007 Wacker BPU3050A Reversible Plate Compactor, #005779, low hours,9hp Honda ................................................................................................$3,6502005 Wacker RT-82SC Trench Roller, #47524, 36" width, remote control, artic-ulating, 310 hours ..................................................................................$19,9002003 Wacker RT-820 Trench Roller, #475439, 32" width, pad foot drums,diesel, remote control, 542 hours ..........................................................$16,000

Aerial Lifts2002 JLG 600S Boom Lift, #328035, 4x4, diesel, SkyPower generator, coldweather start package, 3500 hours ........................................................$42,5002002 JLG 600S Boom Lift, #328036, 4x4, oscillating axles, diesel, 3500 hours..................................................................................................................$45,5002005 JLG 800S Boom Lift, #328081, 4x4, diesel, SkyPower generator, coldweather start package, 1750 hours ........................................................$94,500

Generators/Air Compressors2007 Atlas Copco XAS 185 Air Compressor, #007042, 400 Hours..........$8,495

Excavators/Skid Loaders2004 Komatsu SK1020, #427117, 400 Hrs, Open ROPS ......................$18,9002005 Komatsu PC35, #427164, OROPS, rubber tracks, backfill blade, 531hours ......................................................................................................$29,9001999 Komatsu PC30, #906240, 1877 Hrs, Rubber Tracks, Backfill Blade,OROPS ....................................................................................................$23,0002004 Komatsu PC78US-6, #013379, 5450 Hrs, Backfill Blade, Road liner pads,cab, A/C, tinted windows, 24" bucket ......................................................$42,5002008 Wacker WL30, #012156, 143 Hrs, Perkins Diesel, cab w/ heat, aux. hyd,4438 lb straight tipping load, 6857 lb. operating weight, 54" bucket ......$37,000

2004 Komatsu PC78US-6, #013379, 5450 Hrs,Backfill Blade, Road liner pads, cab, A/C, tintedwindows, 24" bucket ..................................$42,500


2008 Wacker WL30, #012156, 143 Hrs, PerkinsDiesel, cab w/ heat, aux. hyd, 4438 lb straight tip-ping load, 6857 lb. operating weight, 54" bucket ......................................................................$37,000

800-888-951512520 Quentin Ave. South,Suite 100, Savage, MN 55378


Tom Major612-710-1941

Western MN & West MetroJeff Sisk



2007 SkyTrak 10054 Telehandler, #005300, 60" Side-Tilt Carriage, New Tires, 1531 hours ..................$79,900

2007 WackerBPU3050A

Reversible PlateCompactor, #005779,

low hours, 9hpHonda ............$3,650

2007 AtlasCopco XAS 185

Air Compressor,#007042, 400

hours ......$8,495

Features• Automatic fork leveling system for preci-

sion load placement• Side-mounted engine for easy access and

serviceability• Stabil-Trak stability system for increased

operator confidence• Cummins engine with 4-speed powershift

transmission for efficient control• Variety of attachments for high versatility

in handling jobsite challenges

1999 Stone PDB-54 Pad-FootRoller, #347083,New paint, blade,OROPS, 1050hours ..$19,750

Lull 644E-42

Lull 1044C-54 Series II

Lull 944E-42Lull 944E-42

Features• Automatic fork leveling system for precision

load placement• Side-mounted engine for easy access and

serviceability• Stabil-Trak stability system for increased

operator confidence• Cummins engine with 4-speed powershift

transmission for efficient control• Variety of attachments for high versatility in

handling jobsite challenges

Features• Automatic fork leveling system for

precision load placement• Tier II compliant John Deere diesel

engine• 4-speed powershift transmission for

efficient control• Full-time 4WD for increased maneu-

verability• Standard front outriggers for

increased stability• Variety of attachments for high

versatility in handling jobsite challenges

South Metro/Southwestern MNTim Rients


Central MNLyle Knutson320-894-6500

Page 9: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 9


724/947-2235 Day/Night Fax 724/947-3820Call Andy Miller Established 1928

Our Greatest Assets .. Our Employees

Komatsu WA180-1, 1996, EROPS, Quick Coupler,Exc. Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$46,500Komatsu WA250-3PT, 1999, EROPS w/AC, JRB cou-pler, bucket, forks 20.5x25, good cond. . . . .$63,500Komatsu WA500-1, 1992, EROPS, w/ A/C, high-reach, 6.5 cy GP bkt, 29.5x25 . . . . . .$100,000Cat 936E, 1989, EROPS, 2.75 cy GP bkt, clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$59,000New Holland LS170 Skid Steer, 2004, 300 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$19,000John Deere 624G, 1996, EROPS, quick coupler, GPbkt, 20.5x25 tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$66,000

IR DD22, 1993, 39" double steel, vibratory, Deutz dsl,water spray, v. good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$18,500IR SD100D Pro-Pac Vibratory Compactor, 1999,Hydrostatic trans 84" smooth drum, drum drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$52,500IR SD105DX, 2002, 84" drum drive, OROPS, veryclean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$74,500IR SD105DX, 2002, 84" drum, OROPS, clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$69,500IR SD150F, 84" Padfoot, 1998, OROPS . . . .$49,500IR SD100D, 1996, Pro-Pac, 84" smooth w/pad kit,ROPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$62,500IR SD70D, 2000, Pro-Pac, 66" smooth drum, ROPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$49,000Cat 815F, 1998, EROPS, w/ A/C, s-tilt, good feet, verynice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$205,000Cat 825B, 1975, cab, S-blade, 50% front, 20% reartires, good runner, can go to work . . . . . . . . .$52,500Cat 825C, 1988, EROPS, S-blade w/tilt, rear 80%,front 60%, good condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALLGalion S4-6B, Deutz dsl, hydrostatic, 42” drums,transport wheels, water spray . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,800Hypac C747B, 2001, articulated, vibratory, 47” drums,water spray, Deutz 2 cyl, 5500#, good condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$19,500Hypac C850B, 1999, ROPS w/cab, 84” smooth drum,drive, Cummins, 18-26 tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$47,500Multiquip MR8G Walk Behind VibratoryCompactor, 1997, Briggs & Stratton 8 HP gas engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,500Rammax Walk Behind Rollers, over 25 in stock,lever & remote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,000 to $10,000(8) Sheepsfoot, 48" and 60", double drum & singledrum, tow type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,000 - $6,500(2) Champion Superpac A421 . . . . . . . . . .$11,500

Cat 953LGP, 1984, OROPS, 20 DBG, GP Bkt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$37,500Cat 963, 1983, OROPS, 2.6 cy GP bkt, 17” DBG pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$46,000

Komatsu CD60R-1 Crawler Dump Truck, 1997, 360°rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$66,000Terex TA40, 2000, 6WD, 6x6, 40 ton Detroit 60 Series,Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$142,500Volvo A40, 1998, 40 tons, 10991 hrs, 395 hp, 8WD,29.5R25, A/C, 29 cy cap. sideboards, tailgate (currentlyoff work), work ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$127,500Volvo A40, 1996, 40 tons, 395 hp, 6WD, A/C, 29.5R25,working everyday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$145,000Volvo A40, 1996, 40 tons, 11,000 hrs, 6WD, 20.5R25,A/C, P/S trans, 29 cy cap., 6/06 hitch rebuilt .$115,000Volvo A40, 1995, 40 tons, 395 hp, 8WD, 29.5R25, A/C,P/S trans, tailgate, work ready . . . . . . . . . . . . .$115,000Volvo A35C, 1998, 35 tons, 6WD, 26.5R25 tires, approx7,000 hrs, good condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$147,500Volvo A35, 1995, 35 tons, 326 hp, 6WD, 26.5x25, A/C,P/S trans, working everyday on jobsites . . . . . .$87,500Volvo A35, 1995, 35 tons, 326 hp, 6WD, 26.5R25, A/C,P/S trans, 26 cy, working everyday on jobsites $89,000Volvo A30C, 1996, 30 tons, 11,000 hrs, 296 hp, 6WD,23.5R25, 21 cy cap, A/C, P/S trans, works everyday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$122,500

Cat D4H Series II, 1990, OROPS, 6 way blades, 18"pads, draw bar, 100% Cat U/C . . . . . . . . . . .$57,000Cat D6H, 1988, OROPS, S-blade w/tilt . . . .$76,000Cat D6H LGP Series II, 1993, EROPS, diff steer,drawbar, 30" pads, fresh undercarriage . . . .$89,000Cat D6H, 1987, Semi U blade w/tilt, ROPS, fair U/C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$74,000(2) JD 450G, 1996, wide tracks, ROPS, PAT blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$39,000 EaKomatsu D37P-5, 1997, 24" Pads, OROPS, P/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$36,500

Case 480 Broom Tractor, frt mounted 6' sweepsterbroom, ROPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$13,000Case/IH 485 Utility Tractor,1986, Case 3 cyl dsl engine,55 gal water tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,500Case/IH 385 Utility Tractor, 1987, 3 cyl dsl engine, 72"hydraulic broom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$11,500Taylor-Way 12' Transport Disc, 24" discs, (4) tires, hydlift, exc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,500Rome TRCH16 Disc, hyd offset disc, 16 ea 32” dia, Hydangle tongue, scrapers, 2” axles . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9,500

IR 185’s, JD diesels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL

Vermeer 5800 Trencher, 1997, 4 cyl dsl eng .$17,500(12) IR L6-4MH Light Plants, 1992-1995, all excellent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALLIAmerican Augers 16" Boring Machine, 10 HP gas,35,000# thrust, 30' track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7,500

Cat 416C IT, 2000, 4x4, OROPS, Quick Coupler, GPBkt, Extendahoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$36,000Case 580L Rubber Tire Loader Backhoe, 1997,OROPS, std stick, 24" bkt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$24,500Volvo BL70, 2003, 4x4, Extend-A-Hoe, EROPS, 24"Bkt, Like New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$59,500

Cat 621F, 1996, Scraper, OROPS, 33.25x2, very goodcondition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALLCat 621E, 1989, Scraper, OROPS, 33.25x29, verynice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL

JD 490E, 1994, 9'11" stick, Aux. hydraulics, quick cou-pler, 6-7000 hrs, Fleet maintained . . . . . . . . .$39,000Hitachi UH181, 1985, Equipped w/hammer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$72,000Gradall-Hopto 300, 1968, G.M. diesel UP, on rubber, operational . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,500/OFFERCat 215BLC, 1985, 7'3" stick, 28" TBG pads, 10 rollerU/C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31,500Cat 313B-CR, 2001, zero tailswing, A/C & AM/FM,JRB quick coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$93,000Kobelco SK200LC Extra Long Reach, 1993, 32"TBG pads, 42' reach, nice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$68,500Komatsu PC200 LC-6, 1996, 32" pads, 42" Bkt, longstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$39,500Komatsu PC200 LC-6, 1996, 24" pads, 9'7" stick, 44"Bkt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$43,500Komatsu PC150 LC-6K, 1998, 8'7" stick, 30" bkt,27.6" TBG pads, work ready . . . . . . . . . . . . .$57,000(5) Komatsu PC128UU, 1996, offset boom, rubber tracks, low hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALLKomatsu PC750 LC-6, 1999, 454 hp, 27” boom,11’10” stick, 44’ DGB, aux plumbing, bucket choice,24k ctwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$255,000Komatsu PC400 LC-6LK, 1999, 10’6” stick, JRB cou-pler, 31.5” TBG, ctwt removal, choice of bkt .$77,500Komatsu PC400 LC-6LK, 11’1” stick, 35.5”TBG, ctwtremoval, choice of bkts, working everyday . .$97,500Komatsu PC160 LC-7KA, 2004, 24” TBG pads, JRBcoupler, plumbed, 8’6” width, nice, work ready CALLVolvo EC460B LC, 2003, 4600 hrs, 23’ boom, 11’stick, 5.12 cy bkt, 22,000# ctwt, hammer/shear plumb-ing very good condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$205,000

(2) 48' Box Vans w/Liftgates, Good Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL

Power Screen, Mark II, 1987, Port. Screening Plant,Double Deck, 24'x40' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$36,000Viper 301 Portable Screening Plant, 1997, dsl, 5'x7'.side & rear conveyors, T/A carrier . . . . . . . . . . .CALL

John Henry Drill Mtd on Cat 320N, 1994, 24' mast,Duraquip dust collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150,000John Henry Drill Mtd on Cat 320L, 1994, 24' drill,carousel, dust collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$162,500

Grove RT58C, 1981, down cab, 18 ton r.t., 70' boomanti-two block, GM dsl, clean . . . . . . . . . . . . .$49,500Drott 3330B Carry Deck, 7.5 ton capacity, dsl, 4 sec-tion boom 8' jib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14,500Shuttlelift Model 3330 ELB Hyd. Carry Deck Crane,duel fuel, elec. winch w/remote control, exc. Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$32,500

(2) Balderson Broom Attachment for Cat ITMachines, 8' wide, good condition . . . . . .$4,000 ea.

BUCKETSPC1000, 84" Digging Bucket . . . . . . . . . . . .$9,500

Over 100 Excavator, Loader, Specialized &Grapple Buckets in Stock

-Call For Your NeedsFORKS

(8) IT28F/G Forks, Balderson qc, 48"-60" pallet style,excellent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,000(5) Cat 936/926/950 pallet forks, for a Balderson quickcoupler, exc. cond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,500 Ea

Others Available CallPrices Are Negotiable - At Your

InspectionAll Equipment is Owned & Operated By



















Page 10: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

Page 10 • November 14, 2009 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

249 W. Lake Street • Elmhurst, Illinois 60126(888) 832-9830(888) 832-9830

Fax: (630) 832-6735www.hartstractor.com

Crawler Loaders1974 Caterpillar 977L S/N 11K06703, OROPS, GP Bucket W/Teeth.............................................................................................................................$25,000

1971 Caterpillar 977L S/N 11K03983, OROPS, GP Bucket W/Teeth.............................................................................................................................$24,000

2003 Caterpillar 963C S/N 2DS02393, EROPS, Air, GP Bucket W/Teeth...................................................................................................................$145,000

2001 Caterpillar 963C S/N 2DS02101, EROPS, A/C, GP Bucket W/Teeth,90% U/C ................................................................................................$95,0002000 Caterpillar 963C S/N 2DS01069, EROPS, Air, GP Bucket W/Teeth,Good U/C..............................................................................................$105,0001996 Caterpillar 963B S/N 9BL01328, EROPS, No Air, GP BucketW/Teeth ..................................................................................................$79,5001999 Caterpillar 953C S/N 2ZN02364, OROPS, GP Bucket W/Teeth, 1600Org. Hrs ..................................................................................................$92,5001996 Caterpillar 953C LGP S/N 2ZN00437, OROPS, 4+1 Bucket W/Teeth .................................................................................................................$64,000

1988 Caterpillar 953 S/N 20Z2083, OROPS, GP Bucket W/Teeth, NewEngine ....................................................................................................$42,0001985 Caterpillar 953 S/N 20Z0530, OROPS, New U/C, GP BucketW/Teeth, C/P ..........................................................................................$37,500

GrindersBitelli SF102 Grinder S/N 95990017 ................................................$135,000Bitelli SF60 Grinder S/N 01025, No Conveyor ..................................$44,000Bitelli SF60 Grinder S/N 980199 ........................................................$52,000Remax 4800 Grinder S/N 9948312601, 48" Cat 260HP Pull Type 12"Depth ......................................................................................................$49,000

Compactors1986 Caterpillar 815B Conv S/N 15Z00374, EROPS Cab, Excellent, 7300Hrs ........................................................................................................$100,0001978 Caterpillar 815 S/N 91P1326, Cab, ST Blade, No A/C ............$79,5001978 Dynapac CC42A DD Roller S/N 547D25, 66" Double Drum, Cat3208 Diesel, Water System ..................................................................$16,000

Wheel Loaders1972 Case W-14 S/N 9110608, EROPS Cab, New Transmission, NewTires, C/P ................................................................................................$16,0001999 Caterpillar IT38G S/N 7BS00652, EROPS, A/C, 20.5x25 Tires, 2249– ECM shows 9139, 3.5 Yd Bkt W/ Boe ............................................$75,0001992 Caterpillar IT28B S/N 1HF02365, EROPS, 17.5x25 Tires, @ 95%Matched, 2.5 Yd Bkt, 8214 Hrs ............................................................$39,0001968 Caterpillar 966C S/N 76J110, Cab, Heat, Lights, New Engine, NeedsPin Work, Tires Fair ..............................................................................$21,0001990 Caterpillar 936E S/N 33Z04157, EROPS, New Trans, GP BucketW/BOE, C/P ..........................................................................................$54,0001987 Caterpillar 936 S/N 33Z2474, EROPS, New 20.5x25 Radials, GPBucket W/BOE ......................................................................................$44,0001986 Caterpillar 936 S/N 33Z1950, EROPS, New 20.5x25 Radials, GPBucket W/BOE ......................................................................................$44,0001975 Clark 55B S/N 416C-793-CAC, EROPS, GP Bucket, New Engine .....................................................................................................................$16,000

Crawler Tractors1997 Caterpillar D-8R S/N 7XM01828, OROPS, SU Blade, New U/C,New Engine, C/P, 9200 Hrs ................................................................$199,0001994 Caterpillar D-5C S/N 9DL00406, 6605 Hrs, New Trans..........$39,5001980 Caterpillar D-5B LGP S/N 46X0504, New Engine, C/P ..........$32,500Caterpillar D-4C S/N 1RJ1417, OROPS ............................................$29,000

Combo Loaders2002 Caterpillar 430D IT S/N BML02305, 4x4, EHOE, Q CPLRS, A/C,Plumbed, New Tires ..............................................................................$49,5001988 John Deere 510C S/N 746646, EROPS, Cab, 4x4 ....................$17,000

Motor Graders1985 John Deere 670A S/N 509900, Cab, Frt Scarifier, 12' MB, 5200 OrgHours ......................................................................................................$26,500

Hydraulic Excavators1998 Caterpillar 315BL S/N 3AW00489, Plumbed Mech Thumb + Bucket .................................................................................................................$69,500

1999 Caterpillar 301.5 S/N 3YW00647, ROPS, Dozer, Rubber Tracks,Plumbed ..................................................................................................$14,0001993 Caterpillar E120B S/N JF1206, 9312 Hrs ..................................$21,0001995 Gradall XL 4100 S/N 411264, 360° Boom Bucket, Cummins PowerUp+Down, A/C ......................................................................................$70,0001976 Gradall 660C S/N NP24078, Detroit Up + Down, One Bucket $8,5001996 Komatsu PC-200 LC-6, S/N A82010 Plumbed QC 48" Bucket, C+P...................................................................................................................$47,000

1979 Linkbelt LS-3400 S/N 49H4639 ................................................$28,000

Skid Steers1997 Bobcat 863 S/N 514415821, 75HP, Turbo Diesel, 66" GP Bucket, C/P................................................................................................................$13,500

1997 Case 90XT S/N JAF0245761, Cab, Heat, Lights, 33x15.5x16.5 Tires@ 90% ....................................................................................................$15,000

Off Road Trucks1996 Volvo A-25C S/N 5350V50826, 30% Bridgestones, 4200 Org. Hours .................................................................................................................$79,500

Trucks1998 Cronkhite Tag Trailer......................................................................$3,000

ScrapersCaterpillar 615 S/N 46Z1391, OROPS ................................................$35,000Caterpillar 615 S/N 46Z1266, OROPS ................................................$35,0001973 Caterpillar 613 Scraper S/N 71M2400, OROPS, 23.5x25........$15,0001974 Terex TS-14 B Scraper S/N 17U0T58092, OROPS. 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 401........................................................................................$35,0001976 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T59817, OROPS, 471, Detroit,29.5x25, Unit 402 ..................................................................................$35,0001976 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T59847, OROPS, 471, Detroit,29.5x25, Unit 403 ..................................................................................$37,0001976 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T61098, OROPS, 471, Detroit,29.5x25, Unit 404 ..................................................................................$35,0001976 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T61111, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Painted, Unit 405 ........................................................................$37,0001976 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T61483, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 406........................................................................................$37,0001976 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T62163, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 407........................................................................................$35,0001977 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T62951, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 408........................................................................................$45,0001977 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T63684, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 409........................................................................................$47,0001977 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T64121, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 410........................................................................................$35,0001978 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T64161, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 411 ........................................................................................$37,0001978 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T19820, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 412........................................................................................$35,0001978 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T2165, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5 X25, Unit 413 ............................................................................................$38,0001978 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T65614, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 414........................................................................................$40,0001979 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T65882, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 415........................................................................................$37,0001979 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T67340, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 416........................................................................................$45,0001980 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T68628, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 417........................................................................................$40,0001981 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T69174, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 418........................................................................................$39,0001986 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T1700, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5 X25, Unit 419 ............................................................................................$50,0001986 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T72718, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 420........................................................................................$54,0001986 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T72943, OROPS, 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 421........................................................................................$50,0001986 Terex TS-14 B Scraper S/N 17U0T73053, OROPS. 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 422........................................................................................$50,0001986 Terex TS-14 B Scraper S/N 17U0T73059, OROPS. 471 Detroit, 29.5X 25, Unit 423........................................................................................$50,0001986 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 17U0T73060, OROPS, 471, Detroit,29.5x25, Unit 424 ..................................................................................$50,0001987 Terex TS-14B Scraper S/N 521263, OROPS, 471, Detroit, 29.5x25,Pilot Controls, Unit 425 ........................................................................$54,000

ComponentsCaterpillar 615 Transmission ..................................................................$7,000Detroit 4-71 Engines ExchDetroit 6V-71 Engine NewCaterpillar 3306 EngineCaterpillar 963 EngineCaterpillar 966D TransmissionDetroit 50 Series EngineCaterpillar 963 TransmissionPerkins Diesel 4 Cyl 65 HP ........................................*NEW* (5) $4,750 EaIH T444E Diesel 7.3 250 HP W/Radiator ..................*NEW* (4) $5,900 EaNew Duramax 6.6L Diesel 210HP ............................................(2) $7,000 Ea

MISC.Amida Light Plant, New Gen. ................................................................$7,000Bobcat Dozer Blade, Hyd New..............................................................$3,600Bobcat Trencher, Used, Hi Flo................................................................$5,500Coleman CJ4D40SQ 40K W Portable Generator Set, S/N 4982862, John Deere diesel, Super Quiet Pack....................................................$12,500Crane Forks ..............................................................................2 @ $600 Each IR Electric Air Dryer S/N 96ADXRO142, 460 Volt 3 phase..............$2,000TB425X BTI ............................................................................................$7,500Kent Hyd. Brkr KHB8G11......................................................................$9,500NPK Plate Compactor, 33"X24" Swivel................................................$5,500

Parts MachinesGrove RT 58 CraneCaterpillar 963MitsubishiCaterpillar 966C

2003 Cat 963C, S/N 2DS02393, EROPS,Air, GP Bucket W/Teeth..............$145,000

Bitelli SF102 Grinder, S/N 95990017 ........................................................$135,000

1997 Cat D8R, S/N 7XM01828, 9200 orig.hrs., new rails, rollers & sprockets, 0 hrson engine, new U/C ....................$199,000

1999 Cat IT38G, S/N 7BS00652, EROPS,A/C, 20.5x25 tires, 2249-ECM, shows9139, 3.5 yd bkt w/BOE ................$75,000

One of 25 In Stock & Ready to work!!! All have had needed repairs, Ready for Dirt.


1999 Cat 953C, S/N 2ZN02364, EROPS,GP Bucket w/ Teeth, 1800 Hrs ....$92,500

Sales, Rentals, Shop & Field Service, Portable Align Boring & Bore Welding

Where Service Comes First! New engineOnly 3885

original hours

Only 1800originalhours

Low hours

Member of:

Page 11: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 11

MAULDIN 690FT - ‘08 • 8' to 13' gravity fed track paver (LOW HOURS), 29 hrs....................................................................................................................................$42,500MAULDIN 1750C - ‘08 • 8' to 16' conveyor fed track paver (LOW HOURS) ....$95,000MIDLAND SP-6 - ‘09 • Legal load, Rt hand discharge to 6', low hrs................$99,500MIDLAND SPD-8 - ‘09 • Dual discharge to 8', low hrs ..................................$149,950MIDLAND SPD-8 - ‘04 • Dual discharge to 8', 300 hrs ..................................$119,500NEAL 5500 - ‘08 • “Cart Path Paver”, track, conveyor fed, 5'-8' screed, 140 hrs ....................................................................................................................................$49,950

CALL items may be on rent causing pricing and hours to vary.

