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Page 1: Mike Weaver, CD-adapco Seattle - CLEERS · STAR-CD Transformation to Vertex Temperatures. ... • Inlet conditions, pressures, and temperature profile at the beginning and end of

STAR-CD Shared Library Interfacefor

Third Party, 1-D Models in es-aftertreatment

Mike Weaver, CD-adapco Seattle

2010 CLEERS Workshop, April 21

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• 1-D Model Integration Acknowledgement

• This project is a joint effort between– Daimler,– ICT Prague,– Exothermia,– CD-adapco.

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es-aftertreatment Interfacefor Third Party 1-D Models:

• Benefit from established, advanced, calibrated reaction models developed atuniversities and research laboratories with a specific focus on aftertreatment

• Couples 3-D STAR-CD flow and thermal solution with 1-D kinetics

• Can use multiple vendor 1-D models in a single simulation with multipledevices.

• Interface accommodates either cell discretization or vertex discretization in the1-D model.

• Present Vendors Providing libraries for STAR-CD 1-D interface: - XMR (Affiliated with the Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague) - axi-suite, Exothermia (Affiliated with Aristotle University, Thessaloniki) in work

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• Star-CD Interface for 1-D Aftertreatment Models ina Shared Library

• Shared Library Overview

• Physics Interface

• Computational Methodology and Validation

• Post Processing

• Practical Aspects

– Parallel Processing

– Grid Considerations• Modeling Examples• Status Report and Conclusion

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Shared Library Overview

• Interface through 'libxyz.so'

• One function, esaft1d, with seven modes for initialization, time stepsolution (iteration), time step completion, termination, and restart.

• We provide a compile and link script to avoid symbol conflicts withSTAR-CD

• libxyz.so must be compiled with a compatable compiler.

• 1-D library may use own input files.

• Output file names should contain global device and channelnumbers (which are parameters in the esaft1d library function.

• Model developed using Prostar aftertreatment tools.

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1-D Model Physics

STAR-CD applies Porous Coefficients to match pressure drop returned by 1-D Model (each channel) ‏

STAR-CD to 1-D Model

Channel Inlet Boundary (each channel):Mass Flow RateTemperaturePressure

Transported Scalar Concentrations

Solid Temperature Solution Along Channel Axis, (z position) each channel

From STAR-CD to 1-D ModelSolid temperature, T(z) ‏

STAR-CD Solid Temperature Solution

1-D Model to STAR-CD

Channel Outlet Boundary (each channel):TemperaturePressure

Transported Scalar Concentrations

Solid Enthalpy Solution Along Channel(z position) each channel

From 1-D Model to STAR-CDWall Heat transfer to solid, Q(z)‏Heat Capacity and enthalpyCp(z) and h(z) ‏

Thermal Conductivities: K_axial(z), K_radial(z)‏

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Computational Methodology:Scalars and Storage

• Transported Scalars: All reactants and products that are transported in the flow aredefined as transported scalars in Prostar and given inlet boundary concentrations forthe model.

• Non-transported Scalars: Along with the axial distribution of the transported Scalars,1-D models additionally may define any number of non-transported scalars, independentof Prostar, through the esafter1d interface.

• Arbitrary Device and Channel Memory Data: In addition to axial data storage,additional memory per device and per channel can be used.

• Storage: STAR-CD provides and efficiently manages cell storage for this data forrestarts as well as distribution in parallel processing.

• Post Processing: All values stored by the 1-D model through the interface can be post-processed in Prostar and /or output to tabulated files.

• Scratch memory: Per channel, can be allocated as well that is persistent during a run,but is not stored and therefore not retrieved at a restart.

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Computational Methodology:Axial Discretization and Thermal Validation

• The interface provides for both vertex discretization and cell discretization andaccordingly for boundary value and for finite difference (finite volume)formulations. This is declared by the 1-D model during the initialization phase.

• The Temperature Solution inSTAR-CD is CELL BASED.

Validation of XMR internal Vertex Temperature andSTAR-CD Transformation to Vertex Temperatures

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Computational Methodology

• 1-D Call sequence:• Initialization,• solution,• time step complete,• run complete,• restart.

• Solution phase:• Inlet conditions, pressures, and temperature profile at the beginning and

end of current time step are passed to the 1-D model.• The solution phase is called repeatedly during STAR-CD iterations within

the time-step as the flow, temperature, and heat flux fields converge.

