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Page 1: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling

GTK Southern Finland Office

41/2011 30.11.2011


Mineral resource assessment and 3D

modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium

pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola,

Western Finland

Esko Koistinen, Hannu Seppänen, Janne Kuusela and Timo Ahtola

Page 2: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling

Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.




Date / Rec. no.


Esko Koistinen, Hannu Seppänen, Janne Kuusela and Timo Ahtola

Type of report

Mineral deposit report

Commissioned by GTK

Title of report

Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit, Western Finland


The Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit is located in the border zone of the municipalities Kaustinen and Kokkola in Western

Finland, about 60 km southeast of the city of Kokkola. The pegmatites of Rapasaaret contain spodumene (LiAlSi2O6) as the

only economical Li mineral. The area under prospect, entitled “Rapasaari 1”, mining register number 8982/1, covers an area of

93 hectares. The GTK has been prospecting for lithium at Kaustinen since 2003 and discovered the Rapasaaret deposit in 2009.

The investigations included geological boulder mapping, a geophysical ground survey on an area of 1 km2 by systematic grid,

till sampling and diamond drilling of 3653 metres. Systematic laboratory analysis was performed for 159 lithium pegmatite

samples; the methods included whole rock X-ray analysis and sodium peroxide fusion ICP-AES analysis for lithium.

As a result of GTK’s investigations, two spodumene-rich pegmatite dike swarms were located. The main swarm srikes from SE

to NW and has a lenghth of 700 m. Another swarm west of the main swarm strikes from SW to SE and has a length of 275 m.

The eastern dikes dip -55 degrees to SW in average, the western dikes from -75 to -90 degrees towards NW - W. On the basis

of drilling the deposit was modelled to a depth of 90 – 140 m from the surface. The spodumene pegmatite bodies vary in width

from 1 – 24 m.

We used Gemcom GEMS software to carry out 3D modelling and a mineral resource assessment of the deposit, using assays

from 159 diamond drill core samples from lithium pegmatites. We first 3D modelled the spodumen pegmatite dikes as a solid

model. Applying an average density of 2.76 g/cm3 of Rapasaaret spodumen pegmatites, results a resource estimate of 3.7 Mt

for the solid model. The average grade of the Li2O composites, 1.02 wt %, represents average grade for the solid model (Table 1).

Details of the resources were estimated by block modelling and Inverse Distance method (ID2) inside the solid model using a

2x2x2m block size. Measured resources were estimated using a conservative search ellipse (ranges 25 m, 25 m, 10 m) and

indicated resources using a search ellipse with ranges of 100 m, 100 m and 25 m. In the reported resources, the blocks representing the measured resources are not included in the indicated resources.

On the basis of block modelling the Rapasaaret deposit contains a 3.0 Mt measured+indicated mineral resource with 1.17 wt%

Li2O for a 0.2 wt% Li2O cut off, or a 1.70 Mt measured+indicated mineral resource with 1.46 wt% Li2O for a 1.0 wt% Li2O cut off (Table 1). The measured and indicated resources are presented in details in Table 1.

We applied the recommendations of the Finnish Association of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers to the classifications used.

The assessments are consistent with JORC and EFG/PERC standards. The dimensions of the Rapasaaret pegmatites are still

only partly explored and hence it is possible that the present resource assessment will be conservative in respect to tonnage.

The deposit is still open at depth, north and south. There are no conservation areas in the Rapasaaret study area.

Table 1. Summary of mineral resource assessment.

Solid Model Estimate

(the whole solid model)

Measured Resource

(block model inside the

solids, ranges 25 m, 25

m, 10 m)

Indicated Resource

(block model inside the

solids, ranges from 25-

100 m, 25-100 m, 10-25



(block model inside the


Cut off

Li2O wt%



Li2O wt %



Li2O wt %



Li2O wt %



Li2O wt %

- 3.7 1.02



1.20 2.39 1.16 3.00 1.17



1.48 1.32 1.45 1.70 1.46


Rapasaaret, lithium deposits, exploration, 3D modelling, mineral resources, resource assessment

Geographical area Finland, Pohjanmaa, Ostrobotnia, Kaustinen

Map sheet 2323 12

Page 3: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling

Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.



Report serial Archive code 41/2011

Total pages 34 Language English Price

Confidentiality Confidential

Unit and section

Southern Finland Office, Bedrock Geology and Resources

Project code



Esko Koistinen, Research Scientist, Lic.Tech.,

M.Sc. (Eng), EurGeol


Janne Kuusela, Geologist, M.Sc.

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.




Päivämäärä / Dnro


Esko Koistinen, Hannu Seppänen, Janne Kuusela and

Timo Ahtola

Raportin laji


Toimeksiantaja GTK

Raportin nimi

Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium deposit in Kaustinen, Western Finland


Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK) tutki vuosina 2009 -2 011 Kaustisen ja Kokkolan kunnassa karttalehdellä 2323 12 sijaitsevaa Rapasaarten

litiumpegmatiittiesiintymää. Litiummineraali on spodumeeni. Rapasaari–niminen tutkimusalue (kaivosrekisterinumero 8982/1) on laajuudel-taan 93 ha. GTK aloitti tutkimukset Kaustisilla vuonna 2003 ja löysi Rapasaarten litium esiintymän vuonna 2009. GTK on tehnyt alueella

lohkarekartoitusta, geofysikaalisia maastomittauksia, moreeninäytteenottoa ja syväkairausta 26 reikää, yhteensä 3653 m. Rapasaarten esiinty-

mässä tulkittiin olevan 2 spodumeenipegmatiittijuoniparvea. Pääjuoniparvi (n. 700 m) on kakko-luode suuntainen juonien kaateen ollessa kes-kimäärin -55 astetta lounaaseen. Vähäisempi juoniparvi (n.275 m) on lounas-koillissuuntainen kaateen ollessa -75 - -90 astetta lännen ja luo-

teen välillä. Kairausten perusteella juonet mallinnettiin 90 – 140 m:n syvyyteen. Juonien leveys vaihtelee 1 – 24 metrin välillä. Juonen sivukivi

on pääasiassa kiilleliusketta. Spodumeenipegmatiittinäytteet (159 kpl) analysoitiin systemaattisesti XRF ja ICP-AES (Li, Ta, Nb, Be) menetelmillä. Esiintymä 3D-

mallinnettiin ja mineraalivaranto arviointiin Gemcom GEMS-ohjelmistoa käyttäen kairausten ja 159 kairanäyteanalyysin perusteella. Näytteet

ovat litiumpegmatiitista. Litiumpegmatiittijuonet mallinnettiin ensin solideiksi. Solidimallin tilavuudesta ja Rapasaarten esiintymän spodu-meenipegmatiittien keskimääräisestä ominaispainosta 2,76 g/cm3 laskien Rapasaarten esiintymän massa arvioitiin 3,7 Mt:si. Solidimallin

keskipitoisuutena voidaan pitää mallin perusteena olevien komposiittien pituuksilla painotettua Li2O-keskipitoisuuttaa 1,02 wt % (taulukko 1).