INGERSOLL RAND DD90HF - ‘06 • 66" high freq, dbl drum vib, w/lites, 1300 hours ............................................................................................................................$70,000INGERSOLL RAND SD105DX - ‘04 • 84" smooth drum soil with 1020 hrs ......$53,500INGERSOLL RAND DD65 - ‘91 • 57" dbl drum vib, 3500 hrs, “fully functional” ........................................................................................................................................$9,500INGERSOLL RAND DD112HF - ‘06 • 78" high freq. dbl drum vib w/ lites and mat tempsensor, 950 hrs ................................................................................................$70,000SAKAI CR270 - 36", 3000lb, 4000VPM, vibratory, 200 hrs ..............................$13,500SAKAI SW320 - ‘09 • 47" Dbl Drum vib w/ Foldable ROPS, EPTW, 75 hrs ......$30,500SAKAI SW330 - ‘07 • 51", 6700lb, 4000VPM, dbl drum vib with 320 hrs, warranty................................................................................................................................$29,950SAKAI GW750 - ‘09 • 77" Pneumatic vibratory roller w/ heat shields, 300 hrs......................................................................................................................................$123,500SAKAI SW850 - ‘09 • 79" Dbl Drum vib, EPTW w/ 350 hrs ..............................$95,000

LIEBHERR A900C - ‘06 • Rubber tired exc., outriggers, dozer blade, LIKUFIX quickcoupler 100% from cab, 79" ditch w/rotation, 41" exc and blank for hammer, 551 hrs........................................................................................................................$139,950GRADALL G3WD - ‘90 • County owned, v good condition with ditching and excavat-ing buckets, 4500 hours ..................................................................................$17,500

PSI MD413XT - ‘08 • 10' moldboard, front bucket, rear scarifier, enclosed cab, 133hp, 14,000 lbs, 120 hours ................................................................................$84,950

TEREX PR165 - ‘09 • 24” cutting width, 4 large rubber tires, large front loading con-veyor, 300 hrs ................................................................................................$175,000TEREX PR330T - ‘08 • 4 track, front loading, milling machine with “combo cutter”2',3',4' widths, 850 hours ..............................................................................$279,000WIRTGEN W50 - ‘04 • 20” cutting width, 4 wheeled, rear discharge conveyor, 250 hrs..........................................................................................................................$95,000






Contact Marty in Illinois1-800-307-0221

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Milwaukee, WI1-800-236-6900Fax 414-541-1892

Wausau, WI1-800-242-7113Fax 715-675-9748

Crushing & Screening Div.Little Chute, WI1-800-236-8318Fax 920-788-6753

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For information on our in-stock equipment, contact Lanny Peterson at:[email protected] or

mobile 1-715-574-8089 or 1-800-242-7113

Large Selection of New & Used Equipment in Stock.AGGREGATE EQUIPMENT

SIMPLICITY portable dual screen plant, 6x16 and

6x20 triple deck horizontal screens, 60"

underscreen conveyors, 42" cross conveyors,

tri-axle chassis with hydraulic leveling ..$199,800

CEDARAPIDS 4136 Portable twin roll plant, with

Allis 5'x16' single deck horizontal screen,

Cummins V-12 diesel, on tandem axle chassis

with hydraulic leveling..........................$68,000

ALLIS H400-SD portable cone plant, Cummins

diesel, rear feed conveyor, side discharge con-

veyor, tandem axle chassis with run-on

hydraulic jacks ..................................$172,800

WHEEL LOADERSKAWASAKI 95Z-V, wheel loader (2006), 340 hp

Cummins QS15 diesel, 4/3 speed Powershift

transmission, 29.5x25 Bridgestone L3 radials, 7

cu. yd. GP bucket, enclosed ROPS with a/c ......



RAIN CRANE, 1993, with Cat Diesel, 110’

Power-Pinned Boom, 32’ to 56’ Telescopic

Offsettable Swingaway, Main & Auxiliary Hoists,

29.5x25 Tires, Ready to work ............................

......................................Reduced to $219,900


CRANE, 1991, with a 114’ full power boom, 33’

to 58’ Telescopic Offsettable Swingaway, Grove

Model HO30B-26 Main and Auxiliary Hoists,

Cummins 6BT5.9 superstructure engine, on a

Grove 8x4 carrier with a Cummins NTC400 Big

Cam III diesel, 13 speed Roadranger, and a

Nelson tandem-axle boom dolly ........$235,000


2000 model, 220' main boom, 40' fixed jib,

hoists with free-fall option, 48" track shoes,

Series II counterweight, self-assembly package,

Cummins diesel, third drum, 7000 hours, job

ready ..................................................$950,000






Page 12: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

Page 12 • November 14, 2009 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE


Jacksonville, FLDarold Longhofer (904)625-9259 • Cell (904)610-7939 • Home (904)880-3587

Great Used Equipment Values1970 EUCLID B30, S/N 62E1958 ........................$13,0001970 EUCLID B30, S/N 62E1821 ........................$13,0001970 EUCLID B30, S/N 62E1816 ........................$13,0001970 EUCLID B30, S/N 62E1957 ........................$13,0002004 JCB 714, S/N E0830195 ............................$53,6002004 JOHN DEERE 400D, S/N BE400DT201041 ........................................................................................$135,200

2006 KOMATSU HM300-0, S/N A11002 ..........$131,6001994 VOLVO A25C, S/N A25V8715 ....................$33,500(2) 1994 VOLVO A30, S/N V1487 ..............From $30,100(2) 1998 VOLVO A35C, S/N V5086 ............From $42,7002001 VOLVO A35D, S/N 61113 ..........................$73,000

1999 BLAW KNOX PF161, S/N 16126-04 ..........$24,3001998 BLAW KNOX PF3172, S/N 317211-08 ......$29,5002000 LEEBOY 8500, S/N 2497-8500 ..................$18,500

2006 DEERE 410G, S/N 946106 ..........................$46,0002005 JCB 214 SERIES III, S/N 904421................$20,7002004 JOHN DEERE 210LE, S/N T0210LE882955..........................................................................................$16,000

2002 JOHN DEERE 310G, S/N 907184 ................$24,2002004 JOHN DEERE 310SG, S/N 926142..............$29,0002004 JOHN DEERE 710G, S/N 939117 ................$45,0002003 VOLVO BL70D, S/N 10269 ..........................$28,200

2002 CBI 4000B, S/N 4840HZK34123A0660 ....$152,000

2004 AMPAC P33/23, S/N 33071104 ....................$6,0002001 BOMAG BW142PDB-2, S/N 136510511036 ........................................................................................$14,000

1994 DYNAPAC CA151PD, S/N 59810775 ..........$21,7002000 DYNAPAC CA250PD, S/N 65320989 ..........$31,1001996 FORD LN8000, S/N 1FDXR82EXTVA27463..........................................................................................$11,000

2006 HAMM 3410, S/N H1690654 ......................$37,0002006 HAMM 3410, S/N H1690638 ......................$38,0002006 HAMM 3410, S/N H1690694 ......................$38,0001988 INGERSOLL RAND DD90, S/N 5454S ........$13,0002000 INGERSOLL RAND PT125R, S/N 164701 ..$21,0002005 INGERSOLL RAND SD100D, S/N 151759 ..$61,5001998 INGERSOLL RAND SD100F, S/N 154044....$29,0001997 INGERSOLL RAND SD70D, S/N 148473 ....$19,5002000 INGERSOLL RAND SD70D, S/N 163541 ....$27,0002000 INGERSOLL RAND SD70D, S/N 165166 ....$27,7001999 INGERSOLL RAND SD70F, S/N 157999......$19,0002006 INGERSOLL RAND SD70F, S/N 191728......$37,4002003 INGERSOLL RAND SD77F, S/N 174481......$24,5002005 INGERSOLL RAND SD77F TF, S/N 179314..........................................................................................$27,500

(2) 2005 SAKAI SV505T, S/N VSV16-40175........$44,6001999 STONE 3100 WOLFPAC, S/N 2699294 ........$3,0001999 Vibromax W1103D, S/N JKC8302602 ........$33,2002003 VIBROMAX W1105D, S/N JKC8305009......$32,500(2) 2006 WACKER BS50-2I, S/N 88591....................$800(2) 2003 WACKER RT820, S/N 5396924 ..............$6,500(4) 2006 WACKER RT82SC, S/N 5671753 ............$9,200

2000 CONCORD CCP 36M15, S/N1M2K197C21M017771 ......................................$121,5001999 Mack MR688, S/N 1M2K189C5XM013746..........................................................................................$89,800

2004 MACK MR688S, S/N 1M2K197C74M023571 ....................................................................................$182,300

2005 POWERSCREEN 1400, S/N 6614644........$101,5002006 POWERSCREEN M85, S/N 6103501 ..........$38,5002007 RADIAL CONVEYOR STACKING, S/N 24X60-07-0101 ....................................................................$12,200

2006 BL PEGSON 1000SR, S/N 100312DDSR ..$362,0002004 CEC 102X115, S/N 4538 ..........................$161,5002007 EAGLE 1200-25, S/N 30696......................$346,3002003 EXTEC 1013, S/N 7864 ............................$200,5002001 EXTEC MEGA-BITE, S/N 6024 ..................$136,2002006 IROCK RDS15H, S/N P90216 ..................$451,300

2008 Bengal TG1000P ..........................................$9,6002005 GOMACO GT3600, S/N 902900-641 ..........$90,4002006 GOMACO GT3600, S/N 902900716 ..........$120,000

2006 ATLAS COPCO ECM590, S/N 11457 ........$161,5002008 DITCH WITCH JT1220, S/N J1220A80000278 ....................................................................................$64,000

2007 DITCH WITCH JT520, S/N CMWFT5XXE70000081..............................................................................$40,000

2001 BOBCAT 331D, S/N 232511818 ..................$12,2002002 BOBCAT 341D, S/N 233212073 ..................$19,1002001 DAEWOO S170-V, S/N 1041 ......................$30,0002001 DEERE 200LC, S/N 501934 ........................$32,0002004 DEERE 330CLC, S/N 82918 ........................$54,5002004 HITACHI EX550LC, S/N 7417....................$124,1002006 HITACHI ZX350LC-3, S/N FF00ASP920074 ......................................................................................$100,000

2004 JOHN DEERE 160C, S/N FF160CX044325 ..........................................................................................$47,500

1998 JOHN DEERE 230LC, S/N FF0230X060077..........................................................................................$33,200

2004 JOHN DEERE 330C LC, S/N 082992 ..........$67,0002003 JOHN DEERE 330CL, S/N 082448 ..............$59,0002005 JOHN DEERE 330CL, S/N 083241 ..............$76,0002005 JOHN DEERE 330CL, S/N 804394 ..............$76,0001999 JOHN DEERE 330LC, S/N FF0330X080564..........................................................................................$39,500

2004 JOHN DEERE 330LC, S/N 082657 ..............$67,0002003 JOHN DEERE 450CLC, S/N FF450CX091265 ......................................................................................$80,300

1999 JOHN DEERE 450L, S/N FF0450X090297 ..$49,0001999 JOHN DEERE 450LC, S/N 90419 ................$51,7001988 JOHN DEERE 790D, S/N 790DL007763......$12,2002006 KOBELCO 70SR, S/N YT0306041 ....................POR2002 KOBELCO SK200SR, S/N YB0201701 ........$38,5002001 Kobelco SK250, S/N LL08U0421................$35,9001998 KOBELCO SK300LC, S/N YCU0961 ............$24,5002004 Kobelco SK330, S/N YC07-U0745..............$50,1002003 KOBELCO SK480, S/N YS06U0273 ............$56,0002007 KOMATSU 78MR, S/N 1002449..................$43,5002001 KOMATSU PC300LC, S/N A84699 ..............$50,0002000 KOMATSU PC300LC-6LE, S/N A84629 ......$45,500(2) 2004 KOMATSU PC300LC-7, S/N J20408......$87,5002003 KOMATSU PC400LC-6, S/N A85328 ..........$85,0002005 KOMATSU PC600LC-7, S/N 20108 ..........$225,0002007 TAKEUCHI TB145, S/N 14516716 ..............$34,1002007 TAKEUCHI TB175, S/N 17515812 ..............$53,4002003 VOLVO EC210BLC, S/N EC210BLC11522 ..$49,8002007 VOLVO EC210CL, S/N 210C110192 ............$75,0002003 VOLVO EC240BLC, S/N V10780..................$58,500(6) VOLVO EC330BLC, S/N V10081 ..........From $60,8002005 VOLVO EC360BLC, S/N 11632 ....................$93,6002006 VOLVO EC460BLC, S/N 80037 ..................$139,500

2002 JOHN DEERE 843H, S/N 882070 ................$49,0001993 MORBARK WOLVERINE, S/N 4172 ............$19,8002000 MULTITEK 3040-90XP FIREWOO, S/N 5050200 ................................................................................$36,500

2005 TIMBER KING TK722, S/N C10300205 ....$109,5002005 WARATAH HTH622B, S/N 622342 ..............$48,500

2007 PEMBERTON CAST, S/N C/EGR-004-4-0606 ......................................................................................$11,600

(3) 2007 PEMBERTON MATERIAL, S/N MDG300-194-5-0607 ....................................................................$11,600

2006 RAMMER S-27, S/N 27AAA0667 ..................$8,6002003 STANLEY MB50EXS, S/N 2279....................VALUE!

2007 MORBARK 4600XL, S/N 188-1042 ..........$382,800

2007 CLARK CMP70, S/N CMP570D-0894-9590 ........................................................................................$31,400

2006 GEHL RS5-34, S/N RS5JW0912223 ..........$26,0002007 GENIE GTH-5519, S/N 16804 ....................$31,500(2) 2004 KOMATSU FG35ST-7, S/N 103491..........$8,5001994 Moffet M5000, S/N 4414 ..............................$4,400(2) 2005 PRINCETON PB-50, S/N P10462 ..........$18,2002000 Skytrak 8042, S/N 13340............................$21,100(2) 2006 TAYLOR THC-300S, S/N 33008 ..........$100,0002006 TAYLOR THC-400L, S/N 33106 ................$116,500

2007 DITCH WITCH FX30, S/N FX30X0436 ........$27,5001996 INGERSOLL RAND 185, S/N 144690............$3,800

(3) 2006 MACK CV713, S/N 1M2AG11C16M030801....................................................................................$78,000

2004 JOHN DEERE 670CH, S/N DW670CH590183 ......................................................................................$82,100

2000 KOMATSU GD530A-2, S/N 210391 ............$51,5002004 KOMATSU GD655-3C, S/N 51038 ............$112,300

2002 Labounty UP30, S/N UP30204 ..................$26,200

1973 Bros LSPRM8A, S/N 4150 ............................$6,000

1988 JOHN DEERE 862B, S/N 744221 ................$17,000(3) 1979 TEREX TS14B, S/N 17U0T61100 ........................................................................................From $13,000

1975 ROME R67H, S/N R67H10516......................$1,500

2007 EXTEC E7, S/N 10502 ..............................$155,0002006 WILDCAT 510 COUGAR, S/N1W9SS26156F351462 ........................................$63,500

2002 BOBCAT A300, S/N 539911335 ..................$17,1002007 DITCH WITCH XT850, S/NCMWXT850C8C80000256....................................$16,5001998 JOHN DEERE 8875, S/N 040509 ................$10,000

2003 JOHN DEERE 648G-III TC, S/N 588699 ......$45,500

2005 ZIPPER AZ-480HD, S/N 109FS08235U022988....................................................................................$35,000

(2) 2000 JOHN DEERE 555G, S/N 890992 ..........$21,5002005 TAKEUCHI TL140, S/N 21402461 ..............$17,000

2001 DEERE 550H, S/N 898990 ..........................$31,0002004 DEERE 650H, S/N 930092 ..........................$35,5002004 DEERE 650H, S/N 931730 ..........................$35,5002004 DEERE 650H LGP, S/N 926713 ..................$46,5002004 DEERE 700H, S/N 938631 ..........................$52,5002000 JOHN DEERE 450H, S/N 883527 ................$23,5002003 JOHN DEERE 450H, S/N T0450HX913212 $27,5002007 JOHN DEERE 450J LGP, S/N 117871 ........$40,8001998 JOHN DEERE 650G LGP, S/N 84881.......... $24,500(3) 2000 JOHN DEERE 650H, S/N 891545 ........................................................................................From $29,500

2005 JOHN DEERE 850JLT, S/N TO850JX113640 ......................................................................................$117,000

2004 KOMATSU D39EX-21A, S/N 1578 ..............$39,6002004 KOMATSU D39EX-21A, S/N 1553 ..............$39,600(2) 2005 KOMATSU D39EX-21A, S/N 1721 ........$45,100

2002 MASSEY FERGUSON 243, S/N J23115 ........$6,1002005 MASSEY FERGUSON 461, S/N EP10060......$9,200(4) 2003 MASSEY FERGUSON MF451-4, S/N BN15020 ......................................................................From $7,000

2002 McCORMICK F70XL, S/N PFKCM50202 ....$11,200

(2) 1999 TRAILER HEATED, S/N 1GRAA0620XB024202 ................................................................................$3,900

1997 TRAILER REFRIGERATED, S/N1GRAA062XVB089443 ..........................................$7,300

2007 SMITHCO SL24034, S/N 1S9SS40227L476357 ..................................................................................$33,000

1999 DITCH WITCH 3700LJ, S/N 3X0647 ............$3,900

1987 LIEBHERR LTM1160, S/N 12413 ..............$295,2001988 MACK RD690SX, S/N 1M2P199C7JW003016 ....................................................................................$62,000

2006 STERLING LT7501, S/N 2FZHATDCX6AV55737 ................................................................................$152,400

1999 DIAMOND Z 1352BL1, S/N 1D9FX4232XN147001 ............................................................................$150,800

2007 Vermeer TG7000, S/N 1VRY4536271000154 ..................................................................................$378,000

1999 DEERE 644H, S/N 572749 ..........................$46,7001999 JOHN DEERE 444H, S/N DW444HX573676 ........................................................................................ $26,5001999 JOHN DEERE 544H, S/N 572508 ................$35,0002000 JOHN DEERE 624H, S/N 578008 ................$41,0002003 JOHN DEERE 724J, S/N 588116 ................$70,500(2) 2006 KAWASAKI KSS65Z-V, S/N 65C4-5475................................................................................From $53,200

1998 KOMATSU WA180-3L, S/N A90247 ............$27,4001997 KOMATSU WA250, S/N A70085..................$24,2002006 KOMATSU WA250PT-5L, S/N A79287 ........$63,0001998 KOMATSU WA450-3, S/N 53217 ................$36,9002001 VOLVO L70D, S/N V19086 ..........................$41,4002005 VOLVO L70E, S/N V60611 ..........................$71,000





































Machines are located in various parts of the U.S. Please call for locations and pricing. Visit our website at FCCEF.com for pictures and more information. Call Darold Longhofer at (904)625-9259 or Cell (904)610-7939 or Home (904)880-3587. Allen Breinig at (904)625-9290. Tom Camphire at (904)625-9263.

In Mexico call Luis Ramirez at 01 81 24 51 42 34 or cell 044 81 15 08 47 96. El Cercado (Monterrey) NL. Email [email protected]. [email protected] [email protected]

Page 13: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 13


U.S. Hwy 12 WDassel, MN 55325

NorTrac Bulldozer, Make Offer

320/275-2737 • Toll Free 888/679-4857

Authorized Bobcat® DealerBobcat 440 ................Starting at $4,500Bobcat 463’s ..............Starting at $8,000Bobcat 542B ..............Starting at $6,900Bobcat 642 ..............................$7,500Bobcat 642B ............................$8,500Bobcat 743 ................Starting at $8,000Bobcat 751 ......Several Starting at $9,900Bobcat 753 ..............Starting at $10,000Bobcat 763F, Series, Open Cab ....$11,500

Bobcat 773G, With Heat ............$15,900Bobcat 843, Heated Cab ............$10,000Bobcat 853’s ............Starting at $11,000Bobcat 863C, With Heat ............$12,900Bobcat 863G ............................14,900Bobcat 873 ............................$17,900Bobcat S130, 2006, Heated Cab ......CALLBobcat S185s, With Heat and Air, 500Hours to 5000 Hours....Starting at $14,900Bobcat S250..............Starting at $14,500

Compact Track MachinesBobcat T190’s............Starting at $15,000Bobcat T200..............Starting at $15,000Bobcat T250, Gold ......Starting at $24,500Bobcat T300..............Starting at $25,000Other BrandsGehl 4615 Skidloader, Open Canopy $8,500Mustang 2105 ............................CALL(2) New Holland LS170..................CALLJohn Deere 250/260/320 Models Available..............................................CALL

ExcavatorsBobcat 331’s, Several w/Heat & Open

Canopys ..................Starting at $15,900

Bobcat 334 ................................CALL

Bobcat 337D, A/C, HT................$35,900

Bobcat 341 ..............Starting at $29,990

Bobcat 442 ....Several Starting at $45,000

Large Used Trailer Selection Starting at $1,500wwwwww..ffaarrmmrriitteeeeqquuiipp..ccoomm

Authorized Bobcat® Dealer


New M Series Skid Steer LoadersNew M SeriesTrack Loaders

V723 Piling Snow S250 w/Snow Blade

New M Series E32Excavators

Skytrak Telehandler,Call for Pricing

Page 14: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

Page 14 • November 14, 2009 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Dawes Rigging & Crane Rental Donates to Rawhide Boys RanchDawes Rigging & Crane Rental, a mem-

ber of the ALL Family of Companies, heldits 17th Annual Golf Outing on Aug. 10.

More than 125 people participated,including Dawes customers, equipmentmanufacturers, and Dawes and ALL man-agement. Through mulligans, raffles, and asilent auction, they raised $6,000 to benefitRawhide Boys Ranch in Wisconsin.

Steve Freckmann, Dawes’ general man-ager, presented the check to Dave Borash,Rawhide’s development manager, on Sept.11.

Rawhide is a faith-based, non-profit resi-dential care center offering moral guidance,

encouragement, therapeutic counseling, spe-cialized education, and work experience fortroubled teen boys.

Freckmann decided five years ago tomake the annual event more meaningful bybenefiting a local charity.

He said the choice of Rawhide BoysRanch grew out of his wish “to help boysand young men who are at risk for makingwrong choices that can lead to a life of fail-ure and broken dreams. I was very blessed tohave a wonderful father and mentor whokept me on the right path.” He added, “Anumber of young men who have worked forDawes could have benefited from a program

like Rawhide; some of these young menwashed out because they came from homeswithout a father figure and lacked a strongwork ethic and a sense of purpose. Now wehave a chance to give back and help these at-risk youths so they may someday enjoy thesame opportunities that many of us take forgranted.”

Freckmann added, “I’m grateful to ourcustomers for coming out during this tougheconomic time and for their generosity indonating to help these young men.”

Dawes has donated to other charitablecauses through the years, including UnitedWay, the Boys & Girls Club, Second

Harvest, and the Milwaukee RescueMission. ALL Family of CompaniesPresident Michael Liptak said, “We areproud that Dawes’ generosity upholds theALL Family of Companies’ commitment tothe communities in which we work.”

Dawes is a certified dealer of new equip-ment for Broderson, Elliott, Genie, Gradall,JLG, Link-Belt, Lull, National BoomTrucks, Peiner, Potain, Skyjack, Sky Trak,Snorkel, Shuttlelift, and Terex forWisconsin.

For more information, call 800/236-5335or 414/453-5335 or visit www.dawe-scrane.com.

Foley Equipment Acquires MartinTractor; Adds 50 Counties in Kan.

Foley Equipment Company has acquiredMartin Tractor Company as of Nov. 2.

With this acquisition, Foley Equipment willadd an additional 50 counties and offer anenhanced set of resources to deliver even betterand more comprehensive customer service andbusiness solutions throughout Kansas. Foley is adealer for Caterpillar, AGCO, AgChem and

Trimble as well as a number of other manufactur-ers.

Foley Equipment is the Caterpillar andChallenger dealership for all of Kansas exceptDoniphan, Atchison, Leavenworth, Wyandotte,Johnson, and Cherokee Counties.

For more information, call 316/943-4211 orvisit www.foleyeq.com.

CAM Expo’s Show to HandOut Green Project Award

The 2010 CAM Expo will be heldon one day only, Feb. 3, 2010, at theRock Financial Showplace in Novi,Mich.

This event will be packed withactivities from start to finish: exhibitorsdisplaying construction products andservices; the CAM 124th Annual

Meeting with guest speaker; ongoingCAMTEC education classes; theCAM Magazine 2009 Special IssueAwards and Green Project of the YearAwards; and more.

Show hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For booth information, call Expo

Manager Ron Riegel at 248/972-1000.

First Impressions Shine for Bobcat T630 M-Series LoaderIn today’s economic environment,

Superintendent Bob Brzezinski is constantlylooking for ways to keep costs down whilestill getting his projects done. His solution:Buy Bobcat loaders and attachments to dothe same work as larger, single-applicationconventional units.

Brzezinski oversees the maintenance andconstruction of approximately 50 mi. ofroadway.

“We use Bobcat loaders forgrading, sewer work, backfill-ing trenches, asphalt repairs,demolition, and disastercleanup,” he said. “TheBobcat loaders make it somuch easier when we’re doingconstruction work. They’reeasier [to maneuver] than a bigwheel loader on our job sites.We’re often working in con-gested streets and nearbyareas, and parking is always anissue.”

First M-Series LoaderAtlas Bobcat sold

Brzezinski the first M-Seriesloader — a T630 compact

track loader — to complement the depart-ment’s S220.

“When we lay sewer pipe and the groundgets wet, the tracks make it easy for us tobackfill,” he said.

In addition to the benefits of a rubber trackundercarriage, Brzezinski said a number ofM-Series loader improvements were notedimmediately. Here’s what he had to sayabout four important areas:

• Visibility: “The visibility is great withthe bigger windows. We can easily see thecutting edge on the bucket, and I like thelarger window on top when we’re loadingtrucks.”

• Pressurized cab: “This is the firstmachine that I’ve ever owned with anenclosed cab with heat and air conditioning.It’s so quiet. We don’t hear the noise fromthe machine and the other noises outside,

and the dust stays out com-pletely.”

• More cab space:“I’m a big guy, so I like theadded room and morespace to operate the con-trols.”

• Pushing per-formance: Brzezinski saidhis department has a con-ventional wheel loader andthe new T630 will out-pushit. “It’s got a lot of powerfor the size of machine.”

Attachments ReplaceDedicated Machines

Brzezinski believes inhaving an assortment of

attachments rather than stocking larger, spe-cialized single-use equipment. His attach-ment inventory includes the following:

• Augers• Brushcat rotary cutter• Buckets• Dozer blade• Hydraulic breakers• Industrial buckets with grapples• Planers• Snowblowers• Sweepers“I try to buy attachments to minimize the

amount of equipment in our department andthe money we spend,” he said. “We don’thave the room to store the bigger equipment,so it’s better to have one loader and variousattachments rather than a specialized piece.We work off of tax dollars, so we try to makeevery dollar stretch.” For example,Brzezinski said his department will use itsasphalt planer to patch holes in the roadsinstead of contracting out the work.

Brzezinski has benefited from the Bobcatmunicipal program at a time when budgetsare tightening. He’s strongly consideringtrading in the S220 for a new S630.

This story was reprinted with permissionfrom Bobcat WorkSaver Magazine, Fall2009 Issue.

Maine Township Highway Department Superintendent BobBrzezinski (R) was the first Bobcat M-Series customer in the UnitedStates and Canada. He is pictured here with his salesman, ToddSwartz of Atlas Bobcat.

