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  • 8/9/2019 Mind Control Resistance Rays, by Mariah WIndsong Couture


    Mind Control Resistance Rays

    This manual is for personal use only.

    This is a free will zone, here on Earth. Yet, freedom is only as real as is our

    ability to keep our mind free of other persons manipulations of our will.

    Mind Control Resistance Rays channeled and manual written by:

    Mariah Windsong Couture ~ August 29th, 2012 ~All Rights Reserved

  • 8/9/2019 Mind Control Resistance Rays, by Mariah WIndsong Couture



    Mind Control is something many of us encounter in subtle or pronounced

    ways at different times throughout our lives. It may be as intense as being in

    a military or abduction situation where someone is conditioning us to thinkand believe in a certain way. Usually this is followed by captors directing the

    captive to do their will by carrying out certain actions.

    Mind control can be as subtle as implanted thoughts from clever

    advertisements or the constant harrowing of a relative or boss to do and think

    in a certain way in order to be in accord with what is expected. Sometimes a

    person feels an obligation to follow along in the same way people they

    respect do. At other times, we may not even realize when our own will is

    supplanted by the will of another person. When is the line crossed between

    someone telling you what they think and when you no longer can remember

    what you used to believe or worse, why you used to believe that way?

    Mind control is generally accomplished through a very purposeful set of

    intentions together with energetic pressure of some kind that radiates certain

    thoughts into your mind on a regular basis. These are usually directed at you

    for a particular reason, as in, you are a specific target, and someone wants to

    use you in a specific way. At other times, you could be the hapless recipient

    of waves or mind control technology that is not intended for you personally.

    In either case, the results are not something you want to live with, and Mind

    Control Resistance Rays are very beneficial to activate in both a general

    preventative sort of way as well as for use when you are under a specific

    assault mentally.

    Let us speak for a moment of possible occasions you may have to use Mind

    Control Resistance Rays very actively and for a sustained period of time.

    Interrogation by officials of the state in which you are being questioned and

    they want you to confess to a crime that you did not commit. It doesnt

    matter if they believe you to be guilty or just want quick closure to a case.

    You are there and some officials are skilled at putting mental pressure on you

    or twisting your words so that you become confused and are likely to agree

    with their version of events.

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    Unethical use of telepathy or black magic by other with the intention

    to make you paranoid so that you seem mentally unwell or unable to

    conduct your own financial or legal affairs in a competent manner.

    Others trying to make you do or say things you normally wouldnt.

    People trying to gain your agreement to enter into their cult by making

    you dis-trust people who have supported you all your life.

    People trying to make you forget your feelings for a spouse or friend

    so that you rely on them rather than live your life normally.

    Propaganda by state or fanatical sects that wish to change your beliefsand allegiances in order to further their own goals and agendas.

    A less ominous yet very necessary reason to activate these Mind

    Control Resistance Rays is if you are naturally weak willed. In other

    words, if people tend to sway your opinion easily, or you look to others

    for direction regularly in your life, you could be at risk. People with

    strong wills, whether overt bullies or just people who naturally take

    control and extend their will over others may, by the very fact that they

    think they know better than you, about what you should do in your life,

    actually take control ofyour actions.

    There is also a benefit of these rays, in regards to withstanding the

    pressure of mind control at a distance by person(s) attempting to

    destroy your resolve to do or not to do something.

    An attunement or empowerment is a dose of energy frequencies that match

    the energies of this Mind Control Resistance Rays energy system.

    Once you have received that dose of energy, your body and spirit willrecognize that energy and easily access the energy stream from Eternal

    Sacred Source that IS the energy stream of this particular energy system.

    Attunements can be sent long distance by means of an energy sphere, often

    called a chi-ball and it is kept safe by your Angels and guides of Eternal

    Light. It is released to you when you call it in, like a prayer to receive it.

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    Please spend a few minutes to invite your 1st level

    Mind Control Resistance Rays attunement,to release fully unto you. Simply say, out loud or in your mind:

    I ask to fully receive my level 1 Mind Control Resistance Rays attunement

    as sent out by my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source,


    Your attunement will easily arrive to you because Eternal Source is not

    limited by space or time. Mind Control Resistance Rays arrive to your

    body and energy fields, assisting to provide protection around your mind so

    that you are not so easily swayed by the will of others.

    You can think of these Mind Control Resistance Rays as providing a layer of

    protection around your mind so that your own will is strengthened. You can

    imagine this layer of protection in any shape you want. Your brains synapses

    and various physical connections are to respond only to your own minds

    directions, not the direction of other people.