Mineraalivarannot arvioitiin blokkimenetelmällä ja Inverse Distance –interpolaatiolla (ID2) solidimallin sisällä käyttäen 2m x 2m x 2m blokki-kokoa. Todennäköinen varanto arvioitiin käyttäen juoniparvien suuntaisesti asetettua hakuellipsoidia, jonka säteet olivat 100 m, 100 m ja 25 m.

Todettu varanto arvioitiin käyttäen juoniparvien suuntaisesti asetettua hakuellipsoidia, jonka säteet olivat lyhyet; 25 m, 125m ja 10 m. Varanto-

jen yhteenvedoissa todettuja varantoja edustavat blokit eivät sisälly todennäköisiä varantoja edustaviin blokkeihin. Blokkimallinnuksen perusteella esiintymän todettu ja todennäköinen varanto on yhteensä 3,00 Mt raja-arvolla 0.2 wt % Li2O (keskipitoisuus

1,17 wt % Li2O) ja 1,70 Mt raja-arvolla 1,0 wt % Li2O (keskipitoisuus 1,46 wt % Li2O; taulukko 1). Taulukossa 1 on esitetty myös todetun ja

todennäköisen varannon arviot vastaavilla raja-arvoilla. Vuorimiesyhdistyksen suosituksia sovellettiin arvioinnissa ja varantojen luokittelussa. Arvioit noudattavat JORC- ja EFG/PERC–standardien

vaatimuksia. Esiintymä on rajaamatta etelä- ja pohjoissuunnissa sekä syvyyssuunnassa, joten se on todennäköisesti tätä arviota suurempi.

Taulukko 1. Mineraalivarannon yhteenveto.


(koko solidimalli)

Todettu varanto

(blokkimalli solidimallin sisältä, hakusäteet 25 m, 25

m, 10 m)

Todennäköinen varanto

(blokkimalli solidimallin sisältä, hakusäteet 100 m,

100 m, 25m)


(blokkimalli solidimallin sisältä)


Li2O wt%

Massa Mt

Li2O wt %

Massa Mt

Li2O wt %

Massa Mt

Li2O wt %

Massa Mt

Li2O wt %

- 3,7 1,02



1,20 2,39 1,16 3,00 1,17



1,48 1,32 1,45 1,70 1,46

Asiasanat (kohde, menetelmät jne.)

Rapasaaret, litiumesiintymä, malminetsintä, 3D-mallinnus, mineraalivaranto

Maantieteellinen alue (maa, lääni, kunta, kylä, esiintymä)

Suomi, Länsi-Suomen lääni, Kaustinen

Karttalehdet 2323 12

Muut tiedot

Arkistosarjan nimi Arkistotunnus 41/2011

Page 5: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling

Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.



Kokonaissivumäärä 34 Kieli Englanti Hinta

Julkisuus Ei julkinen

Yksikkö ja vastuualue

Etelä-Suomen yksikkö, kallioperä ja raaka-aineet



Allekirjoitus/nimen selvennys

Esko Koistinen, tutkija, Tekn.lis, DI, EurGeol

Allekirjoitus/nimen selvennys

Janne Kuusela, geologi, FM

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.




Documentation page



2 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPOSITING OF THE DATA 5 2.1 Statistical parameters and histograms of Li2O, Ta2O5, Nb2O5 and BeO2

contents 5

2.2 Compositing of the data 6

3 3D MODELLING AND MINERAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT 7 3.1 Solid modelling 7 3.2 Block modelling 9





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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 1



The Rapasaaret study area is located on the borderzone of the municipalities Kaustinen and

Kokkola in Western Finland (Fig. 1), about 60 km SE of the city of Kokkola. The KKJ base map

sheet is 2323 12A1 and the KKJ Zone 2 coordinates are 7061292 (X) and 2492135 (Y) and on

the KKJ uniform coordinate system 7065147 (X) and 3343559 (Y) corresponding to the EUREF-

FIN geographic coordinates of (Lat.) 63° 39.162' and (Long.) 23° 50.256'.

Figure 1. Location of the Rapasaaret claim area (Kuusela et al. 2011).

The Rapasaaret study area is located in Western Finland in the Pohjanmaa Schist Belt, which

forms a 350 km long and 70 km wide arc-shaped belt between the Central Finland Granite Com-

plex in the east and the Vaasa Migmatite Complex in the west (Alviola et al., 2001).

GTK has made a claim application for the Rapasaaret study area (Table 1). The claim application

is still under process for the Rapasaret area and all the investigations made so far have been done

by the consent of the landowners. GTK has also applied for a licence for the other closest

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 2


neighbouring areas. The Päiväneva claim (GTK) is within walking distance in the west of the

study area. There are five claims for lithium in the Kaustinen region. Keliber Oy holds four of

them and GTK one.

Table 1. General information about the Rapasaaret study area :



Mining Register number


Application registered

Rapasaari 1

Claim application



9.6 2010

Suomen Mineraali Oy conducted the first explorations of the lithium pegmatites in the 1960s in

the Syväjärvi area which is 1.5 km in NW from Rapasaaret. The exploration in the area contin-

ued in the 1980s by Paraisten Kalkki Oy (Oy Partek Ab). GTK’s investigations at Rapasaaret

began in early 2009. After reviewing the older data from the neighbouring areas, GTK decided to

investigate the Rapasaaret area with the objective to discover new lithium bearing pegmatite


Several spodumene-rich pegmatite boulders SE from Rapasaaret form a boulder fan that led to

the discovery of the Rapasaaret spodumene pegmatite dike swarms in 2009. The investigations

2009–2011 included boulder mapping, till sampling and diamond drilling. The research activities

included two drilling programmes and one till sampling program. The samples were systemati-

cally analysed at the Laboratories of GTK (2009) and Labtium Oy (2010–2011).

In total, GTK drilled 26 drill holes (3653,2 m) in the Rapasaaret study area in 2009–2011. The

drill holes are listed in Table 2. The diamond drill core size was 46 mm (T56 bit). The distance

between the drilling profiles varied from 50–100 m. We measured the locations of the drill holes

afterwards with an accurate (<1 m) GPS device. A part of the drill holes (R1-R8) were drilled by

ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) lithium project coordinated by the GTK.

We logged and photographed the drill cores at GTK’s drill core depot in Loppi. The cores were

split with a guillotine and half of the core was sampled for the assay. The average sample length

was two metres. Core logging reports are included on the data CD by Kuusela et al, 2011. Drill

cores and crushed samples are stored at GTK’s drill-core depot at Loppi.