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Gary Carlson Equipment:

Your trusted local

source for slide rails

and trench boxes now

stocks a complete line

of construction

equipment and


Gary Carlson Equipment Co.

And you thought we just did trench boxes


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Erb Equipment Acquires K & W Equipment in Ind., Ky.Erb Equipment Companies, a John Deere

Construction and Forestry dealer, hasacquired K & W Equipment Company loca-tions in Evansville, Ind., and Owensboro,Ky.

“The deal went though on Nov. 1,”Melissa Geiler, consumer product supportassistant of Erb Equipment, confirmed.

Geiler noted that Erb Equipment’s territo-ry will now cover 26 counties in WesternKentucky and 13 counties in Indiana.

K & W Equipment now will go under thebanner of Erb Equipment Company andmost of K & W’s employees including DickChrist, manager of the Owensboro location,have joined the Erb team.

With more than 200 employees, ErbEquipment is one of the oldest suppliers ofJohn Deere Construction machinery. Duringthe past 65 years, Erb has grown to ninelocations serving more than 109 counties inEastern Missouri, Southern Illinois, WesternKentucky and Indiana.

Erb Equipment is an authorized dealer forJohn Deere, Bomag, Trail King, NPK ham-mers, Genesis attachments, Double D, andStihl.

For more information, visit www.erbe-quipment.com.

Erb Equipment Companies has acquired K & W Equipment Company locations in Evansville, Ind., and Owensboro, Ky. Picturedis the Owensboro store.

Erb Equipment’s headquarters is located on 200 Erb Industrial Drive in Fenton, Mo.

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Albert MedcalfOffice: (502) 456-4050Cell: (502) 592-6510

Martin McCutcheonOffice: (614) 824-9162

2006 HitachiZX160LC, S/N1F1Q-006331 with 1,210 hours;Isuzu Engine, A/C,Heat, 16'10"Boom; 10'2" Stick;Bucket$85,000

2000 KomatsuWA250-3, S/NA78003 with5,072 hours$70,000

2000 Volvo A40,S/N 60536 with8,639 hoursCall For Pricing

2006 Volvo BL70, S/N 10992 with2035 hours; VolvoEngine; ExtendedStick; Heat; A/C$65,000

2003 HitachiZX200LC

S/N ARH-310232with 4623 hours;

Bucket; AM/FMRadio; 9'7" Stick



EH1000S/N 77254 with

4378 hours;Heated Bed; 65

Ton Bed$525,000

1998 Volvo L330C

S/N 60414 with22788; Volvo

Eninge; A/C; BoomSuspension; Spade

Nose Bucket$115,000

2004 Volvo L110E S/N 60237 with

21603 Hours;Volvo Engine; A/C;

Heat; BoomSuspension; Solid

Tires; JVC CDPlayer


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1990 GroveRT528C,S/N 74355 with7838 hours,Cummins Engine;PAT Computerwith Anti TwoBlock; 28'-70'Boom; 23'-43' JIB$87,000

2004 Cat 140H S/N 00640 with5692 hours; Cat

Engine; Work Lights;Cab Fans; AM/FM

Stereo; 14'Moldboard; Air






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Jan. 20-22, 2010San Antonio, Texas

Pioneer Construction Recognized for Safety Performance Pioneer Construction, one of the largest

full-service general contracting, design-build, and construction management compa-nies in Michigan, has received the 2009Construction Safety Award of Excellencefrom the Western Michigan Chapter of theAssociated Builders & Contractors (ABC), aconstruction industry association.

“Assuring a safe work environment for allof our employees and business partners hasalways been a top priority at Pioneer. Ourpeople are our greatest asset. This recogni-tion is clearly a reflection of our team’sefforts to improving safety on every proj-ect,” said Tim Schowalter, president andCEO of Pioneer Construction. “Pioneer isproud to be recognized for this commitmentand will continue to implement safety-ori-ented programs and policies at all of ourwork sites.”

The ABC Construction Safety Award ofExcellence is the highest safety honor pre-sented by the organization. It recognizescompanies with exemplary safety perform-ance and programs, as well as companiesthat exhibit a continued commitment to jobsite safety by maintaining outstanding safetyprograms, policies and procedures. Membercompanies that receive the award mustdemonstrate to an ABC evaluation team that

safety for their employees is an on-goingeffort and concern.

“Western Michigan ABC is proud to con-gratulate Pioneer Construction for its suc-cess in maintaining a very high levelof construction workplace safety,”said John Doherty, president andCEO of the Western MichiganChapter of ABC. “Pioneer has trulydemonstrated its dedication to ensur-ing a safe environment for allemployees, and it is an honor to rec-ognize that achievement with our2009 Construction Safety Award ofExcellence.”

Pioneer also was recognized forthree projects that received ABC’sExcellence in Construction Awards,recognizing outstanding construc-tion projects from across the nation.

The company received anExcellence in Construction award inRenovation, which acknowledgesrenovation of existing buildings. TheFitzgerald renovation project trans-formed a former YMCA building, aclassic colonial revival building originallyconstructed in 1915, into luxury condos indowntown Grand Rapids, Mich.

For the Pre-Engineered Building catego-

ry, Pioneer won the Excellence inConstruction award for its work on theGrand Valley State University Laker TurfBuilding. This building was designed to pro-

vide more recreational opportunities to thecollege’s student population. The complexconsists of 138,000 gross sq. ft. including asix lane 300 m indoor track with nine sprint

lanes, multi-purpose rooms for various stu-dent activities, student locker/shower roomsand more. The entire building also is LEEDCertified.

The Excellence in Constructionaward for Structural Steel Erectionwas granted to Pioneer due to thework done on the Helen DeVosChildren’s Hospital located in GrandRapids, Mich. Today, the hospital is aregional referral center dedicated toimproving the health and lives ofchildren and families.

About Pioneer Construction Founded in 1933, Pioneer

Construction is one of the largest fullservice general contracting, design-build, and construction managementcompanies in Michigan offering afull range of construction services.Headquartered in Grand Rapids,Mich., Pioneer emphasizes the com-pany’s commitment to build on thevalues, quality, and service of the past

with the vision and innovation of a new gen-eration.

For more information, visit www.pioneer-inc.com.

“Our people are our greatestasset. This recognition isclearly a reflection of ourteam’s efforts to improvingsafety on every project.”

TTiimm SScchhoowwaalltteerrPioneer Construction

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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 19


WE’RE ON TOP OF IT!Whatever the carrier machine, and whatever the attachment, the friendly professionals atHydrauliCircuit Technology stand ready to deliver the hydraulic kit that you need. Our new state-of-the-art 35,000 square footinstallation, production, and research facility is designed toenhance our product and capa-bilities, and to enable us to carry on the reputation for excellence that we have cultivated during our twelve years of constant growth and improvement.

Digital automated tube bending,phase-pulsedautomatedwelding, and in-house powder-coating capabilities are just a few of

the quality and value of every kit we sell.

If you have ever installed a competitor’s hydraulic kit and thought...“somebody should do a better job with this!”,...then give us a call with your next kit requirement ,because....We do, and we’reready to prove it!

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Lexington, Ky. …Link-Belt Holds CraneFest 2009 toCelebrate Its 135th Anniversary

Link-Belt Construction Equipment Company heldCraneFest 2009 at its world headquarters in Lexington,Ky., the week of Sept. 28. The event marked Link-Belt’s

135th Anniversary, and its 35th year at its Lexington facility. Link-Belt played host to representatives from its distribu-

tion network from around the world who, in turn, broughtalong their clients for entertainment and education. On theday of arrival, guests traveled by bus to tour some ofLexington’s horse country and famous landmarks followedby dinner. The next morning Link-Belt President and CEOChuck Martz and Vice President of Sales and Marketing BillStramer spoke to the visitors about Link-Belt’s innovative,forward looking approach as a world leader in the crane

industry. The company continues to invest in the market-place as evidenced by construction on a major addition to itsmanufacturing facility providing a total of 682,000 sq. ft. ofspace.

As well as increased production, the company continuesto work on developing new and innovative products, imple-menting improved manufacturing methods and improvingmaterials for increased operating capabilities, efficiency and

Link-Belt Crane and the American flag welcome atten-dees to Link-Belt’s CraneFest ’09.

(L-R): Visiting from the Lone Star State are Holt Crane& Equipment’s Pat Farquharson, Basden Steel CEOBruce Basden and Holt Crane & Equipment GeneralManager Scott McDougle.

Link-Belt President and CEO Chuck Martz addressesan audience of dealers and contractors at CraneFest’09.

Father and son team, Bob (L) and Kurt Kalhagen ofIdeal Crane Rental Inc. in Milwaukee, admire a modelRTC 80130 rough-terrain crane.

see CRANEFEST page 39

November 18, 2009 – Meeting. The DelawareContractors Association (DCA) has scheduled aHuman Resources Management Committee Meetingin the DCA Boardroom in Newark, DE. For moreinformation, fax Nancy Handlin at 302-994-8185.

November 19-20, 2009 – Convention. The OhioAggregates & Industrial Minerals Association(OAIMA) is going to hold their Annual Meeting &Convention at the Columbus Easton Hotel inColumbus, Ohio. For more information, visit theirwebsite at www.oaima.org or call to make reserva-tions at 614-414-5000.

December 2-3, 2009 – Forum. The NationalUtility Contractors Association has scheduled theSafety Directors Forum (SDF) at the New York Hotel,Las Vegas, NV. For further information please contactthe NUCA at 703-358-9300.

December 10, 2009 – Legislative Breakfast. TheDelaware Contractors Association (DCA) will hold aLegislative Breakfast in the DCA Boardroom inNewark, DE. For further information, fax NancyHandlin at 302-994-8185.

December 14-15, 2009 – Winter Conference.Ohio Contractors’ Assoc. Winter ConferenceMidwest, Columbus, OH. For more information call800-229-1388 or 614-488-0724.

January 10-13, 2010 – EXPO ‘10. National UtilityContractors Association Utility Construction Expo,Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel, Orlando, FL. NUCAis located in Arlington, VA. Call 703-358-9300 forfurther information.

January 13-15, 2010 – EXPO ‘10. AG CONNECTExpo - Preview Day January 12, 2010 (by specialadmission), Orlando, FL. AG CONNECT Expo pro-vides a world-class international forum for agricul-ture industry professionals to share global agricul-tural ideas and management trends. For informationplease call 800-867-6060.

February 7-10, 2010 – SHOW. THE RENTALSHOW returns to Orlando, FL at the Orange CountyConvention Center. The show will be in the North-South building, which is where the 2006 Show washeld. Exhibitors and Rental Store Attendees can call800-334-2177.

February 27 to March 3, 2010 – InternationalHardware Fair. International Hardware Fair Cologne2010, Cologne, Germany. For more informationregarding this event contact Chris Beavers,Koelnmesse, Inc. at 773-326-9928.

March 17-20, 2010 – CONVENTION ‘10. Markyour calendar! AGC’s 91st Annual Convention will beheld at the Marriott Orlando World Center in Orlando,FL. More information will be posted as soon as it isavailable.


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RDO Equipment Co.Burnsville, MN

Matt Dull952-890-8880 • [email protected]

Randy Thorstad13725 Main Street • Rogers, MN 55374

Cell: (612) 840-3464 • Office: (763) 428-4107Fax: (763) 428-2700

email: [email protected]


Don’t be fooled by imitators. Thirty-plus years’ experience building the best hydrostatic dozers makes John Deerethe brand for you. Innovations, like Total Machine Control (TMC), allow operators to customize machine response and operation to their personal preferences. J-Series Dozers deliver unsurpassed productivity and uptime, along with the lowest possible daily operating costs.And that’s just for starters.

To learn all about John Deere J-SeriesDozers, give us a call.

Contact us soon.

Faster cycles. Higher productivity

Contact us soon.

Announcing less of a good thing.Need a smaller track loader with bigperformance? Meet the John DeereCT315. It's lightweight and agile, yet itpacks 45 turbocharged horses into itssmall frame to deliver best-in-classstability, breakout force, visibility, andwide-open service access. It's a snapto transport between jobsites, too.And, with numerous availableWorksite ProTM attachments, there'sseemingly no end to the work you'llget done. Stop in and see the bigpossibilities this small machine canbring to your business.

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Adjustable rubber cutting edge

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Visionaire’s Model 2900 Idealfor Off Highway Vehicle Cab

Visionaire Inc. of Grand Prairie,Texas, announced the Model 2900remote coolant heater for applicationswhere engine coolant is not readilyavailable to heat an off highway vehi-cle cab.

The compact model 2900 contains aWebasto coolant heater that uses dieselfuel to generate 8,600 to 17,000 btu/h(2.5 to 5 kW) of heat. The 2900 alsohouses the coolant reservoir, filters,pumps and plumbing necessary for aself contained heat source. An avail-able auxiliary fuel tank can be mount-ed beside the unit, reducing exposedplumbing.

Available alone or in combinationwith various Visionaire air handlers, the2900 reduces the number of redundant com-ponents inside compact cabs. In crane, boomtruck, and mining equipment cabs, designengineers often have to find space for bothan air conditioner and a diesel air heater. Twoseparate systems mean separate inlet andoutlet ductwork, blowers, and controls.Often placed under a seat pedestal or arm-rest, the heater becomes difficult to service

and is neglected. The 2900 allows cab designers the flexi-

bility to integrate heating, cooling and cabpressurization into a single in-cab systemkeeping combustion, fuel and noise outsidethe cab. The 2900’s steel enclosure allowsvarious mounting configurations and easyaccess for service.

For more information, call 972/647-1056or visit www.visionaire-inc.com.

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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 23

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HydrauliCircuit Technology Experiences Major GrowthIn 1996, David Perry, CEO of

HydrauliCircuit Technology(HCT) was busy assembling andselling hydraulic kits for attach-ments from his garage.

The company, which specializesin production of easy to installhydraulic kits to operate attach-ments or combination of attach-ments on excavators, loader back-hoes and wheel loaders, wasn’tthere for long, however, as growthcame quickly for the Jonesboro,Ga., company; the following yearPerry moved the operation out ofthe garage and into a 3,000 sq.-ft.-facility and hired staff members.

In 1998 he had to double hissquare footage required to buildhydraulic kits, and then again in1999. In 2009, he expanded yetagain.

This latest expansion puts HCTinto a facility that is almost triplethe size of the previous location —35,000 sq. ft. — and was purpose-ly designed by Perry and built forfurther expansion of his business.

“The previous facility was only13,500 sq. ft. and we were com-pletely full. To accommodate pro-duction, we had to rent additionalspace in adjacent buildings,” Perrysaid.

Situated on a 12.5 acre sitelocated on a street appropriatelynamed Fluid Drive, inMcDonough, Ga., the new site waschosen to provide the companywith plenty of space for expansionand loading and off-loadingmachines. The square footage isbroken down to 25,000 for shopspace and 10,000 for office.

The new facility provides morespace for design, assembly, ship-ping and storage of hydraulic kits.It also equates to providing HCT

with capabilities it did not havebefore, and is equipped with brandnew machinery, including digitalautomated tube bending equip-ment; semi automatic phased pulseMIG welding; and in-house pow-der coating ovens for components.A new sandblast booth and phos-phate steam degreaser will providecleaned and degreased compo-nents to work on or to powder coat.There are a total of five shop bays,four of which are dedicated baysfor in house hydraulic kit installa-tion and can accommodate virtual-ly any machine the company pro-vides work on.

“With more service bays we areable to accommodate moremachines than ever before. Weoffer local dealers such attractivelabor rates for installing the kitsthat they like to bring the machinesto us. Having a particular modelexcavator or backhoe in our shop is

the best way to obtainengineering informationfor producing hydraulickits on other likemachines. When amachine is in our shop,we’re not only installinga hydraulic kit, we’redoing a comprehensive study onthe machine’s hydraulic and elec-tronic system to develop the tech-nology and engineering for numer-ous kit designs on that model.,”said HCT president, Navin Baliga.

All kits are custom built tomatch the machine and attachmentspecifications.

In looking back at the progres-sion of his business, Perry said,“our original customer base wasend users back in the early days ofthe company. Business thenexpanded more to equipment deal-erships, which quickly became ourlargest customer base. Now, we are

the OEM kit supplier to manyattachment manufacturers. Mostrecently, we have begun to workwith the carrier machine OEM’s.So we’re seeing the OEM as thedirection for future businessexpansion. We think there will beopportunities with this new facilityfor the OEM’s to bring machineshere. Whereas before, thehydraulic kits were shipped outand installed in the field, we can doresearch and development here forthe OEMs.

“We already are working withcompanies such as Komatsu, JohnDeere, CNH Corp. Kobelco,

Doosan, Link-Belt, Volvo, IHI,Kubota and Takeuchi. Right now,we are working with a manufactur-er on engineering, design anddevelopment of wheel loaderhydraulic kits for utilizing roll outbuckets, hydraulic forks and differ-ent attachments where you need athird hydraulic function.”

Recently, HCT plumbed a brandnew John Deere 850D, 85-tonexcavator, at their facility inMcDonough which was transport-ed from the port of Savannah, Ga.

“Having a convenient locationjust off of Interstate 75, theJD850D was dropped off here forthe work and then was transportedon to the end user in Knoxville,Tenn. We anticipate more businessbeing conducted in the same wayin the future. Savannah is a majorentry point for excavators andother machines coming into theU.S. We make it very convenientto drop off a machine at our facili-ty to have the work done beforebeing transported to its final desti-nation,” Perry said.

“Looking back, it seems likethere has been a natural progres-sion of starting with end users, thento equipment dealers, then ontoattachment manufacturers, andnow to the manufacturers of thecarrier machines. It has been a lotof fun, and we are looking forwardto the next phase of growth for ourcompany,” Perry said.

For more information, call888/603-0080 or visit www.hctk-its.com.

(This story also can be foundon Construction EquipmentGuide’s Web site at www.con-structionequipmentguide.com.)CEG

The new 35,000 sq. ft. HydrauliCircuit Technology facilityis located near I-75 at 250 Fluid Drive in McDonough, Ga.

The shop area is twice the size of the entire previousfacility and is equipped with all the newest tooling thatallows for a wider array of services the company canoffer its customers.

(L-R): Getting a jump on the day’s planning in theirnew conference room are key HCT staff members,including Bobby Hudson, national sales manager;Navin Baliga, president; David Perry, CEO; and MikeDavis, sales manager.

With move in com-plete, it’s back tofull production(but on brand newmachines) as DanFields, specialprojects manager,works with thesemi automatictube bendingmachine and BrianMcCormick (inbackground), pro-duction manager,is loading bracketsand tubes in thepowder coatingoven.

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WHEEL LOADERS 2005 JD 444J, AC, 3307 hrs, QC w/2.5 yd bkt, 20.5x25’s, Sharp! ............$65,9002002 Volvo L90D, 7396 hrs, AC, 3.5 yd bkt, RC, 20.5R25, 80%, Sharp! ..$66,9002004 Komatsu WA250PT-5L, AC, QC, 4233 hrs, 3rd valve, 3 yd..............$63,9002004 Komatsu WA250PT-5L, AC, QC, 6316 hrs, 3rd valve, 3 yd..............$61,9002007 JD 544J, AC, 10,175 Light Duty Hrs, new tires & paint, Nice! ..........$62,9002002 Volvo L70D, cab, AC, heat, QC, 3 yd bkt, 58” forks, Nice! ................$57,5001997 Kawasaki 70Z IV, C/H, 7700 hrs, 3.5 yd, new paint, 95% L5 tires ....$44,9002005 Cat 906, A/C, 2031 hrs, QC bkt & forks, new paint, Nice!..................$41,5001994 Case 621B, C/H, 8712 hrs, 2.5 yd. bkt, New Paint & tires ................$39,9002006 Case 621D, Cab, A/C, JRB QC, 6933 hrs, new paint, new tires ....COMING!1998 JD 444H, cab, AC/heat, 12,218 hrs, QC w/2.5 yd bkt, Sharp! ..........$39,950(2) 1978 JD 544B, C/H, 2 yd. bkt., 3976 & 11,000 hrs, Very Clean! ..........$17,950

LOADER BACKHOES & SKIP LOADERS2007 CASE 570M XT, 297 hrs, AC, 4WD, Ride CTL, Turbo, 3 pt, bld ........$46,9002005 JCB 214, C/H, 4x4, E-Hoe, Pilot Ctls, 919 hrs, 36” bkt., 3rd valve & Q/C tofront bucket, (4/1 bkt avail), 50% tires, Like New Condition ........................$42,9002005 Case 580SM II, cab, heat, 4x4, Ext. hoe, 4-in-1 bkt, 3272 hrs, Clean! ....Call2005 Case 590SM II, cab, heat, std hoe, 4x4, 2888 hrs, X Sharp! ............$42,900

EXCAVATORS2000 Cat 325BL, AC, 5,119 hrs, aux hyd, sharp, local one owner ............$68,9002003 Cat 315CL, C/AC/H, 5021 hrs, 48” Bkt, V. Sharp & Tight! ................$58,9001996 Cat 320BL, C/AC/H, 8100 hrs, QC w/48” Bkt, 24” bkt avail ..............$51,9002003 Cat 311 CU, AC, 1894 hrs, zero turn, 34” bkt, Tight, Nice! ..............$45,9002003 Komatsu PC120-6E0, C/AC/H, 2380 hrs, plumbed, V Sharp! ..........$48,9001996 JD 590D, 6738 Hrs, Exc. U/C, 8'6" wide, Q/C w/36” bkt. Sharp! ......$31,5002001 Komatsu PC78US-5, A/C, 3738 hrs, rubber pads, new paint............$28,5002000 Bobcat 334 Mini, 928 hrs, Exc. Rubber Tires, Tight & Sharp! ..........$15,900

CRAWLER DOZER/LOADER2006 JD 650J, A/C, 6-way, 2700 hrs, Exc. U/C, Clean! ..........................COMING!2004 JD 755C, CRL. LDR., AC, only 1631 Hrs, one owner, new uc ..........$84,9002000 JD 450H LT, cab, AC, 6 way, 2275 hrs, 75% UC, Very Sharp! ..........$39,9502000 JD 450H LGP, 3990 hrs, new UC, new poly paint..............................$35,9002000 Cat D3C XL, hystat, cab, heat, new Cat UC, 4110 hrs, Nice! ............$31,5001999 Komatsu D39E, 2545 hrs, 6 way, 85% uc, new paint, V. Good! ......$28,9001995 JD 550G IV, 6 way, 2703 hrs, 2 owners, Very Nice............................$26,9001991 Cat D4H, 5203 hrs, new Cat UC, 6-way, Very Sharp, 1 Owner! ........$32,9001979 JD750, cab, heat, str. blade w/tilt, low hours, 80% uc, Clean! ..........$23,9101991 JD550G, 6 way, 85% UC, new poly paint, Tight & Nice! ....................$23,9001997 Cat D4C, 6 way, 3652 hrs, 60% UC, Very Clean! ..............................$22,5001986 Case 450C, 6 way, 4674 hr, recent new UC and Paint, Exc! ............$17,500

SKID STEERS & FORKLIFTS2004 Case 40XT, cab, heat, 925 hrs, aux hyd, 65% tires, Sharp! ..............$15,9002004 JD 250, cab, AC, 1239 Hrs, 50% 12x16.5 tires w/steel tracks ..........$14,9502004 Cat 257B, track skid steer, 1870 hrs, excellent UC Sharp! ................$16,4952005 JCB 506C, 1250 hrs, 6000 lb, 36’ reach ht, 90% tires, like New ......$28,9002005 Sky Trak 6042, 1700 hrs, 4WD, 42’ reach, 70% tires, tight, Nice......$29,7502000 Sky Trak 8042, 8000 lb, 42’ reach, 4675 hrs, 80% tires, Exc! ..........$25,9002000 JCB 506C, 6000 lb, 42’ reach, 3500 hr, good tires, Exc Cond!..........$19,5001998 JCB 930, 4x4, 6000 lb, 21’ strt mast w/side shift, Very Nice! ............$18,950

BOOM/MAN LIFT1999 JLG 450A, Genie Z45/25J, 50' art. boom, dual fuel, Both Nice ........$17,9001999 JLG 600S, 60' straight boom, 3800 hrs, dual fuel, Nice!....................$19,950

COMPACTION2004 IR SD45D, 54" smooth drum, only 490 hrs ........................................$27,900


2002 Volvo L190D

Cab, Heat, A/C, 7396 hours, Volvo QC w/ 3.5 yd. bucket, ride control,20.5R25 tires @ 80%, exceptionally sharp, all original, lower hour loader,very tight, forks available ........................................................$66,900

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Jct. Hwy 151 & 26 N.E. of Waupun, WI

Contact Ted Rose or Tim Luby636-343-9970www.lubyequipment.com

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AR: Fort Smith

RENTAL REDUCTIONS*Buckets Sold Separately*





2006 CASE 550H LGPDOZER - ROPS, 110”-B, PAT,26”-GR, R-SCREEN, GREATCONDITION, 590=H, ST.LOUIS, MO (42623R)$49,000




CAB,AC, 43K, 100"-3.5-CU/YD,



MO (39648R) ..........$125,000

2005 CASE 1850K (SERIESII) - CAB,AC, SEMI-U, 134"





(39119R) ................$120,000



79.366LB PAYLOAD, 456HP,




HRS, ST. LOUIS, MO (42906R)





99HP, 35,970LBS OF C-


BACK UP-A, 14.9X24, GOOD


ST. LOUIS, MO (36254R) ........