    Have you ever been around someone who initially made no sense

    whatsoever? You thought for sure that their ideas and plans soundedridiculous and possibly even dangerous and wrong. Then, after listening to

    them for a while, you began to agree with them? The key to ask yourself here

    is whether there was any conscious weighing in your mind of concepts.

    Did you think about the topics, weighing them again your own opinions and

    consciously forming a new opinion which you formerly adopted as yours?

    Or did the persons rhetoric just happen to go from foreign to your own

    opinion without any conscious consideration in your mind? If there was no

    considering of the topics, but suddenly the persons power of persuasion just

    flipped a switch inside of you and you were in agreement with them, then it

    might be time to activate these Mind Control Resistance Rays.

    The person who youd been listening to, may or may not be doing anything

    untoward on purpose. It is possible that they just have a very strong mind.

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    If someone believes very strongly in something, or they know it would be to

    their advantage for you to be in agreement with them, they might be affecting

    you with their mind, without even realizing it!

    This is also true in regards to when relatives want very much to control you.Why would a relative want to control you? It usually has to do with someone

    thinking that they know better than you, how to run your life. They might

    have expectations for you that they dont think youve been living up to.

    They might think that for all the effort and money theyve put into raising

    you that you owe them the courtesy of being in a career that has prestige.

    Usually these kinds of desire are born out of both a want to have the family

    gain respect and good will in the community from your work position and a

    need to help you avoid what they consider disappointments or pain in life.

    It is vital that you protect yourself, even while you are sleeping, from the

    mind of a relative who is disappointed with you for whatever reason. It can

    be as simple as someone feeling like your current life path leaves them out of

    your life too much. They might feel like you should be helping them more.

    They might honestly miss you without any agenda above wanting to enjoy

    your company and be near you. It doesnt matter if their intentions are

    honorable or if they are being selfish. A sufficiently motivated relative,

    whether biological or someone married to one of your relatives, canadversely influence you if you are unaware of the strength of their mind.

    It is entirely possible that they are unaware of the strength of their mind.

    They might not realize that those day dream of making you come home for a

    holiday or come over and mow the lawn, is felt as a tug on your own mind.

    And then, there are the very conscious people in your life, whether relatives,

    co-workers, friends or acquaintances that will employ any means possible to

    shift your future actions to be inaccord with their agenda. I am not trying to

    scare you. I want to educate you on the various innocent and not so innocent

    possibilities in which your own life choices can be adversely influenced.

    Please activate Mind Control Resistance Rays anytime you are aware that

    there are people in your life who are not pleased with your life choices.

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    Please activate Mind Control Resistance Rays anytime you feel like your

    opinion about something has changed, and you arent really sure why.

    You might not even think youve changed your mind about something.

    Now you notice it doesnt matter whether you agree with the person or not.

    Now all that seems to matter is that you feel like you should do what they

    are saying. Please, please activate your Mind Control Resistance Rays!

    Say, audibly or in your mind, with strong desire to receive strength to resist

    the will of others: Mind Control Resistance Rays, Activate!

    Mind Control Resistance Rays, Activate!

    Mind Control Resistance Rays, Activate!

    Saying something at least three times, like a mantra strengthens your

    connection with the energy and increases your ability to activate these rays!

    There are some differences in opinion in regards to how often you may need

    to activate these energy rays. If you feel that there is reason to increase your

    resistance to others intention and will power, adversely influencing you,

    please re-activate these energy rays every three hours.

    If you are under duress and it has become obvious that there are persons whowant to direct your actions and words, please activate these rays every hour,

    every half hour, every few minutes as a mantra if you feel the need.

    The level of effectiveness and the frequency with which these rays need to be

    activated so completely depend on the individual and the situation they are

    in. The very same person who has a fairly strong mind, if under constant

    assault may be broken down and need more frequent activation of these rays

    in order to build up their resistance to others will and mind control of them.

    Mind Control Resistance Rays is an original energy system channeled by

    Rev. Mariah Windsong Couture, RGMT and is unlike any other or any

    system that may arrive in the future by anyone. September 7th, 2012

    ~All Rights Reserved

  • 8/9/2019 Mind Control Resistance Rays, by Mariah WIndsong Couture



    Attention Resellers: Gain permission from Mariah Windsong before

    attempting to sell this energy system prior to September 18th, 2012.