The drill cores of the pegmatite rocks were systematically analysed at Labtium Oy in Espoo us-

ing X-ray fluorescence (XRF) (method code 175X). Determinations were carried out from

pressed powder pellets. The amount of lithium and other REE elements was determined using

ICP-MS and ICP-AES method 720P/M). An average sample length of two metres was used. In

2009–2011, we analysed 159 samples from spodumene pegmatites. The results of chemical

analyses are listed and the analysis methods explained on the appended CD by Kuusela et al.


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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 3


Table 2. Diamond drilling in Rapasaaret 2009-2011:

Hole -ID Year Company X Y Z Azimuth Dip Length

M232309R502 2009 GTK 7061540.522 2491694.538 87.246 90 -45 148.7

M232309R503 2009 GTK 7061185.416 2491906.803 85.572 90 -45 121.1

M232309R504 2009 GTK 7061185.367 2491877.337 85.835 90 -45 137

M232309R505 2009 GTK 7060985.429 2492034.672 85.344 90 -45 100.1

M232310R1 2010 GTK* 7061285.007 2491899.998 89.189 270 -45 150.9

M232310R2 2010 GTK* 7061281.564 2491947.633 87.636 90 -45 161.1

M232310R3 2010 GTK* 7061283.522 2492005.488 87.099 90 -45 146.4

M232310R4 2010 GTK* 7061283.361 2492045.121 86.722 270 -45 101.4

M232310R5 2010 GTK* 7061383.031 2492097.973 87.084 180 -45 152.5

M232310R6 2010 GTK* 7061186.686 2492478.997 88.900 270 -45 149.9

M232311R7 2010 GTK* 7061134.971 2492360.028 87.035 90 -45 155.9

M232310R8 2010 GTK* 7061283.916 2491879.733 88.700 90 -45 99.3

M232310R9 2010 GTK 7061034.428 2492443.427 87.891 90 -45 149.9

M232310R10 2010 GTK 7060938.942 2492544.990 90.527 90 -45 149.1

M232311R11 2011 GTK 7060938.947 2492474.178 89.693 90 -45 149.8

M232311R12 2011 GTK 7060834.671 2492559.065 90.644 90 -45 149.2

M232311R13 2011 GTK 7061139.401 2492430.792 87.673 90 -45 150

M232311R14 2011 GTK 7061281.669 2492446.104 89.823 90 -45 137

M232311R15 2011 GTK 7061283.931 2492252.713 87.616 90 -45 152.7

M232311R16 2011 GTK 7061283.917 2492182.710 86.831 90 -45 146.4

M232311R17 2011 GTK 7061134.859 2491880.003 86.165 90 -45 149

M232311R18 2011 GTK 7061135.085 2491840.568 86.411 90 -45 150

M232311R19 2011 GTK 7061084.986 2491841.905 86.352 90 -45 167.8

M232311R20 2011 GTK 7061035.056 2491909.953 85.893 90 -45 118.5

M232311R21 2011 GTK 7061035.018 2491751.258 85.195 90 -45 148.6

M232311R22 2011 GTK 7061100.540 2491911.514 86.377 330 -45 110.9

total 3653.2

* ERDF Li-project coordinated by GTK

There is only one outcrop in the Rapasaaret prospect area. The majority of the general geological

outlines are based on information obtained from diamond drilling, till sampling and ground geo-

physical surveys.

Typical rocks for the Rapasaaret area are mica schists, intermediate volcanic rocks, spodumene

pegmatites, muscovite pegmatites and some more sulphide-rich schists. The spodumene pegma-

tite is mainly intruded into mica schist and and often in or close to the contact zone between

mica schist and the intermediate volcanic rock. The spodumene pegmatites cut both the mica

schists and the intermediate volcanites.

The main minerals in the spodumene pegmatites are spodumene, albite, quartz, K-feldspar and

muscovite. The spodumene grains are unevenly distributed in the dike and, in some cases, com-

pletely transformed into white mica. In most cases, the spodumene content increases from the

wall rock contact point towards the core section of the dike.

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 4


Figure 2. A geological map of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit. Plan projection of the drill

core and drilling sites and the locations of spodumene pegmatite boulders. (Kuusela et al. 2011).

Quaternary deposits in the Rapasaaret study area are peat and till. Hills covered with the glacial till

surround the peat areas also outside of the study area. There are no important sand or gravel for-

mations for water supply in the Rapasaaret study area. The closest areas that have been classified

for an important or suitable area for water supply are in the Ullava area, about 5 kilometers to the

northeast. According to the till studies in the Syväjärvi area which is close to the Rapasaaret

study area, the groundwater level is at 3 – 4 meters depth. According to the topographical map,

there are no springs in the study area or in its surroundings. There are no conservation areas in

the Rapasaaret study area. The closest protected area is the Vionneva mire, about 700 meters

west of the study area. Vionneva protected area (FI1000019) belongs to EU's Natura 2000 net-

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 5


work of protected areas and it is protected based on the nature directive and the bird directive.

No endangered animal species or plant species have been reported in the Rapasaaret study area.

Geologists Janne Kuusela and Timo Ahtola carried out GTK’s survey at Rapasaaret. Research

assistants Jukka Kaunismäki and Pekka Karimerto worked with boulder mapping, drill supervis-

ing and other research activities in the field. Research scientist Esko Koistinen and geophysicist

Hannu Seppänen prepared the mineral resource assessment. This report describes 3D modelling

and a mineral resource assessment of the Rapasaaret deposit based on the diamond drill core as-

say data presented in Appendix 1. Locations of the diamond drill holes and vertical sections are

presented in Appendix 2. Lithologies, lithium assay histograms, lithium composites and block

values are presented on vertical sections in Appendix 3. Exploration history, geological and re-

lated studies are described in details by Kuusele et al. 2011.


2.1 Statistical parameters and histograms of Li2O, Ta2O5, Nb2O5 and BeO2 contents

In total, GTK drilled 26 drill holes (3653.2 m) in the Rapasaaret study area in 2009–2011. We

analysed 277 drill core samples of which 159 (215.05 m) were from spodumene pegmatites and

used in 3D modelling. A summary of the spodumene pegmatite analyses is presented in Table 3

(Kuusela et al. 2011). The average Li2O content in Rapasaaret spodumene pegmatite is 1.18

wt%. It varies between 0.05 and 3.36 wt%.