2005 TEREX TH636C TELE-HANDLER - ROPS, 6,000LB-CAP, 4X4, 4WS, 48" FORKS,DEERE TURBO, 99HP, 48"CAR, 36' MAX-L, 21' MAX-R,13X24/FOAM, GOOD CON-DITION, 4420 HRS, CAPEGIRARDEAU, MO (40173R) ....................................$16,500

2005 TEREX TH844C -ROPS, 8000 LB, 4X4, 4WS, 48”FORKS, DEERE TURBO, 99HP,72”-CAR, 13X24/FOAM,22,930 LBS, GOOD CONDI-TION, 4545 HOURS, HEBERSPRINGS,AR (38623R) ..........................................$19,500


1998 NEW HOLLAND 2120AGG LOADER - ROPS, 4x4, REG-HOE, 3-POINT HITCH / PTO, 60"-LOADER, Q-ATTACH, 24"-&-24"-BH BUCKETS, 1060-H, GREATCONDITION, SPRINGFIELD, IL(45274) ..........................$19,200

2001 CASE 580 SUPER M L/BH- CAB,A/C, 4X4, X-HOE, RIDE-C,TWO LEVER, BUCKET-CPL, F-PADS,TIRES / GOOD, 24”TOOTH, GOOD CONDITION,5605 HRS, ST. LOUIS, MO (45576)......................................$43,400



2003 CASE 90XT - ROPS, FOOT-T, 33X15.5-16.5 HIPPO’S, BUCK-ET COUPL, BU-ALARM, 85HP,8950 LBS, GOOD CONDITION,2760 HOURS, ST. LOUIS, MO(47274) ..........................$14,500

1994 BOBCAT 753 LOADER -ROPS, FOOT--C, 43.5HP, 10X16.5-GREAT, 60” TOOTH, 4740 LBS,GREAT CONDITION, 1660-H,CASEYVILLE, IL (47687) ..$8,300

2005 CASE 450 LOADER -ROPS,TIER-II, 88HP, FOOT-T,RIDE-C, 12X16.5/ GOOD, BUCK-ET COUPLER, 82"-TOOTH,W/BOE, GOOD CONDITION, 595HOURS, QUINCEY, IL (46653) ............................................$26,500

2005 CASE 450 LOADER -ROPS,TIER II, 88 HP, FOOT-T,COLD START, 8,830LBS, 73"-TOOTH, GOOD CONDITION,560 HRS, QUINCY, IL (47523) ............................................$23,600

1996 CASE 1840 LOADER -ROPS, HAND-T, 10X16.5/GOOD,63"-TOOTH, 54 HP, 5560 LBS,GOOD CONDITION, 1890 HRS,ST. LOUIS, MO (47206) ..$11,100


1995 RAYCO RG1625 STUMPGRINDER - TRAILER,GOODTEETH,GAS,ANTI CREEP,205-H,GOOD COND., ST.LOUIS,MO(45249)................................$7,000




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HH Fabrication and Repair19150 Co. Road 20 • Winsted, MN 55395 • 320-485-2341 • Fax: 320-485-2165 • www.hhfab.com • EMail: [email protected]

















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KKoommaattssuu DD3311PP,, low time 6 way ................................$$1155,,000000

CCaatt DD55BB,, low time tilt ................................................$$2233,,000000

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IInnggeerrssoollll RRaanndd SSDD110000DD Shell kit ................................$$3388,,000000

CCaatt DD44EE Tilt power shift ROPS....................................$$1166,,000000

KKoobbeellccoo SSKK220000LLCC Low Time ......................................$$3399,,000000

CCaatt 333300BBLL,, One owner ............................................$$6622,,000000

LLiinnkk BBeelltt 33440000QQ aanndd SShheeaarr ......................................$$9977,,550000

LLiinnkk BBeelltt 44330000QQ aannddSShheeaarr ................$$9977,,550000

CCaassee 442266BB,, 4x4 ext hoe ..........................$$2255,,000000

CCaatt 333300CCLL,, One owner ............................$$7766,,000000

CCaassee 885500KKLLGGPP,, 6 waylow time ............$$4433,,000000

CCaatt DD55 WWiinncchh,, 5 waywith tilt ..............$$1144,,550000

CCaassee 445500CCTT,, 700 hrssince new ..........$$2244,,000000

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DOZER'06 Komatsu D37EX-21A, w/EROPS, 6-Way Blade, 600 Hrs,BT8012................................$75,000 NEW SALE PRICE $50,200

EXCAVATORS'94 Komatsu PC200LC-6, w/Cab, 48" Bkt, Thumb, BT9701......................................................................................................$23,000'08 Komatsu PC160LC-7, w/Cab, AC, Hyd Thumb, Low Hrs,BT9402..............................................................................$116,000'04 Komatsu PC228USLC3, w/Cab, BT8N04 ..................$63,000'07 Komatsu PC138USLC-8, w/Cab, AC, Aux. Plumbing, BT9405............................................................................................$84,000‘06 Kobelco SK135SRLC, w/Cab, Offset Boom, BT8N03 ........................................................................................................$71,000TRUCKS'05 Komatsu HM400-1 w/ 6000 hrs 40 ton artic truck, BT8814 ..............................................................................................$210,000WHEEL LOADERS'04 Komatsu WA320-5 w/Cab, GP bkt, BT9806 ..............$51,500

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Page 29: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section

National Demolition Association, CSDAForm AllianceThe National Demolition

Association (NDA) and the ConcreteSawing & Drilling Association(CSDA) announced a reciprocal asso-ciation agreement that will promote theexchange of information between thegroups to enhance the safety and pro-fessionalism of their industries.

“Because our industries often workclosely together, we think a reciprocalalliance will benefit both groups,” saidMichael R. Taylor, executive directorof the National DemolitionAssociation.

“We think it’s natural to encourage acloser working relationship betweenour associations to foster a spirit ofcooperation,” added Patrick O’Brien,executive director of the Concrete Sawing& Drilling Association.

The Concrete Sawing & Drilling

Association is an international organizationof more than 550 contractor, manufacturer,distributor and affiliated member compa-

nies from the concrete and renovationindustry. Its mission is to promote saw-ing and drilling contractors and theirmethods, as well to provide a forum formembers to share their ideas, needs,and concerns in a constructive frame-work to further enhance concrete saw-ing and drilling technologies.

The National DemolitionAssociation is a global trade organiza-tion representing the demolition indus-try. At present, the association countsamong its members more than 1,100companies in the United States andCanada, as well as many companiesfrom around the world. Membershipincludes not only demolition contrac-tors, but also general contractors, civil

engineering firms, and recycling, landfilland salvage operations. The association’sefforts help members stay abreast of envi-

ronmental, regulatory and safety matters,keep regulators informed about issues fac-ing the industry, increase public and indus-try awareness, and provide members withnetworking opportunities and informationon the latest technical advances in equip-ment and services.

CSDAhas been fostering a spirit of coop-eration with other associations since 1993when it was instrumental in creating theInternational Association of ConcreteDrillers and Sawers. IACDS is an umbrellaorganization of sawing and drilling associa-tions from Australia, Austria, Germany,Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden,Switzerland, United Kingdom and theUnited States. Other reciprocal members ofCSDA include organizations like ASCC,CSDMA, FICAP, SMI and TRMCA.

For more information, visit www.demolitionassociation.com.

Patrick O’Brien (L), executive director of theCSDA, presents a plaque to Raymond Passeno,the new president of NDA, to commemorate thenew reciprocal alliance between the two organi-zations.

Major Wire Celebrates 125-Year Anniversary With Seminars Montreal-based Major Wire Industries

Ltd. is holding educational customer screen-ing seminars across North America to cele-brate its 125th anniversary as a manufactur-er and supplier of screen media. Major Wireand its authorized dealer network are jointlyconducting free “Screen MaintenanceSimplified” seminars to help producers andcontractors run their screening operationsmore efficiently and save on maintenancecosts. As of May 1, 2009, more than 35 sem-inars had taken place involving more than700 producer personnel from both large andsmall quarries and sand and gravel opera-tions.

Founded in 1884, Major Wire is still anindependently owned company that pro-vides screen media solutions for aggregate,recycle, mining, asphalt, coal and greenwaste producers and contractors throughoutNorth America, Latin America, Europe,Australia and Asia.

“Major Wire has been very fortunate overthe past 125 years to have great customersworldwide that value our high-performancescreen media solutions,” said Jean Leblond,president/CEO and owner of Major Wire

Industries Ltd. and Major Wire ScreenMedia Ltd. based near Seattle, Wash.“Our customers take advantage of ourextensive expertise to help them bemore productive and appreciate ourstrong customer service involvingboth a highly skilled and authorizedlocal distributor network, as well as adedicated internal sales supportgroup.”

Since Jean Leblond purchasedMajor Wire in 1990, the company hasgrown from a mostly regional compa-ny to an international industry leader. Withmanufacturing and cut and hook facilitiesacross North America and worldwide, MajorWire has the resources to provide customerswith short lead times and a product with ahigh return on investment, according to thecompany.

Major Wire’s most recent innovationsinclude Flex-Mat 3 for traditional and flat-deck screens and OptimumWire woven wirescreen media. The company’s most popularinnovation, Flex-Mat technology, was firstpioneered in 1996 to provide the industrywith a significant advancement in screening

performance: a non-woven, self-cleaningscreen media that significantly increasesmaterial production while greatly reducingor eliminating blinding, pegging or clogging.This technology has increased screeningefficiency in more than 15,000 operationsworldwide. Its independently vibratingwires, bonded in place with lime greenpolyurethane strips, better separate materialand increase throughput on screen boxes ofall types. Recently, Major Wire also innovat-ed a Flex-Mat solution for flat-deckpolyurethane and rubber screens. It com-bines the efficiency and performance of

Flex-Mat technology with the easyinstallation of polyurethane andrubber panels to eliminate screen-ing problems on flat-surface screendecks, according to the company.

An alternative to traditionalwoven wire, OptimumWire high-performance woven wire screenmedia has proven characteristics ofhigh strength and resistance toabrasion. It provides up to 40 per-cent longer wear life against harddrawn high-carbon wire of the

same diameter. Founded in 1884, Major Wire Industries

Limited designs, manufactures and marketsscreening solutions, including Flex-Mat 3High-Performance, Self-Cleaning ScreenMedia for traditional and flat-deck screens;OptimumWire woven tempered and stain-less steel wire cloth; and polyurethane pan-els for the quarry, mining, recycling, roadbuilding, green waste, top soil and industrialmarkets. Major Wire is ISO 9001:2008 reg-istered.

For more information, call 450/659-7681or visit www.majorwire.cc.

Major Wire Industries is holding educational cus-tomer screening seminars across North America to cel-ebrate its 125th anniversary.

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Powerscreen has launched the newWarrior 800 as part of its new product devel-opment program. The Warrior 800 is the lat-est addition to the Powerscreen range ofheavy duty screening machines, whichincludes the Warrior 1400 and Warrior 1800.Later in 2009, the range will be comple-mented further by the biggest Warrior yet,the Warrior 2400.

“The launch of the Warrior 800 underlinesour commitment to continuous productdevelopment and innovation, even in thesemore challenging market conditions,” saidPat Brian, Powerscreen global director ofsales. “We will continue to invest heavily inour products so our customers have access tothe very best equipment.”

The new Warrior 800 has been designedwith the customer in mind. The machine is amulti-purpose heavy duty incline 2-deckscreen, capable of stockpiling, 3-way split-ting or scalping before and after crushingunits. The screenbox willaccept a wide variety of screenmedia making it a versatilemachine, suitable for a varietyof applications including top-soil, recycling, C&D waste,sand, gravel and aggregates.The Warrior 800 has beendesigned to accept materialfeed size up to 16 in. (40 cm)and handle up to 330 ton (300 t)per hour capacity, dependingupon the application.

Machine features include alow profile feed hopper withrear door for direct feedingfrom Powerscreen PegsonXH250 and PowerscreenPegson Metrotrak machines

without benching. A new 2-deck screen boxmeasuring 9 by 4 ft. (2.77 by 1.22 m),impressive conveyor discharge heights and afolding tail conveyor with integral slide outfacility aids screen media changes.

Set-up time and ease of operation areaided by hydraulic folding tail and side con-veyors, rigid feed hopper sides and twospeed tracks. A new simple to use electricalcontrol system allows operators to monitorand diagnose the machine on site via anLCD display without specialist tools.

The machine will be available in eithertracked or wheeled mobile configurations,with both configurations offering a compacttransport footprint with a width of 8.2 ft. (2.5m).

The Warrior 800 was previewed atNordBau 2009, and will be exhibited atBAUMA 2010.

For more information, visit www.powerscreen.com.

Powerscreen Warrior 800 Accepts Variety of Screen Media

The Warrior 800 is the latest addition to the Powerscreen range of heavy dutyscreening machines.

The Warrior 800 has been designed to accept material feed size up to 16 in. (40 cm)and handle up to 330 ton (300 t) per hour capacity, depending upon the applica-tion.

The new Warrior 800 is a multi-purpose heavy duty incline 2-deck screen, capableof stockpiling, 3-way splitting or scalping before and after crushing units.

Machine features include a low profile feed hopper with rear door for direct feed-ing from Powerscreen Pegson XH250 and Powerscreen Pegson Metrotrakmachines without benching.

The machine will be available in either tracked orwheeled mobile configurations, with both configu-rations offering a compact transport footprint witha width of 8.2 ft. (2.5 m).

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Whether moving mountains or processing recycled materials, TerexPowerscreen offers the right machine for the job. Designed for standalone operation or in a complete crushing and screening set-up.


INDIANAPowerscreen of Indiana, Inc.

309 W. Stocker StreetAngola, IN 46703

(260) 665-5816www.powerscreenindiana.com



5470 Quam Ave. NESt. Michael, MN 55376

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P.O. Box 219Westerville, OH 43086

(614) 309-6854www.aggcorp.net


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2009 Tub Grinder

These Grinders Mean Business

3010T Tub Grinder with Track System

Power up your productivity with the impressive fleet of grinders from DuraTech. All DuraTech grinders feature enclosedengine compartments with self-cleaning rotary screens on the air intake and HPTO microprocessor-controlled clutches.They are equipped with CAT diesel engines ranging from 325hp to 950hp. DuraTech takes on heavy-duty jobs with thehighest level of efficiency.

SwanstonEquipment Co.

3450 West MainFargo, ND 58103


Screen Machine IndustriesInc., a manufacturer of portablecrushing and screeningmachinery, has introduced itslatest offering in tracked,portable crushing plants. TheJXT jaw crusher includes fea-tures such as a UniversalEngineering jaw crusher,Caterpillar C-9 Tier III dieselengine and fully remote con-trolled movement/operation.

The JXT jaw crusher is atrack mounted plant featuringremote controlled blockageclearance and automatic trampiron relief capabilities.Operated by wireless remotecontrols, the JXT can processhard and difficult materials,greatly reducing the typicalrisk of stoppages, damages andhigh maintenance associatedwith most other jaw crushers,according to the manufacturer.

For more information, call800/837-3344 or visitwww.screenmachine.com.

JXT Jaw Crusher Processes Hard, Difficult Materials

The JXT jaw crusher includes a Universal Engineering jaw crusher, Caterpillar C-9 Tier III diesel engine and fully remote controlled move-ment/operation.

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Mobile Crushing and Screening in Action

The unification of the Extec and Fintec brands within the Sandvik group of companies has created the world’s most comprehensive and dynamic line-up of mobile crushing and screening equipment. The Sandvik Mobile Screening and Crushing range now delivers all the familiar characteristics of productivity, versatility and exceptionally low running costs, but they are now combined with levels of durability and aftersales support that are synonymous with the Sandvik name. New name, improved service, same great product.

SANDVIK MOBILE CRUSHERS AND SCREENS 300 TECHNOLOGY CT, SMYRNA GA 30082 USA T: +01 (0) 404 589 3820 F: +01 (0) 404 589 3920 [email protected] www.miningandconstruction.sandvik.com

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Screening Buckets & Amphibious Excavators

Big Float Amphibious Excavators����������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����� ������ �����������������

REMU Screening BucketsEven more productive than big trommels!

���������������� ������� ����������� ���������������� ������� ��� ��������������������!�������� �����

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GGeett tthhee llaatteesstt nneewwss oonnlliinnee..VViissiitt CCEEGG’’ss WWeebb SSiittee aatt


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22000077 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK--335500LLCC88 EROPS, A/C, Plumbed, 700 Hrs ..................................................................................................PP..OO..RR..22000066 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK--229900LLCC A/C, Very Good Condition, 2,700 Hrs......................................................................................$$110055,,000000

22000088 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK--226600LLCC88 60ft Long Reach ..............FFOORR RREENNTT22000077 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK--226600LLCC88 A/C, Plumbed, NEW................PP..OO..RR..22000066 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK--225500LLCC 60ft. Long Reach, 2,000 Hrs$$114455,,00000022000055 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK--225500LLCC A/C, Plumbed, Very Good Cond. ..............................................................................................$$8855,,000000

((44)) 22000088 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK--221100LLCC88 Cab, A/C, Aux Hyd, NEW ........................................................................................FFrroomm $$112255,,00000022000066 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK--221100LLCC A/C, Hyd. Thumb, 2,500 Hrs ..$$8855,,00000022000077 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK--117700 LLCC88 Cab, A/C, NEW ......................PP..OO..RR..22000077 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK--116600LLCC 42" Bucket, A/C ......................$$9999,,00000022000055 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK--116600LLCC A/C, QC, Hyd. Thumb, 1,600 Hrs ..............................................................................................$$6655,,000000

22000011 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK--116600LLCC A/C, Manual Thumb, One Owner ..............................................................................................$$4433,,000000

22000099 KKoobbeellccoo EEDD119955 BBllaaddee RRuunnnneerr,, A/C, Plumbed, NEWPP..OO..RR..22000088 KKoobbeellccoo EEDD115500 BBllaaddee RRuunnnneerr,, A/C, NEW ..............PP..OO..RR..22000077 KKoobbeellccoo EEDD115500 BBllaaddee RRuunnnneerr,, A/C, NEW ..............PP..OO..RR..((33)) 22000077 KKoobbeellccoo 113355SSRR LLCC A/C, plumbed, wide pads, shortradius, NEW ......................................................................PP..OO..RR..22000099 GGrraaddaallll XXLL44110000,, 6x4, A/C, NEW ........................$$335500,,00000022000066 JJDD 118800CCWW Wheel Exc, QC, Ditch Bkt, 1,300 Hrs ..$$8899,,00000022000044 JJDD 116600CC LLCC A/C, plumbed, excellent cond, 1,400 Hrs..............................................................................................$$7755,,000000

22000066 CCaatt 333300DDLL A/C, QC, 1,600 Hrs ............................$$119900,,00000022000033 CCaatt 332200CCLL,, Aux. Hyd., One Owner, 5300 Hrs........$$6633,,00000022000000 CCaatt 331188BBLL,, A/C, Good Condition, 4030 Hrs ..........$$5511,,00000022000077 KKoommaattssuu PPCC222200LLCC--88,, A/C, 48" Bkt, 1,100 Hrs....$$110055,,000000

22000088 NNHH BB111100 EROPS, 4WD, E-Hoe, A/C ........................PP..OO..RR..22000088 NNHH BB9955 A/C, Aux Hyd, Pilot Controls, RC, NEW ......PP..OO..RR..22000077 NNHH BB9955 EROPS, A/C, 4WD, E-Hoe, Pilot Con., 168 Hrs ..........................................................................................$$5555,,000000

22000055 JJDD 331100GG EROPS, 4WD, Standard Hoe ..................$$3388,,55000022000044 JJDD 331100GG EROPS, 4WD, Standard Hoe ..................$$3388,,55000022000011 CCaatt 441166CCIITT,, EROPS, 4WD, E-Hoe ........................$$2299,,000000FFUULLLL LLIINNEE OOFF NNEEWW HHOOLLLLAANNDD LLOOAADDEERR BBAACCKKHHOOEESS AAVVAAIILLAABBLLEE

22000088 KKoobbeellccoo 8800 CCSS EROPS, A/C, New ........................$$7755,,00000022000077 KKoobbeellccoo SSKK 7700 SSRR Steel or Rubber, EROPS, A/C, 300 Hrs......................................................................................$$6655,,000000

22000077 KKoobbeellccoo 5500SSRR--33 EROPS, A/C, Aux Hyd, Rubber Tracks,NEW ..................................................................................PP..OO..RR..22000077 KKoobbeellccoo 3355SSRR33 (1) OROPS, (1) EROPS, NEW ........PP..OO..RR..22000088 KKoobbeellccoo 1177SSRR OROPS, Expandable Tracks, NEW....PP..OO..RR..22000033 BBoobbccaatt 332255DD OROPS, Rubber Tracks, 1900 Hrs ..$$1155,,000000HHiittaacchhii ZZXX7700 EROPS, Steel Tracks ................................$$3355,,000000

22000066 CCaatt DD88TT EROPS, A/C, New Cat UC, 4 bbl Ripper $$444400,,00000022000066 CCaatt DD88TT EROPS, A/C, SU Blade, 2,700 Hrs ........$$442200,,00000022000077 CCaatt DD66KK XXLL EROPS, A/C, 6-Way, 900 Hrs ..........$$114400,,000000((22)) 22000044 CCaatt DD66RR LLGGPP EROPS, A/C, Str. Blade, One Owner......................................................................................$$110055,,000000 eeaa..

22000011 CCaatt DD66RR XXLL,, EROPS, A/C, S/U Blade ....................$$9955,,00000022000077 CCaatt DD66RR XXWWIIIIII,, EROPS, A/C, 2500 Hrs ..............$$118855,,00000022000033 CCaatt DD66RR XXWW,, EROPS, A/C, 6-Way, Sweeps, New U/C............................................................................................$$112255,,000000

22000011 CCaatt DD66MM LLGGPP,, EROPS, A/C, 6-Way ......................$$6677,,55000011999955 CCaatt DD66HH XXLL,, EROPS, A/C, S/U Blade ....................$$7722,,00000022000077 CCaatt DD66NN LLGGPP,, EROPS, A/C, 6-Way, 2,900 Hrs ....$$113377,,00000022000044 CCaatt DD55NN XXLL OROPS, 6-Way blade, exc. Condition, 1,700Hrs..................................................................................$$9933,,000000((22)) 22000033 CCaatt 997733CC EROPS, A/C, GP Bucket ............$$9955,,000000 eeaa..22000066 CCaatt 996633CC EROPS, A/C, GP Bucket, 2,900 Hrs ....$$115555,,00000022000044 CCaatt 996633CC EROPS, A/C, GP Bucket, 4,200 Hrs ....$$112277,,00000022000022 CCaatt 996633CC EROPS, A/C, GP Bucket, 8,400 Hrs ......$$7799,,00000011999955 CCaatt 996633BB EROPS, GP Bucket, good cond, 7,296 Hrs ..............................................................................................$$4455,,000000

22000066 CCaatt MMTT886655BB,, Excellent Condition, 2700 Hrs ......$$116655,,00000022000055 JJDD 775500JJ LLGGPP EROPS, A/C, 6-Way Blade, 2,100 Hrs ..............................................................................................$$110077,,000000

22000055 JJDD 770000JJ XXLLTT,, EROPS, A/C, 6-Way Blade ..............$$7799,,00000022000055 JJDD 770000HH LLGGPP EROPS, A/C, 6-Way Blade, 3,500 Hrs ................................................................................................$$7799,,000000

22000066 JJDD 665500JJ XXLLTT EROPS, A/C, Laser System, 650 Hrs ................................................................................................$$111100,,000000

22000066 CCaatt 995500HH EROPS, A/C, 1,700 Hrs ......................$$115599,,00000022000033 CCaatt 995500GG EROPS, A/C, RC, 4,500 Hrs ..................$$9999,,00000022000066 CCaatt 993388GG EROPS, A/C, RC, 1,000 Hrs ..................$$9999,,00000022000066 CCaatt 993388GG EROPS, A/C, RC, 2,000 Hrs ..................$$8877,,550000 22000066 CCaatt 993300GG EROPS, A/C, QC, 2,800 Hrs ..................$$8855,,000000((22)) 22000066 CCaatt 992288GGZZ EROPS, A/C, QC, LOW Hrs......$$8822,,550000 eeaa..22000011 CCaatt 990022 EROPS, QC, 2,200 Hrs ............................$$3377,,55000022000011 VVoollvvoo LL222200EE EROPS, A/C, 7yd Bkt, Radio, RC, 12,971 Hrs....................................................................................$$113300,,000000

11999988 VVoollvvoo LL118800CC EROPS, A/C, RC, 17,000 Hrs ..........$$6677,,00000022000077 NNHH WW119900 EROPS, A/C, 4.25 yd GP Bkt, 900 Hrs $$114455,,00000022000066 JJDD 664444JJ,, EROPS, A/C, RC ....................................$$8822,,00000022000055 JJDD 554444JJ,, EROPS, A/C, QC, 1,800 Hrs ..................$$8877,,00000011998899 JJDD 444444EE,, EROPS, GP Bkt ......................................$$2211,,55000022000033 KKoommaattssuu WWAA118800--33RRTT,, EROPS, GP Bkt, 4,813 Hrs$$5577,,55000022000055 HHyyuunnddaaii HHLL774400--77,, EROPS, A/C, 2,100 Hrs ..........$$5555,,00000011997755 CCaassee WW2200,, EROPS, GP Bkt ..................................$$1122,,000000MMiicchhiiggaann 117755BB,, OROPS, GP Bkt......................................$$77,,550000

22000077 IIRR SSDD112222FF 84" Padfoot w/Blade............................$$9955,,00000022000033 IIRR SSDD110000FF 84" Padfoot, 609 Hrs ..........................$$7755,,00000022000055 IIRR SSDD110000DD--TTFF 84" Smooth Drum, 500 Hrs ..........$$7755,,00000022000066 IIRR SSDD7777DDXX 66" Smooth Drum, 500 Hrs................$$5599,,00000022000033 IIRR SSDD7777FF 66" Padfoot w/Blade..............................$$4422,,00000022000044 IIRR SSDD7700DD,, 66” Smooth Drum, 830 Hrs ................$$4499,,55000022000055 IIRR SSDD7700DD OROPS, 66" Smooth Drum, 787 Hrs ....$$5555,,000000

22000033 IIRR SSDD7700DD OROPS, 66" Smooth Drum, 1,300 Hrs $$3388,,00000011999999 IIRR SSDD7700FF OROPS, 66" Padfoot, 2,500 Hrs............$$4400,,00000022000044 BBoommaagg BBWW117777AADD 66" Smooth Drum w/Shell Kit, OROPS,1,300 Hrs........................................................................$$4455,,00000022000044 BBoommaagg BBWW117777PPDDHH OROPS, 66" Padfoot, 1,400 Hrs ..............................................................................................$$4488,,000000

IInnggeerrssoollll RRaanndd DDDD1122 32" Double Drum Roller, 321 Hrs $$1133,,000000((22)) 22000022 VViibbrroommaaxx 660055DD OROPS, 66" Padfoot, 1,800 Hrs................................................................................................$$3377,,000000

22000077 DDyynnaappaacc CCAA115500DD 66" Smooth Drum, 30 Hrs........$$5599,,000000

((1100)) 0066--0099 SSkkyyTTrraakk 1100005544,, EROPS, 10,000#, 54Ft. Tilt Carriage..........................................................................SSttaarrtt aatt $$7711,,000000((1122)) 0066--0099 SSkkyyTTrraakk 88004422,, EROPS, 8000#, 42Ft, Tilt Carriage ..............................................................................SSttaarrtt aatt $$4499,,000000((99)) 0055--0099 SSkkyyTTrraakk 66004422,, EROPS/OROPS, 6000#, 42Ft, Tilt Car..........................................................................SSttaarrtt aatt $$3311,,00000022000077 SSkkyyTTrraakk 66003366,, EROPS w/Heat, 6000#, 36Ft, Tilt Car, 700Hrs ................................................................................$$5522,,00000022000055 SSkkyyTTrraakk 66003366,, OROPS, 6000#, 36Ft, 1900 Hrs....$$3311,,00000022000044 SSkkyyTTrraakk 66003366,, OROPS, 6000#, 36Ft, 2500 Hrs....$$3344,,00000022000088 JJLLGG GG1122--5555AA,, OROPS, 12,000#, 55Ft, 143 Hrs ......PP..OO..RR..22000077 JJLLGG GG99--4433AA,, EROPS, Sidetilt, 9000Lb, 43Ft, 1000 Hrs ............................................................................................PP..OO..RR..

