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• Adore: Worship someone or something considered as divine or that it is related.2. Much love someone.3. Considered very good or pleasing a thing, like something in the extreme.4. Pray hard.

• Album: Paper or notebook in which leaves are placed photographs, cards, stamps and the like that are saved or collect.2. Disco music or set of them sold in a pillow case or plastic case with a cover or jacket.

• 3. Box with several bags placed as a book to keep music disc.

• Ashtray: Container to collect the ashes of snuf.• Athlete: Is a person who has physical ability,

strength, agility or above-average strength and is therefore suitable for physical activities, especially for competitive.

• Auction: Organized a sale of a product based on a direct competition, and public generally, that is, that buyer (bidder) which pay the most money or goods in exchange for the product.


• Boiling: It is the physical process in which a liquid becomes a gas. It is done when the temperature of the entire liquid equals the boiling point of liquid at that pressure.

• Bleed: Remove blood to a person or animal by opening a vein.2. Let out an enclosed liquid.3. Remove resin or other substance from a tree by a cut in the bark.

• Bungee-Jumping: It is an extreme sport. Is to make a leap from a considerable height from the bridge, platform or crane, usually with a connection from the ankles to a bungee cord that allows, first, accelerating down, then absorbs the fall and leads to rebounds.

• Break: Separate violent parts of a whole, ruining their marriage.2. Break or shatter an object.3. Interrupt the continuity of something not material, that is, that does not serve.

• Build: It is the art or technique of buildings and infrastructure and in a broader sense, is known to all that construction requires, before they become, have or have a default project or plan, or that it is joining various components in the order determined.


• Camera: It is a technological device that uses both the photographer and the natural person to take pictures, including also serve to make and record videos.

• Central Heating: An air conditioning system is usually both at home and in small houses (apartments) and that runs from the installation of a boiler is located or located outside the building.


• Deal: It is a desicion made jointly by two people.

• Dressing Gown: Clothing that s used to get out of the shower or use paar modest when circumstances warrant, for example, nudity in a private location.

• Driving Licence: Public Document personal and not transferable, issued by competent authority, which authorizes a person driving a vehicle with valid throughout the national territory.


• Exotic: It is an adjective that is used to highlight the unusual or bizarre nature of a thing, person or item has in certain places or spaces. However, in specific terms, scientists and experts consider as exotic to every living thing (either animal or vegetable) that is outside its natural habitat and is therefore foreign to the living space or which has been developed accidentally or deliberately.

• Experienced: That is very far or distant in space or time.2. Place or point opposite to another is taken as a reference.3. Beginning or end of a long thing.

• Eternal: Which has no beginning or end.2. Last long.3. Repetitive, insistent.

• Excursion: Short trip to a specific place to do an activity, whether to relax have fun, study or exercise.


• Facelift: It is a medical specialty that is designed to bring to normal functional and anatomical body coverage in short, the body shape.

• First Aid: Techniques and procedures immediately, limited professional or trained people with technical knowledge which is given to those who need it, either to an individual victim of an accident or sudden illness.


• Global Warming: It is the phenomenon of the increase in temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans that has been occurring in recent decades.

• Glacier: Thick mass of ice on Earth's surface caused by the accumulation, compaction and recrystallization of snow, showing evidence of flow in either the past or at present.


• Heaven: It is a space in which the stars move and also what surrounds the earth.

• 2. Gas is the densest area of the atmosphere of a planet.

• Huge: That is very large, exceeding in size, quantity, quality, etc. what is considered normal.


• Injury: Any alteration of the balancing between

biopsychosocial.2. It is an abnormal change in the morphology or structure of a body part produced by an external or internal damage. (Clinic).

• Interview: It is a dialogue in which one person (interviewer) ask a series of questions to another (interviwee) for obtain information.


• Journalist: Person engaged in journalism and working for newspapers, radio, television or digital media.

• Judge: It is the public authority within a court is responsible for administering justice taking presentadasdentro evidence or evidence of the case and after being tested by giving a final verdict


• Knife: Kitchen utensil that s used to cut food.

• Key: Small object used to open locks or plates of a door.

• Kilt: Skirt traditionally worn by scottish man


• Lottery: It is a ticket that brings a series of numbers that people chosen at random to win money.

• Laziness: Is negligence, boredom or careless actions, movements or works.

• Leech: Small animal that drink the blood of animals or persons.


• Magic: Special quality that one person (Witch) use to apear and see things (reals or ot reals).

• Moblie phone: Technological apparatus that is used to make and answer calls, send messages etc.


• Novel: Literary prose in which he tells a feigned action in whole or in part, and whose purpose is to cause aesthetic delight readers with the description or painting or in sets interesting events, characters, passions and habits.

• Noodles: Type of pasta shaped like a thin string.


• Oxigen: It is a colorless, odorless (no smell) and taste that is used for people with respiratory problems.

• Opponent: Person who has an opinion contrary to that of another or others. 2. Person or group who faces another in a sporting competition.3. Adversary, opponent, rival.


• Perfume: Liquid packaged in a bottle containing different odors and that s used to be applied in the body and clothing to smell good.

• Potholing: It is a science whose object is the exploration and study of underground cavities.


• Quick-Thinking: Already have something fast to an idea or plan to do immediately.

• Qualification: Is a test which determines the degree to which the person is.


• Recover: Find something that is lost.

• Rap music: Type of popular music where the words are spoken more not sung.


• Stratosphere: It is one of the most important layers of the atmosphere, which is situated between the troposphere and the mesosphere.

• Strawberry: Small fruit used to make juice.


• Trading Card: They are a type of card game is not predefined and existing in large quantities and varied types and characteristics that give individuality to each letter, which you can build a deck (or deck) freely according to the rules of each type of game particular.

• Tyre: It is a round piece of rubber that is placed in the wheels of various vehicles and machines.


• University: Educational institution dedicated to higher education and which gives students a title.

• Useful: Someone who produces profit, benefit or interest.2. Serve or be used for a particular purpose.


• Vet: Person who takes care of the animals using drugs when they are ill.

• Volcano: Great mountain of earth that expels huge amounts of lava and ash.V

W• Weird: Rare or very

different from normal, normal or known.2. Movement sudden, unforeseeable and abnormal.

• Wave: Ripple forms on the surface and manifesting itself vetical movement due to wind action.

• Yoga: is one of the six doctrines of Hinduism.Sports where it gets the mind and body to relax and to meditate.

• Youth hostel: Is a place rent or lease to students of several country change their cultures


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