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Pressure Validation

• STAR-CD is able to duplicate the pressure drop given by the 1-D model very accurately.

• For the first time step, especially with a small number of channels, the match is notarbitrarily close, but after the first time step, it is.

• The allowable residual between the 1D model pressure drop and STAR-CD Pressure dropcan be specified as a convergence criteria in the 'esafter.control' file. The default value is1.0 Pa. This is enforced for all timesteps except the first time step.

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Computational Validation

• The results for the 2x2x48, 2x4x48, 2x10x48, 2x50x48 and 2x200x48 models exactly matchthe results for the 2x1x48 model when run on a single processor..

• The 2x200x48 model when run in parallel with six processes shows slight variation aroundthe solution for the 2x1x48 model.

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Tools, Analysis Controls overview

• Additional Computational Controls ‘esafter.control’ file

– Convergence Criteria for Device Heat Transfer

– Convergence Criteria for Channel Pressure Drop

– Under-relaxation Factor for channel flow resistance.

• Output Controls

– esaft1d.post file written to at same times that STAR writes transientoutput to the .ccmt file

– verbose output to console for model investigation, ‘esafter.verbose’file.

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Mike Weaver

• 1-D Data stored in file named ‘esaft1d.post’.• Results written at same times that the transient output is

written to .ccmt file.• A data extraction tool is provided. ‘esaft_map_res’

– mapped contour plots in Prostar of internal 1-D modelState Variables

– Y vs. Z plots of Internal State Variables, Heat Transfer,and Temperatures;

– Y vs. Time plots for Internal State Variables, TransportedScalar Concentration, Temperature, Heat, Mass Flux,Pressure, Pressure error, maximum, minimum, area andvolume sums and averages.

Post Processing 1-D Results

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Mike Weaver

Top Level Commands:

1dtest/2x200x48> esaft_map_res

Opening esaft1d.post ...

v================ Commands ==============v| 1) (mxmn) Find Max/Min/Range | 7) (lyvz) List Y vs. Z| 2) (lzax) List axial z-positions | 8) (mcon) Make Contour Plot| 3) (lcon) List Contour Variables | 9) (myvt) Make Y vs. Time Graph| 4) (ldev) List Devices | 10) (myvz) Make Y vs. Z Graph| 5) (ltim) List Times | 11) (wscr) screen width| 6) (lyvt) List Y vs. Time

enter command or q=quit>

• Entering a command without parameters results in a short ‘help’ to complete thecommand.

• Commands are NOT case sensitive. MXMN and mxmn are the same command.

• Commands mcon, myvt, and myvz make, post processing files in a subdirectory called‘post’. This directory is created if it does not exist.

Post Processing - esaft_map_res

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Mike Weaver

enter command or q=quit>mxmnDev_num Y_vs_T_var_num [chan(0=all) [zpos(0=all) [time_no(0=all)] ] ]>1 8

Maximum-Minimum-Range Results for Device 1, Variable deltaP

Channel with Highest Maximum Value: 1, Results: Max: 1100.644, Time ( 50) = 50.000 Min: 478.3178, Time ( 1) = 1.000 Range: 622.3262

Channel with the lowest Maximum Value: 120, Results: Max: 1095.708, Time ( 50) = 50.000 Min: 475.5859, Time ( 1) = 1.000 Range: 620.1219

Channel with Lowest Minimum Value: 120, Results: Max: 1095.708, Time ( 50) = 50.000 Min: 475.5859, Time ( 1) = 1.000 Range: 620.1219

Channel with Highest Minimum Value: 11, Results: Max: 1100.641, Time ( 50) = 50.000 Min: 478.3214, Time ( 1) = 1.000 Range: 622.3197

Channel with Maximum Range: 1, Results: Max: 1100.644, Time ( 50) = 50.000 Min: 478.3178, Time ( 1) = 1.000 Range: 622.3262

Channel with Minimum Range: 120, Results: Max: 1095.708, Time ( 50) = 50.000 Min: 475.5859, Time ( 1) = 1.000 Range: 620.1219

Post Processing esaft_map_res command MXMN

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Mike Weaver

LYVT - list Y vs. Time Graph Variables.