22000044 JJLLGG GG99--4433AA,, OROPS, 9000#, 43Ft, 1500 Hrs ......$$4444,,00000022000077 JJLLGG GG66--4422AA,, EROPS, Sidetilt, 6600Lb, 42Ft, 1000 Hrs ............................................................................................PP..OO..RR..

22000077 JJLLGG GG55--1199AA,, EROPS, 5000Lb, 19Ft, 1300 Hrs ......PP..OO..RR..22000066 GGeehhll RRSS55,, 6000#, 35Ft, 400 Hrs ..........................$$3355,,00000022000066 GGeehhll RRSS66,, OROPS, 6000#, 36Ft, 1900 Hrs ..........$$2288,,00000022000055 GGeehhll RRSS66,, 6000Lb, 36Ft, 1100 Hrs ......................$$3388,,00000022000055 MMuussttaanngg 663344,, 6000Lb, 34Ft, 541 Hrs ..................$$4455,,00000011999988 CCaarreelliifftt 66004444,, 6000Lb, 44Ft, 3315 Hrs ................$$2233,,00000011999988 TTrraavveerrssee 66003355,, 6000Lb, 35Ft, 600 Hrs ................$$2255,,00000022000077 LLuullll 11004444CC--5544,, OROPS, 10,000#, 54Ft, 1100 Hrs$$7722,,00000011999999 LLuullll 11004444CC--5544,, OROPS, 10,000#, 54Ft, 900 Hrs..$$3322,,00000011999988 LLuullll 664444BB--3377,, 6000Lb, 37Ft, 4150 Hrs ................$$2288,,000000FFUULLLL LLIINNEE OOFF NNEEWW SSKKYY TTRRAAKK && JJLLGG FFOORRKKLLIIFFTTSS AANNDD MMAANNLLIIFFTTSS

22000044 CCaatt 114400HH EROPS, A/C, Push Block, Rear Rip. ....$$114455,,00000022000066 CCaatt 661133CC IIII EROPS, A/C, Exc. Condition, 1,500 Hrs ..............................................................................................$$115500,,000000

((22)) CCaatt 663311BB Hydraulic Pull Scraper ........................$$3300,,000000 eeaa..TTeerreexx TTSS--1144BB EROPS, A/C ............................................$$2255,,00000022000066 EE--JJeecctt EE--2222,, 22Yd. Hyd. Pull Scraper ..................$$7755,,000000((22)) 22000055 CCaatt 772255,, Matched Pair, Excellent Condition, 2500 Hrs..............................................................................$$222255,,000000 EEaa..

22000022 CCaatt 772255,, AArrttiiccuullaatteedd DDuummpp TTrruucckk,, 23.5x25 Tires, 5500Hrs................................................................................$$115522,,000000((22)) 22000088 VVoollvvoo AA2255DD,, 25 Ton Articulated Trucks, Like New......................................................................................$$222255,,000000 EEaa..










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Construction Equipment Guide • Parts Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 39



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Entertainment, Education HighlightLink-Belt’s CraneFest in Lexington

safety of its cranes. Following a tour of their manufacturingplant, a live demonstration and product introduction was fol-lowed by some one-on-one hands-on time for those attend-ing the event.

35 YearsLink-Belt’s core production base and center for world-

wide operations is its 682,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facilityin Lexington, Ky. With major expansion plans over the past10 years along with continuous improvement philosophies,this facility has emerged as the most modern crane facility inNorth America.

Management With more than 100 years cumulative crane experience,

Link-Belt’s seasoned management team is headed up byChuck Martz. The top management team includes:

• Chuck Martz, CEO and president • Jim Forshee, vice president — manufacturing • Melvin Porter, CFO and vice president of finance • Bill Stramer, vice president — marketing, sales and cus-

tomer support • Bruce White, vice president of engineering

(L-R): In from New York, RussellWilliams of Rig-All is joined by WilliamBoulter of Boulter Rigging and GregGeorge of Woods CRW to take in the lat-est in crane technologies.

Jeff Noland (L) of General Steel Crane &Rigging gets some last minute pointersfrom Link-Belt’s Dan Harrington beforetrying his hand at this HTC 8690.

(L-R): Joe Everett of Superior Cranes Inc., Steve Berry of Crowder Construction,Kyle Belkoski of Superior Cranes and Patrick Leatherwood of Pinnacle catch up atthe Link-Belt CraneFest.

(L-R): Link-Belt’s Troy Krumm gives Bob Warianka andFred Hamby of Crane Service, Inc., based inAlbuquerque, N.M., some tips on operating the 348Hylab lattice crawler crane.

CRANEFEST from page 20

see CRANEFEST page 44

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Allis-Chalmers HD41 Crawler Dozer, 1:25 Scale ............................................................$190Allis-Chalmers HD21 Dozer/Ripper, 1:50 Scale ................................................................$80Bell B40D Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale ............................................................................$50Bobcat A300 Wheel Loader, 1:25 Scale ............................................................................$55Bobcat S175 Skid Steer Loader, 1:50 Scale ......................................................................$18Bobcat Tractor/Trailer Set, 1:50 Scale................................................................................$80Case 721D Wheel Loader, 1:87 Scale ..............................................................................$20Case 340 Articulated Truck, 1:87 Scale..............................................................................$20Case CX 330 Excavator, 1:87 Scale ....................................................................................$20Caterpillar No. 12 Motor Grader, 1:87 Scale ....................................................................$25Caterpillar 140H Motor Grader w/ripper & scarifier, 1:50 Scale ......................................$40Caterpillar CS-563 Soil Compactor, 1:87 Scale ................................................................$25Caterpillar 825 Soil Compactor, 1:50 Scale ......................................................................$35Caterpillar 420E Backhoe/Loader, 1:50 Scale....................................................................$45Caterpillar D6K XL Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ............................................................$45Caterpillar D10T Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ................................................................$75Caterpillar D11R Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale................................................................$45Caterpillar D11T Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ................................................................$70Caterpillar 336D L Excavator, 1:50 Scale ..........................................................................$70Caterpillar 797F Off-Highway Truck, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................$250Caterpillar 950H Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ......................................................................$45Caterpillar 980G Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ......................................................................$35Caterpillar 992 Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................$50Caterpillar 994F Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ......................................................................$95 Caterpillar 226B2 Skid Steer Loader w/tools, 1:32 Scale ................................................$30Caterpillar CB-534D XW Asphalt Compactor, 1:50 Scale ..................................................$40Caterpillar D5G XL Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ............................................................$55Caterpillar D8R Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale..................................................................$40Caterpillar Vintage Twenty Tractor w/metal tracks, 1:16 Scale ........................................$70Caterpillar 302.5 Mini-Excavator, 1:32 Scale ....................................................................$30Caterpillar 320C Excavator, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................................$35Caterpillar 330D L Excavator, 1:50 Scale ..........................................................................$70Caterpillar 511 OB Excavator, 1:50 Scale ..........................................................................$65Caterpillar 247B2 Multi-Terrain Loader, 1:32 Scale ..........................................................$30Caterpillar 432E Side Shift Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale ..................................................$40Caterpillar 365C L Front Shovel, 1:50 w/metal tracks ..........................................................$70Caterpillar 963D Track Loader, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................$45Caterpillar 977 Traxcavator, 1:50 Scale ............................................................................$35Caterpillar 611 Motor Scraper in display case, 1:64 Scale ..............................................$25Caterpillar 623G Elevating Motor Scraper, 1:50 Scale ......................................................$45Caterpillar 725D Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale..................................................................$30Caterpillar 775E Off-Highway Truck in display case, 1:64 Scale ......................................$25Caterpillar 777D Off-Highway Truck, 1:50 Scale................................................................$40Caterpillar "O" Gauge Complete Train Set ..........................................................................$275Caterpillar Agricultural 75E Tractor, 1:64 Scale ................................................................$12Caterpillar Four Piece Military Set, 1:50 Scale ................................................................$75

Hitachi LX70 Wheel Loader, 1:40 Scale ............................................................................$65International 433 Motor Scraper, 1:25 Scale ..................................................................$175International 560 Payloader, 1:25 Scale ..........................................................................$175International Harvester 560 PayLoader, 1:87 Scale ..........................................................$35International TD-24 Military Dozer, 1:50 Scale..................................................................$50JCB 3CX Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale ................................................................................$50JCB JS220 Excavator, 1:50 Scale ......................................................................................$45JCB 456 Loader Waste Master, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................$60JCB 456 ZX Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................................$65JCB Vibromax VM 115 Soil Compactor, 1:50 Scale ..........................................................$45John Deere 320 Skid Steer Loader, 1:16 Scale ................................................................$45John Deere 850J Dozer, 1:50 Scale....................................................................................$40Komatsu 960E Mining Truck, 1:50 Scale..........................................................................$275Komatsu PC300LC-8 Excavator, 1:50 Scale ......................................................................$70Komatsu WA500-6 Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ..................................................................$60Komatsu D51 EX Dozer, 1:50 Scale ....................................................................................$60Komatsu D51 PX Dozer, 1:50 Scale....................................................................................$55Komatsu D375 Dozer, 1:50 Scale ......................................................................................$75Komatsu GD655 Motor Grader, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................$60Komatsu WB146 Backhoe Loader w/tools, 1:50 Scale ......................................................$45Liebherr 580 Wheel Loader, 1:87 Scale ............................................................................$25Link-Belt 210 X2 Excavator, 1:40 Scale..............................................................................$65Mitsubishi FG25N Forklift, 1:25 Scale................................................................................$25Northwest 25-D Shovel, 1:50 Scale..................................................................................$100Peterbilt Tractor/Trailer w/Caterpillar D8R, 1:50 Scale ..................................................$100Peterbilt Blue/Silver 367 Dump Truck, 1:34 Scale ............................................................$85U.S. Army Ford F800 Tractor w/Trailer, 1:50 Scale ..........................................................$35Volvo G970 Motor Grader, 1:50 Scale ................................................................................$65Volvo SD-122 Soil Compactor, 1:72 Scale ........................................................................$45Volvo A25C Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale ..........................................................................$30Volvo A25D Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale ..........................................................................$45Volvo A40D Articulated Hauler, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................$50Volvo BL71 Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale ............................................................................$45Volvo EC45 Mini-Excavator, 1:50 Scale..............................................................................$35Volvo EC 210 Excavator, 1:50 Scale ..................................................................................$45Volvo EC210C Excavator, 1:50 Scale ..................................................................................$80Volvo EC240B Excavator, 1:50 Scale ..................................................................................$45Volvo EC280 Excavator, 1:50 Scale ....................................................................................$25Volvo EC700 Excavator, 1:50 Scale ....................................................................................$80Volvo FH12 Tractor/Trailer w/Volvo L150C, 1:50 Scale ....................................................$60Volvo L90E Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................................$65Volvo L60E Wheel Loader w/Attachments, 1:50 Scale ......................................................$65Volvo 150E Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................................$45Volvo L35B Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................................$45Volvo L350F Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ............................................................................$80

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Allis Chalmers HD-41 Crawler Dozer, 1:25 Scale..................................................$190

Caterpillar "O" Gauge Complete Train Set ........................................................................$275

Bobcat Tractor/Trailer Set,1:50 Scale ............................................................$80

Northwest 25-D Shovel, 1:50 Scale ....................................................................$100

Page 41: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

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Municipalities Team Up for Bishop Ford Freeway Rehab under way quickly, with crews starting workon May 11.

Holy Highway Work, Batman!Formerly known as the Calumet

Expressway, the Bishop Ford Freeway isnamed after Chicago religious activistBishop Louis Henry Ford, who preached inChicago for 40 years and presided over theChurch of God in Christ. He died in 1995.

The southside roadway is a portion ofInterstate 94 that runs from Interstate 57south to the intersection with Interstates 80and 294 (the Tri-State Tollway) and IllinoisRoute 394. It turns into the Dan RyanExpressway to the north and the KingeryExpressway to the east of the Tri-StateTollway.

The Bishop Ford is the only toll-free free-way-grade road in the greater Chicago areawith the designation of freeway. All the oth-ers – Dan Ryan, Kennedy, Edens,Stevenson, Eisenhower, Elgin-O’Hare,Kingery and Borman – are called express-ways, a Chicago colloquialism.

As the main link between Chicago andnorthwest Indiana, it sees heavy traffic, themajority of which, according to IDOT’sMarisa Kollias, is truck traffic. Originallyconstructed in 1962, the Bishop Ford is oneof many aging roadways in need of refur-bishment.

On the SurfaceTwenty years ago when Myszkowski first

worked on the Bishop Ford, the asphalt mixwas very different. It would “rut heavilyunder stress from truck traffic,” he said.

Today, the stone matrix asphalt mix used onthe project is designed to last longer, with noruts. The new mix doesn’t separate.Therefore, there are no “pockets” in the newsurface that lead to pot holes and ruts.Another improvement is the material’s skidresistance. “We’ve been using it on theexpressways for about 10 years. It performsvery well.”

One ironic twist in using the new mix,however, is that takes longer to apply.Although pavers used to go 40 to 50 ft. (12to 15 m) per minute, crews on the BishopFord are going 20 ft. (6 m) per minute. “Youcan’t go as fast with this mix,” Myszkowskiexplained. “Quality comes first.”

The slower speed doesn’t mean worktakes twice as long, though. Transfer devices— shuttle buggies — are used to haul themix from the plant and dump it into thepavers. Because the pavers are moving moreslowly, the shuttle buggies are able to keepup with them so they never have to stop.

In addition to the typical pavers androllers on a road construction job, the BishopFord project requires a three-wheel roller.The older model was brought back,Myszkowski said, because the new asphaltmix demands static rolling rather than vibrat-ing. The older roller’s 85-in. (215 cm) deckhelps speed the process.

Approximately 90,000 tons (81,650 t) ofthe asphalt mix will be used on the 9-mi.roadway, with a different mix being con-cocted for the shoulders. Myszkowskiexplains that one 3-mi. (4.8 km) sectionsouth of the steel bridge at 142nd Street willget a 4-in. (10 cm) base, while the rest of thefreeway will get a 2-in. (5 cm) base. Becausethat 3-mi. stretch is more deteriorated, hesaid crews had to strip all the old asphalt offdown to the concrete. On the rest, crews aremilling off 2 in. before repaving.

Scheduled ClosingsWhen you remove asphalt, Myszkowski

continues, you have to do it twice. “You canonly take off two inches at a time becauseyou don’t want too much difference betweenlanes. It’s a safety issue.” That’s why crewsare doing all asphalt work at night. The roadis open to traffic during the day, althoughsome lanes remain closed during the day forcenter median construction and guardrailsreplacement. Bridge work also is being donein “staged construction,” while one lane isclosed.

It’s a unique project, according toMyszkowski, because of the schedule,which calls for nighttime and weekend laneclosures, with some single-lane configura-tions, since much of the work will be done inthe overnight hours. He explains the reason:“We can’t put [three lanes of traffic] into onelane until late at night.” However, crews

have to be completely off by 5 a.m. A 90-minute tear-down shortens the nighttimeworking hours.

During weekday rush hours, they’re try-ing to maintain three lanes of traffic in eachdirection. However, Myszkowski said theyare allowed to close one lane. And, in fact, insome sections, traffic has been reduced totwo lanes for months. Traffic along theStony Island feeder ramp has been reducedto one lane in each direction intermittently,as have exit and entrance ramps at 111th,115th, 130th, 147th and 159th streets,although ramps are not being closed concur-rently.

The DOT has alerted travelers that long-term lane closures are necessary to completebridge, patching and median work at variouslocations and times and to expect delays orseek alternate routes and public transporta-tion.

All closures are weather-dependent, as isthe schedule. Myszkowski explained that ifit’s raining at 8 p.m., they aren’t allowed toput up lane closures for the entire night. “It’sa safety issue. We don’t take chances on anexpressway.”

Weather also affects delivery of theasphalt mix, which requires a two-hour cur-ing period at the plant. Approximately 400tons (362 t) is mixed in each batch and sits ina silo, curing, for two hours before beinghauled to the work site. It is replenished aspaving progresses. But short hours on nightjobs force Myszkowski to play weatherman.“We fight the battle: do we make the mix?We hate to make it if we have to cancel apour because of weather. That hurts ourbudget.”

Weather permitting, the majority of the

work this time around is expected to be com-pleted in the fall of 2009. A mostly dry sum-mer has helped keep them on schedule, soMyszkowski anticipates finishing on time.Additional nighttime lane closures will benecessary in the spring of 2010 to completethe project.

Continued CooperationLane closures have increased congestion

on this heavily traveled stretch of road.Kollias said the DOT has worked exhaus-tively to get the word out to impacted munic-ipalities (Chicago, South Holland, CalumetCity and Dolton) and travelers through mes-sage boards, press releases and various newsoutlets, issuing updates on traffic changes aswork progresses.

“They’ve done a great job getting theword out,” Myszkowski said. “There’s beena positive response. People are aware of thework and taking alternate routes.” Evencrewmembers have been forced to find alter-nate routes. More than 100 workers areonsite during the two shifts.

Myszkowski said he looked for sideroutes to get asphalt in quickly. He said it’sworked out well — the best he’s seen it of allthe times he’s worked on the Bishop Ford.He expects this to be his last time resurfac-ing the freeway, noting that the 10-yeardesign of the new matrix should last until heretires. “If you can get 10 years out of a bitu-minous job with the kind of weather andtraffic we have up here, it’s outstanding.”

(This story also can be found onConstruction Equipment Guide’s Web siteat www.constructionequipmentguide.com.)CEG

BISHOP from page 1

The current rehabilitation project involves resurfacing all lanes and shoulders ofthe 9-mi. (14.5 km) stretch of freeway between Martin Luther King Drive and 159thStreet, as well as pavement patching, bridge repairs, new guardrail installation andexit/entrance ramp resurfacing — including the Stony Island Feeder Ramp.

One of nearly 250 “shovel-ready” con-struction projects in Illinois, the $27.5million job, funded by PresidentObama’s American Recovery andReinvestment Act, is a joint ventureheaded by Chicago area-basedGallagher Asphalt and K-FiveConstruction. Let in April, work gotunder way quickly, with crews startingwork on May 11.

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Distributors Descend on Lexington for Link-Belt’s CraneFest

(L-R): Bruce Bayless of Dawes Rigging & Crane Rental is joined by SteveSwanson of Modern Crane Service, and Steve Challoner of Dawes.

(L-R): Dustin and Don Hyre of Senco, Scott West of Rudd Equipment, and SteveNeeley of Senco take a close look at this HTC-3140.

(L-R): Link-Belt President and CEO Chuck Martz visits with Brad Churchill of U.S.Erectors Inc., Steve Smith of Rexco Equipment Co. and Sean Huckleberry ofHeartland Crane Services.

OperationsSince 1994, Link-Belt has invested massive

human resource hours in university courseworkand in-house training, in addition to millions ofdollars of capital improvements to make the tran-sition to a company-wide “lean manufacturing”philosophy. The operating principles of QCD(quality, cost, delivery) and safety were imple-mented and are adhered to in every aspect of allprocesses.

Link-Belt’s production system is modeled afterToyota’s lean production system that is part of the

advanced course curriculum at the University ofKentucky’s Center for Robotics and Industry.

The Link-Belt Construction EquipmentCompany is a leader in the design, manufactureand sales of telescopic and lattice boom cranes,with headquarters in Lexington, Ky.

In the recent decade, a dynamic and highly-focused Link-Belt has emerged as a market leaderin crane design and product quality standards byfocusing on continuous improvement and employ-ee empowerment.

For more information, visit www.linkbelt.com.

CRANEFEST from page 39

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KS1CUFF0012N -00218353

Naperville, IL 60563630/355-7150Fax: 630/355-7173South Holland, IL 60473708/331-6362Fax: 708/331-7334Rockdale, IL 60436815/730-9011Fax: 815/730-9036

Rockford, IL 60012815/961-3160Fax: 815/965-1810Wauconda, IL 60084847/526-7700Fax: 847/526-3565


Louisville, KY 40223502/253-37211-800/507-9705London, KY 606/862-84471-877/231-7151Bowling Green, KY42101270/842-34001-866/528-9699Richmond, KY859/623-20301-800/463-8722

Indianapolis, IN 46219317/544-34111-800/876-4690Lafayette, IN 47905765/447-69331-800/937-3355Bloomington, IN 47403812/333-96771-800/888-9677South Bend, IN 46619574/232-14611-877/248-1713Fort Wayne, IN 46825260/482-85761-877/845-5764


651 AIS Drive S.W.Grand Rapids, MI 49548616/530-20001-800/664-3303West Detroit56555 Pontiac TrailNew Hudson, MI 48165 248/437-81211-800/457-8121Traverse City777 US 31STraverse City, MI 49684231/943-39961-800/968-1110


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To put a 310SJ or 410J BackhoeLoader to work for you, give us a call.


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65 East Kingston Ave.Columbus, OH 43207614/443-6541614/443-9673 Fax Toledo, OH419/872-7101Cincinnati, OH513/771-3922

Richfield, OH330/659-6681Cadiz, OH740/942-8871Dayton, OH937/879-3154

Canton, OH330/453-4521Painesville, OH440/352-0452Jackson, OH740/288-0222

5633 W Hwy 13Savage MN 55378952/895-9595800/888-9515Duluth, MN 218/727-8671800/888-9535Grand Rapids MN218/328-5916800/459-5916

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4300 W Main AveFargo ND 58103800/437-2924701/364-2190 Fax 905 20th Avenue SEMinot ND 58072800/825-0479

2300 Vermont AvenueBismarck ND 58504800/279-4437

COLUMBUS EQUIPMENT COMPANYwww.columbusequipment.com



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AIS CONSTRUCTIONEQUIPMENT CORP.www.aisequip.com3600 N. Grand River Ave.Lansing, MI 48906517/321-8000Fax: 517/321-4191Grand Rapids600 44th Street S.W.Grand Rapids, MI 49548616/538-2400Fax: 616/538-0449Northeast Detroit65809 Gratiot AvenueLenox, MI 48050586/727-7502Fax: 586/727-7311Saginaw4600 AIS DriveP.O. Box 253Bridgeport, MI 48722989/777-0090Fax: 989/777-1583Traverse City8300 M-72 EastWilliamsburg, MI 49690231/267-5060Fax: 231/267-5257

BRANDEIS MACHINERY & SUPPLY COMPANYwww.brandeismachinery.com1801 Watterson Tr.Louisville, KY 40299502/491-4000502/499-3195 Fax Evansville, IN812/425-4491812/425-1171 Fax Corbin, KY606/528-3700606/528-9014 FaxLexington, KY859/259-3456859/254-0783 Fax Stanville, KY606/478-9201606/478-9208 Fax Paducah, KY270/444-8390270/575-4907 FaxIndianapolis, IN317/872-8410317/872-8417 Fax Ft.Wayne, IN260/489-4551260/489-1620 Fax South Bend, IN574/233-8770574/233-8775 Fax

ROLAND MACHINERY CO.www.rolandmachinery.com816 N. Dirksen Parkway,Springfield, IL 62702217/789-7711800/252-2926Bolingbrook, IL630/739-7474800/826-9608Carterville, IL618/985-3399800/274-7202Marengo, IL815/923-4966800/765-2635Portage, IN219/764-8080888/764-8226Escanaba, MI906/786-6920906/786-5813 Fax Bridgeton, MO314/291-1330800/274-7230Cape Girardeau, MO573/334-5252800/274-7210Columbia, MO573/814-0083800/274-7212Palmyra, MO573/769-2056800/274-7214600 Liberty Street,Green Bay, WI 54304920/435-6676920/435-5454 Fax DeForest, WI608/842-4151608/842-4193 Fax Eau Claire, WI715/874-5400715/874-5401 Fax Franksville WI 262/835-2710262/835-2844 Fax Wausau, WI715/355-9898715/241-0044 Fax

Alex PowerEquipment111 50th Ave. W.Alexandria, MN 56308320/763-4994Fax 320/763-5428

Burris Equipment Co.2216 N. Green Bay Rd.Waukegan, IL 60087847/336-1205Fax 847/336-2697

27939 W. Concrete Dr.Ingleside, IL 60041815/363-4100



The New Kubota KX71-3Compact ExcavatorBreakout force:

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27.5 HP Kubota diesel engineVariable displacement pumps18" tailswing overhangLarge operator spaceDigital diagnosticsDouble-opening bonnet

D-P Equipment Co. Inc., with branches in Camden,Mich., and Montpelier, Ohio, now distributes the full line ofTerex compact construction equipment. The Terex lineincludes compact track loaders, compact excavators, com-pact wheel loaders, site dumpers, tractor loader backhoes,light towers, telehandlers, power buggies, compactionrollers and a tracked utility vehicle. Founded in 1968, D-PEquipment offers new and used equipment, parts and serv-ice for lawn and garden through heavy industrial equipmentcustomers.