Table 3. Summary of whole rock chemical compositions and methodology from analysed spodumene

pegmatite samples from Rapasaaret:

method code number of sam-

ples average max min stdev

Na2O % XRF + 175X 159 4.44 8.34 1.68 0.97

MgO* % XRF + 175X 159 0.16 1.05 0.02 0.15

Al2O3 % XRF + 175X 159 16.08 23.30 13.00 1.22

SiO2 % XRF + 175X 159 74.73 82.30 63.60 2.10

P2O5 % XRF + 175X 159 0.30 2.80 0.07 0.27

K2O % XRF + 175X 159 2.81 6.51 0.43 1.17

CaO % XRF + 175X 159 0.31 3.40 0.09 0.32

MnO** % XRF + 175X 159 0.10 0.25 0.01 0.04

Fe2O3 % XRF + 175X 159 0.65 2.39 0.12 0.32

Nb2O5 ppm XRF + 175X 159 58 209 13 33

Ta2O5 ppm ICP-MS 720M 159 53 547 3 59

BeO*** ppm ICP-MS 720M 159 502 1912 141 231

Li2O %


AES 720P 159 1.18 3.36 0.05 0.72

* below detection limit (0.020) in 8 samples

** below detection limit (0.0078) in 1 samples

*** below detection limit (10) in 2 samples

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 6


Histograms of Li2O, Ta2O5, Nb2O5 and BeO2 contents in the spodumene pegmatite samples is

presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Histograms of Li2O, Ta2O5, Nb2O5 and BeO2 contents in the spodumene pegmatite sam-


2.2 Compositing of the data

We composited the 159 spodumene pegmatite assays of the Rapasaaret prospect along the dia-

mond drill holes. We weighted the grades by sample lengths and the maximum of an accepted

inclusion length, with Li2O at 0.00 wt%, was 2 metres.

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 7


Table 4. Statistics of the composited assays in spodumene pegmatites. The composites are weighted by

composite lengths including inclusions in maximum of 2 m:

Oxide Minimum Maximum Average

(weighted by


length includ-

ing inclu-


Number of


Total length of

composite m/

Average length m

Li2O wt% 0.10 2.72 1.18 47 219.6/4.67

BeO2 ppm 141 1575 466 47 219.6/4.67

Nb2O5 ppm 18 182 56 47 219.6/4.67

Ta2O5 ppm 6 153 49 47 219.6/4.67

Composite length m 0.25 23.10 4.67

For a cut off value of 0.00 wt% Li2O (limited to spodumene pegmatite intersections), there are

47 composites with a total length of 219.60 m and an average grade 1.18 wt% Li2O, 466 ppm

BeO, 56 ppm Nb2O5 and 49 ppm Ta2O5 (table 6).


We did 3D modelling and a preliminary mineral resource assessment for the Rapasaaret deposit

in two phases: first, by solid modelling using conventional sectional geological outlining of the

mineralized bodies as 3D rings, and second, by block modelling inside the solid model.

We modelled topographic and bedrock surfaces using diamond-drill-hole survey data and a

Laplace interpolation method (Gemcom GEMS). Elevations of the surfaces are less reliable far-

ther from the positions of the drill collars.

Based on10 spodumene pegmatite core sample measurements, we used a density of 2.76 g/cm3

for tonnage calculations.

We applied the recommendations of the Finnish Association of Mining and Metallurgical Engi-

neers to the methods and classifications used. The assessments are consistent with JORC and

EFG/PERC standards.

3.1 Solid modelling

To solid model the mineralisation, we first studied the intersections of the ore at various sections

by compositing the assays. Next, we interpreted the outlines of the mineral deposit at various

sections and, finally, connected the interpretations to form the 3D solids.

We calculated the average grades for intersections (compositing in Gemcom GEMS) as follows:

- we weighted the grades by sample lengths

- we used a cut-off grade of 0.00 wt% Li2O in selecting samples for the calculations; in

practice the cut-off is same as the minimum value of Li2O composite at 0.1 wt%

- the maximum inclusion length of non-spodumene pegmatite was 2 metre.

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 8


We conducted geological outlining (polygons) of the mineral deposit on vertical sections with

the aim of determining the resources as realistically as possible. The outlining followed precisely

the composited assays and extended downwards to z = 0 m asl. In the western dikes at sections

PR2, PR3, PR4 and PR5 the outlining extended to z = -50 m asl. Surface elevation varies from z

= 85 to z = 91, and so the estimates are reached mainly to a depth of 90-140 m. Where compos-

ites could not be connected from one drill hole to another at a particular section, we extended the

outlining to the midway point of the drill holes. There are 2-7 drill-hole intersections at the mod-

elled sections at each swarm. To combine 3D solid model of the deposit, we connected outlines

of mineralized zones from section to section in the horizontal direction. If the outlines could not

be connected from section to section, we extended the solid to the midpoint of the sections. In

the north where the dike swarms come near each other, the outlining was extended a few metres

over the sections. Partly the eastern and western dikes were connected to each other in the north.

The Rapasaaret spodumene pegmatite model is composed of two swarms of dikes (Figure 4).

The main swarm trends from SE to NW and has a length of 700 m. Another swarm, west of the

main swarm, bends from a northward direction to the NE and has a length of 275 m. It dips -90°

in the south and -75° to NW in the north. The spodumene pegmatite solids vary in width from 1

to 20 m. Drilling and till sampling results support that the eastern and the western dikes may be-

long to the same dyke system that has intruded into a bended structure (fold or fracture). How-

ever, it is also possible that the two dike swarms are crossing each other, the other striking NE

and the other NW. More drilling is required to obtain more data and verify the strike directions.

Figure 4. A solid model of the Rapasaaret lithium deposit seen downwards to SW. Length of the eastern

dike swarn is 700 m.

Applying an average density of 2.76 g/cm3 of Rapasaaret spodumen pegmatites to the solid

model, results a resource estimate of 3.7 Mt. The average grades of the composites in Table 4

also represent the average grades of the solid model.

Interpretations of outlines of the mineral deposit are presented on vertical sections in Appendix


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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 9


3.2 Block modelling

For a more detailed mineral resource assessment using the block modelling method, we divided

the deposit and its surroundings into 2x2x2 m3 blocks. We interpolated the average grades for

each block by the inverse distance method. We weighted the drill core assays using the inverse

of the square of a distance (ID2).

The trend of the mineralization is considered to follow roughly the orientation of the dikes. The

search ellipsoid was set in 3 individual orientations depending of the orientation of the dikes:

- Southern zone of the western swarm: trend S - N, dip -90 (blue in Fig. 5)

- Northern zone of the western swarm: trend SW – NE , dip -75 NW (green in Fig. 5)

- Eastern swarm: trend SE – NW, dip -55 SW (orange in Fig. 5).

Measured resources were estimated by conservative, short ranges in the interpolation. The range

of influence was 25 m in direction of the trend, 25 m in direction of the dip (-90 degrees W, -75

degrees NW or -55 degrees SW depending of the dike orientation) and 10 m perpendicular to the

modelled plane of the dikes. For indicated resources, longer ranges of 100 m, 100 m and 25 m

were applied. A minimum of 2 samples was required and a maximum of 12 samples was ac-

cepted for the interpolations. The blocks with measured resources derived by the short ranges,

are not included in the indicated resources.