enter number or q=quit>lyvt

v================ Device 1, DOC_1 Y vs Time Independent Variables ==============v| 1) Vol_Area_Sum | 18) CO2_in | 35) Tz | 52) cf_NH3| 2) Vol_Area_Avg | 19) CH4_in | 36) Hz | 53) cf_N2O| 3) MaxVal | 20) NH3_in | 37) Cp | 54) cf_C3H8| 4) MinVal | 21) N2O_in | 38) dCp_dT | 55) cw_CO| 5) mdot | 22) C3H8_in | 39) k_axial | 56) cw_O2| 6) T_in | 23) CO_out | 40) k_transverse | 57) cw_H2| 7) T_out | 24) O2_out | 41) Tf | 58) cw_C3H6| 8) deltaP | 25) H2_out | 42) Ts | 59) cw_H2O| 9) P_in | 26) C3H6_out | 43) cf_CO | 60) cw_NO| 10) P_out | 27) H2O_out | 44) cf_O2 | 61) cw_NO2| 11) CO_in | 28) NO_out | 45) cf_H2 | 62) cw_CO2| 12) O2_in | 29) NO2_out | 46) cf_C3H6 | 63) cw_CH4| 13) H2_in | 30) CO2_out | 47) cf_H2O | 64) cw_NH3| 14) C3H6_in | 31) CH4_out | 48) cf_NO | 65) cw_N2O| 15) H2O_in | 32) NH3_out | 49) cf_NO2 | 66) cw_C3H8| 16) NO_in | 33) N2O_out | 50) cf_CO2| 17) NO2_in | 34) C3H8_out | 51) cf_CH4

Post Processing esaft_map_res command LYVT

• List Y vs. Time Variables - Syntax:• LYVT, [device_no]

– Device_no: Optional. All devices listed if Device_no is notspecified.

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Post Processing esaft_map_res command MCON

• MCON Example (Page 1 of 2)Command line esaft_map_res generation of .usr file

v================ Commands ==============v| 1) (mxmn) Find Max/Min/Range | 7) (lyvz) List Y vs. Z| 2) (lzax) List axial z-positions | 8) (mcon) Make Contour Plot| 3) (lcon) List Contour Variables | 9) (myvt) Make Y vs. Time Graph| 4) (ldev) List Devices | 10) (myvz) Make Y vs. Z Graph| 5) (ltim) List Times | 11) (wscr) screen width| 6) (lyvt) List Y vs. Time

enter number or q=quit>ltim

v================ Times ==============v| 1) 2.000 | 11) 22.000 | 21) 42.000 | 31) 62.000 | 41) 82.000| 2) 4.000 | 12) 24.000 | 22) 44.000 | 32) 64.000 | 42) 84.000| 3) 6.000 | 13) 26.000 | 23) 46.000 | 33) 66.000 | 43) 86.000| 4) 8.000 | 14) 28.000 | 24) 48.000 | 34) 68.000 | 44) 88.000| 5) 10.000 | 15) 30.000 | 25) 50.000 | 35) 70.000 | 45) 90.000| 6) 12.000 | 16) 32.000 | 26) 52.000 | 36) 72.000 | 46) 92.000| 7) 14.000 | 17) 34.000 | 27) 54.000 | 37) 74.000 | 47) 94.000| 8) 16.000 | 18) 36.000 | 28) 56.000 | 38) 76.000 | 48) 96.000| 9) 18.000 | 19) 38.000 | 29) 58.000 | 39) 78.000 | 49) 98.000| 10) 20.000 | 20) 40.000 | 30) 60.000 | 40) 80.000 ^================ Times ==============^

enter number or q=quit>lcon

v================ Device 1, Dev_1 Contour Variables ==============v| 1) Tz | 11) cf_H2 | 21) cw_CO | 31) cw_N2O| 2) Hz | 12) cf_C3H6 | 22) cw_O2 | 32) cw_C3H8| 3) Cp | 13) cf_H2O | 23) cw_H2 | 33) s_sO2| 4) dCp_dT | 14) cf_NO | 24) cw_C3H6 | 34) s_sNOxA| 5) k_axial | 15) cf_NO2 | 25) cw_H2O | 35) s_sNOxB| 6) k_transverse | 16) cf_CO2 | 26) cw_NO | 36) s_sHC| 7) Tf | 17) cf_CH4 | 27) cw_NO2 | 37) s_sH2O| 8) Ts | 18) cf_NH3 | 28) cw_CO2 | 38) s_sNH3| 9) cf_CO | 19) cf_N2O | 29) cw_CH4| 10) cf_O2 | 20) cf_C3H8 | 30) cw_NH3

enter number or q=quit>mconMake Contour Plot:Dev_num? Plot_var_num? Stored_Time_num?>1 1 40fname = post/Cont_Tz_dev1_t00080.000.usr

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Post Processing esaft_map_res command MCON

• MCON ExampleExample Contour Plot, Upper Right, with relevant diagrams alsoshown.