“We are excited to welcome D-P Equipment to ourexpanding distribution network of Terex compact equip-ment distributors in North America,” said Del Carver, areadirector, North America Compact Equipment. “With theirbroad reach in Michigan and Ohio, we see great opportuni-ty for D-P Equipment to introduce new customers to theTerex compact equipment product line.”

With more than 45 unique product models, the Terexcompact equipment line offers a wide range of compactequipment, giving contractors numerous options for theirequipment investment.

Bob Galloway of D-P Equipment said, “Carrying theTerex line of compact equipment at D-P Equipment opensup new opportunities for our company to expand its cus-tomer base. With the full range of products in our inventoryand focus on service after the sale, we are now able to betterserve the diversified needs of our customers.”

D-P Equipment also offers financing options for its Terexcompact equipment line through Terex Financial Services.Terex Financial Services offers a wide range of effectivefinance and leasing solutions, structured to complement cus-tomers’cash flow and budgets. The Terex Financial Servicesteam assists in all areas of asset management, from theanalysis of future equipment values through the disposal ofused equipment.

For more information, visit www.dpequipment.com.

Terex Welcomes D-P Equipment Co. asNew Compact Equipment Distributor

D-P Equipment Co. now distributes the full line ofTerex compact construction equipment.

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The Victor L. Phillips Co.4100 Gardner Ave.

Kansas City, MO 64120816/241-9290816/241-1738

Friends, Colleagues MournDeath of Tim Atchley, 53

Friends and colleagues are telling storiesabout Tim Atchley, a long-time employee ofTramac.

And whether they’re talking about hisencyclopedia-like product knowledge or hisneed for speed, they are all smiling as theyremember.

Mr. Atchley died in Indianapolis, Ind., onSept. 1 at the age of 53, following a coura-geous battle with cancer, but it was his mixof professional leadershipand personal friendlinessthat are being fondly recalledand honored.

He was employed in theheavy construction equip-ment industry all of his life,from his earliest mechanictraining in Nashville, Tenn.,where he worked as a welderto pay for his schooling. Heeventually went to work fora heavy equipment dealer insouthern Indiana as a fieldservice technician, then laterwith other road equipmentmanufacturers in variouscustomer service positions.Most recently, Mr. Atchleywas with Tramac/DIIAttachments, a division ofDoosan InfracoreInternational, as a productsupport manager helpingdealers throughout the coun-try.

“Throughout his sickness,he worked and traveledwhen he was able and remained optimisticabout the future,” said Joe Forth, generalmanager. “He joined Tramac in the mid-1990’s and went through a lot of changeswith many of us. But one thing I knew — Icould always trust him and rely on him to dothe right thing. No doubt about it.”

His hands-on experience working onmachines themselves gave Mr. Atchleyenormous credibility in the industry and as amanager.

“The dealers’mechanics that worked withTim knew he was able to do any task hewould ask them to do. This credibilityallowed Tim to immediately get to the heartof any problem and his training programswere always well received,” recalled Tramaccolleague Jerry Fifer.

Fifer also saw first-hand how Mr.Atchley’s extensive product knowledge,service experience and easy way with thosewho worked for him allowed him to managein a way that produced almost immediatemutual trust.

Greg Clinton, another Tramac employee,recalled the two sides of Mr. Atchley: theweekend side when he and his wife wouldjump on their motorcycles, and the weekdayside totally dedicated to helping customers.

“I remember he would tell me on Mondaymornings about his weekend travels. Herarely used a map. They would just get onand ride,” said Clinton. “Professionally, Timwas incredible. Calls were always returned,

his reports were detailed to the point thatquestions were answered before you couldask. Tim was a straight shooter, no-nonsensetype of person. He loved his work and was afantastic communicator and teacher.”

Along with his love of motorcycles, Mr.Atchley was passionate about auto racing.As a young man he owned and raced a sprintcar, and was well-known at most of thetracks in the Midwest. One friend recalledMr. Atchley keeping his gear in the trunk ofhis car at all times in case an owner needed alast-minute substitute driver.

Ron Van Dunk, a 16-year friend and col-league agreed that Mr. Atchley was an all-around reliable and consistent professional.

“Tim was two different people. There wasthe intense ‘at work’Tim and then there wasthe fun-loving Harley riding Tim. He wasalways the kind of guy that would be therefor you and do anything to help you, both inbusiness and personally. I miss him deeply,”he said.

Tim Atchley lost his battle with cancer on Sept. 1.

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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 49

Howell Tractor811 Sivert Drive

Wooddale, IL 60191-2611884477//443399--22115500

Fax: 630/595-3855

2770 May RoadPeru, IL 61354880000//334422--66007722

Fax: 815/224-2538

480 Blaine StreetGary, IN 46406880000//885522--88881166

Fax: 219/977-4220

5444 11th St.Rockford, IL 61109

888888//446699--33555555Fax: 815/874-3034

The Victor L Phillips Company4100 Gardner Ave.

Kansas City, MO 64120881166//224411--99229900

Garden City KS662200//227755--11999966

Topeka KS778855//226677--44334455

Wichita KS331166//883388--33334466

Joplin MO441177//778811--88222222

Springfield MO441177//888877--22772299

Mid Country Machinery3478 5th Ave South (Bus. Hwy 20)

Fort Dodge, IA 50501880000//220066--55993366

4734 Sergeant Rd. (Hwy 63)Waterloo, IA 50701


106 8th StreetSergeant Bluff, IA 51054


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Page 50 • November 14, 2009 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Toll Road Widened to Accommodate Population Growth

and Reith Riley Construction Co., for the job.Since the fall of 2006, Indiana Toll-Roads Contractors

LLC has worked on the Indiana Toll Road projects betweenmile post 10.6 and 20.27 — widening the major thorough-fare from two to three lanes.

“The road will be widened and reconstruct — decksremoved,” Jim Wiseman of Indiana Toll-Roads ContractorsLLC, said. “ The upper decks are being removed. [We arealso doing] earthworks, widening, new columns and sup-ports, pretty much a total reconstruct.”

Additionally, the project consists of concrete paving,asphalt paving, new bridge structures, new columns andearthworks.

This design-build project was divided into three phases.Each phase included pavement and structure enhancementsto accommodate an additional driving lane.

Completion is scheduled for end 2010. These works are in accordance with the Mandatory

Expansion Projects required by the Indiana Toll RoadConcession and Lease Agreement.

A Growing PopulationIn operation since 1956, the Indiana Toll Road stretches

157 mi. across Indiana from Ohio to the Illinois state line.The highway links Chicago with the eastern seaboard andalso serves as the primary connecting route to the ChicagoSkyway.

“The traffic studies have been in place for years,”Wiseman said. “The Indiana Toll Road has seven countiesalong that span, but the most heavily traveled area is LakeCounty and Porter County, because of their proximity toChicago. If you listen to the radio in this area, I-94 is con-stantly backed up, so [the toll road has] become a tremen-dous asset as an alternative route.”

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, St. John’s popula-tion more than doubled. In Porter, it grew by 33 percent. Asa result, this population growth was the impetus for widen-ing the Toll Road.

The project materialized in 2006 when the governor of

Indiana, Gov. Mitch Daniels, leased the Indiana Toll Road toIndiana Toll Road Concession Company for 75 years. At thatpoint, Ferrovial Agroman Indiana LLC and Reith Riley wentinto a partnership and the Indiana Toll-Roads ContractorsLLC were formed to perform the Mandatory ExpansionWorks.

“By the fall of 2006, the project started and has been in fullgear ever since,” Wiseman said. “We’ve pretty much workedeven through the winters because of our tight time frame.The project is slated to be finished by December of 2010.”

Wiseman added that the project also employs a crew of125 to 200 workers on any given day.

“This area has exploded with Illinois residents movingfrom the south suburbs over here,” Wiseman said. “Peopleare coming, so it only makes sense that you’ve got to preparefor the future by widening the roads.”

Because of the heavy traffic caused by this populationexplosion, the state of Indiana had already begun wideningthe Indiana Toll Road, but then the state leased the road toIndiana Toll Road Concession Company LLC.

“One of the commitments that Indiana Toll RoadConcession Company LLC made, [when they leased the tollroad], was that they would continue with this project andwiden this portion of the road,” Wiseman said.

Facing ChallengesIndiana Toll-Road Contractors not only have to contend

with traffic but with neighboring buildings and businessincluding U.S. Steel. Wiseman said dealing with under-ground utilities has been the one of the biggest challengeson the Indiana Toll Road widening project.

TOLL from page 1

A Case 721E wheel loader moves dirt on the toll road project.Mike Maloney (L), McCann Industries, speaks to the operator of the Case SV208vibratory compactor.

Indiana Toll-RoadContractors LLC FieldSuperintendent DamienMasters (L) and McCannIndustries’s Mike Maloneydiscuss the project.

see TOLL page 51

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“We’re finding surprises on a daily basis sometimes,”Wiseman said. “There’s everything from fiber optic lines tohidden sewers that have been there for a hundredyears…When you’re right next to one of the biggest steelmills in the world, you can imagine what’s underground.”

Indiana Toll-Roads Contractors LLC has “about a dozen”subcontractors to help with the underground surprises, but ithas still been a challenge, mainly because utilities take time.

“We’re under a strict time limitation, so any chance thatwe [can work, even in] inclement weather, we’re out thereworking. In the last winter, we really had a major effortthrough the winter and though rainstorms,” Wiseman said.

Cutting Bridges in HalfThe Indiana Toll Road project runs across different land-

scapes including the Grand Calumet River. Engineering the project around the snaking river also has

been challenging at times.Wiseman noted that, during construction, Indiana Toll-

Road Contractors LLC also were required to maintain twolanes of traffic in each direction.

“There are areas where we’ve actually got to split thebridge move traffic to one side while we tear the other sidedown, and finally and jack it up to right elevation and per-form a brand new deck, which becomes a huge engineeringfeat,” Wiseman said.

Big effort is also put in to maintain two lanes of traffic ineach direction, and that’s important on a project like this,because many commuters depend on the Indiana Toll Road.

Maintaining the MachinesBecause of the size of the project, Wiseman commented

that Indiana Toll-Road Contractors has been using Caseequipment, rented from McCann Industries, for the project.

“It’s worked out absolutely wonderful,” Wiseman said.“We’ve had a wide variety of Case equipment out there andit has performed beautifully.”

Currently, there are 13 machines on the job: six Case exca-vators — two CX210s, a CX225, two CX330s and aCX290; two 721E Case wheel loaders; two FB208 vibrato-ry compactors; an SV212 vibratory compactor; two 850Kdozers; and a 580 Super M.

Wiseman added, on average, 15 to 25 machines work atthe job site.

The equipment has the Qualcom Tracs system installed onit, and the system doesn’t just track stolen equipment. It alsotracks things that are much more mundane, such as when tochange the oil.

“[McCann] knows when it’s time for servicing, whetherit’s a $100 service, a $500 service, a $1,000 service, whetherit needs an oil change or it’s time for filters or it’s time fortransmission fluids,” Wiseman said. “At that point, McCanncalls us and we give them approval to go forward.”

Like clockwork, McCann does the maintenance and then

sends an invoice.“And it’s done. It’s one stop shopping. It’s been really

effective and very easy to track that way,” Wiseman said.Maloney added, “Our service manager, Tom Crawford,

coordinates with the Indiana Toll Road Contractors field per-sonnel. [They determine] when the most opportune time is toservice [the equipment] to keep the disruption to a minimum,so we go out evenings or on a Saturday or when we knowthe machine is down to get the maintenance done.”

Most of the maintenance is done onsite.“There’s been minimal down time,” Wiseman said.

Joint Venture Taps McCann Industries for Maintenance

A Case 850K crawler dozer does some grading belowthe Indiana Toll Road.

see TOLL page 66

TOLL from page 50

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Page 52: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

Page 52 • November 14, 2009 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

SEE • SHOP • COMPARE.The latest makes and models of Construction

Equipment, Trucks, Trailers, Attachments, Contractor Supplies and Services.

SEMINARS & TRAINING SESSIONSNetworking and Educational Opportunities,

Seminars, Training Sessions, IndustryRoundtables.

Page 53: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

SECT IONTrucks & Trailers

T800, T370 Trucks Help Kokosing Construction Reduce CostsAs one of the largest contractors in

Ohio, Kokosing Construction has beengrowing and prospering since 1951. Thecompany is about as diverse as it getswith operations in 10 states, in 25 differ-ent fields — from asphalt paving andbridge building to laying sub aqueouspipeline and building water treatmentplants.

“In a down economy, it helps to bediversified,” said Wayne Queen, truck-ing manager of Kokosing. “It also helpsto have a well-run equipment operationto control costs, which allows us to beultra competitive on bids. It’s anotherthing we feel separates us from the com-petition.”

Running nearly 2,000 pieces of heavyequipment, which includes Class 7 and 8 trucks, dozers,excavators, cranes and a litany of other equipment, the com-pany has won numerous local and national awards for itsprojects, the quality of its work, and the management of itsoperations.

“Safety and quality are at the core of Kokosing’s ideolo-gy,” said Queen. “While it may cost more up front for betterequipment and investing in people to do a better job, it paysout in the end. As an example, we’ve been buyingKenworths as our primary truck for 10 years now and we candocument their payback in lower operating costs and higherresidual value.”

The company runs 42 Kenworth T800s and a number ofT370 medium duty trucks as lowboys, fuel and lube vehi-cles, boom trucks, flatbeds and water trucks. The companyalso uses a T370 and T800 as jet trucks — vehicles equippedwith a tank and power sprayer (up to 65 gal. [246 L] perminute at 2500 psi) to clean out sanitary lines.

According to Queen, the value of a Kenworth has beenseen over time.

“Some of the corners on the cabs of our other trucks haverusted out, so corrosion — due primarily from the heavyroad salt we have in Ohio — really takes its toll on equip-ment,” he said. “But with Kenworth’s aluminum and fiber-glass construction, it’s not a problem. Our goal is to get twobody mounts out of a truck, and with a Kenworth, that’s agiven. I can’t say that with confidence about other makes.”

While service longevity is a key, serviceability and cost ofownership also is a bottom-line difference maker. The com-pany looks at its operational costs on a cost-per-hour, versuscost-per-mile basis.

“We look at these numbers when we assign equipment

costs on a project,” Queen said. “Looking at the costs ofoperating Kenworths over the past 10 years show we’ve hadno increase, other than for fuel or lubes. That’s huge whenyou consider inflation, so our ‘real’ numbers have actuallydecreased.”

And the Kenworths keep on running. “That’s vital of course,” Queen said. “Many in the con-

struction world look at water trucks as the last life for a rig.But we don’t. We’ve put into service new Kenworth T800swith 4,000 gallon tanks. They’ll only put on 15,000 miles perannum and operate 7 months out of the year, but they’re vitalin keeping dust down on projects; for servicing our asphaltrollers; curing bridge decks; washing down concrete pavers[with 100 foot water hose with adjustable spray head]. If we

have a water truck that’s down, that’spotentially $1,000 an hour we’re losing.We don’t take chances with our equip-ment.”

And Queen said it’s the company’soverall philosophy that if it puts out thebest in quality, it has to invest in the best.

“We run two shifts — so night and dayoperations, with much of our equipmentrarely resting,” he said. “Right now in thesummer we’re virtually running at 100percent equipment utilization. So, wecan’t afford downtime. Plus we want ourdrivers to be productive and comfortable.The trucks have an excellent turningradius and are very comfortable to drive.One of our best decisions was to go withKenworth’s extended day cab. The driv-

ers love all the extra room.”The Kenworth extended day cab enhances driver comfort

with an additional 6 in. of length and 5 in. of cab height com-pared to Kenworth’s traditional day cab. The extended daycab also offers 2 more inches behind the wheel, additionalleg room, up to 21 degrees of recline in the driver’s seat, and2 extra cu. ft. of storage behind the driver’s seat.

Dealer support and spec’ing assistance also comes intoplay. Queen said his relationship with Columbus Kenworthis excellent and a creative spec’ing process between the deal-ership and Kenworth engineering helped Kokosing solve amajor challenge.

“We had a long-term project where we had to go over a 30to 35 percent grade over rock and dirt. We worked withKenworth to spec a T800 fuel truck with a locking rear dif-ferential, a Hendrickson PRIMAAX suspension — air bagswith torsion bars, and a 470 hp engine with 1,650 footpounds of torque driven through a 10-speed transmissionwith oil pump. The rear axle ratio is 4.78. The truck worksbeautifully.”

While Kokosing generally keeps its T800s for eight tonine years or 800,000 mi. (whichever comes first), there isno shortage of buyers for the second life of the Kenworths.

“We have an excellent maintenance program and keepdetailed records,” said Queen. “We’ve never had to trade inour vehicles — we’ve always had operators waiting in linefor our trucks. And another plus is resale value. We com-mand high value when we sell our Kenworths.”

For more information, visit www.kenworth.com. (Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in teh

Ohio state supplement.) CEG

Kokosing Construction runs nearly 2,000 pieces of heavy equipment.

The company runs Kenworth T800s and T370s as low-boys, fuel and lube vehicles, boom trucks, flatbeds andwater trucks.

Page 54: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

Page 54 • November 14, 2009 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Trucks & Trailers Section • Construction Equipment Guide

Felling’s Air Tilt Deck-Over Eliminates Need for HydraulicsIn September of this year Felling Trailers

released the Air Tilt Deck-Over. This designutilizes air, powered from the tow vehicle, totilt the trailer and optional ramps, eliminat-ing the need for hydraulics. The air powerfrom the tow vehicle fills two air bags,which then raise the trailer smoothly; the airbag will then keep the deck in the tilted posi-tion to allow for loading/unloading of multi-ple pieces of equipment. The deck then low-ers itself by releasing the air pressure at acontrolled rate to prevent the deck fromslamming down. These trailers also are

equipped with Felling’s air-latch system(deck lock). This allows the user to lock andunlock the deck with the flip of a switchinstead of working with cumbersome leversor walking from one side of the deck to theother.

Towing capability andbalance were achieved byplacing the axles furtherback on the Air Tiltmodel than other tilt trail-ers on the market. Thesemodels also are usefulfor transporting low

clearance equipment such as pavers, scissorlifts, forklifts and more with its low-clear-ance loading angle. With the option oframps, a load angle as low as 7 degrees canbe achieved for loading equipment.

In the construction of this trailer Fellinguses a high grade 80 steel for

the main struc-tural beamsthat was fab-ricated in-house. The

use of thesebeams in turn

increases the trailer’s strength yet reducesthe total trailer weight. There are two basemodels for the Air Tilt; the FT-40 TA, whichhas a load capacity of 40,000 lbs. (18,143kg) and the FT-50-3 TA with a load capacityof 50,000 lbs. (22,679 kg).

Standard Features include• Deck — white oak 2 in. nominal and 6

ft. wood inlaid beavertail• Main beam and crossmembers — high

strength grade 80 steel• Approximate deck height — 32 in.

loaded• Tilting mechanism – (2) air bags• Felling Air-Latch System (deck lock)• Tie downs and storage — 10 D-Rings

and toolbox with lockable cover• 25,000 lb. oil bath axles (CTR)• Brakes — 2S/1M with park brakes on

all axles• 5-year limited structural warranty• 3-year paint warrantyFor more information, visit


The Air Tilt Deck-Over utilizes air, powered from thetow vehicle, to tilt the trailer and optional ramps,eliminating the need for hydraulics.

HTB LT Rear Air SuspensionAvailable on ProStar Trucks

Hendrickson’s weight saving HTB LTrear air suspension is now available onInternational ProStar trucks, HendricksonTruck Suspension Systems officialsannounced.

A lightweight, non-torque reactive rear airsuspension, HTB LT delivers the additionaladvantages of smooth ride and low mainte-nance and weighs in as the lightest suspen-sion in its class, saving up to 263 lbs. (119kg) compared to industry standard 40,000 lb.(18,144 kg) suspensions, according to themanufacturer.

Fleets in weight sensitive applicationssuch as tankers, bulk haulers and refrigerat-ed carriers, where a pound saved is an addi-tional pound of payload hauled, derive greatbenefit from HTB LT. The weight savings isattributed to its optimized design featuringparallelogram geometry, which eliminatesleaf springs and reduces components for

additional weight savings.HTB LT’s torque box system improves

multi-axial stability and control, according tothe manufacturer.

The cross-member, frame hangers andtorque rods are efficiently designed to reduceweight while improving durability. Large,direct acting air springs carry 100 percent ofthe vertical load, as compared to trailing armsuspensions where vertical load is sharedbetween air springs and leaf springs. Thiskey difference reduces vibration and harsh-ness.

HTB LT’s centrally placed frame hangereliminates the dual hangers found in a trail-ing arm suspension. Innovations like shockabsorber mountings integrated with thetorque rod further reduce complexity andpart count.

For more information, call 630/910-2800or visit www.hendrickson-intl.com.

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1675 126th St. WestBurnsville, MN 55337

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AAddddiissoonn543 South Rohlwing Road

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BBiigg RRoocckk47W247 US Highway 30

Big Rock, IL 60511663300--555566--33111111

FFaaxx:: 663300--555566--33774499

BBoolliinnggbbrrooookk250 East Frontage RoadBolingbrook, IL 60440

663300--773399--77777700FFaaxx:: 663300--773399--77669999

CChhiiccaaggoo2350 South Laflin Street

Chicago, IL 60608331122--994422--99220000

FFaaxx:: 331122--442211--33550022

CCrreessttwwoooodd4701 West 137th Street

Crestwood, IL 60445770088--559977--33111100

FFaaxx:: 770088--559977--99994455

MMccHHeennrryy4102 W. Crystal Lake Road

McHenry, IL 60050881155--338855--00442200

FFaaxx:: 881155--338855--22997755

SScchheerreerrvviillllee1133 Indianapolis Boulevard

Schererville, IN 46375221199--886655--66554455

FFaaxx:: 221199--886655--00226699

WWaauuccoonnddaa1360 North Rand RoadWauconda, IL 60084

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Utility Van $23,995 1 Ton Work Van $20,995 Red Utility Van $32,995

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Naperville1400 W. Ogden Ave.


South Holland310 W. 162 St. Rt. 6


Rockford3110 Prairie Rd.815-961-3160

Wauconda1560 North Old Rand Rd.


