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  • 7/29/2019 Military Bible Association ADL Card Carrying Pres. James F. Linzey


    Dr. James Linzey and Governor

    Bobby Jindal at the Council for

    National Policy (an organization

    which does not tolerate anti-

    Semitism or any form of


    Military Bible Association President Dr. James F. Linzey Speaks against


    Contact: Jim Goldman, [email protected]

    ESCONDIDO, California, Jan. 14, 2012 -- A pro-Jewish Southern Baptist, Dr. James F.

    Linzey, who is a proud member and supporter of numerous pro-Jewish and other ethnic

    organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League, is speaking and appearing at a

    number of ethnic gatherings over the Martin Luther King weekend. This is includes speaking

    at a Filipino Assemblies of God church, Lord of the Harvest Church Dream Center in Los

    Angeles, pastored by Filipino-American minister Rev. Benny Aranas who is the Los Angeles

    Sectional Presbyter of the Southern California Assemblies of God.

    At the Friday evening service, Dr. James Linzey and his

    Assemblies of God mother, Dr. Verna Linzey, conferred

    honorary Doctor of Divinity degrees on the Filipino

    leadership of the Assemblies of God denomination of

    the Philippines, who are visiting America to minister

    across the country. Receiving the degrees were Dr.

    Conrado Lumahan, Dr. Gerry Cabajes, and Dr. Carlos

    Gulane who will now travel the U.S. and return to thePhilippines more empowered to carry on their

    international ministries.

    We need to treat everyone equally. Racism is

    unacceptable. Discrimination is one of the vilest forms

    of hatred which should never be tolerated. We should

    empower one another, said James Linzey in an

    interview. Dr. Linzey is the president of the Military

    Bible Association. He addressed racism in the military

    for 24 years as a military chaplain and Command advisor on religion, morale, and ethics. He

    taught in African-American and Latino sections of Los Angeles Unified School District forseven years, seeing the effects of racism.

    Linzey spoke against racism on speaking tours across America in 2005. He was victimized

    four years later in 2009 when a pro-homosexual, pro-lesbian, pro-abortion rights activist

    and leftist journalist not only maligned Dr. Linzeys words from four years earlier, but

    attributed words to him which he never uttered in order to convince the public Linzey was

    anti-Semitic in the name of journalism to silence the evangelist and discredit his social

  • 7/29/2019 Military Bible Association ADL Card Carrying Pres. James F. Linzey


    conservative values, one of which is fighting anti-Semitism. The intent was to silence me

    and render my influence null and void, but I will continue to fight anti-Semitism wherever I

    find it. As a member of pro-Jewish organizations for over 30 years, I forgive but will

    continue preaching tolerance, said Linzey, who recently endorsed Ron Paul for president.

    Dr. John Hagee, who is also known to be very pro-Jewish, has been libeled by that same

    journalist.This is a behavioral pattern. One of the most cryptic forms of anti-Semitism and

    racism ever to be found is manifested by the very ones slandering as anti-Semitic or

    racistthose fighting it the most. These socio-paths are crypto-racists. This Martin Luther

    King weekend should be a time to re-assess our effectiveness and renew the campaign

    against this sickness calledanti-Semitism,Linzey said.

  • 7/29/2019 Military Bible Association ADL Card Carrying Pres. James F. Linzey


  • 7/29/2019 Military Bible Association ADL Card Carrying Pres. James F. Linzey


  • 7/29/2019 Military Bible Association ADL Card Carrying Pres. James F. Linzey


  • 7/29/2019 Military Bible Association ADL Card Carrying Pres. James F. Linzey


  • 7/29/2019 Military Bible Association ADL Card Carrying Pres. James F. Linzey


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