Original Star Solid Temperature Solution

Solid Temperature Solution Given to 1-D Model.Solid Contours from MCON command of esaft_map_res for contour variable Tz.

Solid Subdivision showingRepresentative Channel Domains

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Post Processing esaft_map_res command MCON

• MCON Example: Heat Transfer to Monolith, Hz

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Post Processing esaft_map_res command MYVT

• MYVT Examples

enter number or q=quit>myvt 1 1 36fname = post/y_v_t_Hz_Sum_dev1.xy

enter number or q=quit>myvtMake Make Y vs. Time Graph:Dev_num Plot_var_num (chan_num|aggregate_var_num) [zpos]>1 8 5fname = post/y_v_t_deltaP_dev1_chan5.xy

enter number or q=quit>myvtMake Make Y vs. Time Graph:Dev_num Plot_var_num (chan_num|aggregate_var_num) [zpos]>1 41 5 20fname = post/y_v_t_Tf_dev1_chan5_z20.xy

v================ Device 1, Dev_1 Y vs Time Independent Variables ==============v| 1) Vol_Area_Sum | 12) O2_in | 23) CO_out | 34) C3H8_out | 45) cf_H2 | 56) cw_O2| 2) Vol_Area_Avg | 13) H2_in | 24) O2_out | 35) Tz | 46) cf_C3H6 | 57) cw_H2| 3) MaxVal | 14) C3H6_in | 25) H2_out | 36) Hz | 47) cf_H2O | 58) cw_C3H6| 4) MinVal | 15) H2O_in | 26) C3H6_out | 37) Cp | 48) cf_NO | 59) cw_H2O| 5) mdot | 16) NO_in | 27) H2O_out | 38) dCp_dT | 49) cf_NO2 | 60) cw_NO| 6) T_in | 17) NO2_in | 28) NO_out | 39) k_axial | 50) cf_CO2 | 61) cw_NO2| 7) T_out | 18) CO2_in | 29) NO2_out | 40) k_transverse | 51) cf_CH4 | 62) cw_CO2| 8) deltaP | 19) CH4_in | 30) CO2_out | 41) Tf | 52) cf_NH3 | 63) cw_CH4| 9) P_in | 20) NH3_in | 31) CH4_out | 42) Ts | 53) cf_N2O | 64) cw_NH3| 10) P_out | 21) N2O_in | 32) NH3_out | 43) cf_CO | 54) cf_C3H8 | 65) cw_N2O| 11) CO_in | 22) C3H8_in | 33) N2O_out | 44) cf_O2 | 55) cw_CO | 66) cw_C3H8

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Post Processing esaft_map_res command MYVT

• MYVT Plot Examples

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Post Processing esaft_map_res command MYVT

• MYVT Example, Maximum and Minimum Channel Mass Flux

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Post Processing esaft_map_res command MYVZ

• MYVZ Exampleenter number or q=quit>lyvz

v================ Device 1, Dev_1 Y vs Z Position Independent Variables ==============v| 1) Tz | 11) cf_H2 | 21) cw_CO | 31) cw_N2O| 2) Hz | 12) cf_C3H6 | 22) cw_O2 | 32) cw_C3H8| 3) Cp | 13) cf_H2O | 23) cw_H2 | 33) s_sO2| 4) dCp_dT | 14) cf_NO | 24) cw_C3H6 | 34) s_sNOxA| 5) k_axial | 15) cf_NO2 | 25) cw_H2O | 35) s_sNOxB| 6) k_transverse | 16) cf_CO2 | 26) cw_NO | 36) s_sHC| 7) Tf | 17) cf_CH4 | 27) cw_NO2 | 37) s_sH2O| 8) Ts | 18) cf_NH3 | 28) cw_CO2 | 38) s_sNH3| 9) cf_CO | 19) cf_N2O | 29) cw_CH4| 10) cf_O2 | 20) cf_C3H8 | 30) cw_NH3

enter number or q=quit>myvzMake Make Y vs. Z Graph:Dev_num? Plot_var_num? chan_num? Time?>1 7 5 10

fname = post/y_v_z_Tf_dev1_chan5_t00010.000.xy

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Parallel Processing

• Decomposition for Parallel:– Cells associated with a representative channel must be on the

same processor.– Script decomp_esafter.py provided that:

» Performs metis decomposition on all parts of model not associatedwith channels on -m N partitions

» Divides channels among np processes (can be greater than -m N).» Assembles .set file for parallel run.