Rockdale600 Walnut Ct815-730-9011


Scharber & Sons, Inc. 13725 Main Street Rogers, MN 55374

763-428-4107 Fax: 763-428-2700 www.scharbers.com

949 3rd Ave.Windom, MN 56101


6140 Highway 10 NWAnoka, MN 55303

763-323-1720 888-448-5266

Fax: 763-422-3949

3021 West 133rd Shakopee, MN 55379

952-445-6310 Fax: 952-496-0263

23580 Highway 55 Loretto, MN 55357

763-479-8200 Fax: 763-479-8201

Columbus Branch 50 E Kingston Ave

Columbus, OH 43207614-443-6541

Fax: 614-449-0182www.columbusequipment.com

Cadiz Branch 290 Old Steubenville Pike

Cadiz, OH 43907740-942-8871740-942-3611

Canton Branch 1601 Shepler-Church Ave. SW

Canton, OH 44706330-453-4521330-453-4701

Cincinnati Branch 11512 Gondola St

Cincinnati, OH 45241513-771-3922513-771-6547

Dayton Branch 7570 New Carlisle Pike

Dayton, OH 45424937-879-3154937-879-3688

Jackson Branch 1611 Pattonsville RdJackson, OH 45640


Painesville Branch 864 Richmond Road

Painesville, OH 44077440-352-0452440-352-0730

Richfield Branch 3942 Brecksville RdRichfield, OH 44286


Toledo Branch 12500 Williams Rd

Perrysburg, OH 43551419-872-7101419-874-7413

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325 OR 330 BL OR CL325 9R 330 MUST HAVE 3306 ENGINE,36" TRACT, JACK HAMMER AND 70 TO80% U/CContact: SAMPhone: 940-655-8462Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––KUBOTA REAR HYDRAULIC OUTLETSI WANT TO CONNECT UP TO 4 QD FORREAR ATTACHMENTS ON MY KUBOTA3750 TRACTOR. I HAVE EXISTING 3-POINT & MY TRACTOR HAS EXISTINGLEVER SLOTS FOR CONTROL. USED ISOK.Contact: TERRYPhone: 206-241-0630Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CAT DEMOLITION BUCKET USEDContact: RICKPhone: 860-428-0159Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––JOHN DEERE OR HITACHI 160C LCContact: DAVE CAPODICEPhone: 309-275-1927Fax: 309-828-1960Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––LOADERS, GRADERS, EXCAVATORSLOOKING FOR EQUIPMENT TO PUR-CHASE. WE CAN ALSO HELP YOULOCATE EQUIPMENT YOU’RE LOOKINGFOR.Contact: RHONDA SCHEERPhone: 610-544-3399Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ANY TYPE OF STEELI BUY ANY TYPE OF NEW, USED ORSURPLUS STEEL INCLUDING SHEETPILING, H-PILING, PIPE PILING, WIDEFLANGE BEAMS, PLATES, PIPE, TUBINGETC...Contact: MICHAEL KAYEPhone: 609-882-6983 x 104Fax: 609-882-7458Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CASE/DAVIS TRENCHER TF900/TF1000DEAD OR ALIVEContact: STEVEN H. MILLERPhone: (260) 341-2140Fax: (260) 724-4165Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––OHIO SCRAP MAGNETContact: MARK VIAPhone: 540-745-3405Fax: 866-905-5488Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CAT 345B TRACKS/PADSContact: BILL KUKURINEmail: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––BOBCAT 323 COMPACT EXCAVATORI AM LOOKING FOR A COMPACT EXCA-VATOR SIMILAR TO THE 323.Contact: JASONEmail: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

I AM LOOKING TO BUY CONTRACTORD6KLGPContact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTINPhone: 450-346-8975Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––VIBRO HAMMERContact: MIKE DONNESPhone: +61427775849Fax: +61892932261Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––FINAL DRIVEContact: ROBERTO J PALACIOSPhone: 786-287-7056Fax: 305-573-7038Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CATERPILLAR D11R CRAWLER TRAC-TORSWE NEED ONE POSSIBLY TWO 8ZR OR9TR SERIES PARTS OR CORE REBUILDMACHINES. SU AND SINGLE SHANKPREFERRED. ANY LOCATION WORLDWIDE. IF YOU HAVE A MACHINE MATCH-ING OUR NEEDS PLEASE SENDDETAILS, PHOTOS AND PRICE.Contact: CHARLES SOLOMONEPhone: 719-689-2434Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CAT D11T | CAT D11T. NEW UP TO 4000HOURS.Contact: PAUL CROLLAPhone: +47-22.207696Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Wrecked or burnt Morbark Model 13wood chipper for parts.Contact: NormaPhone: 724-887-9375Fax: 724-887-4899Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––VOLVO L120B OR L120C - (1) VOLVOL120B OR L120C, ANY YEAR, ANY CON-DITIONContact: IVAN OCAMPOEmail: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––KOMATSU D85A21 - 4 X KOMATSUD85A-21. NEW UPTO 3000 HOURS.Contact: PAUL CROLLAPhone: +47-22.207696Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––KUBOTA L39 OR NEW HOLLAND TC40 -WOULD LIKE EITHER A KUBOTA L39OR A NEW HOLLAND TC40AContact: GERRY PAOLINEmail: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––FRONT LOADER FOR A KUBOTA L5450Contact: CHARLIE LOVEALLPhone: 412-445-1878Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––FELCO ROLLER BUCKETContact: DONALD BEARDPhone: 828-324-6774Fax: 828-324-9632Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

RAYGO RUSTLER 404 PARTS MACHINEContact: WARREN CARDPhone: 423-332-2223Fax: 423-332-9444Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CRANE BOOM & BASE FOR BUCYRUSERIE 30B SUPERContact: VINCENT NERIPhone: 860-664-8042Fax: 860-664-9175Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––JD 595D,495 - LOOKING TO BUY JOHNDEERE 595 WHEELED EXCAVATOR OR495 JD ANY YEARContact: IMTIAZPhone: 647-887-4786Fax: 905-497-8633Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––LATE MODEL SOMERO POWER RAKE -NO RETAIL DEALS PLEASE.Contact: TOM NACEYPhone: 651-214-1694Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––BADGER 460Contact: COREYEmail: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––NEED NOW FROM CONTRACTOR ONLY4 BULLDOZERS 375A 3Contact: JEAN MAURTICE BOUTINPhone: 1 450 346 8975Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CAT 330DLContact: RANDY REECEPhone: 770-966-9056Fax: 770-966-9035Email:[email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––330BL CAT EXCAVATORContact: ROD MARTIN OR PETERCORCHPhone: 717-733-3593Fax: 717-733-8531Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––VIBRATORY ROLLERS • WANTED 05 ORNEWER 66-84 IN ROLLERS 1000 HRSOR LESSContact: JIMEmail: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CAT 140H - CAT 140H GRADER, 17.5X25TYRES, BELOW 3500 HOURS, RIPPERContact: PAUL CROLLAPhone: 47-22.207696Fax: 44-161.226-8525Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––JOHN DEERE WHEELED EXCAVA-TOR595 - JOHN DEERE WHEELEDEXCAVATOR 495,595Contact: IMTIAZPhone: 647-887-4786Fax: 9054978633Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––I AM LOOKING TO BUY 650J NEW LGPContact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTINPhone: 1 450 346 8975Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

CAT D8H STARTER - 46A22000 SERIESDIRECT ELECTRIC STARTER.Contact: JOHN NEVINSEmail: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––2004 CAT BACKHOE 426BContact: DOUG LAUGHLINPhone: 607-742-9017Fax: 607-795-4157Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––BALL JOINT FOR INGERSOLL RANDVR636 - LOOKING FOR USED BALLJOINT FOR INGERSOLL RAND VR636ALL TERRAIN FORK LIFT. PART#59210572.Contact: JOSH KAMMEYERPhone: 269-685-9525Fax: 269-685-5888Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––BRIDGE DECK FINISHERContact: BRIAN SKAJEMPhone: 909 772 1749Fax: 951 352 4301Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––NEED PARTS FOR JCB BACKHOE3C1400B - NEED LOADER CONTROLALSO NEED18.4-24 TIRESContact: KLAUS MUELLERPhone: 239-980-2000Fax: 239-418-1000Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––AUSTIN WESTERN BLADE PACER 300DEAD OR ALIVEContact: LYLE CARPENTERPhone: 701-549-3727Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––REAR RIPPER FOR CAT D5NXLContact: WENDELL CAINPhone: 770-381-8984Fax: 770-381-6977Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GRADALL 660E CRAWLER | GRADALL660E CRAWLER WITH 5.9 CUMMINSContact: SCOTT RUBRIGHTPhone: 724-468-4700Fax: 724-468-4975Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––KOMATSU D355Contact: RANDY REECEPhone: 770-966-9056Fax: 770-966-9035Email:[email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––1976-1979 CAT 12GContact: RANDY REECEPhone: 770-966-9056Fax: 770-966-9035Email:[email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CATERPILLAR CRAWLER DOZERContact: GREG HENDRIXPhone: 936-327-5430Fax: 936-327-5108Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

LOADER CAT 970FII,966FII,966DVERY GOOD CONDITIONContact: MANSOUR HASEBPhone: +202 26632820Fax: +202 26632820Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––50 TO 75 TON CONVENTIONAL TRUCKCRANEContact: JERRY WADEPhone: 713-248-7971Fax: 281-348-0854Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––TELEHANDLERContact: TONY SPADAPhone: 407-509-4000Fax: 407-850-0256Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CRAWLER CRANEContact: VINCENTPhone: 860-664-8042Fax: 860-664-9175Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––WHEEL LOADER-JD 624J, QUICK CON-NECT, LOW HRS, PREFER SIDE DUMP.Contact: JOHN NEVINSEmail: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––WANTED KOMATSU DOZER 155,375Contact: ALHARTHIPhone: 00447875086827Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––1972 96J1729 DS CAT DOZERContact: CHUCK GREENEPhone: 843-669-8481/843-621-4411Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––FLATBED TRAILERContact: JIMMY ELRODPhone: 864 226 9380/ 843 238 8588Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––I AM LOOKING TO BUY PIECE 355KOMATSUContact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTINPhone: 1 450 346 8975Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––MASSEY FERGUSON 50HX "S SERIES"BACKHOEContact: STONEPhone: 937-313-0321Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CAT WHEEL LOADER 950B,E,F 936EContact: ALHARTHIPhone: 00447875086827Fax: 00441912713032Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CAT WHEEL LOADER 966D,E,F,FIIContact: ALHARTIPhone: 00447875086827Fax: 00441912713032Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––TOPCON HIPER LITE+Contact: MIKE PIEPERPhone: 319-372-2276Fax: 319-372-2277Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

BRUSH CUTTERContact: RON SHEWPhone: 618-889-2179Fax: 618-993-2441Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––D8N | GOOD RUNNING MACHINE, CAB,SHOT U/C. NJ AREA.Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––IAM LOOKING TO BUY D6D WITH RIPPERContact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTINPhone: 1 450 346 8975Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CAT 12G MOTOR GRADER | MACHINESMUST BE 61M SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX- ENCLOSED CAB - WITH SCARIFIER.MACHINES CAN BE LOCATED ANY-WHERE IN THE UNITED STATES ANDMUST BE PRICED UNDER $45,000.00Contact: DAN VANDERMEERPhone: 843-393-8495Fax: 843-393-8382Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CAT D10 | CATERPILLAR D10N ANDD11N CRAWLER TRACTORS.MACHINES NEED TO HAVE A SINGLE-SHANK RIPPER. ANY YEAR ANY LOCA-TION ACCEPTABLE.Contact: CHARLES SOLOMONEPhone: 702-562-9285Email:[email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CRAWLER CRANE | 1997 TO 2007 100TO 150 TON CRAWLER CRANE; 3DRUMS; 150 BOOMContact: JOHN NEVINSEmail: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CAT 12H OR 12N GRADER | MUST HAVEREAR RIPPER AND FRONT PUSHBLOCK, CAB AND AIR, WITH A COUPLETHOUSAND HOURS ON THE MACHINE.PLEASE WHOLESALE ONLY.Contact: RICHARD H. SMITHPhone: 908-479 8383Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GROVE 1012 CARRY DECK INDUSTRIALCRANEContact: DON AUSTINPhone: 512-750-9742 Fax: 512-301-0163Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROAD EQUIPMENTContact: JEAN PASCAL OUEDRAOGOPhone: 0022522443339Fax: 0022522443260Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––VERMEER 252 STUMP GRINDERContact: ERICPhone: 309-351-9520Email: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SHUTTLE BUGGYROADTEC SB2500 SHUTTLE BUGGYContact: JOHN NEVINSEmail: [email protected]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Attention Contractors!Post Your Wanted To Buy Listings FREE!

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for inclusion in our newsletters, simply visit: www.ConstructionEquipmentGuide.com/wanted and enter your listings.

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2007 Mustang ME3003 - Mini Excavator, withlong arm and 16" bucket, 36 HP, 112 Hrs, Fullwarranty .................................................$24,700

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1997 Bobcat 873, with New Tires, 78” Bkt, 4069Hrs................................................................$9,950

Pat Kelly Equipment Co.Call Gary 314/895-9500 22-23 JM

1992 Bobcat 753, with Only 1780 Hrs, 60 ToothBkt ...................................Priced to sell at $7,500

Pat Kelly Equipment Co.Call Gary 314/895-9500 22-23 JM

2003 John Deere 320 Skid, Cab, Heat, qt, 72"bucket, 1365 Hrs, 66 HP, s/n T00320A101325....................................................................$18,500

763/444-8873 22-23 PK

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Next IssueCloses

November 20th

22000077 CCaassee 11885500KK,, s/n N7HC51103, 744 Hrs, Cabw/Heat & A/C, 13'6" 6-Way Blade, 30" Pads, ColdStart (48 Mo/4000 Full Machine Warranty until7/15/11)........................................................$$119955,,000000

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22000066 CCaassee 11885500KK,, s/n HHA431139, 704 Hrs, Cabw/Heat & A/C, 13'6" 6-Way Blade, 30" Pads, ColdStart (48 Mo/4000 Full Machine Warranty).$$118800,,000000

Call Mark at (630) 878-8767 23-24 JM

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Rosco SPRHH Chip Spreader, 693 Hours,Very Clean, Ready to go to work, 14' Head,FOB Windom, MN..................................$42,500

Dick Courts • 507-678-2752 23-24 PK

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2001 CAT 836, 8923 hours.....................................$59,0002004 CAT 836G, 7159 hours...................................$355,000

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2007 Dynapac CA150PD, 66’’drum, Cummins 3.3 8HP,canopy, smooth drum w/pad-foot shell kit & blade, very goodcondition, 410 hours....................................$68,570.2007 Dynapac CA150D, 66’’drum, Cummins 3.3 80HP,canopy, smooth drum, goodcondition, 150 hours...$64,800.2007 Dynapac CA250D, 84’drum, Cummins 110 HP diesel,canopy, smooth drum w/pad-foot shell kit, good condition,600 hours....................$69,280.

B & W Equipment Co., Inc.260/422-0945


Crawler Tractor

2006 Cat D4GXL,1049 hours...................$69,0002004 Cat D6RXLII, 4551 hours.................$155,0002004 Cat D8RII, 3406 hours.................$369,3001998 Cat D8R, 16,600 hours..............$143,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729

NH Construction EquipmentNew & Used

Parts & Service

Modern EquipmentSales & Rental800-445-4381


Hydraulic Excavators

NH Construction EquipmentNew & Used

Parts & Service

Modern EquipmentSales & Rental800-445-4381

2006 Cat 303.5CCR, 698 hours.....................$39,9002003 Cat 325CL, 2,998 hours................$108,3002003 Cat 325CL, 6,987 hours..................$75,0002005 Cat 330CL, 2,366 hours................$199,0002006 Cat 345CL ME, 3,809 hours................$299,0002003 Cat 345BL, 4,941 hours................$199,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729

2004 John Deere 120C, 24’’pads, long arm, 42’’ Werk-Braubucket, excellent condition,1850 hours..................$69,900.1999 Hitachi EX230 LC-5, A/C,long arm, 36’’ HD bucket, verygood condition, 4708hours..........................$69,900.

JDE Equipment Co.616/530-2000

Mini Excavators

2003 Kubota KX-161, cabw/AC, rubber tracks, dozerblade w/hyd. thumb & 2 buck-ets, good condition, 2600hours, pictures available....................................$33,000.

Farm-Rite Inc.908/625-0697

NH Construction EquipmentNew & Used

Parts & Service

Modern EquipmentSales & Rental800-445-4381

Yanmar VIO75, s/n 12634, maxdigging deoth 15’5’’, max reach22’11’’, trvel speed 2.9 mph,bucket, good condition, 358hours............................$65,000



Logging Equipment

1996 Caterpillar 320L strokedelimber, 31” pads, Baldersonattachment, good condition,7157 hours ...............$92,000

Five Star Equipment Inc.607/775-2006


Industrial Forklifts

Gradall/LullSales, Service, Training

Modern EquipmentSales & Rental800/445-4381

Rough Terrain Forklifts

2007 JCB 930, 6 cyl. 4WDcanopy model with 22’’ clearview mast, 6,000 lb. lift w/60’’ITA forks. Mint Condition.Pictures Available, 600 hours.....................................$35,000.

Farm-Rite Inc.908/625-0697

2007 JCB 930, 6 cyl. 4WDcanopy model with 22’’ clearview mast, 6,000 lb. lift w/60’’ITA forks. Mint Condition.Pictures Available, 600 hours.....................................$39,500.

Farm-Rite Inc.908/625-0697

Track Loaders

Backhoe Loaders

2005 Cat 420D, 972 hours.....................................$49,0002006 Cat 420EIT, 773 hours.....................................$65,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729

Skid Steer Loaders


5000# Pallet Forks$700

Landscape Land Planes$1350

Rock Buckets - 66’’$2250

Pick Up at Las Vegas Warehouse

Call 218-863-6444

Wheel Loaders

2003 JCB 407ZX Compact,cab, heat, A/C, radial tires, limit-ed slip trans with 1.0 cu yd GPbucket and set of F/F.Goodcondition Pictures available,2800 hrs......................$31,500.

Farm-Rite Inc.908/625-0697

NH Construction EquipmentNew & Used

Parts & Service

Modern EquipmentSales & Rental800-445-4381

2006 Cat 904B, 3,456 hours.....................................$39,0002005 928GZ, 2519 hours.....................................$87,3002006 Cat 938GII, 2,552 hours...................................$119,0002006 Cat 938GII, 441 hours...................................$129,0002006 Cat 972H, 3,180 hours...................................$229,0002003 Cat 980G, 7251 hours...................................$199,0002002 Cat 980G...................Call1998 Cat 980.............$499,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729

Track Loaders

2006 Cat 953C, 721 hours...................................$135,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729



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6S8800MT Link Assy., (2), 36section, dry, master pin, 9/16’’bolt........................$849.00 Ea.6S605MT Link Assy., (4), 36section, dry, split master, 9/16’’bolt........................$874.00 Ea.6S9066MT Link Assy., (4), 36section, SALT, split master,9/16’’ bolt ...........$1,099.00 Ea.6Y1339MT Link Assy., (4), 36section, SALT, split master,9/16’’ bolt ...........$1,105.00 Ea.3657/37MT Link Assy., (2), 36section, dry, master pin, 9/16’’bolt........................$890.00 Ea.3T6705MT Link Assy., (2), 36section, SALT, split master,9/16’’ bolt............$1,150.00 Ea.6S8817MT Track Pads, (77),16’’ single grouser, 9/16’’ bolt...................................$9.69 Ea.

Komatsu D30A, D31A, D31B,D37E, D31S, D31P...

6.0126 Pitch

TR1103211292 Track Pad,(118), 14’’ single grouser, 14mmbolt............................$7.39. Ea.TR1113000260 Top Roller (2),complete w/shaft....$82.00. Ea.TR1113000281 Bottom Roller(9), double flange.......................................$103.00. Ea.

G & H Services, Inc.973/383-3370

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Miscellaneous Parts


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1997 JCB 411B, S/N 527497, with 4179 Hrs,equipped w/AC, 3rd Function and Forks $40,000CCaallll 550022//445566--44005500 AAsskk ffoorr MMeelliissssaa oorr AAllbbeerrtt 22-23 EB

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22000033 IIssuuzzuu NNPPRR,, 4 cyl turbo diesel 175hp, 41k, very economicmotor, 4 spd auto, flat bed w/ 4 tool boxes down the side and1 main rear tool box that has a lot of storage space and is ableto hold cutting torches. Also has built in fuel tank. 4 new tires.Very nice truck and runs very well......................AAsskkiinngg $$99,,550000

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11999900 BBuucckkeett CChheevvyy AAsspplluunnddhh mmooddeell LL3388TTMM ssiinnggllee mmaannbbuucckkeett,, 5 spd w/ a 2 spd rear, 100,000 miles, good condition,brand new batteries, never been stored outside, great operat-ing condition. Great for repairing or painting barns & houses,trimming trees, and decorating trees and houses at Christmas................................................................................AAsskkiinngg $$55,,990000

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Motor Scrapers

1998 Cat 627F, 9,740 hours....................................$299,0001998 Cat 627F, 10,307 hours...................................$299,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729


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Ditch Witch 3210D, s/n342857, diesel, straight plow,70% new tires, 24’’ feed blade,A330, s/n 2934 attachment,good condition..............$6,500.2002 Ditch Witch RT90, hydro-stat, 5’ mag. boom, like new110k chain, 6 way BFB, rearsteer, auto crowd, good condi-tion, 2059 hrs. ...........$39,500.2004 Ditch Witch 1820, 24’’combo chain - like new, 6’’x24’’headshaft & sprocket new, newtires, 18hp Honda, good condi-tion, 425 hours..............$5,500.2000 Ditch Witch HT 25, off-set, 50/50 tooth chain, 30’’boom, with backhoe, fair condi-tion, 1126 hrs..............$10,500.

Ditch Witch Southwest800-882-8141


Misc Trucks

2001 Cat 730, 9,126 hours...................................$115,0002004 Cat 735, 4,035 hours...................................$249,0002005 Cat 735, 3,738 hours...................................$269,0002006 Cat 740, 3,320 hours...................................$305,0001994 Cat D350D, 20,412 hours ...........................$49,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729

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GGeett aann eeddggee oonn yyoouurr ccoommppeettiittiioonn!!Construction Equipment Guide Midwest Edition subscribers are the bestinformed about construction news, construction equipment, sales, auctions,equipment prices, trends and changes in the industry and activities of its people.Call Toll Free! We now accept Visa, Mastercard & American Express!


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ALEX LYON & SON AUCTIONEERSBridgeport, NYPhone: 315-633-2944

• Houston, TXTues., November 17, 2009For: Late Model Construction,Earthmoving Equipment,Aerials, Forklifts, Support,Truck & Trailers

• Manassas, VAFri., November 20, 2009For: Job Completion Auction ofCat, John Deere, EarthmovingEquipment & Rental Returns ofLate Model Equipment

• Providence, RISat.-Sun., November 21-22,2009For: Complete Liquidation ofone of the Largest PrivatelyOwned Rental Companies inNew England!

• Dallas, TXTues., December 1, 2009For: Late Model ConstructionEquipment, Support Equipment,Aerials, Trucks & Trailers

• South Plainfield, NJFri., December 4, 2009For: Property is SOLD!Complete Liquidation ofConstruction, SupportEquipment, Trucks & Trailers

• Queretaro, MexicoFri., December 4, 2009For: Large ConstructionEquipment Auction, SupportEquipment, Trucks & Trailers

• Columbus, OHSat., December 5, 2009For: Construction, Forklifts,Aerial Lifts, Truck & TrailerAuction

• Kissimmee, FLThurs., December 10, 2009For: Late Model Rental Returnsof Construction, SupportEquipment, Aerial Lifts,Telescopic Forklifts

• Atlanta, GAFri., December 11, 2009For: Late Model RentalsConsisting of Construction,Support Equipment, Trailers,Trucks, Aerial Lifts & Forklifts

• Ledyard (Foxwood Casino), CTSat., December 12, 2009For: Late Model Rental FleetConstruction, SupportEquipment, Aerial Lifts, Trucks& Trailers

• St. Louis, MOThurs., December 17, 2009For: Rental Fleet Equipment –Large and Small, Trucks &Trailers

• San Bernardino, CAFri., December 18, 2009For: Large Rental ReturnAuction of Late ModelConstruction Equipment, AerialLifts, Forklifts, Trucks & Trailers

• Atlantic City, NJSat., December 19, 2009For: Late Rental Return Auctionof Late Model Construction,

Aerials, Forklifts, Trucks,Trailers & Support Equipment

• Cincinnati, OHTues., December 29, 2009For: Construction, SupportEquipment, Aerial Lifts, Trucks& Trailers

• Greenwich (Albany), NYWed., December 30, 2009For: Late Model Kobelco, NewHolland, Cat, John DeereEarthmoving Equipment,Forklifts, Aerial, SupportEquipment

• Kissimmee, FLSunday thru Saturday., February 1-8, 2010For: Annual 8 Day Sale of theLatest & Greatest Construction,Aerials, Forklifts, Cranes, TruckTractors, Dump Trucks and AllTypes of Trailers and SupportEquipment – THE REAL SALE!

• Newark, NJDTBAFor: Rental Fleet Construction,Aerial, Telescopic Equipment,Trucks & Trailers

RITCHIE BROS. AUCTIONEERSRichmond, BC, CanadaPhone: 402-421-2631

• Krakow, PolandNovember 17

• Truro, NS, CANNovember 17

• Houston, TXNovember 17 - 19

• Meppen, GermanyNovember 19

• Manassas, VANovember 19

• Moncofa, SpainNovember 19 & 20

• Phoenix, AZNovember 19 & 20

• Istanbul, TurkeyNovember 21

• Brisbane, AustraliaNovember 24

• Grande Prairie, AB, CANNovember 24 & 25

• Moerdijk, The NetherlandsNovember 25-27

• Geelong, AustraliaNovember 26

• Vancouver, BC, CADecember 1

• Sacramento, CADecember 1 & 2

• St., Aubin Sur Gaillon, FranceDecember 1 & 2

• Saskatoon, SK, CANDecember 2

• Fort Worth, TXDecember 2-4

• Montreal, QC, CANDecember 3 & 4

• Polotitlan, MexicoDecember 8

• Caorso, ItalyDecember 3 & 4

• Toronto, ON, CANDecember 7 & 8

• Polotitlan, MexicoDecember 8

• Statesville, NCDecember 8

• Denver, CODecember 8 & 9

• Columbus, OHDecember 9

• Jackson, MSDecember 10• Chicago, ILDecember 10 & 11

• Olympia, WADecember 10 & 11

• Farmington, NMDecember 14

• Dubai, United Arab EmiratesDecember 14 - 16

•Pittsburgh, PADecember 14

• Nashville, TNDecember 15

• Minneapolis, MNDecember 15

• Los Angeles, CADecember 15 & 16

•Kansas City, MODecember 16

• North East, MDDecember 16 & 17

• Prince George, BC, CANDecember 17

• St. Louis, MODecember 18

• Narita, JapanJan 27, 2010

• Las Vegas, NVFeb 5, 2010

• Orlando, FLFebruary 15-20, 2010

• Torreon, MexicoFebruary 2010

CAT AUCTION SERVICESShakopee, MNPhone: 866-750-9432

• Harris, MNWed., November 18, 2009For: Complete Dispersal ofArcon Construction

• Kansas City, MOTues., December 1, 2009For: Construction Equipment,Trucks & Trailers

DEANCO AUCTIONPhiladelphia, MSPhone: 877-898-5905

• Philadelphia, MS

Wed., & Thurs., Nov. 18-19,2009For: Huge 2 Day Public AuctionSelling Construction Equipment,Trucks, Trailers, LoggingEquipment, Support Equipment

GLOBAL FORCE AUCTION GROUPThurmont, MDPhone: 301-631-0650

• Martinsburg, WVSat., December 19, 2009For: Construction Equipment

HUNYADY AUCTION COMPANYHatfield, PAPhone: 215-361-9099

• Souderton, PAWed., November 18, 2009For: Complete Liquidation ofScholl Bros. Excavating, Inc.

• Waynesboro, VAWed., December 9, 2009For: Former Assets ofEnnstone, Inc. and LeaseReturns

IRAY AUCTIONSFoley, MNPhone: 320-968-7230

• Foley, MNFri., Dec. 4, 2009For: Heavy ConstructionEquipment And Semi, Truck &Trailer

IRON PLANET AUCTIONSPleasanton, CAPhone: 888-433-5426ONLINE AUCTIONSGo to www.ironplanet.com toview the complete auctionschedules, inspection reportsand to place your bid!

• Thurs., November 19, 2009For: Construction Equipment

• Thurs., December 3, 2009For: Construction Equipment

KISSIMMEE AUCTION COMPANYSpartanburg, SCPhone: 864-583-2700

• Spartanburg, SCThursday, December 3, 2009For: Construction and ForestryEquipment

L & L EQUIIPMENT SALESFairview, TNPhone: 615-799-0850ONLINE AUCTIONGo to www.landlequip-mentsales.comto view the complete auction

schedules, inspection reports

and to place your bid!