Figure 5. The zones of different trends for block modelling interpolations. The blocks inside the solid

model are projected to a planview.

The distribution of Li2O wt% in the measured and indicated resource blocks is presented as a

projection on a planview in Figure 6 and as a 3D view in Figure 7. It is also presented on vertical

sections in Appendix 3.

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 10


Figure 6. The distribution of Li2O wt% in the measured and indicated resource blocks projected as a


Figure 7. A 3D view of Li2O wt % in the measured and indicated resource blocks seen to north (left) and

to south west (colours: see fig 6).

On the basis of block modelling the Rapasaaret seposit contains a 0.61 Mt measured mineral re-

source with 1.20 wt% Li2O for a 0.2 wt% Li2O cut off, or a 0.38 Mt measured mineral re-

source with 1.48 wt% Li2O for a 1.0 wt% Li2O cut off (Table 5).

In addition, it contains a 2.39 Mt indicated mineral resource with 1.16 wt% Li2O for a 0.2 wt%

Li2O cut off, or a 1.32 Mt indicated mineral resource with 1.45 wt% Li2O for a 1.0 wt% Li2O

cut off (Table 5). Total amount of the measured and indicated resources of the Rapasaaret de-

posit is 3.00 Mt (cut off 0.2 wt % Li2O, weighted average 1.17 wt%) or 1.70 Mt (cut off 1.0 wt

% Li2O, weighted average 1.46 wt %).

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 11


Table 5. A summary of the mineral resource estimates of the Rapasaaret deposit by block modelling:

Cut off

Li2O wt% Mt

Li2O wt





ppm Ta2O5ppm



0.2 0.61 1.20 505 56 49

0.4 0.59 1.23 502 56 50

0.6 0.55 1.28 506 58 51

0.8 0.51 1.33 509 58 51

1 0.38 1.48 519 59 50

1.2 0.28 1.61 539 58 49



0.2 2.39 1.16 495 52 44

0.4 2.38 1.16 494 52 44

0.6 2.25 1.20 496 53 46

0.8 2.00 1.26 496 54 48

1 1.32 1.45 510 58 50

1.2 0.98 1.58 526 58 50





0.2 3.00 1.17 497 52 45

0.4 2.97 1.17 496 53 45

0.6 2.79 1.22 498 54 47

0.8 2.50 1.27 498 55 48

1 1.70 1.46 512 58 50

1.2 1.26 1.59 529 58 50


3D modelling and mineral resource assessment of the Rapasaaret deposit was done in two

phases, first by solid modelling and next by block modelling inside the solids. The solids repre-

sent a 3D interpretation of the lithium mineralisation. The effect of cut off grades was studied by

block modelling.

As a result of GTK’s investigations, two spodumene-rich pegmatite dike swarms were located

and modelled. The main swarm srikes from SE to NW and has a lenghth of 700 m. Another

swarm west of the main swarm strikes from SW to SE and has a length of 275 m. The swarms

probably join to each other in the north. The eastern dikes dip -55 degrees SW on average, the

western dikes -75 degrees NW in the north and to -90 degrees in the south. On the basis of drill-

ing the deposit was modelled to a depth of 90 – 140 m from the surface. The spodumene pegma-

tite bodies vary in width from 1 to 20 m.

Drilling and till sampling results support that the eastern and the western dikes may belong to the

same dyke system that has intruded into a bended structure (fold or fracture). However, it is also

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 12


possible that the two dike swarms are crossing each other, the other striking NE and the other

NW. More drilling is required to obtain more data and verify the strike directions.

We used Gemcom GEMS software to carry out 3D modelling and a mineral resource assessment

of the deposit, using assays from 159 diamond drill core samples. We first 3D modelled the de-

posit by solid modelling. On the basis of solid modelling, the Rapasaaret deposit contains a 3.7

Mt mineral resource with 1.02 wt% Li2O.

Details of the resources were estimated by block modelling using a 2x2x2m3 block size. On the

basis of block modelling the Rapasaaret seposit contains a 0.61 Mt measured mineral resource

with 1.20 wt% Li2O for a 0.2 wt% Li2O cut off, or a 0.38 Mt measured mineral resource with

1.48 wt% Li2O for a 1.0 wt% Li2O cut off (Table 5). In addition, it contains a 2.39 Mt indicated

mineral resource with 1.16 wt% Li2O for a 0.2 wt% Li2O cut off, or a 1.32 Mt indicated min-

eral resource with 1.45 wt% Li2O for a 1.0 wt% Li2O cut off (Table 5). Total amount of the

measured and indicated resources of the Rapasaaret deposit is 3.00 Mt (cut off 0.2 wt % Li2O,

weighted average 1.17 wt%) or 1.70 Mt (cut off 1.0 wt % Li2O, weighted average 1.46 wt %).

There are 1-10 drill hole intersections at the modelled sections and distances from section to sec-

tion are from 50 to 100 m. Because the sample density is still scattered, the measured and the

indicated resources were estimated conservatively. The results are conditional on the number of

samples accepted to interpolations. The orientation and extends of the search ellipse affect also

to the outcome. The reliability of the modelling and assessment can be evaluated by observing

the drill profiles where the original assays and the interpretation of mineral occurrence is pre-

sented (Appendix 3). We could not take the effects of faulting and other geological constraints

into consideration in the resource calculations provided here. More drill core samples are re-

quired to obtain more accurate resource assessment and 3D modelling. The dimensions of the

Rapasaaret pegmatites are still only partly explored and hence it is possible that the present re-

source assessment will prove to be conservative in respect to tonnage. The deposit is still open at

depth, north and south

We applied the recommendations of the Finnish Association of Mining and Metallurgical Engi-

neers to the classifications used. The assessments are consistent with JORC and EFG/PERC


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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 13



Alviola R., Mänttäri I., Mäkitie H., Vaasjoki M., 2001. Svecofennian rare-element granitic

pegmatites of the Ostrobothnia region, Western Finland; their metamorphic environment ad

time of intrusion. Geological Survey of Finland, Special paper 30:9-29.

Kuusela, J., Ahtola, T., Koistinen, E., Seppänen, H., Hatakka, T., Lohva, J. 2011, Report of

investigations on the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western

Finland. Geological Survey of Finland. Mineral deposit report 42/2011.

Vuorimiesyhdistys (Finnish Association of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers) 1991.

Malmiarvion laatiminen. Raportti A97.



JORC. http://www.jorc.org/

Gemcom GEMS. http://www.gemcomsoftware.com/


Appendix 1.1 Assays of the drill core samples.