    If you copy text or any portion of this manual please display my name

    prominently as author. Please contact Mariah at [email protected] permission to translate this manual. If you translate you agree to send

    author a copy and manual must portray the meanings of the energy

    descriptions accurately.

    , Rays

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    Some content falls under the fair use permission to copy.All photos I own lifetime license to use commercially.

    Permission is only granted to resell this energy system though private websites.Ask the founder for permission before attempting to resell on any public websites.Never post this manual on any public sites, always sent it directly to your students.

    Other Mariah Windsong energy systems may be purchased through:


    Acupressure TherapyAdrenal Care Shakti

    Agrimony Shakti

    Ajna Lense (for your 3rd eye)

  • 8/9/2019 Mind Control Resistance Rays, by Mariah WIndsong Couture



    Alabaster Caverns Empowerment (spiritual energy of several forms of Alabaster)

    Alcohol By-Product Metabolizer

    Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector (for energy protection)

    Angelic Elemental Templates (for doing sessions, personal healing or attunements)Angelic Elim (for arts and music creativity)

    Angelic Erelim (for personal interactions)

    Angelic Ishim (for guardian angel connections)Angelic Ophanim (for asking serious questions of Divinity)

    Angelic Sealtiel Empowerment (for intercession)

    Arch Angel Michael Alignment (for spiritual protection, insight and power)

    Ascension Symptoms FlushAscension Vibration

    Astral Body Radiance 2012

    Augustus Empowerment (for power of persuasion)Azure Shakti (for connection with your soul)

    Back Care

    Bandicoot Berry Plant Empowerment w/ Leea Indica Cancer InhibitorBarberry Plant Empowerment (for spiritual insight)

    Barley Green Elixir

    Bio Life

    Bio Life FuelBio Life Kundalini

    Bio Life Spiritual Awakening

    Bio Life Sphere and Bio Life ElixirBizarre Beliefs Bouncer

    Blood Care (genetic malady remover)

    Body Care ~ for the spaces between your cells!Bone Care

    Calla Lily Deva (incubator for ideas and destroyer of the old)

    Cedar Smudge (for sacred cleansing of spaces)

    Chaos FlushChiropractic Care

    Circuitry Resonance 4th Eye Activation

    Chroma color Firebody (spiritual codes for enlightenment)Clairsentient Awakening

    Connective Tissue Service

    Copper Elemental Spirit Empowerment (for Electronic Pollution Protection)

    Craniosacral CareCredit and Currency Empowerment (to have a better relationship with money)

    Crossing Over Brigade (for helping people before and shortly after death)

    Crystal Being Therapy (receive help from the spiritual energy of silicate minerals)Daat Void of Potential Awakening (harness emotional power for manifesting)

    Depression EclipseDigestive Care

    Diltiazem Essence (for when you forget your heart meds to relieve chest pain or palpitations)

    Disappointment Flush with Hope Empowerment

    Divine Provision Reiki 1-3 (intensive Financial Influx Service)

    Dream Scenario ClearanceDrop-in Care (for when you find yourself in someone else's body in a night dream)

    Earth Soul Anointing (feel the presence of Earth's Soul and receive Anointing)

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    Efficiency Empowerment

    Efficient Memory Shakti

    Eight Fold Noble Path Activation

    Ekam ConsciousnessElemental Spirit Whisperer (learn to communicate with the elemental spirits)

    Elohim of Emanation Empowerment

    Emotional Care (for when others gossip and you need to regain your emotional health)Epsilon Aurigae Empowerment (a star whose energy helps you turn up or down your light!)

    Epsilon Ident Chamber (to help you energetically receive what you need while here on Earth)

    Eternal Cosmic Christ

    Eternally Exalted Sexuality 2011Eternal Trikaya

    Eye Care

    Etheric Hand Awakening (do energy healing work with more than just your two hands!)Excess Fat Care with Toxin Escort Shakti

    Family Care

    Feline LoveFlicker Empowerment

    Financial Fear Flush

    Flow Care of the Lymphatic Care Systems

    Fluorite Cluster Empowerment (mental balm)Foot Care

    Force Factor Five Fear Flush

    Forgiveness Freedom RaysFour Fold Circle Security 2011

    Fractal Reiki Levels 1-3 (with Fractal Delivery Template to activate several energy systems)

    Future Reality, Background Matrix SynergyFull Presence (to return completely and safely from your night dreams in the morning)

    Ganesha Anointing ( to assist to overcome obstacles and gain success in business)