• Sat., December 5, 2009For: Construction Equipment

LOWDER AUCTIONEERSWilmington, NCPhone: 800-348-8956

• Durham, NCWed., December 3, 2009For: Delaware Contractors &Truck Auction

MARTIN & MARTIN AUCTIONEERS, INC.Pelzer, SCPhone: 864-947-7888

• Wallace, SCTuesday, November 17, 2009For: Construction Equipment,Truck, Trailers & Tools

• Pelzer, SCWed.-Thurs, December 9-10,2009For: Annual 2 Day WinterContractors Auction

NITKE AUCTIONSWausau, WIPhone: 715-362-6162

• Wausau, WISat., Dec. 12, 2009For: Construction Equipment,Trucks & Trailers

PURPLE WAVE AUCTIONSDerby, KSPhone: 866-608-9283

• Wausau, WIWed., November 18, 2009For: Construction& ExcavatingLiquidation – ONLINE ONLYwww.purplewave.com

RDO EQUIPMENT CO. AUCTIONSFargo, NDPhone: 866-536-5189

November 20-27, 2009ONLINE Liquidation SaleFor: John Deere Agriculture,Construction and VermeerEquipmentwww.rdoauctions.com

RITCHASON AUCTIONEERSLebanon, TNPhone: 800-806-3395

• Louisville, KYSat., November 21, 2009For: TBA

• Lebanon, TNSat., December 12, 2009For: TBA

STEFFES AUCTIONEERSFargo, NDPhone: 701-237-9173

• West Fargo, NDWed, December 9, 2009For: AgIron 53 ConsignmentEvent

• Litchfield, MN

Wed, December 30, 2009For: AgIron 21 ConsignmentEventwww.steffesauctioneers.com

STOCK AUCTION COMPANYSt. Edward, NEPhone: 800-937-3558

BIG IRON TIMED INTERNET ONLY AUCTIONGo to www.stockra.com to viewthe complete auction sched-ules, inspection reports and toplace your bid!

• Wed., November 25, 2009For: Construction Equipment

THE AUCTIONEERS GROUPPerth Amboy, NJPhone: 732-776-7222

• Perth Amboy, NJThurs., November 17, 2009For: Construction Equipment,Trucks & Trailers, Forklifts &More!

UTILITY AUCTIONSDes Moines, IAPhone: 515-299-6289

• Wilmington, DEFri., December 18, 2009For: Construction, Utility &Forestry Equipment

VOCONAUCTIONSWilmington, DEPhone: 866-21-VOCON

ONLINE AUCTIONWed, December 9, 2009www.govocon.com


• Perris, CA Sat., Dec. 5, 2009 – 8AMLive Online Biddingwww.wca-online.com

WORLD WIDE AUCTIONEERSEl Paso, TXPhone: 480-505-0070

• El Paso, TXTues., November 24, 2009For: Construction Equipment

YODER & FREY AUCTIONEERS, INC.Holland, OHPhone: 419-865-3990

• Lorain, OHThurs., November 19, 2009For: Rowland Trucking Inc.

• Kissimmee, FLFeb 8 –Feb. 16, 2010 36th Annual Kissimmee, FLAuction


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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 65

Auctions you can trustAuction Company Bond #70259785. Preliminary list to date. Equipment subject to change.

Go to www.ironplanet.com to view the complete auction schedule, guaranteed inspection reports, and place your bids.

Online Auctions. www.ironplanet.com

Equipment located in Canada

65 Aerial Work Platforms

51 Backhoes

73 Compactors

67 Dozers

94 Excavators

106 Forklifts

105 Skid-steers

232 Trucks-On-Road

And much more...

Over 150 items located in Canada, plus additional equipment located in the United States.

Page 66: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

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To see more info and pictures, please visit our website


9:00 AM (CST) MISC. AT 8:00 AM








Teamwork Key to Successof Toll Road Construction

“They’ve been just absolutely phenomenalas far as being able to service our needs,being there on a timely basis.”

The Case of a Missing CaseThe Qualcom Tracs system came in

handy almost instantly and saved IndianaToll-Road Contractors a valuable piece ofiron.

This occurred when Mike Maloney ofMcCann Industries called Wiseman to ask ifthe machine was where it was supposed tobe in November 2008. Maloney informedWiseman that his Case equipment hadmoved off the Indiana job site.

No one expected it to turn up in SouthHaven, Mich.

“These machines are locked into an areabased on their Qualcom GlobalTracs GPSsignals,” Wiseman explained. “You can setboundaries and say, ‘If this machine goespast Broadway [Street] on the west andTennessee [Avenue] on the east, send analert,’ and McCann gets alerted through thesystem that the machine is on the move.”

After receiving the call, Wiseman sent asupervisor to check on the machine, but itwas nowhere to be found.

“So at that point, McCann’s service man-ager got into the system and started tracking[the machine],” Wiseman said. “He discov-ered that the machine was sitting on the cor-ner of I-94 and a side street in South Haven,Mich.”

Wiseman called the South Haven policeand within a couple of minutes, the machine

was located in the parking lot of the RamadaInn.

“That’s a testament to the GlobalTracssystem,” Wiseman said.

Unfortunately, they never caught the per-petrators.

“They [perpetrators] took the machine.Obviously they had to have a lowboy tomove it,” Wiseman said. “Somewhere alongthe line, they must have got spooked. Theytook it off of the lowboy and just dropped itin the parking lot. We were never able tocatch them, but within three hours, we hadthe machine back at the job site.”

Teamwork Gets It DoneDuring the whole project, Indiana Toll-

Road Contractors has had to work closelywith the city of Gary, Ind., with the state ofIndiana, with local business such as U.S.Steel, with major utility companies and evena minor league baseball stadium.

Wiseman said that Indiana Toll-RoadsContractors LLC keeps an eye on local traf-fic while keeping public safety in mind.

“It’s been a major feat keeping everybodyin the loop and safe,” Wiseman said. “Thegeneral public is our main concern.”

For more information on FerrovialAgroman, visit www.ferrovial.com.

For more information on Rieth-Riley, visitwww.rieth-riley.com.

For more information on McCannIndustries, visit www.mccannonline.com.

(This story also can be found onConstruction Equipment Guide’s Web siteat www.constructionequipmentguide.com.)CEG

A Case 210 CX excavator digs at the Virginia St. bridge under the Indiana Toll Roadin Gary, Ind.

TOLL from page 51

Page 67: Midwest #23, 2009 - CEG

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 67



CAT AUCTION SERVICES8050 County Road 101 East Shakopee, MN 55379

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Follow the new leader.TM



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DECEMBER 1, 2009


Rockridge QuarryI-435 & East 87th StreetKansas City, Missouri


Articulated Trucks (2)Hydraulic Hammers (7)Hydraulic Excavators (10)Mini Excavators (2)Man Lifts (2)Boom Lifts (6)Motor Graders (3)Motor Scrapers (5)

Telehandlers (9)Track-Type Loaders (4)Track-Type Tractors (5)Backhoe Loaders (4)Compactors (7)Water Trucks (4)Light Plants (5)



*Equipment subject to change

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Racine…One Complete Unloads Iron With Alex Lyon & Son in Wis.

Mark Pitzka of Pitzka Services inspects this Case 584C forklift.

George Vingan of Scott Ward UndergroundContractors checks the controls of this Bobcat 763 skidsteer.

Jack Lyon calls for more bids on the skid steers at the Racine, Wis.,sale.

Scott Ward, president of Scott Ward UndergroundContractors, looks over some of the skid steers.

Some well-traveled auction goers (L-R) are Bennie Helland, owner of Newark Truck& Tractor; Rolf Helland, president of Illinois Truck & Equipment; and Gary Roberts,corporate used equipment manager of Roland Machinery Co.

John (L) and Randy Vassh, both of Vassh Excavating in Racine, Wis.,look over this Komatsu WB 146 backhoe.

Chad Ketelsen, Alex Lyon & Son’s Midwest vice presi-dent, calls for more bids on the trucks at the auction inRacine, Wis.

Alex Lyon & Sonhosted an auctionOct. 30 at the com-

pany’s Racine, Wis., loca-tion.

The event featured a liqui-dation for One CompleteConstruction Company plusthe auctioning off of aerials,forklifts, trucks, dumptrucks, trailers and support.

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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • November 14, 2009 • Page 69

Col. Raymond S. Henry – WI Lic.#2490-52; MN Lic.#05-09-003Real Estate Auctioneer & GPPA Certified Equipment Appraiser

CALL TO CONSIGN OR SCHEDULE AN AUCTION (877) OR (320) 968-7230SSeeee IItt •• BBiidd oonn IItt •• BBuuyy IItt •• wwwwww..iirraayymmnn..ccoomm

LiveOn-Line Bidding

www.iraymn.com OOnn SSiittee –– JJcctt HHwwyyss 9955 && 2255 -- FFoolleeyy,, MMNNPPaarrttiiaall LLiisstt –– AAcccceeppttiinngg uunnttiill NNoooonn oonn SSaattuurrddaayy,, NNoovv.. 2288tthh

EExxccaavvaattoorrss:: Cat E110B, Hitachi 300 DDoozzeerrss:: D6D LGP, Cat D5 LLooaaddeerrss:: ‘88 Cat IT-18BWheel, Cat 955K Track SSkkiidd SStteeeerrss:: ‘05 JD 320, ‘00 Bobcat 863G GGrraaddeerrss:: ‘95 Champion730A Ser IIII, JD 670A, Cat 14E SSccrraappeerrss:: Terex TS46B, Int’l E200B LLiiffttss:: ‘05 Cat P6000,Clark 0300 50, Int’l 4500B, ‘98 Mark Aerial 80CRTR-D CCoonnccrreettee:: Gomaco GT3600, Hopper,10) Form Baskets, Culvert - Many Sizes DDuummppss:: ‘98 Mack DM6905 Tri, ‘97 Ford L9000 Tri,‘92 Ford L9000, ‘90 Ford L8000, ‘86 Ford, ‘82 Int’l 2574 Tri, ‘81 Mack RD6855 Tdm SSeemmiiss::‘08 Pete 388 Tdm, 2) ‘07 Pete 379 Sleeper Tdm, ‘02 F/L Columbia 120 Tdm, ‘00 Int’l 9400Sleeper Tdm, ‘99 Western Star 4800 Tdm, ‘99 KW T800 Tdm, ‘98 FLD Condo Sleeper Tdm,‘95 F/L DS Tri, 2) ‘94, ‘93 & ‘92 Int’l 8300 Tdm, ‘93 KW T600 Tdm, ‘89 Int’l 2674, ‘88 Int’lF2275 Tdm TTrruucckkss:: ‘08 F350 XL Super Duty, ‘05 F450, ‘00 Mack TB80 Conveyor, ‘99 Chev3500HD, ‘98 Fassi Boom F190.22 Tri, ‘96 Int’l 4700 Box Van, ‘94 Chev Kodiak, ‘90 Int’l 4700,‘90 Ram, ‘89 Mack Propane, ‘79 Ford LT800 Boom Tdm, ‘77 Mack Crane, Big John 90C TreeTransplanter TTrraaiilleerrss--DDuummpp:: ‘00 Mac End Tdm, ‘00 & ‘99 Chagnon End Tdm, Steco End TdmTTrrllrrss--FFllaatt:: 2) ‘07 Fontaine Infinity AX Tdm, ‘05 Fontaine Lowboy Detach Tdm, ‘02 H & SSS16 Tdm, ‘00 Fontaine TH55 Detach Tri, ‘94 Dynaweld Tdm, ‘93 Fontaine Drop Deck Tdm,‘91 Dorsey Tdm, ‘90 Witzco Detach, ‘88 Load King Tri Detach, ‘86 Value Detach Tri, TalbertDetach Tdm, Trail King Tdm TTrrllrrss--EEnncc:: ‘04 Pace Summit Tdm, ‘00 Haulmark TdmSnowmobile, ‘80 Lufken TTrraaccttoorrss:: Cat Challenger 75, Steiger KR 1280 Cougar AAggggrreeggaattee::Pioneer 414 Wash Plant, Power Screen Mark II, Swift Conveyor 70’ x 24”, Hmde TransferConveyor 20’ x 24”, 2) Transfer Conveyors, Screen Box, Paddle Type Pulley, Tail/Head Pulley,4) Tail Pullies, 4) Head Pullies, Conveyor Belting VVeehhiicclleess:: ‘08 Silverado Crew Cab, ‘07Silverado Ext Cab Z85, ‘07 Silverado 2500 Ext Cab, ‘05 Silverado Z71, ‘04 Dodge 3/4 TonCrew Cab, ‘04 Silverado Ext Cab, ‘03, ‘00, 2) ‘98 Silverado Ext 4x4, ‘99 GMC Sierra, ‘99 F350XLT Super Duty, ‘99 Silverado 2500, ‘99 Chev 2500, ‘98 Escort SE BBuusssseess:: ‘99 Ford E450Super Duty Goshen Coach, 2)GMC 3500 RReeccrreeaattiioonnaall:: ‘88 Chev Fleetwood Pace Arrow, ‘79Mini Winnie PPlluuss:: Attachments, Generators, Storage, Sweepers, Shop, Tools, Tires & MMuucchhMMoorree!!

Rubber Tired Loaders(2) `07 KOMATSU WA500, s/n A92201 (1,402 Original Hours) and s/n A92172 (3,124 Original Hours),e/w coal bucket, high lift arrangement, and EROPS • `05 VOLVO L220E, s/n L220EV3371 • `06 VOLVOL90E, s/n L90EV67819

Hydraulic Excavators`06 KOMATSU PC300LC-7, s/n A87027, e/w 2005 Genesis GXP500R rotating shear, s/n 500437R(Excavator and Shear Will Be Offered Separately and As An Entirety) • `05 DOOSAN Solar 255LC-V, s/n40001354 • `01 CAT 330BL, s/n 3YR01327 • `01 IHI 45NX Mini Excavator, s/n WG000597

Motor Scrapers(8) `04 CAT 615C-II Elevating Motor Scrapers, s/n 9XG01723, s/n 9XG01724, s/n 9XG01725, s/n9XG01726, s/n 9XG01727, s/n 9XG01728, s/n 9XG01729, s/n 9XG01730

End Dumps`98 CAT D400E, 6x6 Articulated, s/n 2YR00885 • `01 CAT D350E Series II, s/n 2XW00375

Directional Drill and Mixing System`07 VERMEER D100x120 Series II Horizontal Directional Drill, s/n 1VRZ3304471000154, e/w 12,000 ft.lb. Torque, 100,000# pullback, 200 GPM on-board drilling fluid pump (1,899 Hours) • `98 SURFACE2,000 Gallon Mixing System

Portable Screen Plant and Tub Grinder`05 POWERSCREEN Commander 1400 Rinser, s/n 13501954, e/w6’x13’ grizzly, hyd tilt with 44”x14’ discharge belt, 42”x44’ conveyor,5’x12’ wet screen, (5) wash bars • `99 MORBARK 1200XL PortableTub Grinder, s/n 567-469, Cat 3412E, 650HP diesel engine and TwinDisc PTO, e/w Morlift 350 knuckleboom loader with Tarantula grap-ple, 36”x28’ hyd folding discharge conveyor with magnetized end pul-ley

Scrap Baler/Logger`06 SIERRA S5250G Roll-Off Scrap Baler/Logger, s/n 03-116-06, e/w M8500-S knuckleboom loader, 4-tine rotating orange peel grapple, 22’ boom reach, 17’4” scrap tub with 160 ton main compression cylinderforce, 210 ton side compression force, and 1,100# average bale/log weight

All Terrain Crane, Boom Truck, and Forklift`93 LINK-BELT ATC822, 22 Ton, s/n 71-I3-0142 • `03 INT’L/TEREX 12 Ton Boom Truck, TerexBT2463 mtd on Int’l 7400 S/A • `07 DAEWOO G25E, s/n CXO3540

Concrete Pump Truck, Power Rake, and Bulk Trailer`03 PUMPSTAR ZF5-42/PS220, s/n 777192, e/w 42 meter, 5-sectionZ-fold concrete placing boom, umbilical remote control, wash downpump and hose reel. Mtd `03 Mack MR688S, 8x4 Carrier (No BoomPipe) • `07 SOMERO Power Rake, s/n 40232-0107 • `05 HEIL T800Cement Bulk Trailer

(19) Rear Discharge Concrete Mixer Trucks(12) `06 MACK CV713 Granite Tri-Axle Mixer Trucks, Mack A1-375A, 375HP dsl, Allison automatic,e/w CBMW 11 cy hyd mixer, 150 gal pressurized water tank • (2) `04 KENWORTH T800 T/A MixerTrucks, Cat C13 Acert, 380HP dsl engine and Allison automatic, e/w Kimble K2000 10.5 cy hyd mixer, 120gal pressurized water tank • (2) `04 MACK CV713 Granite T/A, Mack AMI-400 dsl and Allison automat-ic, e/w McNeilus 10.5 cubic yard hyd mixers • (3) `04 MACK EV713 Granite T/A, Mack AMI-370 dsland Mack TM309M, 9 spd transmission, e/w McNeilus 10.5 cy hyd mixers

Front Discharge Mixers Trucks(5) `06 TEREX/ADVANCE, 6x10, C13 Acert dsl and Allison trans, e/w 10.5 cy hyd mixer, 120 gal pres-surized water tank

Virginia Auction License No.: 2908 000496 While information is believed to be accurate, all items will besold “As-Is, Where-Is” without guarantee or warranty. A physical inspection is suggested.

Absolute AuctionWed., Dec. 9, 2009 –

9:00 AMWaynesboro, Virginia(Former Assets of Ennstone, Inc.

and Off-Lease Returns)

Please Call (800) 233-6898 orEmail [email protected]

For Complete Brochure And Additional Details!


Hirschmann Unveils iVISORMentor EI65 for Mobile Cranes

Hirschmann Automation and Control(PAT), Chambersburg, Pa., has introducedthe iVISOR mentor EI65 indicator systemfor mobile cranes.

The iVISOR mentor EI65 provides a con-tinuous display of actual load andallowable load, boom angle, boomlength, radius, parts of line, andalerts the operator to an impendingtwo block condition. All set up andcalibration is done through the user-friendly console.

The operator can preset limits forall geometric and load variables withan audible and visual warning whenthese limits are reached. This func-tion provides the operator additionalinformation while operating in areasof limited headroom or proximity tobuildings, electric transmissionlines, etc. The large backlit displayincorporates BestView — Adaptivedisplay control for optimal readabil-ity.

The iVISOR mentor EI65 incor-porates CANbus technology for allsensors. The load is measured with

either an SKM running line tensiometer or adead end force transducer.

The system also was designed as anupgrade to existing EI65 systems that arecurrently in the field to the latest technology.

The iVISOR mentor EI65 provides a continuousdisplay of actual load and allowable load, boomangle, boom length, radius, parts of line, andalerts the operator to an impending two blockcondition.

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KRAKOW, POLAND +31.168.392.200 NOV 17HOUSTON, TX, USA 713.455.5200 NOV 17 - 19MEPPEN, GERMANY + NOV 19MANASSAS, VA, USA 571.248.6221 NOV 19MONCOFA, SPAIN +34.964.580.559 NOV 19 & 20PHOENIX, AZ, USA 602.269.5631 NOV 20ISTANBUL, TURKEY +90.216.366.0300 NOV 21BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA +61.7.3382.4444 NOV 24GRANDE PRAIRIE, AB, CAN 780.538.1100 * NOV 24 & 25MOERDIJK, THE NETHERLANDS +31.168.392200 NOV 25 - 27GEELONG, AUSTRALIA +61.3.5245.3333 NOV 26TRURO, NS, CAN 902.895.3700 DEC 1VANCOUVER, BC, CAN 604.580.0166 DEC 1SACRAMENTO, CA, USA 530.724.3900 DEC 1 & 2ST. AUBIN SUR GAILLON, FRANCE +33.2.32778610 * DEC 1SASKATOON, SK CAN 306.933.9333 DEC 2FORT WORTH, TX, USA 817.237.6544 DEC 2 - 4MONTREAL, QC, CAN 450.464.2888 DEC 3 & 4CAORSO, ITALY +39.0523.818801 * DEC 3 & 4TORONTO, ON, CAN 800.357.0659 * DEC 7 & 8POLOTITLAN, MEXICO +52.427.266.0909 DEC 8STATESVILLE, NC, USA 704.873.6633 DEC 8

DENVER, CO, USA 970.535.6700 DEC 8COLUMBUS, OH, USA 937.568.9500 * DEC 9JACKSON, MS, USA 601.939.2258 DEC 10EDMONTON, AB, CAN 780.955.2486 * DEC 9 & 10CHICAGO, IL, USA 815.941.6400 * DEC 10 OLYMPIA, WA, USA 360.956.1500 DEC 10 & 11FARMINGTON, NM, USA 505.836.0738 DEC 14DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES +971.4.8120600 DEC 14 - 16PITTSBURGH, PA, USA 724.947.7240 * DEC 14NASHVILLE, TN, USA 615.453.4549 DEC 15MINNEAPOLIS, MN, USA 507.774.5050 DEC 15LOS ANGELES, CA, USA 951.940.9441 DEC 15 & 16KANSAS CITY, MO, USA 816.633.4096 DEC 16NORTH EAST, MD, USA 410.287.4330 DEC 16 & 17PRINCE GEORGE, BC, CAN 250.963.8491 DEC 17ST LOUIS, MO, USA 636.931.0090 DEC 18NARITA, JAPAN +61.7.3382.4444 JAN 27, 2010PANAMA CITY, PANAMA 52.427.266.0909 FEB 2, 2010LAS VEGAS, NV, USA 702.644.2468 FEB 5, 2010TORREON, MEXICO +52.427.266.0909 FEB 10, 2010ORLANDO, FL, USA 863.420.9919 FEB 15 - 20, 2010TORREON, MEXICO +52.871.731.7424 FEB, 2010

Can't make it to the auction? Place your bids over the Internet at rbauction.com. Submit proxy bids in advance of any auction, or place real-time bids through our live auction broadcasts. Click rbauctionBid on the Ritchie Bros. web site for details.

*NOTE NEW DATE - Dates are subject to change


Upcoming UnreservedPublic Auctions44

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TThhee AAddvveerrttiisseerrss IInnddeexx iiss pprriinntteedd aass aa ffrreeee eeddiittoorriiaall sseerrvviiccee ttoo oouurr aaddvveerrttiisseerrss aanndd rreeaaddeerrsshhiipp.. CCoonnssttrruuccttiioonn EEqquuiippmmeenntt GGuuiiddee iiss nnoott rreessppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr eerrrroorrss oorr oommiissssiioonnss..

A E D .............................................................................................18ALEX PARIS CONTRACTING CO INC ..........................................9ALLU GROUP ...............................................................................22AMERICAN STATE EQUIPMENT .................................................11ASPEN EQUIPMENT....................................................................59BARAGAINS.............................................................................61,63BODINE MFG................................................................................34BRANDEIS ....................................................................................28BUDROVICH INC............................................................................6CAT AUCTION SERVICES

KANSAS CITY ........................................................................67CEG SCALE MODELS..................................................................40CHAMPION MOTOR GRADERS..................................................44CLASSIFIEDS ..........................................................................62,63CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

FOR ALL YOUR CONTRACTING NEEDS.............................52CONSTRUCTIONEQUIPMENTGUIDE.COM.........................35CEG WANTED........................................................................60

DIERZEN TRAILERS CO..............................................................59DON KOONTZ EQUIPMENT........................................................28DOOSAN PORTABLE POWER ....................................................43DURATECH...................................................................................32DYNAPAC .....................................................................................48EAGER BEAVER TRAILERS........................................................23EQUIPMENT CORP OF AMERICA ..............................................28FABCO EQUIPMENT INC...............................................................7FARM-RITE EQUIPMENT INC .....................................................13FCC EQUIPMENT FINANCIAL.....................................................12FELLING TRAILERS.....................................................................58FINKBINER EQUIPMENT CO.......................................................11GARY CARLSON EQUIPMENT ...................................................15GROSSMAN CHEVROLET ..........................................................55HARTS TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO........................................10HH FABRICATION ........................................................................27HOWELL TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO................................39,72HULLS 151 IMPLEMENT INC ......................................................25HUNYADY AUCTION CO

WAYNESBORO VA.................................................................69HYDRAULICIRCUIT TECHNOLOGY............................................19ILLINOIS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT ..................................................3IRAY AUCTION

FOLEY MN..............................................................................69IROCK CRUSHERS......................................................................34

IRON PLANETONLINE AUCTION..................................................................65

JOHN DEERE ...............................................................................45KAWASAKI CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY ...............................49KOMATSU AMERICA CORP ........................................................46KUBOTA........................................................................................47LIEBHERR.....................................................................................26LUBY EQUIPMENT SERVICES....................................................25MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC...........................................................6MID COUNTRY MACHINERY.......................................................36MIDLAND EQUIPMENT CO .........................................................59MUSTANG MFG............................................................................41NPK CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT INC ..................................38PALADIN HEAVY CONSTRUCTION ............................................51PATTEN TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO ........................................2POWERSCREEN MW DEALER...................................................31RDO EQUIPMENT/SCHARBER EQUIPMENT.............................21REMU SCREENING TECHNOLOGY ...........................................34RITCHASON AUCTIONEERS

LOUISVILLE KY / LEBANON TN ...........................................66RITCHIE BROS. AUCTIONEERS

AUCTION UPDATE ................................................................70ROAD MACHINERY & SUPPLIES CO...........................................8ROCKLAND...................................................................................17ROLAND MACHINERY INC............................................................5RUDD EQUIPMENT CO ...............................................................17SANDVIK MINING & CONSTRUCTION .......................................33STAR EQUIPMENT LTD .................................................................6SUBURBAN CHEVROLET ...........................................................57TOPCON POSITIONING SYSTEMS ............................................27TOWMASTER INC.......................................................................56WEST SIDE TRACTOR SALES....................................................37WHAYNE SUPPLY CO..................................................................39WORLDWIDE EQUIPMENT LLC..................................................54ZM INDUSTRIES ..........................................................................22

OHIO STATE SUPPLEMENTBOBCAT ENTERPRISES................................................................5GIBSON MACHINERY LLC ............................................................7JD EQUIPMENT INC ......................................................................5NORTRAX.......................................................................................8THE MCLEAN CO...........................................................................3

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