Appendix 1.2 Composites of the drill core samples

Appendix 2. Drill hole collar positions and vertical section locations.

Appendix 3. Vertical sections: drill holes, lithologies, Li2O distributions, Li2O composites, Li2O


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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 14


HOLE-ID From m To m Length m Li2Owt% Ta2O5 ppm Nb2O5 ppm BeO ppm Appendix 1.1

R2 132.00 134.00 2.00 1.94 10.32 48.64 990.78

R2 134.00 136.00 2.00 1.78 242.99 204.57

R2 136.00 138.00 2.00 2.28 175.83 51.50 148.76

R2 138.00 140.00 2.00 1.35 31.63 64.37 915.85

R2 140.00 141.00 1.00 2.35 19.90 34.33 505.10

R2 141.00 142.65 1.65 2.05 10.05 38.62 299.73

R3 126.05 128.05 2.00 1.55 40.29 58.65 1395.98

R3 128.05 130.05 2.00 2.30 168.50 108.72 1912.18

R3 130.05 130.85 0.80 3.36 10.87 12.87 1179.50

R3 137.60 138.60 1.00 2.03 152.63 181.68 140.99

R5 40.60 42.60 2.00 2.35 10.31 48.64 446.82

R5 42.60 44.60 2.00 2.73 59.34 145.91 610.57

R5 44.60 45.45 0.85 1.66 61.91 61.51 469.03

R5 56.25 58.25 2.00 3.14 98.54 208.86 1593.02

R5 58.25 59.50 1.25 3.34 547.03 134.47 1198.93

R5 59.50 60.10 0.60 0.06 47.50 52.93 288.63

R5 60.70 62.50 1.80 1.09 24.05 24.32 374.67

R5 139.70 141.05 1.35 1.50 19.90 31.47 243.67

R5 143.30 144.60 1.30 2.56 19.29 67.23 324.71

R5 144.60 146.30 1.70 2.84 15.63 41.49 571.71

R503 60.10 62.10 2.00 0.10 167.28 108.72 480.13

R503 62.10 64.00 1.90 0.81 51.16 68.67 485.68

R503 64.00 66.00 2.00 1.03 111.36 87.26 466.25

R503 66.00 68.00 2.00 1.03 117.95 103.00 530.08

R503 68.00 70.00 2.00 1.39 109.28 108.72 430.17

R503 70.00 72.00 2.00 1.23 107.70 95.85 557.84

R503 72.00 74.00 2.00 1.55 97.56 82.97 377.44

R503 74.00 76.00 2.00 1.33 61.66 74.39 560.61

R503 76.00 78.00 2.00 1.45 98.05 88.69 466.25

R503 78.00 80.00 2.00 1.08 50.80 50.07 305.28

R503 80.00 82.00 2.00 2.30 26.86 40.05 724.35

R503 82.00 83.20 1.20 0.28 45.18 42.92 446.82

R504 27.65 28.65 1.00 1.13 134.32 70.10 296.96

R504 94.40 94.80 0.40 1.12 159.96 95.85 391.32

R504 95.00 95.80 0.80 0.65 115.88 111.58 333.04

R504 99.45 101.00 1.55 0.98 164.84 100.14 502.33

R504 101.00 102.50 1.50 1.42 69.11 80.11 452.37

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 15


R504 102.50 104.00 1.50 0.68 92.92 90.12 419.07 Appendix 1.1

R6 9.00 10.45 1.45 1.43 14.29 30.04 494.00

R6 10.45 11.90 1.45 1.23 30.04 55.79 410.74

R6 62.15 64.15 2.00 1.36 8.86 24.32 270.31

R6 64.15 66.15 2.00 1.45 8.60 25.75 541.18

R6 66.15 68.15 2.00 1.84 2.52 22.89 382.99

R6 68.15 69.45 1.30 0.99 15.39 38.62 330.26

R6 69.45 70.80 1.35 1.27 5.97 28.61 518.98

R7 39.70 41.70 2.00 0.77 57.02 84.40 394.09

R7 42.35 42.70 0.35 1.35 49.45 50.07 330.26

R7 44.60 46.60 2.00 1.21 79.12 51.50 388.54

R7 46.60 48.60 2.00 1.87 21.61 32.90 405.19

R7 48.60 50.60 2.00 2.09 13.68 42.92 380.22

R7 50.60 52.60 2.00 1.71 19.78 37.19 610.57

R7 52.60 54.35 1.75 1.26 26.37 41.49 324.71

R7 54.35 55.65 1.30 0.92 20.39 45.78 338.59

R7 55.65 56.80 1.15 1.91 42.37 68.67 605.02

R7 56.80 58.60 1.80 1.16 61.17 78.68 441.27

R7 67.30 68.20 0.90 0.05 7.97 21.46 957.48

R7 68.20 68.90 0.70 0.07 6.85 21.46 441.27

R7 68.90 70.00 1.10 0.09 10.51 14.31 262.54

R7 70.00 71.90 1.90 0.15 4.03 28.61 507.88

R7 75.80 76.80 1.00 0.70 7.96 21.46 618.89

R7 76.80 77.50 0.70 0.09 30.89 45.78 832.59

R7 102.90 103.30 0.40 1.07 17.58 37.19 785.41

R7 108.00 108.25 0.25 0.47 21.00 52.93 369.11

R7 117.20 117.95 0.75 0.83 7.64 37.19 280.31

R9 43.80 46.20 2.40 1.37 72.41 51.50 474.58

R9 67.60 69.05 1.45 0.42 6.17 32.90 355.24

R9 72.85 74.05 1.20 0.09 14.77 15.74 668.85

R9 74.05 76.05 2.00 1.33 34.07 34.33 485.68

R9 76.05 78.05 2.00 0.79 40.17 37.19 527.31

R9 78.05 80.05 2.00 0.89 41.03 37.19 502.33

R9 80.05 80.90 0.85 0.94 89.63 72.96 480.13

R9 82.50 83.30 0.80 1.66 30.53 20.03 427.40

R9 83.50 84.30 0.80 0.58 45.91 35.76 449.60

R9 85.30 85.95 0.65 0.40 37.12 32.90 577.26

R10 30.30 32.05 1.75 0.71 124.55 84.40 366.34

R10 43.00 45.70 2.70 0.75 65.94 54.36 283.08

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 16


R10 45.70 47.50 1.80 1.86 8.22 74.39 788.19 Appendix 1.1

R10 47.50 48.20 0.70 0.06 18.56 38.62 195.66

R11 92.55 93.55 1.00 1.49 23.20 32.90 499.55

R11 93.95 95.45 1.50 1.65 37.73 51.50 685.50

R11 98.00 98.55 0.55 0.90 36.75 52.93 494.00

R11 99.60 100.05 0.45 1.04 48.23 65.80 338.59

R11 100.45 101.40 0.95 0.32 30.16 47.21 568.94

R11 104.90 106.25 1.35 0.23 16.48 35.76 560.61

R11 106.55 107.60 1.05 0.68 39.93 51.50 480.13

R11 108.75 109.50 0.75 0.27 13.92 47.21 366.34

R13 13.30 14.65 1.35 0.47 30.40 50.07 377.44

R13 14.85 16.65 1.80 1.54 16.00 40.05 432.95

R13 16.65 18.50 1.85 1.40 12.21 28.61 294.18

R13 25.45 26.45 1.00 1.49 60.44 72.96 446.82

R13 27.15 27.30 0.15 0.48 20.88 51.50 299.73

R13 27.45 28.10 0.65 0.41 27.47 31.47 427.40

R13 29.00 29.80 0.80 0.91 53.24 72.96 516.21

R13 30.30 30.60 0.30 1.73 30.16 52.93 530.08

R13 31.00 31.30 0.30 0.82 45.91 60.08 435.72

R13 31.65 32.45 0.80 0.95 39.81 58.65 421.85

R13 33.35 33.65 0.30 1.26 60.56 58.65 402.42

R13 35.80 35.95 0.15 1.50 60.81 61.51 330.26

R13 36.05 38.20 2.15 1.03 32.11 60.08 599.46

R13 51.35 53.35 2.00 0.93 34.80 48.64 552.28

R13 53.35 55.15 1.80 1.55 27.35 31.47 471.80

R13 57.70 60.10 2.40 0.62 25.28 31.47 363.56

R13 60.25 61.20 0.95 0.50 62.03 74.39 363.56

R13 61.35 61.80 0.45 0.80 27.72 65.80 691.05

R13 62.00 62.20 0.20 0.53 91.82 54.36 330.26

R13 75.60 77.20 1.60 1.37 7.25 34.33 363.56

R13 77.20 78.80 1.60 1.35 6.92 28.61 743.78

R13 95.35 95.65 0.30 0.40 48.11 52.93 505.10

R13 96.00 96.35 0.35 0.38 29.55 45.78 513.43

R13 96.45 98.05 1.60 0.56 82.30 45.78 477.35

R14 100.15 101.55 1.40 0.81 42.37 65.80 485.68