    Goddess Fortuna Empowerment

    Grace Purity Rapture ElohimGuan Yin Meridian Care

    Hand Care 2011

    Harmony Mercy PeaceHead Care with Herkimer Diamond Shakti and Head Chakras Balance

    Heart Care with Valve and Vessel Care

    Heart Root Chakra Synergy

    Histamine Blocker Field with Particulate ScreenHolograph Brain Root Flush

    Hope Faith Love Elohim

    Hormone CareHydrostatic Pressure Adjustment

    Hydrostatic Regeneration ChamberI Ching Prosperity Alignment

    Illusion Buster Shakti

    Image Impact Intensity Reducer

    Important Information Identifier

    Inadequacy FlushInfection Inhibitor Field

    Inflammation Reduction Ray

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    Injustice Flush

    Inner Body Protector

    Inner Truth Reiki

    Intelligence AwakeningIntention Increase

    Inter-Dimensional Medical Team

    Joint CareKidneys and Bladder Care

    Kundalini Awakening

    Kundalini Omega Minus Function Activations Levels 1-5

    Labradorite Sphere (headache relief)Lattice Bridge 2011 Revised (for long distance energy work safely)

    LaVa Reiki

    Lavandula Officinalis AttunementLavender Rose Reiki Attunement Affirmation

    Leyline Bio Life Symmetry

    Liberty Alpha-Omega Victory ElohimLife Light

    Light Concentration Increase Rays

    Liquid Love

    Liver CareLlama Empowerment

    Love Gratitude Octave

    Loyalty EmpowermentLunar Balance (to help keep your balance during all phases of the moon)

    Lung Care

    Media Influence FlushMental Care

    Mountain Laurel Deva Empowerment 2010

    Moxibustion Therapy

    My Eternal LoveMy Power Mastery

    My Relaxation Chamber

    My Way HomeNadi Care

    Nerve Care

    Nickel Body Protector with Ethereal Taenite

    Opulent Living EmpowermentOrchid Empowerment

    Pancreas Care

    Parental Pattern FlushPearlized Silver Seichim levels 1-3

    Personal Imprint RemoverPelvic Basket Shakti Set

    Personal Imprint Removal

    Petroglyph Key Awakening

    Phase Shift Body

    Pregnancy CareProlific Sales Activation

    Proper Perspective Empowerment

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    Prostate Care

    Punishment Flush

    Purchase Attraction Rays

    Pure Perpetual Potency (raising your energy by numbers)Purity Wave

    Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening

    Radium Chakra ProtectorRainwater Tea Essence

    Random Increasing Numerical Generator Shield Overlay (RINGO)

    Redemption Incarnate

    Relationship CareRelaxation Chamber

    Replenishing Shakti

    Resentment FlushRiver Sleep

    Root Chakra Re-Alignment

    Sandals EmpowermentSelf Knowledge Rays with Self Acceptance Rays

    Sephiroth Care

    Sexual Imprint Flush

    Shaman Care SessionSheen Obsidian Shakti

    Silicate Crystal Care

    Sinus Care with Beryl Spectrum RaySkin Care

    Slate Shakti (for your lower self)

    Snow Spirits EmpowermentSocial Outcast Reversal

    Soul Care Levels 1-5

    Soul Lineage Genetic Integration

    Sovereignty EmpowermentSphagnum Moss Gifts

    Spinal Care

    Spiritual Course Composition InitiationSpirulina Spectrum Ray

    Strategic Skills Empowerment 1-2

    Strength Movers of the Light Card Deck System

    Subconscious Healing ShaktiSubtle Body Care

    Synapse Care

    Synergy Within Empowerment (for gender balance)Telepathy Gene Awakening

    Three Fold Circle SecurityThymus Heart Activation

    TMJ Care

    Toning Vibration

    Tooth Care

    Tornado Tension TamerTourmaline Spectrum Ray

    Trager Team

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    Trauma Care

    Triple Warmer Meridian Care (for using your energy to manifest what you want)

    Virility Care

    Virtual Massage Empowerment (Ethereal Hands Awakening pre-requisite)Virus Inhibitor Field

    Vocal Cord Care

    Wing CareWomb Care with Cramp Pain Release

    Worry Flush

    Wound Healer Reiki Levels 1-3

    Written Intention ReversalYellow Dock Plant Empowerment

    YodHehVodHeh - 15 Permutations of the YHVH Mantra for manifesting

    Yungang Grottoes Empowerment (incredible for inner peace and finding your life purpose)ZeOr Continuum Empowerment (Sentient Embodiments of electro-magnetic and gravitational


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