• Performance. Formal benchmarks have not yet beenperformed, however, observation indicates that it scales well,almost linear, down to roughly ten representative channels perprocess.

• Restarts and data storage are implemented for parallel.

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Grid Considerations

•The monolith must be modelled as an extruded section.

•Cells immediately upstream and downstream with solid must be conformal with the solid.

•Grid below created with a combination of STAR-CCM+ and Axisuite

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Tools, 1-D Models: Prostar Definition

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Tools, Prostar Subdivision

•MonolithSubdivisionSubdivision is now performedon a section of shells takenfrom the original grid of themonolith. This facilitates userediting or loading separatelygenerated subdivisions. Somesubdivisions may be withoutflow - for modeling glue regionsand the packaging

+ Automatic subdivision optionsunchanged: Cartesian,Concentric, Mixed.

+ User can edit subdivision orprovide subdivision withoutusing automatic feature.

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• DOC Monolith Subdivision– 167 Representative Channels– Note: 4 cell x 8 cell renderings are

in fact two subdivisions of 4 cellsby 4 cells, but happen to berendered with the same color.

• DPF Monolith Subdivision– 124 Representative Channels– Segmented, glued monolith– Glue has separate material properties.– No representative channel flow or heat

transfer in glue sections - heat transferonly by conduction in monolith.

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One Device with highly non-uniform flow

Vin = 30 m/sTin = 573 deg K

To=293 K

78 RepresentativeChannels

Tetrahedral Mesh

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Example: XMR model - DOC testing version (march 2010)

------- Catalyst type: -------------------------------------------


------- Reactions: -----------------------------------------------

a) CO and HC oxidation (main function of DOC)CO + 1/2 O2 -> CO2C3H6 + 9/2 O2 -> 3 H2O + 3 CO2

b) NO reduction (minor conversions under lean conditions)NO + CO -> CO2 + 1/2 N29 NO + C3H6 -> 3 CO2 + 1/2 N2 + 3 H2O

c) NO oxidation (reversible, actual NO2/NOx ratio important for DPF, SCR and LNT)NO + 1/2 O2 <-> NO2

d) NO2 reduction back to NO (significant at lower temperatures)NO2 + CO -> NO + CO29 NO2 + C3H6 -> 9 NO + 3 CO2 + 3 H2O

e) HC adsorption (important during cold start)C3H6 + Zeol <-> C3H6*Zeol

f) Water condensation and evaporation (important during cold start)H2O(g) + W <-> H2O(l)*W

Realistic global kinetics used, including proper inhibition terms.Zoned catalyst - more noble metal loading in the first half.

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Example: XMR model - DOC testing version (march 2010)

------- Balanced components: -----------------------------------

a), b) gas phase components(separately bulk gas - index f, and washcoat pores - index w)COO2C3H6H2ONONO2CO2

c) components deposited on catalyst surface (index s)sHC - adsorbed hydrocarbons C3H6*ZeolsH2O - condensed water H2O(l)

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Temperature During Lightoff

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Example, 1048 Channels

• Fine Representative Channel Subdivision

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1048 Representative Channels

• Fine Representative Channel Subdivision, similar boundaryconditions to Model 1. Pressure solution within 1 Pa untilReaction, 1.5 Pa during Reaction.

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Example, 1048 channels, Temperature, H2O Gas,H2O Wall, Lean Warm Up


H2O Gas

H2O Wall

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Present Status

• Integration of XMR 1-D DOC Model:– Enthalpy transfer, energy conservation, and pressure drop validated.

– Two and three devices in serial with 100’s of channels validated

– Parallel implemented and working.

– Restart and transient output files follow STAR-CD restart and transient schedule.

– Pre-processing implemented in Prostar - es-aftertreatment for 1-D interface

– Post-processing implemented as stand alone program to extract contour plots, y vs.time and y vs. z graphs from 1-D Channel data

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Path Forward

– Pilot Project over Summer with Daimler Trucking - Simulate Test Bench

– DPF Model from Exothermia

– Refine Scripts, Interface, and Further Automate

– Production Ready in Autumn

– Possible Migration to STAR-CCM+ would keep same interface.

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• Thank you for your attention

• Questions...

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