R15 15.80 17.90 2.10 0.07 18.44 28.61 285.86

R15 17.90 19.60 1.70 0.28 7.78 21.46 485.68

R15 19.60 20.90 1.30 1.30 7.00 35.76 516.21

R15 20.90 23.40 2.50 0.42 8.99 25.75 530.08

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 17


R15 23.40 24.60 1.20 0.11 10.53 24.32 413.52 Appendix 1.1

R16 11.30 12.05 0.75 1.43 91.82 87.26 424.62

R16 12.05 12.50 0.45 0.96 17.22 31.47 192.33

R16 12.50 13.90 1.40 1.49 120.27 110.15 485.68

R16 20.90 22.45 1.55 0.85 28.33 38.62 446.82

R16 24.30 24.55 0.25 0.25 6.68 21.46 363.56

R16 104.75 105.10 0.35 1.22 48.48 52.93 618.89

R16 105.40 107.60 2.20 0.98 64.23 70.10 530.08

R16 109.80 110.05 0.25 1.18 66.67 78.68 530.08

R17 16.90 19.00 2.10 0.97 64.84 82.97 513.43

R17 41.40 41.85 0.45 0.57 152.63 118.73 624.44

R17 45.50 47.35 1.85 1.28 130.65 114.44 610.57

R17 51.55 52.70 1.15 0.76 126.99 80.11 369.11

R17 57.25 59.05 1.80 1.90 16.73 37.19 721.58

R17 59.05 60.85 1.80 1.46 32.48 42.92 541.18

R17 61.20 62.85 1.65 1.92 46.03 55.79 460.70

R17 62.85 63.90 1.05 2.71 78.64 71.53 602.24

R17 63.90 64.55 0.65 0.08 152.63 113.01 954.70

R18 101.75 103.25 1.50 1.62 77.90 108.72 407.97

R18 103.25 104.65 1.40 0.10 95.61 92.98 552.28

R18 106.35 106.70 0.35 1.87 45.91 48.64

R18 107.00 107.90 0.90 1.47 85.84 74.39 488.45

R18 110.55 111.90 1.35 1.07 57.63 77.25 435.72

R18 112.10 112.80 0.70 0.51 24.05 54.36 538.41

R18 116.45 117.85 1.40 1.69 33.09 47.21 360.79

R18 117.85 119.30 1.45 1.71 55.80 72.96 510.66

R18 119.60 119.85 0.25 3.23 7.97 28.61 427.40

R18 120.10 120.25 0.15 0.43 31.75 51.50 660.52

R18 120.35 122.35 2.00 1.01 49.57 67.23 502.33

R18 122.35 124.35 2.00 1.21 6.03 18.60 474.58

R18 124.35 126.35 2.00 2.04 6.20 25.75 491.23

R18 126.35 127.55 1.20 1.04 23.08 32.90 421.85

R18 127.65 128.75 1.10 0.72 17.71 34.33 275.59

R18 129.10 131.10 2.00 1.29 57.02 72.96 432.95

R18 131.10 133.10 2.00 2.05 40.42 62.94 482.90

R18 133.10 135.10 2.00 1.83 25.64 58.65 441.27

R18 135.10 137.10 2.00 2.33 41.27 55.79 474.58

R18 137.10 138.55 1.45 1.69 37.61 57.22 413.52

R19 123.05 123.90 0.85 0.37 77.66 61.51 516.21

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 18


R19 124.00 125.10 1.10 1.28 47.01 58.65 416.30 Appendix 1.1

R19 125.50 127.70 2.20 1.07 10.15 32.90 677.17

R22 47.30 48.55 1.25 0.99 46.40 60.08 435.72

R22 95.10 96.70 1.60 0.47 45.18 77.25 463.48

R22 98.15 98.80 0.65 1.67 82.42 68.67 355.24

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 19


HOLE-ID From To Composite length

Composite length Li2O Ta2O5 Nb2O5 BeO Appendix 1.2

m m

Includes inclusion m

No inclusion m wt% ppm ppm ppm

R2 132.00 142.65 10.65 10.65 1.92 89.96 78.52 479.85 R3 126.05 130.85 4.80 4.80 2.16 88.81 71.88 1574.98 R3 137.60 138.60 1.00 1.00 2.03 152.63 181.68 140.99 R5 40.60 45.45 4.85 4.85 2.39 39.57 91.01 518.24 R5 56.25 62.50 6.25 5.65 1.99 152.43 105.81 885.17 R5 139.70 141.05 1.35 1.35 1.50 19.90 31.47 243.67 R5 143.30 146.30 3.00 3.00 2.72 17.22 52.64 464.68 R503 60.10 83.20 23.10 23.10 1.16 88.68 80.58 487.26 R504 27.65 28.65 1.00 1.00 1.13 134.32 70.10 296.96 R504 94.40 95.80 1.40 1.20 0.69 111.92 91.15 302.11 R504 99.45 104.00 4.55 4.55 1.03 109.57 90.23 458.41 R6 9.00 11.90 2.90 2.90 1.33 22.16 42.92 452.37 R6 62.15 70.80 8.65 8.65 1.42 7.86 27.14 406.81 R7 39.70 58.60 18.90 16.35 1.24 33.40 45.93 368.85 R7 67.30 71.90 4.60 4.60 0.10 6.78 22.70 527.04 R7 75.80 77.50 1.70 1.70 0.45 17.40 31.47 706.88 R7 102.90 103.30 0.40 0.40 1.07 17.58 37.19 785.41 R7 108.00 108.25 0.25 0.25 0.47 21.00 52.93 369.11 R7 117.20 117.95 0.75 0.75 0.83 7.64 37.19 280.31 R9 43.80 46.20 2.40 2.40 1.37 72.41 51.50 474.58 R9 67.60 69.05 1.45 1.45 0.42 6.17 32.90 355.24 R9 72.85 85.95 13.10 10.30 0.69 31.28 27.81 405.97 R10 30.30 32.05 1.75 1.75 0.71 124.55 84.40 366.34 R10 43.00 48.20 5.20 5.20 1.04 39.58 59.17 446.16 R11 92.55 95.45 2.90 2.50 1.37 27.52 37.98 526.83 R11 98.00 101.40 3.40 1.95 0.37 20.76 30.46 283.69 R11 104.90 109.50 4.60 3.15 0.27 16.22 29.95 333.85 R13 13.30 18.50 5.20 5.00 1.15 17.77 37.04 352.52 R13 25.45 33.65 8.20 4.30 0.54 24.01 31.45 235.43 R13 35.80 38.20 2.40 2.30 1.02 32.57 57.67 557.66 R13 51.35 55.15 3.80 3.80 1.22 31.27 40.51 514.16 R13 57.70 62.20 4.50 4.00 0.54 33.43 41.48 354.43 R13 75.60 78.80 3.20 3.20 1.36 7.09 31.47 553.67 R13 95.35 98.05 2.70 2.25 0.43 57.95 38.94 405.55 R14 100.15 101.55 1.40 1.40 0.81 42.37 65.80 485.68 R15 15.80 24.60 8.80 8.80 0.40 10.93 26.89 445.28 R16 11.30 13.90 2.60 2.60 1.38 94.23 89.93 417.29 Appendix 1.2

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Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the Rapasaaret lithium pegmatite deposit in

Kaustinen-Kokkola, Western Finland. 41/2011. E. Koistinen, H. Seppänen, J. Kuusela and T.

Ahtola. 20


R16 20.90 24.55 3.65 1.80 0.38 12.49 17.87 214.65 R16 104.75 107.60 2.85 2.55 0.91 55.53 60.61 485.19 R16 109.80 110.05 0.25 0.25 1.18 66.67 78.68 530.08 R17 16.90 19.00 2.10 2.10 0.97 64.84 82.97 513.43 R17 41.40 41.85 0.45 0.45 0.57 152.63 118.73 624.44 R17 45.50 47.35 1.85 1.85 1.28 130.65 114.44 610.57 R17 51.55 52.70 1.15 1.15 0.76 126.99 80.11 369.11 R17 57.25 64.55 7.30 6.95 1.66 47.44 52.71 587.13 R18 101.75 107.90 6.15 4.15 0.74 55.94 61.34 296.71 R18 110.55 112.80 2.25 2.05 0.80 42.06 63.26 428.94 R18 116.45 138.55 22.10 21.00 1.53 31.13 48.45 428.06 R19 123.05 127.70 4.65 4.15 0.88 30.12 40.68 513.22 R22 47.30 48.55 1.25 1.25 0.99 46.40 60.08 435.72 R22 95.10 98.80 3.70 2.25 0.50 34.02 45.47 262.83

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PR23 PR23



PR34 PR34













R19 R22



















-200 0 200

Scale 1:4000



00 E




00 E




00 E




00 E


7061000.00 NS

7061500.00 NS


EK HS 30.11.2011


Drill hole locations

Appendix 2.

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-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000




00 X


00 X


00 X

-100.00 Z

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR1

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.1

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

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R1 R3








-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000


00 X


00 X


00 X


00 X

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR2 West

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.2a

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 30: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling















-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000


00 X


00 X


00 X


00 X

-100.00 Z

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR2 West

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.2b

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 31: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling






-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000


00 X


00 X


00 X


00 X

-100.00 Z

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR2 East

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.2c

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 32: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling







0.50 R22

-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000


00 X


00 X


00 X


00 X

-100.00 Z

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR3 West

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.3

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 33: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling



-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000


00 X


00 X


00 X


00 X

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR3 East

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.3

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 34: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling












-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000


00 X


00 X


00 X


00 X

-100.00 Z

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR4 West

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.4

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 35: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling
















-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000


00 X


00 X


00 X


00 X

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR4 East

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.4

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 36: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling




-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000


00 X


00 X


00 X


00 X

-100.00 Z

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR5 West

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.5

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 37: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling


-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000


00 X


00 X


00 X


00 X

-100.00 Z

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR6 West

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.6

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 38: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling





-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000


00 X


00 X


00 X


00 X

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR6 East

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.6

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 39: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling


-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000




00 X


00 X


00 X

-100.00 Z

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR7 West

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.7

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 40: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling



R11 R10



-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000




00 X


00 X


00 X-100.00 Z

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR8 East

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.8

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

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-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000




00 X


00 X


00 X

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR9 East

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.9

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 42: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling






-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000







00 X


00 X


00 X

-100.00 Z

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR10 East

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.10

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

Page 43: Mineral resource assessment and 3D modelling of the ...tupa.gtk.fi/raportti/arkisto/41_2011.pdf · pegmatite deposit in Kaustinen-Kokkola, ... Rapasaarten esiintymän massa ... modelling










-50 0 50

Scale 1:1000







00 X


00 X


00 X

-100.00 Z

0.00 Z

100.00 Z


EK HS 30.11.2011


Section PR11 East

0.00 0.300.30 0.600.60 1.001.00 100.00


OverburdenMica schistPegmatite

Spodumene pegmatiteIntermediate volcanic rock


Appendix 3.11

1 cm = 2 % Li2O

Rocktype (bar), Li2O % Assays (histogram), Li2O %Composite (figure by the bar), Solid Model Outlines and

Li2O % Blocks

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